HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-24, Page 7•
ca. i;h; 4aa
, cti1�i1Y
MAN may Iavell feel proud to have railed
stock, grain, fruit or vegetables that will stand
comparison with the beft his neighbour can
° The exhibition gives you.Tan:opportunity
to show your beef work, and to see what
�r-•..�h. .fit
others have been producing.
It is natural to want to win a prize or a ribbon. The
desire puts you on your 'nettle, , and even thoughou may
not win the coveted'prize
you the effortmake
will mean
an- improvement in your whole year's production.
It is this constant striving that keeps all' live people up to the.
mark. We, as manufacturers, have a tremendous responsibility to
spur us on. We know our success depends on the perfed satin -
faction of the millions of Gillette Razor users who daily enjoy the
real luxury of a faultless shave.
The every -day shaver has put the "blue ribbon" on the Gillett
Razor. His hearty commendation makes his friends want to buy
`„ the famous safety razor. It would do you good to hear him.
?t'tihe Exhibition, you will see thousands of men who owe their
clean, fresh appearance largely to the Gillette. Su - os step
_pp � e you
}into a jewelry, drug, or hardware store, and look over the assort.;
rnent of Gillette sets.
Your year's work has entitled you to "treat" yourself to a
Gillette, and you will say, as the years go by, that it was the
bei five dollars you ever invested.
Office and Factory 65-73 Se. Alexander St-, Monttrea/. 380
a+.. ttnw.wraaw.A
oc land in ended for potato'eis, Solving the Problema
corn or oableage next -spring shoul•cl An ambitious young wife decided to
be:plowed late thin fall to kill grubs take up gardening, . When her husband
aaid..'en•tworms, was -starting for business one morning
he was ]landed a sheet of paper con-
taining a lengthy list of „seeds Which
he was to bring home. Glancing at the
list; he asked: �.
"You au want these flowers to bloom
this sunil..er, don't you?".
"Yes, of, course."
"\Yell, those you have down here
don't bloom -till next summer.".
"Oh, that's all i ight," she said.
".A]1 right? Ilow is it all right?"
"I am n.aking up luy list,° she ex-
plained, "'from last :year's catalogue,"
wiltt. LA aY- COk?eRAT O4 Lt...
-from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone;
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar,
troubles' and gets horse going sound..
- It acts mildly but uicklyand good re-
sult's are ,lastinga Does.not blisreir
mr remove the hair and horse can
be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with
each bottle tells how. !2.50 a bottle;
delivered. Horse Book 9 R free.
'.ABSORBINE, JR„ the antiseptic liniment
for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En-'
Lrred Glands, Wens, Braises, Varicose Veins a
Y,e:tis Sores. Ailays Pain. Will tell yott
more if you write. $1.25 a bottle at dealer
cr delivered. Liherattrizi bottle for 1U, stamps.
V2.F YOUNG,P.D.F•,„st6Errttnsaisle Montreal. Carla
4,'M'TMC and itssorbinr, 1' . ere niadn a' Came”.
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and: hands.
.At the cost of a small jar of ordinary
cold cream one can prepare a fai11
quarte: pint_ of the most wonderful.
lemon skin softener and complexion
beautifier, by squeezing the juice of
two freshlemons into a bottle contain-
,. iug three ounces `of.' orchard ';'white,
[;:are should be taken to strain the
juice through a fine cloth so no lemon
pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep
fresh for months. Every woman
knows that• lemon juice is used to
bleach and remove such blemishes as
fredlcles, sallowness and tan and lathe
ideal slain; softener, whitener and
;fust try it! Cot three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two Mations -front the geocer and make
VA- M- -f 4-64 .$ a4t . r•* a np a tluarter pint of this sweetly fra '
rant lemon lotion and nlassa,ge it daily -
into the face, neck, areas and , hands,
It is marvelous to smoothenrough
red hands. •
How to Cure
Doctors warn against remedies
containing powerful drugs and
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, hes no dope or
strong ingredients; it cures
indigestion, biliousness and
constipation. Can be had at any
drug store. Get the genuine.
60e, and .$1,00 Bottles. • 3
Celery intended :for winta;: use may
be kept by taking the plarts from ,the
ground Wiltil a- quantity of reaa'bh at -
'barbed to the roots, and packing th;,em
in boxes,- oats down. Aftermoving
the boxes to the collar, acid nnoisturc
to the earth, being ''careful not to wet
the leaves and stands,
Would Protect Canada's Mountain
Sheep, Caribou and Moose.
The Advisory Board on Wild -life
Protection has been drawing publie
attention to the need for protecting
t$e important game 'resources, of
Northern- Canada, and is now looking
into the need for a game sanctuary
in Yukon territory to save from des-
tru'etion the mountain sheep, caribou,
moose and other large game that are
found in considerable,numbers iii tha
"From information obtained from
prospectors, hunters, trappers. and
Indians it is estimated that -there are
probably . between 4,000' and 5,000
mountain sheep in that district bound-
ed- by the White, Donjek, and Nisling
rivers," says- Mr. A. L. 3ell, of the
R.N.W.M.P., '• Whitehorse sub -district,
in :reporting on -.the advisability of
establishing such a sanctuary. "These
animals have undoubtedly been driven
to that district from the more. access-
ible ayeae on account of persistent
hunting on the part of _both ` white
Hien and Indians. Unfortunately, the
Yukon garde ordinance does not suf-
ficiently cover the' preservation of
mountain sheep, as under Sub -sec. 1
of Sec. ,9 explorers, surveyors, pros
pectors, miners and travellers who
are engaged in. any exploration, sur-
vey or mining 'operation of the t:erri
tory, and are in actual need of the
beasts, birds or eggs for food, may
lawfully hunt, take or kill the beast::
or birds, and eggs of ethe birds .or
other wild fowl so mentioned in this
ordinance. ' Section 28 of this ordin-
ance states, 'with the exception of
Section 8 hereof, this ordinance shall
not apply :to Indians who are inhabi-
tants of the Yukon Territory'. (Sec.'
3 applies to buffalo and 'bison.)
"I have no doubt that mountain
sheep, as Well as 'moose, caribou,:ete.;
have been wantonly ,4slatighterecl ,,by
Indians—and by white mei. as well—,.
not 'only for food, but also for dog
feed. The Indians accuse the white
pion of, this; and, . on the other hand,
the white niers accuse the Indians of
the satire: Unfortunately, the Indians
4444'414 4444.44'44 4' " F ii`�0 uiiaarcite s insazten
�:...... _ .n .. t 1Thr x:41® gel9tPh CD Rr t
are `aware that, under the ordinance,
hey may kill practically as munh
game as they wish,for food or other -
couaidcr the suggestion of creat-
ing :this area into a sanotualy an rax-
coedingly good one, and, if ib is car-
ried but, , a detachment of ole con-
stable could be established, or a com-
petent game warden employed, who,
with dogs or pack -horse, could patrol
the diebubi at regular intervals and
1+^ieep in close touch with both Inclilns
ad white men. '.Chis 15, 111 my opie.
ion, the only method by which the
geme can be preserved."
ain ? Hir°st's will stop it
Used fpr o *ears;'to7elioverbenanacihn.,lumbago,notlsalgis,sprains, lame
bap]*:4hbtbaolle, earache, swollen joints, bore throat and other pain.
Axl eoruplaints. Have a bottle in the house, All dealers orwrite us •
HIRST REMEDY CoM1'AN1, [fsrauiton Canada Ai
or :ut;tt `u
Soldiers Ali,
" fisher rcen,imend yolks net.;
leer the, o.4c , 's trawling!
Cod .,:Ilii 1nenhadi n run
Thick fat the hauling![
I"Yee, bet beyond the Mises
L3ugle>'are calling.
"Writer, the -vas."d wvoul i count
you with its sages!
Par frcia the shock oi' war,
'roil for the ages!"
"No ---I �T .•
o -•--f t-huse write. -,ply lata,
011 .1 reedosn's htig,es'."
"Surgeorl, yfro, cannot gal
Hear l.he sick pleading!
'Tia not for such as you
Bullets era spaOdmng!"
"Ilusla.—for 1 eee in France
l rosily. bleeding !'a
•" Ialotlnrr, keep back your led,
Though bis ' mates ,corn him!
Better their it jeep flan that
You .heact. sh ttlld mourn him!"
"Cease or his <,puntry's cause
My arms have borne him!"
Suitable for afternoon or evening
wear and quite chaimirig when de-
veloped in satin or any soft material.
McCtnl'1 Pattern No. 8545, Ladies'
Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust.
Price, 25 cents.
A simple dress to be ,slipped on over
the head, with the straight silhouette
and touch of braiding. McCall Pat-
tern" No. 8497, Ladies' Slip -On Dress.
In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20
cents, and No. 8459, Ladies' and
Misses' Peasant Blouse.. In 6 sizes,
82 to 42 bust Price, 20 cents. Transfer
Design No. 912. , Price, 15 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or
frorn the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Currency and 'Cash.
Corporal Bilkins had'' arrived in
France after a few days in England.
"Iow much .Honey have yon got
left?d asked Corporal ` W ilkins.
',`Well, I've got six shillings; a quid,
two farthings, nine pennies, a franc,
half a pound, four sous and 60 cent-
imes, but I've only got tn'o dollars in
The flag of Turkey displays a'
crew^nt moon and a star on a red
10 -
When the
morni d: cup is
subpose you make
a charge from
the old -tame
beveraa,e to the
srlappyT cereal'
You'll be
surprised at, Its
cheerir, seals
f k g' qUalitieS
and&i4h' lJll .
'flavor. i s all
,+t ego
Try et lin
'Pastor , aiow- .more and more
Men usedyour preaching!
How shall tltoy find their souls
T1' yotc step te4c',ling?"'
"Yet, or, II3is battle line
- God is beseeching!"
—0 --0 o-ro -a- o ---o
Cincirnatl man twills how to dry
up a cornorcallus so it lifts
off with fingers.
You corn -pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you beffore, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops of treezone applied directly on a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness at ..;"ice and soon the corn or
Titre To Get Up.
"Did you try the simple plan or
countrlltc sheep for your insomnia?
"l ? , doctor, but I made 4 mess of
it. I (minted 10,090 sheep, put 'em on
the cars and shipped 'em to market-.
,And when I'd got though counting the
wad of Money I got for them at pres-
ent etieee it was time to get up."
retnnress mini -meet 'Cures-Y)anaruer...
Keep a little brush broom handy to
the flour bin and use it before you
em:nty a sack in. Be thorough .'
about it, too.
AGI11 TS waairTED
hardened callus loosens so it can be 11. good priYits. Finishing a specialty-;.
lifted off, root and all, without pain. I
'Unitedls pr`Ioyth�ing unsii is psis e..
A small bottle of freezone costs vary
. i
little at any drug store, but will posi-
tively take .off every hard or soft 'corn i iIA1,
or callus. This should be tried,as ft ' QL DTE D1 eld nD,
it Batt[ ant Ontario. Pe1d Rzos,.'
is inexpensive. and is said not to irri- 13ath.wcetl, Ontario. s
tate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
fine stuff and acts like a charm„erery
Increased Acreage for Next' Year.
Every effort -should be made to help
the farmers of Canada to put an, iii -
creased area under the plow this
fall. City men have helped, -with the
harvest, and ;success .seems to he as-
surcd. City men must help out in
i nitrand job printing plant in 'Eastern
ego .for
t')ia. ins51.200 on Quick sale.
urance-carried $1,5 ]00, 69,
. 'Box -
Wilson Publishing :Co... Ltd., Toronto.
in New Ontario. Owner going to
France. Will sell $2.000. Worth double
that amount. Apply J. FT., c Wilsor. '
PUhlishing Co., I,irnited, Toronto.
internal 'and external, cured with- '
out pain by our home treatment. Write .
: us before Too later. Dr. i3e11rnan Medieae9
Co., Limited, Coliingwood. Ont.
cases Nvhere fanners find labor scarce
for fall plowing. Men, now in cities, ( iia ra, i �------r
who have worked on farms, and can bT �aA '?
handle horses, should render them-
selves available for this important
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.:
Dear Sirs, -I can recommend I1I-
NARD'S LINIT1115NT for Rheumatism
and Sprains, as I have used it for both
with excellent results..
Yours truly,
T. 13. 'LAVERS,
Si: Bohn.
His Understudy.
A benevolent old gentleman gotinto
a motor -'bus and sat down opposite a
nice, little, round -eyed boy who stared
at him uncompromisingly. The old
gentleman grew a little uncomfortable.
under the child's fixed gaze, and, see];.
ing relief in action, he winked at the
The small boy tried to return the
salute, but both eyes persisted in
shutting. The old gentleman found
he hail made things even more em-
barrassing:, for, the child piped to the
young woman at his side:
"Mamma,” he said, "wink at that 1
M1nard'k LIrtment Curet Pzums, :tc..
Sufficient Butter. in Canada.
The Canada Food Board has tom -1.'
mandeered all the creamery butter
made during October and up to Nov-
ember dth, to be shipped to Great
13ritain and herallies. While Can-
adians are accustomed to two pounds
of creamery butter; per person, per
month, or 8 ounces per week, per per -
ton, the people of Great 13ritain at
the present time are confined to 2
ounces per week, per person, and 2
oilncoe h of butter aver there includes
u large proportion of oleomargarine.
Sand a Dominion Express Moneir
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Are 'You Basting Your Share of Fish,?
Canada is one of the great fish
producers of the world, but Canadians
erre not 'eating their share even yet.
The catch in 1917 was 856,000,000
pounds, or an equivalent of 94 pounds
per head of population, t'hilo our
consumption hat;' been only about 20
pounds nix. head of population of 1'e -
001A i eaTs. The Canada Food Board
is providing greater facilities for the
marketing of Atlantic and Pacific
fish in interior: Canada, 1,114 Canadian
consumption of fish is increasing.
Plant a few lilies in elle perennial.
bol der. r
ta6iva,Yd,N adniieeta 1teitavass. NettsaiuiF
You don't have to rub it in
to get cruiea, comfort.
lug relief i.
Once you've tried it on that sti'f I
joint, sore muscle, sciatic _pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame. hack, you'll find
a warm, soothing .relief you never
thought a liniment could produce. s
Won't stain the slain, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure 1
to give quick results. A large bottle 1
[Weans economy. Your 'owe. or 'lya.
other druggist has It. 3 -fade in C'ui-
-ada. Get it today,
So Bad Could.. Not Slee
Red ,With Water Blisters
and Burning,,
had craeina so bad I could noti
eleep. I; fist started an my arm, theta
1 had it on my body so that.1 could
hardly wear tiny clothes, and I bad to
stay in bed. 1!7•y flesh was dame red
with water blasters, and burning and
"Everything I tried seemed to make
me worse, and I had the troubl
nearly two years. I read moo
cure Soap and Dint
them, They
away, and no
(Signed) lvl'
River, On
Hew o
ming -
In" d