HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-26, Page 5Children Cry .for Flletcher's
The Kind You Have. Always Bought, andwhich has been
•In use for over, thirty years, has borne the signature of
and has been made ; under his per-
"` sonal supervision since its infancy.
0• Allow no one to deceive you in this,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
. Infantsy and Children --Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for. Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is _ pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, 'Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
,_s " ALWAYS
Bearslie. Signature of
In Uso For Over30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dr, G. F..ROULSTON, L. D. a:,
Member of the A. C. C. D.S. sr (let=
Hr+atx' Graduate Tarotnto University
Office over aih g's .so )r f) t
Clasen Wednesday afternoons
Lady graduates of last term are now
Wring as ,high as $18 and even $20
per week, while young men are earn-
ing atilt better salaries, We cannot.
meet the denrand for trained help.
Vaiibc Ira at once for particulars re-.
ga'rdj;n,g oar .'• Conromer..cia;1,.-Shorthand or
Telegraphy De. artmeint. Students
'may yen -'tar at any :time.
D. A. McLachlan, Prin.
• A change of time wilt be `Made can,
SEPT 29th, 1918
Information: nowvnf Agent's hands.
N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter.
Agent for
nada Life Assurance . Company
ADAu Fere and Accident Insurance.
Money to Laoar, on Far' Property
DR. DeVAN'S.FREf i i r i,
Ptnior. • eggs J6;^
-0 a 13 et.i il.: 'atm010r,
pHf3P��vOL FOR MEN. D .Y...ti
N,erve'and Bratn; lncxensoe'.
natter' aaTontc—*itl bafId.you up. $3 a ...as
snips. r f5. at'drug stores, or bras:Ian once
tagaleesa:tea SCOB&LL Deo° Cosset CBtLerrnee,
by C. h Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice -Strictly confidential; no witness
We club with aI1 the leading daffy'.
and weekly papers. Now is the time
to select your 1918 lieadktg
We have a large, amount ofprivate
fund's to loan on faun and village
property at low rates of interest.
Bannisters, Solicitors, Exeter
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Publico,:
Commissfdoner; Solicitor ; for the 'Mol -
sons Bunk, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest.
Office—Main Street, Exeter.
Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of
Huvrron Mid Middlesex
Prices Reastanaible avid Satsfactio¢r
Crediton, — ' Dn'tario,
VALUATOR for Chanties of Hires
Peril, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm
Stoat,. Sales a Specialty. 0ffiea at
Coal -short Warerooxns, next door to
Gisnttae Hotel, !!lain Street, Exeter.
Honor Graduate Toronto Uttiversity,
Teeth 'extracted' without pain or atter
6 effects. Office over Madman It
stanbury's Office, Main" Street, Exeter
A Friend
The Pandora
Range -is your real
friend on: Wash day.
Change the top
around, set the boil-
er on the •.far side
and use the three
nearest holes— you
can boil on all of
therm. Dinner on
time,; no extra fuel,
no rush orconfusion,
For Sale by G. A. EZ&wkins
London `` Toronto NIol irea1
St. John, N.,B, I Taariiltou: Calgary
Winnipeg , Vancotiver
Saslcatoolr 00
mediate between NPrth and Sgi tki
China, China has now been disturb-
ed for two, years by" the eecttonai
A new record has been set for Can-
ada in wooden shipbuilding,
More Canadian troops are report-
ed °safely arrived in, England.
Some lines of manufacture in Can-
ada may be' put on coal rations.
*lie cotton mill strike in Manches-
ter,, Eng., is. now regarded as ended.
The Duke of Devonshire paid; an
official visit to the Anglican, General
Synod yesterday.
Windsor Police Commissioners
granted a 10 per cent. increase to,
members of the force.
Siamese troops with a general and
his staff have arrived in Pratte° to
participate in the war.
Tho Toronto District Labor Council
passed resolutions calling for a more
equitable distribution of coal.
R. R. Bangham street comiu s-
sioner of Windsor, wh,o helped pro-
nrote ' there the first electric street
railway in,Carrada, is dead. -
Lt. -Col. i3. T, !:-;inter testified be-
fore the Toronto Police Commission
inquiry concerning his experiences
with the police during 'the recent
street troubles.'
French Government omcials are
supervising the return of residents to
Amiens, which was almost complete-
ly evacuated
ompletely'evacuated. after the German often -
sire last March,
Two men were fined ,$1,000 each
and given jail terms also, two others
fined', $300 each, and two motor cars'
were confiscated for bringing liquor;
into Canada at Niagara Falls.
A contingent of Japanese cavalry;
together with troops belonging to
Gen. Semenoff, the . Cossack leader,
entered the town or Tchita, in the.
Trans -Baikal, on September 15.
A woman orderly at the Grey Nuns'
Orphanage in Montreal has been
charged and is said to have made
full confession that she set fire to
the building on Feb. 14 last, when
sixty-five babies perished.
Results of the August departmen-
tal examinations were announced.
The Anglican General Synod has
approved the revised prayer book.
The town of Baku, Trans-Caucasia;
has been occupied by Tartar volun-
France will recognize the indepen-
dence of the. Southern Slays, it is an-
nounced in a Paris despatch.
The establishment of , the Royal
Canadian Air Service has been com-
pleted' by the -Naval Department.
J. G. Turriff, Liberal -Unionist
member for Assiniboia, hasbeen ap-
pointed a Senator for Saskatchewan.
American subjects. in» Canada, -be-
tween the ages of 18 and: 45, must
r•agister or •return to the United
Revs John McRobie, of - Petrolea,
who had been in the Presbyterian
ministry for more than sixty years,
is dead.
Harvest leave to men in Categories
A, B and C' actually working on farms
and required for the purpose of sav-
ing the crops, is extended to Oct. 31.
President Wilson has : proclaimed
Saturday, Oct. 12th, the four hundred
and twenty-sixth anniversary of the
discovery of America, as Liberty Day.
Rev. C. A. Sadleir of Hamilton,
for 25 years a missionary among a
tribe of Indians in Chile, is authoriz-
ed to study educational methods in
Canada for the Chilean Government.
Ship tonnage actually delivered to
the Emergency Fleet Corporation' of
the U. S. so far this year amounts to
1,811,000 tons, with. 2,596,000 tons
launched and keels laid for 4,108,-
F._ H. Ambrose, of Hamilton, and
Fred Bancroft, Toronto, have .been
anied. to represent resp•1tively the
Boll Telephone Co, and its employes
on the Board of Conciliation to settle
the dispute.
The Anglican General Synod con-
cluded its sessions.
Geo. E. Bristol, a prominent gro-
es of Hamilton, is dead.
Toronto observed' 'loyally the in-
unction to save gasoline.
An attempt` to shoot Leon Trotzky,
the Bolshevik leader, has failed
The city of Nantes has adopted,
St. -Millie', recently liberated from
the enemy.'
Three fires of mysterious origin
have occurred at Brighton within the
past few days.
The Canadian Camp Y.M.C.A. at
Niagara was robbed of some $800 on
Saturday night.
Storm delayed vessels on the Great
Lakes, but most of the overdue boats
aro now reported.
The, new C.N.R. tunnel through
the mountain at Montreal was for-
mally opened on Saturday.
Malting of grain for the purpose
of brewing beer or near beer is pro-
hibited in the United States.
Frank Johnston (colored), Toron-
to, who keeps a rooming house, at-
tacked two intruders, with a;razor.
The dressing room of the, lady
members of Trinity Methodist Church
choir, Toronto was visited by thieves
yesterday. • ,M
Embarkation of American soldiers
for all fronts overseas has now 'pass-
ed the 1,750.,000mark,, according to
an announcement by Gen. March.
The Letts, who have hitherto been
faithful allies of the Soviet Govern-
ment in Russia, have refused, accord-
ing to a despatch, to fight• against the
Leo Bronstetter, cook for 12 years
on the Government steamer Alert,
died of a fractured skull as the re-'
suit of . falling from the coping of a
ladder at Cornwall.
The barns of a farmer, David Wil-
son, at Ct. Crysostorne, Que., were
burned; it is' alleged, ,becat se he al-
lowed soldiers to catnip in one of his
fields by the river.
Win, R.' Gillespie,9 Oxford street,
Toronto, is dead, and Jas. Hoskin of
the same address was rendered, un-
conscious by gas poisoning, thought
to be from a defective heater.
It is reported from Dresden .that
twelve leaders of the Saxon Indepen-
dent Socialist party have been arrest-
ed as a result of the serious unrest
reigning in the industrial districts of
14111111I�IIIIIiIUllllili)Ililllli�llll 401111 11111414 011 !1411 II {1011 U�10 {IUI 41 IUII 111lIN i VIII 100 0111.411414 Il Ul I •II(
Workers ,must have
.....ore Soap
x r IY•�
The demand for Comfort—the high
quality, all-round cleanser is greater
than ever. We have made our bar
BIGGER, by withdrawing the premiums,
during war -time anyway.
Your grocer can sell you
this bigger, money -Sav-
ing Bar—just insist on
it, Comfort Soap has
the largest sale in Can-
ada—quality talks—the
people know best.
Pugsley, Dingman & Co.
Limited, Toronto
Zurich Fair
Continued from Page 1
kee, L. Rader, Z'W. B. Battler; Col-
verts, •F. Keegan. W. Smith; 20 Oz.
pippen J. Pfaff, F. Keegan; Tatman
Sweet, F. Keegan, J. Pfaff; col, of
Russet apples, F. Keegan; collection.
fall ;:pears, •F. Keegan; •col. winter
pears, R. Geiger, IF. Keegan; eel: fall
and winter )ptiaors, R. Geiger, F. Kee:
,gan ; 'Bartlett ?Sans, R. ,11. 'Neeb, F.
Keegan; Flemish Beauty F. Keegan,
P. ; iB abe ea ; Clappp's Favorite, P.
Haberer, W. J. Blackwell; prunes,
cubs; IG. Bess, J. J. ,Barry; red, crab
apples, John •Gasaho; •yellow
crab apples, Miss E. Snowden,
W. J. 1Blackwell; (plate of plums, C.
Fritz, Thos. Johnston; .col. of ipiunis.
Thos. Johnston, "Miss E. Snowden;
cal. of canned fruit D. McKinnon A.
Judge -R. ,Welsh
Oil painting, portrait, J. 'G.' Forrest
oil ,painting, landscape; Thos.-Jo1hn-
ston, J. G. Forrest; water •color;
landscape, Thos. Johnston, J. G. ' For-
rest; orayon work. portrait, J. G.
Forrest; oil or' water .colors, flowers,
J. G. Forrest, Thos. Johnston; pre,ncrl
drawing, J. G. •Forrest, ::Thos, Jobr
stun; Wks, landt.tinkls]eetcli, J. G. For-
rest, Thos. Jdhnston; (penmanship, J
G. ,Forrest, Those < Jelmstone »painting
on felt, J. G. Forrest, Thos. Johnston;
painting on silk, 3, G. I.Fonrest, ,(H,
• e urnip ., Rader,
W. Smith; globei mangal,ds, W. Snow-
den, Miss S•nawden; ; Torii, red, ;.John
Gooch°, G. H. Pfile; isifeamediate Ha
Krueger, G. H. Pfile; ,lltlw#n,gcyeiioveG.
1-1, Pfile sugar ,beet •ma'igolds,, Milne
Rader G. H. Pfile; Oxf'ard ecab.bag ,
j Gasc::. H H' Neeb; drumhead j
Gascho, Dr, MCKiinnonc' b1u£ :aboage
J. Decker, sr., H. Hl.».'Ne b; '31ack"
Spanish radish, A. Foster J3...13;=N,eeo
white radish, A. Foster, W` B.Battler
red garden carrots, P ._;l Taberer,' Dr
Kinnon- •beams, .H. Well; W. Sm the
yellow pumpkin, P Halie; , ';narnm f
oth pumpkin, P. :'Haberer; . Rader • •
celery, J Ga'aclhlo, C. Fritz. citron, W
a Blackwell; table; squash, P. Halferer
L Rader;' mammoth'scivash, P: Haber-
er; blood beets, Dr. MCICI non; ','P.
Haberer: soot beets, W. 13.B•atder ;
watermelons, W. Smith, H Cietaius;
muskmelons, G. H., Pfile, W.' J3atti'r;
red tomatoes; Dr. il+IcKinnon, D. Kee-
gan.; yellow tomatoes, F. 'Keega.,ri W.
Snowden; collection, H: H. Neeb, J.
Decker, 'sr.
Emb. 5 o'clock tea cloth, : Mrs. G.
Hess, T Johnston; oval tea clorth, ,A,
G Edighoffer, C, Either; centrepiece
' C. Eilber, R. Geiger; towels, C.Eivlber
A. G. E d ghoffer; cushion, J. G. For -
reser; T Johnston; Hardanger, E. 4p -
nese J G Forrest; Wa'rilach•ian, 'Mrs.
G. Hess J. Decker, sr; Mount IVtellick,
E. Appel, T, Johnston;Colima:dart
centre piece,, E: Appel;' Emb: covers,
Gerger; Dr. McT :njn,m . Emb. on
Collectdon.. as: flouters, J. ,J,° 'Barry,' colored linen, G.t A• ;Grlenn; J. G,. For -
Maple leaf, L. Racier, T.
trent; pin cusln,an 1n eye -let, A. G.
A. Johnston;
Johnston; bouquet of :flowers,_ J. J. Edigh,offe.r, G. A. Glenn; work bag,
Barry, 'Thos. Johns ton; .G.eramauins, J G Hess; J. G; Forrest; Bartten-'
Barry Cacti, J. J. +Barry, T. Jiohn-
stor ; 'Calla Lanes, J. J. Banal', A.
Johnston; .I?,anoles, Dr. BEr,Kinnon,
A. Johnston, Fuchias, A. Jothnston.
J. J.. Banry.
ICollection garden .vegetables
Neeb, J. Decker, Jr.; ICol. Mounted
weeds, Veola ,Prang, Dorothy iFritza
weed' seeds W. Truemner, Mabel P.rce-
tor; crochet 'work, Jean 'Campbell,
Lillian Wes,efo1s; writing under ,r ten.
Lulu Albrecht, !hence Decker; .writing
over ten, Jahn. ;Campbell, Lillian Wese-
lo1r ; part under den, 'M. J?rar ig, L. »Al-
brecht; ort over ten, W. Blackwell,
I. lea lbf lejs oh.
Judge— N. E. Dolma.
Set buggy harness„ also double team
h.atrness, IRI, :Stade,
Butter in tubs W. Smith; table but-
ter, W. B. Battler, J. Decker sr.,
Snaith; pound prints, 'W. B Battler.
W. Smith, R. Geiger; cheese, W!
Smith; bread; A,' J,ohmaton, H. Well;
ext :,honey, E:, Haberer, J. Haber & son
col, honey aisoi.hoivey int comb, . J. Ha-
berer (Sr •sn. E. Plaberer maple syr-
up, W. 13. Battler, W. J. Blackwell;
William's special for home made
bread H. Wiell.
World's W.oncler potatoes, W.Sraith
W, J IBIackwedll; red and white Ele-
phant, W.B. Battler; yellow corn, J.
Haberer & Sons;, sweet' corn, Miss E.
Snowden, G. Surwrus; black sweet
corn, R. Geiger, T. Johnston yellow
Dent corn„ J. P. Raaf, W. 13.. Battler
roc] ,onions, H. H. Neeb, 0.. Surttrus,
yellow onions, J Pfaff, R. Geiger;
Dutch setts, tR, Geiger, John Gascho;
well. field carrots, Mane Rader, 'Miss
Snowden; red field carrots, W,
'014VINO •O&N•,IO l'.;a$s,Oe,17 I.SCYdS„"",,�.
•;uolnuiiys �tiu—juowzf a .cnbA( e
'utexq pue,3poq ipoq gtOuax;s
s;aearn! pool -no •54i •sapuepual
wna i sa a na apun o a
i aR
u ! [q
t4- steam 'poolq [ppsa;eats tloislnlirg
aralosi jaarugs;xnou C15. s,axtrWI
•sulan alp ux poolq mala ffultiloaq .aq
pan;zosoad .eau laisasod allpoq put;;
jirjuour mann, ssauln;asn pun ssaiuld
-Anti uuaur aaualsadxo edict pun oav
A!xis• k aiddns
jl,hr.�nrni•'T, � �k
:erg lace, . ilia. Hess, J. J..%Barry;
Ltenari1fe iscei T, J. LB.erry, 'I'. Jahn
stop; drawn thread work, Mrs. Pless
R. Geiger; fancy apron:,: -D. Koehler
J :Barry; laundry bag, J. G. Forrest
i. Johnston; pillow, cases, R. Geiger
C -Eiib»er; table, mats, J. Gesell*, G.
A. Glenn; button( holes, E. Appel, H.
Well, pierced brass, J. .G. Forrest;
col. tatting, D. 'Ioeh1es, R. Geiger;
cushions for .dent, J. G, Forrest, F.
TCeegaii; hemstitching R. Geiger,. T.
Johnston; kitchen apron, R. Geiger,
12 Ap. el; slippers,; F. 'Keegan, . E. Ap-
pel; braided mat, J. Barry, F:Kecgant
dung room linin, C. Eilber; crochet
towel, A, G. Ed,ugh�offer, G. A,Gienn
day lips and sheet, crochet, A. G.
Edighaffer, A, Johnston; table 'run-
ner, F. 'Keegan, C. Eilber; .Roman
cut work;. A. G. Edigh�ofer, . J. G.
Forrest; hand bag, H. Well, E.Apnel
cola ladies work, R. Geiger; col. lad-
ies' underwear, T. Johnston; Irish
crochet lace, F. 'Keegan, R. t eager;
infant's crochet set, 1-T. H. Nebb, E.
Auction Sale
art Lot 3, Con. 12 S tepee ; Tp., one
Half Mile North» of Mt, Carmel
on •Wednlesday, October 2nd, at one
a'clock the following,-
Stock -1 horse 7 -yr old; 1 cow,ris-
ing 4 supposed; in calf ; 1 cow, rising
ti' reposed rn •calf; 1 -cow, resign; 6,
Ruta oeed in "calf; 3 pure bred. cows, ,
sup. os'ed in calf; 2 calves,
A quantity affi first class ha}'.
»'tImpiementa-Top buggy ,nearly new
set -"single hartse'ss nearly new cross-
cut saw nearly new; scythe, grind-
stone, 'stone boat, wheelbar:o. , leg-
ging chain, 2 forks.
Household Effects -Daisy -hum, ; 1
large. kitchen. table, •. small table par-
lor stove,kitchen stove, ha:S dawn
kitchen chairs, ' kitchen zinc.
• Terms -25.00 and -under, cash; over
that amount 6' months' credit on a -
'proved joint notes. 5 per cent per
annum off for cash in lieu of mates.
- Auction Sale
At 12 o'clock, the fohlowine :
Horses—Mare rising 4, supposed to
be iii foal to Royal. Rona.:d ; Mane
riasng 5, supposed. to be in foal to
Colonel Graham; mare rising 5, with
foal at foot and supposed to be in,
res, rising,
- 3 and 4 years, got by Piefrdh•er, n
bore ; General purpose horse, 12 s rs.
Cattle -4 calves due to calve' in No-
, cow due' to. calve hi !larch;
Icow due to, calve in Sept.; heifer due
to calve in Dec.; 2 . heifers = due to
' calve in. Feb.; Jersey `cow due to
calve circ Jan,; steer rising; 2 years c Id
:.5 yearlings; 6 good calves.
"lI Pigs -4 brood York sows, about 200
bs; brood sow supposed to lit e» the.
1a;t Oct; Chester sow 9 young pigs
about ata weeks old; 11 young p.,gs
uout 1 month old; Cheater eoev
weagh'.ng' 150 lbs.
Poultry -About 35 hens and a num-
!her of chickens ; and ducks.
Implements—Truck wagon, Ad �m's
wagon new ; bobsleighs and box, Mas-
sey -Harris binder, Maxwell hay r
111 it, cut, nearly new ; drum _r.;
disc harrow-, pair iron harrows, suc,;-
fie fanning-mill,•et et
� sales 2000 lbs.
Ha} rake, manure .spreader, :Massey-
Ia s y-
1 arris Cream separator, n 1 ly i.- ,u';
pig rack; wagon springs, cement lawn
roil'ei, Massey -Harris pulper, vt heel -
be •ow. new; logging chain 3:1 fe, ex-
tenion ladder, water trough, hayi'ork,
car, rope and r ullies, grind .;to,r,e, 2
oak barrels, top: buggy; near•,.) new;
road buggy; .2 cutters, one nearly
1rt`w; 2 sC app shovels, aitch Ork'i hoes
baud rakes, whiift_etrees, apple tr_e
pruner crosscut saw, :,air edge I.i:�p-
pers, crowbar, dee, new grar,n. bags,
doz• hags and sacks, pair ice tongs,
siedge hammer, 2sets double harness
in goad repair, 2 sets siingle Harness
in goer repair, some Windows' with,
sashes, bear rug,f 2 buggy rugs, quan-
tity rock -elm -planks, quantity pale
ancl< basswood lumber, 20 cords fur -
;ace wood,
r Roots' and Grain—Acre good turn-
ips; 30 tans mixed hay; •500 bushels
oats, 300 bushels barley,
Household Effects—fmperi.''1 Oxford
range, burn cithe'r coal 0,1` wood, with
a a umbel- e� • ouch, and chairs,
r pines; c � Ir•tixs,
a eat cast) a of of atrer :�r ` c
lawn a , "t1I 1 s trt,l s
too nuneerous to mention
Na reserve as the proprietor has
saki his farm.
Terms—All sums of .+5.00. and un-
der rash ; over that amount 1.0 months'
credit an. furnishing alporoVed mint
,cruces 4 obi cenit, Off for eas1L.
Prop Ictcr .Electioneer.
Sc. tioe 12111 larlaon.
f oal to Royal Ronald ; 2 ma
Quilt •on ground `work, H. tiV call
coarso wool quilt, T. Jolroston, '
Meeker; fine wool quilt, J. Decker
H. ,Well•, coverlet,, C. Bilber, LJaion-
sten: leg cabin; quilt, J, Pfaff, 1-1 fT
i;eeb• patchwork quilt 8i1k, C»Ei:icer
'Johnston;` ditto cotton, R. ?rt ger
'1' Johnston; counterpane, tufted, \'✓
B Battler.H. Well; knitted, f:l.'v,' i
T, Johnston; crochet, T. Johnston, J
Decker, etching work, 5. Pfaff, G.
Johnston, drawn, J. Decker; u'oac
cape, crochet, F. 'Keegan, E. Appel;
wool cape knitted' T. Johnston; home
mido rag carpet, 1-2. Well, T. Johnston
tt oel hearth rug, 5. Barry, I Keegan;
rag rug, F. ''Keegan; J. Barry; all 'a-ool'
f1ar,nel, Mrs. C. Haycock; flannel, cot
ton. warp, M, Ruder, H. Neeb; home-
spun wool yarn 1f. Neeb, L. Radler ;
, tc dy, cotton crochet, 1-1, ' Well, C. ?e l-
ber; tidy, knitted, cattoiri, H. Neeb, T
Jobaston; Afghani, £-1, Well; haesd sew
Mrs Hess; ;sn bet• • Gatto
t�� t I� G H s C. .1 n
stockings, r 'Keegan„ T. Johnston,
tante woollen stockings, H. Neeb, 11.
Well caars4 clitto, Mrs, f•tayeeck, R
Geiger; fine mitts; H Neeb, T. John,,
stone coarse mitts, R, Geiger, T. r:
Gerry, wool socks, T, Johnston,
'Keegan, fine wool socks, H. Neeb, T,
J Berry, •darned stockings, E, W.
Sto;kopi. ; union blankets, M•, harder,
Tl Neeb; coL crochet lin. wool, H.
, T. j"oirnstort; child's bonnet, 21
Rader, H, Neeb; i$i eciai , G',' .E\.
Glenn D 'Koehler, ,
Mrs • R Welsh, Exeter, 'Margaret
Larrianl, Zumee,. JuclgcG.
A dollar :.arerl, v,°e' !here hei s the
boy's 'over there".