HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-21, Page 2By Acro iOintit. This Depstl'ttnenlL lc tor Abe use of our farm leaders who want the advice Df an expert on any question regarding soil, sued, crops, etc, if your: question Is of sufficient general interest, It will k;<c: answered through thta column. l,, stamped andadeireesed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a complete answer MI! be :manes) to you. Address Agronomist, cars of Wilton publishing Co., Ltd;, 7S Adelaide St, z,'V,r Torsnkor Marketing Vieth E,>gs, undoubtedly receive.. The farmer. pro- Ieheave a market ducii tg 'fresh sh eggs is forced to snii'er ae greater thaneggs fromthe cold because of. this undesirable compoti storage varelzusesUO worth tiv. more than eggs gut clown in water- Tlie best plan is to ,heen enough g2 1 glass, Too frequently the„ ,.fairer fowls to make egg lna.:„t eti im worthy knows y -mows that his Areah,eggs are 'worth -.St 01: attention .then pioduee inf:'eetile premium and yet he reeei-ses the some eggs except dnring the hatching sea price that city conslam4rs are paying son. Ship tho egg's to a reliable; deal for storage steers, it is tot lleces- er' 1w"ho is willing to pay for eggs fel' nary for a• farmer to accept ti prise ar select trade le you have enough for his fresh eggs -Ito greaterthan the eggs, if the p?sotluction is too sniff)) price paid for goods not of the same for frequent express shipments, • it quality. It is being', done because pays to make arrangements with a of carelessness in saving and market- local 'grocer who is willing re; pay incr. the egs.: a fair price for quality eggs. ^ ii The country egg buyer who ex- this does not seem best, try the pri- changes groceries and merchandise for vate trade rind try and well: up eggs is not able to pay the _ price that business with buyers Who fere will'i'ng fresh eggs should command, In the to pay- a. slight premium over the first place too xiis.ny farmers keep market price for eggs that; are fresbs their male birds with the hens during laid and absolutely guaranteed to be the hot weather. The result is a poor fresh. quality of eggs, It is unfair to the prodacer of -good Next, we Borne to the, practice of frash eggs to compel him to sellat the allowing the hens to hide their nests sain ,1 price rice p aid for mixed stock and a all over the farm. sat certain. inter- that is wham. h?slppens to 'the farmer val.s there is a general hunt for eggs who makes'ti;ts effort to obtain his due and then the good and the bad are. credit for the effort necessary- to pro l together. Fr(' are placed ineggsareright I every way. sold to�etlic Eggs e 1. gutta that rlph in �e-',y one pail or bn ket and the top eggs At fzrst thought, the difference of af” are used every day in home cooking. few cents in the price of a dozen eggs The eggs in the bottom of the pail, are 'does not seem worth worrying about, taken : out each week and possibly but whenthat is _multiplied by several not that often. The egg buyer .thousand during the course of a year, known that his purchases from farm_. the result•as surprising. Little things ers will contain a. certain number of count up in every business and it poor quality eggs so.,he strikes an seems as if this is more true in the. average and pays a price allowing poultry business than in any other for the inferior stock which he will line. Mailing the Rens Pay in :sinter. Not everybody understands how to feed and case for a- flock of .hens so as to get eggs in winter. A woman who is succeeding admirably in anis respect the present season gives the following suggestions: First, do„expect eggs in winter unless the hens are young,. Old fowls are too fat to lay well. Best 'results 'axe obtained , with pullets. Next, do not � crowd too many hens in one -flock. About twenty, to,twenty--fivedo better' than a largerenumber. If old and young of both sexes comprise the flock it will be advisable to keep the ) m young hens and pullets by theselves. Provide water with the .chill off in. cold .-Weather. Hot bricks under the container changed twice or three times duringthe day will do this. If kept clean there is no objectionto heating these bricks in the house. Charcoal, crushed oyster shell and grit are kept where they -are acres side at all times, and meat scrape forms a portion of the ration every day. The first meal is fed as soon as it is daylight. This is a warm mash slightly moist, composed of bran, ground oats and a' little corn meal fed in troughs. At this time •a basket of clover chaff is emptied in the scratch- ing stied. • There is no noon meat but about' four o'clock a liberal feed of corn is given. This corn is kept in the house, precious as it is this year, and so is never icy cold. . The fowls work iii the clover chaff a good deal of the time threagh the They eat it zv.threlrsh. Al- falfa chaff is even better. Milk world 'he a fine addition tothe ration. but this flock does not get it. :. Often fresh vegetables like cabbage or beets, are placed w -here the fowls can eat then), but no condiments or pat ant foods of any kind are upl.lied. I3'ealthy young Liens do no-, eseuire 1the .rem.Of sour e quarters r .of t lath a ss flock are warm and free from vermin. They have the run of a smaii outside. yard on fine days. When it is very cold or stormy' they are kept inside: Feed is expensive, yet the • eggs which - this flock; are laying sell read- ily at forty-five cents per dozen and the owner ner -claims the.hens are pay- ing a good .profit. All the: feed ex- cept ' the corn and the chaff isi' pur- chased outright. The chaff plays an important part as it keeps the fowls busy; -'besides supplying -the' necessary material for egg making. The mom- ent it is placed before them they -be gin to scratch in it., and, instead o moping they are 'h-orking, and singing Young hens, warm quarters, pr ape i a TO GI: ev Big g I3ol? and DO Carriage 1his,•�li>w Poii Iti hc: tall h ,s �ot-�te l.e 0 anal arms as}d natural Dheadoli:„h it ds saui feet d rtes .Ctpr*'iaa has to l • tr:t,ine and wheels, rami the seat, brcli and, 1o1 tan>_re i I;t'i�>cta of 1e�tt� r 1. inches high rind is just the right si ac for the Big Doll., Just t sus us your • aaaua and ad.clLe5$. and v,'e will send you 50 Packages or lovely c? ria b o ss o it •sellas a t c10 �ceT is a packa,a When, they aro tiold send us: the money and -a c will end you the Big Doll, with all chyrr,•5e;r ant ellatd and. we will else • hnd:. 3 orli Om.0011 'car. r lagc witliouf any charge If. you : wa^tris lio�v ;roar Doll to '4.iu1r. fri:ends r.nd. ge,t lust three of ahem to ell our c sola and earn l r.aea suns , nand tae i'our nano and ad - dross to -des so you <;a,n 'u.;s.n1 Do411Caofr e'toaser Dollcruloitly Address: Heitazt,'-'kV 443..5'�w. • COIVAITY e»t. 15O •wercato t,llre i'itit;oz; using a: ianto:al while dos o• To ventilate the cellar. wait a.ntil its is dark and open. the door:; ; ur, all When "wintering outdooa:? be Slue to use suft'icient p<ialebig to keep the bees warm. 'finless the climate runs many deg•3•aeae below, sero.; end stay, • there .''foe a long time, it_ is all right to winter outdoors in the .tloul.7e- alle d :chaff )rives. -Ste- " "'All the world' is •the greatest o! ,.powersi it is- Sovereign and Gall., it- self 'we' What 'we' does or says is called custom, what it thinks fa called, j opinion, what it believes t0 17e lieauti- Tut •o.r goal it called i`nshion:Y"`—AiYlielr• � a. coXv. ti.as5: - ate X55:'ttiFF; S RAiIv' z3 UlD CirkflY-11r,Tr,t„” 1 zitiiL( R"r Et°�1~M.1ACN r Gf OF FARC . f,j O 1 `r ' ' ,, t taTS.0 t�t�, lr��, LET'S ['efD 1 �ElVr:I (GRi_'{ti LEAVES -190f.. t glitz god FRATH hs' !d€gheai P.rk: e Paid 1 romp 12.esu.ras---No'CoiimissIon : P., PO'ULINNl & CO. c) 3oziz'scaau 0 Sit r&fit /aurarenl iq���.�.. .��, yyti..���ry of all kinds: netLer quality prrefurretl..' Write for prices. Pl'T'LN +�OIID Li areal` �uSr r •i2S.' Maaiisiieid tit., - - Montreal If Yon .Wlthe,hes: Ship all yo -i• feeding, and good care, Will make 'a profit—even i11 war tirneae--E. E. R. Larkct .&r ices' to us—no scatter what quantity •, g� ` e guarantee satisfaction and pay g aall express che-r;'es. ABB=Y nr. R O MP -AN Y " LOUi3 AM nage FrCH an "busivass for 30 years) • 310 ST. PAUL ST, W. MONTREAL, .P.Q.' Reference; Bank of Iloalielaga, St. Henry, Montreal. The small -top milk .pails have been found by expesiment,'to keep from. forty toseventy pee relit. of the dirt out of the milks It is a tittId, more. difficult to -sun such a milk •pail • but. it can be, done. -'The practical dairy -s man knows that -it' is impossible to keep every microscopic bit o'f'.dust PIs -in.. Bees in Winter -Quarters. shouldnow be in .shape Everything p for winter.' If the -bees, are: ',to be toredin,ce ars they should be Placed t ere as soon as settled cold weather comes on. IP later the' better, -since tl ere will be some mild days during 'ahich they may want a flight to dis- charge their feces. This prevents dysentery to Which' bees wintered :in- doors are sometimes prone. Let the cellar be absolutely dark, and all they will .require during the winter months will be an : occasional airing at night for aft hour or . two,, but never during the;, day. Sweep up any dead bees that may accumulate on the cellar floor during and dirt out of tile• •mirk at milking time, evens if the --cotes; -axe perfectly clean and the`'air is as pure•'as good ventilation can make it.: These small top milk pa/is are of -'assistance in 'producing c1ernier hills en the farm and they should' be in moi e general use. The barrel churn operated by power ! is a practical investment :Eor tlhe farmer who makes butter often. 'It i saves tinee'r,1id cute edit one more of 1 R the regular farr_i' dulTes'•'Which 'tire the muscles. Many farmers who I have changed, from,theolcl dash churn to the ,barrel :churn are swondering endured 'tlie dash churn1 tie`= ever how � v 1 so long and when -they adopt • the i power operated churn "the smile grows broader and butter -making becomes a rather enjoyable and -profita blc l port 'of'business. : ! , It will pay to study the milking : 1 machines at. the next fair or _dairy -show where they are exhibited. Tddny farmers believe that the milking ma= chine is a complicated and expensive outfit thato rC only Ah .sefulol,a 1,1,0 r' c Man's 'farm" Where style is sore - hoes mare, important than, profits. This Pis no(,t :. true and many farmers who are using milking 'machines find then a labor saver and an economical investment. They are.not too compli- cated and the expense of such a ma- chine is no greater in proportion to its usefulness than many other kinds of equipment considered necessary on the farm. Store away plenty of cabbage and f., mangels to serve as 'green food nor . the fowls during the winter and early r spring. Sena at once for Funaten 3 -in -1 I3ook, FREE, Game Laws, Trappers' Guidp, Supply Calsicg, list - ng lowest prides on traps, market t •reports, quos, smokers, etc. {',. postal brings it Every indication points to agger money totrappersthis . yearthafiester before. Fursare;.he rage, many trappers have .beta driated-greater opportunity 'forgoat. Write for tins hoofs and Far Price ,d.ist. ai Rk^Intern elo.1 Fur x,hata. 475 r is tan md5.: WATCH FREE TO ANY BOY Ids "R iitoaa Rfta" watch i nt, ;Yeses ttefi'a ateed 'timekeeper. .11t is Sten - rpin r.iti .0 and rtaairi 7o doilb7e, clu ry <:picC hack„ PS.i11Se1 Uu eo• 1tegnia r man's size.tr.-V1 138 our hams and nddres;) and wo Skill rend °tlU •a0. ,yank t cl0 (i2 lovely tsrarianata(id, , .. . ;a, rid$ 10! , !".+' 6a :ntFi ;YCptCtg' P'of3k Gt;rdar td .1 atc Andf ,a w 11 semi you thet'Watch. money a, e —atlY lea i.hef' frlb, II01§1E11.4VAIIREN .Cth, GOOD -H ' QLJETON', : O rder Satisfaction guaranteed. Lovely Fars at reasonable prices. Over 20 years': eaPeridnee, assures, our ,qudlities.. • �R�g Q.�g g F gg 0 r�y�y Wears' 'af r -earn: ` Very stylish lish this,,, season. A n i•m a 1 andC a p' e: ”' effects, Sets as illustrated - CON COATS Well -made with generous overlap that 'comfortably covers knees. A: grA All sises ` - - 1519 Catalog Free: Write CU'1MMINGS + CU rvMMJ.N G S. - 109A ST. PAUL ST. - - MONTREAL • HIGHEST PRICES.. PAID Ey Andrew F. Currter,.M.D." Dr: Currier will anawdr all signed letters tiretalning to Health, It gem" q.0esttcn is of general interest it will be answered through these columns; 1 not, 11 will be answered personally if stadsped, addressed envelope Is -en- closed. Dr,,Cursler-will not prescribe for Individual cases or -make dlagnostai' Address Dr. Andrew la. Currier, care of Wilson. Pablisbing Co,,, 73 „Adelaide It. West, Toronto Quer ions .Relating to the Lympathici der usual conditions' islymph or con - System.'. "'tains lymph. If you cut your. finger N. T.-11, hat' is the function: of the and introduce`a poisbn the poison may lymphatic s-ystem of the body? Is be and often is taken up by the lym- there any relation between it and the phatics producing •inflammation in these vessels and the surrounding tis- sues. You can :see the evidence of the involvement of the lymphatics in such. inflammations in thered ' lines or streaks running up the arm, The poison or the inflammation may be - ,arrested :in the 'glands of the ,armpit blood? Is the fluid which is in blist- ers derived from the lymphatics? -Of what use is it to the body? •s , The Iy-mphatic system consists of a.. series of small and "large yesse'is and glands extending from thesur- face of the body to its centre and. communicating with the great vineswhich become swollen, painful, fro- , of the body which go to the': heart.' quently*; suppurate, slid- often require Into these veins it discharges the fluids, it has collected from the; ; tis- sues by absorption., Lymphatic fluid or lymph i;r transparent izr. • ap- pearance, the lymphatic vessels are arranged in meshes or - network whidi is closely related to the cdurse of the bleodvesseis the smallcrt.fytn phatics especially in the skin. and lymphatic system is a very essential' mucous membranes 'being near the Irsat of the bocly in its ordinary funs- ca.pilIaries and the larger ones near .tiozis and also the possibile seat of serious disease. —.•.-,.3. rum r,raiJ PENCILS - $ DIJTTtr� rRN Rq Cornp!ctc Scioo1:S'ct?4 cal :. «tet Pieces. FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS This outfit contains: 2 Pen Points, 1 English School Bag, 1 Box Crayons (12 colors) 1 Japanese Pencil )Sox, 1 Eraser, 1 Special Drawing Pencil, 7, Pai1 PainttBrus'Brush.ints colors) , 1, Compass, a, Patriotic Plotters, 5 Rubber_ Tipped" Lead Pendia. - 2 Packages Union Jacic Flag Stickers so 2 Metal Gazed Lead Pencils, that you can put the rias on your I 1 Pen Holder •- school books, letters, eto. 4••. We will, give :you this. whole 24 -piece School Outfit free of all charge id you will sell just 3,0 packages of our lovely .embossed Xmas" Post Cards at 10 cents a package (six lovely cards in each pacaage). Send us your name and we will -send you tiie cardstosell. When sold send us the money and we will send you the whole outfit. Address: HOMER -WARREN ,CO. Det. 193 TORONTO, more or less extensive surgical treat- ment. The poison may- be distribut- ed by the blood over the body and the:. patient die .`from blood'` poisoning, Lymphatic . glands 1 the neck and elsewhere are often the seat of tu- bercles and may require removal. It will therefore be apparent that the the larger blood vessels. Ab irregular intervaly in the lyrnphatic.mleshav rlc are glands from ,08 ta' 8 inches. in their long diameter, potter.=hat bean i ' Mother—Would you kindly .tell me shaped, through -which' the lymph 'a£ anything ceni. be, done tri eu„ e my stream flows. The fluid t hich adzes 'Goy of atottering, which seems to he :Crom thecapill-irios in: the skin and trottbiin.e- him more -and :fore? elsewhere' into the spaces between the Answer ----The anly,ti ing I can sug- tissues thus bathes their cells with gest is that you send a stamped self-: liquid food. ' These spaces also con -'.addressed ensclone and the article on taisi fluid material from 'worn 'out and ,stuttering and stammering will be dishntE plated coils and this is, soaked rn ail :d to you. up by, to Iyinpathics finally entering K. 13. H - T Would cubed) berries the large veins on either side of the in powflm7 tonna be more `effective as neck where 1 1 carried to the heart a amnesty :Coy catarrh than the crush- with the blood stream. "fhe lym- act berries? icontain. 2—.r dulsi bronchitis and other phatics of the intestines snot 2,—Would only the materiata of ordinary, lymph throat troubles ba ben fitted -by ,this ' Int also about three tunes asmuch tr'eatrnent2' albumen as that fluid together, with Ansteer--1.--'-1f you refer to using a `considerable' quantit r of fat =,hich;. t'hi.s. Substance ll)y inhalation, e pow - ha been absorbed in phi foaxrof, ail der tvutilcl of course he less irritating en ulszoli, hence the lymph 1a very th;tn the gran llated form produced tyiosaIy l started -to the blood by crubshing`• ser oa the -iluisl of bit..ta s ihai „2-•--1 would not advise you to use 1 Questions and, Answers, • "aVeZ :z Zs,"wZ-mss �zb L {`iU •::+au��^,.�:sz�c�w'�s�-�.°a.n,.:.�sz'�ta�-::�aa:aac�e�,r a i T co :.l1fa(lel %gats far Women will prefer -a lo rf vamp :6iitll narrowor rteeln tnz arrow 05 ,,M'ade in all leathers.8 incl, or p,4i ch height, Lauis or .C'ubara lieih', o t $$ro Solvmg the Nati�-n03 Shoe - a LARGE section of the Canadian public depends upon. this company for shoes. Our finan.cia1 resource's. and buy - ins power are greater by far than those of any other Canadian: manufacturer of shoes:; our ti Qlume of output is more than twice that of any other. Our sales organization covers the nation from coast to coast, not merely, a small section at a time. • Otir six branches maintain adequate stocks within the reach of every dealer in Canada, - and are now serving more than. ,000 dealers, enabling then) to fill orders g tich1y.,and to cut down the amount Of idlc's'toclr on their shrive s`. V6 e.are malting every effort to use this power to help solve the, big_ problem of providing enoughgood quality shoes to go around. In the face Of an actual scarcity of leather, itis- dif'acult, but it can toe clone iE yOU will co-operate with us,- 'Boy wisely, for ser -ice rather than merely for style, and see that the shoes -you: buy arc stamped with the manu- facturer's trade -mark. T Se71IN il4) IIWIA� .,� .. �.+�� 1 Y. `"Shoernak;ers'to: 1'he 1Valign.'' TORONTO WINNIPE Wle:rr you aans Shoat; hckfcr- Fl7.lioti"'.'Oi 1'.1NCO Teaks -liar,".• ort 'ay so 4.0 7R.1PriTQ�.S'bk37N,T�:d' 5 4,a