The Exeter Advocate, 1918-11-7, Page 5Whalen The stall 'dea4itook place on Satur. (day ..porairu,g o the Swanip',J.ine of Pat 'Grrace,, eldest son; ;of the 14te Mi- ch of •Gface, from bate umonia, fol- lowing ,influenza, They father died las ,i� g t s run ..an,d..this ,1;eav'e•s just , .a. young brother Toe to manage the af- fairs of the farm and, caste Car the widowed, mother and two &niters. The family have: the sympathy of the com- munity ottamunity in their bereavement,— Miss 1Q,elia Peart of Exeter visited friends here. ,oat. Sundaiy.—Walter Pollen and ,son of WoolihOani• and Mrs, Stevens 1 p' V and -daughter o1 ''vVLoodnded liara attei [ � 1. ,ft ehurcix 'ih 4;<on.-,:•_Sunid �. ;' ,onathan v.., AN AN1) Brock'a1n;d..wife' af',Lticaty visited Ails sa&tet• ',Mrs, .Joan kitttchinscn ,here on Sunday, -Mr , and Mrs .Johzi"Hodgsoh have moved back to tie `fariii, and the son William has. taken .Oossession.,•:< of their house in Granton. .' ' • BAYFIELD-The death occurred at Lambeth of Beauvic;e Anderton, •aecl 24; years, daughter of Rev. S Ander- son;,e and sister of ,Rev. Eric Ander- son of thus village, from vnfl,uenza,,, Military 9 Service : ct 1917.. EMPLOY SENT OF WIEN ON DEFAUL1 UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT, The following Regulations, recently approved by. the Governor General in Council, impose-, strict obligations upon every employer TO. ASSURE •HIM- SELF THAT EACH OF HIS EMPLOYEES OF MILITARY AGE AND DESCRIPTION IS :IN. POSSESSION OF DOCUMENTS PROVING THAT HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARYI SERVICE ACT. An`` employer who is charged with having a defaulter in his employ must be able to prove. THAT THE MILITARY SERVICE PAPERS ISSUED 11),Y"THE FFGSISTRAR OR MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO TI .; EMPLOYEE IN QUES- TION WERE PRODUCED FOR > HIS' INSPEC-, TION at the time when the employee was takeninto .his employment, and that ' it was reasonably estab- lished to his satisfaction that the man was not in default under the Military,,Service Act. It should be clearly understood that the Canadian Registraticr. Certificates given on June 22, 1918, at the time of • general registration, in no way define the status of a man under the Military Service Act. REGULATIONS. " 106. Every person who employs or retains in his serVice any man who has deserted or is absent without leave from the. Canadian Expeditionary Force, or who is in tufa int the performance= of any obli- gation or requirement for re- porting or for`nailittlry service, imposed: upon hire by the Act or Regulations, or any procla- mation thereunder, shall -bc o illy of an.offence punishable 'summary .conviction by im- prisdilifii nt. not .. i ec` "iib - lx: mouths,' or by a tpenalty of not less -than One Hindred Dollars, and of not more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine, unless such person prove that he . `iini.de due ; inquiry and that •: THE MILITARY SER- VICE PAPERS ISSUED BY TILE REGISTRAR OR THE MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE MAN : SO EM- PLOYED OR RETAINED IN BIS SERVICE WERE PRODUCED FOR. HIS "IN SPECTION, and that it was reasonably established to his satisfaction by such ;inquiry and papers that the than was not a deserter or absent -from the force without leave, -or in default in respect of any of the, obligations or requirements tfu • id.'' ` 1u6 . Every person wlio IIAIRI,OUII.S OR CONCEALS OR IN ANY WAY ASSISTS ANY.'.[AN WHO IS A' DE- _ SERTE': • OR ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE FROM THE C: LNA1 ".:e_N EXPE- DITIONARY FORCE, or who is in default in the per- formance of ;anyobligation ar -requirement for reporting or for 'military service imposed upon lam by the Act or `Renu 11 F lations or any proct�Lin'ri,tt6ii* y ”' titer -.niter, shall be guilty of an uitence punishable upbn summary conviction by im— prisonment not exceeding six months, or,by a penalty of not less than One Hundred Dollar,, and of not more than Five'_ Hundred Dollars, 'or by 'Doti such imprisonment l and fine. unless such person prove that he was not aware and had -no reasonable .'ground to suspect that the man so harboured, concealed, •,or '' assisted was •a " deserter . or absent from the forces 'without leave or in default in„respect of any of the obligations or requirements aforesaid.” MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ON HARVEST LEAVE. Attention is'directed to a recent announcement published in the Press by ...the Military Service Branch, Department of Justice, regarding extensions to be granted to men EXEMPTED AS FARMERS. It is pointed out that this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AFFECT MENS WHO HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY THE REGISTRAR TO REPORT to Depot Battalions and who' have thereafter received leave of absence from the Military Authorities, Once a man has .been ordered to report for duty by the Registrar heleaves the jurisdiction of the Registrar and comes under that of the Department of Militia and Defence, and is to be considered, as a soldier. This applies to men of the 20 to 22 Class who have been ordered to -report by the Registrar in. virtue of the cancellation of exemptions by Order -in -Council of the 20th April last, as well as to those ordered to report in the Usual way on refusal of claim for exemption, or on expiration of exemption granted. - All hien, accordingly, who have been ordered to report,, and are therefore SOLDIERS, and who have :subsequently been granted harvest. leave, by • the military _authorities, MUST, NOT WITHSTANDING THE NOTICE ABOVE RE- - FERRED To„° REPORT' ON THE EXPIRATION OF. THAT LEAVE, unless they are notified to the .contrary by their Commanding �OFficer or by 'general notice published, by the Department of Militia DEPARTMENT'and Defence, 'bF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. ,CANADIAN IMPS= eat' 41st -Zeur's §trbscriptio Oeiioft,, and I3ig e'r ,Nrinpr Will Follow. T :Fiesrr. • The Imperial Munitions Boal 're- ceives advances ot• riearl 124;00C 400 a month from the lIon .ton Government. It ha received"over $664,004000 in advances from the'Dominion Golf- ernment and the. Canadian ' banks. It has placed $1„20.0,0'00.,004 wortga of war orders in Canada for=the Brit- ish; and other Allied •Governments: An advance ot'$10,000,000 enabled. it ,to give orders to Canadian,, ship yards for 44 wooden ships, To this program 46 steel shipswere added, Total value over $60,000;000. An advance of $1,000,000 enabled the Board to. begin the manufacture of airplanes in Canada;• 3,000 have been built to date of a value • of $30•,000,000. Between 250,000 and 300,000 peo- ple are working in Canada on war orders obtained -through the Board. ft has $500,000,000 of war orders in sight for 1919. - To carry out -this program will require millions in advances which must come from the Victory Loan. • Bruceflelcl 'VIr, H. P, Yr 'deli. roan.. , er of the a afd �' , 1Ylalsc�n',: ,Barak, here, has sufficiently !tlecovered from a, severe attack of ,the "flu" au to -resume his duties in the Bank, and we are all ,pleased to see .11,4! smal&rg'face behind theWicket -Th stork ca(tled[and• left two tine baby girls at the 'home- of Mx. and firs" Civirles Ct.dford.—Mr, Henry LaBcan is bus) taking up his sugar beets these clays and reports a good crop. Mr, Chat:, Vasnl-utu: ins im,proaviinFg the ap- pearance of 0is home by building two new verandahis,.—Mr, G. A. Glenn, to the south of the vldia e, reused an offer cL •9000 for h,isfine, hundred acre farin,. Mr. Jack :Nic%iu,gli;t. iia;.' purc,),ase.d the 1Nijethtodis�t church for the sum of $250. He intends, using it anfor implement shed,-, 17r. Alex. Mustard bought the half -acre of land and Mr, Dan Ross the sheds,— Mr. Dare Mclnttosh and sons sold thea 100 ache farm north at the io Mr Geo. Armstrenr, of Stanley, for ;;5;5000. CLIN,TON, Aller a brief illness, extending a lath over a week, there passed away 'moonier'bright young life, ite the per- 3on of Edna Peaura Beacom, ,beloved wife of Thomas Churchill of Clinton al the early age of 10 years. --Monday Carter, son of Mr. , evening William l • , ost as Atal as that of :, protecting the honor • <of rotectin.. and of flag and country,wt theduty xhausted " ,well-nighe ,.s tree h ens �_ safe,. uacding health. �. . t , is the t me to resistive:powers are•reduced, , 'thenthe � , and � - disease •germs are the—most potent potent and when affords ,. splendid and effectual means of offsetting the tendency toward weakness and protecting strength , The abundant tone and unique nourishing properties of Scotts.'mrau1sfor make a dependable agentthat{ may be used everyday, by anyone, to protect strength. colt fa Bowise, ' oraato. peat, and Mrs. •Isaac Cartes; passed away )iter lin attaci of d,nrfluenza.. Depeas- ed alas about 20 ye2rs of age. He - „hod had an attack and was up wh•on he took a rellapsie. Mrs, Edward Walters of Cliuvtomnan- ;.ounces'the ,einigaigeniient of her clau„ h- ei•, Sadie Helen to John A.-Hortoa> Si-aforth,, the marriage to take place int November,. • 18-4 ST. iMARYS.—Night Watchman' A.r- eb e Moir found, his wife dead in bed Flaursday mottling when. he returns€l from ;work.' Both the and her hus- band had been: iltl with influenza, and t was ?Yrr< Moir's first nigh: n dutv ga?fin. The deceased. was in her 4.8`;h vea.r° and was a native of-.Blaash,a-r1 r ow'n.sh.ip, her maiden name.be'ing Jennie Enright, 4 - ritish The Victory Loan is a bridge over which the farmers of Can- ada drive their hogs, their cattle, their grain and all their surplus crops to the profitable British mlarket or, the'' [none”' raised by the ictory Loan' enables Canada to give edit to Creat Britai>t . And oazly iy meansof that cred- it can Gra;Britain buy the products of a's farms. Therefore, When you come for- ward at your country's call and loyally lend your -money that Canada may ccintinue her vig- orous proscc?taon of the war, you are also benefitting your- ' self and the whole farming community. It is the duty of every earnest Canadian not only to invest heavily in Victory Bonds 1918, but to work among his neigh- bors to make the loan a success. Before the subscription lists close, every man should realize the sterling character of the investment; the good interest return of 51%; the undoubted securityoffered in the Bonds of - tis wealthy nation; and - the vital importance to all classes of people, particularly to the farm-- ers, of the Victory Loan 1918. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-dperatio l w ,i the Minister of Finande the *minion of Canada, -X18