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The Exeter Advocate, 1918-10-10, Page 2
is jest the tiny buds ;a.1* . yo , g leaves, from hill -grown shvt.bs .. So economical because it yields se g- algin a,> sly in. tic. teapot. t. 9446 <ma,pxri$at FiouRhtoa. 314i1 Iec Octropatoy by aiDec*a3 arraniiremont rF Tweet* holding The HHemte iCi,ehee. work. they are earning to system - How ch;i}l we beat hold the -coon- bozo necessar-v duties, to discard un-: ti'y home trenches? flow fortify essential things and tasks, and to. tif,•t't1r1St eu pri e melees of seee'- e, brow more ettpablo in every direction er r' ncng ?lin's, me to .do t Ho\ie',^ mgencaintainieyand ltheredsimoraleobstaclesof our the govehortrnintoelitbecaiS tlofreerw asking thewhain lighting farm forces? Haw build to do, --field work ,cooking •simply pro - up the .resistance of the rural re- per foods, canning, care of orphans, serves? And have nourish the on- Red Cross and other dtiwar conning soldiers and laborers, the hoys work, Consciously or istincunlcnowirvelyigly, and girls now under war age? they ere learning to put first things Questions like the .above are now fairly asking themselves way out in that they formerly held ecessary They country places as rear -time needs be- ar+e thixxkmg, 'testing "out each clai'.ty gin to demand of every family its ut- task as neVer before in all the world's they fazmeriy held eecessary. They most tribute. However humble and time. • unimportant a ' home mother has Educate, educate, educate—has be - hitherto considered herself, she must clonic daily habit with many a panne now stand in tate lime light of public' vTQntait,,,although dile might herself accounting. Na matter how modest scoff if eltt suggested " tght she if have been her past deeds, in the eyes "st'udying-" But, isn't she- doing• just of herself or others, Canada is calling that -.-studying her business of riin- upon her to manifest the ways and Hing a glome on a new basis—one that rural T°°` AMA, means by which. she can now ,serve her• will allow ,her to give more gcn,;r- natten ously of her resources, her family and herself' to her country in its time of 411 was not merely warranted, ;but You kxiow this }s no fancy picture Peril? ,,,t r was demanided by the evidence— of what, is being asked of ,every faint tdtatt in'terv'al wend uvavaihne. which the District Attorney then pro- woman. "Are your scans fit for Schhapfe's witnesses were all of sli<tdy ceedecl to an"alyze. fighters, -for farmers? Are your r preati:an se much it wee easy to Maxwell • � i3 >ltl • 'h tdu CHAPTER XX.--(C;ont'd,). The meet industrti'ous efforts during fa:lowed the D r:uct ��,t daugh'ter•.s ekilletl in plain work of the establish; but they none of ttheen had a torri,:y e &astutvt Ile, sine e a . e liozne, o the'field, of some other use- erutttnraal record. So fee are tracing would take bot little of 'then time Ertl, unfrilled calling;? Is your. hes- gathered blit a shgrt tirrre,. Wash their movements en the night of the indeed, considering the argument them,remove .stems and cut large mnrd•er vas concerned, Ti•aiek found which they had lust heard, be felt it band of sound body for his years, so it in the fern hours at frits disposal hardly necessary that he should speak that he can step into the gap left. by fruits into piece's. With juicy* fruits, tp at all. He wished, however, to re the boyand. do a man's work? Are add just enough water to prevent quite inxpctsn.,lb:e, He was able 'thepre- the neat morning by skielful eros sen't to them some additiona`i xeasozxts. your children feeding 'right, sleeping burning while cooking. In using eaamin•ati n to anger them and sett wvhy they should not 'permit 'them- right, 'growing light like the hnslcv fruits which are not juicy, add water em in t bad :tight~, but that ryas aril -�'ea to be greatly influenced by little animals they should be? And until two-thirds of the fruit is cover- ttluIir,th the evTden''e all in, the District ,. you you lrxg zmniled How To Make Jelly. Fruits to be used should be sound, just -ripe or 'slightly under ripe, and enough S��ralan's partial confer roar erica- the and eel: Cook slowly until the fruits are etyrney rose .ttnd eeddr.-essed the jury. teceionony of the suspended po icem' e sufficiently strong of body to com soft. Strain through a bag. mads He was aware h nerd, of the e. lemxt Donohue. One hesitated to believer pass all that the time expects of you of flannel or two thicknesses of cheese - in t y ;mpr3•s,ekl upon him; if that there �w:a,s anything' in this ease l in a piofeestr:,nal eagerness to +a'im a partaking of tate the .nature of a• —food saving and substituting, Red cloth or similar material. verdict he endesvc red to pervert or fz'ttme•up; but et zeas nevertheless to' Cross service, extra number of chick- Instead of sugar use ei cup corn. mi,;inteapret the evidence that had lee remembered that Scanlan and the ens, a larger garden, more canning, syrup to 1 cup ,of fruit juice. Boil been glvern in this ease, he would be suspended policeman, B,oiiohu,e were more remodeling, mare skimping and the juice to one-third its volume and unworthy of the office that he 1>'sld close friends of long standing, that inure 'less' of 'everything than ever add the corn syrup. 130}1 rapidly. The He conceived it to be the duty of the they had taken part in the riots alt the before?" jelly point is reached ichen two drops attorney for the State not primiazl'ly Purroy Worlis,—y ti that had Ueeri' At the last ditch aren't these the run together and fall as one from to soak a c::;nrii tier.., but to stab- suppaessad only dry the calling out of ' the state ticop<s',--axed that the TWO lnatters that are up to the farm wo- the side of the spoon. Skim the loch the truth- and he trusted attorney so men had become irtaimrte, as joint 7 a . - x a, man rust now'? If her boy fails to juice, pour into sterilized glasses and war> he red i it in e.,te'zou h, when law -breakers always deo. It was not pass his physical exanxi ration because' cool as quickly as possible. Seal he would be 7a n m ~•:ted enough, when , the evidence diFro.ed at tare treei inconceivable that the suspended of a bodily defect that might have with layer of paraffin and e• cover of Dore:hue had eti'eeted a; been prevented in childhood; if her metal or proved not to support an drzd c•tnrant, pc cemau to admit tblat he ..ter been in ex rvr and caminrom e Between his .easy con husband is weakened by stomach prat- Fruit juices may be canned now to none as be:{ kie could for execs ble, xf she hoz elf rs not equal to the stip and the suggested es of freeta:d • and made into jelly When it is more of zeal. Ie this, case the matte, as snip axed irad lug es'ted to Scanlan kt tasks that have multiplied upon her— convenient and cooler and the supply regarded one of the defendants was means of evading the extreme penalty M convenient }apace Scanlan hada : ;owledged A. far' him ;:rime. -.The testinnany fixing. how far might these things have been of sugar makes it possible. Boil su- eti ta:n nuelee:are of guilt; dile onlyan alibi fur Schlupfe at the time of . avoided if she had been a more think- gar and juice for five minutes. Pour question was whether he had ackxncrrvl the. murder was too varied and corn-. Mg and efficient manager? into sterilized bottles or jars. Put edged the fell measure thee. belonged p-ct_e to fee d.regarded or d sbeldet eda i Suppose site had understood foods into hot-water bath, with the water to him. Ile had purchased the i question vhy Scanlan sbou:d have and what they do- for stomachs and reaching to the neck of the contain- �r-aver, he had paiehaeed the aha17's mi - tried to incriminate an innocent mane livery and muscles and nerves whin erg. Allow, to simmer 20 to 80 xili- with which the kil:itng had been done,mrgh+t nevez' to solved. pix, could a _ he had' been forced ia,uctantl;y to known how to "manage"'to better ad - es offer a hypothetical ex anatioa. mit these facts; h s story xnip'iicat- The suspended policeman Donohue �rrantage and had had her house ar- iixf; Si heti pre a,> more gttivt3-' than 'hem - had ,once seen Scan an and Schlupfe ranged with the system ,of a-rvoik- tr.Lro•gh•t he true. Only, if it were toget3icr when he found his friend shop to lighten tot}; and suppose:she tare, a nurnlrer of men bad axed, had Seaxrfin =iixvalted he the dtfr`,uities Ixad bo� ht labor-savxli utensils and peelured themselves, had been g g bought—there could be no other word.created by an untruthful corxfehsiott, maehinely and had plumbing installed ,or it—to save the neck •of to cold- he ' ad, with the same dei •e to bei —would she not have been, in a bet- ir;ord+owl murderer. He could net, feels helpful Which prompted him to ter position tq serve her family, the .in enough that this was the case to t i clkaa.e the fleeing Scan_an, suggested, Red Cross and her nation? pa:ess for the conviction of the de ''that Sch upie might be the con3fetl- . But it is "never. too late to mend" if the ,t er'ate in the mime; .and Scanlan in his, had d a•nd this particul+ar innocent m,an' inxpraperly used; suppose she had nutes. Seal air -tight and caretilly label each container. Your Children's Teeth. fondant Sch:Iupte. t e yury be. „ thtsit the testimony 1sf i l eeesse gee, cowardly i despexa •_.an • a grasped at '-even ±0 nientl a woman s ways. And hail appeared in beheld of 'irti upfe the ua„e tion- Seh',•uofe's arrest that there are farm women who :'re an.. .,_;list �er' haat folio-vea'. The"• doing this very thing, we have evL- sintrtrld I d:r•'c� •'dirted ,nix i that: h, was guilty of the crime in the manner Pr" 11',;1 Policeman . Donohue had all dence:. Through their organizations desistik,ad by Scanlan, it was their p1 - reO 1, been cuff crenily discredited by i they are studying what foods will do, v_.e e and their duty to report hire evcnt:. Se n rill sanfu 10n on the they are showing one another handy it ii,no s. stand. his abvao s y trumped-' , r 'i.y; bet he h1ms�:lf could root in , tools and exchanging ways they have The quality of every child's teeth is partly determined before he is born, when -the embryonic teeth are - grow- ing. This is one of the many rea- sons why the mother's diet and gen- eral hygiene should be watched . and every moans employed to keep her in excellent health. The child's first teeth °can be so pre- served reserved that he arrives at the age of second dentition without a decayed tooth, and the permanent net comes through ia perfect condition, but this will depend more upon the care given ,ti.et.ice to lits own cor-eienee urge the tip•:.tory ' aUout the iu�jo,,1=ea, mal -e sot discove.Fed tea "short cut" their routine than upon outside help. jury to being in such a ver:a ct. As tic lar. eri�denee of the -act that he 'had, w to they alefendant Scanlan, he veoulel leer- ltitng•: Maxwell c',c_ed by de- 1•;,vc tar l� .�.::s fora .fine•-d,grzc. verdict, c� `}:'•ice that he 'brad no other duty or; together; it suggested very- careful' of wire was laid along the salient prior Tlie rc>ta± :.attar had Veen only po.Cttral , neeia s than o euur.e 'a rice for, his; ca -operation an the :part of certain; to attack, and immediately; after the r'1,.,'ie.,• he or some eon•ied'e�la,Ee bead•ci•.er:t aril that in atiscking Scata'insIw1tneesee, That Scanbau had nn iiAmericans advanced, B4O00 telephone yettsally fired thy; shot c-a;i•a.•:1 net az"Z'e ct. confi. on at:d the st ;,gentled. pc ice-• n•cled to i�oh the store he admitted, I iustrnrueuts were connected with these the mt:-� 1 U1 e of his guilt. That • v8 'man Donohue'b testimony tmony h e va,; d far that lie de,serve+d •minislrrrlent. animated by in 's spirit of vinelictive-j But it had never been. in his mind to'vues, .uid a system adequate to hand- teleete e; acid sal elfeta.+.hocl by hie p p ]e the telephone business Of a cit of rc 1 at t.tntt admission of the Our :her: e of ri'eass•6 !kill the ,stort•lcee er, and the hand ,that � p Y the rckalcei and the shells. The Jerry sat a11,1 listened, .wave after, had pre ed ;the trigger and sent the! 100,000 inhabitants was soon going at ni:ig:ler era= cold-blooded, pxemeclitat-wave of impotent indignation eour'srng bullet on Re fatal mission was not 'top efficiency. c }, armarmeee.h•out any azrennatane= err1 through him, his face crimson, his hits.: ( During the brittle the sigi a•i corps 414,11-1Gane. .A verdict in the fleet timids c enchec,. He wished the blood i The judge .s. charge was 'favorable i took more than 10,000 feet of .movie r,; r e ega'ri:,s+t .the defendant Sean -I would net: ri -h into his cheeky :at t'he i neither. to Scanitan no:t• to Sch.upfe:.1 filen. picfspitai facilities included 36 i : titter which followed ,each reference; A, 'to Schlupfe, lis instructed !the lvRy to the suspended policeman Donohue,, that their eet'clict must "'be either j hospital trains, 10.000 beds in the ad - Quite apart from the,abback upon hint-: "Gulley of murder in. the first de- i -:'r• ao ay% j �F,11tr.o g alb ,tutu : ~ 17oriz. Makes light, p.whoieeoax bre=d, A Ts roils, else. wrthout .t. ¢rSa ouble. Saxes Hour. r _ 'and hell+, c.sn!Krve , the Nati«,'t food gut P6•• - i:onertient,quick 'and titian -ronin do aot'touch dour:,. • Derivored 41i1 ch:rgorc Paid to you, how', cm .through your deafer four root ,ize, S2.25 eight Iva.' do $3.25. E. T.WRI,1 T0U. t.wrrea ) - HAMILTON CAHAOA d^t' 1 Ito Can Y � I.vest a: portion: of your earnings wsok- 1w; or ti koixthly, tallough our PARTIAL, PAYME/VT PLAN Write tut fee Booklet. lr1>ormotiaora;rii advioe fizrs Dished gladly on arty serttritjes. .'4. ' NNOL` LY a"- CO. 3tetniat,rs 1Yrntttex `Stock ,'i'acc1i ngu', 105400 rrenaporeetioe Etreero, Malta ii 844 self, the argument disturbed and dis-'gree" or "Not guilty." There seem- mayecl him. 'For the first timee her ed no evidence which would justify Ibegan to fear that the jury might`,thern i11 convleting Schlupfe of murder actually find Dave ,e°uidty of murder du' iiia 1e.. , degree:As to Scanlan, his ; the :first degree. It had seemed toe; confessed complicity in the 'robbery 1 an tre'diblo, too rnenstrotts, Yet now: which had remelted tin Walsh 's death thee. dread grew ,anti ge•^w in Ifs lxeaett required the `jury to find dome verdict vance areas and 55,000 further back, of which less than 10% were actually needed. During the operation, the gums tired 1.500,.000 shells, and 4,$00 trutcs carried men and .supplies ,iuto the lines. - •'neat i was 311 Mrs. ScanlareeiiearE ago nGt him If the story told by This is the. season for starting also .Terry knew, far far her face avast Scanlan 'MILS wholly true •and he had bulbs of narcissus in bowls of damp ; more rigid and color ices ,and her eye's ,no intention of knowledge of any in- moss, or gravel and water, for Christ- , in.ore teti•ified: - She sat leaning for- Iteration on she part of Schlupfe or any mos flowers. The bulbs are 'sure to ward, clinging to Dave's ai in though one concerned with him in the robbery flower in the window of alivine xoom. t most of Maxwells argument. to use the 'ravioIer in any event, ,than About the only cares required is to Trask appea'led to the jury to axe- the ju•try might findhim gtuirltyof Her''`e Dave' scanfes•s1aals I11,3 plea Hour -der an the second degree or of keep ,them supplied with water. C was earnest, he was not asking 'them nansxavghber- If they fettled that Ito being in a verdict which would enr lScanlan had 'himself Fired the shot or able the defendant to escape the that Sca;nilan hard platted with a con- izePer peitaltty ,for lila offense. Ile federate and had unnleestood clearly '.gerefreesSiotemeweek. 3-erern ithouileavin I home. Booklet seat free- 5t0YAL COLLEGE OF took ,shai'p-ssetee with; Maxwell over wh•-t use in, cer.,bain contingelnc'eas wale sernicE.'744 as saaamAror.,Tomah).cm Patrolman Donohue's te..sirn-ony, to be made of the revolver, the Ivry which he declared to be that of a should then bring in a verdictsiga•inet transparently truthful Man. Would Scanlan of rnurrlen: inthe first degree. It was •i plain is'sue ct veracuty be tween .S.canlan on 'the ens hand a;irci the witnesses who h:ini appeared to es- ta'b1'iish a ,alibi for Sdblupfe on tine leave been made lcnowx1 ? Was it not other. W'i'he,tl er Scanlan had de•l,iibcr- tiah.e"•story of ane duly end deeply im ate•'+y ezide v'ered to fasten the clime pr_e. cewith the significance of the ona,n innocent man; or whether oath that he had taken when he went Schlupf•e'S friend:: had 'perjured them- selvese,11i order ea procu e hid acquittal was for the jury to determine. The itit•y were out for seven hours; '.Lahey 'found Schhipfe not guiitlty, dad Scanlan 'gui' y" of murder in the sec- ond degree. (To be cartt.irilt,ed, ) URSING any butt truthful man have narrated facts damaging to himself ,ars Done- - ,true had clone—facts which, if he h 1 ept silent ibout there, could never upon the witness s'tarucl 1 'there was n,o justiflcat,ron for i.ne effort of 'coo•n- c1 for Sehlup:fe tee besmirch Done- hue's- character, and sv ;ge ,1 that he bad - connived at'a "plant''; it was an infaniri:s- lnt_;irius,tio'n. Far more wolttlly of belief ,evere Donohue rind Sei rilan than the u it:wee evhe ha,1 _.z__ •— _- ' undertaken to prove, an alibi for ST. MII-41E . OiPERATIONS. SC''idepft', Chen,, a riog'-ftincia,;� or rill -- . , ao ,: .,.n . t...A.;: a tit .u:. �R 1 • )Sir .e t a dace r Yii�-in e p 9 ,.t 1 3 ry Iious .E ur tent $et Up brie:�itte s; at '1 c'd•, a.:f.el�i'ory wSi0 '}1hd i�fa e coat Time. oat few ,jabs witlltin at yeti irer.ti tee ,ex revel,- c n nes s- ,:1!'1(2; z1'r.31 veer;'e ,the anc'rtot'tilrtt, i.o a, rlespa teh the Anieri- jii•w rn t'0 'Accept the a tat etileiui con piece at St;. T11 lel included is' Tg- t1102,a to -en'? It tw^a•s preiCster'.o1i,1, auttnae CII! 100,00 malas to the'varioue to tarmac 11i+alt Sclaxii'an 1 L45 rnaliti:e'll�sl,y 'unite. cover'Ing inlet test cleta,tle and tree to1!11!nxlirs,ti x1 &,A,iton!tmoat corrected day 1)111>^e the battle opera-` nC a(' 17'ielilllt?fe'1 rnxlee'e'nC8 Tee cue a 1 x were eu a lereented by 310,- r M 9 � • YltesE f I5 wee auti�l�icio0.1' , )1;1p e ego c,on7 00(1 1zlet.c i It had been too c�`+ berateiy pet 1100 .Phet'egra4)11$'' 111ve tile"aiitl'Blurs l rets. Anti . 000 +l ',c,r taw* r0 v*taa'i Cs�, ' k tea._ : aa;o allot A T.n'poNT CP,M4D.A LL;, ree An Unexpected Receipt. A�little episode thtit .occurred when 1 was about to leave 'the Seirin iiwan Hotel at Tang Jiang TZu, Japan, says; Mr, Joseph I. C. Clarke in 'J pan at. First Hand, amused ` me greatly, 1 had tipped a very efficient little maid; and was not stir prised to see her standing with the others to bow us out with smiles and good wishes, "Sai yo na ra " Suddenly, a , one who had forgot- ten something important, little Miss Plum l3losson rushed over . to me, thrust a paper into my hand, and backed off, bowing and .railing. I fear 1 blushed as I put the paper into my pocket. Later, on tide train, I asked my learned 'friend, 1Jyoda, to trans- late Its ideographs for me. He read it aloud solemnly: "Received tip, one dollar." ee A well -screened kitchen a jar of jelly. saves many A hungry soldier dreads the tire: •-.,•ne•.©• <>eat>..►: • •tee ••C> ‹e'• ••-• ,.le • -� -• P. ° •,�y n g wwwww 1.11.1•001101,1/• V Georgian Model, $500.00 THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LIMP), OS AWA, ONT. Canada's Oldest and Largest Piano Makers ;,,Trm„-, ••u^ • ••4' • 'C?'• •©• C? • 1i' • •<> • t0'- • <>" • 4 HE Pura, rich, mellow tone, and the sensitive responsiveness of this famous 'Instrument com, bine to lift It high above the commonplace. It Is a piano that will maintain its enduring charm for generations. rr. 119 a• ,teen'* ...n.A.lgra...*. w.ws.. AV. K. rkrr -•-en•• •G?•G?--•P it - By cleaning or dyeing—restore any articles to their former appearance and return thein to you, good as new. - Send anything from household draperies down to the finest of delicate fabrics. Wei pay postage or express charges one way. ,When you think of CLEA .1;r DV I i .,Think of Parker's charge. write - TorontoOur booklet on household suggestions that save you money will be sent free of to -day to Parker's Dye Wark.89 Limited Cleaner's and Dyers 791 Yonge St. MB 111'1i° i... ,. tor l:.n ;'i1 tri,,.", , 4e aaa J 15 BEAUTY 1N EvERYJAA F'1 ipit5}? Ffl SuriauRiltR Ptiad OY611ES,tPti1�t,S,DT.EFi�ST5N0 n1ARd'�t R is 6EoiltITOUS�ti'RE4Et 2°41PF to pq ES$1SREADILYASSOR9a0 t0tpiCK f INGRAm co• k'.a ac, r'pF or. �.,A R,GYORS }. O E7R Cit ream;t�tc,-sem' awe Two Sizes -50c and $1 Don't let your complexion get run down thru lack ofcare. 'rhe heat of the kitchen, the daily round of housework, the flying dust in the air all the time, as well as natural causes, will rob you of youth and attract- iveness if you don't talie care of your complexion, Use Ingram's Milkweed Cream daily. It Is the only emollient that has a distinct- ive remedial, therapeutic effect nn, the skin tissues. It cleans, softens and gives health and color to the complexion., }~very woman suffers at tunes from oiliness and tahinineee,of the dein. A light touch of Ingram's v'eivreola Souveraine Dace Powder (50c) will overcome this condition and also conceal the little imperfections of the complexion: Other Ingram toilet aide, including 2odenta for the teeth (25c) at your dr'ng store, A Picture With Each Piirchauo Bach time you buy to package of Ingram's Toilet .Aids or Perfume your druggist will give you, without' charge, a large portrait of as world•- famed motion picture actress, Bach time yolx get a different portrait so you make a collectiotr for your home. Ack your dvuggiet. F. F.'Irtgtarea Company Windsor, +areatus Cil' ,11r ,.f1 tri Pf