HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-24, Page 86 ..ETE1l 1\. A.R'i ETS Changed Each W+eclnesday hall vVhi, t; ,,, ,2,11 Spr =n. Wheat� 2,06 Oat; , '70to73 B ! ley- ,,,,•Q to 1,10 Family—Flour t.5.901 Crleansery 13uttex 55 Dairy Buttes 45 to 48 Eggs .,... .., _. ,. ,. .. tit' 50 to 521 Lard F 37 Potatoes 2,00 to 2.25 Hay pax' on, , .., ,. .12,00 Flogs 17,25 Pri;rncipel I-Iaviland of the High School requests the students .to spend considerable ti edIn c the en fo c - ed on their weak subjects. If they need help all they have to clo is to yet him know and lie will be ready to assist them privately. FUEL CONTROLLER Ata special meeting of the Council held an Saturday night, Oct, 5th, 1918, Councillor Day was placed in full coata-o! of the Fuel situation for the Village, All parties"deserving a sup- ply of Hard .Coal should at once 1ee Mr, Day, and leave thief. order with him. • Apnlicatian, forms will, be in his pass,ession and the Centro1 er. wife sign tlisase foams, giving the dealer authority to deliver only such quanti- tie's as he may direct. FARM IMPLEMENTS. After eigh,teeai years as agent for the Massieys-Harris Company, I have severed my carimectuonj with, the com- pany, and wish to thank all 'my old customers for their patronage. Irx future .1 will be at the same old stand handling a full line of Deering Farm Iziinpie'meents, anal also am in. Shape ,to atteo d; 'to the wants of old customers who have 'Massey Harris machines that need repairing, R: H. MURPHY The Dominion Feather Mattress Co. Exeter, will buy your old feather be,d or your new feathers. Highest p"rices. Beautiful velvets k all colors for Suits and Dresses at _ $1;00 a yard. Stewart's. If you drop 'a card to Dominion Mattres;a Ca, Exeter, our agent will cats ,anal show you the i¢nPro:ved fee threr mattress or beautiful down coria forcer .made from old feather bei. RECEIVING ONIONS. J, H. Grieve sal receive onions ev- ery day except Saturdays, from Oct, 15.th to Nov: 15th. Great values in alll woes sweater coara for Men or Women at $7.50. S teirart's, . • NOTICE TO AtJiTOISlIS Vie Sudden Service Store,, of Lou- don,- have mace arrangements ,with W. U. Beer to have tires that neelc1 vulcanizing or ire -treading left at. axis .store and tihus save nosireessa,ry express eharrges. arrears. Big range sof Brass Jardinieres in different shapes at Stewart's. ,NOTICE Any hunters trespassing on Lost 9 aind 10. Con. 14, Stephen, will he pray ectrted,—J. RAT,Z & SONS. Keep Monrday, evening, Nov.' 4, open for one, of the finest concerts of the seasons:' Partici Lars later. New Styles in Boys' Overcoats at low prices—Stewart's. LAND WANTED. 300 acres or more land for flax far triext year, for Which good rental will be 'paid. Ontario Flax Company Jos. Davis, Exetei: Phone 13r12 Elegant quality "Salt'au Plush Coats in newest styles at $40.00 at S teivaat's. METROPOLITAN HOTEL FOR SALE oni easy terms, or will exchange Ear other property. For particulars apply to proprietor. WM. MITCHELL, Exeter Scold. Linoleum in neat patterns Buy now while we have them.—. • r Stewart'e. — TERMS STRICTLY CASH. A11 " acoaats are due and payable before October 1st. After that date our terra, will be strictly oa,sh. H. BiERLIN G, Exeter North Vic •pay highest prices for live cr clre:.e,ed poultrYl—Stewas't's. flealth Notice TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Oa account :orf the epidemic of Influenza it is hereby ordered. that all 'schools" and c,hurchees shall be closed anal public gatherings are here- by prohibited in the Township of Stephen after the18th rn at , uritis fur- ther notice, • 7. W, Orme, M. ' O. H. Township Stephen, FARM FOR SALE. 122 acre farm.,; Lots 25 and 26, Lake Road. Stephen, near Dashwood, for - le " .: the property is a new two- - luouae, bank barn 70x40, `pet; driving shed and d wells; well e of or - church. vo catee ErER .A' VOQ.11TE TH?TTBsil ►X1 a LOCAL DOJNGS Milas Fanny Eowey of London vis- ited 'oval Sunday with her rhothez; who ra quite ill Owing; to the ,epidemic o+ influenza the dental office( of Dr, Roulator will be cies ed until fwr'ther notice, Hrs. J. T, Willrbans of Lucan won the special iariue of a Maxwell sifts, 1n the London; Free Press conitest. Mrs. McNichol and Mrs. Melville have moved into thie house they re- cently purchased from Miss'Brown. � 1 r''. 0 ''�` a t a' r 111 Jackson x I ri if 4tU 111 Com- pany 1�a J b to busy this week moving to their new prenrises in the old James Pickard Block. Air. John Fletcher recently bought n. fifty -acre farm from. Mr. Frank Brock who purchased a100 acre farm lot 11, Can. 8,, Uaborne, from Mr. W, Turnbull The Aylmer Tribun,ei and The Ayi- mer Express; have amalgamated as the Tribune -Express. Messrs, T. Bar- Inecott and D, Monteith, formerly of The Tribune, will bane charge. Landlord W. T, Acheson has found it inecesstatry this week to close • his dining roKlni act bedrooms in the Cen- tral Hotel tel tlree public, owing to the pile?sesnce of sickness and the diffi- culty' of obtaining help. Word has been received here of the death in Ingersoll of Joseph Case, sen of the late Thomas Case, late of Usbarnic township. The many friends of •deceased wilt learun the sad news of his death with deep regret, lie be- ing a young man .of ,excellent charac- and and was highly iiespected. The anniversary seervices fen avert Pneisbyterian church Sunday \were of an interesting nature, but owing to the apnroachirng restrictions on pub- lic gatherings, the attendance was smell. Tn the Methodist churches the congregations were also light, while the services fix Tri,vitt Memorial were cancelled. Tie death occurred on Oct. 7th at Wlestrmiaaster,. B.C., ` of George W. Fyfe, aged 55 years, and the funeral. took place at Stratlaroy on Oct. 13th. Diecetsed in 1888 married Wilmot' C. Herd of Exeter and Lived in. Strath roy Toronto and Saskatchewan since. Besides his widow he leaves two sons and one daughter. DEATH OF WM H. HARDING. The many friends in Exeter of 1VIr•. William II. Harding, traveller of Lane don, were shocked on Friday last to hear of his death from: the Spanish itnflirenza that day in London. Mr. Hardiang ,had been coming to Exeter every two .or three Weeks for many years and was' arse p1 the best known and meat popular travellers on th,e road. He was in his 48th year. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE As a precautionary measure against the spread of the irnflueanza. in Exeter the Boalyd of Health on Saturday is- sued a notice that on and after Oct. 21st the schools, churches, library, public halls theatres, picture shows, dance hajlls, and' all places of public gathering or entertainment, should be dialed and remain closed until per- mitted to re=open;. Loafing, loitering, visiting and receiving visitors is for- !) adders and those affected with. cougars and °aids; are expected to stay at one and isolate thremselves. Exe- ter ba: a few casees of influenza tined some of pneumonia, and .everything ,possible is being done to preirent the spread " of the trouble. DEATH OF MRS. HORNE. A former Exeter lady died in Lon- don on Oct. 17ths in the person of Isabella Mary Fanner, aged 30 years, wife of Mr. Benjarsnin Horne, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,john" Fann- er. Mr. Fernier for many years was. a prominent merchant of Exeter, and moved to Lowden only a few years ago. Deceased was born in, Exeter and while here married Mr. I-bbarn,e, who'nn was then manager of the Sover- eign Bank here, now in Europe. Mrs. Hayne was art estimable lardy and was highly respected. Friends here sym- pathize sincerely with the bereaved itelatjvies. The funeral, which was private, took place an Saturday from the reaildeneee of the parents, -419 Princess Ave., London, to St. Peter's cemetery, London. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST INFLUENZA -.meeeaear 1 The sick should be separated from the healthy. This is.• especially important in the case of first attacks in the household. 2. Discharges from the nose a,ad mouth should not be allowed to, get dry on a pocket handkerchief, or in- side the house, ' office or facttory. Threy should, at once be collected in pacer, ar clean rags and burned. If this cannot be clone, they should be dropped into a ase,ssel containing water 3, 1iffecte,d articles and rooms should he cleansed and disinfected. Use disinfectants ,everyvvh,ere, Wash the haeads frequently, 4, Those attacked should not, on any account, mingle with other people for at leant a period of of ten days from the comnrenc!rnienet of the attack, It,, severe cases, they should remain away from work for a longer periled. 5, Special. attention should be giv- en to cleanliness and ventilation, Warm clothing should be worn, the feet should be kept dry and ail uri- nieciessary exposure avoided. For Infant:, and Children Use For Over 30 Ye Ie 7S"hear:, � „,,,,,,,,�„xxe oe T 4, 191.13 Wheel your do liars, into line tosave Canada from the Hun. Mr , W. 5. Statham is able to be out again after two week.s i11ness• Mra E. Sheffer of Toronto is vis- iting Mrs. J. Jarrott and other friends The Exeter Canning Co, has just a-dded a new Ford tractor to their farming !equrpment. It mydollar'will drive the enemy back from deapoilrna Europe, here it,, gees. I will put al.1 I can in Victory da Bom lMr a Russiell, wife of the lane Dr. Russell of Hamilton, and sister.jr1-law of 1'lr, William. Russlell, sr,, of town, in HainaUton•'this week MI Jaynes Taylor; hlias Carrie Dyer 7 I E n ani and Miss Nellie r � 'uit _ I .and Mrs Chas. 5 Saindei•a,, "alit. 01 whore have been Quite 1111, are improving, Word has been :received here •of the death iia Toronto of a, Cornier Ex- eter girl, Miss Lily Wielsiu daughter of the late Thomas Welsh of Exeter. Mr, Jas, Dignan last week pur- chased Mr. Fred Bawden's house and lot on Gidley Street. Mr. Bawdenhas . monvied into the home of his father on Maim Street. \Ire, Jonathan, !i ydd, Exeter North was called to London Monday owing' to the ,dedthl of her sister, Mrs, 131aice who died in. than city from canneerry« after a long illness, The Dominion Feather, Mattress Co., Exeter, make the original ten, roll fea- ther nnatt1esisw This, 'mattress will neetein its shape for all time and is made. to fit any bed. Nearly all the members of the °fam- ily of Mr. W. T. Achjesorn at the'Cen- tral are : confined to their beds with influents and 'a'eon1eIp1 the: members are. rather seriously affected, Word has beery received here by his mother that Mr. Wm. Newcombe of 4. Stratford had undergone an operation for aepnendicitise and while it is rath- er a serious case the opeiration was a success and he is improving nicely. Mr. Larne Weekes and wife, sen and daugh'tein-ilnl-law of Mr. George. V1rtekea of New York, formerly of Exeter have both died in Cincinnati, Ohio 01 influenza, Lorne Weekes is a nephtew of Mr, James Weekes of tavvn.. INELIGIBLE FOR JURY. A mate can, not ;serve on a jury if hie is a postmaster., , ar customaffic cull a sheriff, a coroner, a jailor, a constable, clergyman, barrister, or solicitor, physicians or surgeons, and peculialr• to say all -officers, non -cams. and palm taf volunteer corps, a regist- rar, treasurer clerk collector and as- aiessor, a teacher, editor, reporter or printer of any public .newspaper, or journal, railway employee, telegraph operator, miller, or fireman. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. To the, members, adherents, and 1rilelnda.—Dearly Beloved, "Grace be unto you .and peace from. Gad .our Father and from the Lord Jesus. Christ.' See I. Car., 1st Chap., verses 3 to 9. In. this slay of dreadful war, and •aprieadng scourge, and in the withdrawal of public worship, let me ask that you give :yourselvees to r priv- ate prayer and holy communion with Gad. Be calla in your soul. Avoid fear and panic. Commit ' yourselves fully unto Him who redeemedyou, end whose love for you shall never end.—The minister. BROTHER' AND SISTER DIE. Mr. and Mrs. George Eas,terbaiook. Huron street, were startlingly' shock- ed on Monday last when, they receiv- ed the sad news by telegsra,m, that their son Clarence had died that clay at Geletta from the effects of pneu monia. No mews of his -illness had been received by his parents until Monday, when they received a tele- grams that he was very low, followed by another a short tiem,e after that lie had succutnbed. ' The same evening word was . also received " that their daughter, Mrs. John Quaid of Sea forth had died from an attack of the same disease, being sick only a few days. 'The late Clarence Easterbrook was born in. Exeter and all his ,early life was spent here. He was a young ma,n of industrious habits and much. estemed by many friends, About twelve years ago he left' here and for a number of years lee has resided at Geletta.' Beesides his wife he is .survived by two sons andone daugh- ter, all at whore are quite young,. Mrs Quail leaves' ,bier husband and one 'little girl. Both are also sure vived by their father and mothe ,ane. two sisters, -Mrs. Leie, of Seaforth;,:aned Miss Phoebe at home. The formes was buried at " G,elitta, white the re- mains of mars. Quail were brought to Exeter for burial in Exeter cemetea-y. Major and A. M. Heamain were herr from London over Sunday.. Messrs. Herb. Southcott and Stan- ley Re rd of Toronto- spent Sunday in towtat the former's home. Mrs., Wm Creech, went to London oal' Trseseda;y owing to the illness of ONES PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 8-3620 I Very Latest Styles I.ad��s' ��d 1Vli�ses' Cots We have just placed' in stock sev- eral shipments of the very latest sty- le: in L,nldiles and 1VI;?sges' Fall and Winter Coats. Plain taupea, browns, alum' colors, burgundy, navy, black, etc., are here shown all the newest styles and materials, at very .moderate prices, We still have nearly one hundred coats to stelecti front, including black baby Iamb and „seal plush fabrics. The w.ib1 probably be .our last shin meats of the season, so make your selection early. - Fall &Winter Furs Now is undoubtedly the time to make your fur selections for the corn- ing winter. Owing to the Govern. ment buyiaag ups such jnnmensle quant- ities of pelts for military use, the price of furs dueing ,the last month has advanced very heavily. Our or- ders wereplaced in. the Spring, so the can, quote you !exceptioanally mod- erate price's. FUR SETS Thee most popular lines we have iur:Fur Sets are Natural Lynx, Natural and Black Wolf, Reed and Grey F,ox, Hudson seal, muskrat, badger, vic- atuia fox; etc.,, etc ,. LADIES' FUR COATS. ' In Hudson Seal, Muskrat and mink n asrmot at prides that will not he duplicated againfora long time. MEN'S . FUR COATS In Wallaby, Chinese' Bear, Black Dog and Coors. Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hosiery:floc 10 dozen prix Boys' and Girls' Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hosiery, old tock, sloes 814': to ;10, on special stale while' they laat at only 60c, pair. Allen Tailor -Made Suits Don't forget that we have opened a New Department in our store for Men's High CIass Tailored Suits and Ov*cbnt . We have bought the. entire stock of Mr. Sheers, Merchant iTailccQ�r, who Ise taking charge of this Department fox us. Perfect fit -and ,satisfaction guaranteed. New ready -td -wear Suits and Overcoats for Boys and Men are shown in .great, variety of Styles and Patterns for Fall and Wiinter; also new Felt Hate, Caps, Ties, Socks, underwear, Shirts, . Etc,,, Etc. JONES MAY Headquarter® for this Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brenda Cbo' hang Men an d Rays. ' Mr. Wm, Penrice is ,hoarse from the West. Mrs. J. Bragg, of St. Miary,e was a visitor with airs. IBea_vers .during the week. Mrs. Wm. Tusrnbula ;and .Miss Isabeil Turnbull, 01 laariquhar, spent Dhatnlrss- giving.w,ith the former's plareribs, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eaarett. _ Mrs. H. Sweitzer, of St, Marys, Sirs. Wm. Be,av,errs and Mrs. Kirkby of Berryland, motored up •arnsi spent Thursday with Mir. and Mrs. l3. W. F.'Beavers. Pte, ,Mervin Vincent, who has been ciuite ill in London, for some time, was able} to return to his home here on Monday and " wiiHlll 'eemalmt for a couple weeks. her daughter, Mrs: Alex. ;Stewart. Canadian women are right behind the f Mrs. T. 5. Lockhart, who has been Canadian troops in the trenches. Women visiting with friends here. far the past nurses are now installed in hospitals 8 miles in the rear of the actual fighting line. Many of our Canadian women are un- able to take up the duties.of nursing at the front but they sh ouldknow to take_ care of their .own at home; and for this purpose no better -book was ever printed than the Medical Adviser— a book contauaing 1,008 pages, and bound in cloth, with chapters on First Aid, Bandaging and care of Fractures, Taking care of the Sick, Physiology, Hygiene, Mother and Babe which- can be had at" most drug stores, orrsend 50 cents to Dr. Pierc Courtwright St., Bridgeburg, Ont. ' The women at home, who are worn out should take that reliable temperance, herbal tonic, • Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, Woodatoc%, 'Ons. "For womanly ail- ments I have found Dr, Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription to be .excr.t- lenir It strengthened and built me up ss+ieral years ago when I was suffering with a chronic' trouble and it also proved to be a splendid tonic during expect- ancy, I take great pleasure in recommend- ing ]:ar, Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription' to all " sufferers from woman's weakness," —Mre, Annie eir,ckler; 21 4r4hur Sd, month, returned to her home int"King- atom' on. Saturday,! Mrs. Huston of London and Mrs. Burke o ham, were u k f ai ,g r this week owing to the illness of their father, Mr, •Jas. , Taylor. • Mr; . Sarah sarnitle who has a been visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. Ja;rrot•t and Mrs, M. 'Smith., returned to .leer home nu Wi'rnnipeeg last tweek. Mr and ;Mrs. Robiert Skinner and, t11e tatter's mother,, Mrs, Hodgson, se - turned this week from a pleasant trip to the West where they visited friends, Miss Ida Armstrong is home from, Toronto owing to the schools of the city being elated. She has been; con- finled to the house for a few clays owirng to i'lloess, Miss Fern Short and Miss Tuc cey who have been attending business col- lage in London, returned to their re- spective homes here ,last .week, tho oll:ege having been, dosed owing to the epidemic, Owing to the Normae, School being closed at Stratford' on acca'unt of the Spainisstt infleenza, Misses Ruta Rowe and Lela, Sartclets . arse Mies'a Johns as home Prom London Normal far the same reason. MONEY. PO LOAN We 'have a loge PtnonAt off prevat, funds to loan on farm' aaad �$iia'gre property art"bow rates of interest. =ADMAN & STANBURY Banisters, SIdld.citors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING B. A. Barrjister, Selnici:•tor, Notary Public, Conrmissbiotner•, Salvcoltor for- the Mol- sloans mink, Etc. Meosuey to loam at bowest _rates of interest: Office—Map¢. Street, Exeter. Ds. G. F. 'ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D.. Irakfp`ri sT iitavnlsar el the Cn C.D.S. - of Omit F€osfor Graduate Toronto Unliverstit,7 Office CIi's law Office; closed Wedneaday afternoons, DB. A, S,r 1NSrIi4Aai►1. L.D.S., Honor Graduate Toaornto W rtla , Beth extracted withont pain or acs bad effects. Office over Madman Stanbu y's Of•€ase, Main Street, EXetfiT EYES TESThD FREE Satisfaction, Guaraintteecl. Alt ex•rora of Eyesight corrected, • CREDITON DRUG STORM 'Tea & Coffee Store Forthe choices groceries, fruits. (pica% teal, roe and ever` Maw in the, grocery Utah Cali and lee us. . A trial as to quality' mill ooiviti Ge. Produce a taken in exchange Jake Gould Furniture and Undert . king ® N. O ' TEM FUNERAL ?)IRhCTOR AND FUR,MTURB DEtALElt ar ain Store- FALL FOOT WEAR We have what you want in the new up-to-date styles and with]. ill • pi"eaaed to show our newest lines 1'' • in men's women's, or children's Woes. Lots of Heavy Shoes and Rubbbers to WARM UNDERWEAR --See our Fleece men and boys: HOSIERY—Our stock is complete and CAPS SHIRTS, GLOVEs, MITTS, HOW ABOUT A MADE -TO -MEASURE FALL.:? SEE OUR SAMPLES, stand the fall Mud 'and wet. Lined Shirts and Drawera,fo4 comprises some good ' values. ETC SUIT OR OVERCOAT, FOR, F Beavers