HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-24, Page 2Cr,
It Ilas roved a
T. Millions of Tea,
What One 'Woman Did. clerk intericsr, . An 1 be080S.,0 of the
There is an, atrnoephere of re,se thiege she did not do, she made a
yahnible informlitien Gained 19'
KeperiLuente CitOlgli.
For oitie yeare ia suceeeelen
periment•, were eomiticted lit the On-
tariO Agrieultural CA/liege al, lp
in treatieg winter wheat, iu differeat
Wt? to:t\i'et ted. h ; h \)'•°ele°,1111.1tlealnthave at:
been very satielertory, in the ever
age for „five yeare, untreated seed pro -
about ,,,olue h.omes, perhaps nnac_ home that was like e bo, of 11eayen on (Need 4.2 pee cent, or smutted heads,
countable, but undeniably present, -of- °al -the \Vbile' S3Cd 'W1°(.11 Was innners" for
lecting all who are fee:tenet° enough So many of 04 'are (unt'el.°` tY 20 minutes in a i'olution mule by
ts,loleheraoeielomthe.eiTntituhli4e,lt:hbo,ileis I kno eircunestere - that it ie. not alw ys , adding,. ono pna, of forinatin to 42
--..° c- Ab - Pu'l.
Dich in Flavor -----. solute in - ty W - . e:s a • . '
It is sim- eos%ible to follow 0 defioeie Plan; hut gallons or water produeed a crop
ple and 'harmonious, and while it is by refsogtihnizsireghomelue?lakitilonodriseer\netadl,, Nri,/illiiiselitemastniii(rleactiosllybei:rleleffoiti•olandi stionibit,
T r) 1? 1 T 1 ..i °You .'ky bright it is rest -fol. There roles
is no sense of confusion, becatise the and keeping them m 'rabid whenever, simple in operation, comPorativelY
Woman who made it -what it is used changes are contempleted, we may i cheap, effectual in coMpletely killing
neither fi urea dra erie nor rugs of in time reach the gog----------------- the siymt ;led peoducliee or the high -
Sealed Packets Only .
731a.ck-Green. or Mixed 13.4•66
Arthur Stanwoqd Pier
a decided, pattern with. figured wail- travel along the path which leads est yield of rain
papers. Neither did 030 plIt dark to
or large -figured paper in a small
room, f'or it is always questionable See That Children Flet )Vholesorae
The reselts of twelve separate tests
made at the College rhow an averrig-o
increase in yield of grain per acre of
and seldom looks well, She did use Food. (LS bushels from large as compared
a dim, soft tapestry paper in the Nutrition is power, force and en- with sniall seed, of 7,8 bush. from
hall, and in the bedrooms some small, ergy. The human body ITIUSt create, plump as compared with shrunken
'reelbcooef.ed. asettefas that did not this f • itself man is not leattery seed and ot 85.fi bush from sound
"`travel." that can be charged or reloaded at tkE4 compaTed evith broken, seed.
She did net furnish any roem en- will, therefore it behooves us to look, Thoeoughly ripened • seed produced
th.•ely in browns, but put plenty well to the requirements of our bodeet more grain and produced more straw
1 ; 14
rreent Etuughten Mania COU1 MU, by stic,clisl arrangement Ttoz- of dull -blue in the brown room. gov- Underfed children will grow toi than seed which was cut at, an earlier
Neromt. ing C. balanced ration of color. : mature fully two or tiree inehe st. .e of m terity
er did she Put a depressing blue pap- under normal heig-ht, and with el Eight separate tests demonstrated
ciTAFTER xxII, the belief of the Department that, er on anY room, for That might give handicap of twelve to eighteen pounds that land on whiele field peas had been
Fop a week Kate and Jern..,,, and "Ma faets being as stated, it de. the family chr '
manure yielded 6.5
t/Irs, Donehue alternated their anxi- siriible that Offib°rne ea. be,ov, nermal eitag. t. This has been, used Os green
f the
nue watch be- Peiteer's bedside, 'I en e from t fo-co, for he e,00d.e ---------------------------------------eed m 1110:.,t instances to faulty, bush. of wheat per acre more than
u-ing rs euch tree
rnis.sed e -e • 1. • "
tie geaye, b-uee or greens, were not nutrition= insonitarY l'Irrouneingsl. land on which buckwheat had been
eame ilite day when the fever sublid- of the 'service,
ed a., sea-lie/AY ae it had arisen, and inc Police Conuninioner., sPare, Put in a imrth- r°01ny nor In a )'ooni anti lack of care- for the physical used as green maniire. 'Winter wheat
delirious or comatose lecileed up at with her-graY /mar ileatiri smooth-. used to reflect. till!' the al'itt Pes- The officzent mether must ender -
the hey who had so 10/1,g* been either severelooking man, snwath-shaven,, having little light, but Yellows were being. grown on clover „sod oleo yielded bet -
on either side of the straight. sible. e
the watchers witih uneleuded eyes and ed- down She aroided using -l.lellowns• -rend ehoroueeifLy and be alert to pre -
a \V'an -smile- "1 guez•el I won't- ho line' his'ectialg i.' a'-'3.1tecl 'Ter/7 If he ' °ranges or 'ed.', ex,ceP4; in.- small v'enttl‘iis dwarfing of the cape c ity of
tee t go t sehool today' he sad,. t'a" recl to make a statement. JarrY touche-% in ..rforreshav-ing el strong -the human being.
and he. cid, not at ell understand the rep:led ,that he ceuiel not conceie.e oi, ,/, •'t ligne btt. put her grays, or The earlap is almost entirely want-
c?ol colors, in these rooms. One child is permitted to eat what
with the Japanese, but this ap-
e•motion in 1•;ate's Yoiee 'when she an being expos -ed a •hecond.time, to such ' -re °
sneered, "No, Peter, not to -day, but Nor did he likes, eti,scarding food that is thg
temptation; he was bound to ay that'
penitent. for soe use borders 'an her papers, for , eitally MeesSari if he is to g,.0.e7 parent anornoly is none at all. It is
we whose ears nre badly,formed, or at.
Beale dee:, thank God." "To -morrow, he., Leou-,1t1 ,note, fool N'erY herders carry the eyes. up to the cell-. bone, teeth and muscles structure.
1 gue,i,,,e.,i ,caid. peter beileflait„-. 'imnat he nati (tone, and yet that let. which na-
He asked Jerry -why he wasn't in tia°1-ryhk in all '. --- I141°(t:ii'llneres f\V,..1.1ena'kiVee Iteuarget, 'clififf (Ialo'etntinftl:rifilertehdosewith, would
uniform and zeemed interested in the Were nal' ul'anY nletareell, hut! theneriidagaa ninie'ltsealmoer
and 'emergencies he cookl. be trusted .' c'Tkere
e - , . orolli;',....r3 etre ume,,,ences leo.
to recognize and v. -len -RI af- diet-- es 1.1-4 '
ter than that grown on timothy sod.
Earlaps of the Japanese.
, 1 . Le ...... s en as she had were gooLl, Nnt r... Sim-, ie or iee cream for the noon lunch- • •
' hive given us Our ear is disfigured
. . .
exp_at a non tha t wh ell a polic.eman let 1..e-9. .., te next . ,
zmother man it was a technical breach 47„aY ya...11.-thi.iiir; given a rf-ince han,ging them against a Preured wall-' spare° of ehme artedee. A saucer loaded it with more or less heavy
was. noe ninon or an appeal. L,o lc eoleer e..,; 7 .,...1,,, 7,,L....._ 7., ...,...,_„„ ,. _ ornaments, which in the course of
es. duty, and the policeman evertt with- "Iljave . a , '-'11' Ya$,',4 paper, for this causes eonfusion. of well -cooked cereal And milk would
atonement. one hook, tire-I-eh:to leading the eame time have supplied -nun with
.,,L fi d i %-ii d t IA time elongated its infeeice: part. We
out hie un4f°1711.°1' a Ivirile by waY a .the emotions. When he had finese- , - ' `''‘'' ''''x. '''• 1 -''''"u -e". taee s'aLe• e the eel' , 'n
ed Track stood up and. esked if he 1.-r°In' !I Thela inherited 'from them both Inc suctom
He exp_am- •-• y o g e, fooc. needed for nureition. and its effect ----the lap. A _fact goes
With the elastiLilty of clellellirenca ., -, L ,- e , \--- 1. - eye, h the eonver ing lines of the - 1 ,e-• '
Peter rapidly recovered his normal ;nig!" l'aY a •L'ew Tfj3rU"I'
n ee hoped any- jile, not ornate, frameie She avoided, Peon. They are indifferent to rhe because for centuries our ancestors
prisorer ceeape in order to catch \ tIrs,
to ehoev that this useless and cruel
a tint had eery, to the heaeing wire, to tne hook instead of to The
health; mdeed, he was again going to custom was unknown to the Japan -
Store a Reg of Hereing.
Nvithout any 'urging front Officer pieturer
school before the. question whether ese, the expressions for.. earrings
Donohue -who had, inqatt, held no There was. nothing in the 'Douse too
mimiegana) and earlap (enimi-taboo),
;Terry should ever again be permitted communication .w.ith 1....oni since the 1 good to be used. She avoided put -
to wear the uniform had been de- I trial. It seemed tohim that Officer, tine- more than five oldects vi a
cidaTi. I Donohue deserved another ehanee, es- mantelpiece nor were the Hying_
1,Vit'n -the 1,:fting of the big anxiety ne.,..h.di , 1 s, h, a owned he, fault _ .., . ,. 1. 1 .,..
. . Y az. I- a ' --.' , rooms cluttered. WIErn ..00..ie p -.00ze
about Peter, the petty anicte•rtes press. '
„, in a manly fashion inetead of lying , re,. , . e
ed relentlessly upon Jtery'e. mina. as he nr,ght easily and ..,,:afe.±.3, ;have _grapes. _Lee rugs. and laige pie,s,,,e.
Once 1120fe had set in the drain upon were nor placed "on L..0
clone. So far from being entrust- of fironitare
h•is mother's little 'hoard; once more 'worthy, he had. shown a keen ree;artl h, ills," straight, struetural lines ,0:
3i was eating the bread of idleness for the truth- Stith 41 man should mg so much Iriorellsstfui. 'There
And feeling guilty because 110 had not be branded .1+.'s n'i0tally unlit. was no ulate-rail, wrth a lot oe
sta:1i an appetite. There leas nJerry felto.
embrassed and unipeak- collecting- plates and other objects on
work of the most tempoyaey sort to ably grateful. He wished he were it; nor were- there any dead, stuffed
ih'reozheand 00..,,ttrilE=4'iatrusa;11,2.111geati:itcluTtei."Nwaltss IsItch. pbf.agenA:of M.r. EtTla'a:ok ,iPlet.r.,uler'1, , belt or birds har,ging in Inc tl-ni in. f.
uy re0C6'
oks Now
Write. for list of seleeted
vestmenth Which yield from
to utrAi
with absolte sec ut•ity.
"BooIdet I'artiall Pay-
ment Plan wailed on re-
24cm-tiers folitretti id tock itrdhno
-105.106 Transportation Blinding
were not introduced into the japan-
eseelanguage until the epoch when
,the Japanese -entered into 'connection
with the OecidentalS, those whom
they were wont to call barbarians.
U 11,1 I NG
Earn I rens $10 to 335 a stock. Learn tritlioutienvled
home. liooklet sent free. ROYAL eourte OF
SciENCE.-ng BR Stadion Ara., Toronto.. Cats.
ir/mnen, "pm, Coma, (4. aocdt.
MG EC 010:411TCD
'Z'cka 0111,29S • • ...""Ig=.
e eeeLeae
le•sned by Canada Food Board
Eliminates all gums
*ork. Atlokett
wholesome bread,
rolls, etc. without
trouble. Saves flour
mid helps cooserve
the Nation's foocl
Convenient, quick
end dean-handa
done:touch dough,
ipelivered all charges
paid to yaw home, or
through your dealer -
four loaf size 02.75
eight loaf size 032.5
su.soendecl. It took eoura,ge to go to 01 P. I - n • " n - loom to re-proaele. bee tthen elm want-
,_ eva eree to be found the e eel t Mr Of course e-ou store potatoes. a nd
NN11.Y. ae. Trarelcl He felt it. mus.t be woncler- ed to en.1°Y a Sa"rY httle tr°1-1t. °r a
Mr. 151-ureay and explain apples in your cellar :for winter hin-
should again be seeking a. job; but he Her china was. not what about a keg of herring or a
fel to he so fixed that you could gave P.lece of game.,
c'eid it. Alin ray gave him a not parti- such 'help and encouragement. to a Painted with realietile o.nmals or box' of finnan hacidies? They are an
'Cill.arlY COrerial reception anil regret` fellow 10110 Deeded itlIow he- would flowers, for who would care for lee- ir,resbnent of the best kind for you
tea that he could not help him. Jerry like to he soma day in a positien where cream served on a lobster's hack? can always turn to them hi time or
came from the -interview with flein-
he could do a thMg of that kind! Neither did this homemaker die.- need and prepare an appetizing and
mg cheeks. He kway ept afrOM Alinost immediately thee pleasant play al1 he,r silver on the sideboardeconornicell meal in the twinkling of,
Trask, thinking that h; too, had prob- juiees of emotion were transformed to for she found that a dish of fruit and an eye.
alder heet faith in. him. He called on The Chief in 2. bullYirig .tene a pair of candlesticks looked so much There is a big vic.tory to choose
-the ,superintendent of the street rail- gall-
olejeeted to ;having •ari. ineffic'ent, un- more a-at...active, and reqvired less from. Of the salted and dried kincl
way, and tee superintendent seemed. t. in'31111-
s' h 1i," '1.' V " ' ' `I ' .. you have kippered herring, salted or
l'ea'1 l''it ' ''' P elai-ee all - "1 trustworthy, diat's Wil'at he was- earTies-
teritlY Ch011ght of giving him a place .e exterior of the house. was not dried codfish and salt pickled elewieees.
made a reguicer hero. In behalf of -
no a conductor; but when he aeicecl , painted a cold, stony gray, nor a The frozen varieties obtainable in the
the effiele.ncy of the l'oree-of ovidelt
what Jerry'f.-.. tererenees 'were and so he conceived himself to be a better bright green, nor pink. Instead it West are lake fish, sole, brill, cod;
learned who hewas, his. roanneT I.
. -°° judge han the gentlemw
an ho had e.,
as painted white with a mossy- plaice, witches anci flounders; and in
'i ru e -le eile a c aa'uLeo and li- ' ('-'-c-rle€ ju et e-poken-41a demanded tee clis- green roof. She did not paint her Eastern Canada, cod haddock, inaeke
frostily that there 11 was othieg•
-.1;! missal of Donohue porch-ceiling.s sea -green nor sky-blue, erel, herring, sole flounders and lake
eou'el offer him. FiatillDY jerrY Foi;.k, The Commissioneewas evidently for such eolors tire s ensi the eyea. fish. Other varieties of fish tenting L.
work as a portei• in a hotel. During ;repressed by the resonableness of Nor aid she. Dein'', the outside win-
ihe two weeks that he was on duty Jerryys defense and. ennounced that „, , , , I ...... .. „ ., out of Canadian lakes besides white-
iliceee he never pecketed a tip tylthout he did not feel it r e^ ,csaty.. to remove ( '
OW'sasees e.aek, making toe Vent'
a fish, trout and pickerel are ciscoee
'reehug of deep humiliation. - him for -the good of the sirvice. ' He crows look like great holeagainst the pike, gold eyes and mullets.
Life in .those days seemed to be a dull, however, agree with the Gluef
that Officer Donohue, ought ley no
means to be regarded as a "regailler
hero," and lie felt, that ,sorne punish -
series of minor slights and indignities.
The Arinstrorigs, who had not. been in
ignorance of his disgrace. gehildted
bubteT produced during the next sia
their heartfelt satisfaction. Again. inent, ineaddition to what he Lied al-
the two Ai r"tron girla 01)001ready imblergone, would not; be airis• Great Beitain and her Anfweek$will be quite sufficient to fill
es have the ordinary demands ofithe Canadian
the doorway watching :for hnee, anti He restored Jerier to his place on the L ,
'hehe wipe...11.4d they Were a.
leen e•ior o eatter for eeveral publir.
force, but setetenced, him ro eeLec onc
mord. is, and the Canada kood Board
er'les and ,d3risive lfl1012"\-1-111- month without poy.
etrong. told him that, he looked mote Great was the rejoicing in the Dome ilaye been 11&'ked t° tak-e stens. t°
ood Contr- .orner
The present suppler or., creamery
,butter in storage, togethei• with claire-
natural in hie old ducle,---hai never itue flat th.,t evening. wilo„. Jerry- 'sieve the condition which has borne
looked as if ho was made tO wear a showed himself on.cL., more in onitorm , heavily ttpon the People of Great Brit-
amiora,--am as, :to would pi. Oba )1. Lt
. , nrfOlin
'. ain, France, Italy and Belipihn. The;
Lever wcar one tegain it was jitst as ,...
rt came pea], being his laet rip- ereesure upon cargo space has been
-well, Mrs. stairs one AIME r.rorig came out on
3)0 1001±. Seine 41/11C of ter 011dnight, heeeviee the a 0.1' er, 4,11 00 the United
tday to greet, 'hire and
Boarding-house leeepere are Te-
Inii)!tied that they met uget a license
from the Canada Food Board if they
serve fifteen •me,als a clay outside
their families. It is illegal not to
oslt him If: he exoceted IIIild meth whe" 11a 'wn:'''' 1-n,a'''.:11.''a alcmg. a back E.aces has entered the war, and he get the license, ond the Penalties TrlaT
, .
1111 31 in dir.,0,i1151; of ilia, urofoi.in street, he saw the .flieker ot flemee ga„ indoing. her troops across the be heavy.
at a 2;00,1. :01,-.1„,. she also hmi to 'through a stabli€.-; -window., TT
to the nearest lire'alarrn box:- w-fliii•Tre !\:t1all'fic• -SllIP's a'rl lleedea fer 310w are .1`1101.*0 wrii0 011111; l'° gat; a
limeln-so ehe in forraf2d. him.--whan- aiere,,an.ci inu_iiitione of war, as well license to he discovered? Vory„ easily'.
ever ;:die 1140014 4, how- 110 had (tIreati was a block awae. on another -street s°1
end he ieed iuse et•tt, im .the qjp vrri nii,P"'"aS Loi Toon stutes. ihe main ;,..:T.z1.131.s, 11.0 '.,:roce/: must not knoevingly Eery -0
oiled to arreat her for hanging '11-'4'-`r lurnvi bl-lek'whan'. s,hea.ap, c'e„-eing‘. 0.1i; 1'0 0 il ...cti.lfr S. naturall.,7 receive the first bearding-11°ns° k(4e-Pl's vcil° have n()
10111e on the 1.001.. That was tO0
4,04,1115 0>42 sh 3 ,g1.10s:,:lcd the no.,,..tt 110.400.. behind, called to him. : eonsiaeration license, IIe risks haying his own
neon thet :filled the place thlat he left re on Deane -Street," s'nonted 'o (1y in Cr:utt r'ritain onei-half Iteelle taken aWaY• c1.11.411 wbui'd rut
1;.aear..t. would be les c.oncerned about- JerrY ill rell'iY" "Slla*Y. 1)Y' Lila ll°x• alld 1 '''' ' ' -. ' ' ' '''' -
pound. eue.,,er or margarine per 1110110,d,
4.1 bii'. out. of be:sines; 13 carding
bothering 0- 114 1,111>01 oil(' more about dirBeteitt tsilheeeelill',gifiitlieelost, in 3 i,o. ad to fel_ per person, le all that ithe supply al- 3-1°118e bleaPe3s-Illusl 4,1'0 "bt°''in eugal.'"
. getting criminals to jail in;;31.eati„ of low,. He. otriv.od i.b 411.„ S(0) 3. as lows, as compared to the ceeemerer eeririicate' ±" get' theii '811111)1 leS ' 01
Iet,..r.t.iiiiieg.;01.11e7;4.1 ;,-.;;Lou.gturios, for 111,,, f otun.e Jerry,. woTking, with ..ni8 Iiight:,,tick, - >4011141 consumpAon of two pormde per sugar, and the retailer artnet endorse
'these at each purchase. Order 46
loosened the ',staple of :the -main, door. pereon, pee month iii Canada.
did liot elle:teed) JdT:1:' y niore than 'his 511 a inoment ih.cy got jt open; there , The c a i; ,_, el the Feed, P,oard--71.'1.ri,C11, it niust be
own / apprehe•nsione d is turb e.a him. install tj, y a burst oe „fi 0110
end i•ecbeimenclatio li ±1 )0 3b113 ...•
nu c' ' an C'' ev ervilll°11- 1; an '''''',, , emphasized, is the law of il e lan d
i'ealizeil /l1-11;lY that being L'id '"ili eniolte; within, -walls and earriagee A,,. , 1,.. 11, 0., le- ' ',''''''e.1' °I' to-day,-speeilleally includes among
front the force. might prove merely \vele ,ablaze, rrh 0 Tear 0,f the ,,,,,, tab] e ,,,.rl-c-It ;,.aire 2110 1.31 0 Oar a a.a J.' 0 0,(I
; Pliblit E; ',king , :Naze s priva.te f ain.illee
the -pwe,!ineinary ,l,o, elismiereel. In was 1.,,artitioned off from the ,eATriege- BollTdi at the reclue'4' ef- the 13rib'sn keeping boarders a.: -..d ho:i.,rdino'-hoUgaS
the,t, -ease :he -would have to conitintie room, and behind ,,J.,.0 partition s.Q..im(,_ elenietly of . 'tied foe inc.-I:Lets:ed. ship-
-,tct ;the lininapiring tai;;Ic that firrni2h- ed ,the •soilmy]il,g, ,-.0..,d .1:rampliug, af ments, lith> commandeered. ;all .;the Prarrald:e(3' i'c'zfette,Tilrseg,,rotleleelY,s83eil,alv°e fil)t)Ceeeill
ed a malkesilif 1 for 410. time being,. frightened hones. Jerry , And sheo. creli.M0ry litIttryr madei between Sep.
j3nt lit vioui.dn't alwaye continue at it;Warned holiyidualey ley filhe 1F:ood
han sairang through the:snioke to the tember 30the and November Oth., in-
eventnaillY Ile wils going to he adniiir intlea. deer :anei .yound it locked ;ie. the elueive, in the P101711100> of Alberta, tions.
Beard ageinst; bre.aking these regale
ted t° lib° bar. There '‘'r'crul'd he all" outer had been. Again ,Teiry teed ,.,eY..jecitchewan, ilfanti.oua, Ontario and
Ilv..,,a-l7...5'a f6W'helrii.3 a i.daY tha.t.w°11-11113"a hiz nigh,t-zticir. with. ;anec 0.;•i8i the flanie
n. and et.o,,u''t emNPo-p10a7p,q3nT,t 1in11
ee,ede, 44(10o 5001014101,, rhi,, haciw. heen he gol'oeel... 01 eNe-, 1 0 rt .
L.0 Oleat 11 1511)
-01r,.r),1%„11&,1'01,,t41,d,i4d, the door open.Ile andShehane1n('i:'Ie''
A Ral S
'dtaiet,lan11311131211,11,1 liteir ovtneoats co'e: mean' liowever that iurprise: .,
'ociez'• ,, i ',roar ;lie heeds. eye ot,,,,,,,,0 of 0.-21.-... ,ill res, Gana ti 1 /MS need, be panic-stricken, 001
„T ,,,,,ee Li, cui,eseil eel- Nyvea ,,,,e.a.s titc,th horaes, led .thein mit of thee!! eteeis cloe2-'; it mean that tllere is the loa;st of all w07k 'fli'° '61Clie'l. day" said
'''e' "00 badly air 14." her 111-141'ilana.8 and through. the smoke to Ithe stre(t, jtistification :for hoarding gy profiteer,. Wo11-1mown• btliEillo'ss nitrirl, "anif,sat'it•
death, Aff,er the payment of all Lite mil )i±[44 oE ,t1,0•; tiro engines. 'the ing, There ,are in .store, tinaffeeted ed'Iliin if" ho welit', to churc11.
a-1,i1,10.‘,V;;;Laly"iddi 11,aa0T1?1,1alt.t1 ,3!"on.a'ercale ,1.1jf eggootiiingdeol. 144-,..1r;--1,1:1 odoil:t7salca;a -.I e.1 or WagOn b3 - this''Continatideering oieler, 20,000e '' 'Yassur) I goes to ohurch ever5'
00;) noun:de of exezniery,. liutter 'made Sunday,' Ile said.
iti"" "f ber fiallqie.li •2'1° l'"nger "Hold .f..11.1,8 41.e-ri-e," .0ala Sort y ' cold , 4. • 9 t 1 , - -36o 0, ' • ; (-, " 'Are you. a men-lber V
ti41.V.,8od ,IyA.Ty ttnxiety; it 14 0) q0lnlai'r .,,, ' . ep eni =tot i 1. . all. V )1 .1 -
Ind nwro assored thee that of. his
owe,. '•
. 'When ti.ary .eppetteed for late hear-
ing befere 'the Police Ominnissioneie
he was' •surpzieed and pleased to sore.
• Tta.sk sitting :at the liaele of the room
The Chief: of l'elfee presented the
charges lo pereen; he yead -in li.m,(5710-
to.nems. ',Nice froni et teepee/Titter doet4.
meek the ,elienegropilic notcoe -.01! -,Te.rey'S
"1 wee 'talking to my ColOred. marl
tlookl' ev.c`10a',,0.fron01'I11IIter is riot affected by ,ehe Order: The
head, . average 00.31 tg cold etbtafse corn-
ttipen't Iry 't, el X)41/,Eiev:au pinise for butte), now in store iq
aavi3ed. \ about 441i cents a ponnd. The pro.
Mit the horae in the stahle neigh- ANdf itorage 000>1)671400tilling to
ed pi 100U 511.
(To ha con tieued.,) ' wholeeolers are limited by the Canada
Food Board ()vier No 45 of Julie 511e,
to 4 per eente, and of 'wholesalers sell'
Every time a woman zee; 0. 11111107
tt.;,:::rnollY at 4112 ,0111 nxpre,,,,t:ed the liait..-(st; to refl ere%
ing to. retailers to 1.0 1)4411 00111:, over
cost delivered to iverebotise.
• ''Yessuin'
" `What -church ?',
• 'Prespeteeryre'
" 'DO You believe ie the doctrine 'of
• ‘Yessub.' .
• 'Do . you thii>10 3 uni elecpca te be
" 'Law, Mr, Mellen, I 'didn't ek.en
know you ell wasra Candidate,'
. ZS
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Ttoo Sizes -50c and $1
For 32 years Canadian women have found
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