HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-19, Page 5.I!IIIIUPiIIPiIiNININIItlIIIINI1116U
UiWUNINUTAIWNWWNI htutimiIII ainttoom PfIiI IIUl0010
They'zo1rietaryor.me iacina
4 Q G ltt"0 u
Rill hel'eod fiYlte
te$t01G%4md_. Ii c1vr°
Gheeffulness' tiiIIeS# G
ileitlter 0 iti3Y 1 O $u11611
Min4 rend „i Ol Aiif1O'1'11
Adello Salt'
Ii, s,
liEnstfyival..,.... .-''
AllOpftil grOdyfoe
Ganstipatloe.aitd Diiixhnea
and Fever sitn¢ss-and
r Y Tac,Srmite f
1+4oNTm AL H
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Knofl That
Genuine Cartons
Bears the
For Over
Th'lrty Years
Exact CoPy of Wrapper.
Dr. G F. ROULSTON, L, D. S.. D.1).S QR.
member o! the A. C. C. D.S. or Or
Honor Graduate Toronto "University
Office over C 1g's as. • elle'.
Cosa Wednesday sfternnees ..
lhre .call far, trained help is greater
now than ever before in the' history
of Canada. Our graduates are- ae
-ceilinug splendid Dosi,tilons. We have
Commleatlka1, Shorthand Land 'Tele-
graphy Departments. ' If you purpose
taking •ap ibu'siness college course dur-
ing Fall or inter months, _write ;row
far one free catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan, Prin.
The home of the Red Deer and the
Deer -Nov,. 1 to 15, inclusive
Moose—Nov. 1 to 15, inclusive. In
some of; the northern districts 'of -On-
tario, '' including Timagami and. the
'territory north and south of the Can-
adian Government- Railway irom •the
Quebec to Manitoba Boundary open
's'eason for Moose is Oct. 1 to Nov.30
Write for copy of "Playgrounds—
the Haunts of Fish and Game", g,:viing
Game Laws Hunting Regulations etc.
to C. E Horning, Distr ct Passenger,
Agent, 'toe,ion Station, Toronto, Ont
N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter.:
Agent for
Canada Life Assurance Company
Akio Fire and Accident Insurance.
Money to Loan on Farm Property
• T
:1 :
ilte` T'iitl
C .
t1Nerve'.and Arnie; Increases •'_
ria stanbaIrd yon up. as a,baY air
• t,$ret-dreg Motes, or bs -nairalas
`wTettc Shouse. natio cotest. cathe Ines,
IThe Cliriatianla press declares that
the U-boat brutality has surpassed
all Unfits,"
the Advocate Of-
fice no
witnessb v C. h Seeders at d
fice. Strictly confidential;
We club with all the leading daily
and weekly papers:. ' Now is the time
so select your 1918 reading.
We have a large amount:af private
fund's otto loam on farm and village
property at law rates of interest.'
Barr seers, Solicitors, Exeter
Barrister Solicitor, : Notary Public,
Commissioner, Solcittar for the Mal -
sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest.
Office—Malan Street, Exeters.
Licensed ,Auctioneer Torr Counties of
Hunan amid Middlesex
Prices` Realslanalble .and Satiefaetlion.
Crediton, Ontario.
v &LLJA TOR' for Counties of Tierce
Perth Middlesex. and Oxford. Farm
Stock Sales. a Specialty, Office at
Coekelhurtt Warerooms, next door .to
Centra' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter.
OR, A, R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D_D &
Honor Graduate Toronto UnEversi.
Teeth extracted without pain er any
ba+i effects. Office over Gladmart 8t
Stanbtmy's Office, Main Street, Ereetott
good range should do,
There is no flue sys-
tem just like that of
f {h the Pandora Range.
you e
range learn .about the
Pandora method of
heat distribution. — it
is the secret of good
baking and of every
kind of good work a
It iS the !wag System of the range.
London Toronto.
St. John, N"13. Hamilton.
Winnipeg Vancouver
Edmonton Saskatoon
White Rose Day in Toronto
brought $13,000,
Sir W. H. Manning, new Governor
of Ceylon, has arrived, at Colombo,
Member -a of the Toronto police
force are ,discussing the formation of
a union.
The newsprint investigation was
resumed at Ottawa by Commissioner
The War Garden Show at the' To„
ronto Armories was opened by'Hou,
W. D. McPherson.
The Sovereign Grand Priory of
Canada concluded its thirty-fifth an-
nual assembly at Belleville,
Arthur Townsend, forty-five years
old, dropped dead while waiting fpr
a car on his way to work at, ;Kitch-
Speculators are said to he xaa.king'
fortunes by cashing 'railroad men's
pay cheques in St. Thomas and sell-
ing them in -Detroit. '
The Royal Commission • to inquire
into alleged illegal voting by goIdiers
in Chambly-Vercheres began its -See-:
sion at St. John's, Que.
Registrars under the Military Ser-
vice Act conferred at Ottawa with
the members of the Military Service
Branch -of the Department of Justice.
The U. S. Special Treasury Investi-
gation Committee has issued a red-
port to the effect that the drug habit.
has greatly increased in the United
P1 esident Wilson yesterday signed
the joint resolution by Congress em
powering him to establish prohibition
zones around shipyards and munition
A Brockville chaplain said some
pointed things respecting religious
training in the home to the General
Synod of the Church of England in
Representatives of nearly a score
of municipalities ; met at Brantford
andadopted a resolution urging the
central route for the provincial high-
way between Windsor and Toronto.
Bishop 'McCormick of Western
Michigan and Bishop Richardson of
Fredericton made stirring addresses
to a, large gathering in -Massey Hall
under the auspices of the Anglican
Laymen's Missionary Movement.
M. " T. O'Brien, of Renfrew, has
been appointed a Senator.
The U. S. Government.` has decided
that meatpackers must operate un-
der licenser
Fuel Controller Magrath hasbeen
appointed Director of Coal :- Opera
tions in Nova Scotia and New Brims -
Col. H. C. Bickford, of Toronto is
r.o head the infantry in the, Siberian,
Exeeci.tionary Force under Brig. -Gen.'
Eax,rsley. '
Canada's trade decreased ' more
than 270 million dollars in the five
months ending with August as com-
pared with last year.
Despatches from Geneva state that
the French Government have de-
e nounced the Franco -Swiss commer-
cial convention of 1906.
Hamilton physicians using their;
motor cars professionally and not for,
pleasure on Sundays will have a
green cross sticker on the windshield.
The Lokal Anzeiger says the Gov-
ernment is resolved to dissolve the
Prussian Diet if no agreement- is.
reached on the franchise reform
Emergency relief and thorough-
going economic development is to be
applied to Greece by the Entente
powers, Britain, France and the Unit-
ed States.
Anglican. laymen at the General
Synod decided that the endowment
and necessary to maintain missions
so the Indians and ISskinfos is to be
raised in Canada.
A. G. MacKay, former: Liberal
reader in Ontario, has been elected.
acclamation in the bye -election
tocrsioned by his being taken into
the Alberta Cabinet.
The Chief .Commissioner of Dona-
inion Police has been charged with
the enforcement of the anti -loafing
law, and it will be given a wider
application than hitherto.
The Attorney -General's Depart-
ment is considering evidence submit-
ted by the Cost of Living Commis-
sioner of alleged food profiteering by.
restaurant , and hotelkeepers.
Formal charges against the Toron-
to police in. connection with the re-
cent street troubles have been given
to Chief Grasett by H. Hartley De -
wart, counsel •for the G,W.V.A.
Weston Fair was a big success.
Ten thousand people patronized
the War Gardens Show in Toronto.
Day of Atonement services were
held in the synagogues yesterday.
The Anglican General Synod decid-
ed to co-operate' with the Religious
Educational Council.
Mrs. Clementine Fessenden, foun-
der of Empire Day, died at her home
in Hamilton, aged seventy.
The Canadian. Railway Board Lab-
or Committee has made its award,
giving more pay' to telegraphers.
German prisoners assert that there
are already some 15,000 women in
the Fourth German army zone alone.
Toronto and Ontario loyally ob-
served the request of the Fuel Con-
troller to refrain from Sunday motor-
The shrievalty of Elgin County,
vacant nearly three years, has been
filled by the swearing in on Saturday
of Wm, H. Elliott.
Premier Lloyd George, who suffer-
ed an attack Of influenza Thursday
night after an address at Manchester,
spent a good night and his condi-
tion to -day was declared ,to be satis-
The Food. Board urges that fruit
infected, or suspected of infection,
with phenol, be not destroyed unit]
its experts have reported who are
searching for an antidote, so as tb
prevent waste of the fruit.
Hon: r. 13. '.Carvell, Minister of
Public Works, inspected Port Dover
harbor on Saturday and promised im-
mediate repairs to the eastern break-
water, also saying that the .Federal
Government would take over and int:-
prove the harbor•. .
The bigger Comfort Soap bar gives you more soap for the money
than ever before,, The weight has been .increased because, as
you know, there are nb premiums with the Bigger Bar's wrapper.
Here is a real chance to save in housekeeping•expenses.
If you really want more GOOD soap. for
your money' you'll just :firmly ask your
grocer for the bigger Comfort Bar -he can
supply you. If you are still getting the
former, smaller Comfort Soap, keep
on saving the wrappers, they are still
good for premiums.
Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Limited "
Exeter Fair
Continued from Page 1
Domestic cloth, W. W. Taman;
blankets, J Decker; 'woollen yarn
Miss Tom, H. N,'ee,b; rag carpet, Miss
Tom; stuffed birds, A. McPherson,
Mrs Dr. Sweet; tailor custom suit,
W. W. Taman;- col. tailor's goods an,d
furnishings, W. W. Taman; col. boots
and shoes. B. W. F. Beavers; assort-
ment carpenter 'work„ Ross -Taylor Co,
assortment tweeds, W. W Taman,
factory tweeds, W. W. Taman.
Lady's, boats, gent's boots, and hand
made boots, B,• W. F. Beavers,
Six -rowed bareTrueman; y, C.T man; huh-
-less. barlW. eyH. ng, , W.. I -l:. D,earinC.g;Truem"White
Merchant's flour; Harvey Bros., 1 and
2; white; beans, C. Truemner; clover
seed C. Truemner, A. Hoo:Per; col.
`,grain in, ear, W. H. Dearing; ensil-
age corn, T. ,Harris, T. H. Shaptan;
•speltz W. IT Dearing; small peas, C.
Geo. Delbridge, judge.
Asters, J. Ford, Dahlias, Mrs, Skel-
ton; Gladiolus, Dr, Hyndman; 'Carna-
arnation B. W. F. Beavers; Petunias,.. L,
Reynolds, John Ford; Coxcombs, J.
G. Forrest; Stacks, J. Ford, B. W.
F. Beaver ; Verbenas, L. Reynolds
Zinnias, J Ford, J': G. Forrest; best
arranged , basket, L. Reynolds best
arranged for dinner table, J. G. For-
rest, B. -W. F. Beavers; col. annuals,
3. G. Farrest; floral design, 3 Ford,
3. G Forrest; boucruet, J. G. Forrest
Mrs. Jae. Anderson; Novelty cut flow
ers, J, G. Forrest, Mrs. J. Andersen.
Special Dr. Hyndman; special, Bal-
sam. B W. F. Beavers,
Wnr Sweet, Judge. ._
Begonias -Tuberous, C. B. Snell;'
Begonias-othle.r varieties, Mrs. Mc-
Pherson: erson: Ferns, 5, G. Forrest, Mrs.
Mc1 ercn Foliage, J. Hunter, Jnp.
Ford; G e. aatums, Mrs. Skelton 1 and
2; Hanging basket plants, J. Ford, Mrs,
McPherson; Novelty potted plants, J,
G Forrest, Ford.
Landscape in toil, Mrs. A. McPher-
son; figure, in, oil, Mrs. Skelton, J.
G. ,Forrest, fruit or flowers, in oil,
J. G. Forrest; water color, landscape,
Miss M. Follic!i11 and 2; water color
figure' Mrs. Skelton, hLiss M. Folhck;s
water 'color, fruit or flowers, Miss Fol
lick, Mrs. Skelton; Sepia painting
Miss M. Fol.lick J. G. Forrest; pho-
tography J • Senior; crayon or pastello
J. ,c, Forrest; pencil sketch, T. G.
Fe -rest Miss M Folhick; col.' Photo:
graphs. J. Senior; photographs, J. Sen
ioz col.'photogra,ic views, Miss Fol -
lick. J Savior; photograph, amateur,
Miss Foillick, H. Ford;; pen and ink
s'.cctelb Mrs. Skelton, Miss Iicilick;
painting in china, Mrs. A. McPherson;
painting on china, conventional, Mr.
A McPherson,. Mrs. Skelton; hair
dresser's work, H. Neeb, J. Decker sr
col, cons, Mrs. A. McPherson; coil:
stamps, Dr. Roulstoin., Mrs, McPher-
son • col. curiosities, Mrs. Skeltion`,.
Tray cloths, R. Nordhcottt, •Mrs. E.
Dignan; .i;,,s, llrs. Skelton, Mirs.
scrim er canvas, .L. Reynolds, W. EL!
Reynolds; embroidery, (Roman or cut
-work, Miss C. Sweet; eyelet emhroid,
ery, T. J. Berry, Mrs. E. Dugnaln;.
French and ' eyelet eombined, ,Mrs: R.
Welsh, Mrs la Dignan; 'embroidery.
shadow, Mrs. Skelton; embroidery,
punoh work, R. Nertiheott, Lula Has-
H;as-tings; embroidere, Wallachia, Mrs. R.
Welsh; embroidery. hardinger, L
Reynolds, W. H. Dearing; embroidery
Bulgarian, Lula (Hastings, Mrs. Skel-
ton; embroidery, Hucka back, 'J. .G.
Forrest; tatting,'' Miss Tom, Mrs.
(Dr.) Sweet; modern cross stitch, L.
Reynolds, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet; ladies'
underwear, B. Northcott; fancy un
derwaist, L. Reynolds; ladies might
dress, Miss iC. Sweet; camisole, B. W
F. ,Beavers; fancy waist, 'Mrs. Skel-
ton, John Decker, Str.; dace batten -
burg,' 13. W. J+. Beavers, Miss C. Sweet.
lace, .Elora tor., Mrs. ,Skelt'dn; lace
ten,eriffe, T. .1. ,Beery; stencilling,
J. G. [Forrest ; Irish ,crocihe t,• Mfrs. 13.
Welsh;, filet; .crochet, Miss M. Brook.
Miss C,. Sweet erechet yoke Miss C.
Sweet; 'crochet and faincq /braid cpm -
1 Lined, Lula. Hastiegs;' centre " -piece
with crochet, 2dirs. R. Welsh; col. cro-
chet dace; his' C. etSweet S ;e a; best
novelty lin eancy work, Miss Mr Brook
Mise Tom; table mats -L. Reynolds,
Miss Toni; 'mean's night •slhirt, L. Rey-
nc des; laundry bag, Lula .Hastings,
Moss iC. Sweet;; man's work shirt, L.
Reynolds; kitchen apron, J. Decker,
Sr.; L. l eynolds; !plain hand. seving,1
Miss Tom; whisk !holder, Lula Hast-','
Ings, photo frame, ia1irs. Skelton; ar- j
ticlis J'or dresser, Mrs. Lepherson; j
Gael ,I! box for handkerdh efs, Miss
Tom, Mei C. Sweet; Laney apron, Lu -1,
la II-Lastint s, Miss C. Sweet, 'Mfrs. (Dr.)
Sweet; -towel. rack, L. Reynolds; hand.
or fancy bag, Miss Tom, Mrs. Skelton; 1
sofa pillow mounted, Mrs. R. ,Welsh
Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet;" sofa 'pillow wash-
able, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, IB.. W. Es .Bea-
vers; tea cosy, Miss Tom 'b Kiss M.
Brook; :Fancy pdn cushion, Mfiss Tom;
Boudoir cap, Miss Brook., Miss Tom;
infan:t's bonnet, II1Iiss ",Brook, i11. Neeb;
in.fant's'lwoties, Miss Brook, SH. Neeb
raffia work, Miss ;Brook, Ruth An i
drevi's; metal craft .11rs. Skelton, ,L
0-, ,E'onrest; 'crochet dhlawJ, carpe or
jacket, Mrs. McPherson, Miss 'Tom;
Crochet slippers,2,Bss Tom, Miss
,M. Brook: crochet underskirt, Miss,
Tont. 1-I. Ne,eb; Crochet Sas-inaLor,
aliss Tom; crochet infant's jacket,
Mies Brook, 'H Neeb ; knittted sham -1
Miss Tom, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet; knitted
slipper, Miss Tom; knitted under-
skirt and also fascinator Miss Toni;
knitted Iace Maes Tom, L, Reynolds
knitted socks, T. J. Berry, Mrs. Mc-
Pherson; knitted fancy stockings, H.
,eieeb; ladies' mitts, Mrs. E. Dignan,•
Miss Tom; Men's' mitts, Miss Tom,
T'. J Beery; window •curtac!ns, Miss
Tom • shtmber rug, 13. Rory elrJ fe :bless
Tame L :Reynolds; quilt, cotton, B.
Vv. F Beavers 1 and 2; quilt, silk,
Miss Tom Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet; quilt
knitted, iLes Tom; cuilt, crcc,l.et, I,I.
Rowcliife. J. Decker, ar.
Children under 7.2
Sofa pillow, J. Decker, jr.; +'rochet
\work, J. Decker jr.
Girls over 12
Centre piece, hand worked towels,
cin cushion, crochet work, button
holes, knitted socks; E. Bolton.
Best display vegetables grown by
school children, H. Nceb, Exeter Pub-
lic school, 3, Decker, Jr.
(Dr.) Sweet: icor dinner linen, Mrs. 13.
Welsh; embroidered pillow .cases, T. J. Kli"ktOi1
Beery, Mrs. Skelton; •pillow • leases
other tlhan embroidered, Mrs. ;i9. Idle -
'nen, "1'. J. (Berry; .dray £1ilps, Mss. ,i E.
Dignan; dresser and stand cover, R.
Northcott,"P.. J, Berry; towels em-
br oidered, Miss C. Sweet, Mfrs. (Dr.)
Sweet; 'towels other than 'embroidered,
alias IC, Stvect, T, J. Beery; rhand-
w,orlced Is,heot: and, Ipillow rases, Miss
L. lIostings • luutch. ,cloth in white,
Mrs. L, Dignan, Mrs, U1, Welsh; lunch
cloth Icmbratdelrud, Mrs. B.,Welsh;
Drawn (thread work, 13. 13. Bea-
vers; child's dross, likable Brook;
Coronation braid work, Miss Tom;
embroikiered centre piece, Miss C.
Sweet, airs, (Dr;) Sweet; embroidered
centre ''piece in color, 33. W, d:+s. Beavers
I\Clirss Q. Sweet;; table- rLinnet, B.
cuiI end collar set, Mrs.
I ,
Skclten,':Mrs. (Dr;) Sweet; work on
Phe. Charlie Taylor o9' Toronto
spent a few days last week with his
patients, Mr, and Mrs. F. Al Taylor,
—Earl Dcupe underwent an oneration
on his Icg a few days agog and at the
Irene of writing is much improved,—
This i, a year will]. lye the Jubiilee year
of h;irkcon Fair. The firOt fair was
hell in the fall of 1869, some 50
year.; ago,—The congregation o:f 'St,
Paul's Church, Idkkton has post, onr
cd their Harvest Thanksgiving serv-
ices until October 13th, when key,
Capt \lasters, M. A., R. 1J„ rector
of t, Marys parish, will conduct the
5c(-rices.—Mabel Gertrude 12 .odd, be-
loved wife of Alonzo C. Kryowles,
B1anshar d lased away 3n her 32nd
ear. 'I? Ic cloceaic,l Was, born •ohcui
two miles south of Wtclodham, a
daughter of the late Henry Redd, and
tsas .spent her whole life in that \ cin-
ity Besides her husband she Leaves-
hler little five-year-old son Robert.
while the mother and the fckowing
brother and sisters' surv;ve —Edgar
and Harry of Woodham; Percival .af
Saskatchewan; Wm. of the 3th of
Blanshard; Frank at home; Mrs. Jos,
Beavers (Alice), Blanshard; Mrs, Alve
Amv (Minnie) Saskatchewan, and
Mrs::. Wm Wilson.
Mr. George Lawson of To c: a o is
a guest at Mr. C. %A.. Mc D. e
bits. Robert Bonthron has e .n,ed•
from. Wroxeter, where she has ben
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cecil
Sirnpson.-Mies Doreen Mu: d Jck
vouniges4 daughter of Mr. Alex. Mur-
dock, who has been ill for leve:el
weeks -vias` taken to. St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London last week for treatment.
—Clisseihurst. anniversary services will
be conducted by Res-. A. E. Dean,
on. Sept 22. Services at 2.30 and 7,30
—Mr and Mrs. Henry Dougall re-
ceived a .message this week --
thiem that their son, 'Samuel Dougall
had beefs wounded hi action in France
-Mr and Mrs. W.' G. Wilson, who
have been visiting their daughter at
Niagara Falls, have returned home.-
;siiss Wed of West Lorne who had
charge of Mr. E. Rennie's mclli.tiery
department last season, has returned
for the fall season. -Mrs. J. McD.?, i1
son who has been quite ill for the
past Creek .as improving nicely. -Miss
Alda Dinsdale returnedrecently from
visiting iting relatives and f riernds in. Beams
dile. Hamil'uan and Toronto—Rev. and
Mrs• IcConiriell an,d`fanruly are home
from ':their holidays and: Mr. McCon
n;ell occupied his own pulpit Sunday.
Miss Isa McDonell who is nursing
in one of the ,Military Hospitals in
Toronto, is home spending her boli-
days• with herr parents, Mr. and Mrs,
C. A. McDenell.—A memorial sercree
for Lieut. W. B. Wuli,on, who has
been killed in action, was held in. the
Methodist church Sunday everueng.
Able to Start`
rou e as asi y ..
Don't be disccuraded if you find that
you have .Kidney or Bladder r .,utiles,
and don't imagine your ease Is • opt,
less or that you will be crippled .Inl.
suffer all the rest of your. lite
Here is, good news: Gin 'lo .s have
restored thousands of sutre,ers to.
health and strength What th v have
done for others they will clo for you.
Read what lir. J. 13arrop ys:
"I have been crippled .p so
completely that I could not stand.
Work was out of the quesr.ion. A
few doses of (iiu Pills pr:i me
right. I cannot praise Gin Pills
too much, and every home should
have a box."
Mr, ITa.rrop's experience will, lin.
Pills has been the same as thousand
of others, in all pasts of this eonti-
Take the case of. i1tr. B. Milford,.
Galetta, Ont.'Mr. Milford had been
troubled with backache and kidney
trouble for so long flint his wife deter-
mined. to find a remedy` for his afflic-
tion. Having beeomc convinced that
Gin Pills wore what he needed, she
persuaded hint to commencetreatment
with this well-known remedy. Ile slid
so; and surprising results were ob. '
tattled almost immediately.
This is an extract from Mrs, Mil-
ford's letter:—
"After one dose of Gin Pills my
htlsband found them to be exactly
what 11c needed, and 'after taking
two boxes he was completely
Cases like these prove the value of
Gin Pills. Try them. a box at t11
deal ere, 11i.