The Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-5, Page 8EXETER MARKETS -hanged Emelt Wedae3day 'Wheat 2.10 to 2.15 Oats , , 70 toi5 90 to 1,00 5.70 48. 3,8 to 40 Potatoes , w } ..... t25 'to. 1.50 Hay, per ton ..... 10.00 to 12.00 I3ng„ ,........ ....:... ,,,...,, 19.00 Barley FamrlY Fliour Creamery Butter Dairy Butter FREE PRESS SUBSCRIPTIONS.. Being in the Free Press subscription contest I would be pleased to have my friends subscribe, renew, Or turn in their coupons for me, Any favors in th&: nay wilt be greaMy apoirec- ea'ted.—J A. Beim/Ina °enetralia: asessist SOLDIER'S CAP LOST. Between Saantsbi>iry and Sunshine, a s of ce e is cap, :Finder will confer a favor by calil?nng 33-5 'Kiukitoini line, or or leave same at Wtintchlellislea store. "Exeter. School o Music" will open on; Tuesday, Sept. 10. All subjectls taught. For further particulars .an - ply Prof, .W. M. Clarke, Rep, L. -CM. (Eng,) Only a sew vacancies, left. No. failures i,n examination. Best Scotch linoleum in five good panellises, Buy now at Stewart's) Big Rause ofl> Wool Serges foe Driesse.s and Sorts at low prices. Stewart's CHOICE HONEY, -We have a quan- tity of chioice honey in ten pound p^.pls. Secure your spy ply now,— Wilson's Grtocery, Buy Flantiiellettie Blankets before the price advances again—Stewart'se Exeter, Onit., Aug. 27, 1918 We have purchaseed mulch of our stock before the advance in prices. which enables us to give extraordin- ary values throughout the season. All orders will lye promptly attended to. Millinery Openings Seel. 13th and 14th. E. CU,RLISS. See the new range of striped 'and check silks for odd skirts—at Stew- art's. • GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel. Exeter„ Duties to commence .at once. GIRLS ARE WANTED During the past week the manage- ment of Central Business College; Stratford had apaplication;s from 28 Business Firms. for lady Stenograph- ers and Bookkeepers; one firm offer - lag $75 per month for good Steno- graphers. The C. Be C. re -opens for the Fall 'teem on September 3rd and we • recommend. it to those who wish a good poasition as well as a thorough training. First shipmte'att of Fall and Winter Cossets is ready for your inspectf m at Stewart's. EXETER HIGH SCHOOL Exeter School will re -open on Tues- day, Sept. 3rd, with ,the following htaff,—Principal, H. J. Hatband, Clas- sics, Mathematics, Agriculture and French; Mess Ross, past graduate of honor course in science at Queens; teaches Science. and History; Misa Medd, English, History, and Art Applicants kindly register with the Secretary at once. 'K MacFaul, - Secretary. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. All acounts are due and payable before October 1st. After that date our terms will be strictly cash. H. BIERLING, Exeter North, WARNING TO TRESPASSERS. The parties who took some iron, from OUT junk piles are known, We hereby .give warning that trespassing in our yard is forbidders, and in fu- ture trespassers will be prosecuted according to law. Wexler & Sokoloff, Exeter. 50 cents get the Advocate to the end of 1918. We club with, all the city dailies. We give you a cut in the price by clubbing. STEER LOST. E: frayed from Lot 4, Con, 4, Hay, farm of John :McMahon, 1 dehorn,ed two-year old steer, red,with 1 P u. c. nh mark in right ear, Inform atiianthat will. lead 'to its recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. Byron E. Hicks,Centralia. 1, . TOWNSHII' STEPHEN CONTRACT Co'nit.:ract mill be let at Triebner's Br dee on Exeter Side,road, on Mon- day. the 9th clay of September, 1918 at 6 o'clock' the afternoon, -for the puroose of filliing the waterway -un theold bridge, e. - dc t , brrt e )erase rl a �•' b ,, r e and wide enine the roadway. • W. R. ELLIOTT, Flee* FOR SALE. 50 acre farm in Ushor•ne, north -half Lot 24, Concesst;,on 5, Brick house; Bank barn; First -class land; Well drained. Apply to C. I—h I-IORNEY, or GLADMAN & ;STANBURY Salicir.. t ors. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, soutl thalf 8, Can. 13 Stephen, There is on the premises good frame house, bank barn, drive,' shed and other out buildings; well fenced and cleained; equipped with good water system; good archa,rd— fruit trees of all kinds,. Will else- sell good working teem cheap, and a number of :heifers in calf or calf at foot Terms of real estate easy and to suit. purchaser, Theo Dietrich, R, R, 3, I atishwood. EXE 'TER. A111/1313 ATE THi.JRSTIA'YI SEPT, 6, 13113 I• OCAL DOING . Abiatlaaloradiedaaaaa 414 number of our people attended. the Brussels races on- Friday, Mr Was. Ewineg'te to has again been discharged from the• army as meclie.- ally unfit Leave. your Free Press Coupons at FoUuck'o 'Bakery, and help Children's Aid Secretary: Elliott win a Prize Auto. We had a dandy rain on Saturday and following the showers in, the mid- dle of last week, it will do a whole' lot of good, 1Ir. S Jary last a valuable horse last week when ;it and another ran away while being worked on the farm, En the run the beast struck a teed and died almost immediately, Two rinks of bowlers teak in tis,e Labor Day Tournament at London and Rt G. Seldon;'s rink; got the fifth prize, while R. N. Creech'a' rink won two, ouetl of three gams,. The Sorts of England will impose sin extra levy of 25c. on each member per ctuntrter ,dere order to pay the fun,' - oral claims of members ovners,eas... Since the beginning oil the war the. Society has paid out aver $57,000 for the fun- eral claims of soldierslvho have been killed in action. When Mr. T. Boyle was'driving his car last week by some means the cushion a4 the rear seat became on: fire, and with difficulty he, saved the, car by throwing out the . cushion said smotthlering 'Orel blaze, which had communicated with otherr parts of the I, tar. His hands were burned some- what when putting out the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw re- ceived word last week that their son Private Homer Bagshaw had been! wounded in. the side by gunshot on August 12th, while, fighting in France. As a result he is now in the hospital, Private Bagshaw has been overseas for over threei years and has passed through Many severe battles. He has been fartuniatte to a great extent, but this is the third time 'hie has been wounded: Five pairs of bowlers went to Sea forth last Wednesday': to' take part in the Scotch Doubles Tournapneent,: A heavy rain held thee garnet. up unetiii. three o'clock hen the afternoon, after which play proceeded rapidly. Wm, Russ -ell and R. N. Creech won all their qualifying games, and went into thee semi-finals, but there lost to Heffernan and McDougalli of London. The other pairs from town, lost one or more of. the -first three qualifying games MARRIED. A zi.uiet wedding took place on Sat- urday evening last, August 31st, at Creditors, when. Missf"Thelma Skinner, deughi er of Mest Samuel Skinnier of Exeter, became the bride of Mr., Frank 'I{pnig, tsoini of Mr. and Mrs. Eli 'King of Cnielatoni Rev. Baker 'of C.rediten officiated; After a short honeymoon trip: they will reside a.t Cstediten, and will hp.ve the beet l wishes of a wide circle of friends. G. M. ELLIOTT IN CONTEST. G. M. Elliott, Huron County Sec- retary for the.Chtilidreen's Aid Society has been nominated as a candi;da,te,in London Free Press Big Alston-Jobide Prize Contest, and will greatly ap- preciate the hearty support of -his friends all over the county-'. He is authorized. to collect arrears and to neceive subscrilptsaas in, advance for any ,period. A year's subscription to Thee Free Press ;in $4.00, sent by m,a41. One year. counts 30,000 Yates; two ,,sass 75,000 motesi Contest ends Nov, 2nd. Save; thee co -upon from your Free Press •each, day. Each one is good fajr 25 elates, if not. held t o long. At Exe'teir leave your coupons at E. A. Follicles Bakery't, Miss Fol- lick its also authorized to receive 'sub- scriptions (new or erenewal)• and all the votes will, ga to, Mr. Elliott's cred- it and increasee his chances of secur- ing one of the prize autometbi,leest DEATH OF GEORGE THOMAS. Thee death 'occu;nped len, London at Vsetaria Hospital On Friday after- noon last, August 3oth, of a former- rlesidenit at Exciter, in the person of Mr. George Thomas, Mr. Thomas was in hi, masa healtlh until a week ago when he was taken seriously ill with intestinal trouble. Owing to advanc- ed age, he being len his, .75th yearj, the doctors consliideered an operation a great risk,- but the patient failing to improve he deecidedl to have an oper- ation, which was performed Thurs- day afternoon. He regained °c" - 5cnousvess but no hopee were enter- tained ' for his recovery. A short fun- eral service was " conducted at the i.. borne of his � re - l.0 brothee rn.Iaw A. J. Pearson, London, with, whom he had resided .about Tour years, and on Saturday the remains were 'brought to Exeter, and thee funeral took place on Monday afternoon -Iroan 'the 'resi- dence of Mr. C. T. B'rrobks, also a, brotl'hler in,-1atw,, Rev. 'W. J. Ashton, deceased's pastor at London, con, - the services. Born in Cornwall, Eng. George Thomas came to Canla;da at 17 .years of age, settling at Cobourg. His fa't ee'i- was killed in the Am',erican Civil War, and, he removed to Exeter about 50 years ago, In..1890 he married Emily Taylor, who' dieed in, 1914, at .tet sshiclr Mr.'Tlh,omas moved to Lon- don to resider, The la t ee Mr. , Thomas was highly respected and 'esteemed, Deeply tieligilous, hee, lived a strictly upright and just Bee, His word was as .good as this bond, Old and ylo ing upnt'. ciateti his good qualities, and his demise •&s regeetited by a- wide circle of friends. For Infants and Children Ern Ute e or• ver !O Years Always gear's % the,�- Signature of WATCH LOST.—Between Exeter North ,aid three griGt 'mill, a gop.di-filled. wattcli, open 'facej Vendee well re- warded by leaving sante act this offieet CARD OF THAN'KS',- 1r, an,d NitsJnanet; W�siLk,en, Wish to thank the nleighbor, rind d'rilejnld'se for the- many kindly atssis'tances rendered! thesis dur- ing Mrs. WOil eer's recent illness due to thee shock of ,dile{ sad news, of thee death of their son William, miss Lulu Hastings was in Fares for the holiday. Mus. Cooper. of Llouvdon is visitin. fulenlds inr town,. Mrs, Ames. left this week on visit to Fort Wuplpnlns Mrs ,0. Southcoett returned Elide from a, visit in Pre,stons,. Mrs, Dempster left Saturday to Visit relatives in Toronto. Mrs. T. B, ,Carling of Toronto is t exiting with aie'latiye's hetet Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Rivers have, returned from Caledlobi , N.Y. Mr. and lefts. Thbost, Dimsey attend ed Toronto Fair during thee week. t. g y Mrs: Jas. Acheson) of London spent Labor Da,y witlhe Mrs. Wim Dun'sford Miss Jessie and Pte,. Wm-, 'Manson) of London were here with their par- ents. I W, St Cole wale .ua Toronlllo this week combining bu ';(mess with pleas- ure. Miss 'B !atrice- Howey is visiting with Miss Margaret Muxworthy an Fastest. Private Hubert Joshes has :returned to Toronto, after a w'isift with, his par- ents here. Mrs. Swigler and son Harry of Ham iltoar heave been, visiting Mr. end Mrs. N. J. Dare. Mrs• Oxta'bf of Brantford spent part of . the week the- guest of Mrs R. N. Creech: Mrs S. Crefetta{ and Mrs. Constable of 'i or`or>•to are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrottt, hellss Ethel Bissett returned to Har- row Tuesday ari`orrhiegto resume her millinery duties. Evers Lee„ after visiting her mother Mrs Piper, retturn#5d toe heir ' home in Chicago T'uesdiay Mrs. 'Esti Heywood, and Miss Annie Handford attended the Exhibition at Toronto this •tveeeee it is estimated that about 5,000 men are needed in IvLannitoba and about 10,000 is Saskatchewan. Mrs. (Rev.) Muxwarthy and daugh- ter. Margaret, of Forest spent a few days here with friends. Miss Janet -.and Miss M. E. Brawn returned this week from a pleasure trip un the lakes to Duluth': Miss Gladys IKeetliee visited in Guelph _la set weeka std is attending Toronto Exhibition this; week. Miss Margaret Perseiecte) left Tuesday to take a commeseec{iah'' course in the Business Collelge in Stratforjd Mrs. Sarah Smith of Wl p:peg is visiting her sister, -Mrs. -N.' Smith and Mrs. 3. Jn arott, Exeter.. Norrth , Mrs. E. 'Jones s,perlt last we -eek-. in Toronto with heir brother, Mr. Nor- man Jarrott, and ,oth(e)r friends.. Mrs. Jos. Landry) has returned after two weeks' visite with, beer sister-in-law Mrs H. L. Beauvis of Detroit. Mr. ,and Mrs. Wt. J. Beer; Mee/ Jas': Jewell and iMrs. john Parsons ,spent .. Sunday and Mannedday in London. AMAIMININIINMEINIMMI JONES PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO .8-3629 SPECIAL FAII. ANNOUNCEMENT In spite ,of 'the fact that all merchandise has greatly' advanced iii price during •thee last few months, we are able to offer many limes;' at the same pnices they were sold at in the Spring. This is only possiblebecause 00 the fact that we bought- very heavily a year, and a half ago, and the re- sult its that our retail prices on nearly oil lines of dry -goods, are below to -!day's wholesale prices. This applies particularly to Cotton staples, such as 'Skirtings, Tickin;gs, Galateas,,'Prints, Gingham's, (Flannelette -blankets), Sheeetings, 'etc; also Dress Goods, and in fact nearly everything 3n our store We would strongly advise' early Fall Buying, ala . pttese ent stock will soon sell out at the prices we are offering. Note our Prices Merchandise on the Following- Dress ollowing- Dress Gminghaans, checks) and stripes at. 25 cents yard. Heavy sstriped - Flannelette in Old English quality aIC 30 cents yard. Heavy White Flannelette at from 22 to 35 cents yard, Ladies' Heavy Black 25 cents a pair. tura Linen Crash Towelling at: -30 cents a yard, Table Cloths=a good bleached tual- ity of Damask at from $2.00 to $3.75 each, -_ - . See our Bran"N'ew Stock of Dever' Sets which have just arrived for Fall Shirtnngs at front 25c. to 35c. card, Prints all collars 25 cents a yard. Velvetiens at 75 cents a yard. Good quality Batting per 1 b. roll, 35 cents, .1 Cotton I-losvery Coats Our Fall and Winter Stock of Lad- ies' and Misses' Coats is now complete ' PRICES MODERATE STYLES EXCLUSIVE New Seal Plush, Coats, Baby Lam b Coats Blouses, Etc., Ete, :n plain, , Browns, Greys, Navy, Green; Burgo( ndy also all theNew Tweeds, etc., -, BUY EARLY - JONES & MAY • Headquarters liar 0 Celebrated & Llan~'Bsaitrkis Clothing Iblea am d Boys. - Mrs R N. Creech is spending a few days in Detroit, motoring 'over with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith. Rev. J. W. Baird and family re- turned to to•wan, one day last week, and Mr. Baird- occupied his own pulpit on Sunday,: Master Orval Pemhale returned to, Paro,netc, Monday after vfisiiting with peas grandmabhter, Mrs John Sanders, See ellen ,'Iessrs. A. J. McDonell, W. T. Acheson, Fired. 'Elite:riengtoru and C. H. Sanders attended tate' Brussels races last Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher Ind child Of Moentrbeeall are visiting e with Mr. Fisher's p,areenetis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Risher. llr:s. Alien Myers{ of Alaba;nta•Sta,r t e end .1\4's . J. C. Inwaod and daughter of London spent a 'day or two with relative.; here. - Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith, of De-' troit spent a few, clays at the home of Mrs. E Sanders. Mr. Smith lived here thirty years ago. -- Mrs Jordan and Children, who have been visiting Mrs. Joe -dares parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Murray, re- turned Siiurday. Miss aele s, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton, has re- turned to her )tome in. Toronto. Mrs.' Fitton. is now'veisitinlg -sial 'rorlontot. Mrs Harold Smith and children, of Windsor, who have, been visiting with the forme'r's moetheeer send friends for two months, returned home this week The Wednesday afternoon holidays during July 'aurid' Augustpleased last Wednesday, and all places of buseie tress wilt relturlr to . the old order of things. and Mrs, Nelson, Shee•G and Mr. � ,. 1 n, r Mr, and Mrs' F,. Boyle; Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Harvey ;aadt Mr. and Mrs. Geo,, Winelsor - motored to Toronto Fair during ' the week. Messrs T. Neewtell, T. Nelsen; E. Smell and -Sandy, Purdon, ware, i11 Tot - onto theeo,. tv±eek, wh,eerc they attended' thee Exhibition and returned with at nurnbet sof Overland cars, ' Mess Vera Shore and Inez Tuckey left Tuesday for Loenclon, where they will stake a course in thee Business College. Miss G ,elrtiiee Short e accom- panied them to the city, Miss May Arpitestttrong has 'returned from a Visit with her uncle at Paris and a 'beep to Toronto., She was ac- companied ccomp sa,ied 'to T •rl n,to by Mrs, Mc'- C:reeth of Luck,ruow where they at- tended the mi:llilnee.ry openings. Mr. Andrew Campbell of -town; on Tuesday ,purchased 't he fifty acre fame ,in tyle township of Ushorne own, - ed by i11'r. lames Moenitlej;tlr os' the Themes' Road, which was sold, by auctdeoiri, The price ' paid wa-s $5050, WANTED - W TED I want aa anitruited pumber of toatiee in good ootaditralni. Geldings 5 earl old up, werghing from 1500 rounds up. Mars (glom 4_, years old p weighting from 1300 potuida up. •rcies having the required stuff, .fire. or phone 83, Exeter. fh j, DOW. Miss Hetlie Sweeert spetnt Monday in Laindon. Mr, and Mrs Weis: Mitchell, who for severaweeks .have been visiting with reejaetyvees'a(nd friends in Exeter and vicinity, left on theeir return trip for Togo, Sask., Thursday, mlarn,ing,. Thee will makes, thee trip by motor af- ter visiting at Landon, and Toronto, ALL AT HOME SHOULD PREPARE FOR WAR Lathes Suitings LOO WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. r Your Bummer Suit Be tom. It fits ypnt at the collar. Have the treuttera made to fit you rtoaod Ms waist. They will stay up much better when mu wear a belt. Your Clothe, will have individuality If ylou 1't ' 'make them tor you. oamOommt The,fust test a man is put through for either -war or life insurance is an exami- nation of his water. This is most- essen- tial because the kidn,'s play a most im- portant. part in causing premature old age and death. The more injurious the poisons passing throu1 the kidneys • the sooner e comes decay—so y eo says Dr. Pierce of Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., who further advises • all people 'who are pad thirty to preserve the vitality of the kid- neys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric acid -drink plenty of water ---sweat some daily and take Anuric, double strength, before meals, IN BEAU'T'IFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE D1sFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. .r.ro N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR ' An-n•ric is a discovery of Dr. Pierce, Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central. and„canbe obtained at drug stores. PerHotel that backache, lumbago, rheumatism, "rusty” jointst swollen feet or hands,! due' to uric acid in the blood, -Anuric quicklydissolves vow the ' ofuricacid as hot o xe wateroe d sar n s Send 10 cents to Dr. g. Pierce for trial pkg. d Thorol, Oat. "I thk ic belt Thorold, I have ever take. My • kidneysinAnurhadle givethenn me trouble for some time. Iwould - suffer from I acheahes and also, swelling of the limbs. I took Anuric and it has entirely cured me of all ray backache and has strengthened my kidneys so I•.feol safe in recommending it to Others who suffer."— Mrs. C. A, Clarke, Box 1179. Toronto, Ont.—' Icor the last eight years I have sufferei,-w'ith kid- ney.. trouble id-ney;trouble and then - realism. It began With wins iir ray back and finally left my back and Went -down into the foot. It developed into a chronic; case. i tried every Medicine I could hear of and con- sulted someood doctors, but still r kept on suffering, About e year ago a friend advised me to give Aborts a trial, and am happy to say I alit today e well men --•mazer feet any traces of my ailment no matter what the. weather bonditiono may ho. Anuria ,A a real kidney inedicine in every some©.''—> . ', Garrison, 5 Matilda Street. T Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, epiaea, teas, °o$° and 6verp• thing in the grocery UDb Case and see u.®. It trial' as to quality will con-v1ri ©0e Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and r Unde.. �ta Re N. THE FUNERAL DIRU TOR AND FURNITURE DEALER r ar s in 5re �, ARE• SCHOOL SHOES WE ARE IIEADQUARTEI2S for find our stock u .-'toe-rla,te 'and the n p, , MEN'S HEA WE HAVE Many lines of the -G will give yott youa,• money's w,ourth, OUR FI ARE THE NEWEST Styles wh Wee coin• pleasee you, , i. --JOB -LIN ON SALE Alt $1,48 per nate. OVERALLS , TRY A PAIR',oif the Bob tong See chem an, our North window:' C.hlildtletn?s School, Shoes, You -goads of 'thief Be's't giialdhy. VY SHOES. and $olid wear, tresdsttng kilnd. Nil SHOES etch,please the eeye and fit -the" ES, AND' SMOCKS Brand made 'tot ;,'tamed that iv,eIt' will that stet,