HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-21, Page 8EXEFER .AIIVEW,ATE:,
THUI $UAY, NQV 31, 191B
r hee.ted Each Wednesday
Fall: eNh eu. ,,,, ., ' ,-2.11
Spt-uu;.Wheat , , ... ' .,.2,06
Owl b• ,, 75
Ba,lrtey ,..: 9S to 1.00
Family Flour ., . -.5,901
Crleantery Butter 55
Dairy Butter 48
a ` 37
Potatoes per bay r1,35
Hay per tou ., 12.00 to 14,00
Hogs . ,, .. , 171.50
We regret that we find it nieces
nary to advenceethe price of chopping
but after carefully figuring- last year's
businese we find we have a consider, -
able 'loss on this enid of thebusiness
and we have decided ttoraise the
price to tea cents z bag. It is under-
stood ,the, this pride is for average
size bags, This may let us out and
we dao not wart to quit grinding as we
Bear it would mean inconvenience to
our customers,
'We would very much, appreciate it
if aur customers would bralnd their
bag& This can be clone with very
tittle expense, The'narne•or- initial can
be cut out of icardboard if you have
no prone'', stencill.
There will be sold privately at the
home of the undersigned the follow-
ing stock': 16 young ,pi4s; 2 Holstein
cows, due ' in, Feb,; Durham farrow
farrow cow ; 3 spring ,calves.
S. W. Boundary of Hibbert
Keep in mind The "Soldiers' Aid
Bazaar to be held Dec, 13th in the
Public Library.
I hereby give notice that I will
not be responsible f or any debts in-
curred by my wife or any other per-
scxn, other than myself.
Thos. C. Clank Exeter
There strayed from the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 19, Con 6, Ste-
phen, about the latter part of August,
a red mulley yearling steer. Finder
will be suitably rewarded by returning
same or giving information that will
lead to its recovery.
Jahn F. Smith, Crediton P.O.
On Thanksgiving Day, a tan and
white, and tanticke:d hound. Any
person harboring this dog will be
prosecuted. A reward will be given
for hits return to I. R. CARLING,
' Exeter.
Highest Prices id far Live or
IYreseed Poultry. -J, A. Stewart.
At a special neeetingj of the Council
field on Saturday Oct 5th; 1918,
Councillor' Day was placed in full
control of the Fuel: sittuation, for the
Village. All parties deserving a sup-
ply of Hard Coal should at once wee
Mr. Day, and leave their order `with
him . Application forms will be in hit
possession and the Controller wiel
sign those formas, giving the dealer'
authority to deliver, only such quanti-
ties as he may dtsrect.
COATS -We are still showing a
fine asset—talent cft 'Missies and Ladies'
Cost, at pop ular prices: -Steward.
Ali outstanding accounts due reek
are now payable and must be paid art
once A full line of Deering Farm,
Imp' • rents always an hand: When
in town call and see us.
G VleRCOA7 S i:f ty Overcoats for
yoi: r . n• n ry Belted styles and slash
poco ezt values at ;20 to $27.
-Ste .tr.'s
Fleury .1 Maxwell Roller, Crush,-
err Gnat.. Oil, Engines, Sleighs.
McLaughlin Cutters, Wheelbarrows,Etc.,'. Etc W. WARD 3t
Keep your feet dry. Wear Miner
Brand Rubber Boots. Price; $5.50,
$6.50.- Stewart's,
300 acres or more land for fax
for next year, for which .good rental
will be paid.
Ontario Flax Company
Jas, Davis, Exeter.
Phone 13 r 12.
Men can't be beat. Red Label $2.75,
Blue Labe'. $.3.00.-S,'tewaletfe.
All . acounts ape due and payable
before October 1st. After that date
our term.: will be strictly 'cash.
H. BIERL1NG, Exeter North.
derwear ' v - Turn -
Combination Un v u n
bull'- make, for Women.' Fine rib-
bed and good wearing qualities. Per
garment, $2,00, $3.25, $4.50, -Stewart's
122 acre farm, Lots 25 and 26, Lake
Road Stephen, near Das?awood, for
sale, Ord the property is a Itiew two-
storey brick Mouse, bark barn 70x40,
with L of 12 feet; driving shed and
lan'ge open shed; two good wells; well
drained and Lenced; an acre of or-.
cbard convenie st to school, church.
and pont office, Apply at Advocate
Office, Exeter,
I t is ,, anlinz t!td ,cnimber at
lion e+ain god caauddt6onl. Ge $
• 0rs fid, up, weloong from Boo
ontnot. up. ilfIarem from- 4 ,years nld
weighingalr fros
the ' requiree ' ertefte
+I y . phyte s3, Blaen.Coe W
Do not mi,s�s. Grace Sage Monday
night. See edtlertiieemeret in another.
Alt Willis Powell. has .,beien confin-
ed tothe house with an attack of ap
A fine deer arrived here by express'
ou Seturcl .y, a toleen of the marks--
mnnrhiit of Atr. W'm. Northcott, wlt0
went up north to shoot recently.
Church servicers ,were resumed ;in
Exeter on Sund,aiy, after the enforced
closing ,owing to inlluenzat The ser-
vices were of a special Thanksgiving
nature, in view of the signing of the
anastice on Monday last. The Public
Library was opened: on Saturday, and
the schools re -opened on Monday,
Mr and Mrs. Jolui A. Bell, Haanp-
ton, Court, Toronto, announce tine ert-
gaeentent of their second daughter,
Anna Eveline, to Rev. William Alex-
ander Monteith, B. A., of Amhlerst-
burg, Ontario, youngest son of 'Mr,
and Mrs. Geor;gel Monteiith: of Exeter
Ontario. The marriage will take
place quietly the end of November.,
Mr. H. J. Haive/and, our genial Iligli
School principal, is enjoying these
days what probably no other person
here enjoys, That is ripe tomatoes
ofhis own growing and which,•..he
picks front his own ,garden from day
to day. Mr, Havilland-F-is some gar-
dener, and we shall have to catch on
to his methods- in ,order that we may
enjoy the same out -of -season luxury
The next two; or three years are
bound to be the most important to
every Canadian industry, and to clone
does this apply to a greater extent
than to the farmaaig industry. ro make
the best of your 'opportunity read
each week The Weekly Sun, the most
helps ul farm paper in Ontario. No in-
crease in price, One Dollar cent dir-
ect to the. Farmers' Weekly Sun, Tor-
onto, will pay your subscription ,for
the fill year of 1919 w ith the balance
of 191e Free. There is no other pa-
per just likeTheSun.
The death tool; place at Victoria
Hospital, London,- on Friday last :: of
George F. Bonney, husband of May
Pearson, at the age of 33 years. Mrs.
Bonney 's a niece of ,Mesrs John and
James Taylor 1Vliss Taylor and Mr. C.
T Brooks of Exeter and was well-
known here. Sh}e also has been ill,
but is improming. Influemna, was the l
cause, They were married 8 years
ago, and 'besides; the wife a 6 -year old
daughter survives. The funeral took
place on Sunday. The late Mr. Bon-
ney shad. been an employe of Lawson
& Jones for eighteen years, and .dur-
ing that tint,e had never been late once,
to hila work.
Wesley James, the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Homey, N.B. Hay, for-'
merle of Exeter, died on November
17th at tite age of 6 days. ' The.
mother is very, i41 and the funeral was
private to Exeter cemetery on Mon-
day afternoon. The parents' have the
sympathy of their many friends.
T.he death occurred in Usborne .on
Thursday last, Nov. 14th, of Earl
Edwin Thompson, son( of Mr. and Mrs.
John Thompson, aged 15 ' years, 11
month's. , The yoith had been i11 of
influenza and suffered a relapse,, with
the result that death ensued. Other
chiednen in the family had also been
' a
, I but are recovering. The.parents
ra,nbpar uu s
and family have the sincere sympathy
of the community. A private funeral
was held from the family residence
Lot 3, conciessn;on 3, to the .Exeter
Cemetery . on Saturday afternoon.
On W.?dL ttday, Nov. •20tih a special
meeting of the Exeter brian,cli of the
St. John 'Ambulance Nursing ,Asso-
cation will be 'held in the !hall' over
61r. Senior's at 8 p.m. ,All ladies
married or single who are interest-
ed in This ,class ;or -who wish to take
up these courses kindly attend and
give in (their names ,at the above
meeting. All 'members ivtho attended
the elapses in tiihe summer 'geese
make a special effort to ,Attend to
receive their ,certificates. N,a „girls
under 18 admitted. -K. iC,00ke, Supt.
Owing ito ,illness in the home Mrs.
Fred East Is badly in ;need of :clear
white rage and anyone having any
to spare will ,confer ,a favor by leav-
in tsanee at this office.
Our Display of the very latest
styles in Winter Millinery tvill be
held Saturday, Nov. 23rd, and fol-
lowing days. This urs' your opportun-
ityto get in touch with all that is
new in trimmiinlg and materials.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thoatson` wishett:o
express Made' tanks ,for the syr'-
natlhy and kindness of their 'neiglte
tors And fstr
dorm� m
sad bereavement. ement
Ir. land i i rs, JohineTitomson
'The Council of the corporation of
Huron will meet in the CoeincilChani-
leer, in the Town of Godprich, on
Tuesday, the 3rd day of: December,
1918, at 3o'clock in 'the afternoon.
Goclerich, November 15th, 1918
Owing tet :the probable :serious fuel
situation the Fuel Conim vssioners of
the Township of Ulsbonne have order-
ed four leer -leads .of screened soft
coal tthrougk their dealer, ettr, (x, Medd
Winchelsea. Seeing 'that there • its
likely to be little or no hard cowl
forthcoming iraterpayens are radvi,se41 to
place their orders with either the
Reeve or any of ,the Councillors to
secure their needs, '
SIE.NItY SeeRANG, Id1erkr
Mr, le, TLukler limet moved to town.
cont London 14:ar2 South and has
rented Mr. John Macdonald's nese.
donee ,on Main Street. His son has
taken over the farm.
Sunday' next will beobserved as
Chi,ildt'ten's Day ; in • the Tnieriet Ment -
oriel Church, morning 'amid afternoon.
in the evening a Memorial Service
will be held for Sergt, Harold Bissett;
who was killed on November 1 st.
Another of the Huron County hyo-
teas bas beensold and will go out of
business as aehotel We, refer to the
Central at Brussels, ortn!ed by Gor-
don ,tVlc'Doe a(ld, Like the old Com-
mercial here it will be .turned into, a
gar. gae „
A very peea;salnt titre was spent at
the haute of Me. and Mrsl, S. J: Elleott
WiJl1am Street, ulnen;`• their many'
friends from , the Jackson; Fac-
tory ,presented them with a nicely
worded ,'address and a beautiful par
for table, on Thursday evening last.
After spending an enjoyable evening
in music, games and refreshments the
party dispersed with, best wishes • to
Mr. and Mrs,- Eiliatt, wato feelingly.
tha nke cI - their d onlat ar s
Many friea-ols here will be surprised
and learn with, regret of the death
of Mrs. Caarophne, Bobier, who' paused
away et the home of liter son, Mr
Shirley pallier, at Grielph, ,on Satur-
day, Nov. 9th; alt the, age of 57 years),
Internal caacer,,was' 'thle cause of her
death. The- deceased lived in Exeter
for .atany years and durijntg her resi-
dence here made many warns friends
While here she was a an enthusiastic
member of the Trivitt TVtemariati
Church ; and took a deep interest in
all branches of the -work. Since mov-
ing from Exeter sh!e spent most of
the time in Buffalo, N. Y., where most
oe her Family reside, Her remains
were interred 3d Gtneeph cemetery on
Monday, Nov. 11th, the funeral be-
ing private.
Relatives received word last week
of the death at her home. in Bengough
Sask•, on Nov. 12th, of Mary Ann
Horreli, wife of W. J. Cave, in her
69eli year; from the effects .p4 in-
flue nza. Deceased had been ill and
was sup;osed to be recovering when
death took place suddenly. Mr. and
Mr.:. Cave, after residing in Usborne
practically all their lives, moved 'to
the west seven years ago. The late
Mrs Cave was an estimable woman.
and ward of her demise is greatly re -
vetted. Besides the husband she is
survived by eight children, Mrs.
Richard. Snell of Calgary, Mrs. Well}
Amy of Iamiota,_ T. J. Cave of Hern-
iate, IVIrs Elgin Amy of Conquest
Mrs. Geo., Banthrop and Percy of
Bengough, and Mrs. Sherwood 'Hun-
ter and Mrs. Wait. Coates of tTsbortrie
Township. The remains were inter-
red: -at Bengough.
Gunner Fred Brocl. of Guelph was
home this week.
Mr. Walter Dearing was up from
London over Sunday.
Mr. Alex. Stewart was up from
London on Tuesday.
Miss Maine Sanders spent a few
days in London last week.
Mrs Dodsworth is visiting friends
at Exeter. -Clinton News -Record.
Mrs. John :Blatchford visited 'fier
sisters, the Mtis,ses Lee of Lucan, last
week. •
Mrs. E. Irwin of Norwich, is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr and: Mrs, Art. Mitchell of Us
h arne visited friends in East Nis s ouri,
over Sunday.
Mr, John Jacobs and family motor-
ed to Iitchener Saturday and spent
the week end.
Landridgc Sweet of Portage=la-
Prairie is visiting his grandmother,
Mrs John Sweet.
Little Miss Marjory Gaadison of
Sarnia is visitirgg leer grttmldnuother,
Mrs Dan -id Johns.
7.vlr. Ed., Treb(te was in London' on
Monday consulting a specialist with
rje;arcl to hes eyesight.
Miss A11ie Handford arrived" home
Friday from an extended visit with
her brother in Pentiticton, B.C.
Dr Rollins, whlot is visiting with W.
R Elliott, reeve of Stephen, was in
town • Tuesday shaking(hands with old
Mr and We. Thos. Newell and soft,
David, Mars. W. Hawksihaw and' Mr.
and Mrs --C. H. Sanders visited in. Lon-
don Saturday.
Sr Russell Frayrie and family of
Brantford are visiting relatives here,
the guests orf --i r.' Fsayne's patents,
Mr and Mrs. P. Frraytnfe.
Mre Wn1. Creech' returned from
London on Friday, and was accom-
panied by her 'little granddaughters;
who will remain with her.
Miss Olive Snaith of East Nissouri
and hey sister Miss Essaie of Flint
Mich., are visiting their aunt, : Mrs}
Arthur Miitch,ei.l of Usborine,
IVIes rs. C, T, Brooks, J. W. Taylor,
Jainie< Taylor and' Hector Taylor, and
Miss Lizzie Taylar were in London
S:'uday owing sof fhe dcath of their
nephew and cousin, the late George
F. Bonney.
Ping Ying Mom,, son of Pomg llwong,
our Laundry magi, arrived here Iasis
week from China, aired will assist
father in. his laundry. The business
here l.ae ;gradually incireased to such
proportion. that three hands are naw
Mi s Stella Gregory, who has spent
.;several months recuperating at her
home here, returned G0, her teaching
duties on the staff of the Chatham
Collegiate Instiitute on Monday. Miss
Gregory had hoped, to remain at home
until after Christmas, but twat forced
to return on account of her substitute
hating received a permanent position
ettsew'I) ere
Mr. end Mrs: S. G. Lamport, Cred-
'ttoii, sincerely aippreCiatc the assist-
ssistance given theist by the neighbors and
friends daring the recent illness laf
Mr Lamport and daughter, Thelinai.
Winter Requirements .Early
Furs! Furs! Furs!
We have without doubt the ;largest and best selected range of Fur Sets
anvd Fur Coats; that we have ever shown, and our prices are decidedly
modelr;ate. We have the very latest -styles itt Fur Sets in `such, popular
furs as Wolf, Fox, Hudson Seal, Marmot, Sable, Muskrat, Lynx, etc. '
LADIES' FUR GOATS in Hudson Seal, Muskrat and Marmot. (Tiles
ee carrot replace wholesale at the prices" we one'selling nt4 •
MEN'S,,FUR COATS In Coon, Black Dog, Chipteeet Bre-, Etc., _ also
Heavy Cloth Coasts with. Fur Collars
Ladies' & Misses' Winter Coats
We"still Have; a mice range of Lades and Misses' Winter Coatts-the
New Velour Cloths in plain Green,Taupe, Brown, Navy, Etc. They are
going fast so cone in while there is a large showing to select from.
LADIES' BLACK COATS in Silk, Seal Plush and Baby Lamb
Sallc's and Lister's celebrated makes ; also Black Cloth Coats.
CHILDREN'S COATS far all ages.
House Furnishings for Fall lir Winter
If you require any Mouse furnishings in the near future we wou Id ad-
vise buying tt is; Tail1 as sla many lines are not only much higher in price
for future buying, but are becoming scare , On Congoile.um Rugs alone
we can save you 25 per cent on the new tested price. We have a Iarge
stock of Linoaeums Rugs, Curtains, Curtain. Nets, Oilcloths, Mattings etc.
NEW TAPESTRY CURTAINS just placed in stock in all popular col-
ors These are suitable fox hangings for doors and archways.
Flannellette Blankets
ibex and Defiance Brands in Grey and White with colored hordeir's.-
Targe size at $3,75 a path. Extra large size „3.95 a pair.
Plain ITelvets stt�9Oca a yard
Splendid quality plain velvets in all popular colors -very popular at
present for dresses, Our special Fall price only\ 90c a yard,
Heede4anitrlaaaa he @ IIttiti resdjors1&Lion easmala= CiathAng
VALUATOR far Counties of Huron
-Perth, Middlesex and: Oxford: Farm
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Wareroome, neat door' to
Central Hotel, Mann; Street, Exeter.
At tdraleetr for' Counties at
HEM) end Mlidldleeeer
Prices Reaaamalb,ie and Satierfaet1on
Credittene-- 0
Messrs. F, Elleringtoru and A. Mc-
Donell, took 'three cars of cattle and
a car of sheep to the Toronto mar-,
lc,e t on Saturday.
13o Not Fear When Fighting .a -
German or a Germ!
The cool fighter always wins and so
there is no • need to become panic-
stricken. Avoid fear and crowds. Ex-
ercise in the fresh air and practice the
three C's : A Clean Mouth, a Clean
Skin and Clean Bowels. To carry off
the poisons that accumulate within the
body and to ward off an attack of the
influenza bacillus, take a good liver
regulator to move the bowels. Such a 1
one is made np of May -apple, leaves of
aloe, root of jalap, and is to he had
at any drag store, and called "Pleasant:
Purgative Pellets."
if a bad cold develops, go to bed, wrap
up well, drink freely of hot lemonade
and take a .hot mustard foot -bath.
Have the bedroom warm but well ven-
tilated. Obtain at the nearest drag
store "Anuric Tablets" to flush the
kidneys and controi the pains and
aches. Take an "Anuric" tablet every
two hours, together with copious drinks'
of lemonade. ' It a true case of influ-
enza, the food should be simple, srych ae
broths; milk, buttermilk and ice-cream
but it important that food be givens
regularly in order to,keep up patient'a.
strength and vitality. After the acute
attack hat passed, uwhieh is generally,
from three to seven days, the system
ebould be built up by the use of a good
iron tonic, such as "Irontic" tablets, to
be obtained at some drugµ stores, or.
that well known blood -maker and
herbal tonic made from roots and
barks of forest fees -sold everywhere asj
Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
We Gavle to tree iscreatt. cif .4
Imes to Low co tura and •" •;:..:
ptY rel lour pians at
Banti oat.Soilic26or, Notary Pu01i,
Comer, Solicitor for the 1c -
Croats' , Etc. liforosee to 3cmu at
tinteet rates of datemaat-
Offic -T* Street, Exeter.
Dr. G. F. Roul.ston, L: D. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. C. C., D. S, of Ont.
Honor Graduate Toronto Uoeversity
Office aver Carling's Law Office
Closed Wednesday altern°ons.
Dr. A. R. RINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.
Honor Graduate Toronto University
Teeth extracted without pain, or any
bad ,effects. Office aver Gladman, &
Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter
Satisfaction, Guaranteed.
All errors of Eyesight corrected.
Foar the oho
grocerieN frultob
tbutg in the grocery- >
O fl and see.. rte, A Mid'
as to quality wilt cometh -
Products is taken in exehaw
.l® Gould
B. N.
Exeter Bargain Store
We have ,e ., r
tort parried into stock' a �'
1ua<e of INVICTC78 SHOES, 110Pa by
George A, Slater, Limited, gontrea1.
These _Shoes are the best cit alit that motive. can' ` , ' . al'
O' t up ' to give pnikuutej.
Y a ybup9 lastfiy arL
These; Pre, S!oznr, of the' limes
Ladies' gray kid, balls; 9 inch! trap, Spool heel, 512 per pair
Ladies' Russia, Calf Balls. 9 cinch,
top, spool ?e , $10 per pair. Glazed 'Kid Ba1s, 9 inch top,
Spool 644, ,$10 p,er°`pair.
,Ladies' Russia Cali Bats, 9 inch top, Military' heel, $10 per pair,
Ladies- Glazed Gott Bays.,, 9 inch 'fop tMtlatary • heel, $7:50 'pier pair,,
Men's Patent Baas, English toe, $9.00 per bath: '
Men's Box Calif Blucher recede toe $9.00 per pair,
Russia Calf Balsa Neolin Sole, $$.50 per pain.
B. W. F.