HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-31, Page 6Rrr 7 000 .VINE ENEMY FROM end -100Gut tapiiired----ifx'ig ileports ;Client stance Overcome on Whole Battle front. despatch from London says Ap- iatexitly the 13rii;ish are not'desitou of taking Ifelezt fe•nxnes by fighting; Mlle Germans i;; the streets of the t,iywn, but- plan to outflank' it Weel: of Valezu ienne-i Wednesday 'the I3ritieh line .skirted the western." fringe of the town, The British were iii tat. Yeast and Faubourg' de Lille. But the Scheldt Canal, 'iwInch is broad, lies between tho British and the town proper. All the bridges o,-er the canal have been reeked and the railway line which parallels the renal is stili with rzi hrne guns, Further south, however. the British are across the Scheldt at several el e:es between the valley of the ilar- Ifiee Rivet and Tithe -ate and it should only be a question of time until Val-. eziciennes beeozzzee untenable faie the enemy. The Germans have • broken down the batiks and opened the sluice gates - st of the, city north-east and t_riith tw e 1'alccw. It"is not probable, that the city eaube approached from the south- west because of similar flooded con - The British, however, have ;f".oiabht tai cir way into the city from the west urn there haro been sharp encounters. in the streets between patrols. Valenciennes still contains many civilians. An officer of the Canadian. detachment fighting in the city said en Thursday: "1 entered the town with a platoon and snr*w an old woman sat x tering up a street carrying, a bucket. At tebout the sante time a machine gun opened on us from. ;G sceond-storey window, I was wound- ed and several of my men were also hit. We retired for: a moment, bu t the last we saw of the old French - le omen rench-leoman site was ;going right -along as if nothing was happening," The I3ritish troops have overcome the enemy along the whole -front be- tween the Sambre Canal • and the Scheldt and their advance is being azul have flooded vast stretches of the - continued, Field Marshal. Haig re -- Not -A Peace Dove—This ie -not the dove emerging from Nocalx's ark, much though it leSks like the old pieteres of that incident, but a carrier country in, an i eflort to dela .1a� the Brie worts. from headquarters. "•pigeon being released :from a tank in action. in order to keep the H. Q. y ti 7, tieh ai.dvance. The ni.arshy lowlazide Since Wednesday morning the Baer- stern in touch tvith its '4. en the east side of the canal, opposite tisk have taken • 7;000 priao'ners and. the Raisnies Forest, 'resemble a great more than 100 guns, AIN PS G ABOUT,IiALF-MILE [GERMANS FIRE ON s inaovenents, Bbitish •Of.iciai photograph r lir eadstuff h o ,r 11:65. Rolled 1 +est oats, bags, 9t) the $5.20 to $5,80: lgran, $3 .25. Shorts, $42.25,nMouil- lie, $63'4.6 $70. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car bots, 1;24 to. $25, 'Cheese, finest Ler ea 5 n -0 „S, -, n .4 ''t0 i,C. .Slltttrr,. choicest creamery, 49 to'50e. Eggs; selected, 540; No. 1 stock, 49c. Pirta• toes, per bag, air lots, $1.80, Deessed hog's, abattoir killed, $25..50 to $2t3. Lard, puce, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 313; to 38e. SICK, CIVIL 1z�`o �. O:t, 29 .—Manito ba NOItkle1. �4ee w b ea.t Northern $2.2134. No. 3 Northern; $4.17 zrz ; No, 4 wheat, $2 ,11 e , in Take Several Woods in Local At- Pour Gas as She115 Into District tack,—,. r. tilier'y Active, Where Influenza is Prevalent. A despatch from the American A despatch from the British' Army Armies northwest of Verdun says: in France says: -One of the most seri- In a local attack ,east of the Meuse crusty distressing problems the British the Americans ou Thursday advanced army has been compelled to meet ie about one kilometre on a three kilo- That of caring for and dispoasng of metro front, and the Bois Bultruy; the large civilian popul:a.tion left in 's: e- ou and the Bois -de- the o the Guinan army, which the 3,02 tf 1_l:a hpy wake f Y, Be11eu are titbit the American lines, is retreating from the region Between as also is a ,part of the Bois -de -Wave the Mee and Tournai. More particul- rate and Plyon-de-Traye. arty is this true of the district over The advance was made after. 'brief ; which we 'Nave been advancing since aetiflery preparation. The enemy's re- ; eerodnesday nnorninge sponse was principally with machine' The situation is especially serious genie, but during the fighting he shell. at St. Amend, where there are more i' a! rd' the back areas and threw ew few c than.1,504French people suffering inch shells into Verdun. from Spanish influenza and cannot be The artillery on both sides was at -On Wednesday night the a moved, y ag'. five over the autiee Alr.ei^".can front town was bombarded by gas shells on Tlraraday. The Germans wore un- ',own •o the inhabitants �. 1 and a large number f neealty nervous owing to the activity., re-tne g, wrrp gassed the Qellars tYhe y e,= to Aire t,an,> oft bo"'lt :ides Of were being oared for. the Meuae. In cne narrow British sector 42 ,000 civilians must be fed, housed and at C RMi.,N•+'S +1 St1, V THEY . WILL least partly clothed: . Derain for the RETURN ST 1L;:N :ART WORKS S moment is really dependent endent on the British people. All these People are A despatch .E con London says: completely destitute and the reir rna.ns Valuable works of art belonging to left theme with just enough clothing rnuseurns and private owners in the to corer themselves—certainly insufsfie. regions of Caxubrei, Douai and Val- tient for the cold, raw weather which er.aiennes, now in the hands of the isprevalent at 'this season. Germans; will be retured undamaged to their owners after the war. This announcement is, =rude in a German WOMEN ELIGIBLE TO STT- - Government wireless message receive ( IN BRITISH PARLIAMENT ed here. . nrders of the. Supreme Army Com- house of Commons leas adopted a mend, been sent to a place .of safety resolution in. favor of women sitting tai save thein front destruction from in Parliament, ' The resolution eras bombardment, the message adds. ,. e passed by a xnajbrity of 249. '.These works of art heave, under the A despatch. from London says: The 'These store Fort William, not including tax. Manitoba, oats,—No. 2 C.W., 8dre; No, 3 CI.W, 82irfec. extra' No, 1 feed, S2eec; Ii?o: 1 feed, e0e-ec. American corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nomi'n'al, No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, notanial. Ontario oats, " new crop -N o. 2 white, '75 to' '7 e; No.. 3 white, 74 to E77e accordingto freights outside. Ontario wheat—No. 2 winter, per car lot, $2.11 to $2.19; do., No. 3, $$2.07 to $2.15; No- 2 Spring $2.06 uv 2. �t N Si $3.02 t $9 0 t $q "5 d h bulls "o' $2.10 fob shipping paints, accord „ , b ,,4,0•.60se en d a Sep- ` h' to $10 25;, do, good, $9.00 to $9.50; - Live Stock Markets Toronto, "'Oct. 29 E :tra choice Heavy steers ,$14:00 to•$14,75; choice CAPTURE ,V 9,000 pRisoNE 150 GUNS. BAYS 'Third• and l'otri`th .Armies Mee With Stiff Resisttmce-.�.,Severa Additional Towns Occupied.„. A despatch from London says;: Nine Coupergorge, and. over the high ground i'•ti tbo,no;th-west, 141ornnl Forest is invested ;with Gernutas and nlec'hine guns, but the British artillery is rearel.in'. it with liiph explosives.aud. gas shells. The enemy '-eon�tinues'to fight •�tuib-4 horny against the 3rd -and 4th armies; hut as the'British' drive blare•-b•rom his prepared defences, they :foll�ovr him up so closely he gets 'little chance to rally. thou':,�and Germans have been elude prisoners and 150• guns have. been captured by the British' in their 3:t - tacks against the Gerrnant,,iaecording •to • Field Marshal IIoig'�s do: ani nion- tuoti issueti.on Friday .}right: • South of Valenciennes the, 'attack took the British, forward more than ,trim miles, thereby virtually eliminat- ing the -sharp „s salient whteh .bulged into their'to- r•ttory.wvttth itS point rest- ing neer Vondegaes. the assault, 'which was pressed vigorously in 'tree's sector on ' hu.rsday, was renewed on a Mooting on a little ridge north of (the' Friday moping at 3 o'clock. .,:` f; the town, Some !Sunken i•oa Ci neer Be1a.0 een1i•e time Gan. Horn's army drove ditgaie,s and locale„ gave oon�aidera'ble forward ninth ,ce Valenicien'ne's% trotihle, but.`. after elle British had South.of Valenciennes the British gained the high ground eoath-west o:! have retched the entire railway line Rueene�s they 'were able to ,doiiiinai'tw on the front between Le' Qnesney and the roads With. i.heil+:a.Itt�.e'i'iiae. • Maine, The chateau atMaing proved a vera- ry They,ciapturod Les Tu1'lenies, east o:f t1hle ^•fo tress', Birt the town t:cmain;. Colesmes, eanoly,-and after stiff fight- in the Hands of''the British despite ing ',iii which the ..J Germans, suffered Germai eortuterat',acl;s,. its 2'eisu'lt z t 'C . c l I,e ue~no'of mama , i i` i heavylosses, c•ea h. c 5 t , tliesa ,..12�a Clic' B. it,l_,c2 now •a:r a , QC There ',was ver stiff fi h'tin' on well established co the Valenciennes, i y a5 � � t a both sides of Les Tuileries, toward La side "of time Scheldt Rivet. 1 x ,., Aker the-CGerni•ans had been driven from Chis-sigrries. the 3r ti'1i: gained SHIP. G r• 1315:RC, (1?IIA ts'f`N11i Q P.l:l? a.SE S LOSSES S1IOi� A RELEASED BS. GERMANS • LARGE DECREASE' A despatch frail London sdye: The British Admiralty announces that, Brie. .tis merchant tonnage losses clueing' kz n g o A despatch n opt the Il gue saws: The Vat nla,,lid, in its isiaie of Thurs- day; says it is re orted.that t11e,poli y, p September -.totalled 152,000 tons gross;' Heal pi cotters held' by Thee Germans 'allied and neutral .conibined 58000 :nt• Ttnnhout, Belgium', northeast of and 'the aggregate constitutes,' itlie Aetwerp; including Burg imaster.` 8g g lowest niQnthly sinkfzags since August;, Adolphe. Max of Brunets) have been 1916, an,d..is •below' that year's rnontlt rele:isecl. ly average. The total losses for the Burgomaster Max was arrested p • ,, 30 Brussels -in Soptember, ] 14, for his. ihreeri•Iiouths ended- September . were 893,000 tons, compared with ` irreconzilable attitude," ,,aeco,.dizeb. . g6.r1,000 in the previous: iluacter, and to an announcentenal 'made. by the. heavy steers, $10..20 .0 n _ a'inillion and a; half tons in tile coin G ttnan fliterary Governor of Bel - oilers' .to '..1;13. c G, het_ i . - - , . glum. in 1917 it was said that the cllers' ca.ttee; choice; $11.25 to 1,11; 75; .responding, ruaztezh of .last � e:i1,. The oof steamships exceeding five Burgomaster was seriously. ill in a - alo.,' good, $10.00rto $10.,,6, cfo.'ine• sailings steaitasl P exceeding�.,�`•• dium, ?8.75 to: ;9.25; do:, common, hundred ions gross between the un- prison at Celle Prussia. s_.i a and that 5(.77 +' ' n' r r� �+.• Kin'-AlILlx5o was 1nit0_+(envoi 151. his t to $8:25; bu ohers befits, chick:, ijed,I1Cingcloiia anti owe_aeas lancets e;.- 10.00 to $10.50;' do, medium bails, ludili cross -Channel traffic ryas b-1 e .f. 5 o r :'o, zoug: 2o ' v an a half million tons in » );0 . .�al•; Li:L`L'tie '.t'ow3; C bice,. :. "Oil'TOMANS: ARE EVACUA.'l•`.I1'1G..:. it to " i hes te71i11e Peas --No. 2, nominal, Barley—Malting, new crop, $1 to $1.05. Rye—No, 2, nominal, Manitoba flour—Old crop, war quali'ty', $11.65, Toronto. Ontario dour—W nr quality, old crop, $10.75, in bags, Montreal ancl, Toronto, prompt shipment. MYiillfeed—Car lots delivered Mont- do, medium, $7.50' to $8.00; do. conn •=4 -1 mon, $6.50 to $7.00; stockers, $8.00, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT^ aAINS to $10.50; feeders, $10.00 to $11.00; MADl3 B7'. THE AMERICANS canners and cutters, $5;e 75 to $6.25; mincers, good to choice, : $90.00 to;.- A des patch from the American $75.00; springers, p90,OO.to, $145.00; p r 145.00 do. nom and metl. , 65;00 to Army No thavest of Verdun says: .$• `;'; ' $ From az day of extraordiztarily severe light ewes, $t1.013$.0106. to $1 ,00, yeah rn fi ;holt^ 'the 'Ameraca,ns'-eme ;emerged on J11L_, $15::00 6t); �S'ptI11�,laIlal}S,• Friday :� +� $15-.o0 to 516.00, calves, good to ,Fri a y slightly in advance, ,. o' e PERSIAN C iT '' O�' PABReee A despatch"froin Washington says The Turkish force occup. nom' "Tabriz, Persia, is about to evacuate the city, according to a -report dated October 22, from Teheran, which readied the State Department on' i+nida,y. The _ ..� tl2ei_' r d f tl ''odes already; ane withdrawing v'anig revel freights, bags. included;' Bran, ; ,'tThursday- h. : £Qrces along` the loads leldila out of ` 2.25 per am choice '$1,..1.00 t .$17.7x• 110 •• .fe ttasion• alley` held Thursd.y night. $37.25 per tozx, snorts, $a . and tvaiexecl; $18 25; do.; -of! ,The gains made are slight, but are `i 1bri.;. e Hay—No. 1, $22 to $. per ton; .,.-• 1$20.00cars 118 00 is aided ns extremely im prtant , ?' mixed, to $21,50, r .ton trace p r ` b;'ltL 4vA.31 I -, '� 11 ozrtre•tl C t: 9 Coo•1 stae,,s • Toronto .' �' • espemal1.y oil •the left Zw-here lixgliee It ' ON 01 t iOx,S '�1t1 t 0 • 50 't ifflE A1 1TS7.I.G�' CO ] d II 1 b Straw -Car' lots,"$10.00 to $10.50. • o $ ; medium, , ,, r iozce; �u ground, donnnatil g crude of the sur- r IST ICF to $10, good,. $u.b0 to � • d track Toronto. e'; ; cows, ' £rom $8'.50 to 9.50: me rounding terrain has been gained. t A c"espatch teen e` '13 el $ciys, T.1 dium cows 'a 1, $6 to $8, niilkfed calves •'' n' c d ee-- ''liJiesale Gasman. War Cabinet considered Country P o tz t� vve�e $12 to $14; grasslad, $6 to $8, FRE/S.-CH PATROLS CROSS---; • t r; >; cat a length i Butter—Dairy tubs and rolls 38 President IIson s .r eply P • sheep, $9 eo $12:50 lambs, $14.50 to $ .6; choice se:eQ -hogs, qto $ .a for le error, roughs an heavies. DANUBE INTO ROUMAN.IA Paris, Oct;. 25.—The,: War Office report on operations in the Eastern 30 k ?'l t 30 " t k 31 MESOPOTAMIAN. .s thea to saes a French pa ,d ducklings, , , 3 1"L , q , ' session, according 'to the Frankfort::. to -39c; c prints, 4O -to 41e. 1 h ' t 518 50 Zeitung. 'ided not to Eggs—New laid, 52 to 55e, 'y f i d l It was decided g i_ too answer `a t the present time, but to Dressed poultzy Spring. ch..,ltien�, 3 30 'to 32c; roosters, 2CYd;; fowl, 27 to AI"4IY t • t t that P • i patrols c uc izigs o c -ur ey c , . �., to 34c; squabs, doz. $4.50; geese, 25e. AGAIN M 1,..MES PROGRESS have crossed. the Danube River and Live poultdj—roosters, 18 to 20c;1 invaded : Roumania near Lom-Pa- r'ow 2 o 4c,• c ., 2c,• A despatch -from London says: An lan'-a, defeated German detach - turkeys, 27 to 30c; spring ehtcxens, ofneial communication dealing' ,with mints and taken` prisoners. 26 to 28e 20 by. the War>Offee Friday •night, says: ENTENTE AND AMERICA tail. trade a� thefolIo�rang paces:— �. _ r' F` v were in contact .., � ,� ,. On Octobe 1 t e, v e , r � UNITED -Oh WAR AIMS __... twine,263t to...2:7 ,e; old; large, g a strong r . �?i ', g , 28with, 'rankle ,force hoklin , • RBIANS , • position astride the Tigzls, •nea>. I+a-• •A des y OFFER RESISTANCE to284o; thin, 28z/€ 'to 29c. " •' despatch from Lond.an says: To cz�aine ry solids, 52 to 53c. - 1 o e. cover of darkness, pursue y lis• harmony, existed: between the- United. geese, e. the operations iii k[e:sopotanlia, issued Wholesalers are selling to the re- Cheese—New, large, 26-1A to .,7c,• • Butter Fresh dairy, choice; 46 to fah, vvltere the river flows through Speaking i11 tho House of Commons; IN 4• • � th e l Hamrin country. On October Assistant ecxe- s 23 the enemy retirednorthward under tary for Foreign Affairs, stated that' m 'sell 34t 5 �a iV ar ar e d •b • A - 48e; creamery, prints, 58 to 55c, e Jebel 5 Lord Robert Cecil,w S Dot Fresh Hun Divisions and New Field Fortifications Fail to Stop French Advance Toward Guise. despatch front the. French Army• in France 'says: -.Gen. Debeney''s at- tack between Mont D'Onigny and. the valley of the Se_Le is meeting ng witht -very stout resistance. The battle was raging again fiercely on Friday morn- , ing. around Villers -to -Sec, whiih was occupied by the: French ,troops., 'lite Germans bee('' bronght,u i three � 1 i- eah divisions -to this sector in the ?rast few days and•'appear determined ,to di=spute possession of every- foot of ground. They. .are particularly Favored by the character of the ,tertl'ain' . which :is very Iaroken, furnishing etron ' natural ob taclela which the enemy has utilized to the utmost 'by adding field fortifications upon which the ,'ha beenoa y 'have working :the 1 �tst four -4w oeks, The position: Gen,Deiieney`s nare , 1r Lmen attacking from R,ibecouit south-east o' `the valley of the Segi•e, is called .tis Herrman position by the Germans, Considerable of its general charac- teristics has been .learned from cap- tured orders and the reports of avia- tors. This is not supposed to have the samestrength as the Hindenburg line, but is sufficiently strong to per- mit of a .stout defence. Ii eiiind this line, again, there is an 'extension of. the Ilundin;g position in front of,Guise, to which the Germans' no doubt will retire when the present battle is finished. In spite of the foritiidable tib- siacies encountered and Earnest eon- s price in the figh'ting':: line for ..tart set. r ., g the past three Months, the forces of General e Debeney continue to forge y ahead, and will •soon 'have (riven the enemy hack uponi.the`. ,old battlefield of ,the retreat fr'oilr Charleroi to make a stand: around ' Guise, where the French held them •up , for a short time during their march to ,the. Marne: Eggs—No. 1 storage, 51 to 52c; "Our forces on the .main road ,to '.States and the other: associated Gov_;' selected storage,' 153 to 54e; new laid, Maul ley <vay of . Kertik.' drove the erznrrents as regarded war aims. in cartons, 62 to 63c. . , i • 1 e o c; coos ers, c; -fowl , o • Dressed 1>oultr'y 5 lien° chickens, Turkish ,cat.ahv out from tau c an 33 t 40 t 25 33 t ads+arced to within -four wait until it is learned what the to armions,, tonte armistice conditmay be. Cantons Belfry of Bruges Used liy..Gernta ns us a Garage A despatch front' London says: The 1 famous belfry of Beugee tias•°used by tlie Germans - as a: -garage and v on ,diol swi ne their •odcupation • o:l the city.Alliedtroops on entering the city, according to a, despatch re- ceived by the Belgian Legation, found the interim walls, of " the historic structure broken down, and chimneys added' to meet the heeds of the wvcilz. risen:, z , ulalea of � 38e; turkeys, 38 'to 40c; ducklings, lir., Eerlcuk.'' ITALIA UNO. ;W g NSIVE 35c. Squabs, doe. $5.50; geese, 530'0. Beans—Canadian, hand-picked,: bus. IRUGES NOW SEAT OF v:.. MCAPTURING 3 • v000 'PRISONERS: ' $7mBELGIAN GOVERNMENT imp,, hand -1; Burma orIn- i3>itiRiCapture' a %uxe.German Garrisons erwaa"Caxri5ors on the Piave River 'atm 1.t cncfx Take Monut:ain Position on the; slag Plateau. 1831ec. Honey: new era -Strained 60 -lb. A desp :;tch' front •.rias e says The 2 y - .' tis 27e- 51�i. thiswhole'' of - the Province p of, Western 28c.tins, M Combs Doze x•3..75 to $4, 53 ' Flanders and part of Eaitern }Plan- — dens and Hainaut, having been recov;- Ge1 mans' •tlie Belgian ,,� .•,c riN: lxolesaie Bred from rite_ , ... p 4is.o t srJ has decided • to establish Smoked zi,ears `=-Hams medium, 37 Government , ' eav 30 to 32c: cooked its -. administrative departments in 52 to 540•. rolls. 32 to 33c• breakfast I3nuges,` bacon, 41 to 45e; backs, plain,' 46 to 47o; 'boneless;, 50 to 52c. Cured meats --Long ,clear bacon, 30 to 31c; clear bellies, 29 to 30e. Land—Pure tierces' 31 to-- 31.3,4c• tubs, 31 Wto 32e laanls; 313 .'1to 32x�,c; e -urn is The evaclzatiolvo:f Ghen, B lgn _., prints, 33 to 3.,?�a , Coin•pound,'tiercls' • i accordin-•to.a•des arch z . °t s ' 26 to 26 2 c•: in soil sw ng, g • P 25 ,., to 26e ub , 3a ,pails, 961/1, t 2 to. The ri.'elegraaf �'n'orn Sasvan Genet., .,6 f�, to 26�'Ec; pislts, 27 � to �8c. ' The last boats in Ghent are being : Montreal Markets -hastily towed toward Selzaete neer 29.—Oats, Dutch .ft ontier 'douth' of ,Sasvah. Montreal, Oct, est'ca, No. the 1 :feed, 96 to 97e. Flour, new isban- Gent, the despatch adds. . s17�WYbB,,Y.!'J'R4lS4A•1•pisiPi F�IYAWRIACOL�FN1Ef'Y+f.CW�R9S4„Ll,J. .F GERMANS AllE. iA N�x CY�II?,PI'.1"; 131t;I.t' xZli'rI ' , ch ort. Anizsterdann eziy: A de spa fI ys • �Atdsy `!OU.R corFer 1445. � c. t 'td 11 g'i' . KI R I+ is rr; 11' AM the K11,10 f .,51 t 5 M DUP ne., AM ( M 1 X'rCE445,, Grw • o0 iii 1. o�a i1,00 Mti.: rr` A ls`l MA0e. fT ONE-GQUkrAll MOCHA Q ti t1. 'f`Afl JAVA AND ort ,-QLWVAil Into ihb11 Atte' 10 J. A despatch :from London says: 'It- alian trooP Italian'troop q s have begun an offensive between the Piave and the Brenta. In the Monne Grappa sector Thursday they advanced across the Ornic River and' captured .Monte P.rassolali and Monte .Pcrtica, In. the Piave': Rivet the Italians have 'captured the islands of Grave Paradopoli• and Maggiore. The weather on the front is unfavorable. French . troope are aiding the Ita1=.. iar:s in their new offensive. Accord- ing to reports reaching London on Friday tho attacks- of the allies are meeting with .: consider'able success c1e:: ire, the unfavorable weather P conditions. About 8,000P• nisone'rs h: ve been taken since tltie.,assa'u]_t; , vest:; land hed. On tl:c Piave 'front - thri' Britii}n ' • have gained a footing on keine islands in tile river and captured eneiimy gar risons of 400 men. 'The Italians have made progress between the Brenta" and the Piave; ovorcoinizig deterniincil resistance, repulsed counter-attacks and captured -.400, prisoners:. On the Asiato-•Plateau the.. French have taken Monte' SiscmQJ. , :ini:reas-; ing their number ofrisonieit '`to 800 p , Y i3u'r,-r14AT,5 aflL' F1lRE E ! au�iRi RS {(Fri" oo `lot) put IM FOR -IRE!. QiJ}•1,4fv'''bw rYi UA4 fz� ar; i ©ori„". Po'r I Nl0',- ,76 u 7 PAT6- � A �t1s ti.SD hlAhl'1 FO1.XS SPO ILea a•�Dn `CO,Fr Es `, OTTII N ). (It1A1'A I1 1 ili 17.5"i'Atlp'. rt° ?ANSI J� 1ASSJr17,U, t P 1'S'1i`f, 11 `it;tt Dgt- 'r WIlt1T io :a?ol4.. pE, COK'FEre Y� 4. r',1r