HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-24, Page 5ugw4r+MiMMq'Nlnih vOS! namannonnininassoniiessossameassinnim . ,., Children en Cr -for Fleteher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, .and which has been in use for over thirty •years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per. supervision since', its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just -as -good ", are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger- the health of Infants and Children—Exerience against Experiment. hhat i 1 wySTORN Castoria is. a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. ' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. 'For more than ithirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural. sleep. The Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Use dor Over 30 Years The Kind You ; eve Always : Bought THE CENTA,UR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. fr t rs"�t�ic"iSf�•cr s'ryi":yl•`:�E s3 R..�'�i.,�n�.a' . - .jjj � IT I 4-4 L a'Ss""�_,5,,, cc nw.L., ❖ir'rrxo. •. ,. •t .u. S ", • . Sv `let - 1: I/ 1.1" d i. s !,r •w • � --� tt�O z `.?c �z sit . u. rs yt ' i � `ter '..4._"! i L �• -� { t r-rp q 461111 1111111g11 ZBEr''' • 5 r. . • .1111111C1p tI:' OU serve yourself and your ' ■.HPC ',. ICXu�/q 1111OY1 1121831i` nextr /X 11j , ' ( country -save yourm.::.ey and 3 -- promote the Dominion's thrift. t ,•spifit when you drive an Overland at 1_L,1 Sill car. do `-•mIiP �u�eip�ss�p��i�iz 'Htlltfitf•f ilgrfflat iiand it, itl:C:1 II '111{11:11. geigrag NM girl . With an avert and you can more work in I;; s time, release railroads and up war -winning �y gli speed your activities. You have a car complete in every I respeet,eiiicient;durably,+'.+� z iorteuble thoroughly moder ie..d rotected , by our ability to take care of service . ,.. °' -r . ,' and parts requirements nowandlater. ., h Natilla •Y-' -7 r-, • �a Five points of Overland superiority: � Appearance, Performance, e r Comfort, Service and Price ti!.._ 1 • �E - I , f - Light Four Mosel 90 Touring Car. Model yo Sedan Model 85-4 Touring Car t ' r i 11 1 ^4 ! is T. II. Newell, Exeter ' s i _ ; qu LOCAL DEALER [r, I , '1131113111 , .. . - 4 �'"'•` Wiliys-Overland, Limited { 4_1, i-._{ «,- Vliliya-Knirbt and Overland Motor Cars and t1 Light Commercial Wagons -1'( MU ricad ©fiiice rand Works, West Toronto, Ontario °Branches Monti al Qie.,Winnijeg 1l an., Regina, Sask � , L LR -1.1. T y 1 Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS an Lat 22, Con 10, Stephen Tp, our •Tie: day. October 29, at one o'clock-- Harpies-2 'clockI c es -2 grey tnlaires .9 . years old • supposed to het in foal; ihotr'se 12 -yrs. Cattle -Cow due tianerof sale.; 1 far - tow cow cow4e in April; 2 two -yr. olds heifer and steer; 4 yearlings, 1 heifer and 3 steers; 2 yearlings 3 spring calves. Implemeants - McCormick binder" nearly pew; McCormick mower, roller cultivator, uharr WS, seed drill, walk - Plow, 2-lurraw Plow, 2 -horse sulky rake, turnip pulper, 2 wagons, car- riage, buggy, scwfflerl set. sleighs, tur- nip sower, car; sling's, ropes and' pul- ley's, hay rack, gravel box, wagon box, pig rack, fanning mill, 'chaff cut- ter, 3000 lb sallies, sgrass . seed sower, double set harness wnth briftchen; 2 single set harness', one nearly new, bag holder, about 22 toils hay; forks, hoes, shovels, whiffletrees, neck' yokes, and numerous other articles. Furniture -Washing machine., saus- age press, kttch,enr table, 6 kiro.:li ri 04ti1 s, 2 bedsteradls, .clothes .cupboard copoe' kettle, churn, butter dish; lap - leaf table, De Lavtai, creams separator, Terms -$10 an,d under cash; over that amount 8 months' credit' on ttP- provec1• joint notes 3 p.c. off far cash; on credit a/nou :Ls.• • THO3 CLAM.;:' Z, Prop FRANI(' TAYLOR, Auet. Auction. Sale OF FARM, FARM STOCK, & IMPLEMENTS -an "North Hai!rf Lot 32, Corn. 1, London, Road, Township of 'U•s,banne, en, •T(j1±r$1DAY, OCT. 29, at one o'clock Farn-North Half of Lot 32, Con 1 • Lonuwt: Road, comtainin•g 50 ncr(as more or less -frame house 20x37 '•with good kitchen 16x32; barn .O' 70; drvv- usg. shed 1.8x24,`,outbuilding 16x40; good pig house, and three good wells. Well drained and fenced. Alt the land to r inst-cJratss state of cultivation. 2 miiies south, of Hensall, 4 ' miles north `of Exeter. HH'orslGs-Pair Heavy draft geldings Farmer's 'claimer 8 years old, not afraid of cars; ,diji4vling• colt 2 ye{a,rs sired by Exworthy;, Ge. Purpose mare Ca1111e-4..caw due to calve May 1; Jersey cow iduie June 1; 4 sprang callve}s IrtiViie;me,'nts==1101sstey Harris binder; McCormick 'mower; Massey Hamill cultivator.; .;Massey, Harris disk; Mas- sey IIarr:is 10 -hoe drill ; IVrcCormick 9 foot rake; Frost & Woad walking plow; Finery walking clow; • Massey Harris scorner; 2 suet of 3-sectitonhar- rt>ws; McCormick' hander 7 -foot .cut; Cfivier bean harvester and cultivator; 2 dumber wagons, light wagon; set of t 7 �ays; '2 hay racks, gravel 'pox wagon nox, Clanton Fazing mill; bag- ger for Chatham Mill; g.randstoo e, Ma- llotti r:rea:rn separator; top buggy; open buggy, 2 cutters, ac' Dleasur-e sleuglrs ; ,set brass mounted team' har- ness ; ar-mess; .2iset single drty tig harness; 2 slot of good team hares; set aoub,le driving harness; 16 hoirse collar , large stack good hay; set of hobbi saddle; good'4wates- tank; ,e '�t 11achilnc; - robes, 1,�rse blankets, neckyokes, wh,i:i:t etre:, logg,iag chains, and many o t)', r ,.rearms ---All ,shims of $10 and under cash over that amount seinen months credit on approved jottat notes. A d:acount of 6 per cent orerannu,n1- in lieu of notes. R. T. LUKER, Auct, W,• J. W%1fTE, Prop, daAiokathr;t2MISKOffital/iMal:VANCk `,= Hensall John 1i, Stoneman of Toronto, for ini r1,y . of If ensall, son, of'Mrs. Ivlar- ,gaa e t A," Stoneman, has been` killed in action. He was born in Hensall, and as 25 years of age, Be attended. Exeter ,,std Clinton I -Inglis schools, Vic- toria Co liege:, and Osgoode Hall, TQ - ionto, ,and practisedlath in Toronto, He went overseas in March, 19.16, as lieutenant, reverted to private to go' to France, and was promoted to lieu,. tenant in the"trenches, He fought in France and Italy, A brother is now France. -Miss Jackson, south - of 1-leau alt '.: is iirtproving ;from a serious dine,.$. Geo-. Reichert,. son of Adam Reichert has been killed, in, action,: I -le enlisted early in . tete war.-N1'rs,a Jame F. 111 -Gore of London vlort.d Mire last week with old uteighbor.-- 2lr. Chas Troyer has returned from a of it in Guelph. -Nelson Slate la returned" cram a trip to ' )afeota,: Mr John Craig Ilas returned from 2vloosejaw, near wench place he ,Hent the summer, -William Sheppard and Gordon Parker have been wounded in France.-S•ergearut Roy- Neelands has been awarded the Military Medal. The death took place at his home near Hensall on Sunday evening last of Jainvea Bell, son of the late Robert Bell, He hard been in his usual good health all day and had remarked 'an how well he felt, but after su`pperr he sustained a stroke and; died in:a short time, Deceased was about 57 years of age, was born here, and resides on the London. P.oad,, his fife. He was, highly respected. A wifo'sneriy Miss Troyer, and family survive, D1.,Y:SDALE.-- . sad death took place ,here when Mrs Wm, 1)en,omme Passed away in her 47th year, after osrl,y a shore illness of influenza. She had a weak heart, ,,Her husband and a family of sons and daughters sur • - V tie. Grand Bend - Harry Han?iltoo received a sev- ere kick from a colt last week, and to a result he has laeea laid off duty since, --Mr. Wm, Patterson, and son Russell, who have been, visiting in ifichigan., returr4ed home Friday last. -Quite a number around here are sick with influenza, M & k ,. r t , two F 3z1 v M�.TT 1, • L Battles are not all fought withcannon and shell. The most vital are the everyday battles against the debilitating tendencies that invite weak. Hess. For 'nearly five decades has been a definite help to 'millions in the trying 4 battles against weakness. Scott's is as rich in blood -forming properties and as powerful in strength -supporting qualities now as of yore. Let Sctdi's Esmisiorg !aslp you win your bathes.. Scott St Bowne, Toronto. Ont. '' 181 C W, ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR LUATOR for Conan it:0 of }twee e Perth Mi dlesea and Oxford, Fame Stack sales, a Specialty. Office at Co tsetiut1 Warerooms, next door to Centra-," Hotel, Vistin Street, Rxeter, FRAN'KJ TAYLOR Licensed 'Auctdlar eer lror Counties of T union and Middlesex Prices Rea4sOnalb1e and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED to, C. H Sande,rs at the, Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential no witness RATFORD., ON t'. Lady graduates of last germ are now earning" as high as ,$18 and even $20 per week, while young men are earn- ing still better salaries, We cannot nee t the demand for 'tra,n-ed help, Write us at once for particulars re-, T,arding our Commercial, ,Shor eh i id or Telegraphy Department. Students may enter at any `time. D. A, McLachlan,, Prm. Thousands upon thousands,. endless thousands, hold their livz2 cheap as the price of Victorious Peace. And we—as we watch from afar their heroic efforts— may we be able to say that the little we at home could do, we have done; —that in so far as we could support them, lighten their burdens, bring them com- forts, we have done it; —that we have striven un- ceasingly to shorten their stay in the Hun -made Hell; —that freely, ferve-ntly, unitedly, we have laid our humble offerings alongside their noble sacrifices on the altar of Victory—and Peace. Another opportunity to lend you individual weight to the blow that will -shorten the war comes with the offering of Victory Bonds about to be made. Let not the privilege to do your share find you unprepared. feinted by Cwade a Victory Loan Coon ttee hi co-oriorction w Utl tho Minlbtes of" n'iW of the Dodn;nion of CiGanadi.