HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-26, Page 4up ty nal Fs,rce F°Rfifty years the Teuton peoples have been trained, disciplined, whipped, into servile cogs of an implacable military machine, by which is maintained the Prussian doctrine of might, and the Kaiser's autocracy. The Teutons deny ' themselves, they make sacrifices, because they are trained or forced to do so, but they do it. The peoples of the Allied nations must make great sacrifices and tremendous efforts in order to defeat the enemies of freedom, but becausecthey are free peoples it is left largely to the individual to say what or how much self-denial each will practice. So if freedom is to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be greater than the forced sacrifices of the enemies of free- dom. THE measure of your. love of freedom is your willingness to deny yourself so that the strength of the nation for war effort will be increased. This self-denial must take `.the form of money -saving thrift. Each person knows in what way he or she may save. The national need says you must save, but free Canada leaves it to you to say by what means and to what extent you will save. 'STOW, it is for you, each of .L1 us, everyone of us to say how much patriotic endeavor, how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our money, `by"doing without" so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nation's strength. No matter how small the surplus it is important because each saving is an effort rnade, and many small individual efforts make the mighty national force. PubIished-under. the authority of the Minister of Finance of Canada. 19 .et Pr 6pcaJs Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—en advance $1.25 gaer year in Canada; S1.75 in the •tenited States. All subscriptions not ?mid in advance SO cents extra will h charged. THURSDAY; SEPT. 26, 1918 KirktCo n A Br ethour Lmplement dealer of 1L:irktan ,had arch official wire on the 20th adti:,iag him; that ,his son, Sapper Hectot Brethour had 1 been killed in .action on September ll.th. Remember the Fair on the 3rd and 4th of October Mr and Mrs, Wi1llsams, -who have spent the summer" with their son•; John meta r r.ned an Saturday r ay to their home iRo. Brantford,,—Mr, and Mrs. F, Har- rah moved an; Thursday unto the farm is ib Mr. Harrah :brother, Thomas, whoa•.. lr bee load n up all summer a. ,r unable to attend to his work•.�•i Ir. I'ho's Crew has moved into his new lame near the Fab ground„.—The memorial service for the late Pte, Trail Roadhouse, its to be held in the Meth- -palest • _a Ch r u ch on Sunday evening; Sept 29 Re 1. � Vm GaLr ill Presbyterian Missionary from Formosa, bIrs. Gatild and Miss Gre tta , vssited at the par - zona e Woodham, a g, m .Mrs, Gauld 1 and Mr." ivicx.tbban are o'siers. Mr. GauJtl is homvc on furlough and will reside Ln Carenfo for the year. SHIP'KA Saind, McEacheinl moved tb' his new 'farm which he recently purchased .from Mr. W illierk,—Mrs, and Mrei. 1' 117cLatighlin of Landon visited at Mr. 11 McI aac's on, Snioday,-Miss Irene r' ti •: a , r l I�e.n� e l s ., s d. nl Ln 1 afeF pe, v weeks.' e acs with her brother j,n W'Inldainr,—,Mrs, Ray Richard of White Pigeon,, Mich:,, emirs Erect ' ilieerriei' o<< Ort :rnogan r•s:l a t t 11 R 1t, n Ic. acllcn, a k. f Co e. a � l not n ere '•, e rl n e t 5 n .n,- < few weeks hen : r 1, 1c a, p 1 h their t 'mother, Mrs'. ,.Ira. It. l�Ic a IY•t�che �-- , n M ., a t T. BaYnilaen to:purchased the property cr t Y i -f Mr. John Mcisaac, after (repose -ice ) , of. .., nem, to raze,tar's On i e 'Flax C Mr J7, Hannan hoe said his prep er-t y to Mt• W. Ran]pf. We are ,oily ^ta lose both, Mteliainnee and Mr. a.3 they ale highly respcete;d. anteing 118 • Hensall brothers,. The funeral was held on Monday and the remains were interred in Baird's cemetery. Miss Doreen Murdock, daughter of Mr. Alex. Murdock, by; reason of trouble with the bone of her leg,had the limb amputated above the knees few days ago, at St. Joseph's Hospital Landon, r Ivhere she, • had been under- going going treatment. A complete recov- ery is hoped for. -Mr. Thos. Palmer, Sr. who a �, -- a a taken n sudd enl} in Lon- don is now almost well again _\It s. Geo. Hudson is visiting relatives in Guelph; -The marriage took place in recently nil of t James Ewen . a e� McEwen, son o! the late Duncan. l cEae n of Hay Tp. to Margaret Hamilton of that e y. , �4t uo .1 n Berry OI the'o• Sterl.nnb Rank staff has returned from his holidays, spent in 'Bloomsburg, Pa, sio and ,New York.—Rev. and Mrs. Gauld of Forrnos:a, missionary, visited old friends here last week,—Cook Bros. have insalled hydra in their flour mills Ur Thos. McTaggarta gb art of Michigan r is visiting his parents here Mrs. C. tz Redmond is in Florida', owing to the illness of a relative.—Miss- Dor- pi:he McDonell is attending Normal at Stratford—Mr. Wm. Miller and 1au hr r ter,Mrs Brown of DOa a r c ) Mich.,, ate visiting relatives her — R ee 0, C. Pett)' received, word last week that hi; only son Hanson had been killed it acro —'Vr n n.. , l . Lloyd .Davis of Y the IlIolsonc Bank staff, Montreal, accom- panied by Dr. and Mrs\ McLaughlin gl hn al that city, spent the, past week with Mr. and Mr's D avis.-M'r, Wendel Col- ,. .and Wife of Indiana, U. S A., A. the geek end withMrs, T, Cook.--There passed away in Hensali on. Seel 14th., Jessie Ross, wife of Mr. Wtn Tl trd00h , aged 65 years, 1. month and 18 days, Mrs, Murdoch has been. in failing health for the past few -years but the end carne unexp c•tedly: She was the third' daughter of the late Alexander- Ross, whose farm adjo;,ncd tee village of Brucefield, :and when ebc resided untie her marringe when ) a.l ., e r n ) lived an the • i Ind cu,a�:ce , st �I� 1. of Stanley township .two and a ttalrf m e, 1 ran Br ucef,reld. She was, held en the highest eescene by a large circle of tr.e d s) t'ha ,extend' s,racer, esympathy dmna t • ts the 'tat -caved family-, Besi her h'tr •, ba 1 U nt she leaves 1 s to]tscrrn n e hro •� 1 s, three son, and three daughters :—Mrs. Geo, Potter, Cleveland, Oho •, ;\less Jahn McNeil, St. Thomas; Miss Mary rl., on, the Royal T3an.k staff at Wetie nrpeg, Wm, J, high. River, Alta,;Dr•. A. CC 11. °'iy v r,f and John R, of l3rueof-c.d;ale's; fou, ;inter; and three Greenwa Mrs. D. Armstrong, one of our pioneer settlers passea away "last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. 1`. U1ene, after a short upness. The funeral was conducted by her pastor Rev Cree, on Thursday to Parkhill cemetery. Her husband predeceased her several years!. She leaves to mourn u ou n. her lass. an adopted ed span, Mr. Alva Armstrong ofWest Williams.— The D.Y.B. Club meets on Saturday 1 at 13( to London arrangefou• the Bazaar.— 1�Z English r� R,Lnblis.h was in Sat- urdayl—Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie of laetrai.t spent the week with her par ente,. Mr' and Mrs. E. McPhersoe5- A Red Crass Bazaar will be held here October 4, under the auspices ii,f the D.Y.B.r Col EmY 0 Club. Lt. o . Emsley . l t London, a ped n iv, , returned u rl soldier ldi r e under ap- pointment to Siberia' will speak, Ad- mission 20c. and 35c,- A very, successful District meeting of the Methodist ministers and rep- e,e tatn(ea of Exeter-Dietnct .was held in ,the Methodist church Friday 'Dinner and supper were 'served in the basement by members of this ci;r- ,chit. Rev J. Stewart of hIra and' Rev. D. N. McCamus of Ble,nh,eirn - a •e to , the delegates he a k �Int a te-- pf n VTord was received here that Irani Wil Brilelof Fi oo Mich„ had died suddenly. He forinerly lived in Gnee,nwa'y and leaves a widow and 6 children; also three brothers, Louis of Stephen, Carl of Parkhill, and l Iy. of 1-lamiltOn, i3RUCEFIELD Mr -s, Robt, Weitson ann,oun.ces the engagement- oe her daughter Alice to: Mr. George H, . Coleman of Tucker- a r �� 1 the:. arra. e .to aloe m_t ] m a. place 1. b I riiuletly the utter part of Sestemher•, eAsTo n s and Children For info t d eza vet'3O in Useorf s lways b ears the Signature of • NEWS:TOPICS,: OF WEEK •I " "I -E CAN Events Which Have OFCC4MERCE Important Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Conipile i and Put Into Handy 'and Attractive Shape for the Readers' of Our Paper — A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY Unionville voted in favor of their Hydro -electric bylaw. Moose Jaw district is urgently; in need of more harvester's.: Freight rates,, with certain excep- tions, are to be advanced October 7. Premier Massey and Sir Jos: Ward of New Zealand were guests of the City of Toronto yesterday. E. le. Watson, Government weigh - master eta G-oderieli harbor, dropped dead -while et his duties in an eleva- tor. Telephone operators sent a final message to the Minister of Labor, de- manding immediately a board of Con- ciliation. Judge F. S. Maclennan of the Su- perior Court in eeontr'eal has been appointed chairman of the Labor Appeal Board, The Dominion Trades Congress in. session at Quebec defeated measures. introduced by radicalmembers of the trade union movement. Bloor Street Presbyterian Church congregation presented a cheque for $3,000 to Rev. Dr. W. G. Wallace, on-. the occasion of his retirement after a pastorate of 30 years. Prof. Otto Schi isernkan, the ex- ploiter of chlorine gas as a form of civilized torture, is said to have,been captured by the Americans at Thiau court, It was shown at the conclusion of the Florence Edwards poisoning case in Woodstock that the girl's death was due to Paris green, self-adminis- tered, on -account of disappointment in love: f" ' The Bishop of Oxford in an address at•New York appealed to the Chris- tian Churches of America to back President Wilson tothe limit in his demand for a great league of nations to preserve, peace. W EDNESD.Ut. Cardinal Farley, Amilablehop of New York, died at his country home last night. , It is believed that „the Lancashire (Eng.) cotton operatives will resume work to -morrow. The great tractor show at Cobourg got off to a good start yesterday in spite of the cool weather. Wm. Bresett, a resident of Pene- tang, was fined $200 for making li- quor out of high wines. Clement Marghielom, a farmer liv- ing near Penetang, was convicted for having a still in his kitchen' stove, and fined $200. Rea Caffeits, aged four, 2 Vanauley street, Toronto, died in the Hospital for Sick Children yesterday. She had been knocked down and injured by a motor car. British air squadrons haveagain bombed the airplane works and chemical factory at Mannheim, rail- ways at Metz-Sablons and Treves and the station at Frankfort. " Trapped in a cloakroom on the top floor, eight girls, a boy and a man perished in a fire yesterday which destroyed the plant of the American Button Co., of Newark, N.J. Influenza and pneumonia caused more than 70 deathsinNew England within 24 hours. At Camp Devens there are 3,509 cases, mainly among negro soldiers from the south. Sixty-six German airplanes were accounted for by the British along their lines yesterday. Seven of the hostile machines were destroyed in one engagement by a British squad ron: It -is rumored that F. P. Jones, for- merly of the Dominion Steel Com- pany who is now on the Warr Trade Board, may enter the Government as Minister of Trade and Commerce. Sir George Foster, the story runs, will go to the State Department and Hon. Martin Burrell, at present Secretary of State, will retire. ' TIIURSDAY. TheP ersonnel of the C.N.R.new directorate is announced. Milk producers reconsidered their decision to increase prices Oct. 1st. Spanish influenza has appeared among soldiers at the Roush camp at Niagara. The safe arrival in England of a large number of Canadian troops is announced. Tho Anglican. General Synod decid- ed to permit the optional use, of the Athanasian Creed. The honor ration of , szr ar includ- ing ing brown as well as white, is 11/2 Pounds per peitson per month.' ' The Belgian Government, after consultation with the Allies, has defi- nitely refused the offer of peace made b Y TGh eermsuapnP o . rt of or anized labor is to be given to olicemand firemen P en in their maintenance of their right to form unions, Thos. Hutton, a G.T.R. brill e g builder, was drowned in the River Seugog while duck -shooting, his launch capsizing. , Wm. Bromley, a Dominion Express Cdriver at Moose Jaw murdered Co. his five children and then surrender- ed to the police. ' 'The' Militia 10evaartment accepted the offer of the Canadian Red Cross Society to provide aid needed for the Siberian expedition, A Chicago man who recently gave $10,000 tb improve a cemetery in Guelph has given $20,000 to lift the mortgage on the Y.1Vl,C,A: thore, Tcronto Citizens testified before the Board of Police Commissioners that they were attackedpolice without provocation during the recent street 1 '+^ tectal Capt. . the Rev W. E., IIindson) for- merly Baptist Pastor i1 Guelph, Chief Public Representative in Military District No. 1 under the M,S,A., died -at London after a lengthy eillne s of. pneumonia. The United States and Great Bri- tain haivo Joined in an attempt to Continued' one Col: 3, iieext page SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LLD., D,C.L., President CAPi'TAL PAID UP, $15,000,00, RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager H: V. F. JONES, Asst) „Gen'!: Manager A GOOD INVESTMENT The money you save earns interest when deposited in our Savings department, and both principal and interest are safe and can be obtained when required® Why keep in the home more. money than Es heeded for immediate purposes? [METER AIRY -A. li. Kuhn., Mgr 59 CREDITON—J. A. McDonald e. INCORPORATED 1855 Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branche,s in Canada A General banking ;Business Transacted Circalair Letters of Credit Bank Montag Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Ihterest allowed at higtsest current rate EXETER BRANCH— W 0. CLARKE, Managed, N..ii-••0 91b.[.b1,111 JJJi11a01,.._. Mount Carmel Re r . Fr Tierney on -Sunday ,annou.n ce 1 the holy ,banns of 'na riage of Timothy O'Leary- to Miss Cheis'ten•ia. Etbut of Dayedale, the marriage - to take place at Drysdai!'e• early in Oct ober.—bliss Hannah Carey of Harne- tt), i,: spending al ;fete, weeks at her h here.—Mrs, John Rowland re- ceived the sad news ani Friday of the dear hal her mother, Mrs. O'Neil of Godsrr,idh--Miss Nellie' McCaffery 0f Dutton is visitirig her aunt, Miss 'El- den Sullivan—ease Jaen Regan of De trait i:s spending a week with , her mother, Mrs. 'Nara 'Regard.—Mr. Jos, Guinan spent a few days last week with friends at Chatham, -Mrs. rd, Ryan , returned home after spending several weeks yisitiang friends at De- troit.—Quite a number from here took in Parkhill Fair Tuesday. McGILLIVRAY.-Mr. Rod Potter. of the 18th concession of McGillivray received a message • on Wednesday that his son, Pte. William: W. Peetteri had been killed in action on. Sept. 4. Pte. Potter was a barber in Parkhill and enlisted in C company, 135th Battalion, went overseas in Aiigust, 1916 and has been in Fane icwcr a year. KICKED BY A HORSE Parkhill Sept. 24—While practicing his horse far the 'Fair Earl WeiSozr received a, broken jaw by Che brute kicking ham. He was taken to Vic-' toria Hospital, "London, where the jaw was awed en order tokeep the broken bone in place. BLIMVILLE Deathe-Sincere sympathy is expres- s'ed far Mr. and Mrs. Wm;. Johns of the 'sixth concession of Usborne Tp. in tee recent severe loss they sustain- ed in the death of their eldest daugh- ter. Hanel May, at the age Of 10 years, 11 months and 16 daysF 'Slid bad been ill about fiiv;e months of Bright's Disealsei Site was a fevorite With her girlfriends and wile be much nee -sled The funeral was held an Friday afternoon. ■ The old-time tested'retnedy for kidney and bladder trouble. En- dorsed by thousands of users throughout Canada. Try thein. Sold for 50c. a box and to be had almost anywhere. The National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto 192 �• gli .Y il. ��w ' 'i�i,� fi ;his Nal ,��C 11151111111111 �� Yr 411111111111 Ktl lir l i 11 1. A ¢ .r k,./ ?dAl V ` l';''' ,1.. r, r lY a a A /t r,. 'Jo �.• � 45.„.41-,,,/..,;, • TT/ivIN rim" k � t e. � E _ .r ' ► p yt I ,a. 2$ p/. a r x )0:11iN MN PERIKUJI Hint �qli��`." < LILT for war-winningwork, with roomy° ,' wo accommodations but with 1 ANIngt no waste space, nor unnecessaryn cesorb Model l 90 gr, AAXIOM M stands out strikingly as a car which abmiiletcly measures up to meet conditions today. agagn �la/ ,J>• 4cl all '"'Its energetic motor i • t g groes ample power for ; an emergency. T• tsfu• consumption Y ` rs SI lip qq f6� -001 r prtsrn ly ,ow. b. 't 7 �M ,Iiiicallas, In fact,i is . t just the right e ht car for you 5 y o right now. s Bach of i a t is a ' real Canadian C ad�n 'institution I�� � ' s fortunately •re' • r a ed to care for1 prepared and o all service. 411M111 11'' F,arts•reyuirements now and later ;��� " - t/tti y� 't Five points of Overland superiority: i ce .Per o 7man Appearance, earan, ce. liaComfort; 111 Service and Price 1111 a • • .`. b. t, i.r hi Four1 g Model poYouring Car Model oo.Sedan 9 Model 85-4 Touring Cdr " 1sno+ ;1 Newell et�r 1 x i' LOCAL DEALER } WI lys-Overland ki . : R■ 4 n : G , r .w.� .. Wil. -' ni r Limited ys Km ht and Overlap g d Motor Cars and d Mi. - F �" �'•� .y T L. C Wagons ht commercial orcin I Head Office and Works,. West Toronto, Ontario, /franc/Men treat, Qucs• 4t rrnnihcg,Vn#:, Regina, Sas • t }d 1 �.. s T v �.. i ✓ti P--4mleigi.it . v e.• iliiiii 1111 2121111411:enli'..... .. ,.. ...s. :. .. .. ... �.. <�� ,.. ` • .•f S'.1ti^�kb < ..'isA['. 7e;•Op•+