HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-10, Page 8EXETER Changed Each ;MAE .ETS Wednesday Oats Barley ;Family Flour Creamery Butter ,. paiiry Butter Lard ;Potatoes I -la' per toes ,,.., Hoch 2.10 to 2.15 „70 toy 95- to 1.10 42. to 45 37 2,23 ..12,00 1S.7S FUEL CONTROLLER At a special meeting of the Council held on Saturdayenight, Oct. 5th, 1918, Councillor Day was placed full control of the Fuel situation for the, Village, All part:es deserving a sup- ply of Hard Coal s iauid at once see ;fir. Da), and leave their order w:,ih biiu. Application forms will be in his possession and the Controller will• sign those forms, giving the dealer authority to deliver only such quanti- ties as he may direct. NOVICE TO AUTOIS'pS The Sadden )Service ,Store, of Lore don, have made anrengements with W. 'J. :Baer to have tires that need. vuleanizieg or ire -treading lett at his store and thus save uuneoessairy express ohturges. aaimes FOUND. --Pair of k3dlgloves. Owner call at Advocate Officer . NOTICE Any heaters trespassing an. Lot 9 end 10, Con. 14, .Stephere will be pros- ecuted.—J. RATZ & SONS. ieep Monday" eveaioi; Nov. 4; oaten .for one of the finest concerts of the Westin Particulars later. WANTED Main wanted ,for might _shift to as - slat repair .manen shell machn¢>aesye, °fee who can lace belts and do gent- ;,eral repairing to countershafts, line Shafts, etc., preferred. A1PiyY, a't once on to The Robt. Bell Engine & Thrlesh c er Co., Ltd.r Se oeth, Ont Bethany Jubilee Thaxksgiving Ser- (i vices will be held on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 18th lend 14th, The 5 Sunday services will be as failows a a1. a.m., advanced time, service iL Bethany church; 7 tp.m. service in the Presbyterian church. The ,Rev W. II. ,Spargo, of 1Carbowrne, wall be the preacherof the day. On Monday nighton entertainment will beheld an the Presbyterrian elhureh when a choice ,program will be rendered S$;ev. Mr. Spargo and .other mkcteters will speak. Several laymen will also. deliver addresses.Music will 'be tux mashed on Sunday by )dile ,choir assist- ed by tsome singers who sang id the dedicatory service fifty years ago. .011 31.Londay evening, Oct. 14, .the music will be given by the fensail Orehestta Admission 125. A )thank offering will be received on Sundae the 13tth. "Neat Mondale generallY be Ols- The anaual meeting of the Wel: Huron Teciehene AsSociation will he held in Victoria School. G o de rich, o n Thureday aed Friday; Oct. 10 and 11, The litele siert; of Mr. and Mrs Ucl, Jone8 had a couple of his fingerti rather painfully engtuned the other clay by getting -theM caul:let in one of the tory. The case tried before alagistrate W D. Sander& in the Town Hall,, on Wednesday', Fischer vs, Fischer, both DashWood, was dismissed This fees a case in \Odell Mrs Fischer charged her 'husband with. non -sup- Miss J S. Mueray was called to Dimdas last week owing to the ill- ness end subsequent death of -her eenleer there. The remains were brought to Hensall f or burial Wednes- day afternoen. Miss Murray's teach - trig duties at the public school were looked aftet by iNfiss Stella Gregory. Word was received here last week of the death of Thos. Hawkins of Maryville, Rausas, Sept. 20th, in his 94th year. He will, be remembered by mdsaY .of the older people la this vic- inity he having lived on the farm hoe osf-ned by gr. Jaanes Gould, 3rd con- cession of Hay Tewnship. In 1870 he sold his farm aod with his family moved to 'Kansas. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and three sons —Mrs Rebecca McKee. Richard H. end Robert, an ef Marysville and Al- bert of Orland, California. The de- ceased wits a brother of Mr. George Hawkiits, who lives a sheet distance noeth of town. LIEIJT. DAVIDSONT LOSES ARM. Az the result of severe wetunds Sept 28th, it has been found nee- essate to amputate Lieut. 'W. W. Dariclacm's right arm, according to a able received by; his wife in Toronto Alice Verity%) He has served thirteen months in FTaa-gce with the 5th RazterY, and had just been made ntelligen.ce officer of the 13th Bri- gade Before gam; overseas, he prac- ticed his prafestion: in Toronto as a a brother of Mrs. W. H. Gregory of INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT. METROPOLITA.N HOTEL FOR SALE on easy terms, or wial exchange for other property. Foe particulars apply to proprietor. WIVI. MITCHELL, Exeter Mr, R H. Stewart, mano tuner, is in towel. for a few daysl Leave your orders for tuning with S. Martin Son t Stanfield's Underwear Mired and in blue label. It gives satisfaction. — Stewart sells them. JIG SAW FOR SALE—Apply at this office You will like the new Misses and Ladies' Coats we are showiag this Iseasont We want you to see them. in a position to furnish all kinds of counter check books at reaslonable Irice. Call or mil your order when in need of such. GROWERS OF CA.NNING CORN Are required to. bring sample cobs to the Canning Factory arid they will be advised when to make delivzrY. Cobs not matured should not be brought. Bring every developed cob as the food is needed. - EXETER CA.NNI.NG CO. New Velviet Tams for the girls. To match any dress, Each 81.75. — Stewart's VILLAGE; PROPERTY FOR SALE A one -storey- frame dwelling with one-third acre of land; 18x14 stable, good water, furnace, electric lights,3 bed rooms, dining room, two kitchens, arid fine cellar; conveniently situated. mew New Dinner Sett, s.howing yard WANTED at Central I)uties to commence GOOD GIRL Hotel. Exeter,. oggiessaiii er. Buy now at Stewart's. TERMS STRICTLY CASg- All aceents are due and payable 'before October 1st After that date CORN STALICS FOR SALE, The Exeter Canning Co, affers for sale the corn statics growing on the. Gidley farm, Heap wanted hasking corn when faetory starts, Apply et EXETER CANNING CO, HORSES WANTED bensite In good condition. Geldings 5 veers old tip, weigheig ISO! ;pounds op. Mares from 4 yeses old lip, weighing iron 1300 pounds up. Perak& having the required sluff, *NW" et phone 83, teeter. Mr Wiri Stewardson Lonna ba., purchased the -barberting business of Mr, Wm. Snell, in Mr. Ed. Willife olc Rev T T., George of Parkhill oc- (-Litt:lied fames Street pulpit Sunday. for the Harvest Thanksgiving services "...e church wqs nicely decorated far the oecasion Mr. Wm:Fray-ate of Usborne had ger of his left hat74 caught the • of a cutting box on Thursda3 crushiag the toe badly and mak- ing a painful wound. Fire Chief Weeke,s, on behalf of the lege Brigade was the recipient fast w of at nice donation of $20 from the menegement oft James Street Meth °din church in, recognition of their work at the recent eire. Mr. Fred Hurikin ef town fell out of an apole tree while picking the fruit on Thursday andiiit was thought at first that he had sustained serious injuries, but we are pleased ta state, that ncgthing serious is likely to re - sue, although he was severely shaken up end received a cut over (gee eye. An incipiene bland was nipped in the bud .at Mr. Ambrese Cottle's turn- ing factory on Thursday last, Fire in some matinee had started on ;the roof end when -discovered was mak- ing rapid headway;. A few tails of water, however, soon put out the blaze and aveated what otherwise might have The glees and oil warehouse of Har- land Bros., the stotrielhouse arid stable of Bali & Atkieson, and a stable 'be- longing to W. M. Harland were des- troyed by fire' at Clinton; on Monday, Harland Blies. lost 52000 worth of glass, etc, and & Atkirislon lost a big stock' of bed springs arid a win, ter hearse. All covered! by insurance Wallow= are engaged' making al- terations in, the earth part of the property recently purchased by Mr. Carling. The Jackson Manufacturing Co will mane therein when „the 4- teratione have been; completed. The cutting room will be onrthe ground floor and the sewing ,room alke. tide is an excellent building, and will give the Jackson Company ample room for expansion. A resident of London writing to the from Aaner T. Willis last weeks' and aae that censured it was W. E. of the 47th Batt. and he wrote little foee-note at the bottom, of iny letter to sey that it had appeared that Abner had won the M M ravery- in the Amiens scrap. Almer tooe and he says, needle.ss to say he is very proud of him CAR WAS STOLEN. Mr:. Thos. Hawkins'. of Windsor, for- merly of Exeter, had his eye cut so badly that it requieed two stitches to close,it while motoring from Wind- sor to Appitni. Miss E. G. 'Matthews was drifting thg car and it skidded ina to the ditch and through a fence as they were turning a corner where the Toads were; wet and slipeeri. The car smashed half -way threugh the fence but the windshield and top were kins had hie erg ciat by flying glass when the windshield broke. A Ridge- tawn doctor attended Mr. Hawkins. DEATH OF FR.ANK.BISSETT, After an illness of several weeks following a gtroke of paralysis the death took place at Victoria Hospital London, on October 4th, of Frank Vissett, ,of IVI,r. end Mrs. Richard Bissett, of Lendon; formerly of Exet- er.. Several years ago Mr. Bissett -Ted a serious illness which left him , which he never fully recovered, The stroke a fesv weeks ago. was followed by mother; and the end came rapid- ly and wet a great Telease for him. Deceaaed wa,s born ita Exeter, but lie went to London with hie parente when a. boy, residing them! ever since.-- He was esteemed by all who knew him, and the funeral on .Sunday to gount Pleasant cemetery was very largely tetencledg Besides his parents he is Manitoba, and. one sister, Mrs. 'Gill- ing of 'St. Thomas'. Those who at- tended the. funeral from Exeter were Mr. Thos. BisSett and Mr. W. Creech, uncles ,and. Miss, Jessie, T. G. and R,N Creech cousins', Your 'Labor Counta—every ounce pf work you do helps some soldier who ,fighting over there! This:war is being fought as truly ,in the, household and in the work -shop as it is in the trenches. Some ef ;our Canadian. women are borne down physically cand naentally, by the weaknesSes of ttheir' sex. They suffer from backache,. dragging sense- tkin, very nervous and pain in top of head. If they ask their neighbors they will be told 'to take a Favorite Prescription of Dr. ',Pierce's Which has been so well and favor - :ably known for the past half century. ; Weak woMen should try it now. Don't Wait! Beein today. This' woman's toeic and nernne will bring vim, vigor and vitality. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, I3uffakg N. Y. 10e for trial pkg tablets. Paris, Ont.—"About three year ago I was ill in bed and suffered severe .pain. The doe -tor Said I had gall stone, but his medi- eine did not help Me. A neighbor had been tak• tion' and it had Nine- fited her so much that She urged me- to- tiry' Sonic of hers, and that first dole helped me se ix, touch that 1(setit &toned much surprised at the brompt relief this medi- eine gavci to me after the doctor had failed, and I bike the 'Favorite Prescription' again for a few diya. 'It has neVer failed to restore me to perfect While Mr. W. J. Statham and fam- ily were in London ari Sunday _they telt their car en the market square while they took a wallc around the city and during their absence the car was stolen, They imenediatele- inrfortried the police but they did not succeed in %locating it, and as a consequence had to return, to their home with oth- er Exeter citizens, who happened. to be in tbe city. On afforaday Mr. Seta - them received word from the police that the car had been found about six milegeout of the city on the Proof Luie, The car was not -much the worse, only one of the mica lights was broken.. Ward hes been received here by nelatives of the dearth of Mr. William Fansan al Winnipeg, Man., a. former well-known resident orf Exeter. For many years the late Mr. Faxison, con- ducted a boot and shoe and harness, business here and during that time erected the large block, known e "l'ansaa's Block," now owned by gr. ,j McDonell and Judge Dickseel 13etween thirty-five and forty years ago he moved with his family to Win- nipeg. where they have since lived. A Winnipeg oaper speaking of his death, says :—"William Fenson died at his residence, 765 Winnipeg ave. Fri- day, at the age .of 77 yeaese He had been. a long resident' of this city and during that period, or up to the time of bis last illness, nine months ago, he had been in business as a tee. mer- chant. His sister, Mrs. Thos. Allen, of this city, who is over 90 years of age, and Mrs. Hilliard Leach of WinO nipeg niece are among his surviv- ing relatives. In addition to his wid- ow the survivieg members of his fam- ily are WeeleyFansant of Regina; Percy L and Geoege S. oe Winnipeg, George Turner, Mrs. Alex. Binnie Me. George Brooks, allof 'I we nty-f our - graindehildren and' 'four greet-grandehildren, also survive hire" Mrs Wm, Bats -deg returned 11/1oriday Miss Olive Preszcater of London is se -siting at her home in. Stephen. etas:, Sangster, wha has been nursing Mrs. C. H. Sanders, left for her home Mr. Swartzenbach. of the Johnston Evangelistic: party, 11,04V Goderich, spent a few days last week at Me. Ed Short's. Mr. Drew Relight, who hes been home from Windsor Lar a week or two, has been tr,ansferred to the G.T. R. Office, Lucan. Mrs Smith af Winnipeg is visit- ing h,er three sisters in Ontario, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs, Jarrott here and Mrs. Hudson of Seaforth. Mr. Alfred Gibsanrwho hes: been riesiding on. Andrew street in Mr, Wes. Lamport's house, moved to Loa- der: the. week, where 'he 'Wilt make his future home, ' Miss Rivers, whip has beea visiting her brother) lVfr, W, C. Rimers, for or a few- day& prior to retu,rning to her home in Buffalo. /1'.rs. John Snelleleft Wednesday for Wiadsor to visit for a few weeks, Sae will then, go to Des gaineelowa, epend the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs a H. McDonald. Mr. and gre John Salter of London sited with old friends here during e week. Both are enjoying good alth and ther mane friends here ere ple.ased to greet them, vi th 11, JONES & MA PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 F INTEREST TO MEN A New Department Added To Our Store Tailored Suits to Your Measure We wish' to announce that we have bought tile entire stock of Suit - lags and Pvercoatings of Mr. N: She,ere, Merchant Teilor, and are pre- pared to take orders for high-class Tailored Suits end Overcoats, at moderate Prices; —Parfect Fit and Latest Style Guaranteed. This SLOCk was boughel foam the Wholesales month.; ago, ,sp wAnazt ego. eeeepe. This 3Depairtnie4t will be umler the personal direction of Mr. Sheere, who is well known in this locality foe stylish and well -fitting Clothes, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Dept. Young Metds new Belted and 'Pinch Beek Suits! just receiVed, A big variety of patterns to choose frone—just the etylee young men are look- ge,n.'s and BoyeeStylish Overcoats and Raiacoats, plain or belted styles, a fine range at moderate prieee, I Small Boys' Overcoata—Come in and see our range of Overcoats for the little boys'. We can show you real raltaege- Men's Felt Hats.—Our new Felt Hats for Fall are here, a fine assort- ment at last year's prices. Our 44oe Dept. Our New Fall Siloes have arrived and are moving out fast. Ladies High cut Shoes, Empress make in Black Rid, Patent, dark Brown, and the new two toned effecta. Come in and see them. Also Men's new Slat- er and Long -life Shoes. STANFIELD'S HEAVY ALL -WOOL UNDFeRWEAR FOR MEN. Sizes 36 to 44 now in stock. JONES & MAY Headquarters for able Celebrated Sandford & Lion &ands Clothing Men an d Boys. easalltareliitavgaieweemosiaggeaegeteailleeela Miss Hilda Preszcator of London vieitecl at her home in Stephen last week. Mr. Ed. Fowell left this week on his' return, to Winelson atter spend- ing ahe surrener here and at Grand Mr. J. C. Tom, who has been vieit- ing his mother and sister, Mrs. J. C. Friday morning tot visit bit son, Cadet ronto, and his sister, Difis. (Rev.) W. Down of Pickering, before leaving for his hornie in, Golden, B. C. cAs-ro R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of AtZ44 the Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Ron- ald ifectachen, late of the Township - of Stephen in the County of:Huron, -, farmer, deceased. Notice is .hereby given. pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R. S. 0„ 1914, Chap. 121 that all cred- itors and others' having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said. Roeald McEachen, who died on or about the 9th oe December A., D.1886 at the said TowashiP of Stephen, are eequie,ed armor before' the 120 day of Octolyer, 1918 to send by post pre- paid or deliver to H. Ether' & Son, eeediton, Ont„ agente for the admire :aerator to the( estate of the said dee and surnames, acldreeses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of Iheir claims the statement of their ac- counts and the flange of the secur- ities if any, held by them. And take notice that after said last mentioned date the said administ- rator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amone the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claitns of which they shall then have notice and that the said administrator will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or iiersons of whose claims notice shall oot have been received by him at the time of such distrib- Alexander Mvtachen, 'Dashwood P.0 Ad ra tar Isapc R. Carling, Exeter P. 0, Solicitor Ior said Administrator Dated at Exeter, Sept, 28, 1918, /vIONEY. TO LOAN mre away a large pinioned ce private pieverty at low rates of interest. ISAAC R. CARLING, a A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, aons Bank, Etc. Money to) 109111 lovresi fates of intencist. Office—Main Street, Exeter, • ZIENTIST Hews Criliddhstito Toronto UniestieD7 Mice altar (..7.aelitses law Office, Clara Wednesday afternoons. intern extracted without pain of RV bad efferta. Office over Gladman Stantoery's Office, Main Street, Exeter EYES TEST'hD FREE Alt erre.; 'of Eyesight coerected, CREDITON DRUG STORE Tea & Coffee Store For the choilms$ grooeritea, fruits/ 017104611 thing In the grocery Utah 00 and see us. as to quality Will convin- Produce taken in exchange Jas Gould Furniture and Un rt king RO THE FUNERAL DIRI=OR AND FURNITURE DE.A.LER Exet r Bargain Store FALL FOOT WEAR We have what you want in the new up-to-date styles and will he pleased to show our newest liries in reen's women's, or children's slioes. Lot.; of Heavy Shoes and Rubblie.rs to stand the Tall mud 'and wet. ,fte, WARM UNDERWEAR—See our Fleece Lined Shirte and DraWer's for men and boys, HOSIERY—Our stock is complete,. and comprises some good values.. HOW ABOUT A MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT OR OVERCOAT FOR FALL 7 SEE OUR; SAMPLES, ' avers