HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-31, Page 8t• J1XETER MARKETS ihaneed . Each VITeicinesday 1Vlateat „„..,.„ ..,„.2,11 Spittle Wet .. ,..2,06 Oats .. . . .. . 73 to 75 13arleY 95 to .1,00 Family Flour „„,„„, Orleani,ery Butter . . . ,...„ Dairy Butter , , „.. 45 B.'",ggs , ,„ ,„ 50 to 5a, Potatoes , 2,00 to 2,25 Hay per ton „ 12.00 to' 14.00 I -logs 17,25 • -, STRAYED -From lot 24, ,coo.. 0, Us- borw, on. Oct. th, mproved Yorke shixo, ise.v due in ..Lieceinlathr, Informal - tion leading to its recovery will be suit:dal; r ardd. Ph.one Orville i041,1:-.3 1,1 .1;111:14 HYDRO METERS. F13.dro domestic, meter,s will not be mead 't,11,31.3 month but the charge for October will be the saab s SePtem- heir, and accounts will be issued and mailed accordingly. Possible errors will be corrected at the next reading. UTILITIES COMMISSION DOG LOST. Oin. Thanksgiving Day, a tan and veliite, and' tanticked hound. Any person harboringthis dog will be prosecuted. A reward will be given for his reter,n, to, L R. CARLING, Exeter. • ormatio FUEL CONTROLLER At a special meeting af the Council held on Saturday night, Oct. 5th', 1918, Councillor Day was placed in full control of the Fuel situation, for the Village. All parties deserving a sup- ply of Hard Coal should at once see Lir. Day, and leave their order with him. Application forms will be in his possession and the Controller will sign those forms„ giving the dealer authority to deliver ordysuch quanti- ties as he may direct, Beautiful Plush Coats in very ntew- est s'tyler, in sizes 36 ta 46. Prices range from .840 to $45.00. -Stewart's ACCOUNTS DUE All outstanding accounts due nae are now payabl,e, and must be paid at once. A full line of -Deering Farm Implements always on hand. When in town call and see us. R. H. MURPHY. --- Th'e Dominion Feather Mattress Co. Exeter, will buy your old feather bed or your new feathers. Highestprices, 111ten's sheep Ened coats with fur - collar. 'Keep you dry and warm, -- $13,00.-Stewart's. If you drop a card to Dominion Mattres.s Co, Exete.r, our agent will call and show y,au the iiraprove,d fea- ther mattress oa. beautiful down com- forter made from old feather bed. RECEIVING ONIONS. j, H. Grieve will receive anions ev-- ea-y day texce,pt Saturdays, from -Oct. 15th to Noy. 15th. 81110810:0 Heavy ribbed those. Great wear - hag quality for baysl. Pter pair 55c -404 60c, -Stewart's. NOTICE TO CJTOISTS, •The Sudden Service Store, of Lau- don, have made arr,angements .with Beer to have tires that need, vulcanizing or ire -treading left at his store and tanks save unnecessary ezpress charges. Men's heavy fleece underwear. Get your supzily now at per garment, 81. -S tiewart's. Keep Monday evening, Nov. 4, open for one of the finest concerts of the ;season Particulars later. Miner Rubber Boats. Every pair guaraneeted, $5.50 and 86,50. - Stewart's, an* LAND WANTED. 300 acres or more land for flax for next year, for which good rental will be paid. Ontario FIax Company Joe. Davis, Exeter. Phone 13 r 12 Stewart is showing great values le Swatter Coats at 55.00, 3-56.00 to 55.00 TERMS STRICTLY CASH. All acaunts are due and payable, before October Tit. After. that „date our termwill be strictly cash. H. BIERLING, Exeter :North,. Health Notice TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN On account of thie epidemic of Influenza it ds hereby ordered that all schools and churches shall be closed and public gatherings are here- by prohibited in the Township of Stephen after the 18th inst, until fur- thier notice, J. W. Orme, M. 0. H. Township Stephen_ FARM FOR SALE, 122 acre farm, Lots 25 and 26, Lake RoadSte.pher, near Dashwood, for ,,sale. On the property Is a mew two- storey brick house„ bank barn 70x40, with L oe 12 feet; &Wing shed and large open shed; two! good wells; Well drained and fenced; an acre of or- chard; convenient to school, Ohurch 'and post office. Apply at AdvoCatet Office; Exeter, HORSES WANTED I want unlimited number of horses in good conditiotts. Geldings 3 years 'old up, weighing from 1500 tiyounds up. Mar= from 4 years old op, weighing from 1300 potinds pitatife.;- having the require,d stuff, toatlit..e. or phone 83, Exerter, t DOW • preK/CKNI,1"Wqr.9iiirNKNFAKSVX).' ( )0AI 110IN(1 .r • Owing to the epidemic of influeoza (ler dental office of Dr. Realstortl - cipsed until further, notice. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson ilaVe. mov- ed their household effects above the stare, where .they.. Nvoll maize ineir future home, The Exeter Flax Mill, which' has been, owned and conducted by Air. George Kellerman of Dashwood has been sold to the Ontario Flax Ca, Lir .A Hastings has been confined to 111s haute for a few days owing to a fall as hie as descending the steps of a residence at Centralia Saturday, Miss Rebecca Hawkins of Simcoe street was suddenly stricken down at her hone an Saturday last with a, stroke of paralysis and as a result has been almost deprived of her I) Ow- e r at speech. Mr Frank Mallett, jr, of London, son of INIr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett of Eseler, and who farm erly lived here, was in the recent L,on,don and Port Stanley Railway wreck and had this right leg severely trollied, It will oc- casion his being off duty two or three we e ICS. • Great praise is )due the ineiltical doctors and nurses for their sielf-sac.- rificing efforts to fight the ealiidemic now rogin.g throughout the woad, Sev- eral have ,died even in thjs district because they have thought not of themselves, but only of the good they could do, to athiers who' ore ill, Our local doctors have been, very busy and are getting little sleep or rest. Dr H "K. Hyrmain became 01 Sun- day nionning and was forced to take his' bed, A speedy recovery is earn estly hoped for. His serviced afro too vatuahle to be lost at this time,. Miss Johnston, nurse, was forced to rest for a few days, but -is again on duty in charge of Dr. Hyndmanes haspital, CARD OF TI-IA.NRS. Mr Bonney and family wish to sin, cerelv thank the neighbors and friends far the kind sympathy shown in, their bereavement,„ also for the beautiful floral offerings. DEATH OF MRS. LANDRY. During the past few- weeks the MN, - ages of that dread disease, Spanish influenza have brought sadness and grief to many homes throughout °af- ar:a and some homes in Exeter have not escaped the impress of its dead- ly WO-dil Probably no sadder event has stricken the friends and relatives thpn.tbt of t late, deathi olf MistyVAcier son, beloved wife of Mr. Joseph. O. Landry, udnch occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. -Acheson, on Friday last. Dec,eas- ed had never been robust, but she was in her usual health until about three weekprevious to her demise, when was stricken, with influenza and a complication of diseases developed which caused much suffering before death claimed her. Mrs. Landry was born in Exeter scud her whole life was spent in, Exeter. 0n the 29th of June last she, was anarrieel to her now bereft husband andsince then shehas made her home with, her parents. Mrs. Landry was of a light-heprted, cheerful, and lovable disposition, and her early -demise has cathed a gloom and sadness among her friends and associates that will not soon be for- gottei.. She was aged 21 years and ID months, A sai,d feature associated with lier death is that her mother was stricken down with, the same disease shortly atter Mrs. Landry's trouble began and being removed to Dr. I-1. liyindman's Hospital, across :from her borne, her condition also be-: came serious, and as a con,sequenco it was deemed inadvisable to inform her of the sad news of the death of . her daughl en Resides heir husband and lather and mother deceased is survived by three brothers and two sisters -Garvey Acheson of St. Thom- as, Beverley, Charley and Amelia at home and Mrs. Herb Walters of town. The, funeral\ which was private, took place Sunday to the Exeter Ceme- tery. a short service being conduct- ed in, the Tri -vitt Memorial Church by the rector, Rev. A. A. Trumper. 55 (111 ri1211 0 'ciccl gitAll,f,0,4:0.OW f Kidney and Bin deter Troubles don't ,Ittad.s you suddenly. Chronic, diseases of these organs are generally the re- sults of negleet. Nature gives you plenty of warning when your Kidneys are ou± of order and need assiglance; yet notice a dull pain- in the back; ou are dizzy, have headaches; feel languid, 1,11'1,0 and lifeless. • st There is no mistaking the symp- toms, and when Nature warns you— obey—or later you will regret it. Putting off never e,ures. Gin Pills do. At the first sign of Kidney or ,P,Jadder Trouble, buy a box of Gin Pills and take them, They will help ..your Kidneys to perform their proper function and renew . your previous ' strength a,nd vigor. Amman- our hundreds of testimonials is -one from Mr, B. G. David King's Co., X.S. Mr. David writes: "I was suffering from Li dreadful lame back and hips, so much so that I could hardly straighten up. I got a box of Gin Pills and they helpeci me ininsediately. I have continued to take Gin Pills, and now the pains in both hips and back are gone. I shall always recommend Gin pills to my friends and other sufferers" Mr. David's ease is only one of the many to which Gin Pills have brought immediate relief. Sufferers from Kid or Bladder trouble should heed what.has been done in such eases and try Go Pi Is. Sold almost everywhere throughout flanada-50e, a box. 'A free sample will be sent you if you write,to The iNafional & elnidpi Co. of Can- ada, Toronto, Ont, S, resirientis should address Na-Dru-Co. Inc, 002 Ma10 St )3uffalo NY. Ar,3oat nay be a rr es fed a\170 rant X or loafing. Pr. Workmain of, London 'who has been an hospital practice in New York ,dklring Inc summer, arrived hero on Tuesday. to take charge of 1-1 If, Hynclanan's practice dui'- lof 1i Dr, Workman cone's os'. the recommendation: of Dr. Lltoore „of , London and is highly spoken of as a 011ysicitan. Mr. G. G. Gibson of Sr."Louis, ilfoo Olt r Old and much, le t eJe C d &lead and subscriber, writing from that city in part, says :-"If you will let me know ,for .thie coming year what the amount is I will send it in advance), f ar t can't gellt along without the Ad- vocate, It is a weekly letter 1 am al- 'ays glad to ,read„ barring that por- tion which tells of so many broked.% hearts, the story of their dead and wounded boys, but, it wom't last long, now, They have them on the run and a few weekslongerit will be all over, and England and the Allies will be the victors.' BUSINESS GOING ON AS UstJAL Exeter has had a few cases, of the - prevailing epidemic of influenza, but nothing to,- interfere with business, as has been reported in the counts dur: ing the week, The 'trouble seems to be abating and 041 the cases ,arc do ing well. Dr. Roulston's dental office Harnest Bros, barber shop and Willis PowelPs store were closed for a few days owing to personal illness, but even- other business has been, going on as usual. HUSBAND AND WIFE DIE. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Gibson, who came Ilene from Stratford In April last, and who moved to London, a month „ago, 'died' in Victoria I-lospitai, London, within 24 hours of leach other -Mr. Gibson on Saturday roartng and Mrs, Gibson on Sunday rooming. Three little childreint were also Ill and they were taken to Stratford by Mrs Gibsons mother The death of the parents.was du ei to nneumonia devel- oped from GARVEY ACHESON GETS JOB. Chas. E. Dale, the former „ store- keeper at the St. Thomas branch of the Bere_Marcluette Railway; has re- signed to take a position at Elrnyra, N. Y., and his assistant, Garvey Ach- eson, for several years, has officially been named his successor., and will occupy the position of storekeeper for the entire Canadian division of the Pere Alarquette, 'with offices at St. Thomas. Lir. ..A.cheson, is a son of Mr W, T. AchlOon of the' Central Hotel, Exeter, and a nephew of ..Mr. Dale. USEFUL WAR SOUVENIR, The War Album issued by 2 the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is to hand and, is a credit to the Publishers. A copy is sent.free to all who order that paper for 1919. The ,Album co.nitaing a mine of valu- able information, and the color work could not be improved on. " It is just such a baalq as on; would like to have close' by at all trines. Every school child in Canada should have it. In aftexoyears when the war is over it will be a valuable book of reference, The Family Herald c osts only $1.25 a year, and with the Album is certainly big vaaue. AGED RESIDENT -PASSES. The death occurred on Sunday, 'Oct. 27th, of cue, of .Exeter's oldest res- idents in the person ,of Mrs. Ann Samwell. relict of the late George Samwell, nt tdrei age .of 91 years. Lirs Samwell had been confined to her ro,orn for some weeks as a result of a fracture of her hip, and owing to her great age mnd-ensfeebled constitu- tion, recovery was doubtful, but a few days ago she c,o,nti(acted pneu- monia, and the einid came iriopidly:- Barn in England she came to cany ads. with her iamily (the Snell family), when a girl ancr had resided in, this ci.4,2i&thborhood ,ever „sine e, She was twice married, first to John McLeod and late; to Georgie Samwelli Sur- viving relatives are grandchildren by the first, marriage, among them beint, „ -V Mr Linden Harvey is home from R. G. Seidon 'of Exeter. Deceaseo ' -th oronto owing to e University be - was an +estimable woman and highly .• riesPetted. She was a member od elofed- PHONE 32 .., CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Department -OUR Nii\IENSE STOCK SHOES RIGHT FROM TI -IE MANU - FACTURER ENABLES US TO GIVE, YOU A BIG ASSORTMENT AT A 'GREAT SAVING"IN PRICE. • DO THESE „LINES INTItRES`P IrGIU LADIES' FELT SHOES ..A.N1.) SLIPPERS is: a 'variety of stYlies, for comfort and cold weather. LADIES' IJAR,K. BROWN 1-1jG11-1I,ACED SHOES, with military, high Or low heels, at, 86,00, $7,56, 18-.50 • , - LADIES' HIGH BROWN SHOES -Neolin soles at $7.5( LADIES' HIGH LACE BLACK I<I1) OR PATENT SI-I0ES-the new est style in Einpiess make 86,00 to $8,50, LADIES' TWO -TONED HIGH LA CEI SHOES -Block with grey or tan Mocha •top, Einoness. at 59,50 • Also Hundreds, of pairs of good EMPRESS SHOES regular heiiht, to cllemr at $3,00 to $3.00 ' MEN'S WARM FELT'SHOES AND SLIPPERS MEN'S LdAI-10GA-NY- SHOES,-Neolin Sofei at $5,.5..0. MEN'S' GOO') BLACIC BOX CALF SHOES,-finle quality, at ftt-om $5,00 to 1,5.5,0 -di • , lilEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK SWOES at 13,50 • And Ifunclirteds of pairs ,of solid Leather shoes for' Boys and Girls- - for School, Or 2 or Sunday, at moderate prices, SOLE AGENTS We are the sole, agents for Exeter for the famous Life -Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots, fit any foot or any siri. t ' . • Men's and Boys Clothing Department LIEN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS FOR WINTER, 512.00 to 830.00.' YOUNG MEN'S BELTE FRENCH COATS $15.00 to 820.00 BIG RANGE BOYS' OVERCOATS plain or belted at low 'prices. SEE OUR LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS. MEN'S FUR COATS, GREAT VALUES AND GUARANTEED. -MEN'S-- READY - MADE OR MEN'S TAILOR - MADE SUITS WE CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS, COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER JONES& -MAY Headquarters for the Odebrated Sandford & Lion Brenda Clothing Mee ea d Ban; C W. ROBINSON LICENSED 4. ALUATOR for ,Ctuntles of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oeford. Fares Stock Wes a Specialty. Office g Cock -shun Witseraottss, next door .:Jo, :entre! WIC Beitla Stiltit, Flatter 4 Req V 4 AND FRANK ITAYLOR ticenaed Auictijdnieier or Counties ov Hinton and IVIidicluesex Prices Reasonable and , Sa.tIsifaction Guatranteetd. • Creldition, . . - C,aven. Presbyterian • church. The funeral was private and took place"„ Tue$day afternoon to Exeter eente-1. DIED IN FLINT, 1\11CH, • Ivaiatives here received word bal Monday of the death of Lirs., John -Deating„ who died at her thoine in Flint, Mich., on Sunday, aged 62 years. Mrs, Dearing hod been in, rather poor health ko,,i• some little time, but ilea- c and iti an w a s as us oat un til a b 0 tit three weeks ago, when, site fell a triz- tim 'lo pirteumonik • and she graclualily Sar1k till the end came, D coals ed wau,. born in the township of Stephen, be- ing a ,daug:hter or the late Mr, aril Mrs, George Ford': Deceased mar- ried ,her now bereft husband and soine thirty. years ago they moved to Mich- igan,' where they have since resided, Deceased iv,,,as well-len,own, tomany here and was much ,este,earecl by -a largo circle of friends bothhere and at her late home. /She is survied by her husband and threerFaughters; alaa three brothers „and, -three SiSterS - Gleorgc and John, Ford of Exeter Nor- th. Wiklrani Ford 02 Usbornic, ;Mrs, Thos. Elliott of tawn, Mrs. Paul Win -z, tsr or Rithrti, Mich., and Mrs., 1Z/44011e1rd 1-10,48 ol North Dakota, Her remains were interred at Flint. Miss .Elojse Baird is home from Brantfor. r Fr..Mallett, sr., was isome over Sunday from London, Miss Fanny 13owey-retua-ned to Lon- don Lionday morning, where she will fr)e s tune hc duties, Rc v. P.,echnond, Wrimo has been ,,du Toronito for same time, re- turned to tO33-,n, last weak, Mis Vercla Levert re turine.d this week from Windsor, where shewas rausing, add IS now indisposed. hTr.Johti Ford, jr,, Mrs, Thos. liatt hIr. Jas Wililis anti Miss Char- lotte Dearing left Monday evening for Fl- itch nd the funeral el bs , -MiLt \is, John to 'atterj There was never a time when the sac- rifices and the help of women were more appreciated than at the present time. Women should learn war -nursing and nursing at home. There is -no better way than to study the new edition of the " Comaon Sense Medical- Adviser with chapters on First Aid, Bandagii g, Anatomy; Hygiene, care of the Sie1; Diseases of Women, Mother and Babe, CREDITON DRUG STOREt Marriage—to be had at some drug -stores or send 50c. to Dr. Pierce, Courtwright St.; liridgeburg, Ontario. , a her, the best tonic and corrective is one et r largani If a woman suffers from Weak 1Dack, nervousness or "dizziness ---if pains afflict made up. of native' herb, and made with - MONEY. TO LOAN We thcaNie, legtge Mniouiat f private funitts to loan on farm ,azad vEta'gie prvnerty alt low rates of intereat. GLAIXIAN & STANBURY Bat:Asters, SidlicitorS, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, 15. A - Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Pubilit, Commisstoner, Solicitor for the Mol-. sons Rank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rater of interest. Orffice—Main Street; Exeter. Dr. G F. ROUL,S1701•I, L. D. S,15.D.S, DENTIST idembe, ol this it..41 C.D.& of ca. Honor Graduate Toronto :University alike over Cna-ling's law Office, Closed ,r17edriesdav afternoons. OR• .154 R KINSMAN, L.D.S., Honor Graduate Toionto Ilittverldtt reeth extracted without pain or am .,r,,4t4 effects. Office over Gladnum & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter EYES TESTED FREE ,• Satisfaction Guaranteed. All errors of Eyesight corrected, Tea & Coffee Store. For the oboie groceries, fruits. splem tea, coin* and every* thing -in the grocery -line. Call and see ustrial as to quality will 0012Vitt- 00. Produce taken in exchange Jas. „Gould Furniture and • ertalrink THE FuNtaAL DIR4OTOR AND FURN:ITURE DEA.L/FiR out alcohol,. which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It is the prescriplion of Doctor Pierce, used by him in active practice many years and now sold by almost every druggist in the land, in liquid or in tablets. Send Dr. Pierce, 'Buffalo, N. Y., 10c, for trial pkg. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are ah best for liver and bowel trouble. • Stratford, Oftt.—"Dr. Pierce', Favorite Pre- Scription was a great help to me. During an expectant; period I became all run-down; 'Weak and nervous and could. not eat --was nauseated. I also suf- fered with backaches. I was a complete wreck and was down sick in bed wen 1bcgan taking 'Favorite Pre- \ ectiption! I soon com- er strength. I could do all my work and fell, tine, I ansi had practically no C tiff cring and inc baby waS stron . , me to health and B. W. F Beavers finally restored and healthy,—Mrs. Monies BurIcigh, 3518 pric t5G. Good Value and Ho vle to Get It Your interests as a intembea- of the consuming publi,c and ours aS a re- tale.: of - Shoes are identiica(1, They May be summed' un in, a 'single Phrase "QUALITY SHOES AT FAIR PRICES," erV ' A . fair price to -day is a prite than Usual, biecatfse the cost ,every' item of material and labor whinh, goes into as pr of shoes has arleimed -,4reatly .and is still. „inc•Lreasiing, ' ' . , We are tlignelling sito,es which we knew wiiI g,ive, you 'good value ltIcting service. ,Z1,5" as style: We ask you Io dook over .at t, tries, , • RUBBERS FOR, F,'VIERYBODY, • We have a full line ' of 1-IOSIEE.-Y", GLOVES, MITS, -UNDERWEAR,;, SNIOCI<S, OVERALLS, .ETC, •.• '