HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-12, Page 4G win this war every ounce Qf the
strength of each of the allied nations
must be put forth to Deet" the organized,
trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central
Powers—that gigantic, ruthless force which is the resul
of fifty years of planning and preparation.
And every ounce of every allied nation's strength is, i
the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals
each nation, because they are free peoples.,
Now the individuals of each nation must live a
fight, therefore a proportion of the effort end mate
of each nation must be diverted from war purposes t,
living necessities,
So the less each individual takes for himself of h erse
for personal use the more effort will there be left for
fighting and winning the war.
Every cent you spend represents that touch effort' e -
cause somebody must do something for you in order to
earn that cent—somebody's effort must be given to
you instead of, to the war.
Therefore the less you spend—the less of somebody's
effort you take for your individual use—the more will
you leave in the national surplus for war effort.
The war can be won only by the surplus strength of
the allied nations. ` The money each individual saves
represents that surplus strength.
So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less,
and save more, to help to win the war.
Published under the Authority of
The Minister of Finance
ot. Canada.
Important Events Which H Vo
Occufl•ed During the W teak.
me llusy '►'1'ox'Tdl'ti. 0444y00110 Vitro"
folly Compiled mid :Vat ,Blunt
Mandy and Ati,zractivO S4i4po 'felt'
the T2eadene of Olin ilk#►heli oer ,
Solidhope's lenjoyruozlt„
Rev. R, 13. Nevin died izz11410 ild,
County Court judges not at the
Queen's Hotel, Tot on.te.
The.. export of casein from Cazlacl.a
has been. prohibited.
Capital ,and Labor joined hands in
Guelph to make the day's celebration,
to big success: •
Twelve Halifax aldermen resigned.
en ,Saturday,'and five more are said
to have quit since.
Sir Robert Borden made an l;npor-
ratzt :4nuou.neement,respecting cern-
o railway legislation,
A battalion of United States troops
are at the Exhibition grounds to TO-
o -
t ;tE;z Mail Thursday.
Labor Day attendance at the Es-
tMrt011 -+hieh was 174,500, broke
all 0revious records by over 20,000.
enrttta:r Parkes, Hamilton, was
ti..rayv, sed in the bay 'at Burlington
" Beach while teaching his wife to
' The fishing schooners Elsie Porter
es` L*ate tiorg, N.S,, and Potentate of
iLit Haw, eniSe have been sunk by a
German submarine.
nelet Girard and Mme. Gregoire
,i n
were dreevned when a motor, car ran
til a ferry as it was leaving the wharf
t` at—Three Rivers_ Que.
1 Two hundred sandtwenty-nine ba
• es, were entered in the Baby Show
in, connneetion with the Labor Day
' oneen e rien' ac Hamilton.
By oroslanlation issued yesterday
President ent Wilson. set $2.20 a bushel
:.s tree minimum price guaranteed by
the Government for the ISIS sheat
Tank Hui Lung Ci?1na+se Minister
sof Ec ;rte tion, was assassinated, it is
believed, from political motives, at
Victoria, 13.C., by Haw Chew, •a bar-
ber, who afterwards„ sofas pursued,
committed suicide.
Twenty-two members writhe Naval
Armed Guard of the American steam-
er Joseph. Cudahy, reported missing
when news of the loss of their ship
was reported, have been brought
safely into Atlantie ports by British
exzt2r Zimacate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In' advance $1.25
peer yea, in Canada: 51.75 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
paid in advance 53 cents extra will
be charged.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1918
Mount Carmel
The death of 'Mr:;. Mary Sutton •sf
Mount Carmel toot place 'Thursday
in her 641h year. The funeral was
held on Friday morning,, from the St.
Joseph Hospital, London, to' the G.
T E{.• Sta.tion: and thence' to Mt. Carmel
Mrs Sutton has been in spoor health
.for th • past year, and her death
was the result of aa attack of paralysis
She'is 'surviveddaugh-
ave bya 0�
ter D•emtis of tea C.I',R offices at,
1lantreai and hirs Yue of Listowel;;
alea one bro,,,e.- Daniel Barry of the
12th concession of Stephen::
Quito a number from here 'attend
ed the Lend
,on. on F'air thin week.-- Mr.
Michael Ryan held a successful barn
raising on Monday afternoon, -, Mr.
Vincent Guinan. left on Monday ' for
Sandwich College to reswne his stud-
jes.—Miss 'Kathleen. McQueen weft on
Tuesday for London.—Mr. Peter Doyle
;purchased a new Ford Car -last week
—Mr, Walter 't il,galli;n of Landon cal-
led an friends ,here last week—Mrs.
M. O'Brien received the s.a,d• news of:
the death of hier brother, Pte, ;Joseph
i)oyle formerly of the 12th can of
McGiillvhiiay.. Pte. Doyylle enlisted at
Edmonton when the war first broke
nut„ i1iss Huberta Glavin left last
week for London where she 'intends
to remain Mr. Randal ivicCormi:ck
and sister Katie of Detrait are spend-
ing a few days at home at I hiva.
Mir,, lh v nutans of •• Torn ,to is ' the
a, b n
guest of her hro,th,e,r,.l , J Spriggs,.-
George Parker ,attended Tordn.teFail
-.«4 young daughter, F1crence may,
Hua: arrived al', t he, store.—The
r','rolio: Circle sent a bale of ;sewing
to London on Thursday, also n Seat
'boxes ot,e.r ea,s,-Miss l`21a` Slavin is in
' tender ihr'!.l wsiaek attending the la mr
• and vi is fug relaci,ves,
Hensall 1 Lu can
Mrs Upnergrove` of Saskatchewan
is visiting at the home of her aunt,'
Mrs, Dr Moir.—Mrs. C/• C. Patty
motored to Toronto-, accompanied by
her brother-in-law,: Mr, J. Dinsdale, a
the latter remaining in Toronto for
treatment .for rheumatism.—Harvest
Fi.olive services were, ,held inSt. Paul's
Church on Sabbath, last, Sept. 8, when
Rev, Mr. Robinson, Rural Dean of
Clinton conducted services both
morning and evening: -Mr. Jelin 'Mc-
Murtrie of .Michigan spent last week
with his brother.—btr. and Mrs. Thos.
Palmer motored to Toronto last week
accompanied by :their relatives, 'Mr,
and 'Mrs. Wilkins of Clintart--•_Mrs.
'Peter 'Kennedy ishher;e framrthe West
and intends "'spending' some time 'here
with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ct,
Pmetty.-_Mr Milne Rennie has moved
into Mr Hobkirk's d
on Mai
.,erectVxsJB.McKa �of Toronto
visiting Mrs. Thos, McKay of town:.
W. Bryant of Michigan spent
the week end with his relatives, Mr.
hfr. and Mrs. Pollock of
Zet A Doan, Mrs Doa1 and Miss
Alr 'Margaretane, ,have xetunrued from their
holidays which they': spent iini Toronto
and Allis ion.—Dr. S. Coulter of Tol-
edo spent a week with his parents.—
Mrs. J B McArthur atn,fl' daughter,
ilbss Inez, of London, spent a few
day here.—Mir •and Mrs. Walter Fee
have been visiting" relatives in Buff -
ale N,Y.—Mr. Walter Madge and his
f mill. took a .tnotor trip to Wa3hing-
ion. Mich., last week.—Mr. J. D.Rei,d
is in, Regina on business.—Many of our
ueonlc ane attendings London Fair this
week. -Skip C A. McDoniell and his
rank Of bowlers took :.second Inoney
at Walkerton tournamenrt last week.
M,i�s. Edna Williams oild friends
Mere will be pie'a,sed to 'learn 'sh3 has'
gone too "daughter
.: e `,a, comfit to-Infighter).Infighter).ho .P the ori o
Marvin Douglas,—Jas: Broaclfaot has
a fine new ,outfit illi, a horse and
buggy.—"We are Torry to learn Mr,
Smith who drives the Weed:elsea,
crc,ash wagon. is laid aside ibrough.
n>ass, McCown, Cromarty, has tiuit
the rdad for the eason, M,r and MI's
G. A Glenn, 'and fainil,y sperm. Sunday
at the old hone,Wei
Mr,; James Coursey has moved into
se residence he purchased on Water
S Cr:.e . Harvest Thanksgiving Ser-
vices will be held in Holy ,Truly
Church on the 15th Sept. morning and
evening Rev. Arthur Cummer of
Thorndale_ will he the preacher. —
Mr, D S. O'Neil who has been on
the sick list for two weeks is im-
proving.—Miss Annie B. Armitage" re-
turned to North Bay to resume her
teaching duti:en -Mrs. Murin, and her
children, of Mooaejaw, Sask., have re-
turned home -,after a visit 'ivyth Mr.
and Mrs : J. J. Ho•dg.ins,,—Owing t0
the heavy rains the races and con-
cert for Sept: 5th, were postponed un-
n-Lel• a'later date.
sit r�bMU l
A .;
JOHN AIM), General Manager
ills Y. P. JONES, Ass''. Gent, Manager
.SERVE PIMP, • $13,500,000
Few people are sufficiently 'alive tom'
the needof carefully selecting a deposi-
tory for their savings. This Brix r ro.
vides a safe place for you. gy
VITSR, 1t11t.- f#, tai, {Cahn, 14,rr Cgl:'DITON—J. A. McDonald
It was Americans' Da; at the To-
ronto Exhibition,
Eight of the twelve Halifax alder-
men have resigned, and it is said the
others will also do so.
Mushrooms have appeared in un-
precedented numbers in Peel County
during the past few days.
The aviator carrying the aerial
mail to Ottawa and return, failed to
get back to Toronto yesterday.
London's new Technical Sehool,
one of the largest and most up-to-
date in the Dominion, was opened.
An order -in -Council; empowers the
War Trade Board to co-ordinate the
output and orders of iron and steel.
A drastic reduction in the sugar
allowance for public eating -places has
been enacted by the. Canada Food
A new freight yard constructed by
the T., li. & B. Railway at Victoria,
near St. Thomas, will be operated by
the M.C.R.
The Germans at Hertubize have
deported fifty -workmen who would
not sign a contract to work in the
army zone. • .i
The great steam shovel, Bucyrus,
used in the Hydro canal, near Nia-
gara Fails, was broken by a landslide
ofhundreds of tons of clay.
All persons in Petrograd and. Mos-
cow not actually resident have been
ordered by the Soviet Government to
leave within twenty-four hours.
Hon. Dr. Cody is going to England
and France to study educational
problems in connection with the re-
establishment of returned soldiers.
With only three places heard from
outside of Toronto, the first day of
the "Sailors' Week” campaign ob-
tained nearly three hundred thousand
H. B. Walker, president of the old
Dominion Steamships Line, has been
placed by the 'United States in charge
of all coastwise steamships operated
by the Railroad Administration.'
The New South Wales Parliament
has given first reading to the anti -
sedition bill, which disqualifies per-
sons convicted of sedition from vot-
ing in state or municipal elections or
sitting in Parliament for from four
to seven years.
tlr. J Woodrow of Niagara Falls
is visiting his niece, Mrs, Geo. Luth-
er --Rev Bowen delivered a vary en -
tf•us,astu., address here last Sabbath
on. the Bible Society. He v11
be welcome ,here. Rev. Cree was also
ne,C'ni,—Miss Stewa,rdson omf - Bolan-
_ 1
quet is the guest of Mrs. 'rhos. Stew-
ardson.—Mrs. C. H; Wilson and Hugh
ape spending a few days with Mrs:
Cliff of Thedford.—Commueia'a ser-
vice in Grace Church next ;Sabbath
Presentation -Made,—About one
hundred peo, be gathered at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Thompson
one evening recently and .presented
tlheir son, Pte, ;William B. Thompson
with t gold wrist watch and a.shav-
ing set, and Pte Bertraa,d Farmer
With a gold .wrist watch, They all
enjoyed t er,s,elses in dancing and
cards, and' a lunch) was served,