HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-19, Page 1THIRTY- FIRST YEAR
Qur Co ne r
'flee gasoline. saving, request foz••Sun-
day seem, to Lave been well -observed
throughout Ontario.
The merchants who act ertise are
those` who v,alue your custom highly,
enough to ask for it.
United' g
d' Stat a goo -8 to war
ni .t e
they elo not :allow their citizens to
say a word against going to war,
Witrueas, ,Eugenie V. Debs, four times
eand,idatic for presidency, who, is giv-
en ten years in pentutenkiary;. .What
':boor our own Bonrasse and
In their first recti battle as an .In
dependent farce in the. 'great war
the Amtericlun,army last week struck
hard taiyards Metz, and won a not;
able victory, capturing over 20,000 of'.
the ,enemy, advancing three miles on
a 33 -mite front, taking 155 square
Pules of terrItary, 100 large grins and
hundred's of machine ; guns and mor-
tars, besides greet quantities of am-
munition and materials: All done in
a day end a half,
The -Belgian forcees. have .advanced:
in the .north; the Brutish and Canad-
ians last week captured 10,000 of the
enemy. The. Fir ecnch ed one day cap-
tured 3,500 Huns; and all along the
line the Alliles ale succeeding: They
all see victory "ia, sight 'and they will
not be denied,
Mr. Herbert I-Ioovler of the Ameri-
can Food Administration, who visited
England and France ` to confer wil:n
co the Food Controllers of the Allies,
iia *s that this contiinentt next year will
have 'tc> supply the, Allies with 4,000.-
000,000ounds of farts, 900,000,0bo
pounds 'of beef products, 500,000,000
bushels of cereals,' and .1,500,000 bush
el'a ofsugar. In addition to the form-
er responsibilities over -sea, next year
(Mere will be the feeding of ant enorm-
ous Antericetn. Army in Europe.
"We have to make good" says Mr.
Hoover, "`We. can ‘d(o sit if we simply.
.have :the. will to live with every econ-
omy -' and waste nothing."
Vie. bihorve in and placed' on
,Sitars; are riigilt vet to the mitn,utrq,
at lE s than wholesale price to -day,,
e' olf old Wilma a,nd blaclOs with
W, WTaman
Help, the boys "o,vee there" by
Paving gasoline, Waste none, of it on
Sruida% maturing for pleasure. 1 -le
who Mises it for this purpose stunts
those Who arefighting 'our battles, 1,
Fuel Carrtroilers and Food controllers
Nave great power these days, and one
natty ,be cehitailn that if this request
is not voluntarily complied with, an-
c*rde'r will follow, that may ' crvpple
the gasolirne and automobile business,
and pleasure riclsngi may be cut off
aitagether, A. word to; the wise auto-'
mobile owner Is sufficient.
The Tlu Ontario Government has agreed
to melee, two roads in Huron County
Provincial Highways, which means the
Province will`rm., 60 per cent, of the
cost of buildiing and upkeep. tend the
municipalities will nay the balance;
1hhe two roads are, those across the
county. Irom north,to south, that, is,
Wirth .= to the boundary south of
Centralia, mid' thei other east and west
from Goderich• to the east boundary,
through Clinton and Seaforth. War-
den W. R. Elliott interviewed .' the
Government. on the matter, andsuc-
ceeded in convincing them, that these
two roads shouldi be included in the
Provincial Highway Scheme,
A large .number of applications for
extension of barytes( furlough, which
L, lavie'r on Sept. 19, are being receiv-
ed at district militia headquearters
daily,. These requests are from the
soldiers WJitO prior to joining the army
were .employed on farm's; A month
and a half ago these men were giant -
a "harvest heave;" which -allowed
t.bem to return to the farm for a'def-
inite period to reap the harvest.
Wh,iie the 'officers. are sympathetic:
with the applicants, they are unable
to do anyt'hnng in this direction:, but
are replying to the enquiries to the
effect that the need ov.ers,eas for
mien is so• greet that they should re-
turn to camp promptly at the 'expira-
tion of their furlough in order, to con
Exeter Fair
The 1918 Rall Fair of Exeter Ag-
ricultural Society on Monday and
Tuesday of this+ week, goes into his-
tory :AG the. most successful ever held
The weather for, a week previous had
Veen very wet and prospects were
anything but bright, in fact, they were
decidedly discouraging, as the first.
clay was null and it eained (heavily
(luring the night, Tuesday, the 'real.
show day, however, broke fine, the
sue shone ated',exhib,itors and spect-
ators came :in large (numbers fromalli
over the clietrlct; and the .gate re-
c,eipts topped those of any other
rear being about $700.
• The 'exhibits in, all classes were
iergia In ;number and 'exceptional in
Quality.. Perhaps- ,the only exception
was thae Lades' Work, which was, not
as large as usual, although equally as
gaol, Many of them deserve special
mention, but time. and space does not
permit .it.,drys week. •
An outstanding iaeature! was the ex-
c5.11ent niusiuc •furnirs+h;ed by the Clin-
ton ,Pipe mild Brass Band, There was
no ...stint ,in quantity and quality, and
the music was highly appreciated.
Although the .track- was s,ornewhat
heavy front the incessant rains, the
two races were well contested and
resulted as follows,-
Green Race
Queenic. Smith, -T. Yearley' 1 1 1
Tony Custor,-Geo. Scott 2 Z 2
Freddie Lee, -Frank Sims 3 3 3
Silver Eee,-Arehie : Robinson 5 4 4
2.20 Class-
Charlie:Patchen,-S,G. Hodgins 1 .1 1
Patchett Wilkes,' -S. G., Ho dg'an /2 2 2
G•entry-• de Forest,-Jr,J.Mi11er 3 3 3
The handsome babies; to the number
of about twentyt were judged by \Irs,
Mitchell of Toronto, daughter of \Ir,.
C. 'W Robinson of. Exeter, and 'Mr.
George Holman, County Clerk, God -
Erich. The judges found' the task a
very •difficult one; but finally award-
ed first to Wilfrid, son of 'Mr, and
Mrs. jos E. Simpson; second. to Lu-
ella, daughters of Mr. and, Mrs. F. J;,
plebe their tr<lunung, with the least Delbridge, and third to•'Jack, sole of
th , r Mr and Mrs. Robert Trnney. The
possible lay, so that they may be fudges only regretted that Warden
able 'to proceed overseas 'when 'lite b
call comes, a millionaire soElliott, doctor o-tlie ther.y ., MS ...
y might present
each baby with, a',prize.. The Warden
asked the ladies, to all cone back wicth
new babi;els next year.
The a entertYaitnnven;t put on in the
Opera House at night by the Beech-
wood Dramatic Club, entirtled "Dea
con Dubbs", under the auspices of
the :Agricultural Society, was attend-
ed by a full house, packed full, and
teas thoroughly enjoyed, a fitting fin-
ish to "a perfect day".
The following is the prize list:
T. J .Berry's] for four best colts, T.
N. Forsythe, McAllister & Son 2 & 3.
J. 'J Miller's for foals, A. Hooper,
J. Allison, A. Hooper;
Fred E1leringtan's for 1Qals, Rhin.
Hunter & ,Son.
Bank of Commerce- 1'or draught
beam, A, Scott.
W. J H,egtpianrsffor best cow, R.D.
ilner's for general _pur-
pose team, Wm. Decker. -
Drs Sweet & Reid for calf, R U.
Hunter, 1 and 2, John Allison.
Miss Grtgg'S for'war bread, T. J.
Berry, Jars. Anderson,
Sid. Davits for war bread, Jas.A,nd-
ersout, E. Bolton.
Write Statham for dairy butter, '1'.
S 'Martin & Son, and Jas.. Lawson,
Cor lady driver, Miss Elliott, Mrs. Hey
Wm .Andrew's for halter broke
foal, Benson Tuckey, G. Thompson,
II. Tayla:
I.Iuran Weather Cninpanryfor heavy
draught A , Scott
Mrs 0 Becker, for Landscape paint
tng ivliss M. Rollick land 2; for. fig-
ure, Mrs Skelton :and Miss Follicle.
A special nrn;ze was given for Re -
Soldiers.' Work, to Ernestl-Iar
W. J, t3e:er special toirbest dual
purpose ;hog, W. C. ,Lti.arce,
Ge;n•eral Purpose -Brood mare, A.
itooper, I. Smith, J. Decker, ice; 9.918
foal .,A Hooper, J. Deel„er ,jr., ;JI.
and J Taylor; 3 -yr old, Wes Hodge,
Wm Vvitzel; 2 -yr, old, Wes 1 -lodge, I,
Smith„ 1 -yr old, Wes Hodge; team,
Wil, Decker, G. Penhale, I. Smith;
diploma, Ge'o. Penh rle.
Agruculturad.-glare, 1', N. Forsythe
H. Morton, John Allison; foal, W. H.
Dearing. P. hunter & Son, A.Coates
3 -yr old, W, Blackl:er•, Geo Williams
Wm \Va itagel, 2 -yr. oicl, Jas. Gould,
F. Eller ington, 3. Gould ; 1. -yr., Ed,
Lamport; team, C. Xeller, J. 1M. Zel-
ler, Geo, Williams; diploma, J. TI
Heavy Draught. -Brood Mate, McAI
lister & Son, 1 alnd,.2; foal, T. Ni'.or-
sytlre iblcAllist i- & 'Son 2 al d 3 ; team
A, Scott, Arksrcy Bros., C,Truenincr,
diploma, A, Stott:.'•
Jas, Ar chibald,. Scafo•r•th, judge;.
Carriage -Marc, J. Decker, jr., Cha,
johns, R Yellow; 1918 foerl, J,Deck•.
er, jr„ R. Yellow, C.Tolima; 3 -yr, old
Geo, Thompson; 2 -yr... old, R. Yellow
TV. :Mitchell, lt, Coaitcs'; single ".horse
1". Anderson, W. Grieve,, 1±. Nccb;
pair,: ''Thiel Bros' 1 and 2; ', IIcy, jr,
Diploma, J. Decker, jr'•
Raiaid.,ticr's-Mare, J. Decker, h'., J,
Hey, jr„ C. Trucinri.er ;"1918 foal, C
Truett -awe, G. Thompson, W, Decker
2 -yr, nlcl, J. Dicker, he, Geo• .Link;
I. -yr old, W. Decker; pall. roadsters,
\'i', Decker', P. Graft, single, 12, .1-tis-
(ol.+. II:, Ccreland, NI:, Copeland, R. T.
Lrikei & Son.; diplomiiii„ J. TJey, 7r,.
Robert 'Wilton, Self crib, judlge.
(nod --»V. C• l'i,e c.e 8e'eet
Reeled ed '
ryi in Action
George F Ross of Wingham.
Theodore Sunbury' of Goderich
A. J McDougall of Goclerich.
Albert Baderidam ' of St. Marys.
Frank Gerry of Brussels,
Pte, Harvey Huffman of Wingham
F. S' Gerry, of Brussels.
Died of Wounds.
John iY1cl6Ia'ster of St. Marys.
1'. D. Savage nt Wroxeter.
L. W. Gunning of Granton.
Sergt. Jas. McNaughton" oif Bluevai'e
John Willis of Exeter
Pte Gordon Hooper, son of Mr, A.
Hooper, Exeter, in li:ea+d and face.
Ptc Jos Follick of Exeter, injured
accidently in lip.
S. W Dougall of Henson.
Jas, Curran. of Goderich
Lawrence McDonald of Ailsa. Craig
`Alfred George of Ailsa 'Craig,
R. H. Carpenter of Seaforth.
Acting Major B. Carlton of liderton
W. L Reagan of Goderich
Duncan .Mellick of Forest
Donald Whyte of Forest,
Clarence Bowman laf Denfield.
Sgt, J. H. Best. of Seaforth.
John Willis of Goderich.'
Edward Irv!in,e of :Godertch
Wm. T Bridle o:.f God,ervch
Jas •J Douselt of Bluevale.
E• S Green of, Grand Bezel,
R. W. Staaulake of Grand Bend,
W. H Halrtvess of Exeter.
L ,1-I Walks of •St. Marys(
eliaedoenell of Ripley
F. 0. Glenn of Dungannon
A, Fe ran of Clinton.
J. W. Murray, of Gorclerich,
J. A. Priest; •ot Hensel!:
G. R Carroll of Lucent
W. Ncwmaaia of St, Marys
1V..' P Marden, of Sc ..Marys
A. E. Bod'eiihiam cf. Se Marys„
'1'. L. Smith, of Bluevale
W. R Walpole; of Goderi,ch
F. J, Cale of Goderich
S. F Ward of Goderich
W, I1 Norwood of Medford
r., R North of Tli.edlor
C. W. iNlatthiez si of Parkbit
G. Limfrecl .0.1: Wihnghaam
G, 0, Patterson of W.'i i.gham
G. A. Elliott of Wtughlarn
Fred L. Carruth aft Lucknow
J. 'Weiss of Goclerich.
F, G. Samara of Myth,
1I, 'R. Shavelcls of Brussels, '
E, C. Wellwoocl of Wingham
J. C. M:T e:isl •o:f W,inghtitn,
W. R Ford` of Clinton,
0, A. "I'wamley of Lucknow.
J A McIntosh of Dun!gainnjon.
F. 0 Nixon of Blyth.
, Wim. J. Hall o t B,luevale
:Lance Coli). Thomas Harold Wilk-
inson ort Unborn -e,•
Ailsa Crag. e Sept, 39-200
Bayfield ,.;,, Oct, 1-2
Blyth Sept 23-24
Forest Sept •26' .27
Godericl SePt 25-.27
lelrlc'tai .. Oct„ 3-4
P111elhil.li: Sept, 23-24
Sicafortlr Sept, 1.9-20
'F'hedfor'd Sept. 30, Oct 1
Zurich . ,,, ,,. ,e.Sep't. 18-19
Dorset l
the list,
Shropahiredowns-A, H. Douse; took Mrs. T. Brock; Sheldon,N B. E. Ilus- pnoor of rain, 1 1 A e number, }.ow
large b
all prizes, ton; Louis ,Bonnie- De .Jersey, M:Lrs, ever-, \vent and saw that stirring film
Lincolnts-G.. Pcnhttle: swept list, '1' 'Brock; Bureau de Anjou, A Mc- "1 -heart.- of the Wordand ;vere i l ," -
Leicester -W. Elcoatt got first for Pherson, 11Irs. McPherson; Bartlett, deet. "delighted wiith! it,
PteHerb- Platten reported Ler duty
at Carli,ng's Heights, London, on Mon-
day after a few weeks' furlough: Our
other boys' leave will expire on.
Simon. Stahl of Haileybu,ry .spent a
spent a few days in town last week
vi ;lting relatives.
iV1.r. and Mrs. Edward Fahne.r and.
Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Wuerth motored
t o 'IKitchrener can Friday for a short
ewe and second for shearlirsg ewe, &
McAllister • & Son took all other• prizes
Pen of Sheep, -G.; Peruhale, ,McAllis-
ter & San.
Robert. Bell, judge.
Shorthorn -Aged cow, TO D. ' gun. -
ter 1 & 2; O.estaretoher IBros.; :two year
old heifer, ill; D, IHunteu, Oestreioher
Faros.; one y,ea,r old heifer, 1i,. D.
hunter, 'Oestreicher (Brae., fk ; D. Bun-
ter ; heifer ,oalf, R. D. Bunter, Oes-
tretchelr 'Bros. 2nd'. Sc. '3rd; bull, cal -f,
R. 'D. Ranter, Oaesbreioher (Bros,. Joiba
Allison; bull I2 years rind oveir Oes-
tre.ieheir 'Bros„ W. 111. Dearing; bend,
R. D. 'Ranter, Gestrreicher Bros.; best
animal in ,class, Oestreicheir (Bros.
11erefo,rds-Tn this class Jolhn Del-
bnidge took five firsts, a second and
third' and diploma,
jersey -Aged 'cow, Mlirs.- T. :Brock
1st ,and:I?.id ,two .year old heifer, W.
Hatter; 'best animal in ,class, Mrs. T.
Grades -Aged icon, R. 1). ;Hunter.
J. Delbridge ; Awn year old •heifer, R.
D. Hunter; one year 'old heifer J.
Delbrid;ge ,1 & 2, .Wm. Coates; heifer.
calf, _A. Eleoat, 3'..Delbrid,ge 2nd
3rd ; .t'vo year ofd steer, J._Delbridge
Wm. Coates, J.' Dslbridge; one year
old steer, Wm. ,Coates ,1st and 2nd,
J. Delbridge; steer ,calf, R. D. Hun-
ter, Wm. 'Essery 2nd and 3rd,
Judge, R. 'R. ,Wheaton, Phorndale
Yorkshlre-Boar two, years and.
over, G. Miners, P, •Gram. In addition
to .these G. M2iners -,took five firsts
and ,threw seconds. .
Berkshire -Boar one year old, \V.
C. ,Poarca Dawson Bros; boar under
sow itwo years old, DavwAsan Bros., \V.
C. Pearce; sow under one year, W.
C. Pearce, Dawson Bros.; sow under
one year, Dawson,linos.W. C. Pearce
Judges, :tlr'. R. It amilton end .Chas.
Ane.onas, Wm. Bowden; Rhode Is-
land Reds, .•chicks, W. J. Statham;
Cochins, chicks, J. letl.:0ullootgh; 'Came'
'Bantams,' Wm.' Abbott chinks, W.
Abbott;'. Barred Plymouth Rocks, J:
McCullough, W 11. Dearing; wire exceptuonally good crops.s. The
heads or the' wheat are large. 1h
John MlaCulJ1 and 2 ; •whitekernel'skernel'sare the largest I have seen
Plymouth Rocks, . McCullough;chicks, 'Jolhn MCullough 1 and 2; :,ince coming Wleet„ Labor is scarce
polands, 'Wm. ,Statham; .chicks, Wm, and wages are high.. The grain is
Statham; 'Silver Lace W3andottea, G: nearly alt cut, and thrheeshinglawvIfir11 soon
Link, _3 'McCullough, chicks, Juhn be the orcler< of the w
bleCuilough; black Orphingtons aWm.' weatsonhwerill i.be fashl'000rtrable•thiths.e'yeathr.
reshdn.g sea -
Bowden; Dorkins, E. J. D.zlbrid;e
chicks, W. E. Dearing; Andulusia.ns
W. E. ; Dearing; chicks, W. H. Dear-
ing 1 and 2; .Black MMinorcas, chicks
W. Bowden. 1 and 2; Red caps, W.
Bowden 1.+ and 2; ,chicks, N. Bowden
Games, IW. Statham; White Leghorns
W. Bowden; ichicks, W. Bowden:1
and 12; 'Brown Le,ghoras, W. B. Dear-
ing .1 and 12; (chicks, W. EE'. Dearing 1
and 2; (Camtpi:e's, •J. ih1dCullough,.
chicks, J. MdCullougih 1 and 2; Rose
Comb (Brown Legharns, W. B. Dear-
ing, chicks, W. H. Dearing; Silver
Spangled fiB amburgs, John McCulloughaW. Bowden; 'chicks, W. Bowden 1
and 2; (Bronze turkeys W. Bowden.
young turkeals, W. Bowden 1 and 2;
Toulouse Geese W. Bowden; Pekin
Ducks, R. D. ,Hunter,' .W. Bowden;
chicks, R. D. Hunter; Aylesbury
ducks, W. Bowden ;, Belgian rabbits,
W. Bowden; any variety rabbits, J.
Ford, (I1. &I 3'. 'Gayler.
Judge -W. MTcl.eed, London.
Dr. Boutston, Mrs. E. Dignan
Plums-Duanas Purple, el, McPher-
son, Mrs, T. ,Brock; Lombards- Dr,.
lioulston, 10. 111, Snell; Pond's Seed-
ling', !11, E. Buster., 'John hunter,
t-rc,pes-Rogers No. 22 11, Anderson.,
:,>+. telamilton, Judge
5 lbs, butter, John Decker, ar., 1.I,
Ford; 10 lbs, butter, II. Anderson, Ili
Ford; Pound rolls or rines, II. :enc'-
erson Mrs. T. Brock; Most neatly ar-
ranged butter, H. Anderson.
Col canned r i
l urlt, J, Decker, sr.,
Mrs .A. McPherson; col. honey, A.
•McPherson; honey in comb, A. Mc-
Reer;an; honey in jar, A. 'McPherson..
Col home-made wines .J. Decker; col,.
pickles, J. Decker, sr, Mrs. A. 'Arc -
Pherson ' col. canned vegetables, 1
Decker, Mrs. A. McPherson; home -
:Dade buns, Mrs. Jas, Anderson, Mrs:
E, Dignan; home-made bread, h1rs. E, holidaY3
Di nan Mrs. A de o Dr' Ormae is rebuilding his telephone
g J n rs n, `Baler s•
bread; W: Statham; cured ham, <V, lige west of town by replacing the
F1 .Dearing, J, Decker, r.. ` e i`d old pales with heavier ones and larger
meats, W. H. Dearing, J. Decker.cross arms.
i:•gg, ligbi'bree 'he i,,r Mrs 'Kunz'aaid:daughtet•, Dorothy of
Fib J l�elbridged n , hea,p*yW. bredII.Dcarearee, Exeter visited. Mr. end Mrs. George
A. Rollins Silber on Sunday.
Messrs Nicholson . & Hodgins have
Cant blued an Page S: replaced the flax -milli smoke -stack and
will :commence threshing' this week.
Local News will
Hill had his valuable hound
run ,over by an auto On Saturday.
Outside oif several severe bruises the
and' Alt. Bedford
Messrs R Carteswere, TV up Bfrrickoms Isoond doe;is not much the 'worse of the ac
He is rather unfortunatewith
don =on Tuesday. hes dogs- This is: the third one that
has been struck by the machines.
Mt Peter Gowans, a former teach- The wet weather on Sunday made
pl. of number and who ago, these .t moles ant to be out. Very fete
teach -
parts a of years ago, for the i r
;. Q 'ns cars were to be seen and these were
West, ' writing from Waxman.; S, k., , , .
inpart sa =s :-"I have said m' Pro only user, itt caste of emergency. "I'h+e
' ) ) nettles( oI th.e fuel controlaer re-
erty iuh. ell -moa Mrs, G. went East Sall -ding Sunday driving is; being tak-
to Wingham fiivie weeks ago. I am re- S e , ",sod rrrace, l;y our'
m.i ndng here until the end of, the year en_ with} e¢7 a
gwkie 'I •expect to go east also. The pople
'Arcs Irene Mawhinney has had an
craps around been are coir this attack of ap'iendscnitis and will be
year This has been an exceptional
vot dr winds trout operated u" on some day this week,
summer, with I e We'truee the operation will be a
and hal. There has been frost every
Exeter 'and Zurichi. Fairs are being
Mrs, .W. A, Sambrook is visiting ..
her brother, in Toronto. Her son Ar-
thur 'hay,: been, transierred to the head
office of the Bank of Commerce,:
J A, McDonrlcl spent last Sunday
in St Thomas,
Alma Hal
`.Irs^ ' i• 1' was in London over
the week -end visiting ' her mother,
who is at present receiving treatrnent,
at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Muss Elsee ''Kienrl,e of Hamilton Ci ty
Hospital st aff, is home for a few days
month this year, and yet there are
held this week. Our horsemen are
anxious to get their ' horses ' on the
track and show the public what they.
Plebe -In Hay, on Sept 15 to ''Ir
and Mrs Vv119am Bieber, a (laugh-
'T'Tplpe¢-LL Exeter, on Cent. 16, to
Atit,he ian;n:ual'meeting of the Eae- Mr. 'and MLrs. John W12olperto, a
ter Patriotic League the officers eleo• daughter.
ted were President,. Mrs. ,B.obt. Piek: Mara. -In London, on; Sept. ," iv Ir.
and ; V3ce,-Prres.. Mrs. Howell; end and . Mrs. Edward Mara, formerly of
Vice Pres„ Mrs. 'T.. , iszveY ; Rec„Secy. meGinivray, a sb,, n
airs. Well. Johns; Treas.,. D1I(rs. E. Holt -At Gaapid Bend, on Sept, 10
Rowcliftc; Dor.'Secy., Miss ;tehapton; la Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holt, a son.
convenor of '?,ticking i0am., 'Mrs' Bis Hodgins -In Lucan, on Sept, 13, to
nee a Buying 'Com., Tins• •e• ,L1ry oP 1Mr. and "Airs. J. Oscar Hodgins, a
and Mrs. rC. B. Snell, (convertor son -Hamilton Whitlock.
Cutting rem Mrs. J. Parsons. :B, W.
F. Beavers and. S. MM. Sanders 'iere
appointed, (auditors. -T1, E. B. MARRIAGES
PTE. BERT.. RIVERS \IARRILD, Turner--Essery-At Centralia, on
September 16, at the residence of
The marriage took place oil. Thum- the bride's Patients, by Rev. W. A.
clay.., .ugust 29th, in. St. Petery church ''inlay, Iva A. Ess'ery, daughter of
in Hale, Cheshire, Enghand, et 1.30 Mr and errs. George G. • Essery
p.m.; of Private, W. G. Rivers, Witley to J. Clifford Turner, of Centralia,
Camp, Surrey, England, to Miss Flor Siena -Baud -At James St, parsonage
once. Brown, eldest daughter of Mrs,. Exeter, on Sept. 9, Miss Fanny
'VEGFTA1.3LES F. Brown of "Dyne Lodge", 011er-- Bosrci. daughter of John Baird, of
E Di. - barrow Rd„ Hale, . Cheshire, England. Grand Bend, to John R. Sims of
pirState paorrs.
ParE.m;,Irise h iCobl�"stir, r tMl:esrs:, ].t11 Dig;aang ;
The bride was given, away by her Ci eduon•
'et (potatoes C. Truerq= mother and they �cere attended by Ratt-Thiel-At Fult,arton, an Sept, 11
any other vara y p.
nnr • blood beets T. T:I. A:ha�Fori; Lieut W. E. Rivers, brattier of the F.osaettc E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs
r'�l�r beets, Sid' ISandere, Mee. T. ;room, and Miss Eileen, sister of the Conrad or
Thiel, to Mr. Leslie L,
Brock;h, sugar beats,
'+,V, B, Dearing, bride: Another' guest of the w eddtrng R.atz of ,Vitchtell.
T. R. pton`
Sha sitt•,ar bi•e!