HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-21, Page 3r7r•%;Y'i�1`b'+ 4,:''�4�`Ut�4YI_k': `s'�i�:.'..
_a 1' -el ;rocs -
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u8'u:...:.e%,S�'..F 1'rri. k12f.F•4�.'r.1CAYYSpl'wGi�
el s1,tggesti to 30 ll oae``
arcs k iag" gifts t ,
soldlt is of erseag Comes
from Lt. --Cpl: (Canon.)
Frederick t,.corgc Scott,
Serio 4 :ii tpl iii .,c f
Firsl, 1 7ivision, i 1 1t nt bit.
received by iricnci Ili
M intrea1. tie says "The'
n cu want ,playIng cs'rd5
is o �ti s11lI7`
,: MEN
Aspirants for Royal Squadron Axe.
Intensively,Trained from the
Ground Up.
When the yoam •'cadet' of the Royal
Ate Ferce has learned to march, to
awing his arms'avith'the stiffness ap-
proved by :his instructors, to salute:
inthe only possible way,• considered
"correct" by a flying pfbeel;,•:to' ,stop
force commission include an award
for the degree of proficiency be shows'
at play:. •
'Testing We Crass.
From the school of aeronautics the.
cadetI }imm-
lasses 'to the school of }ia-
mein; and for a time has the "'Cock-
toCCtOF .
t 1�
" of machine' guns contintt-
'ally.,in; his ears. If he ie not familial:-
aintiarwitl the;'Viekors,and ; Lewis gti?15.6.as
he is with a knife and:fork the end:`
of his lessons, it je. not tile=:fault of
his instructors., In the beginning the,
fact is impressed upon ',him that • an
airplane is merely a means of taking
guns into the "air, and that if :a pilot
takes up, a gun without -being able to
use jt he is asking for trouble.
Trouble in such a case means death,
Diagrams, cinema .demonstrations,
sectional models and guns, complete
and in pert, are; brought into use to
the other' fellow, from ,hitting lifm` nzalcc ,instruction" aatzy.•'':For 'one • in-
e has of on` rhea in gemous lecture the pupil takes a seat
.,when ill, } a 1110 gioV �
' fact, he ltas learned` discipline,' and in a cinema hall; and 'li s .position in
-his body has been hardened by,Physio si- pictures which pass
relation . to the Icttlx es
cal training and games, he leaves the over the screen is that of the pilot'of
car by;the sear and goes—to school. the photographed airplane. "Here, is
He is eager "to fly, but much must be shown how to aim his gun. He sees
taught him before he can leave. the the ,approach of an enemy machine
ground. and the burst of 'fire which, according
So'it is that the boy, by now very to its accuracy, sends the Hun crash
much a soldie.% goes to the lecture inF to the ground, or misses him. The
room, and for a period " "swots" as lesson is elementary in its simplicity
hard as military necessity Band his but wonderfully effective.
own keenness dictate. He does,; not .While at the school the .cadet pass -
study languages 'or history or matte- es- thzouglia a - gun -testing section:
m tics, .but engines and aerial navi- -Every machinegun tb be used for air
gation, signaling and wireless tele- ,fighting, is examined minutely and
graphy, aeroplane rigging and map 't i tover-
v r
reading. His- professors and lectur-
ers, like himself, are iii khaki. Highly
capable N.0 O.'s teach him the why
and the wherefore of cranks- and rods
and cylinders; he pulls engines to
pieces and sets them up again.
'1 know a lone ;drat on the Arras roach.
?,c, here I shall hardly bear to walk''
`again, "
For fear of waking those great sours,
-I loved +
Who'etruggi,ed to a death of'piteous
All! I' should' bear.' their laughter on,
the way,'
And' round nay heart their boyieh
sighs would er:eep;
Till I. must long to leave the rushing,
world -
Anci steal array to.,t joi.l then in
their sleep.
For'only they -who tread the tortured
Of those torn roads where swaying
poplars 'sigh
Can dream of how Gocl could give no
greater 'lilies
Than the hushed peace beneath the
cad .French sky.
I know a lone spot on the Arras road
That murmurs with the moan of
Memory's pain.
And �I should grieve my. heart with.
stifled sobs
If I could hear to walk that road
-Lieut. A. N. Choyce.
How to make a creamy beauty. Cotton
for a few cents. •,
The juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle -cont ,ruing three
ounces of - orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re -
New wintermouel of velvet trim-
the eo t,, one`�must pay for a
nzecl with fur, ' uirriple in.line and • �,
laeyy ~',,'yy'
Cie er:cC.;.n'
The round: yoke of this design holds
`the fulness, 'of•. the Lack and ,front
Deve'oped in plaid material it is suit-
able for echooi .MeCull Pattern No.
854.8, Girl's Coat. Tn 7 Nies, 2 to,.14
years' Fhzce, 20. ce«its. . .
bust -$`;tined, 1't a„lets;r II
Alba t, King of lfi�?;;A I„ti, it tkzt3 ho c+
of the }roux,.
Ilo's the. gr.eacest ,Shift rh li'4t'eo ,
I1&s a royal arch and tower',
Ile is bigger In the't .t lie lr1 i, arch 'the
N r,sea on his tliz'o 't,e,
And. the -,'hors✓ world lr,voa mini for
the ss xt)' F, lie ba„ kno,�'n.
Dpfianre was }lis tnsv,t.r to the Tell-
tont, at his ,.,"ate;
rhea lie hue/clod on Ib armor and
pledged his soul to- to.
He stood between. hie people and the
hi,,gest Essen •en gun,
iFor ho fearail not. shot nor shrapnel
:s bin little -army won '
King of Belgium, Duke of Brabant,
Count of Flanders all in one;
Litt1F Kingdom of the Belgae uta er'd
.with 'honor in the sun,
You have won ;h place in hi tory, of
your deeds the world will sing,
Bot i,ht• glory 'of your ngtioit�*i`s your
dust -stained, fearless King,.
Permit by Dominion L::press llonoy
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
monis;; back,
A child is prey to niany'fears which
have Iittle to do With physical cow-
:crdice. The sensitive child is ;posi-
tively' ;Maid of many things without
realizing he is afraid. "What he needs:
is to be given a greater coii*ridenee
in life add in himself, .
Minard'S i,la in:e t Bares Garret In Cows
"Thy yesterday is thy Past; thy
to -day is thy Future; thy to-ri ortoty
is a Secret:"- Talniud,
A bee, unla.deli, will fly 40- Miles an.
hour, 'but one corning home Laden With
honey .does not travel faster than 12
miles an hour. O i I carried 51,500 CS SSI
e fit >~
l'471� ao �
M1If.trA, h a J'i4Wy�
• , 'J"i.
{y5 yt
*fi #
Mq k �•
; ' N
A.retle C luras.
In the midst of the, Arctic swamnlis
aro often found curious lorncaticu s
which travelers in those inhospitable
regions CS ll "ico n'!urhrooins.”
e': When the summer sun banishes for
a brief while the frozen crust of the
lainlscape, squat pillars of ice (some-
times as 'much, as ten feet high) 're-
rriain here and there, covered with
moss that has actually grown on top
-of then and by which they are kept
from melting. It is nature's own idea
of an icehouse.
xviza:u'c vttiator•r 0tues, Co15s, :c.:
1�{``Ij- B.. _ Bothwell. '1`� Bros tJit ell -
4 Ont.
7 - NT.'.' D --- AO ONCE, EY i'ItO-
s'r . gresstve Cot cez•n in the Niaga.t:i
'emnsulo. .the GardCP: Spot of Canado..
1. oilermal:ers Holpere *and' 1-landY 1�Ien.
Steady • employment. Pngineering and
1\iacnit,e Works of Canada, Litnited, St.
Catharines, Ont.
rOi., SOLE
Y and Job printing* plant in Eastern:
is ar o. naurance carr e
an for 51.200 on quick rale, rF3o� 69.
�S'11son Publlslilns Co.. Ltd;. Toronto.
'• T,
Pei ped,
K.ithny i.:oubies are'rrec;zantl ,.
caused by. badly digested' food
which overtakes these organs to.
eliminate the i-rri'a t acids
formeel. 1slcip you atoanneb to
properly digest the food jay.
tai i I S`to 30 dirops of tr ct
of Peau, sold as P',I3th Seigel's
Curative' Swrupe and your dncr
disorder will promptly .qtly db'.
appear. Got `i:4:v genuine. y
1' in New Ontario. Owner going; to
Feuree. lt"iii sell 52,000. Worth double :.
that amount Apply J, IH•, do •Wilson•
Publishing Co„ L lmiwted, Toronto.
S r'd nal ,l-ri irr ,oWS I'O1 SAME
coat o:. windows glazed complete.
an', size. Halliday Company. Fox, 1361,
l annilvon . `
�interr,ittl and 'external, cured, with
'tut Pain by our home treatment Write
us before too late., Dr. Hellman Medical
Co.. Timited,-Coilrngwood, Ont
severely tried -before h is sen o e -
-Hours • d voted to the ser it "� T Vsfl:°r�3;ice' lafgame , Strained,.
Studies MMYeehanisri of Planes.
HIe•sits-in•a seat with a "joy -stick”
manoeuvring a cruarter-sized airplane retorts to the training squadron
- in.front ,of him, and sees the effect on p iHis
where' he is to _earn his flying.
the machines of _different movements with h ' - • y,but`
mind i., ..pad,.ed .troth- the.
before him lies ,adventure.
seas. arm a the �" • e sroe.Y,nLo. ,'' '` : Swollen 'I'epclons; I,.a a e eats,
my of each .weapcn. Glens as they,
ori aiscle's:Siopsthela*nenessand'
come froth tit'e'inakers- arceeluite good
"enough for ground use,- but for use
in the' air, they must `be tuned up, so
that the risk of failu're•'is reduced to
tl the oro_nary cold cream
creams. smart in effect. .d•IYlcCa11 Pattern No. )ace. 4
tions, and; interesting horse 4c)o i 2 .R ,a burn,'':r'
It ,: g .. ;-..: I ,_ .: ..
• It, is a:gaeat. day for .,the fli5nt .ca Care- slionhi be taken st,�.m t_i Snot), 7�awieS' Coat. ;In 3 size s; small, �ES6��g�g-, theanasc tichntinenffot
det, as the l:o- . i9• now called, when he lemon juice -through. a .fine cloth S0 no 3 m o +` . reduces 1 .. • „-- '''''' ,, •�
Y�a to 30; medium, �3 to <<0; large, r. mankind, red+aces Sdi'ai��ed Torn Liga-
US.. o y A -rc
of the control By ingenious: devices
he learns the,art•:of observation from
eyes have beheld. e' comes o. know
The pupil is -taken' up by an in-
structor, and „goes "dual" before he
is allowed to handle a machine alone,
lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion to ad bust, Price, 25 cents. treats Swollen Glens Veins or 1' uscfes'
Meals C t Sores, EIS^ers Allays s:*a Price
will keep fresh for mouths Every These
patterns may be Obtainer SS.25abottleatdealers esdeiivered,. Biwk•Cvld-ne"isee.
ltinows, that lemon' juice is 'used
McCall i Ci. F. YaUNQ, A Q, F., 536` LYmn is Bid3•,l'lantrea!, Gen,
from your local c.e ler of
remove such blemishes
to bleach
i 0
as freckles sallowness end tali and is
Toronto, llept. W. • ,� �'
the ideal. slyin softener, whitener and DON'T
k 1 � 'ur
1 ,
brmer - s a Made lemishes 1 ,�uwzutut: Wit ala er 8 la
from the 141cCa11 Co., 70 ; T3ond St,,
the air and how . to report -what his �Q�
} 1 } ld Ii t ` N
correct d
why; to1111
flection of the "In the old days," I was told at. -the rust' ,try • it C Get' three ounces of "Tt�arc s 2 in33<a zt Cures Di;ahilierin.
at any drug store and - , Gael Too Respect.
angle lvhieh, apparently contaarllcts.
wind, he' must:steer a tri chine ttan ;,00theca aerdroine, "vou',.vere count= orchard white
could not along . ,. nt rover and make
directioh is a wis es 'o , } ry unit worked hard our;
after ou s up a.quarter p'n t sty y rr-
fly: He .becomes a�3se about 'Compass- four hoursyou were Heaved 'out " Tains the afternoon of the second day
giant lemon `lotion and massage it
es find instruments. All that is shown flour hone d of the attack to get its pieces into -po-
t isrecollection the officer -with w lr 1
ed a dub if you gettwo lemons fro theg
the dire 'o" which h 'wishes t ft three hours dual If You took
One artillery
Y pint of this sweetly fir
ally into the face, nee „ arms ane
hien he must absorb and remember,. so
I talked. added `another: "When the:' hand si4lon. It had moved up for the second
that, at the end of the course,,he Can : had learned heir flying
pass the test o a strict a amen• hon he"said'"it was considered 'an insult
It is' hard 'w • h had ace one solo was
tune, and had not fired a shot. It was
four ,o'clock when the:lieutenant m
work. h e cannot cut ifapilot`w o r o f onima5hd gave orders for every one
lectures. He must .not slack. bVheri
told that he was to he given more..
b leaves.
theschool a little 'more "of
.The thousand things 'I could not say.
Before 1 crossed the' -sea,' -
Dear love, the -words I could not speak
And all ouaretoxne
• 4 ;
to stand, by. The grinners were to
fire their first volley into the German
This Iines. Everyone stood waiting for`the
Yv�nt up �iu goy ito a habits ,n
But he has"rept fit Every day
The thousand dreams I could not
dream `'
Whenr. old dill dance`
,Life fo
Are life to Inc. dear' love, since
Death ,,,
BeCame a dream, ill France.
e eaves sc oo h dual ` • simply'. meant that niers
' boyhood' has gone • the man is cruet„ d bad
l b is a d
a slo n up,
of flying.'" filial wox'd when the telephone rang
p. Y y
.after work he goes from the desk to - and word came that the infantry haft
,yfarcelgt-s G'nnery it would
tthe playing. iielil5 Games count for advanced so far that
1 be nee
so a.pilotgoes solo at, nozr.: r
h of,his Before move upagain before cin
so nmuching.:that at each sage o ,essary to , g going
a k which are to' de- he is taught to Loop and spinanl half g intoaction.: "Oh,hell!" said a gun
training, the 'marks s
`.iroll,and 'to land in ' anyfield, which
r ine:.:.}tas.•.slat�.Uilit for an • • air
tem Y
Tier.; 1`thoseiirfaner, ealys ain't got, no
the instructor directs him'to e•et ,into.
respect for.usat all!"
A Combination
Gtel ad Qualities
invites - your
attention to
No sweetenin
No cooking.
. Needs but little
milk or cream.
Fine with evapt -
rated milk..
eels indefinitely
Not a pan icle of
attractive flavor
e RV'oh"
rape. uts,
nada Food t8eird beer c i'! 2-02G
Even so; hisprogress is still closely
watched' after he is given single con= Mlnaari's Liniment Cures Distemper,
trol, and at intervals' -the instructor•
no with the pupil to correct any
.The• thousand things I cannot write,
,Tire -things that I would db,
Shall all be -yaours, >d love,} ear when
Shall send me bonne,y to 'you::
Land of the Beyond.
fault , he' may have developed. The There is a country into which there
number of. machines crashed ' at one is to -day a yearly, immigrationimmigrationwith
time ` vas enormous; , to -day the Sh L which no other country in any age
crashes,: by eomparison, are insignifi
t accident a the occasion
can , .anu an accic en o f. - ilinat'cl's Liniment Co., Limited.
of a'first solo fligilit P1 almost, un Gentleuhen In July 1905, I
r was
When the ,instructors are satisfied l thrown from a road machine, injuring
that a pupil canflya service machine my hip and back badly and was obliged
iopen. the bo he . has still to to use l.a crutch for 1a months. In
p . Y,' Y— Sept., ;1906, Mr: Wm. Outi-idgo of La -
graduate for his wings, but if he is 'chute urged inc to try, 11TINARD'S
of the right stun he 3s by now only
LINIMENT, which I`did, with the most
a' boy in years, andehis fresh; virile
satisfactory results and to -day -I am
Manhood is an inspiring thing to see.
—is transferred from' the elementary
side of the depot to what is 'known as
the "special flight" side and is taught.
aerial fighting and the use of his gun
in the air. Some of the instructors
under whom lie is trained, are mar-
velous gunners; What He'd` Do.
I watched one of 'thein swoop down An army examiner had before him
from the air, firing bursts into a tiny a very dull candidate for a commis -
pond as he dropped, end there was act sion: The marl gloving, aparently,
upward leap ofglistening water for unable to make -response to the most
everY cartridge used. One cot ld'imfinal-
agi1le • the havie such hiring: nnglht ly
grew impatient and quiteple' 'questions, thehearcastic-
ally put -this- question.
"Let it be .supposed you are. a cap-
tain In command of infantry." In your;,
rear is All. impassable abyss. On both.
sides of you there rise perpendicular
rocks of tremendous height. Ip' front
piles driven into the water, • , of yott lies the enemy, outnumbering
Buteilers• in Bir minghalm' Englahl,d,_ wau ten to one; What, sir, do h an,
enormotls emergency would you c
as well as ever •in Myylife.
• Yours sincerely,
• his •
create among marching infantry.
Venezuela, means ; "Little Venice.'
Early explorers ,so named, the South
Amerlean country„because cif its In.,
dian dsy,flllilig's, bn ,smnc11 slands':aiid
have tri'dertaket , to buy bones back
atter the;heusewife has made full use
of thein, 'paying” the eustorner half'
of proceeds oceeds of their -disposal, They
aro usocl`a for the ey,traction of glYcor.`
rue and for the manufacture Of phos-
pbate for fertilizer, and a viiluabl4
pit; and poultry food.- •
has had anything to compare. Every
year 35,000,000 of people enter its
ports and crowd its territory as new-
comers and. colonists.
Every rnenth 3,000,000 are number-
ed as .fresh arrivals. Every twenty.
four hours .there are 100,000.
And. this has been goin,-on' and,
will'. continue century after century.
For the country in. question is the
Land of the Beyond, that is on the.
other gide of the grave.
British Columbia canned herring is
meeting with a' rowing demand.. 1t
is estimated' that 250,000 cases will
be packed this year, an increase of
150 per cent oyer 1917..
� t
Go after it with Sloan's
Liniment before it gets
Apply a:Wile, don't rub, let it perm -
irate, and—good-by twinge ! Sante for
esterzal aches, pains, strains, stiffness`
of ypints or muscles, lameness, bruises.
Instant relief without messiness or
soiled clothing. .Reliable- the .biggest
selling liniment year after year." Eco-
nomical by reason of enormous ,sales.
Keep a 'big bottle ready at all times.
Made in Canada. ; Ask your druggist `
for Sloan's Liniment.
Child Could. Not Sleep rill
Cuticura Healed,
lit'!e brother s Tiered for ,about ,
taro yearf from tiny red.' pimples.
They appeared constantly
on his body but hebad the
greatest trouble under his
ears. The skin was red
and very sore and at the
least touch be would give
a howl of pain. After a
few seconds he wuid have 00 scratch,
and he was not, able to sleep. •
"A • friend advised me to send for
CuticurarSbap and. Ointment. T no-
ticed a change, and Fused three cakes' of.,
CutiCura Soap and four boxes of Oint-
ment when he was healed." (Signed) -.
Louis - Frank, 746 City Hall Ave.,
Montreal, Que., February 2, 1418.
Keep ,your skin clear by using Cuti.
cora Soap and Ointment for every.
day toilet purposes:
For Free Sample Mich by Mail ad•
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dent. .
�Oc., 60c., $1,20. • 1;3•oston, UI. S: A. Sold 'everyrbheze..•
Para? Hirst's... will stop it I
Used for 40 years to relieve rheumatism, luzbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame•
back, toothache, earache, skolion joints, sors. throat' and othhex:paia •.
ful complatnt9. Have a bottle le the house. Ail dealers or wr'ita its,
11361ED`i COMPANY, Hamilton canadta' ...�
tw -tui ., aYaY.t
"I thick nrx;" said the aopirantfor t ;,
military distinction, crI, would resign'
Every time you 'all • the ''lank of
'your auto Or tractor by lawp ok other
Open light, you .aro-hwithlg; an e -t,
plosiax R
SLA 41
0044 M1A
-I $Y1;0K
Hotel Bcl coronai
Coronado Beech, California
Near San Diego
GOP Oqurs
:ciW is equipped throughout with ,Autos aatie
pri1ilde1' i7 r`gtell1,
1014i1/4E J. KE MAN,