HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-19, Page 8EXE FES:• AIalTUGATr, THURSII16r.. SEPT. 1e• l91.B Wheat Chats Barley .,. Mlimily Flour Creamery Batter 17.)*y Buttek' , . EXI{:1 ER MARKETS< Changed Each 'vVednrscitly 210 to Z,15 ,.70 to 75" 90 ' to 1,00 5.x'0 48 38 to 40 ' Lard ,,,,. ... 35 Potttaes ' 1.25 'to 1,50 Hay, per ton ,...» 10.00 to 12.(10 19,00 m r cwt. , 13:00 py ., r WOOD: FOR S ALLY-�1 e aaave pu quantity of wood .which will band/sold single, cords be sold ior cash: only, �' to the load; dry beech and maple 12 ins. ion, $6,00 it load; dry mixed softwood 12 ins. long, $5.00 a load; hardwood slabs $5 a load; softwood slabs $4 a load. If wood. is not paid for .when ordered teamster will carry n receipted bill ,and we [respectfully. rt quest that the be (paid when deliv- ery is made. Accounts ;now due must be ,paid by October lst.-R, :Gillies Son, JIG SAW FOR SALE-APply at this office CHECK BOOKS, -The Advocateis bn a position to furnish all kinds of courier check books at reaslonable pricae. Call ar mail your order when in •need of such. Lady graduate, of last term are. now earthag as high as x$".18 .and even $20 per week, while young menareearn' lag stilt better salarlest \� e cannot Meet the demand for trained help. Write us at once for particulars re= •garding our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Department, Students may e'nt'er at any .time, FREE PRESS SUBSCRIPTIONS, Being in the Free Press subscription contest I would b+e pleased to have my friends subscribe, renew, or turn in their coupons, for me. Any favors in this way will be greaUly appirec- rated. -J• A, Brialtivell, Centralial. WANZED-Apnrentice to dress- makiatg. Apply to Miss Mary Tom. Best Scotch L.inoleeumi in five good pati. Buy now at Stewart'sl CAR CRANK FOUND, -In Us - borne, a car cram. Owner canhave name by calling at this office and pay- ing. for this notice, Big Range of all Wool Serges far Diiesses and Sulks at low prices. Stewart's , CHOICE HONEY. -We have a quan- 'tity of chalice honey in ten pound pals. Secure your stip ply now. - Wilson's Giloceay. Buy Flanrile]ile'tte Blankets before the price advances again Stewart'st See the new range of striped and check silks 'far odd skirts -at Stew- art's, The mill is going again, and we promise the public our best service. Secure your flour from us, there is none better. Chopping afternoons only Harvey Bros. GOOD GIRL WANTED at 'Central Hotel. Exeter; Duties to commence at 'once. CORN STALKS FOR SALE. The Exeter Canning Co, offers for ,-sale the corn stalks growing on the Gidley farm. Help wanted husking corn whlen factory starts. Apply at the factory •NG' CO. EXETER CAN -I k irs t shipment of Fall and Winter Coat, is ready for your ins,pec'tl'pn at Stewart's. -...(6111P TERMS STRICTLY CASH. All acounts are due and payable before October 1st. After that date our.: term„ will be strictly cash. H BIERLING, Exeter North. WARNING TO TRESPASSERS. The parties' who took some., iron,' from our junk pales are known. We hereby givewarning that trespassing in our yard is forbidden, and in fu- ture trespassers will be, prosecuted according to law. Wexler & Sokoloff, Exeter, 50 cents get the Advocate to the end or 1918, We club with all tb;e cit, daul.`ees. We give you a cut in the prise by clubbing. HORSES WANTED i want an. cali;tnited ,number of 1 ce: it• good candiitiont Gold in1505 veairs n;'1 up, weighing from rounds up, Mares from 4 years old yap, weighing from 1300 pounds cap. rattiee.; having the required atisf€, •r3:t•e, 'or ph'o'ne 83, Exeter. GAJ DOW. Err.a.,v.k 0 211 STEER I,OST. Ertr<:y ed from Lot 4, Coen. 4, Hay, farm of Johan Mcllalioan, 1 ;dehorned two-year old steer, reel, with punch mark in right 'ear. Inform ait;ian that will feria to its rccaveiy will be suit- ably •retverclecl.. Byron. E. Hicks, Centraliia, FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres south half 8, Con. i.3 premises remises be Stephen. Therei,s on I S pk, good frame house, batik barn, drive' shed and other out buildings ; well fenced and drained; equipped with d rwate, system; good orchard - fruitgoo fruit treesof all, kinds. Will also sell good workingteam cl:itap, and a number 01 her.iei s .ncalf or calf at foot Terms of real' c,tale easy and to suit. purch<a;er. Theo Dietrich It, R, 3, Oath;vo-od. WAV ',)CAL DOINGS. 4% ll,rAlroldr..aik.A1Igualiiaxiapxt*.x0416c London Fair had three continuous tt e t days out ,of fame and it was tough luck for Fair +days, The financial district meeting of the Exeter Ms, trict of the Metho- dist Church w l be held at Grind 13 -end on Friday, Sept, 20th. A Strat ford gypsy has made . a prnohlect about the war, thus, The decisive battle will' begin on Sept, 12 and victor will: be gained in October. 1918. .' A valuable cow belonging 'to ,tiara D,, Schroeder of Stephen died last week owing to a,pilece of Wire, 1l',111011 she had tevidently becoming lodged in her heart. The marriage tack place in Goder- ach on Sept, 11th of Thomas M Da- a brother of ?1lrs, Fred _lay of Exeter, to Miss Alma Frances Sturdy of Goderich, The Exeter District Epworth Lea- gue ConCientJion1 will( be held in. the Methodist Church;, Parkhill,' Thursday Sept. 19th. Three sessions, morning, afternoon and ,evlemling.: A memorial service for the late Pte Robert Lbe,nry :Passmore, who was reported killed action i;n France was held in Bethany church, Ushorine, on Sunday, Sept 15th. ‘Mr. and Mrs: -Win. I. Wilkinson of Usbarne on Sept. 14th; were notified that their, son; Lanese Corp. Thomas Harold Wilkinson, No. 654306 was miss.ng, since August 27th, Mi. Arthur Sanders; has 'disposed of hits dwelling property . and ttvo acres of land on Huron street, east, to Mr. James McFalls Of town, for $1400' Possession 'to be given in a Huron Presbytery has' released Rear Dr, Colin Fietcher, pastor of Thames Road Presbyterian Chtu•ch, and moderator' of the General Assembly', from ,his pulpit and pastoral duties for tome. months. Rev. Fletcher has not enjoyed good health; for some time. The presbytery avian _undertake his sup.ly dining a portion of the tirne, granted - See l,irkton Fair ad. in another col- umn. This is 'TGtrktianfs Jubilee year 150th anniversary. During the fifty years the Society a has never missed a Fair and always paid their vrize money in full, in spite, of the fact that they have frequently experienced wet weather, and it has not always been sunshine. The directors are laying out for a big Fair this year, Fuel Controller- McGrath has re- quested the auto owners to cut out pleasure riding an; Sunday. If ' the people do not stop using their cars on Sunday an order 'to stop will be issued. The controller gives the fol- lowing exceptions -tractors and mot- or trucks ,employed on actual trans- portation of freight, vehicles of phy- sicians used in the pexl.ormance of professional duties, ambulances, tire equipment, police wagons, undertak- ers' wagons and, conveyances used for funerals, railway equipment using gasoline repair outfits! employed by telephone and public service compan- ies and motor vehicles on errands of necessity in rural ,c ommunities where transportation, by 'steam; or 'electricity is not available. THIRD SON WOUNDED. Mrs, John. Harness received word. last week that her son Pte. W. H. Harness had been wounded by gun- shot in the left arm and admitted to No. 3 Australian General Hospital. two of the young man's brother, have already returned to Exeter, af- ter being wounded in the .war. Mr. Joon Willis received word en Sunday that his son, Pte. John Willis, had been wounded, by gunshot in, the blip There are ''alureer brothers in the war. Pte Willis was admitted to the 2Zmd Camliters Hospital. Pte Fred Brock,. who left here sev- eral weeks ago for Petawawa Train - mg .Camp, its now in the Tonanto Genera; Hospital in a rather serious condition, suffering ;from .heart trouble CARD OF THANKS. lar. John Dauncey' wishes to thank the neighbors and friends for their many acts af kiinidness and sympathy shown .him diuim,g; the illness and sub- sequent death at his wife. CARD, OF THANKS We tcish to, record our thanks to the neighbors and friends who were so, thauglntful in word and deed rlur- the long illness and subsequent de- niise^ of waif,, and mother'. It was ap- pnecieted mare than words can con - John Roeszler and Family. NOTICE. Take nnatice din t*under the Domin- ion onnyion Prohibitory reegula,titons of last !December, any liquor found in anv place, ..that has been n; aa(nftufacetul-ed ,ince April ist, 19:18; is liable to be confi'scated, and the owner heavily finned This alpalses to liquor, ci(cler, said home-made wine of any kind, provid- ed it contaeimis more than, two and one- half per cent: of :roof spirits, Huron County ramperante Alliance Dr. A J• Irwin, A: T. Cooper, t `d ,t P ic.s,r en Secretary ecretaa•y BIGGER AND BETTER THAly EVEk, The last and best 'holiday outing of til ',ea;r--The GO c16'1611,1 Industrieal Ex- hibitian, Sept 25, 26, 27. 'rim splen- did band of the Western Ontario Reg !meati:; London, with, forty picces, has been engaged. Tehis ,i sl the best band in. Western On,talri,oj. The speeding for which large, purses are of - I e: ed, include four 'events, .2,09, 2,20,. P. -minute and farmers' trot Or p0CC Among outer features will, be Mune tor. Brothers, high-class comedy acro- bats ::ba•scl:a11 nitatch, Stratford V, God er cl„ 00. Friday, and the usual bate exhibition of, special attractions 1)C• !Ora^ the ILt011c1, friends here illi regret to hear that Mr, J ,C, Inwood of Landon is cotn- fnntecl to his home through illness, Rev W B Caswell of Toronto, who. pen!' sante time! at the front. asa Captain an the army, will °reach in' James Street next Sunday' morning, and Professor Potter! ,of Victoria Un- iversity in the evening. Rev Dr Medd, .mtnilstter of Main Street Methodist' Church, :taunounced !set Sunday that in many of the even- ing services in Main Street Church. during, the fallarid winter.tai: he would. give a brief 'Prelude Current Event.? Thii:s• is to.be a feature en torely separate from the aeYim0n, Th e Prelude for .:next Sunday evening, is "A Look into ••Russia','?r The `sernaon, subject is '"Inas Christianity failed." The forenoon theme ,u,, ",I'he Land of the llidnig ht Sun, or the Beauty of •Religion. inti Age." A most cordial tt-cicame ani*ailts all who attend these services LIKELY A PRISONER, o 'drs R. E. Pickard last week re- ceived a message from an officer of 'the, Flying corps, saiyi.ng that their' son Cecil Pickard of the Flying corps, who was recently neporte.c1 ,as missing is in all liklihood a prisoner in Ger m any.• Thee officer states, that Cecil's plane Was seen, to descend be,hind.the Germy lines in, good order. He t' las probably forced to' descend owing to machine trouble,. ?DEATH OF MJ2S. SANDERS On Tuesday morning Sept. •17th, the death occurred( at her• hlosne on Main Street, Exeter, of Catharine Vosper relict of the. late Samuel San- ders, aged • 73 years, 2 months, • and 13 days: The late Mrs. Sanders had be9,n in .declining health .for about four years, and latterly she had been confined to. her room. Only astral -1g constitution :made it "possible for her to keep away the inevitable for .itch a lengthy period. Boren 3nj Cobourg July 4th, 1945, sale came 'With the family ata Exeter whfen a girl and re- sided here ever since. She was a most estimable woman, and respected by all. She married the late Mr. San- dews, who passedi away 'just one, year ago: Deceased is' surviived by one daughter, Miss Mamie Sanders; at home, one half-sister, Miss Clara Vos- per of Deter, and two' half-brothers John, Washington State, 'andel George of Toronto. The funeral, which will be private, takes place' Thursday; at 2 o'clock to Exeter cemetery. DEFENDED ROBINSON TROPHY Exeter bowlers twice defended the Rabinson Trophy on Saturday last, against the attacks; of a London Row- ing CIub Rink. The afternoon game resulted in Exeter rink being 8 up, and an the visitors suggie+sting that they would like' another,: chance after Supper it was given, and this game also resulted nt ,favor of the home club, by 4 shots, The 'score, - _A f tent° o score,Afternoon .Game Exeter London Rowing R. N. Creech 3. Banks W. 'D, Clarke Capt. McDonald W. W. Taman- John Farrow R G Seldon, ek. 24; Wm. Hynd, sk.16 Evening Game C. 13.Snell -F. Banks E. J Christie Capt. McDonald R. N Creech Jahn Farrow; R. G. Seldom,' sk. 23 ; Wm. Hynd, sk.l 19 Exeter picked the evening game out of a bit of :a hole in the finish, the score being 79-15 against them with three ends to go. The locals dap- turgid the three ends, however, get - Ling a 2, a 4 and a 2, making them 4 shots 'oa the ,goad. Mrs W. S.' Cale visited in London last week, `,It A J. licDonell spent last week in Landon. vliss Beatrice Heddenl visited inDe.- troit during: the week. Mr and Mrs. Henry Francis visited in Michigan last week. Mi-. We Laraport was up from Landon for the Faiil. :'sirs, Wm. Creech, visited her daugh- ter in Lotndo.n Iasi week. Mr. and Mrs.' Richard Bissett were: 01) from .1 ondo,ni this week. \Irs, Thos. Raney! of London is vis- iting with frilenlds in Exeter. Miss Lizzie Jones ci Bleth, formerly of Exeter, waes'h,ere for over dial -lair.. Messrs. Percy and Earl. Browning' were home from Toronto over Sunday ;Miss Fanny Bos of London - is spending a few days at her home here Miss Dorothy Ferguson 'of' Detroit as visit iig hies stunt, Mrs. C B. Snell,. Mrs. James Sweet' spent Wedsiesday wilt her daughter, Mrs. McCallum, in. London, Mrs. Wyndham 'a,nd aonre of Oak- vi11e visited at th.c home of Mair, F. W Gladman, County Clerk George W. Holman of Godelrrich was in Exeter for a few days this week. Mrs. J C. Inwood o1' Landow is ]were ()Wing to the dearth of her aunt, Mrs. Miss Reta Rowe and Miss • Lela Sanders Ieft Monday for Stratford to attend Normal School. Air. 'Drew'Knight oI W i,nct`kor� is home for a holiday,. Ile is having a est. owing to ill; ;health, Mrs, George Hos ki,ns returned' last week from a visit; with her sister, Mrs. Becker, in New Hamburg. 'Misses Gladys and Olive Bedford of London are visiting with relatives amen friends in tuna around Exeter, Mrs Geo Armstrong and daughter Mrs, Sayloa and grandson, rettu•n,ecl Thursday •try their home. in Sarnia, Miss Annie Vincent, ti*Ina has' :been �rs%ting tsiti relatives and friends here, returned to Windsor Saturday. Mrs. John Humble • and her brother Mr Sam' Finkbefiner of Sarnia are visiting with relatives and friends in and around Exeter, I:Ir, and Mrs J. Roulstoin, of Maven- Lou, live -iota, and Mr. timid Mrs 3: Rant'.' 1b'iunipelr, visited '1ucsrlay with• 1:)r, and Mrs Rotas tort,, Mrs, Wm: Mole and hli' Pearl Mote off Crediton; and Miss Ethel i\aym:tn >i Kipnett spent a '.Pew days with. tho P -t3 10 nte''ib lY ,`4nt,, \'fry and Mr 8. C,. it ltorn .e''. •Y5 .. 1 Or - 4l JONES & PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8•-3620 Extfa. Special 11.1111es dor This Week We off er many extra Special Values, in Fall'. and Winter Merchandise ,SEE OUR FALL AND WINTER COATS FOR LADIES AND CHILDJREN 'NEW STYLES • 'NEW COLORS MODERATE PRICES Plain Velour Clotho are the most popular materials for Coats this sea. - son., , We have an ieninien,se 'stock to' select from ,in; Browns, Tauples, Green Navys Burgundies, Beavers, Etc. Special Values hit Salt's and Lis- ter's Baby Lamb and Black - Seal Plush Coats. Our Children's Coats are now in Stock THE NEW FURS ARE HERE We 11010 the largest selection or Neck Furs, Muffs, Fur Coats, Etc. for Ladies and _Men that ive have ever shown. Our sets ase shown. in Natural Wolf, Red and Black Fox., Hudson Seal, Muskrat, Black Wolf, Civet, .Cat„ Etc, Prices ' very attractive. Lawdieea Fur '' Coats in ilIuskrat, Marmot and Hudson Seal. Men's Fur Coats in: Black Dog, Wallaby Coon, Etc. A BARGAIN IN MEN'S ,WINTER UNDERWEAR, .. 20 dozen 1VIen's heavy wool and cotton mixture shirts and 'tiers,, sizes 34 to 44, old stock to clear' while they .last at $1,25 per garment. SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK: Men's Sovereign brand Suits at _$15 to $18,50 Men's English, Raincoats in dark grey or fawn, reg, 513.50 and $15 Special fon Fan Day at $10,00 Boys' Bloomer Suits at less than Wholesale cost Men's and Boys' Fall and Winter Overc!oalts-Our big selection its • Mere and we invite you to come in and rook thiein over, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices: Boys' Odd Tweed and Corduroy Bloomers at .$1,75,10 $2.25, Shoes. -See our •stock. Many styles, ane price's right. It mall pay you JONES ►Y Headquarters for tho Gelebxated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Bleb no d Boys. Mrs. Gordon Heywood haus returned from a visit with( her mother,` Mrs. G. Bedford at London, Miss Amy Johns left Monday for London Normal School, and Miss Dorothy 'Kuntz to Ilamilton• Normal: Miss Heuehn of Wanrteon, has return- ed to town, and is again assisting Miss Armstrong as midliner. Miss Tennant of Bownanville has also taken a pos- ition with Miss Arrnlsitrong to learn m]lliiaery. Rev. A. A. Trumper, who has been taking a few holidays, 'attended the General Synod at Toronto last week. i»ii Heathcote of London occupied the Tri'iitt Memorial Church pulpit On Sunday. There was never a time when the sac rifices and the help of women were more appreciated than at the present time,.. Viromen should learn war -nursing and nursing at home. There is no better. way than to study ,the new edition of the "Common Sense Medical Adviser u'= with chapters on First Aid, Bandaging, �. I Anatomy, Hygiene, care of the Sick` Diseases of Women, Mother and Babe, Marriage -to be had at some drug -stores LOO WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU WILL. LOOK WELL. WHEN YOU COME, OUT. Your Summer Suit Be sure ft fits you at the collar. Have the thous! 's made to fit you !band the waist. They will stay up much better w'ien poo wear a belt. Your Clothes witil. have imd.iveiiduality if you l'e't run snake 'them fon' you. Didier' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE eBEFO3t4E THE; OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. or send 50c. to Dr. Pierce, Cour bwright St.; Bridgeburg, Ontario. ' If' a woman Suffers from weals bade, nervousness or dizziness -if pains afflict her, the best tonic and corrective is one made up of native herbs, and made with- out alcohol, which makes weak women strong and sick women well, 1t is the prescription of Doctor Pierce, used by him aSh ere i Tea; . Coffee Store For the choicest' groceries, fruits,' ApiCB% tea: eof O and eve 4rrb tbmg it. the grocery 'm Call a-nd see tie. •41 trial as to quality will cont - Cie. Protluce taken in ,$drat' Ja$® Gould ,.. urniture ° and ndertalt 1, LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Land RNr;Upstairs, Opgrosite The Central - ANISTHB FUk'RZiv.UNF1itAi:Ii'it7Ri*3DIDPa?AClI;C➢LE12R Hotel in active practice many years and now sold by almost every druggist in the land, in: liquid or in tablets. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10e. for trial pkgDr. i Pierces Pleasant Pellets ar,r also best for liver' and bow*el trouble. `` 2tratword, OnG.-"De. Pierce's Favorite, Pxc- scription"Was a great. help Eo me. During' an expectant period 1 became all run -clown' ' weals and nervous and could not eat -wan nauseated. I also-su&,....� fared' with 'backaches. 1 was a complete wreck 1 and Was down pick in bled when I began ' taking_ Favorite ire- 'scription,' 1 soon corn - mon cal to leen stronger: strength had pear ,,lid I.aal ''/ (i , and it finally fostered "'' Inc to hr1Eh, arca: • 1 could do sail my work and felt Inc, x ticallynnangering and my baby warn strong. thy,--,nio•s, Thon70,9 Burtatn1, 366Eri6 Sd. 3C ` ',OOL SHOES. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for Chlilcipen'es Sehioioll Sh;oesi • You will, find . at ,Wok up -t tol-,cIa.te and Elie goods of the(' Bet quality, MEN'S• 1-IEAVY SIIiQES, WE HAVE '!Hairy lines of the Good Solid !yeah' resisltin bind that will give yati your money':, tv;oi'thi• g • OUR -FINI, SIIOES -ARE THE NEWEST Styles which' ' ,ca- ,'feat, y e4 pl please �tlile eye and fiat t1i� We can please yow JOB LINES, ON SALE At $1.48 • er pair. • UntlIic i : 000 ovLP�ALi..s .AND. S�IOCI�S �. e' TRY A :PATI., p,f -the Bob Long Timid na'arr e Ito stand the iC Car.