HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-17, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR Our Corner 'Fncemen. Buy Bonds. Slave's wear them liL shart--Wilson, to Ils Germany to get rid of the Raiser and his brood, before peace can, come. If you are loyal to your home town you Will patronize your home mer- chants.' In these days of heavy run- ning .expens'es the local man can sell goods cheaper than the big, oity stores, To provide against thc eread of the Spa Ili se fel-men za in Lon d on all ac,Lools, dance ha,11s, pool rooms are ordeteo closed since Tuesday Publie meetings are net allowed to be held, The Ga.rne condition; preveils in many other cities andrtt owns, A Canadain soldier havng refused' to obey an order given by his superios officer waa" putnisled by being com- pelled to march before the drawn -up battalion, After he had, been paraded up and down between, the files for fif- teen minutes, the officer stopped him „and said e '"Now, Jones, ;what do you think of it?" "Well, replied Jones, "they are the rottenest bunch lever inspected" RETURNED' SOLDIERS ...,••••••m•I•81 The following soldiers have return- ed during the week. M. B. Hanna of Wingham. Corp. A. C. Williams of Wingham. F. G. Slowman of Clinton Pte. Snell of Clinton. J. E. Sutherby of Staffa. H. Brawe. oil Win:0mm T. E. Carroll of Gesclerich. M. A. Johnston; of Zurich. A., Hamilton dfParkliailil J J. Woods. of Elianville. j McGregor. of Brussels. W. Haydort of Winghant IL, F. C, Hogg of St. MarYs- V E. Lashbraole of :Mitchell. Robert Livinestoine of Staffa "Pte. Wilburn M. IVIllson has re- turned from England, accompanied by his wife, whom he married in:England. They are sesiting at the home of 'jr Harry Welsh. Pte. Millsonl before en- listing was employed with Kr. James Beverley, He was wounded and is unable to return to the front We are pleased to see hire back again and congratulate him on his marriage. 617112.111 RHONE lila TAMAN' 4:4 New Fall Clothing SUIT OVERCOATS RAINCOATS 11,11,11 CUM 2111211 SOCES1 COL1422 atvVS„ • rte.. wrc, ETC., MTC. sults Bre r to the WAWA M legn than wtholte price t -dsti, e, a old Mtge *nd bluks with count go21aritettiti, 111. W. Taman Tail° FurniEdater DISTRICT CASUALTIES 'Killed Action4 Alrmer Thomas' Willis of Exeter. Ernest Neil of Wiliam Corp. Hazel(' Caxnobei of BruiseIs. William McaNugliton o Vatura. David I -I Radcliffe of Granton. George Welland of Egmondville. Clarence Westcott o4 Seaforth Lieut. Jas. McCallum of Belg,rave. Rohcrt Redfern of Goderich. F. W Stokes. of Goderich. Corp B. James McLean,o.f. Goderich A. R. Bates' .of Goderich. ,Lieut J -13, Schwatz of Goderich. 3, W, Hudson of Lucknow. F. Stokes of Goderrich. R. Redford of Goderich. Corp p. McLean of Goderich B Pickeli of Thedford, G, Rterchaird of Hensall. Corp H. Campbell of Brussels. - Died, of Wounds Licut J McCalltun •of Belgravec Gassed Geo. ,INICklay of Ailsa Craig. Lieut. H. C. McLean, of Wingham, Wounded H. R Copoitt, soi E Pat. --ea of Medford. W 1-1. Stitis of Brussels. Sinclair of Brussels. Corp. J J. Randall of Thedford. J. G. Bradley of St. Marys. G. !A. Ellis of St. Marys. Capt. H. G. Young of St. Vfarys. L. R, Sawyer of Mitchell: P. Wood of Clinton. Leighton Lawyer of Mitchell. Ralph Harper of Mitchell. M R. Ss-llitsont of Ailsa Craj M. P'Donniell of Clinton.. R 1-larp'er of Mitchell. lvf. Bradley of Wingbarn. 5 F. Flintoff of Usbonnei. • B Goldhawk of Seaforth. R. Meghtt of St. Marys. S, H. Gatenhy of Mitchell. George Hudgins of Ailsat Craig. • john Drummond of Ailsa Craig. Hector Heywood of Exeter, gun- shot in left hand. Gordon ThOirras of Mika Craig. R Copp of W. G. Cook of -Clinton. A Heffeald of Dungannon. C. Hodgins, of Albs Craig. Al -MER THOMAS WILLIS KILLED Mx. John WlllUa on Wiedniesday of this week. received offccial word from Ottawa stating that his youngest son Ptivate Almer Thma WiffIlis, No. 654489, haid been killed in; action in France an. Sept 27th Private Wielis enlisted with the, 161st Heroes at Ex- eter and went overseas with thet Bat- talion, going toFra.ne;e in May of this y)ealr. It will be" remembetned that in last week's Issuel we stated that he had been decorated with the Military Medal tor braveglai... Sincere sym- pathy goks out, to the bereaved rdla- EXETER, )NTAi{iO.'11.19(U.RsT)Ay. 1 WEST Iii.TBON TEACIIEBS' ;CONVENTION AT GODERIC,l1 ona...... In apite of the influenza soave more than one Ilmincla•ed teachers were 'present 'the first ;day from all parts of the inspectorate. The President, Miss Nellie Medd, of Eden occupied the &air. The open- ing exercises wore conducteil by ln,- special. Torn. The minutes of the last. convention in Exeter were read and adopted. ' Misses L E. Sharman and Jean Mur- ray and Mr. ;Wm. Vitali-ay were ap- pointed ns a committee -to -make sug- gestions 'on, the reviSion of the read- ers end other' matters for the infor- mation of the Dept. of Education. Miss Kay Siodtlart took asp the sub- ject of arithmetic exercises for junior ERNEST,NEIL KILLED Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Neil of Usborne Tp, near Kirkton, formerly of Exeter, on Thursday last received of- ficial word from Ottawa that their on Private Ernest Nell„ had been killed in action in France. Private Neil waa 23 years of age and enlisted at Exeter and went ovenseast,with the 161st bat- talion, his nurn,ber being 654643. Pri- vate Neil was an ,excellent young man end sincere sympathy is felt for the family in their lose. Besides hiti par - eats he is survived by seven brothers wad three spusters a3 at home. The word of his death was received on the second anniversary of the day on which he hadt come home to bid them '"good-bye" before going oversee's. ' OCT 17, 1918 Local lVevvs SANDERS 8r CREECM SOLPIERS' AID SOCIETY NOTES The Society is' asking for donations of frait-cake, chocolate an.d •gurn for Christmas boxes for the boys who went ,frorn the town. As we 'hope end nraY that this will be the last Christmas before the boys are home again, wzc would' ask, for a very gen- erous respense to this appeal both from tOWIL and country, We would like the cakes- to be about 2 pounds si we4,,ht. All donations to be left at the Library,. on October 291h, in, the afternoon or evening. The Society would like names and addresses of all Exeter boys over- seas left with Miss L. Martin before Oct Z9th. classes watia a 0149.SS. Inspector Torn Will. thosie, knitting for the Society emphasized the benefit of using the — please bring in finished socks by the exterelsqs giveit.Mr Roy Storehouse above date also? introduced /memory selections for jun- ior classes. Mrs. Urquhart, elassie,ai teacher of the ;Godetrich iCollegiate In- stitute, 'discussed a reading course..for teachers. She suggested a Course in the five departments of biography travel, history, poetry and ge,neral literature. Mr, J. IL Jehnsten spoke SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY The books showed,that during the year Sept 1, 1917 to Sept. 1, 1918, the following sapplies' were sent thru the Red Cross,—To the Exeter boys 89 parcels were' mailed; 297 socks arid sweaters were ,giveni Exeter bo -s, 174 ets fruit and pickles and 1 parcel af cake and chocolate to Byron, Sanita ur- im; 218 tww oels: and pillo81ips -and 50 pairs of socks for Queen IVIatry shower; 1978 pairs socks, 2 pillow slips and 1 sale pyjamas to Hymen E-Iall--making a total of 2236. pairs of socks, an increase of 717 'pairs over last year, A total .of 2546 article.S. Report of Mrs'. Cre6c1f, Treadurer Receipts—Belance on hand, $147.71 Grant from County Council 114.78 Monthly contributions *621,90 Entertainments, tag day ,etc 1551.12 Tag Day for Navy 87 22 Donations ...from fnends interest per Ben,k Book • mb ership Fees Total Receipts Disbareements--Pris otters Belgian Relief Navy ,League Cl' tmas Pudding Fund Waiting . Paper Fund Materthae-yarn, etc. Expense—I-Tall, printing, etc. Postage on parcels overseas ]3ala.nc-e on handl Total $2591.71 Besides the above receipts in cash articles were donated by showers and otherwise to the value of $163,40 . Assets -.-150 pounds of yarn $390.00 Cash in banik Tags and credit note 12.30 Total $550.48 Lila bill s —ndne, The bookg were audited and veri- fied correct by' C. M. Howard, Acct. of Canadian 13aruk of Commerce, - Receipts for September—Fair Day, from tags,- plow and booth $.218.41.; subscriptions and tags for Navy 346,53 Fees .3,25; Riel Crass collection 49.80 Mr. Westmen $10.00. Sent to prison - cis' fund $100,00; sent to Navy League 58.75 2.48 -775 $259.1.71. 180,00 10.00 100.00 50.00 '15.00 1841.78 203,87 32.88 148 18 BARNS BURNED IN STEPHEN Fire, originating from a spark from a threshing outfit, which' was operat ing ten bths premises, ,destroyed the on the entrance- course in history. two large hani4 bards', piggery and hen Itt'the afternoon Miss Ready, of, house.s, together witlf all the contents Winchelsea, gave a good address ots on the farm of John Sherritt, ex-M.P. the summer school course on agrmuii- ture at the 0.A..C., Guelph. Dr. Silcox, principal of the Normal School at Stratford spoke in favor of the next Victory Loan exhorting the teachers to help make .the loan a sue - cess. lEi then gave an interesting ad- dress on the (problem of time, discus- sing the time allotted to each sub- ject The ailm of his lecture was to enable the teacher to save time in teaching the various subjeets. Mr. Geo. W. Holman, a former sec- retary of the association, for many years, gave a short reminiscent ,ads. dress. Inspector Tom spoke on mat- ter, materials and methods in teach- ing. Mr. S. d3. Stothers agricultural rep- resentative, apoke on the connection between the agrfaultural representa- tive and the -sclhools. Miss Mabel Bailie, of Dungannon, and N. H. Johnston gave the reports of the dele- gates to the O.E.A. , At. ,the evening session Inspector Tom occupied the chair. Miss Nellie Medd, Ithe 'president, in an eloquent ma.nrer, told the audietace 'Nvhat she considered :true patriotism. The ad- dress VMS a splendid effort equal to the best of (former years. Dr. 511 - cox delivered an illustrated address on :Belgium and LExance that was both interesting and instructive. A splen- did musical pregram was rendered. On Friday morning the president occupied' the dhair. The auditors' re - poll showed a balance of $84.58 on hand. 'The election of officers result- ed as 'follows u Pres., R. E. Redrawn:I, Eelgrave; vice eves., Miss 1VR. L. Cole- man, -Varna ; sec.-treas., W, di. John- ston, petn; 1st councillor, Miss Vosper, Exeter; and councillor, Miss Laird, Dashwood; ard councillor, Mr. Mawson, Exeter; auditors, j. P1. John. - son, Godericlk, R. Stonehouse, Bel - grave; Resolution, G. B. t [Samuel, Dashwood; M. McKay, Eensalle Miss Kies/nen, Exeter.; Mr. ROSS, Dungan- non; Miss UeLaughlin, Eacknow; Miss E. MI, Phillips, 'Auburn; Mr: Tom, Goderich. The report of the teachers' reading course committee suggested the fol- lowing boobs to be read lay alleteaoht- ers, Hiptory 1VIanual;2, 1 volume ot 'Chronicles of Canada; 3, Rings- eregY°sut 4oltla.ion committee recomt mended that all the resolutions passed by the Q. E. A. with the exception of No. 7, which relates to tie public school course in Gtramfriatr, be adopt- ed by this association; and that the amount of gta.mmar be increased not dimished, Adopted. A memorial was', passed to the Min- ister of Education, 'expressing appeec latiaa of the reduction in price of ..alsool text books, but regrettin,g the too frequent changes' being made, es- pecially miner chang es, which he wav- er occasion the purchase of new books Tb c following recommendations mere adopted regarding the revision of read QS'S,- 1, a. There should( be a new fourth book and a new third book designed speciallly for teaching„ oral reading. If to be used for both reading and liter- ature the book should be in two parts. Part one to contain the selections for reading and part two the &election for literature:. b. The books should bc smajiger than the present setaders. There should be introductory pages on the princiutiesi of reeding, and ex- ercises in the pronsin --dation of dif- ficult words. c. There should be*.suit- able preparatory queations on each les son ZS 'in the high school reader. d. There should bei a 'greater number of Selections from the Bible— some of which may bet tusetd for memorization'. e, Prose selections' not to be doing, 1„ Selection to t entatins ontly good English': Delete -4 selections itt which moral is de ilbtat. Z. Thal the teacher., of the primaryi divisions itt Gode,rich,' schools, with the inspector, report re second and first book and primer. 3. That the golden nee books be us, ed partly a's sunelem e at a ry ea 4i ng in rural schools. Vote A or thanks i were passed to the Sch ool Board, the Goderich teacher,s for their trottble,, the retiring officers, and all' wha took Sart in the prognarnt 8350,00, . Owing tp the Pe esbyterion anniver- sary on Sunday next the service in the Trivia Mentarial Church mil 'be suspended in the evening. eight' miles west of ,Credsten, in the Township of Stephen, on Thursday, October 1.0th, about 4.30 pan. The blaze developed rapidly...and all efforts to cleteck the fire were hopeless. The loss Will be- $7,500, with insurance of 83250. All the crops from the zoa acre farm were lost in the fire.. The threshing outfit belonged to Mr. Ov- erholt, t Relatives- r,eceived word here this Noe ek that Birney, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Dearing of Flint, Mich., had died of that dreaded scourge, Span- isit tinfluenzal, on. Monday; and fur - tiler that Mr, and Mrs, Dearing and daughter were confine,d, to their beds with the disease. The funea al. of the on look Place the same clay of the death as a ,preciantion against fur - they spreatd of the dise,ase. Stephen Council The Council of the Tow,nalairp of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Criediton, on Monday, Oct 7, at 1 p m All members were present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Hayes—Webb—That Sam?1 Davis be appointed Fuel Commthssioner from Con. 1 to concession 10, inclusive, in- cluding the Police Village of Centralia and ,Crediton, and 5. W. Grayblel, from Cam 11 to the Western boun- dary, including that portion of the police Village of Daehwood, lying in the Township oe Stephen.—Carrised The following- orders were passed : Dotninien Rd. Mach Co., repairs for grader: $15; H. Eilber, clerk's fees re. ,D 8z: W. Act, $1.65; J.- R Pol- lard gravel, S49.62; G. Hartle, gravel $27.15; G. Hartle, da.- S. B., $7,50; F. Hogarth, cement and posts for cul- vert $5 50- Dr. Campbell, medical fee re. Stanlalse, $12; J. Ziler, gravel, $17.40; R. G. Selden, cement, $88.80; H. Appleton and others, grading S. B. $40.80; F. W. Ferncembe, inspecting Hill's :drain, 8,24,25; R. Hill, gravel, $63;W. Wade, gravel contract, con. 18. 826; T. Webb, drawing cetnent tile 83; M. Steel, gravel con. 1st side -road, 8.6; A. Latta, rep. bridge, $1.25; R. Carruthers, drawing posts, 84.50' D Webb coth. on two bridges $27; J.. Lawson, bal. on, bridge con. tracts, 8225; J. Lawson, pt. payment on Lake'Shere and Key's bridges $500.00. Adjournment was made( to Dec. 2nd at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. On and after November 'lst, 1913, The Exeter Times and The Exeter . A d voce t-e's s ub scrip tion --Price will be One Dollar and Fifty °eats ($1.50) a • year for renewali and di, arrears. In- creased costs farce' us to this step. es ter s of rasbteraiesand bunches of beautiful white roses, A good offer- ing was received, The Ladies' Aid tendered a couple of vocal selections Miss Vera Broloenshire o'f Stratford, visited with relaitives in t -own this w e e Mr, Alfred Zimmer and sister, Miss Ella, of Detroit are visiting with, their parents here. Mr and Mrs, Wm, Ktintz were vis- itors in town Sunday Re', ,. Reand Mrs. Yager are. this ‘yeek ting in Stratford; 111r and Mrs, Broughton and daugh- ter, card Capt, and Mr, s, Ed. Brough- toor \raw itby ere visitors at 'the home al Afr, and Mrs. J. Kellerman over Thanksgiving Day. P te and Mrs. Hamilton of London vi ea with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Birk this week. Mr. Welter Fassald left on rues - day morning for London_ Mr and Mrs. I -lei -mart Eidt of Forest spent the holiday with relatives here, Mr. Wm. Willtlert, of Seattle, Wash., is visiting with hIs parents here. altkY COUNCIL. - .riee Li:veneers of Hay 'Council met in the Town Olen, Zurich, on Oct 51h. All were, present. Thc minutes ot the last meeting were !read and a- 411134.itre.,Wm. Lamont, of Zurich, was appointed Local Fuel Controller ,for ,Elay Township under provisions of OrderainiCouncil No. 654, 'dated Ot- tawa 111arch 20th, 1918. Mr. flairry G. 1 -less WA0.5 alppointedi as manager of the ,Zurich Telciplionch Central at a salary of , $100 per annum. 'bt 'following 'accottruts were passed r A., Foster, part payment Turnbull bridge $225.00; F. Ilirlagien, retp. 'cal. con. 9-1,0, $24" J. Merrier, sheep killed by dogs 25.00; C. Faber, grad - nig 3.00; J. Deichert rep. road grader 10.00; Kalbfleisch,wdark and wall board for Town. Lffa,ll 16.81; Zurich Hydro system, lights Aug and Sept. 2,11; G. T. R. freight, 1.75'; T. Welsh plank, 'cop. 3-4-5, 0.58 ElarElaib - & Faust, ton -tient 'acct., '296.99; John 'Dosch., 'repcul., con. 0-10, 1.00; 13' O Earzzornb fetes to alVdr.IS, 37.25; F. Hess, Sr., flees re award, 1.00; Mr. Truemner, sheep killed 'by dogs 30.00; Joe. Foster, trep. taut. con. 0, :17.00; J. Zettel, part payment West Branch dram, 21.00; !Bell Tel. Co., L. D. T., Ang 121, to (Sep'. 20, 80.04; 'W. G.:Bess 3 "mossalary and acct. 1337.75. 'Courteil 'adjourned to meet 'again on Nov. 2 a.t 1 p.m. Centralia Farmers should keep in mind the dateo',A Fred EXerington's Sale of Stock 4nincl implements on Tuesday, 22. See adin this issue. Farmers should keep in Mind the date of Fred Elleringtonla "Sale .of Stock arid intlemeinta out Tuesday 22. See ad. in this issue. The anniversary services! on Sunday were weill attended and much enjo-yed by all. Rev. Medd of Exeter took charge of the service in the morain,g end Rev. farms Foote in the Even- ing, both preaching 'e±cellent The fowl supper on Mon- day evening was, well attended and a good time as wall as a good prefit was realized. Miss Marry Hanlon attended the Teachers' Convention in London on Thursd-ay and Friday and remained aver the week -end with friends in the city. Mr. Herbert H.anlon, who has ac- cepted a position with M'essrs. Dick- son -Nicholson Co, Landon, enit the holiday at his home hetue. Several in our vicinity are very much used up with grippe which dis- eare seem's • to be. ;rampant here at peeisent. We hope for their 'speedy eecovery. *Afisstes Elva and Dille Brooks from Willey= spent the Thanksgiving hol- idays at their home here. Mrs. T Boyes, and Mrs. W. Bowden have reaur.ned from London where they have been assisting their mother Mrs. Boyle in getting settled in her nesv home. t. , Misses Hazel. Es,sery "and Gladys Connor were the delegates to the Sun- day School Cofivention on Tuesday at Grand Bend,. 'The hatniess of, Rev. and Mrs. Finlay and Mr, and ...Mrs. Jas. Blair were brightened by the arrival of young 'sons. Death of Mrs. Huxtable—Death on Sunday last claimed another of our eldest „and much 'esteemed residents ta the penon of Frances Arun Yearley, relict of the Late Thomas Huxtable, at the age of 89 years, 9 months, and 10 days. Mrs. Huxtable,enjoyed her usual health until about nine months ago, when the, fr.ailitlea and infirmit- ies of old lay hold of her, and Lion' thiat time she gradually waned in strength until the end came.. De- ceased was a native of England, being born in Old London, but came to Canada about 50, yeara ago, first sett- ling in Stephen Township, where she c (intim ed an uniinterrupted residence. Some little tirnd after arriving in, this country she married Thomas Lfuxt- able, who predeceased her about 30 yeaes. Mrs. Huxtable vas' 0± that es- timablt: type of womanhood that ap- peals to all classes, being kind, sym- pathetic and tolerant, and when en- gaged iri doing good to other .s those weie the 'hag:nest periods of her ex- Wtence. She was member of the English church, and leaves to mourn only onc son., William, who resides ,on the old homestead in, Stephen, and with wheat she had made her home. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Ceatralia cemetery. Dashwood Farmers should keep in mind the date of Fred F.Allterington's Sale of Stock and implennents on Tuesday, 22 See ad, in this issue. Fire Prevention Day was obscoved in our acliool on Wejdniesday last, when a program was rendered and firc preettsted. llhe rooms vere all cleared in less than two minuitesi Mr, and Mirs. R. j. Hotrarcl and son Jack o1 Goderich' spent the week -end tn. teWn, Visiting aft the home- of, his brother, G. S. - Thanksgiving and .Harvest Home services were held in the Calvary Evangelical Church on; Sunday, when an appropriate progrant wits Tender- ed, P2be church was tastefully cicc- or(cd with grain, fruit and Vegetables arriong the selection— whic'h t n. profus- ion resembled a fall fair --were clits- The Board of Health of the Town ship of Stephen has given orders to - close all schools and churches in, the Township, and all public' meetings; are- prodfib,ited un.til fttrther notice, owing to the scourge of Spanish influenza —after October 1.8th Mrs Garnet Baker.. and children, of. Toronto and Mrs. Orme last week. R.ev. and Mrs. Baker motored to, Wardsville (}11 Friday. Rev. Jefferson oeturned with them on Saturday aria was the princloal-spea.ker at the spec- ial anni.versa.ry services' of the ietho- chst Church on, Sunday, The church wee filled to, capacity an both occas- ions. Rev. Jefferson still retains his old-time .trigor and his eloquent-eser- mons were a pleasure to I t sten to. A feature of the service was the rais- ing of the flag. It contains the one golden leaf in memory of Pte. Percy Lawson, who laid down. his life far the gsseatacanse. • Our auctioneer, Frank Taylor, is busy man these de.y,s, Practically ev- ery ,sale' conducted by him. 5, A McDonald, manager of e- th Bank of Co,mmerce, ijs seceirving the congrtatulations olf buis ninny friends these days. He became the daddy of a fine baby boy last Thuesdastr. Sete him smilingtit Our teachers attended the Conven- tion ill Goderich, last Thursday and Friday. Peels Anderson is painting Mr. Gals- er's new house. Tim following -cliptted from a Ham- ilton newspaner, refer& to the s,ons of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith, former residents of this place, and a nephew of Fl. Eilber, M. P. P. We ere pleas- ed to see that our Crediton boys are making their mark in, the world, es- pecially "Over there" :—"According to an amnoiuncement made by the Na- tional Council of the Y. M. Q. A. at Toronto yesterday, Captain E. N.. (Ted) Smith of this city, whose moth- er resides oin Gladstone Ave., hass been appointed a "Y" offIcer to ex -- company the Siberitali Expeditionary force to Russitai Other appoint- ments were pending„- \VOL said, and' ,the staff will be under the charge Nef Cap t. Smith, The young officer is welleknown in: the Hermiltan "Y"-- and other local sporting Circles, have, ing been a member of the fa/no-Lit,: Tiger football teamt. Prior to the - war he was employed at Levy Brae. wholeSale jewellers. The captain has - teen in France for &erne considerable - time and acted, as Y. M. C. A. searet- ary ,of the carps' sports "over there!" In, co-operation, with the military authorities he (organized what was probably the greatest athletic meet ever known, This gathering: was helcIll in France on, Dominion Day, and was,- attended by mare that 75,000 Canacil. Ma soldiers. The many friends af Capt. Smith NV1111 wish hinl every sue - cess in his appointment" Crechion Farmers should keep inmind thq Otto of Fi-ed Ellerirsgton,'s . Sale of Stock and implelmeats on Tuesday, 22, See ad, in ,tbils insee. FOWL SUPPtR—Don't rget the Big Fowl Sooner 0 c,onnecion, with Births Centralia, on October 17. to Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Finlay, a rott—Wcmdeillr'vinig. Mathews—In McGillivray, on Oct. 13 to Me and IVIss. .Walter Matthews', taaughter. Horton—In Usborne on Oct, 10, to Ma and Mrs. Harry Horton, a daughter, Biddulph, 'onf Oct. 14, to Mr: and Mrs James Blair a son. From the H. R. C. & W. C. report Welsh—In Usborne, .on .1Oct.14lo 't 0WirO; McDonald on and Mrs, William Welsh, a daughter Crediton, a sea Marriages Bedard—Laporte—At Drysdale Rt C. Chinch, on Oct. 7, by Rev. A. A. Rondot, Miss Evangeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Laporte, Sauble Line, Hay, to Mr. Leo Bedard, of Courtin:gin. Deaths Chesterfield—In. St. Marys, on Oct. 3" James Allen Chesterfield, aged 54 years, 10 months, Clark—A St. Joseph Hospital, Lon - dos; en Oct. 7, Agnes Clark of Lu - can in her 44th year. ,ze Prang --In Zurich, on, Oct. 9, Mrs-. Nlary Prang, a.gecl.1 17 years, 1 mon- th and 1,4 days. Elle—In St .Marys on. October 711, James J. Ella, aged 63 years and- ') months. huxtable—At Centralia, on( Oct. 13th Frances Ann Yearley, relict of the late Thos. Huxtable,, at. the age of 89 years, 9 months and 10 claye Zion Evangelical Church this T.hurs- . IN IVIEIORIANI (lax evening. Fowl itt abundance and reline—La loving memory of Private- the a,cimilssio.n in only 50 cents, Norman Wellington Johns, 58th Bat- Quite a inuml)e,r from, hen attend- talion, tfortnerly bf the 161st Hurons,, ed the fowl enpit-ter at Centralia on, I son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johns of Monday night Centralia, who died of wounds Oct Mrs August Haist, who has been 26, 1917, at the 44th casulty ill for the peet few weeks, is still in it very serious condition. 114X71. John G, Wein, who has been \dating her daughter at London "for several clays, returned on Mon,day last. Mr. Albert Wolfe has erected a nif.: bainn; Itis' prerrases. Miss Leona Finkbeiner spent Sun- 'He sleeps beside his comrades, day With her mother, Mrs. Steinacher, in a soldiEr's grave unketswn, We aoe pleased to be able tc ttePart But this511010 iu wrItteni in algae that' \acuity thus far ii,as ,?,sca"0- 1.0,m from the,ravages of that atieu 1 di -.Oa the hearts,' he left at home. erase, Spanish influenza. —Mother, Father, Sister Sr Piroth4ir ung station, France, aged 21 years, 4 ntontlm. One Year has .pasted, our hearts still: ' sore, A ttlhe 'goes on we miss him mbrei, Els 1ol4nig tosale, ls welcemp face No inane cato, tilti ;Ills vacant paaq&,''