HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-28, Page 6ROTHERION'S
Otitatters to most of the leading
Hockey Clubs in Canada.
Seed for free Catafoe.
678-584 Yonge St. Toronto -
By A g,roneuitst.
This Depaetmentis far the use of our farm readers who want the advies
isf an expert Qn any queetion regarding soil, seed, crops, etc. if your question
ef 811fficient general Interest, It will be answered through this 9,olumn.
stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a complete
answer will be mailed 'to you. Address Agroncemiets,care of Wilson Publielehn)
Co„ Ltd., 73 Adelaide St, W,„ Toronto.
Goose Raising for Profit.
Here is f2.1 branch of the poultry
business that is not likely to be over-
done,. at any time in the near future.
Iffitile there is davibtlese aevaken-
ince in many sectianseto the fact that
able for other,. live stock, makes a
very good range for a flock- of geese
during the greater part "of the year.
Coarse grass and weeds' make good
geoae pasture. However, one must
be on the alert •for foxes and turtles.
As a range for goslings eve use an
Tp male° a good powder for lice on.
ehickeila nth.; three parts gasoline rind
one part crude. carbolic acid:with as
much pla,ster of paris as the
will moisten. Anew the -material to
dry for a few hours end then place
the powder in airtight containera,
The Powder should liot be Mixed er Qua., d re
placed near a flexile, It is necessary fte meteolCINiletse°1A'Tis,,,WP.:‘Pl.'ets'fav9r-•
to use berito n -P, best baits
to liold the fowl while oneti
ansl latle
core should be talcon work' the duets
into the f god eta es( ee " (*Pal° renes
so • •t. a • loroughly T si botto rOck'
. M ces--btec Tra),,Gmn
mature birds. • ei til'Pe"e"111qt"1°m"e"s* 'r4
. i51O1
Pounds of the inixtlihe, will treat "5rth
0 era' 13'1. market re'')
,rse • ,
, oedason, k233 to big,,rodo'mael Lot
Tbe heed louse ; Which lives partieeP- ,eysieleteleil,i-seso ae%4TePifi,14
larly on, chi ens, eau be eicterel't V7,14;!,,,"!crtli: t,•rcitikb", nfni 7.1‘
initiated with • mercurial. -ointment Or
"hilie butter," 'Ghia contains about fie 4,7o 53
per cent, of„. metallic merenry, which
kills the head lieo Mercurial oin
ment e stiff eubstance and should
be mixed nt the rate at one part to
two parts of vrieeline to appy
.A. bit the mixture the size of a pea
applied with the tip of the finger and
rubbed info the feathere,ahotit the
head -will destroy the lice. should
not be need too freely.
s Close Nov, 25th, i91.,8
Weaning Poise
geese are very profitable yet a Weaning is one of the inost clanger-
priteIlcitIlLemeltifsltesanoannbialanntkos in
great many people imagiee ,,1isit they aPille erehard el,leed and 'ectuWed °11s -Periecls et' a pig's life- Irqu'lg
are hard to raise. Not•hing could be with
• suitable houses. young gosr. Pigs are often eeriouslY injured if aT''
lowed to eat 'oo much Seed all: one
that tinder ordinary eon litione gees.
4. .' .,., 4, other - deetructive animals. . Also in"'
. .e, S corn and other °Tains wlide tney are
They „should have access to , C. . TOPPING, S9cretary
farther frona the truth. The fact is, ings must' be protected from raes and , ,-, , • „
Sox 635, West Toronto
nor expensive equipment are required. Show dates •
am lc,,^ difficult to raise than -my oth thaY nulst have 'belter ab ilIgnu 'Intl ' h ti ' ''' 1
ee , , , - , - - wit rieir mother„ so that when taey
er dorne•stie fowl. Ne•ither great sicill during hard „rain storms. A cold are weaned they will know how so eat.
Baey to Start
back Of
A few good, healthy gook geese
and plenter of pasture are the most
important requirements in making
a start. Of course, ahelter or some
kind should be provided, but almost
any dry shed will ansever. During
the winter months the birds do bet-
ter when protected from the elements,
especially at night. However, the
goose is a hardy bird and can endure
a great deal of cold without appar-
ent suffering. In spite of this fact,
we always have comfortable quarters
for the geese, old and young. Geese
are very thrifty birds and are free
from lice. They are also free from
diseaee. We have raised geese for
a number of years and have never
yet lest a single bird from disease.
,seldorn lose a gosling. After
a gosling is four days old, we eon-
rain will sometimes kill goadesized
gosling:e, befexe they can be rescued.
A gosling is easy to raise but must
not get rain -soaked on the' back.
We keep the White Chinese geese
at the present time and „find that they
have a number of geed points not
found in ether geese. They are the
same in every way except color, as
the Brown Chinese. Bath are very greateat secrets of success in the
rearing of ,weaningepige, is the freque
beautiful in appearance. White
Skim milk or buttermilk is desir-
able feed for pigs at owerming'time„..
-The milk should be fed in the same
condition at all times, either sweet
or sour, otheewise digestive disorders
ale likely to beecaused. The feed-
ing trough. should be kept clean.
Care should be taken that the pigs
are not overfed— Overfeeding will
strait their growth. One of the
ent feeding of .spall quantities of food.
China gree,se have pure white plumage
and their. bodies are very grarefei. The stomachs of the pigs are not
" capable of storing a large amount of
Their long, slender, curved neeles give food at any. one time. * '
the birds a swan -like appearance, IIStialler.tif4s are large and
which•is always greatly admired. The thrifty enough \to wean at the age of
feathers are,of the fin -set quality ,and . six to eight Weeks. - They should
always, brin•g the highastt market' have access to forage such as alfalfa
price. .
or clover, if at all pos.eible. '
A Good Market Goose - a,
These lairds, while not so large as.
some others, are suitable for market
purposes where very large geese are
not wanted. While they are some -
Lesson IX. Joseph Sold By His
:Brothers—Gen. 37. G'olclen.
Text, Prov.
Verses 1-17. The flet seventeen
verses of the ohapter'eUppiy the main
mcetenes ofeelie etory. ;Joseph's breth-
ren Were alienatedefrom him, first-
Af•tv r currter, :etre.
CurrIsw$n answer an *igneil lettera pretaining to tiesittIL it 7033'
fttostioti 14 of cetieral Interest ft ey,11,1 be ,answeeed -through these colemas1,
tot, it will be answered persolially•it• stamped. aeldreeeeti envelope is•,ene
nr. Cerrier preacribe ror inclivadual"eaees 'Or -niake eliagnoata
1-14reas Dr. Andrew r• .62111°r. eel.r* °1',•Wilson'Pn,hilifthing Co. 14 Adla'144
.t. No#,t,' Toronto.
I4%,1:1-, or 41.ct . . • 1. , A 1171 nt'Sti(C;In.11$ AN:41111ChCan.11::11011''S:t'elling '' and-
Serof ale. ..
have' hvt•Y‘ea di"frleYalbYet°4141 a"o''' Il'''';1::;()nu°1'El ,tSceert.'°11;ilirlicsa i(L'hsirlii.dr' children
dominal glandsdieeesect bones and
joints end in almost all of them the
tnerele bacillus will be found, they
are aleo sufferers from all lcinds of
AVel'age intelligence ia this country
who did not have an idea of what
wear' meant by the terin serefula.
Nowadays the item is so Seldom used
thae tire' average person is ignorant
of, its meaning, showing that words eaaredescribed r aT:eosorkoifnttiTopl
like eu the
laellions peeveil, 'beconie obso-
iaegeeo, asneidofatrtieafrwetrt.sueetehuo,u, gilateiettoy jeearas of half a eenturY onei
pale with tender, white skin,
;ea' disease like ,lieir.ps or ohieko large vine, flabby 'muscles' and quick;
intellect, tho other with red fae.e
pox, and the ,serofulotts person old
or Young, had a thick, saeollen thiel no''''''-ana lips' and dull intellect.
an ti3leo‘uvbalie'es.of priahteenstinnsaeociiieiii3itet4seifitorrnsoudeih.
lection of symptoms, evi,t1-;_i•on'erinkiy der- ri;19, illakers inlix'sing on tit° "I3uh-
Mite diseaae hiStory.'When we speak lie, esPeeiallY the poor, in advertis`-
tele,s2n,sileir;fiunizaL71 gth4liblceircullioosevlsadaiyns.....t7iee ing and vending their noatrunis for
scrofula -P.'r.E,‘ many and if there is to
lymph gi.a.ads of the neck, when ,we be retribution for such sins I hope
speak ofi. d ei mean they will 'get it flood and proper.
varmus leinds of slcin eruirtion of Good food, Pl°11t-Y '°":” sl°81),
'tubercular origin. see.oeaimis bio,rd door life, a daily ba-th; a well venti-
used to be regarded as impure blood lated home and school, these are the
N.Cla,all:htlhgeagenxecuta,5ned fOotrheig.iverhUlgPti-echnisidarie-ind best means . for fighting acrofula.,
gra, sarsaparilla. and other -remedies TliNh'ele'ree;Idlruagrisd'Ilia;°':,bea::11:hluyld ehfr°11eled:
s,ulphua and molasses et:ive ire; treating scrofula, 'iodine, cod
nual spring- cleaning. It may
for an ane bo given- not oaly in a form in, wine
taey can be eeetcaly asainillated but
suPnosed, to be required
Said that' scrofula stands for -tie -Sues- 'in' one 'Which wi11 make:them aec'epe_
a/ld Organs whiell ea$ily' get -out of able • to-- the eaelislItivelless ot children.
order and get.' -Well' slowly. ,Sores • QuestiOns, and Ansffrer's.
on a 'scroftilous 'Child heal slowly, run S. E.- H-1—Are there certeiii
indefinitely and when healed are fol- foods whieh are beneficial' when one•
lowed by other S the vicinity. is suffering from a torpid li"Ver?.
Serpfulous children /lave weak muc- 2—Pleas.e mention a good medicine
ous membranes, catarrh of the nosee to restore such an oi.ga.n to its nor -
mouth and eare, adenoids and enlari- mai condition.
ed -tonsils. The' glionds of the neck Answer -1-1 suppoae yea mean
and elsewhere in sinli people are by a "torpid" livers an'-orgdn which
large and often the ,seat. of running is not secreting th-e proper qU'aretity
sores. Such people resist disease
badly ‘. and are always catching dis-
eases that have the 'possibility of be-
ing caught: A scrofulous child is al-
inost sure to have ehad parents or
ofbile. If that is duet° an obStrue-
tion by gall etones, of course the ole.
struetion , mnst be removed' if it is
merely a feature in the general con-
dition, an abundance of simple, easi-
grandparents who hadsthe ,same-trou- ly digested food would be all teat yote
ble or else tuberculosis ner, syphilis would -require. ' ,
and if a child with thia-tenclency lives 2—Yati must ren4mber, that this
amid bad , hygienieeeeurroundings he department is not Per the purposenof
will, 4111105t to .a certainty develop treating individual cases or previa -
scrofula. ing -prescriptions. If you need a
The germs of tuberculosis are most' medicine to affect 'your liver, youe
because of the ,fevoritaern of their frequently found •in such cases 'at" physician- is the proper person to fur-
, father; this ewes a persistent source „ . .
_tacking the glands eyr the neck and rush at.
The following are the neces.,sary re- ' ' .
oi tronble en the famelet; ----------e.: -----
his own ex-
-as times called the "L-eg,inern of the quirenients- for first -•class dairy pro- eallenee °±. ellaraeteF was ga. . e .
sider it almost as good as raised. A
few geeae can be kept as a "aide- - to thenr and they ,evere stirred to piece en gay patchwark, lit a ong
goose farnilv,"athey ,are somewhat duction:— en. , 'rich • i
line" by almo,st any farmer without larger than comnieregeese. It is not 1. Sterilized, i,e., strictly 1
e-ean, Env ' workina` itself out is the key stripes or embroidered: -
. , envy ,by hes dreams of pre-eminence. mat -or -Wipe of eoth of cosored
'interfering with other poultry, ar unusual for young birds ti weigh dairy utensils. Boiling hot water Ki
to t s lesson'. " ' " 25. They sat- crown to -eat 'bread
fifteen pounds each wrhen ready for or live 'steam past be used to attain 1.8 Ti him afar off— —The aheaatleseness o is- e, '
in fact, with any other farm industry. .
They should not be fed or housed market. They can be. made much *the standard. ' Josep.h lealesYin saw
of his brethren the main point. jamb had ,sent ,
.... .
eel) onger- an a con- 2, Clean cows. ' The udders arid in, obedience to his father's concern Joseph to them :on a mission of deep 'steam, hot potash lye obtainable from
with other-ponitry, however, as they heaedor if 1..- t 1 ea fed
eepecially when feeding. Those -who thing will be gai'n'ed this seaaon by ed, or wiped with a dam , 44. 'f DOthail. ' " s ' . ' I, them tokens ofathe father's 'good ye'?..111; 'at drug -stores. TheY nA,t. be tre-at-
eacim ire water fowl should keep feeding large quantities of market: , p Ce0,,...ii I - • . , , .. .
geese. We can get more g-entune, able grain.
_Pleasure from a flock of geese than We always try to have poultry in
from any other Poultry on 'the Pres I good eandition before being sent to
misea. They are cee,sily managea market,hut have always been opposed
and really seem to be mare intelligent to "stuffing," partly beeause it seems
than arey other fowl we have ever like "cruelty to- animale" to lceep
As stated above, plenty Of pasture ;that it was very peofitable. suspicion and should not be allowed. know the things of Insight and from Gel,cad through Beisan to Ram- th k ' cl A .ti d
e eas uneovere . no •Ier an
is necessary. It is, in fact, the most We feed a reasonable amount of to -the
• 11.11-1 -with e other News. to know the things of God. He pas- Spicery and balm and myrrh—These
was em ecame le emus e sot g leband thence bythe coas o gyp .
d b - h'e,la' eh i lit lb lla-th ' tt E t" better method is. to rinse the barrels
Important point to be considered. grain and always sell /poultry of all Machine -milking should not be - if , f'. hail •1 like d
seseed g ts o a 1,, °icier, 'Ice - pro 'nets were mue in demand a n '
h . • with a strong saleition of oil of vitriol '
T'ne goose is essentially a g-razean forced too fast Allow the cows a Daniel' and used, em because he kept Ep;ypt for embalniing and medicinal and water- • ,,, •
in fact, grass or roughage is as es- reasonable amount of time to get ad- his, soul pure. „
They eve not over -particular in re- Carcasses of animals dying on JoseP starre up ael then enven brother? _ etc.Socond thoughts Ring it, ye bells of the kirk:
gard to the quality of the pasture anel farms should be cremated or buried. i "How oft the sight of means to do. changed -their view to sorae akEent. The Lord of love cane down from
ill scleed,s makes the .ill deeds- done."i After all, it would mot pay to kill above • , .
their elownyaceats yield a profit that Exposed, they are not only unsight-
should not be ignored, -even in this clay
Cieaning Old -Barrels.
Old harxels should be used cautious-
ly. If they have ,containecd sie ma- -
terial which has permeated the woad
they may be cleaned by the:else, of
are, more or less abusive, as a rule, siderable amount of grain, but \no- teats should be washed if badly son_ for their welfare. He found them at fatherly concerne"-probably- bringing wood -ashes, or crude potaeli seeured
. , ti „ 19"'Behold thiseedreamer cometh— the boy was ove.rwhelmed by the evil ed-
aelightly soilea. Flank and net me . . 1 • - — - - - . - , , rePeatedlY, and thoroughlY :rinsed
. This reference • to the dreaan of pre- , treatment of his :owie,„ kindred, wririle rad drain
eminence- leads to 'the heart of the they -feasted and' gioarea over tneir . -- , . , •
Should be brushed to retrieve loose _ •
hairs and dirt, e, Barrels in wmen sauerkraut or
story. • The term was applied 2 by triumph. It is one of Chose painful -
8. Small -top milk pails with cover the briethera aa derisive nickname,' evidences of maie,e inhumanity ee, molasises has been stored can be
half over the opening. ee' an expression of hatred, hut it calls man. This is the central evil in cleaned- by first scalding well with
water (letting the*water'st,end•
4. Immediate cooling. of -.the milk attention to the -spiritual char,acter society, war in the home .and envious boiling
to 50 degrees Fahrenheit of JoSeTh. ' He -v.-as a dreamere or, antagonisms in society. A caravan in, them till ,cold); thensfin with cold
The cow that drops her calf be rather seein he' had the gift of 'n -are of Islarnaelites--"The plain of Dothan water, and threw m a large quantity ,
Pasture is Essential eause we never have been eonvinced fore her tiine is a proper subject for clarity, of vision, an earnest desire to is traversed by a regular trade route of /eve coals from a -wood fire, leaving"
flirivls closely confin:ed, and partly be -
kinds alive.
Geese require less grain from the
tune they are hatched until ready for
market then -any other fowl we know
of. While we have always raised
geese as a side -line, so to speak, we
aim to raise about twohuraired aroung
birds each aeason. We use large,
herte,y chicken hens. Have never
tried hatching' with 'incubators, but
have been told that it can be done.
jested to the new method of milking, a 20. Let tia „slay Tarn—The saght ef 26. -What 'Prat is it if we slay our This, is the gospel of, labor-e-
sential to a goose as it is to a cow-. - • .
He who 'harbors malice find a their brother. Phirthermore,-the He: TO weith the m" who work. ,
ly-------------- ead. ,contagious dis-•
chance -to' do an evil deed. • Into ane brew believed, •according to the nei • --LIIenry V•arc Dyke,
a -
of "new fangled" inventions in the nasus. of the pits—Underg,round cisterns -ent idea, that the, blood'would cry to
way of bedding. There has never •
abound in Palestine. Theee is great God from the ground. It would be The outdoor fall air" is the best
yet been fi.• time that -we have had What -Farm Activity Pays You the need to conserve rah). water-, in that less a crime if, they refrained from tonic in the world Drink lots of it,
any difficulty in disposing of the _
. Best? dry country. The Canaanites had blood shedding. -Here is the evidenee and he thankful every minute:,
4 e ' ' :T(a:raci''
Highoot Prices Paid
cl dieterns over 'the lan . When of the coritrolling ' -power • of an in ,
leathers, at good prices: A well ma- Keeping books pays as well en a 1‘suoh g
tured bird will yield about a pound farm as in a bank, a railway office- --y
rir the msterns were used as .dun-' •ained idea -
of fea:thers in a year. Laying geese However, we succeeded' du ,raising f ei geons. • a 27. Let us sell him to the-Lshmae-
* 21 Reuben delivered hirn out 'of rletes—Slavery was not re.gardecl as
°r. a ae rY. a anyriarge farms have
Use Leg -Bands to Distinguish
ImISt never be'pickecl until the laying 174 fine youmg geese and together a. regular bookkeeping department. their hancl-,-Ile persuaded broth-lein unnainral, social aielation in anti -
11.11 in handling the geese. tvvo in number (se-eenteen geete arid stich an elaborate aystern of account him -into the pit, intending to rescue ebe far less'eriminal than murder. Lilco
t fleeic ' bi d r yen' cream separa. 23. The. cpat of mallY colors—It believed in working a scale of cam-
eeason is over, 'We are very care- with the old birds, which were twenty- *rile average size farm dees not need ers not to kill him, but merely to t t T ,th 't ld
Regbt /Kew is a good time to plan five ganders), we .had a 'peetty nice books' any more than it needs three him and restore lihn to his 'father. human nature in all ages, these men,
for goose -raising, if the work has no or four n e s, se
cas en time -s -.,-'To o ese men wou
Prompt Returns—No Coonatieslon
P. POULIN • & cp.
r:9 stostsecoure market -
been done' before. If the venture is 'We nse legeb'ands ,on 'the old ,geese ,tors, nine ''Churris,, pr live' hay "leaders. w
as ,facob's—choicest gift tO his fay- parative guilt;. this is always a .cle- • „
to he a succe.s.s, don't put it off until as theY sometimes get,together dur- The size and detail of -the sgs'e de- orite sea- Orientals delight in riche vice of the devil ,to „mislead.
spring,. Gees,e mate in February,as
a :cule, and new stock should be 'pro-
aeured before that time. We have
ing the latter part of the season 'aria
it is hard to tell ald from young.
Sometimes the entire flock is allow -
found it advisable not to disturb old ed fi-ee range. Since cool weather hove to conduct a set Of books for
mated they will so remain, yeae after 'big more grain than during the early day, ar once aWeek, will be needed to differ in these names and in giving
colo,•ett garneess,,s., It -was not a 28. eheee passed by 1VIiclrianites,,
y TM
pend on the aereage Of the farm ancl I mere Ian men—, a e imaeta es • in
I • t C d I I ''t
the amount of business thelarm does. 7-7- • Gamma
Some person on the -farm can learn, fe •
r9 veise 27e, The,use 'the two names
has been varibusly explained. Some
scholars ,sep here 'duplicate- accounts
which. 'agree in the- Maim facts, but,
rnat.c,d. geese.- Once they are properly began' in October we have been feed-, farm. Then ; only a 'few minutes a 'col p A.L.'D FIng QUkitmeVrar-
Year, unless the gander's get' quarrel-, fall b-eeause nlesb of 'the ,D?ras now -dl keep a set al farm 'account books. the ceedit of Joeeph'S. rescue the one,
same. Sonie ganders will rriate -with. hand will go to ro4rket soon. -Wel Here are -several imPen:trant things
one or two geese, -Mille others will have sold quito a" number locallY, to a farmer kilowe if he heeps a tet of
choose four fivo. Young steek kePt fer next Year's -`••-stock- We books: I-Iow many dollars' worth of
almeild be kept separe,te, from' the -old. never -ship •geese. ' foadstaffa•sield'off 'the .farin last year?
mated birds at first. • - We haste found the China gee'se to l -row much lhoney was cleared an 'the '
1)o Not Give Free Range ba eXeallellt l•ajiers---' Yeoung geese farm last year? What arops are
we learned by reeely experience, will seldom lay 'as many eggs as raa- not paying? How did this 'year's
that where the goslings have
lae, from seventy-five to one 'hundred years ago, five years ago?
eange it is impassible to control them '' . , , ,
eggs in ,e. season, One youngebieu A farmer will be able to cheek up
after they once acquire the habit of laid fifty-four eggs last season. every .itern of feriae, expense each aa
rwlmill away' Green rye i.s a good substitute for weed, ,poultry, cattle, and hogs, their
A few -years ago when we began .
much more aetive than atr.,ye other some eorf of roughage, They like the faiqn. '
Also, grain twice a day- Rawrtiegee can fake an inventorsje at the 'end o
This paature le-hieh is not at ail 'suit-
tablea chop -Pod with bran added the yeer of all tile live stock, the im
9 i " 9 c
(algO tt little salb), gives variety to plernenhs the bnildingS, the grain on
the ration. Provide good, clean wee- band, anh all of the equipment and
ter to arink.--A, W. G. know iti8b Where the farm amide
t------------ie---------- ' fin art ciall y •
fere ones, but' an old bird Will oaten profits' compare with last year, two
grass in winter, Geese must have cost and tbe value of their praduct to
raising the China geese, (which -are -eh,
. Clover bay, alfalfa- and silage. We Another pleasiag arid profitable
gesea vte have ever raised), a large see, , s - , a .
a a plenty or eneee aarmg the vrinter. thing abont a set of lam books—one
swamp was fenced. 'for the old birds,
t;71XX,' NOW
0 Pea reze area Poste:fro- -film!.
end for !illustrated Geoklet
Prise List
e aLM TdRotft
'Be interested hi- everybody's troublee' 141,1e , 6erserv.atien
except your own: , has issued a,very 'simple yet
honsiVe "farmer's account book which
le cellar lg not the beat Place •for will be sent free to Canadiait Carinere
ecitiashes and purnpletns. A egood cool who ask for iir,stating at the soiree
room upstaira in the house is 'all tame -bow many acresthey work. The
right. But ttee .it that rate and supply' of., theeeeis limited and the ruls.
reiee do not gnaw holes into t,,Nem. or 91/,,st corn,.., first eerved" writ ap-
They the seeds, and the only way ply,
you can be sure that they will ,not
t 'thmai is to en) into the -trapping "A tho. oPolo'gY Inc argue
bosileeeee end sticik to it till the last inept made by a Man who doe not
rat unctc-: anderetend."----G. Morrieon.
F,00113ALL.WILLIE15 51.ICk AS GI.A55'.
0-1E 1-1,01CfrIT ARtif.D 130.B AND TRIED TO No's,
BY Ilt 510t;:
to Reuben airol the other iO .1-Pdah.
' (See verses 22, 26.)' However, the use
- ef all Rinds.
petter quality preferred,
Write tor prices.
NFDYS, ited
128 iViensfleld - iglentreal
of two names in designating theeara-
van Sheald net'eoccaelan any difficulty. ; -Fag
Both might be called Arabians. The
writer of this narrative probablyre-
garded the names as interchangeable
terms. It seems cle-ar that Boehm
was 'away at the -time the sale 'Arc!
made; this will explain why Judah be-
comes eonepicuous as the one who
res -cues Jose -ph from death. Twenty
pieces of silver -1'1m price of a man.
A little more than twelve doll:ire cif
our. money:, ,
Our readers will note by,•acivertieee
mein, carried in this issue eliat entriee
for the Ninth Annual Toronto Fat
Stocic. Show close Nov. 25th, From
entriesalreiidy received this show pro-
mises to keep up to the high standard
Of previous years belth as to quality
and numbers. Anyone eonteniplating
entering s'bRok should get entric.,,,s off
withOut any delay arid avoid pos-
eibility of entry arriving after
ifig date.
Seager , 'Wheeler, the noted Saar.
katelieWan wheat grower, has devele
aped a variety of wheat that 83 ehtimo
ed to tuattire ten cloys earlier than
the famous ;del -cads wheat, and is,
F .T
131g Doll -and Doll,Carriage
131g Doll is 15 in -
of -0 tail, has jointed lege
aria arms and natural
head, han.ds aud -feet, The
Doll Carriage has steel
Traroc and Wheels, and
the seat, back and
heea axe made of
leatlierettd, itis 24
inches 111513' and is
:htst the right size
ler the Dig° IDoOL
.Tur4t send 315 YOUr
000 atld addr es 4.3
1111a We will 00 0&
'you 00 Poo,l(ageSil'OS
VCI.Y CI m 1-) osse
Xrnas Post Cards to
sell at 10 cents a
Pacicate. "When theY aro
eold send us the moneY
and we will sensi you ttm
Big Doll, 'will -Lan cbargefs
prepaid, and we will alma
send y,ea the' Doll Car,l
rieg?,., without any charge if you wilf
show 'your Doll to
Your friends and get
bit three of them to
"E011. our ctirds 0nd earn'
priies too. Send us
110010 'and ad-
dress 000, Y.011
can got,,y- D 1 1 and.
1)01108113.3:55e qtackly
Adoxcee •
therefore, practically from coa&rAint
rust and early frost on the 113.'ait'le33, 3199t, 19D, 9.701ont0