HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-7, Page 8.•,:BETE] MARXETS C lrainged Each' Wednesday Fall ` aiieat: 2,11.. Sprin4 Wheat X2,04, Oats .. 73 to 75 Barley 95 to 1.00' Family Flour ...5.90( Cramexy Butter S5 Dairy Butter Eggs Lard Potatoes per bag ,1 35 Hai; per ton 12,00 to 14.90 Hogs 16 75 CARD OF 'THANKS, "Mr. J. 0, I an,clry and members of the family wish, to thank 'their many friends and acquaintances 'for . •, ''their many acts; of kindness during "the ill- ness . of, v1es. Landry, They also. wish- to eclancwledge, the receipt of the ninny. beau',,f:u1. floral .offerings. STEER LOST., There strayed from, the premises of the undersigned, Lot 19, Com 6; Ste- phen:, about the latter part of August, a recd mulley yearling steer, ;Finder will be suitably rewarded. by. returning same or giving Information that will lead to it i,ecovery. -Jelin F. Smith,. "Cr;ecliton p U, 45 to 48 55 .to 56 DOG LOST, On" Thanksgiving Day, i -a tan, and white, auvd ,tan'tici.•e.d hound, Any, person harboring this dog 'Will he. prosecuted. A reward will, be given far his return to I. R., CARLING, • Exe ter. FUEL CONTROLLER At ? special meeting, of the Council held on. Saturday endgut, Oct. 5th, 1918, Councillor Day was placed in full control of the, Fuel situation for the Village. All parties deserving a sup- ply of Hard Coal should at once see' Mr. Day, and leave their order with him. Application founts will be in his possession and the Controller will sign those forams, giving the dealer authority to deliver only such quanti- ties as he may direct. Beautiful Plush Goats in, very ;ntew- est stylesun sizes 36 to 46. Prices range from $40 to, $45.00.—Stewart's ACCOUNTS DUE, All outstanding accou;nits due me are now payable and must be paid at once, A full lime of Deering Farm Implements -always on hand, When town call and see us. R. H. MURPHY. The Dominion, Feather Mattress Co. Exeter, will buy your old Featherbed or your new feathers. Highest prices. Mens sheep lined coats with fur collar. 'Redd you dry and warm. -- $$13,00.—Stewart's. If' you drop a, card to Domis ion Mattress Co., Exeter, aur agent will cai?1 and show you the 'unproved fea- ther mattress or beautiful down com- forter made from old feather bed. RECEIVING 'ONIONS. 5, H. Grieve will receive anions :ev- ey day except,' Saturdays', from Oct 15th to Nov. 15th. Heavy ribbed noses,' *,;v 3t wear issg quality for,baysl P(er pats Sac and 60c.—Stewart's.; NOTICE. TO +AUTOIS The Sudden iService Store, of Lau- don ha.ve 'madz areangements with ,W. 'J. Beer to have tires that need vulcanizing' or ire -treading lett at This store and thus nave untteceseary express -charges. Men's heavy fleece underwear. Get your supply now at per garment, $1. —Stewart's. LAND WANTED, 300 acres or more land for flax for next year, for which good rental - will be paid. Ontario Flax Company - Jos, Davis, Exeter. Phone .13 r 12. Stewart' is showing great values in - Sweater Coats at 55.00, $6.00 • to 58.00. TERMS STRICTLY CASH All acetifies are due and payable before October lst. After that date our term. will be strictly cash.''• H. BIERLING, Exeter North. Miner Rubber Boots. Every ' pair is guaranteed, $5.50 and 56.50: — Stewart's. Health Notice TOWNSHIP OE STEPHEN Oa account of the epidemic • oI Influenza it is heireby 'ordetr d that all schools' and churches shall be closed' and public gatherings are here- by prohibited in the Township of Stephen after the 1.8th list, until fur- ther notice • - J. W, Orme; M. 0. H, . Township Stephen, FARM FOR SALE. 122 acre farm, Lott 25 and 26, Lake: Road Stephen, neat- Dashwood, for talc, ort the property is a new two- storey brick :haute, bank barn 70x40, with L of 12' feet; driving shed 'and large open shed two goad wells; well drained and fenced; an acre of or- chard ; r -chard.,• convenient to school; church and post office. Apply at' Advodatet Office, Exeter. HORSES WANTED l 'want as unlinndted nismber • of Wises in 'good condiGeldings 5 grlee's1>d up, weighing from 1500 ptrt rtrla' up, Mares frost 4 year ol,d , weighing ;from 1300 pounds up. 1liet'ok.i, Ilaviog the required whiff, Ateida*Or phone $3, ,Exeter. G, I,, IOW FIXE ITR AI7VU[ T1X Over th• Loan. Mr, Thos. Nelson has resumed his genteel^ duties, after, a few days` illness. Mr, Fred May, after several days' illness, is oni' duty again at the stare. :Mr, Willis Petrel' is again in charge of his stone after sievertul days illn;essi Rev. J W,„ Baird has been canfin.ed to the hone 1dr''severaL days through i1laue., $Ir s. W. T. Acheson isecalre,rinb riiely from her; illness,, as is also, her daughter,, Ariveliit;' Ir, Jtirnres Tay .oi- a b e "t' y'1 was`t 1 a. some dott ri town` Monday 'for a Walk -after his seriOut `allutiess. Dr.-Hyindmaln ovals able to get out to the office for a short time Monday after 'a -week's &press,` 'Mt`. 'Frank D10:rildge wa,s taken ill last' week` of -tbie-;jnfluenza,'and ' is still confi4ned to his horde. leat,rness'Brother`s are again, on duty at the barber shop, after several 'days absence • caused by illness. • ;Mr. J, G. Stansbury a,nid family and :Urn:R.: G.--Seldon and. two -sons are cbiithnai'te`scinug, after 'the influenza. Mr. I, J. Payne is again in chargee of this deliivety wagon at• Mrasrs. „Janes` \say, after ;a. cotuple;;weeks'', alness. Miss Olive Treble tripped and fell the other evening, and coming in con- tact with an, obstacle injured her nose quite painfully. ,, Mr, Williami 'Rowcldf f e,' London Road south, oe-i Suadayt'suffered a stroke of Paralysis and is at nr+esent, ,in a very pooiestate of hath. Mrs. SylvanuS Cann ,who' has been in very .poor hteailth far soan,e time, was removed to the Guelph San,itor- unr last week for treatment.' Mr. Thos. Clark of Stephen, lras Moved with hit family innta the home. he recently purchased from-. Mrs. Northcott on Siaancoe; Street. Those who commenced in the Royal Templars of Temperance, by paying 51.35 a month •on a policy of 52,000 have now to pay $16.40 a month. Top with the Victory The Normal Schools will re -open on Saturday next and students will ,re- turn to their studies'. Sessions will be held on, Saturdays` to make up for lost time, The Patriotic League and the Sol- diers Aid Society have 'bath prepar- ed and mailed Christmas boxes to the boys overseas. About 150, boxes have been.. sent. 'lire supreme court sitting for Hur- on County, which were to have -been. held in Goderich; on November 4, have been postponed until January 6, be- cause ,of the :influenza. Ta engagement is announced of Jean Fergus, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs Oliver Baird of Parkhill, to Mr. Wm. A. Suthieelaind of Parkhill, the mar- riage to take place in November. The families of, Mr, John Delbridge and Mr.' Wilson Hawkins of Usborne are recovering frbin• the influenza. Charles Delbrlldge will be soniieitime convalescing, ihdwever, as -his was a vier} severe case: Di Beattie Martin, son of Rev. W. M. Martin of London, formerly of Ex- eean.+lr✓e t11e,, Staff Gf- the' -Mayo 'Hospital, Rochester,'MIit;; in succiessian: to Dr, Beal who re- cently died of, pneumonia Dr.- Martin has had valuable experience in France and Palestine for over two years_ A quiet we-dding took place on Oct. 24th at the bride's home, William St. when Miss Emily Brooks became the bride of Mr., -S. J: Elliott, both of Exeter. The bride was becomingly attired in a travelling suit of navy blue broadcloth andcarried a bouquet of: Christmas, roses and orange tilos s'oms. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Medd. Mr. and 'Mrs, Elliott have the, blest wishes "'of their` many friends. CARD' OF. THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis • of Eliirnville desire to thunk their friends and ,neighbors for their many kind•- nesses during the illness and subse- quent death of -their little daughter, Margaret Caroline.` THB GRIM REAPER AT WORK. The death of Miss Neva Snell, the daughter of Mr. Thos. Snell of Lon- don, formerly of Exeter, from. - in- fluenza, ads sincerely regretted in Ex- eter. She was a nursing sister and contracted the disease while trying to help others. Mrs. Henry- J. Smith of London, for- merly of the Lakae Road, Stephen, and later ai Crediton, died nrLond London on Tuesday of last week of influenza,..., Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Ar thur Davis `af Exeter, and a daughter of the late Abraham Dearing. The death occurred odyn- Oct. 31st in Meyro nice, Sask., of Howard Frost; son-.in-la'w of Mr. Chas. Mason of De - of Usborne. De- troit formerly 1 Y , 4 FlaVe restored tlionsands of lana• dians to health and strength by.• banishing their kidney or bladder troubles. The?' s'ationai ;Drug, tr ohomioaa Co. bf Canada, 'Quilted, Toronto. Try them, 50c. a pas, t;x+ THU Wo!r!l sen are' busy rebuilding the tawen' on. James , Street Methodist- Church, Norman NTorry and A. T. Harness af' town hove each been atvarded.War, Service Badges in, Class A and B. Mr. John Rowe has coanmenoed o aiuove his household effects from his farm ;in, Hay Township ,trod his resi- dence ,. on .Elizabeitli, streett Exeter. iIr, . Stewartson, barber, is moviii;g. bh family_, here this week from Lucent occupying the house on the ,tcarner of Ann and Carling streets, a ecent vacated by Mx. C,• L; Wlsoni ARM SHATTERED i Mrs. 0. Southcott' received word 'Saturday 'that ; her bro„ther'-inelaw, Mr, 'Kenneth Gordon,, oil Sarttirday last 'hard his left -arm' badly shattered when.. out shooting near his home at Pickering, On(t . Apoamenitly 'thee ghat exploded and the .injuries ane very 'severe,' There is danger, of his lasing the arm. i.'Irs. Gordon was formerly Miss Delight Hobbs, daugh(teid •orf ..the late- Rev: Richard Hobbs,'FUNERAL OF OF MRS. STEWA•RT The fune,'rail" afi the late Edna' Annie Creech. wife ;of iN.fr. 'Alex, Stewart ,of London, and formerly' Of 'Exeter, and - only ;daughter of Mr. - and •Mrs Wm: Cneech>aof Exeter, took place an Fri- day ,morning last,• -from .thlegExeter„de- pot .to Exeter cemetery on the - ar- rival of ` thte . ntbni sg train from don,. Rev;” Dr. Medd cdriducted the burial service, and those present from a distance. were the husband, Mr.' Stew -art Messrs. James Bissett and Roy Davis of London, and 'Mrs. N. W. • Creech of Brantford: The late Mrs, Stewart; whose death occurred at her hone, 657 York St., London, on Wednesday, afternoon last October 30th, had, been ill about' ten days of influenza, and was considered much better during the week end, but a sudden change far the worse took place and the end carne rapidly in spite of every care. Her mother had been in. constant attendance upon her during the whole of her illness. De cieased was born, in Exeter, and re- sided here until two years ago, 'when. they moved to London. She was be- loved by all who knew her. Besides her husba,nd and, pareints she is sur- vived by three little daughters, Irene, Madeline and Florence, and one '"bro- ther, R N. Creech of T,he Advocate, Ir: Stewart and the children, were also ill, but are ,recovering nicely. Sin- cere sympathy goes out to the be-' reaved relatives. The late Mrs, Stewart was 38 years of age. DEATH OF ALFRED , WALTER. Another of Exeter's well-known and respected citizens has passed away. We refer to the death, on Monday jnarning, Nov. 4th, of Alfred Walter et the age of 62 years. De- ceased had been subject to heart trouble .for the past year, and on; sev- eral occasions had been in a critical condition. His last illness commenc- ed only a few days prior to his death, and was aggravated by worry about' his wife, who still continues seriously with but very slight hopes of her recovery. The end came shortly af- ter seven o'clotck on Moaiday mlarn- in:g. Born. in'Devonshire, England, deceased came to Canada about 36 years ago, first settling in = London, where he acted in the capacity ' of fireman From that city he moved to i'trrlaghanm and . later Brucefiel.d, Be - life, wing.'rine "U1JSava u.. ltie.^ rotor..'.,, akin the United States he ;left far iLan City, where he remained for - three years, or until his place of business was burned, when he returned to Can-:, ada and settled in Exeter. About 27 years ago he went back to England and settled in Cardiff, Wales, but re- mained only about two and a half yealrs. He thjem, returned to Exeter,: and has since made this his Moore, with the exception of three years spes-nt• at Devon, in the hotel business. He: was a shoemaker by trade and was a 'thorough workman and an expert' at the business. He was a man much lteepected for his good qualities of both heart and head. A. man of more than the average - intelligence, being` well read and was ,especially interest- ing inhis conversation. Manny a pleas- ant and profitable hour has been pass- ed between his friends and himself in'. his workshop in the discussion of the. various public tonics( in which he was so much interested. He was always, courteous and 'considerate and made•, friends ` by ,his affability. Ile was deeply interested Ln everything Brit- ish and was lane of the most patriotic> of our citizens. By„his friends as well' as by his relatives his fess will be deeply mourned. He was twice mar- ried, bis first wife • predeceasing hien about 22 years. Besides his wife (nee Edith Dyer) he it survived by one daughter and one soil,—Miss Mabel of London and Herbert of town. He also leaves one brother. William of Rahn River, Ont., and two sisters, tvtrs. W. G. P;tewes and Mrs. John El- liott of Steelton, Ont. The funeral vhlch was private, took place to the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday al ernocan. Miss B,eile Gotild Windsor is vis ting with relatives her eMiss Ethel Sweet was home from Ti(iisanburg don. a bete; days. IVIg. and Mrs. W. H. Lev -eft were up rom. London o Monclay and Tuesday Misses Lulu Martini at ri Irene Rivers visited ,Miss Lillian, Boyle in London ver Sunday, Miss Gladys !I iestle relented Sat- irday to.resume her teaching duties. t Hamiflton. Vliss Gladys Bissett of ,th,e staff of andom. Consi:irivatary was Thome for h,e week end, t' privates. Jos, Davis and Maiurice Quancc returned tof the; Guelph camp'' asst week, after a holiday here. Mr. Frank Mallett, sr., who has cen working in; Landon for two or. h,ree months, hats' returnecl'"toExeter: Mrs, Geo. Ea`sterbrook and daugh- ers, Mrs, Lee and Miss Phoebe, re- urned .from Seafortly on Monday ev- ening, Mr, and - Mrs, E.Dyer and Mrs, Smith of Brantford arc here attend-- in the funeral of the late Alfred; Walter. 4 811A Y.. N.IV,,, .-18 PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 8-3620 .oe .Department ' O.`•C7R I\ E 1 T • OFN ... OC'i SHOES RIGHT FROM THE MAtNV`-' FACTURER ENA'BI:ES •US TO, GIVE YOU A BIG ASSORTMENT AT A GREAT SAVING IN PRICE.` :DO THESE LINES -IN' Y01J .LADIES'" FELT. SHOES- ANIS_ '-SLIPPERS. in a veri etY Yof st les or' ,... i< comfort and cold weather. LADIES`. DARK` BROWN S-IGIC-LACED SHOES,r• with miluitatry, •or.low heels, at 0;57.50i8.59 58.59 :, a LADIES' HIGH.BROWN,''.SHOES Neolinnr soles: at _$7;50 LADIES:;'HIGH LACE' BLACK 'ICI1) OR PATENT'SHOES—the neiv est•`style in Einpress make $6.0.0,ta LAMES' ,TWO -TONED 111051' tan Mocha- tdp, Einpi1ees at ' $9,50 Aho Hundreds Of'pai,rs of good clear at $3.00 'ta 55.00 MEN'S WARM FELT ; SHOES LACED SHOES—Black ,with:.grey.• or EMPRESS SHOES regular' height, .to AND SLIPPERS MEN'S MAHOGANY 'SHOES,- Neal n. • Soles' at X5,5.0, MEN'S GOOD BLACK" BOX CALF SIQES,—Sime quality, at Pham 55.00 to $5.5,N',: ' MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK.' SHOES' at, 53.50 up, And•Hunditjeds of pairs. of solid leather shoes' for Boys and far .School;, or for Sunday, at moderate prices, , Girls SOLE AGENTS We are the sole agents for Exeter' far the famious Life -Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots, fit any 'foot or a ny 'shad, I Men's and Boys' Clothing , Depar ent MEN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS FOR ' WINTER, $12,00 to $39,00. YOUNG MEN'S BELTE FRENCH COATS 515,00 to $20.00 BIG RANGE' BOYS' OVERCOATS plain or belted at law prices. SEE OUR LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS., MEN'S FUR COATS, GREAT VALUES AND GUARANTEED. MEN'S READY -;•MADE OR MEN'S TAILOR MADE" SUITS WE CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER JONES & MAY. Heaadquarten "for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Cbathang Men tie d Hays. LICENSED' AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for' C.ounties of Huron Perth, Middlesex arcndt Oxford. Farm, Stock Sales a S,peciaLty. Office at Cockshutt Wa¢jerooma, next` door- to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR' Licensed Aut ,ti oniee,r for Counties of lintion n anid Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Sathsfaeti,oai G'uaratnteetd. Crediton, Onkatrio. The' new a issue of three .cunt stamps does not Meloy, thie murk L T. C., which meant one aerie war tax. EM.A.LTH TALK SPANISH .,.:INFLUENZA OR -GRIP BY DR. LEE H. SMITH. An old enemy is with us again, and whether we fight a German or a germ, we must put up.aigood fight, and not be afraid. The influenza runs a very brief. course.,when the patient is careful, and if we keep the system in good 'condition and throw off the poisons which tend to accumulate within our bodies, we can escape the „disease, Remember "these three C's—a clean mouth, a clean: skin, and clean bowels. To carry off poisons from the system and keep the bowels ,loose, daily doses of a pleasant laxative should be taken. Such a one is made of May -apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap, and called Dr. Pierce's. Pleasant Pellets. Hot lemonade should be used freely if attacked by a cold, and the patientshould be put to bed after a hot mustard foot -bath. To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and to control the pain, Anuric tablets should be obtained at the drug store, and one given every two hours, with lemonade. The Anuric tab- lets were first discovered by Dr. Pierce, and, as they flush the bladder and cleanse the kidneys, they carry away much of the poisons and the uric acid. It isimportant that broths, milk, but termilk, ice-cream and simple diet be given regularly to strengthen the sys- tem and increase the vital resistance. The fever is diminished by the use of the Anuric tablets, but in addition, the fore- head, arms and hands may be bathed with water (tepid) in which a table- spoonful of salaratus has been dissolved in a quart. After an attack of grip or pneumonia to build up and strengthen the system, obtain at the drug. store' a " `lIZ0,NEY. TO LOAN` " We thea a Name, mount cf piitvate fund's tb hoes On dorm aiafd ,te$11a'6 e( proPierty alt 3aPr2s of interast. GL'ADM:iN & ST,ANBURY Beirris'terai S#ol;iiicstort, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Baauister. Solicitor, Notauy Pubbc, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money tb loam at lowest rates of irate rt. , Office-Maian Street, Exeter. Dr, G. F. Rou(lstan, L. D. S., D. 1.D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. C., D. S. of Ont. Honor Graduate „Taranto University Office over Carlinng's Law Oflice., Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. 5., D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain• or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter ,EYES TESTED FRET Satisfaction ,Guaralntteed. All errors of Eyesight corrected, CREDITON DRUG STORE Tea Coffee- Store ee-StoJL For the ah groceries!, fruitsb teats rim _ . evaryo tb ug itx the groce y Up. Opal and see has, A trig' as to quality ut1111 c011tdiri- o®. Protium taken in mice Jas. Gould Furniture and "Undertaking e N. _ W.fin/ Tan FUNERAL D1BJtCTQE:; AND FU,RNrir I, DBAk:I R Exeter a n Store ictorey Bonds lvlr, Frank' J. Delbridg,e:, one of the Exeter; is unable to be mitt this week please calli' up Thomas Cameron., Al one of them will coil and get your any Bank, DON'T MISS BUYING crent, and the stronlgtest security in and Exeter 5265,000. NO official canvassers i,ia Usborn'e d' owing to, illness. If his friends v74.1 hert Irlarstiings, aa' 5. G. Stanbury, airy apnlication, or you can lea,ve, it at BONDS TO YOUR LIMIT, '54 per the world: Allotment for Usb`orhe Help ni(ajlt'O, lr;, good i ron tonic, called a Irontie" Tab= lets o that well knownherbal tonie L Aro Pieerce {olden Medical Discovery. eavers W •