HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-26, Page 8fr ri 17�EMMY \SEPT. 361 19113 L.N.ETER MART IaTS Ci+aIlea d Eaeh vWhe ; Oat , Barley. Family ;Flour Creamery Butter Dairy Butter Eggs Lrax cl A Patatce s Hay, per too Hogs per'['cwt. ......, Wecln esday 2.10 ;02,13 ,,70 tc?5 .95 to 41,03 ,,,.., 5,9(il 49 32 to40 2,00 10 00 to 1r2,Q0, 19.00 Ne\vmar. Hardy had his bicycle bad- ly damaged on Wedla,esday when it seat run over bya car as it was lying on the curb is front of Wieson,"e res- tauraat CARD OF THANKS Miss :geese Sanders wishes to eon– vey her >:racere thanks to friends for the many kindnesses shown her du.r i.ng tine illness and subsequent death of her fath;ereandat:tatherr, for all of ,k 'r:'rfx' :rile 's deeply grateful, Shpka The Shipka Cider,Mi11 will be aoen to manufacture . Cider. and Apple .But- ter ole and, after Monday, Sept. 23rd. There must beone bag of peeled and r t with every five cored apples brough� w nt bags, 'for eider to make apple Butter. Your cider and apple butter home the same day. Wm Sweitzer, Prop, BIG CLEARING SALE The • Big Clearixng. Sale going on in D. McCo sneli'a General Stare Crom- arty, has been very successful so far. People are taking advantage of the Clearing out prices. The sale 'will continue up to October 9, after which the store will be closed, not tot open again. If it ea Bargains you are look- ing for come here. Act quick as the time its limited, D. McCONNELL, Cromarty. TIRE CHAINS. We ,have just made a good bay in tire chains, which we are offering at the old .price(. Even if your old chains are still good it will pay you to •buy a pair of these because, you will never. get them agaisr at tjiis price 'V, J. BEER. FOR. PRIVATE SALE Linoleum, Rug, .Blinds,. Coal ' Oil Stove and other articles. The house is for rent. Apply. to Mrs. Dempster," William Street, Exeter. WOOD FOR SALE—We have on hand a quantity of wood .which will lie sold ±or wash only, 2 sitglacords to the load; dry beech ,and maple 12 ins. long, $6.00 a load; dry mixed softwood 12 ins. long, $5.00 a load; hardwood slabs $5 a . load; softwood slabs $4 a load. Lf wood is not paid for when ordered teamster will carry a seceipted bill and we .respectfully request, that the be •paid when deliv- eryis made. .A-ccounts now due must be paid by October 1st.—R. Gillies & Son. , • GROWERS OF CANNING CORN Are required to bring sample cabs to the Canning Factory and they will be advised when to 'make delivery. Cobs not matured should. tat be brought. Bring every developed cob ate the food is needed. EXETER CANNING CO. COW FOR SALE—A good milcbl cow, part Jersey, Apply to James Connor, Andrew St,, Exeter. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE A orae -storey frame dwelling with. ma -third acre of land; 18x14 stable, good water, furnace, electric lightts, 3 bed rooms, d'ruia>gi room, two kitchens, and fine cellar; .cermrenuently situated. Apply to John Dauncey, Andrew St., Exeter, , eseeige~rts New Dinner Sets, showing 'a vara iety of very new patterns. Stewarts JIG SAW FOR SALE—Apply at this offices' WANTED—Apprentice to dress- making Ap ly to Miss Mary Tom, You rvil'l like the new Misses and Ladief Coats we are showing tilos Oeasont, We want you to see them. Stewart's. New Velvet Tam,: for the girls. To match any dress, Each 81,75_ — Stetr•art's The mill is going again, and we promise the public our best service. Secure you; flour from es, there is none better, Chopping afternoons only Harvey Bros. 1tartet:.d's Underwear in, red and in blue label. It gives satisfactfbn. — Stewart ,,e'1.3 them. GOOL) GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel. exeterr. Dzuttea to commence at once, t'aines Scotch Linoleums in, meat tile patterns The price; willl be high- er, Buy now at Stewart's. TERMS S 1 RTCTLY CASJL All acounts are due and paya,a;le before October letAfter that data our term, will be strictly wash. BIERLING, Exeter North, CORN STALKS FOR. SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. offers for sale` 'th,e cora stalks growing on the Gidley farm. Help wanted husking corn when, factory starts.; Apply at the factory EXETER CANNING CO, HORSES W A1' TE'D vs'a,nt ° anlrlltmdtred number def Ln gonad condttioaaf. Geldings 5 re old 'up, weighing from 1500 totfrs& tip, Mates from 4 years old stag Vleu lnlg framr 1300 > ounda utr ice thawing the nenuired aduff, or plane 93, Exeter. I. Dc w. .•A' '�./'� i+i!-�Y D J Vi , aseaseestetea seaseastaaatties, tee. a.� Those who+ do a tat fight ;bust save, Miss Alice Vincent ,has taken a pos- tion at G, A. Hawkins,' Hardware. "lir, Frecl Elleriegton was judge of borses a.t Listowel on Friday last, Old friends wall be sorry to learn that . Mrs• Buckingham is very ill at Clinton. �. A old -tinge resident of tlsborne,Mrs Jame.r Woodley, died in `ieaforth last week, _`Ir, W C.,. Rivers an' Friday pur- eh sed the proaerta, of the late Dav- id Gillies. on Sinicoe St On Wednesday (evening, of last week Miss Jean Selden was'tendered at-shrineshower at the hroote of Miss Kathleen Stewart' e ell I. Armstrong last week' pun= i u csed the 50 -acre farm of Mr. C. H. Harney, being north hal,: of Lot 24, Concession 5, Usborne, Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Heywood are moving from the, farm an Usborne la- in the home they recently purchased; from Mrs, Prior on Elizabeth street, 12r. Frank Bissett, son of Mr, 'Rich- ard Bissett of London, sustainedan- ther stroke a•O' ke of paralysis on Friday and .isin a critical condit Ars in Lon- don Hospital Rev Cat. Caswell and Rev. Pref. Potter of Victoria College, 1 >ronto, preaclied educational sermons in Jam- e; Street church, Exeter, and in Cen- tralia church on. Sunday. Mr A L. Vakistona a prominent merchant fot 33 years of Brantford, died last week; in that city„ He was a br'athtetr.-ire-law of Mrs. Amos of Ex- eter, who is at; present visiting in Fort William. Harvest Thanksgiving Services' be held in' the Trilt(itt ' Mivemorial Church on Sunday, Oct itch. Spec hal music wail be rendered by the Choir and the sermon will be preach- ed by the Rector. Word has been received Irani Ot- tawa that the following' men are re -t attired for the Siberian Und,itb- 100 hornet -transport drivers, _Category A2 4 fanners 4 saddlers, 4 wheelers, 15 bakers and 8 but'`ners. Category A or B. Mrs. Horatio Res Ails s of Sarep to sustained a nasty cut >r. 'ser head and a severe shaking .i p a e auto acci- dent this week: The ti-, driven by: Mr Reynolds, got out r f control when, they were proceeding glom; the Lake Road, and overturned in the ditch Mrs.. Reynolds being caught under the car, Mr. Reynolds was uninjured. and the car was not damaged. Rev. Dr. Medda minister of Main, St. Methodist church, will be in hs Pul- pit next Sunday. Forenoon theme,— "The S.S and its Work". The School meets in Its Rally .Day- service at 3 p.m_ Service far the evemiing, " To the Far Country and Back." Prelude an current event, "Are we ready for peace?" Splendid t ausic. Strangers and no-ciluech goers iniviced and wel- come, The Killarney Guide' says r_: `A very pretty wedir g _was • salenatrnized at the come of Mr. and Mrs. J. T% Larson, when lairs.. Larsoan's daughte ; Devona Iryiae Pearce was united in marriage to Dr Harney Benson Goriell, the Rev. J. A. McConnell. of Tiinette, of- ficiating The young coupe left im- mediately by . motor to Brandon. They will visit friends kt Mihseclosa and Winnipegbefore ret inning to take up their residence; in K%llarn,ey," It will be remembered that Miss Pearce at one time laved here when a little girl with her mother, row Mrs. Larson, but whose maiden sane was Miss Minnie Brimac•ambe, UNIWAY .SCHOOL RALLY, A Sunday School Rally Service will be 1t.1d in Main Street Chuu ;h, Sun- day Sept. 29th' at 3 pan. A special program is being. prepared and prom- ises to be most interesting,. Every- one is cordially invited and will be iurade welcome dt the school. Special n iesic by the >orchestra. SOLD HIS . FARM, Mr. J. J. Merner M' P,, has sold 'his farm just south, of Egmon)lv111ewhere be has been lining since list spring, to Mr William Weber, son of Mr. Casper WaJzer af Hay Township. Mr. Walper gets nossessioia, of the house on Oetabeir lit, but Mr. Merner re- tains the use of the banns until' the first of April next. This, is one of the best farms in, the township„ Mr. )ler- tier will reside in Seaforth, REPORT QF EXETER BRANCH OF H.C.W.,Q.A, FOR SEPTEMBER Crediton,:i suits. -pyjamas, 1 •'wash cloth, .32 pairs socks, and old _Jima, Exeter Soldiefs'"Aid, 100 pr. sock's, Exeter Woman's institute, 41 pr,so.e Ent/at-111e and Sunshine, 1 shirts,_ 6 suits pyjamas, 22 pr. s'ax. 12 trench carps_ : Thames Road, 12 shirts, 3/ pr. sox 6 suits pyjamas, 2 stretcher caps. Zion. 20 pa-, socks, 14 shirts. Total value for month, 8496.30. Vera Essen, Sec. DEATH 0I7 WILLIA.al ARNOLD. The. 'Teinceedinie Reporter has tihe following account afi the death of Mr, William ,Arnold, a former resident of teeter ,-feAfter an, illness extending over several months William Arnold passed away at his home on Sunday morning, at the4 age of 60 year's, Mr. Arnold was born in the township of lein ors, As a young man he farmed iii -din t -taw nihie for a tin; e; Giving up farming he ,entered thc, rxnp lereeeit btlsin,ess end for the past' twenty-fiiaa years has been a resident of Kir-teaard- lee, with the exce,ptdian oe a few years spent in, Exeter, where he carried on business, Beside then implement busi- ogees _ire bought and shipped horses to ,the Wte, l;, Last winter he had the misfortune to fall, in the hay.-inow, and later underwent an open=alien. "I'licsfe, no. doubt hastened his enc, He oar - lI>a5 Alice', Guest, who, with two d^tighteas- Miss Mary of Stratford, and Mies Flossie at home, Survive."venlian> Exeter Council Exeter, Sept. 23, 1918. The council met' in it aguler session, All members present, Minutes of meeting held Sept, 9th were read and approved. Communications read as fo?low's— Circular letter from Fo4rd of Rail- way L.; ^ t:Toners with profile en- closed re crossing per R cr. $'Jdort over -Wellington. street Fe;;ed. Circular letter from office of Chief Fite Marshall; Torontoasking all pit- teens to observer Oct. 9th, as fire pre rentiaa clay, Per Elston and Penhele —October 9th as' Fire Prevention Day is a special opportunity offered ev- cry person to talk `Tire Prevention," and "Clean up", A clean city or town sirs few fires. Carried, Residents an• d merchartts are urged to seethat all, -rubbish and refuse is pro;r:erly cleaned r away. A letter with; credit invoice attach- ed from Mallough) Foundry Irl l\fan ufacturing Co., Landon, re 'eeturnied castin gs was read. A tions ; efe-red Fallowiite accounts paaedst Cecil Ford, labor cemetery 8.2 KT. t' orgy 5.00; J .I iegr 5.30; R. Q tart e 2,38; W. Creech 5.00; W. T, Gillespie 1,00 R Squires 2.50, Mr. Wm: Hoo e Huron r, H non St,, -waited ars the e COUnCd ' ' re- the opening' 119 of a• drain along Mill Street, west of G.T.R. track to SaB. -The Council decided to inspect, the property, Per Snell and Elston—That the rate of taxation for 1918 be fixed at 28 mills or, the dollar, and tha±t;a by-law be prepared accordingly,—Carried. Adjournment by Pe'nhale,p Jos. Senior, Clerk. Special Rally" Day, exe eirses; in Jain - es St . Church next Sanday. Moaning subject. "Gan a child be ,Reigiaus'? Evening. Second serrnoni in the series f'Life's Terminals". Subject, '"The Terminal of Neglect, or Taking chan- ces on. Eteain!itai" Grand 'Rally of Sunday School, at 3.00 p.m. with,spec- ial features, including service of Irr,- fant Baptism, Mr. Thos, Boylel`and family on Wed tuesnay moved to London where Mr. Boyle goes into business for himself, On `Tuesday evening the Oddfellow*s presented lvlr, Boyle with, a club bag in recognition of his services as de- gree master for several years. Mr. Boyle and family were also 'tendered a socia} evening in Trivitt Memorial Ster,oel Hall dire same evening, and a pleasant • time was spent, Mir.- Boyle it one of -the wardens of Trivitt Mem- orial Church. The many friends 'in. Eeter will wish ivlr, Boyle and fam- ily every •success 1, their new home. Mr, Nelson Sh,eere, we understand, is to take the position vacated by' Mr. Boyle with Messrs. Jones' & May.: THE .WEATHER: We have had an extreme amount of wet weather lately, and while it has made plowing goods it has been hard on. the unharvested beans and onion,s. The clouidy, ",rainy weather,''however, in all probability ,avied us from frost which would haver, been mare' harmful. SAXONIONS. The first of the series of Entertain- ments to be given in Exeter Opera" House this s,easom, under patriotic aus- pices, will be:• given on Tuesday, Oct. 8th The Coit-Aibera Dominion Lyc- eum Bureau furni$hesi'the entertainers. The first will be 'the "SaxonAorte'. See poater and next week's 'papers CORRECTIONS IN PRIZE LIST, The prizes for Shorthorn bull catif were awarded as follows, lst, Oestre- icher Bros., ",2nd, R. D. Hunter. Oes- teeiclrer Bras, also secured J. J. eeerner's special on beastbull any age. or breed on, their bull calf,Rockfcller and later .seecurcd sweepstakes din `1 'Loma on the same- calif, W, 'G. Medd's `_ specialfor best cow any breed went to, 1st, R. D Haunter, -and 2nd, Delbnidge. A :notable feature: omitt- ed from the last week's report, ivas. th'e exhibit of ;Mr.- Me E. Garckilr(er-a furniture; the School Children's 'ex- hibit, and Mr. W. Andrew's exhibit of Watkir;,'s products. MARRIED .A Quint wedding took place at the manse, Blyth, on. Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 11 o'clock in -the forenioosi,, 'ghee Mr. William. 5. Russell, postmaster of Exeter, and son, oe Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Russell of Exeter, was married to Miss Rose Paterson of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell of Hay Town sliip were eresent -at the ceremony. After a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's brother, the young couple took the 2 tem: C. P. Rl traise on a trip to Toronto and other pointe On their return they will reside in the residence recently purchased by Mr. Russell on William Street. Mr, Russell is a returned soldier-, baying served for several months in Fr flee, where he was wounded. He became postmaster on.ah'e death of the late: Edward _Christie; Mr• and Mrs. Rus, - Sell will have the best wishes of their many intends here. Thee Misses Heideman arc visiting in. 'Kitchener. Mr, W, H, Levett was up from: Lan - doe. this week. Mr. Alvin Johns of Saskatoon is visiting his parents' Rev A. A. and lyse. Trumper enc.' clsildee;a• have refuelled home, Mr. ,N D. Hurdon is up f fl-om Port Franks for a day oar two this week, Mr, Fred How.ald and family of St. Marys visaed at Mr. Ed. Howald's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. taint Moncut of: •l'or- enta and Mr. Coleman alone= ;of 1'et- rharo; are visiting; their home hen•e, Miss Lizzie Gillespie returned .to Detroit :Weclnpsday after a visit hero Her sister Miss Ida, accempaniied her as far as lean,don. Mrs ;Dempster, who has heel), vis- itiin,g im. Toronto has retttrnsed, and is packing up preparatory to elicit moving to, that city to i1eaide. :Dr. and Mrs. Atdersory of Winnipeg. are Ir b Mr. and Mrs, Fitton, a + r �' t die son, welt to Loncl �L1. Ari 1 4n 0' � n Tuesday to attend a missionary- con. - ONES & PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Spilltiii11131HesillFallkWilliefililliC11111111S0 Ladies' Fine Serge Dresses at 19 each �lWc place e on sale this ve;ek6 auly iadies and a : ' fine all wool serge dresses in colors .of black, nevy and braw=n;,; well worth nearly dou- ble, this price{, ire cgear at once, at only $19.00 each`, Our Dress Gods Department In our Dress Goods D-epartinient you will find wondle`rfully "ettracti.re values for f4]+1 buying. As well as the' newer fabrics. We have , ` still a ' ' iu a r large ran e of old stock in s es `a c er and other staple b� bma'terialst The new silks for Fall' are a'lsio in stock. ntotice - La.:lies' ` Blouses We have just received 'a shipmient of the celebriuted • 1Cpbx Blouses Lor LOdies,, un silk crepes, also Georgette crepes. New colors and new styles, Ask to see, them._ Hosiery.,& Underwear We would strongly advise early buying in thie'se lines as reheat ar ders willall be about half,'. as high again in price., c Special -10 doz. ladies' pure ° wool, cashmere haste at 75c, a. pair. 10 doz.laktieis' and chdtlelren.'s heavy ribbed worsted iso e' at .SIM' pair. House Furnishings Rugs, Cong,oleuni:s, •Linoleums, Curtain. Nets, Window( Bldulds, Oilcloths, Bor'deeings, Etc., in many cases are here shown a,t less than fol-day;s wholesale prides'. Men's Furnishings for Fall New',Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear; Caps, Hats, Suits, Overcoats, Etc. are here for your inspectu,on.i 'We are. local, selling agents. for. the celebrated Ma,ritame Caps. Men's Heavy Ribbed Winter Underwear—very special value at 31.25 T ,, per garrnene. Sizes' 34 to 44. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT has the very latest, Falland Winter styles for Ladiee,, Men, and "'Children), Our prices are ' rig ;ht. The new Fitwell Hats,aotr Boys and --- ivIen's Ready-to-wear Suits and, Overcoats are arrivingg daily. See+ .our new styles for FAX DINNER SETS — SEVRAL NEW PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. JONES & MAY Headquarters 'tor tlus Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Bops, Mr. Jos. Ba vden of Londom visited with friends here during the week. Mr. E, Fowell, Mrs. Taman and son ,Ted, and Mrs. Gladman spent Sunday and Monday in Woodstock. Mrs. Hugh Ross, who has been vis- iting at the home oe- Mrs. D. Johne, has, returned to,her home in Winni- peg. Mrs Jas. Westcot4 and Miss Ila left 'asst Thuisday for their home. in Doug- Ias, Man., after( a visit of some months here Mr. Allen' Myers 'of Detroit, ': Mr. and Mrs, George. Vosper and child of -Toronto, and Mr. Sanders of Landoll e.tteitded the funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel ,Sander on Thursday last, a'.r s+�trnitrturittn , 1(4111, ft„f wfia,:'+,,, -• Manyof the brave rave women who attend our wounded heroes in this war are women who have used Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription,' or who recom- mend it. The hospital, with its work and long hours, imposes extreme .hard- ship on a woman s strength. Every woman should make herself fit for war's call at home or abroad. She should' obtain a book called the " Medical Adviser," either at her nearest drug store or by sending 50 one -cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, Courtwright St, Bridgeburg; Ont., for this book which tells about Nursing, Bandaging, Anatomy, Physiol- ogy, Marriage. • Thousands of women in Canada have overcome their sufferings and have been cured of woman's ills, by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Sold by druggists in liquid or tablets. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., lOc for trial pkg. o Chatham, Orli - VI am very glad indeed to add my recommend- ation tO the many others. that have found relief others. Pre- scription. After moth- erhood I', could not properly regain my strength. I ivas very weak and nervous, also had a terrible cough, I was very miserable when I began taking jthe 'Prescription,' 1 noticed a harked itnprovpment before I , had fin,shed ono bottle. I kept up its use rind wins completely cured of m' Y cough and itit g bd t me up in a gond healthy atato.. Favorite, Prescription is ono of the beet tomos far' women."-7frd. eke, Hill; 210 Welliniofon St. 17, n LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU ;,W L LOOS WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. Your $unamer Suit Be sure it fit you at the collar. Have the trevagette made to fit you tend the waist. They Will stay up much better when ypu wear a belt. Your Clothes will, have indi,viidnality If you let to make then for you.. Ladies' Suit.1 s IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. N. Shefi.re LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stn sd Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea "". Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, Spied teas, coike' and everp* tbin ' in the grocery lizIN Call and see us. A tziisl as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould grillage. " andROW THE FUNERAL DIRK:GT•oR AND FURNITURE DEALER FALL FOOT WEAR We. have what you•waavt. in 'the new up-to-datet. yle es and will :lie• pleased to show our newest Inc.is in men's women's, or• childre 's shoes. . n .Lets of Heavy Shoes end Rubbings to stand 'the fall meal 'and wet. WARM UNDERWEAR—See our Lined Shirts arcDravei�„ fol teen ani boys, • IE — 11(�S ERY Our stock it complete and conYrises sone , oat"ialues, CAPS, SHIRTS, GL OVEs, MITTS, ET•C. HOW ABOUT •A MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT R �,.;,,•,_.• O OVERCOAT, FOR FALL ? SEE OIJE SAMPLES. 110111111MV F. Beavers