HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-31, Page 7For ''Autmin
Developed in serge this' one-piece
.dregs is just the last word in ;smart,
nesse 1YIcCa11 Pattern No. 8589,
Ladies' Dress. ; In. 6 -sizes,- 34 to 44
.1e -tie -le Price, 25 cents,
.A. suit is an essential with the well-
dressed woman,- and here is an ex-
ceptionally unusual adaptation of one.
McCall Pattern No. 8547, Ladies'
Double -Breasted Coat. In 7 sizes, 34
to 46 bust, Price, 25 cents. Mc-
Call Pattern No. 8388, Ladies' Skirt,
In 5 -sizes, 22 to 30 -waist. Price, 20
These patterns may be obtained
from Tour local .McCall dealer, c or
from the MelV�e0aJi Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toron'ro, Dept W.
A Scanty Meal.
In ,a certain hospital the patients
werevery badly, fed, and looking fora
ward to an inspection, 'when they<
could lodge a complaint. '
``When one inspecting day ecti? _in
�g officer
came round, one Tommy was ,deter-
,nined not to. miss this opportunity.
`,`What's ;:your complaint?" asked
the off eer.
"Trench fever."
'"Oh! And what is the a diet?" con-
tinued the ;officer solicitously,
"Two sucks at ,the thermometer
daily!" was the answer. "
At Compound mile of Whoa,
Potato forealCorromok3LOL.
Saving Sugar
and. Wheat
.Is comfort bly
done when one;
This cereal food
is composed port -
Iv of 1?arley and
ontains its er
suer made roll
5 'n /`swims-
Illy 'wox:,
ful Food, r aa�,y
to e 'Elt,,
Cando FoocI Board license N2'2,4)26
uacw w ~acim=61407r• �••.�m•-nc,;•ra3..
An immense It. A. F. mac,,hine
ready to start with. its load of bombs
for Germany.
ria alEY are cutting spruce in Brit:
ash Columbia. The silyerspruca.
forests, long neglected because
,of lack of market and transportation,
have found their place. The straight;
fine-grained, tough wood is the ideal
material for the manufacture of aero..
• plane parts. The silver spruce grows
only on the islands and ocean coast,
• of .;Bliitesh Columbia and the north
west United States. The American
timber of this species -is being used
exc uslvely for. -war purposes .of the
States, the needs of the other allies In
the great war are supplied by., the
A Sitka_ (silver) spruce log cut on
the Queen .Charlotte Islands off the
coast of British Columbia for the Im•
perial Munitions Board.
wonderful forests of B. C., this sup-
ply being made possible through, a
splendid organization perfected dur
ing• the past' ten months by Major
Austin C. Taylor, , director of the
How the . Sights and, Customs o
Civilization Affect Him.
Aeronautical, Department of the Tin.'"
AerialMunitions Board, 'Hundreds
of camps, scores of tug -boats, tb'ou.
sands of men are at-Kor1G on the
forests, while scores of mills cut the
logs. ` Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany tugs, haul great, rafts across the
waters of the Pacific Coast and dis-
charge the cargo at the mills and
terminals. Hundreds and hundreds
of Canadian Pacific Piafiway cars roll
eastward monthly loaded with prime
aeroplane lumber, bound for the.
aeroplane factories in the, east. The
wants of France and England. CanadYa
and Italy are 'filled by the logger::i.of
British Colum1 la, ..and and. the industry
will grow even beyond its present'
tremendous volumes --L, V, Ii.
fused to believe were carried' in the
"But how on earth;" they' asked
"do those men get any food?"
"0 fool!" came the answer: "Of
It is an amusing speculation to plc course they catch birds!"
ture one of our remote` ancestors cud
denly transported through time from. SEVEN BROTHERS KILLED
the homely days,. say of the seven- ,i _
teenth century, to the hustling, bustl- An Amazing Tale of the War Re
ing days of. the present. "How his
eyes would open at our marvelous in--garding An Australian Soldier.
ventions!" `we say. The nearest we The Agent -General for New South
can come to bringing that to pass is Wales issues .the following remark-
to bring out suddenly to civilization able statement regarding an Aus-.
some of the tribesmen who have never tralian soldier's military career:,
before left their jungle lorries and Staff Sergeant W. F. Payne, Aus-
who have never heard of engines or tralian Imperial Force, to whom a
telephones ormotion pictures. We cottage at Darlington, N.S.W., has
imagine our remote ancestor as stand- recently been erected by voluntary
ing in awe before our wonderful de- labor, and who has a wife and 'three
vices. .Perhaps we wouldlaugh at children, has had an amdzingly rein
them, too, as some of the West Afri- antic career in the military service:
can tribes did on their way to the Five of his brothers were killed at
front in German East Africa. A Mons, one. at Bullecourt, another else-
writer in Blackwood's tells about where in France, and two in the Boer
them. - ,``' war, while his only living brother lost
The wildest excitement prevailed on .a leg' at Mons. lire father of thin
family of eleven fighters, now 78. is
a Lieut. -Colonel in chargee of Bisley
rifle range.
Sergeant Payne enlisted in Sydney
in August, 19k4, the da,y after war
was declared. He took part in the
famous landing at Gallipoli, and was
wounded. .Later he was blown up by
a shell, and was rendered blind for
nine weeks, deaf for ten weeks, and
dumb for four and a half months. He
regained his speech in a Sydney the-
atre by -the startling effect of a stage
i board; he says. Many of these na-
tives had never seen the sea, and very
few had ever sailed upon it. They
believed most things their officers told
then, but it was of no use to tell
them that men built this great float-
ing town. No. Allah must have made
it! Pointing to the two steam tugs
lying side by side in the harbor, they
asked how soon it would take these
lessee ,craf1 to grow to the size of the
transport, which must be their moth-
er. The tables and benches on the
troop deck of the -ship were an un-
necessary eneunebrance to'the black
men, whoIknew not whether to sit on
the tables and rest their feet on the
benches, or to sit on the benches, us-
ing the tables as a support for their
basks. When the officers began to
issue the usual hammocks there wad'
the wild excitement of children with
a new and wonderful toy. Climbing
in at one side the black men fell out
at the' other, and thought it all the
greatest fun in the world.
The navigation of the ship was a
mystery to the Africans. - The popu-
lat' theory was that tine were pulled
along by"a wire under the sea. Many;
attached considerable importance to
the log line on the stern of the ship,
supposing that it somehow enabled
the skipper to find his way across the
aeeen, ;while a'few maintained that
it .was a means of catching fish. Our
many endeavors to convince the Afri-
cans that the earth is round were in-
variably -met with ribald laughter. In
vain did we ..expound the principles of
wireless. They thought it all capital •
sport, and roared with laughter at
these jokes of their officers.
When we -readied Durban the peo-
ple .invited the Africans to a moving
picture show. The two hours,,, we spent
in that theatre are beyond my des-.;
cription. Frornvbeginriing to end, no
matter whether the screen was blank
or displayeelt the most stirring scenes;
the men gave themselves up to one
frenzied tumult of laughter. The dig -
tilled inspection' of a 'wrecked Zep-
pelin by Mr. Balfour and Mr, Lloyd
George rovbl
g p o .ed as great an outburst
of Mirth as the most extravagant
Charlie Chaplin farce. The blank that
follows the completion of a film was
regarded a"s one of, the best practical
jokes in the world,
The rest of our'. voyage was un-
eventful, but the Africarns will ever
remember our arrival at Dar. es Sala-
am, ,los their they saw their first
plane. -
plane. t1eardd high overhead
above dun; :head in a. cocoanut planta
tion. It circled and came lower, and
'the Africans could see the two men
and a machine gun that they had re -
0 -0-0-0-0-0— 0--O—O—O--„O—••0--O
No humbug! Apply few drops
then just lift them away,
with fingers.
The City of Great Spires.
lie -*rite, brave' boy, from out of
France somewhere,
That "I can see a city” of great spires,
Andin between flash paths of deadly
fires,. ,
But still, please God, to -morrow we'll
be there."
To -morrow came. He climber
cumbered' stair
Of duty, and through danger's tangl
Flung all his fighting, like draincen
ed prayer,
Upon the smoke of war's grim fu
oral pyres.
Not this life's crowded splendors to
From furnace -trial; not content with
Thais Self sublimed to •noble nothing-
' riess, -
He gained the City of the Spires of
Close to . ourhearts his memory
Let me orzae in ,w here snit wit weep•
ing; e ,
Let axe, who have not any :(.hild to
Weep with you for the lith;
whose love
X have .known nothing of,
'The little ' arms that 'slowly, slo�w'ly
loosed ,•
Their pressure round your neck; 'the
hands you used
To Liss --such arms,• such hands Z
never knew
May 1 not week with you ?
Fain would 1 be - of- service,: any
Between the tears, that would be
But, ah! so sadder than yourselves
am 1,
Who have no .child to die.
—James Whitcomb Riley.
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin,
Squeezethe juice of two lemons into
a .bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of the best freckle
andtan lotion, and eoni.plexion beauti-
fier, at very, vera' small cost. -
Your'grocerihas the lemons and any
drugstore or toilet counter will sup,
ply three ounces of orcha,rd'rvhite for
a few cents. Massage this sweetly
fragrant lotion ,into the face, nock,'
arils and hands: each clay and see how.
freckles and hleniishes ,disappear and i
how clear, soft and white:the skin be-
comes. Yee! It is harmless.
Newfoundland to Develop Resources.
The Reid Newfoundland Railway
Co. has established a natural ' re-
sources department under J. McNeil
Forbes, to explore, inventory and de-
velop the important mineral, timber,
agricultural and water -power resour-
ces on the lands owned by the corn-
pany. It is hoped to create a flour-
ishing farming district on the western
side of the island. A large staff of
technical' men will be einployed on
the work during the next four years.
lbinarB's -Liniment Cures Dandruff.The Soldiers' Chances.
The actuaries have got the soldiers'
tho war risks figured out to the decimal
point. Based on the mortality ste-
ed tistics of the Allied armlet the fight-
ing man's chances are as follows: 29
se • chances of coming; hone to 1 of be -
1 ing killed; 49 chances of recovering
from wounds to 1 chalice of dying
j.from them; 1 chance in 500 of losing
a limb. And the soldier's life even
1makes for longevity. It is estimated
that the average. Tommy who sur-
vives the r sk of battle adds five
years to his life because of physical
training, and is -freer from disease
than he would have been in civil life.
n -
A Cross of Vict'ry pinned by the, hand
of Death.
is the best:
Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me.
Charles Whooten, Mulgrave,. N.S.
ltev. R..0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.S.
Pierre Landers, Sen., Pokemouche,
N. B.
.Two for a Nickel.
The quick wit of a traveling sales-
man, who has since become a vwell-
known' proprietor, was severely tested
one day. He sent in his card by the
n--o-o—o-o--o— o o-o—o—o-o-o Office- boy. to -the manager of a large
This new drug is an. ether -col .concern, whose inner ether was separ-
pound 'discovered by a Cincinnati ated '-from the waiting room by a'
chernchemist. It is called ground glass partition.
lne, and call now When the boy handed his card to,'
be obtained -in tiny hot the' manager the salesman saw him
flea shown at impatiently -tear it in half and throw'
tiesery asstlhere shown aty it in the waste basket; the boy came
drug store. frJom
asknout and told the caller that he could
for freezone. u Apply
see the chief.
pp y a Thesalesman told :the boy to go
drop or two directly- sbaclt. and get hirer his card;'' the boy
upon a tender corn or brought out a nickel with the message
callus and instantly the that his card was torn up. Then the
soreness disappears. salesman took out another card and -
Shortly you, will find
the corn or callus so
loose that you can lift it
off, root and all, with
'the fingers.
Not a twinge of. pain,
-Soreness or irritation;
not even the slightest Very Convenient.
smarting, 'either when
applying freezone or.
This drug doesn't oat
▪ up the corn or callus,
but shrivels their so
they loosen and come right out. It is
no 1 umbug! It works. like a charnel
Per a few cents you can get rid
rat house and only,one mother to
every hard corn, soft corn or corn be- cave fcr all oe ,them, so she 'eannot
tween the .„toes, as "veli as painful' always keep them az clean as mothers
calluses on bottom of your feet. It who have only one or two to take
]revel; • disappoints and . never burne, care of,” said her aunt.,
bites or inflames, If your druggist "Tenn?" aslred Geraldine. "Ten?
hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to ;Why, they can 'Inave party without
• Y
get " a � littlebottle for in
you from his iarvitiir}, anyonel
wholesale house.
sent• 'the boy back, saying, "Tell your
'boss,, -1 sell two cards for a nickel." e
He got. his interview and sold a
large aniount of goods.
Minard'ss Liniment. Cw ee Burns.
Gi raldinee was staying 'with her
,aunt. , . •
One day, as they were visiting the
town's poorer districts, Geraldine no
kiaed ,tlt'ree rather untidy children"
playing: in front of a house and re
Inarked- about ifs.
"Th'eie are ten childre', living in
•NeW Yo•leer. "And there do 1 a
when ‘isb.eiliin•g business starts?"
Sandy (1•ate of th,e "Wee Kirk")!
"Ladciici brat a' depends on your re-
hee�+iut,i;r �i�peexti:olhs., •
A eneasured acre ,surnrner-followed.
at ',the i'ar
m of Lethbridge ' t' leas
7 s
yielded 55 ivultesle i;o brie acre. 'Pirie
thrashing .fraln,'i,he whole farm sill
give an average, of ever 80 bar:sheIa.
E1) 7. . ISSUE` f13—'18;.
A Dominion Express Money Order
for: five dollars costs three cents.
tAt$ :PIRT
yen. II: ViolY)�
HARD AND, OP'17r3UAP.r._----,FULi;
I?tfigcl'ioNs Willi AC H CAN, ,
The whip -poor -wills aro calling
And calling soft and Iowa.
Ancl back and forth a pheasant frock
Like frightened shadows go.
The. highway beekorrs deep with dust,
And blue the shies, and clear,
But the white -winged 'moth, has told
That Autumn draweth near.
inard'a Liniment for ewe everywhere.
�1 E N 1 •R A. L 13 te.ACKS+w7:XTrf • REM
`UX Broe., Bot.bwen, Ora,
•'cna BADEµ
Y r and lob printini; plant in Eastern
Ontario: Insurance carried $1,600. Will
Co for si,200 on quick sale. Box 69,
Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd„ Toronto.
in N'ew Ontaz io, .Owner going to
ii rance. ` will sell $2 000. 'Worth double
that amount. Apply "J, -J ,, cio Wilson
Publishing. Co„ Limited, Toronto.
ycost of 'windows glazed complete,
apty size, ` Halliday Colnpapfy, Box 1361.
1-4 and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time, good par, work sent any dis-
tance, charges paid. Send stamp tor.'par-
ticulars. •National Ma,nufa.ctering Com-
esnir Montreal. -.'..
'j rnternat and external, cured "with-
out pain by our home *treatment Write
us before too late, Dr. Eellrnan `Medical
Co,. Limited. Colii;lgwood, Ont.
0Bow to Purify
rt the Beed
"Fifteen to thirtyy drops
Extract of Roots common! f
O caIIed Mother Sei e!'s y e
fi Curative
Syrup, may be taken in water .9
with ,meals and at bedtime, for_
the cure
of indigestion
> t1
• petioli and bad brood. Pesslat• ED
once in thistreatmentwill effect
m a cure in nearly ever 3,.
Get the genuine at druggists.
Domestic Dynamo.
You'll ll find Sieea 's Liniment
A lady, who had a very slow servant
girl, noticed- that it took the girl ,al-
most half the day to scrub the .kit-,
chen, a piece of work that should
have been accomplished in an hour.
The servant always accompanied her
scrubbing with a song, and one day
the mistress was alarmed at the slow
progress she made.
" 'Mid pleasures" (scrub) "an' pal-
aces" (scrub) "tho' we may" (scrub)
"Jane!";called the mistress, stern-
ly, "I ain tired of hearing 'Home,
Sweet Home.' Sing 'The Campbells
are Coming'."
Nothing loath, `Jane did so, and fell
into the trap so cleverly laid for her.
Her scrubbing brush flew over the
boards with lightning rapidity.
The poetry of notion had made
swift work.
L 1nartt's Liniment Relieves lrauralgtaa
The answer to the question, "Why
should we save wool " is that a fully
equippedsoldier uses 13 times as
much wool as does a civilian. Also
that there are not enough civilian,
raised to meet the needed wool sup-
reepyoupshoes ne
_ W1
it, . H 7E,7�4iV, DARK BRi?\N(d
� ... .. U COA ODlrtIQWD 4ee,101110DN.fANADA.
JYi5Y:uhl rM e ,,. r
softens the sure±e
rheumatic ache
Put it on freers. Don't rub it in.
Just let it heartrate naturally, What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows!
External aches, stiffness, soreness;
cramped muscle,, strained"` sinews,
back "cricks"—t11osa ailments 'can't
fight off ihm relieving qualities of
Sioan's Liniinent, Clean; convenient,
economical. Made in Canada. Ask
any' druggist for it.
Let utcl..r.r Care
or 'aby Skin
It's really wonderful how quickly a
hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed
by a gentle anointing with Cuticura
Ointment relieves Skin irritations
which keep baby wakeful and rest-
less, permits sleep for infant and rest
for mother, and points tohealment in
ni.ost cases when it seems nothing
would help.
Sample 'Each Free fur Nivel. address pest-
cardi Oede rra, Dept. N, Baden, U.S. A«'
Said by 'delers throughout a s out the world.
Itltetifnai:lymy lambs,(, tiaurslala, siirains. laiue hack,tootYnacfie, sirs --
ache, sore throat, swollen Joints and all similar troules ti e arlickry
: a�li illT9t l3.1 lUb E:Xter ih ��'_.
55 � nt a.or. IEtiha e ��
and should` be In eVeted been sold ter 40 years,
1 v lion. inkild s. ,
............ 4c .. ata a hundred
_. f use„
It detrtee,t or site ldc 94- I -Ii ltg' Jltb iteyie CO.,; tin azil to.i ' : r
.� .,,' {, Tit,T'vi1•,...s � �KiGh\yr�, `,..+;5' `otte'tt' t.^`•''t',;WL`+
OT' "t