HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-17, Page 5mill du9uouriNUU!SUp ulamti1111IIpuIUBIIrIm NiM118f0iAi
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FacSimilel5i$natitte°$ !
] of Infants and Ohiddreno
Moth rnow That
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Beam the
For, Over
Thirty Years
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
an Lot 29, Co.lnb, Usbohe, 'Tp., cru
TLFESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1918 alt
12 ,o'clock, the folllowing property,—
Horses—Matched team, 4years• old
agricultural; team mares, 4 and 5 yr,
old draft; draft gelding 5 years old;
pair General Purpose, 5 and 6 years
old ; 2 .fillies, two-year old, draft ;
General Purpose team, mares, 4 -years;
-years;pair two year old Perchleron geldings
3-yea,r old draft gelding; 2 draft fil-
lies 1 year old.
Cattle -3 renewed cawst with calf at.
foot; 3. cows„ to calve, in Nov.; 2
cows to, calyle lin. Dec.; 2 cows to -calve
in April; 4 farrow, cows; 2 fat" cows ;
6 heifers 2 yeairs old, fat; 6 heifers,
1 year old; 24 steers, 2-yr-old,weigh-
ing from 1000 to 1100; 4 yearling
Sheep. -90 Lincoln ewes; 20 Shrop-
shire ewes from 1 to 3 years old
40 ewe lambs; 1 pure' -bred imported
Lincoln Ram,2 years, old; 1 Lincoln
ram -2 years old;`4 ufam lambs.
Hags -4 store hogs, abau 3% months
o'l d ; 25 pigsj 7 l'weeiks -old.
Implemetts-2 Massey -Harris bind-
and mowers, Deering mower,
Sbalrp'. rake, Interna.tional steel roll-
er. oo ood Malss'ey-Harris sprung
tooth cultivator, corn cultivator, bean
}ares''er, fertilizer 'drill and hoe.dril,i
stiif: tooth' cultivator, 2 scufflers, 3
• nets l 1 rrows, Nip plow, 2 No. 21
Verity plows; Maple, Leaf twin plow,
double riding plow, 3 wagons, rubber
tire buggy, cutter, 3 sets sleighs,
light sleigh, 3 wagon boxes, 2 hay
racks 2 gravel boxes, 2 spring seats,
cart. c2 wheelbarrows, grindstone, fan-
ning mill, bag truck, 2 root - pulpers,
4 neckyokes, 4 sets whiffletrees, set
scales, ,hay loader, side -delivery, rake,
disc harrow. hay tedder, .circular saw
3; horse gasoline 'engine, Jouilett
grinder, roller ca -usher, emery grind!
er 112allott cream separator, Daisy
churn, 3 .sets heavy double harness,
act 1i,ghttdouble' harness, set ='single
hrarsiess:. heavy sett;brass mounted sin-
gle harness, :and many other, articles.
Seven acres coral) all Stook, 3 aures
turnips, quantity. oats and barley.
Terms—A11 sums of' $10, and undeit
cash; over that amount 12:months'
credit with 6 per cent. added.
T. C'anueron ' E.retl` Ellerington,,,,
W. Robinson n .. Pa!opr1'etolr
Auction Sale
on Lot 22, Can 10, Stephen Tp, an
Tuesday. October Z9, at one o'clock—
Iloaises-2 grey, mares 9 years old
supposed to ben foal; 1 horse 12yrs.
Cattle—Cow due time of sale; 1 far-
row cow; cow.due tin April; Z.twa-yr,
olds heifer and steer; 4 yearlings, 1
heifer and 3 steers; 2`yyelarlings 3
spring calves.
Implements — McCormick binder
nearly suew ; McCormick mower, roller
cultivator, ,harrows, seed drill, walk, -
plow, 2 -furrow mow, 2 -horse sulky
rake, tu.,ra p pulper, 2 wagons, ` car-
riage, buggy, scuwffler, set sleighs, tur-
nip tower, car slings, ropes and pul-
leys, .hay rack, gravel box, wagon
box; pig rack, fanning mill, chaff 'cut-
ter, 3000 lb scales, grass seed sower,
double tset harness with brutchen; 2
single set harness' one nearly new, bag
holder, about 22 tons hay ;• forks, Woes,
shovels '.hirffletrees, neck' yokes, and
num'et•ous other articles.
li urniture-Wa:l lung machine, saris
age press;":kitchen table, 6 lintshen
clhairs, 2 bedsteads, clothes cupboard
c°prim kettle, churn, butter' dish; lap -
leaf table, De Lavail cream separator,
Terms—St0 and under dash," "t>'ver
Iliac amount 8 months credit an' ap-
proved joint notes,. 3 zi,c, off for
cask an credit amounts.
Auction Sale
an Norfh Half Lot 32, Com. `l, London
Road, Township of TJsbosine, an
TUESDAY, OCT: 29, at one o'clock.
Fal•m—North Half of Lot. 32, Cali 1
Lando., Road; containing 50 :ticr(!s
more ar less-.frnn,e house 20x37 .with,
good kitchen: 16x32 ; barn '"70 ; drim,
Ir.:, shed 18x24; •autbuildiag 16x40;.
good pig ,Posies; and three good ;sells:'
Wel i drained and fenced. All the -land
last -Glass state of ctiitilvatilon.
2 mi7ae, south of Hensall, 4 miles
nortn of Exeter.
:..,,—Pair Heavy draftgeldings;
Farat ier's driver 8 years old, not
atra:d' of cars di vlitng atilt 2 years
sired by Exwarthy; 'General Purpcase.
Came,—.1, cow due to calve May 1;
Jersey cow due June 1; 4 spring calves
trn,soltements—Mousley Harriss binder;
1icv ormlick 'mower; Massey Harris
cultivator. Massey Harris disk; \Ias
se) 'Harris 10-hioe drill ;-YlcCormick
9 foot rake; Frost & Woad walking.
plow; Fluery walking claw;' Massey
rfa ri scuffler; 2 set of 3-sect'ran' ar
, uicGarmsck binder 7 -foot cut;
C_.,..t 1. an harvester and cultivator;I
2 lumber wamonis, light wagon; set of
1 oh:gr-
_t s , L .hay racks,, gravel box
wagon Dors C;rulutara Paining mill; bag-
ger for Chatham, m'C1; grindstone, :Mla
1lotte erea:n, separator; to, buggy;
open th ggy, 2 cutters, stet pleasure
sleights ; set brass mounted team bar-<
pleas; Ztset single ,driving harmess
yet double driving .harness 16 horse
collars; targe stack good hay set of
:hobbies; saddle; good water tante
'evap,)rato r part ng mac,lvine; robe,,
1 larse .'blankets, , neckyokes;
whafi ctrees, logging chains; and many
otj icicles.
r erns—A11 lstums of $10 and tinder
cauls, over' that amoutut seven months
credit , an approved ja'tnt noites. A
disco r ,,,.„nm, in
bleu o.' , sw3
A. T. LU'KER, Auct.
W. J. WHITE,, Prop.'
Auction Sale
on Lot 23, Con. 1, Usborne, slut,
October 24, at 1 o'clock, following—
Horses—Heavy draught"mare, 11 yrs
Genera; Purpose mare' 12 years, sun.
to foal k;auckingl colt got ,by Col. Gra-
ham horse 4 years,,by Lord Howatson
Matched team of,,grey percherons, con'
incr three ai edrby Jabot; blood colt
by AndyredIac, .1. suckii1g colt, well-
bred driving mare, 6;—years;'' reliable.
Cattle -3 good Durham cows, one
due January 10, -one April 1st and ane
May i.st ; 1 heifer rising 3, due Dec.
15; 10 two-year steers, good feeders
6 "two-year old heifers, 2 yearling
steers, 1 yearling heifer; these are
mostly Polled Angus and Durham
grades; • 2 young, caws fat; 5 young
Hogs and ,Poultry -6 sows due to
farrow in December; 60 hens and 30
Implements—Massey Harris 6 loot
•binder sheaf carrier and truck, near-
ly new; M. -H. mower, 6 -foot, near-
ly new; M.H. cultivator, new; M. -H.
manure spreader, nearly new; M. -H,.
steel roller, nearly new; i4I.-H. corn
and bean'harvester, new; M. -H. 13
hoe dri 11. nearly. new; M. -H. 10 foot
steel rake nearly new; McCormick
hay tedder; Cockshutt riding plough,
new ; 2 disc harr'aws ; 2 -furrow Maple
Leaf gang plow. walking plow; set of
iron harrows, 4 sec.; fanning mill; 2
waggons, arse nearly new; wagon box,
stock rack, hay rack, set bob sleighs
top buggy, cutter, feed boiler, sugar
kettle; . sprayer, ;large barrel; gasoline
engine aid $plritnr lack, 4y1-2 horse;
'No 3 Daisir churn, Nev Lily cream
separator; 'rks chains, and sumer-'
oriot,hler articles,
4 sets harness.
Terms -=-110 and under cash; over
proved joint motes, 5 per cent per
annum off far' •cash ort credit amounts
The epidemic oaf,i;nfluetlza throuigh-
'out Ontario' has .catised tlfe Officals
to' cancel all ,public ,entertiainmentS in
llensall for October.—Mrs', Hugh 112c-
1vfalrtiun, is making her Itotn,e with`her
sari Durncaln *Martini of this village
,Andrew Joliatiston and daugli-
tet, Miss Mary, have returned front
Detroit, where they; thiavn been during
the summer months.—Rev, Mr. Garret
of St, Paul's Church; a few s
' ew dal ago
receimed the said mews of the death
'action ovvsetusraf his brother, Dr,.
Garrett, who had ben doing active
aetvlce ti's' a ,doctor in alio army for
.a nttinber of scars;.—Mrs. Shaw, wife
at Rev,Mr.
Shaw, forinerlyerlY
of this
place, i
renewing ' acuaintarfces.—Miss
S. i'tcDonell ia; here visiting her bro.
thter, Jahn E. and Charles A.— Miss
hlore:nce Bointhiron is visiting her sis-
ter in Barrie,—' Ir. and Mrs'. D. B. Mc-
Donald of ,Brussels, visited here With
ftlienida —Mists Pearl.. Hildebrandt is
hoose and 'recovering from her opera-
tion 'far at endicitis'.—A little son o£
Mra. F. W. Jones has been operated
on. •for a,pxiendicitis in London.—David
Wilson of Brainard; Mioun;, is. visiting
his brother, John McD.—Mr. II A.
McEwen is massingNee-
into Mrs,.dwelling.—Thee, Township, S. S.
coavyeaition will be Meld' at Chisel -
burst on the 18th. -Tice anniversary
service's of the Methodist church will
he held on October 20th,
Mrr..Geo. Vickers; of London, visit-
ed her daughter, Mrs, S, N. Shier,—
'Messrs, Wilbert alnd! Wriliiam Beattie
of Manitoulin, Island, are visiting Mr.
James More.—Harvey Vickers of Lon
don spent a few; days at Mr, William
Fiannnit's:—Rev, A. W. and Mrs,Brown
attended the General Conference at
Hamilton. '
A pretty wedding took place at the
R. C, Church here on Monday, when
Miss Evangeiine, daughter of Reeve
and 12r•
1 united in
marriage to iVlr.aLeo Bedard of Court -
right. by Rev. Father A, A. Rondos.
A. lame number of relatives and
friends 'witnessed the; ceremony; They
will reside at Caurtrightt.
SRAFORTH•--Two Sealforth homey
iv' re' saddened last week by news that
twoof our boys had been killed in
action—Pte. George We11a1nd, son of
Henry Welland of EgmiondvjUe, ivbo
went overseas this year and was 21
age; e
of ye
y m• b , a,nd; Pte. Clarence west-
catt, aoai; of S 2rs. Wm. Westcott, of
Seaiforth, formerly of Exeter, who
went overseas withi the Hurons. , He
was 23.ears of age, 3" g . Hiis twin bra -
they was wounded a short time ago.
Miss V, Siebert of 'Kitchener is vis-
iting at her home 'here, --While going
from Zurich to Dashwood the auto
driven by Mr. Henry Price ran into
the ditch and upset. The uiadshield'.
was broken and the top damaged. 'lhe;
occupants esc-a ed with minor injura-
ies,—Mr. and Mrs. Lena Kipper have
returned from a visit with relatives
at Ktcltlener,-Mr, and Mrs. M. Ash.
of Seberinrgviille are visiting at the
Name of Mr. Thos. ,Jollnxan;,-. Tltarnks.-
giving and Harvest Home services
were held in the Evaingelical Church,
on Sunday, Rev. R. M. Geiger, late
of France occupied, the pulpit.
On Wednesday there passed away
at the home of hex niece, Mrs„ George
Thies, of this village, Mrs. Mary Prang
in her 78th year. Deceased had been:
ill for some weeks. She is survived
by Dive+ son, Mr. L. Prang of Zurich,
Mrs. W. Schienck and Mrs. R. Rich-
ardson in, thle West, and Mrs. H. Daer
of near Auburn
VARNA—Mr. and ,Kra John Mc-
Naughton received word:, on Thursday
that Their youngest son, Pte, Williazr
McNaughton had been ktll!ed ,in, action
He ws,. wounded an August 11 and.
after recovering had been back in the
lines two weeks'. He went overseas
with the 1614.
FergusonUCKERSMI,TI3,-4 Thos,I'
has sold his homestead farm Lot 1,
Con: 9, to 191r, A. Roos of Fidlaatan,
the ca'isidera4son being $7,30q. Ow-
ing to 111 health. Mr, Ferguson is re-
tiring to,, Se;. if or'tlt.
Yom' /Ii
The important time to' lay
a strong foundation for
robust manhood is while life is
young and the body
inggrowing child needs
every possible help toconserve
energy and confirm the body
in vigorous health. To a
developing child
comes with particular help.
Thousands of the strong men
and women of today were in
vou$ -
tene nourished and
strengthened to withstand
the inroads of disease by the ",r►
consistent use of Scott's.
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 18-1
Why Canada must orrow
money to carry on
' flecause Canada has put her hand
to the plow and.will not turn back: -
7r -our country is in the war on the
side of liberty and justice and will stay
in it till complete victory is won and
the unspe ;able Hun is smashed and
beatento the ground;
=ba nation at war must make tre-
mendous expenditures in cash to keep
up her armies and supply them with
munitions, food and clothing;
—Canada must finance many mil-
lions 'of
illions'of dollars of export trade in food,
i : nitions and supplies which Britain
and our allies must have oh credit;
for these purposes Canada must
borrow hundreds of millions of
And, this money must be borrowed
from the people of Canada:
Therefore, Canada will presently
come to her people fora new Victory
Loan to carry on.
Canadians will loan the money by
again buying • Victory Bonds.
The national safety, the national
honor and the national well-being
require that each and every Canadian
shall do his duty by lending to the
nation every cent he can spare fpr this
Be ready when the call comes to see your
country through in its great war work
Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee
in co-operation with the tifiriister of Finance
of.,the Dominion of Canada