HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-10, Page 57i x 1, hlidref cry for Fletcher's e. i.e.3al` ;;:SRL' .•\\k., The Kind You Rave Always 'Bough"t, and which.has been in. use for over thirty .' years, has borne the sinature of and has been made under ,his per. sonal supervision since its infancy." el Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits,. Imitations and " Just -as -good " are but • Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Ex erience against Experiment. What is . T ® I Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ideither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its: age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been is constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea.; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,- aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural: sleep. The Child'r`en's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CIA T6n t i s thr Sig -.!sure, pf ,, AA� GEDINE ALWAYS ti44e: In. UR For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought "THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 19 raw YORK CITY.. BFNTAAL allad sTRATFORD.. ONT. Lady graduates of last term are now earning as high as ,$18 and even $20 per week. while young men are arn- ing still better salaries, We cannot meet the demand for trained help. Wrote us at once for particulars re- garding our Commercial, Shorthand or • Telegraphy Department. Students may enter at any :tirrre. , D. A. McLachlan, Prin. • Zurich Mr John Duman t of 'Kitchener was u visitor in. towel. Kass week(,; -Mi'. T. L. Williams was; in Bayfield last week. I acting as judge at the Fair on grain Hensall Mrs. E. Sheffer of Tot onto, and for merly of our village, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Heiman and vicinity, who are pleased, to meet her ag:,in,-- Mr. and Mrs. J 13 Buchanan, who spent a week or et here with their relatives, ongtheir wedding trip, left here for that; home in Providence, Rhode Isl- and, and intended visiting -in Toronto, on their way. - On Wednesday the remains of Mr.John Murray, late Dun des,` and formerly of the township of Tuckersmith, a little south of our vill- age, on the London Road, arrived here on the morning train from the south and short service was held at the stat- ion before proceediug to the Hensel' Union Uemetery the service being conducted by thePresbyteriwn winster of Dunh ,s. The remains were borne from the train by the four young sons of the<deci•a-ed, who are enlisted in the present great war. Mr. Mnrray moved from here over twenty years ago and for some years first resided in Wing- ham, aftetwards removing to Duudas, where he died.The deceased was in his 61st` year but had been in failing health for some time. -Miss Allan of Brant .ford; who was recently visiting Mrs.J. d 'F.Sparks has retnrned to that city. - Miss Pearl Hildebranbt is recovering from her: operation for appendicitis. Robeot Lorimer has moved into the house he purchased from A. Murdock. His sister Mrs. Osborne is keeping the house for him. -Miss Vercy Geiger is visiting friends in Stratford - iltoosmoatnanik J and seeds,-efr. E. J, Hess left for Toronto an Tuesday to resume his studies al the school of Practical Sci- i enc•c.-Mr. Wm, Debus :has purchas- ed the 5 -acres with dwelling on the Babylon. Line, owned by Mrs. B. Eis- enlhofer.-Mr. and eIrs. Harvey Col- oskv returned to Detroit anter a vis-. wide relattives here.Harry Taylor, lvha recently disposed. of his farm on Live Sauble Line, has purchased snot]); er farm on the Landon Road, .north of Bruc tseeld,-Thtere was no -service in the Evangelical church. Sunday mor thing. The evening. service: was tit ken by ev. Dr. Ailkea of KupDen,- Miss Clara Weber .returned to Detroit af- ter spending some weeks with. her parents. -Mr. B. Cbarrette, Sauble Line ha; rented his farm ea his son, and will have an. •auc titan sale.-1'Ir. F. Hess is confined, to his home through !thiels. -Garnet Jacobe, 1.5•tiv con has sold his 100 acne farm, to Mr. Daniel sAyotte, who- recently moved back from Mich:gent Pride $7500, the pur- chaser to get possession in April. -- An int:eresteng ,everii took place at the Lutheran parsonage on Sept. 30th when Rev, H. Rembe united in, mar- riage bliss Alberta, daughter of lir. and Mrs Henry .Trueni,ner of this village and Mr. illj'ne Rader, son of ,lir. and Mrs. Want Rader, 14th con. Hay. Mr. and Mrs,. Rader will live on the groom';': fine farm on: the 14th IF y`i=UR 'CHI, i REM ARE DELICATE ®R under -size or balder -weight remember—Scott's Ernulsiosa7 is nature's, grandest growing food; it strengthens their bones,. makes healthy blood and pro- motes sturdy growth,_ scats, BownagTeroato. santarlo .. . ® Relief Relief You won't know the relief in-store for you, and the new pleasure -in life too, until you have a Pandora range set up in your kitchen —daylight ovens ther- mometer on the oven door that banishes the. guess' from your bak- ing —a hundred con- veniences in cooking and kitchen work all combined in one range -the Pandora. For Sale by 'G. A. Hawkins London Toronto St. John, N.B. I•Iamiitoli. Montreal ar Ca1k y, Winnipeg , Veticoliver dmoiiton Saskatoon I rq Birk n Fair eom imalleel frog Pel ,'e 1.. DAIRY ;PItQDVICE 25 lbs. ButterMrs,aT1we,' Marriot lbs. 'butter, 'Mrs, Thos. Marriott C 'Atlki.nsor,,; 5 lbs. .butter in crop T. ler-Where, J, ,Zoo. yfaeteeey butte; ,T, Ross, PLOW E;BS Rare plants, Wnt. ,F1iaernalt, Mos Washburn; cut • Demons, Mips Lryri Rice; bonnet of cut flowers, Mie Irene. Rice; foliage '' plaints, Wm Manna; Companula special, Chas, At kinson. ' LADIES' WORK , Counterpane orochetted, Mrs. Mhos 1 farriett; Miss 'Jennie lto`binson counterpane,' knitted, D, Kemp, Sir. Dr, Grieve ; 1patohwark guilt, 13retbowr, 'F. P,ridiham, Jap or eras quilt, Miss Robinson,' Dr. ' Grieve slumber robe, Mrs. John akin, Daw ion Biros.; Afghan, Dr. Grieve W Sinclair; ladies underwear, Miss !A Cr aighton, 11T,rs. J. D. Graham; hand made lace, Mrs. Graham, Miss 'Creigh ton embroidery in lace stitches, Mis (rens Rice, Mrs. T. ,tMtarriott; em .roidery in. scut _ work, .Mrs. Giraham Mrs, T. Marriott; euibroide'ry, Dees den, in ,colors, Miss ''Maggie Jamieson Mrs. T. Marriott; embroide;cy eyelet Miss Irene, .mice, 'Mfrs. T. Marriott embroidery, 1I,ardinger, David KemGp Sr., Miss nary McCallum; eni roider Blount rMellick, Mrs. T. Marriott; em broide:ry, centre Ipiece, 'linelrl, ,Mr. Graham, Mrs, T. I4 rrioet ,embroi dery centre !piece in colors, alliss Ja mieson, Mrs. Graham; embroidere tea cloth, Mre. Graffham, ease Rice embroidery scarf linen Mise .Jamieson embroid,elry, Picrrot, black end ;white Mrs. T.Marriott, Mise •Jamieson • em broidetry library scarf in ~colors, Mis Jamieson, Mrs, John Rinn In roi dery tray cloth, Malta, 'Mrs. Graham Mies (Creighton; embroidery ,1unehe set, Mrs. Graham, Mss Jamieson; em broidery' sofa pillow in colors, Mies Jamieson, Mrs. T. Marriott; "erribroi "d:ry sofa !pillow white, Miss Irene Moe. Miss Jamieson; embroidery sof pillow, patriotic, Miss Mary McCallum Miss Jamieson; embroidery` ortenta, or •oross stitch, Mrs. T. Marriott, Mis laic; ; :pillow cases and sheet W. Rat- aliffe, Dr: Grieve; pillow shams, Miss Jamieson;' child's dress, Mrs. Graham Miss -Jamieson; bedroom slippers, Miss ,r tmieson, Miss. McCallum; set table mats, Miss Creighton, Miss 'McCallum rig mat Miss Jamieson, M.. B,rethonr rag carpet, Miss Robinson, -Wm. Sin- ••oisir; plain sewing, i,Lrs. ' Graham, Miss 'Creighton; drawn work, Harry \Vhit.., Mr's. Gra!aanr; shirt waist, Mrs. Graham, Miss 1VIcCallu n em- br'riidecry punch work, Miss Bice, Miss MoCallum; embroidery coronation cheeille. Mrs. T. Marriott; embroi- dery. Waliaachian Mrs. Graham, Mrs. T. Marriott; embroidery, doilies, col- ored, Miss Jamieson;hairs. T. Marriott trieh -crochet, Wm. Ratcliffe, Miss Jamieson; crochet work, cotton or silk. Miss lCreixhton, Miss terecC,allum; crochet' wool, Mrs. T. Marriott, Mrs. Graham; erodhet and braiding com- bined, Mrs. Graham,_ Mrs, Marriott; Tatting, Mrs. Graham, Miss Jamieson tea oosy, 141rs. Graham, Mise Robin- son; obin-son; towels initialed Miss Creighton, Irs. Graham;: pincushion, bliss Creighton, •Mrs. Gralham; fancy' I tea apron, Mrs. Graham, Mfi.ss Jennie Robinson; handy bag, Miss "Mc.Oallum Mrs. T. 'Marriott hindkerehiefs, Mrs, Graham; fancy underwaist, Miss Crighton, Mss. Gratham; man's cotton shirt, Miss Robinson, Dr. Grieve wool socks, Miss Robinson, Dr. Grieve ; wool stockings, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Marriott denied socks ex stockii.gs, Mrs. Gra- ham, Miss ;Creighton; ladies'.. knitted mitts, Mrs. N. _Marriott, Dr. Grieve; gents' knitted milts, Mrs.,T. Mtatnriol Miss Robinson; •co1. of 'fancy work Miss Jamieson, Miss ,Creighton; best col. Red Cross ;of Patriotic work, Blimvila'' & Sunshu,r,. Red Cross See'y gelated quilt, Mrs. (Rctv,), A. W. Br' wn; scrnr,ned soldiers work, R. Pnnvter ; 1adii.s' fancy tie, �Ii5rs. Jane by see 'aril. Tud� �s-Mrs. Iid Welsh 1?.xete:r. i•rrs..I1. C. Fe coy IL la seelda.le. FINE .ARTS ,Pairting in ,oil, fruit or flowers, Miss Mery MoGaliarrri ; painting on china, Dr. Grieve; pen and ink sketch lT.rs, J. I). Graham; stencil work, Miss Annie Urquhart, !Larry .White; ,col. snapshots, Miss A. 'Crcightot,, Miss Robinson. Spacial, collection of horns Wm. Benne. 'CANNED 'FRUIT Col. pickles, D. Poster, Miss Jeneie Robinson; .canned 1peaches, Miss A. Creighton, Miss 'Vary McCallum; elu ins, Wm...Sinclair, 1C. eloutley ou,r,- ents. E. Redd, Miss !Creighton pears Miss A. Urquhart, 'L. Doupe; Cherries r V. :Cragg, Miss L . `Creighton; gooseberries, Wm. Sinclair, Tis 4r k r 0 S' s. Wm s y ;r' s.: { a •o,n Mies A Miss r b I Crago; ',raspberries, Miss ,Annie L -x - variety canned fruit, Wm. Sinclair, IT, V. 'Crago; home-made ;br'ead Mrs. T. Marriott, Miss A. :Creighton; 'm,a- rrle sugar. Miss, Kate Doupe, Dawson Tiros.; Maple syrup C. Routley, 53; Redd; Jellies, Jas. Kemp, David Foss ter. MI,S,CELLANE0 tS ;limey in section, (Campbell Dow, 21. Brethour; extracted ?honey, Camppbell Dow, el. Brethowr; display of boots and tsh,oes, N. Gunning; Suit Canadian Tweed, N. Gunning. G PUBLIC BSC,IIOOL PUPIL'S DEPAII'ielEt N'f ,I?encil drawing :lalph Denham; welting, Ruth r13anna, Elvey rdridiharn; collection wild flo-wers, They Pridb:ain collection weeds, Eivcy: ,1?ridham; 'col- lection weed seeds, ;Lavey `Pridhato ; r:eilection injurious insets, E1vee Prid- lam; Ecol. •grrisses, grains and. ciorsr Zlivuy 'pricllraie;; ,Coi, native woods, Lavey Pridham;.:a,a,rly potatoes, R. Denham, 'Willie' Doupe, Elvey pridiham late potatoes, 11.. 13enhorn, 1.1. Dobsou Ida bby; garden cid rots. With,! Doupe, Orville Roger, aloha. Marriot; parsnips, 0. Roger, W, Douro; semen- bbrs, 1-3Ivay prod;hair ; , ;sw et eons E. Pridham; pop ',corn B Prithham, pumpkin, a 1,,, Pridharn; vvatcrrurclpt.a, \�allie Doupe, Lavey Pr;idbana :citron !lay .Brock , E, : Ihridbe n ; onions, it, 11.11ex,ri,ott, 0. ,i u;gca, 1;. ,1?ridbam ; to- matoes, O. Roger, 12 Iersdhane; North- ern Spy lapples,,1i ,Marriott, V. *Ore 0,11 eger; tiling of ,'.iro,,prtins, 0. Bogor W. Dowpe; 'blood beets;. 13, elattraot t V, 11,Ioore, FBibby; buttonholes, 111 Pridhani cookies, 1VLilllo. DouGpe; soda laiscnut:s, ti:iflic'7.aoulpe, Ruby J3rethouGr? )ight'oalce, Basel ;,Bretlhoui°; ,cut flow - e: s, ii Prid,hatn ; hen eggs, W.:tyowpe, Denham,D., Praclihar:fa; 11ot,ibu stamps, 1tuth Je�ran,na, T. Prai111aana; special turnips, LLL 'Piridhan , • ►'aces Money For The Farmer RIICES of farm products have reached a high Ievel. The farmer can take u'li vantage of this situation only by adding to his equipment of time and Iabor-saving mai' chinery. Time and labor are money. When time and labor are saved, money is saved, Time and labor-saving de- vices for working the land do not produce complete results in themselves. The farmer must have rapid and depe}c- able means of placing his products on the market. The Ford One -Ton Truck will make trips to town so much mo ' quickly than the horse that you wfl have many extra hours of time to devote to productive work. A lard. number of farmers have proven to rord One -Ton Truck to be a time and money-saver—have you? `� Price (chassis only) $750 F. O. S. Ford, Ontario Milo Snell Dealer,Exe er; 4 y Runabout, - $ 660 Coupe, - $ 875 `Touring 6911th Sedan - - - 1075 F. O. B. Ford, Ontario ell prices ect Co war tax cjiarge, excepruck and chassis All prices subject to change Without notice Andrew�.ampbeIJ, mesa •A I Grand Bend l'li A Alien, who has been in M. •n • tau. for two weeks,.returned home cr, Saturday. -Mrs. Carri,ere and dau;hte- who have •been visiting at Brucefie'd returned Wednesday.- Rev, Carricre pneach•ed, a memorial service for ton Green Sunday; is the Presbyter an church, -On; Sunday abou•. five o'clock the neve s reached here that the war was ended. Bells were rung, flags waved, and peo,le were nearly wild with joy that thieve wall an end to the terrible war. -Service was held in the Presbyterian church in tate evening after the news was received.- lits. Stevnlake moved into Mr. Clarksonl's house last .week, while Frank Stattom has moaned iinto; the house vacated by Mrs. Stanlak•e,-Ms:s 0. Green who has been visiting:near ear Parkhill, is visi in i at P; .Bakeir';s;,-Mr. Canning moved T.hurday to John, Young's house. top buggy, cutter, feed bailer, sirs. jeep sprayer, large barrel; gasol'n_� r.'t t n. and pump jack, 2 1-2 hor:c No. 3 Daisy churn; New Lily cream separator; forks, chains, and numer- articles, sets harness. l`es vie :-510 and under cash ; over ese. am sunt 10' months' credit on ep proved joint notes. 5 Per cent net' semen, off for cash, on credit amounts BEN. MAKINS, Prop C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. FRANK COATES, Cler, A .ction S e I OF FARM STOOK ,& IMPLEMENTS i HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS BLACK SMITH TOOLS, ETC. On Lot 26. S. B., Stephen, Ty s, 'nese; We:,t of ,\!cunt Carmel, or. i u ESrjAb , OCTOBER 15, 191b At one o'clock sharp, the fol.o;r'•n, -. Horses-I-Iorse 8 years old; mare 1? -_. yrs old horse 13 years old, 'r. and teequ'�et driver. UCt;Of ,nils Cattle -Fresh cow, 2 cows due it Dec. ; 2 e ows due in, Tani.; 2 cclws dui ,n March; cow due in June; 4 year ne and 10 spring calves. Pigs & Poultry -Sow with, 9 pigs at side, 5 weeks' old at time 'of sale: .ow due in Jam; about 40 hens about 130 pullets; also a collie dog. : Implcme:ntb & I-lousehold Effects - I elass.ty-Harris binder, with truck • , Deering mower, McCormick hayralet, steel roller, Forest & Wood •ulti-a- tor. Sylvester hoe •drill, scuffler, set iron harrows, No.; 21 Fleury plow, No. 1..i Perr via plow„ 2 ga.ngnlon, visor. 3 -inch tire; tap buggy, nearly new; cutter, sleigh, wagon box with shelves site stock rack, nearly _new; spring :eat, road cart, wheelleerrow, . steel barrow w heel wagon jack, hay rack, s r mils tone, fann'ngmill, bag truck, rearle nen-; root partner, iron and v -eocl :neckyoke., set doublctiie:es, 2 1large and 4 small crevices, cow halter. 'P,be unclersig sd has received- in- struction'sto 5'1t by public auction on the premises, corner William and Nelson Sts., ea", blcck ..;north of Exeter ereeni • v, on SATT3RDA.Y, 001'.,10th, 101^. .at one o'clock ll,lu. the foll.ovvin�'" preps rty ; llini lg mels! i„rbte, divine • boom chairs, rockre, iron bedstead, wood btdsteade,� bed p iu�t-s. mattresses, feather mattress, lealthex• beds, stret- cher and utattruss; cupboard, drtss- ens, washstands, bureau, 1pictnres, kitchen: dhairs, couih, small tabl,os. drop leaf' table, ;toil'et• setae and other articles :too numerous 1:o ms• es tion, '.Perms of sale -Gash. 13. S. -Phillips eli•ss Jib, u• p3non Auet oneer Preprictre-s .uctit.n Sae OF FARM STOCK& IMPLEMENTS on Lot 23, Con, 1, Usborn,e, en, October 24, at 1 o'clock, fallowing - Horses -Heavy ,lraugh,t mare, 7.1 yrs General Purpose mare 12 years, sue.to foal; ,sucking, colt got by Coo -1. Gra- m hard horse 4 -years! by Lord IIovvatson \latched' team of grey percherons, corn lug three,sired by Jabot; blood colt by Andyredlac, 1 sucking colt, well bred driving mare' 6 years, reliable. Cattle -3 good Durham cows, rine clue .January 1,0$ one April 1st and one May asst; 1 licher rising 3, due Dec, 15; 10 two-year steers, good feeders 6 tiro -year old heifers, 2 yearling steers 1 yearling 1r, '' .; these ate tnoslty Polled ',Angus and Danian!- grades; 2 young cows fat; 5 young Caltres. Hogs and Poultry -6 sows due ;'to- farrov in'1Jecember; 60 hems, and 30. pullets, Impleniettts-MAassey lH`trris 6 loot binder sheaf carrier and truck, neat:- ly new 11.�-I-h: mower, 6 -foot, ear& ly mete; ll,ila cultivator, new 1VIrhI, nianure spreader, nearly new; 14'[, H. t feet roller, nearly •new; 14', -I -I, corn ar,.d bean harvester,. new; M, -PI, 13- hoe driU. nearly new; M. -H. 10 foot steel rake •.hearty new; McGotrini.ek hay tetlder, Cockshutt riding; plough,,. new; � disc harrows ;: 2 -furrow �fa,ple' Leaf g`s ng plow; walking nlaif ;. sot of iron harrows, s,• 4 sec.; fann°tig: mill; 2 wl tgons, brie nearly new; wagon bassi, stoci: rack, hay rack, `vet bob' ebbs ` 4 logging chains,,, 2 set 3 -horse even-, ers, cant -hook, 2 scythes, and snaths crowbar, 125 feet 1 rope, peck n- i • stretcher, forks, hoes, shovels takes, sass -horse, saw, set trussels, cross -cut saws, bay's express wagon ,!cynic, finished wagon pole, wagon stele, 2 finished bolsters, wagon sand board, 2 finished hickory whiffletrees 3 oak scantlings, 3 by 4; quantity c,; oak lumber, single harness, ;alea.rlly ,tau-; double harness, es acres turnips and mangoids, 20 tans tons mixed 1101 quantity corn stock, about 12 cords avoid, 2 woollen horse blankets, large rr;lva, t;;c :rope, De Leval sepaidttor, n•eaiiy nese; Daisy churn, 2 cream vans, strainer pail, butter dish and pr spools, kitchen stove, quan'tilty stave ,pines, washing, machine, couch 6 din• itte chains. 2 stands, kitchen wash inkwick-er baby buggy,; Brussels :carpel 12x12r%, lawn. swing, hanging lamp, 2 parlor lamps, 2 sad irons, gasolirtto sad iron, stepladder Blacksmith Tools-Anvi', 400 blower sndforge. drilling, machine, vide, =Hoke painter, hollow auger, set taps and clues, bolt cllitpiierr, thumb scr'ew's, band saw, hoof pacers, mases, tongs; swedges etc,; S. wrenches, pine wrench 2 steel rwedges; 2 steel sledg- es, ` T et ins -All suns :of $1.0, and Yltrdet te,lt,; over that an ettrit 12 •months' reedit` •gi'tn tan furnashing.:aapt roved, oint,notes, A. dj;se`out'i,t of 5- per' Celt. tiff for caGslrioi lieu of 'notes, ttX A.N1( TAYt.Oit G, 1:h v.ISSCHE Auctio,eor Prapzi;tstoi' C Auction ;a!--% -of- VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY In the Matter of. the Estate of Geo. R. Bedford, late of the Township of \V;e{tminster, in the County of Mid- dlesex Yeoman insolvent, Deceased, tezee will be offered for sale by Pub- Aneeo.i on the premises On Sat- atrd:av October 12th, A, D, 1918, at 2 •' :o sk sharp in the afternoon, the fol- lowing valuable village property. viz- eng part of Lot lettered "'G" on the East side of William Street, North of Ann Street, in the Village of Ex- eter in the County of Huron, "Sand- er's Survey," beim; par= of Lot Num- eer events--oae °.n the first conces- t`on of tee Township of Sten', ea, Up i this land is situate a stir of mos- comrortab'e semi-detached d,'e! n;;. with all modern converijen- i n , ; ties plc. e -,y is in a progressive Dirt of the v ila;e and is convenient te the business centre, churtees and eeeol Terms of Sale made known on day* ' f sale, For further particulars apply 'to Wallace D. Clarke .Assignee, Exeter, "line; J '':a:l Taylor. Exeter, On', Cha;, We .t London.. Ont, inspectors C. 1\' Robinson. Auct•or.;er, Exeter, Ont. or to Isaac R. Carlini:. Solicitor for Assignees Exet::r, Ont. ., i. r.` ah. OF F ARb ^TOCK & D.IPLEMEN'r5 on Lot 17, South, B.eundary, Ste - peen Tn., on Thursday, Oct. 17, 191E At one o'clock sharp. the follow -in - Horses -1 matched spanrising' five ncl x; 1 Roadmaster mare rice -11,3; lcl� Fletcher mare, rising 4; I. Red McKinney mate rising 3; 1 Imperial nief mare rising 3, 1 Imperial Chief seeding resins; 3; 1 Impe-rial Chief gel- ding rising; 2 years. Cattle -1 case, 6 -yrs old due to calve un Nov., 1 cow 5 -years due in \larch' 1 cow, 3 -years, due in .Apri1 1. cow. 3 -year, due in Ihtarch; 1 cow 4 years due in March ; :1 heifer: rising 3 _years due in April ; 1 hciter, i•is- an.; 3 -years, not in• calf ; 2 steers, ris- me 2 years ; 2 steers rising 1 1-2'' yr.; 7 sprig; calves. Pigs, -S pigs, 5 mouths old, 9 pigs, 3 nrontb.. old, 1 brood sow. Poultry -75 hens and 7 ducks.. Imp4'ements-2 h'IcCor.n-ck hinder;, 1 ldeCorm,ick mower, Nil -),n cultivator vlvester seed drill, bean cultiz'ato. cine-i>c'rse scufleer, disc barrow, lend roller riding plo-w, 2 nwalking' plows sialic, ty rake, hay loads • pair of bob - road cart,. 2 errheci axle huggic: nearly new ; ' :utters, nearly tieR'�'; Verity gang letiron 1ai - raes puluet, new ivhae" barrow, -2 set double harness, 2 set .',ttgi.e Harness, t e white rubber set new; Blue.; 1341 cream separator new; ••tack of straw 50 tons hay to ba ,fed on premises, 2 rets' oa chime bells, 2 strings o£ balls. Terms -$.5,00 and uneer, cash ; crvner' that amotritt 12 months rrediit on an - proved joint Totes. 5 s -•r cent ger tan;purr off for cash in 1"T:1u of smites.. ' i t . i'e M O BhI1✓N, 1Z,I.,.2 r dr,loau, Props FRAN'i TAYLOR, ' Au'ct.