The Exeter Advocate, 1918-9-5, Page 7•qa e,, aulmzt ' o : x AGIC
. �' LTJ Itt'ti} 4 Y�
iilrn Flanders Fields."
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the erosse-„{•ow on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heardamid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ,ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from 'tailing hands we throw
,The torch; be yours t4 hold it high.
If ye break faith with •us who. die
We ah"sll not sleep, though poppies
In Flanders fields.'
—Lieut. -Col. John McCrae.'
Make this beauty lotion for a few
cents and see for yourself.
What -girl or woman hasn't heard of
lemon .juice to remove complexion
blemishes; to whiten the skin and to
bring out the roses, the freshness and
the 'hidden beauty? But lemon juice
alone is`acid, therefore irritating,. and
should be mixed with orchard white:
thin way. $train through a fine cloth
the juice of twofresh lemons -into "a
bottle 'containing `about three ounces
of orchard white, then shake well and
you have a, whole quarter pint of skin
and complexion lotion at about the
cost one usually pays for a small, jar
of ordinary' cold cream. Be 'sure to
strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets
into the bottle, then this lotion will re-
main pure and fresh for months.'
When applied daily `to`the face,' neck,.
arms and hands it 13hould help -to
bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify
the skin. ' •
Any druggist will supply three
ounces of 'orchard white at very little
costand the grocer has the lemons.
Typically German.
A mother 1xt Bielgium S aw :a Gerin in,
her Monne. She hid her
children The German demanded sap-
rzer, lodging and breakfast. His wants'
'Were satisfied.` in the .morning, tc? the,
surprise of the good woman, he paid.
her. She said: "flow strange -1i
thought all Germans were buil. I ani
pleased to know that you are a gentle-
man. Do y,u know that when I first
saw you .1 hicl my children?
"So?” replied the German. "1 too
haye children: Let me see yours."
Whereupon the fond mother called up`
the treasures of her heart from the
cellar, only to see them both shot
dead at her feet.
In hers grief later elle toldetlie story
to her neighbors--but_now she tells
it to the bars of her window in a
e o -o 0 0 o c
Cincinnati man teals how to dry
up a corn or"callus so It lifts
oft `With fingers.
o=o-0 0 0 e
You 'corn -pestered men and 'women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you be' oro, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops of freezone applied,directlyon a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness at once and soon the corn or
hardened 'callus loosens so ,it can be•
lifted of, root and all, without pain.
A small bottle or freeronecosts very
little at any drug store? but will posi-
tively take off everyhardor soft corn
or callus. This should 'be tried, as it
is Inexpensive and is .said not to irri-
tate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any free'zone,
tell him 'to get a small bottle for you
front his wholesale drug house. - It is
fine stuff and acts: -like a charm every
"Can All You Can, ;Canada"
How the Great English .Welter Sums
Up German Character
Ruskin in measuring the Germans
in peace and war times, gives the fol-
lowing in "Fors Clavigera": •
"Blessing is only for the -weak and
merciful, 'and a German cannot be
either; be does not understand even
the meaning of the words. In that is
. the intense, irreconcilable difference
between the French and German
natures. A Frenchmanisselfish only
when he is vile and lustful: but a
German, selfish in the purest states
of virtue and morality. A French-
man is arrogant only in ignorance;
but ono ; quantity of learning ever mak-
es a German modest.
"Aecordinly, when the Germans get
command of Lombardy they bombard
Venice, steal their pictures - (which
they can't understand a single touch
of) and entirely °iuin the countlry,
morally and physically, leaving be-
' hind them misery, vice and intense
hatred of themselves wherever their
accursed feet have trodden."
Where war has left its wake of whit-
ened bone,
Soft,' stems of summer grass shall
wave again,
And all the blood that war has ever
Is but' a passing stain.
arNe Wear and
Tear on that boy
of yours during
the active years
of childhood and
,youth -necessitates
a, real buildin,food.
supplies the
essentials for
'Vigorous minds
and bodies M
any age.
"There's a;erasorl
Canada 11 doll Board License
No. 2.02G.
• 'Canadians are aaked to ei'n, dry
and store- the greatest- possible quan-
t`ty of vegetables and fruits, this
aummer. August is the month for
currants, plums, apples, beans, cauli-
flower, corn, carrots and beets. Make
the most of the abundant garden crop
this summer.
'lnard's Alamein Uex.a D1lrtemnea
Germanyts Last Word.
Arthur Train, the novelist, •, put down
a German 'newspaper at the Century
Club, 1n New York, with an impatient
grunt. •
"It says here," he explained, "that
it is Germatiy who will speak the last
word in this war."
Then the novelist laughed angrily
and added: '
"Yes, Germany will speak the last
word iu the war, and that last word
will be 'Kameradl' "
Dominion Express Money. Orders
are du sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
The Main Objective
"Cheap food to -day, if it means
less, food or no food to -morrow is ` a
fool's benefaction. The stabilation
of food prices is, in the long run, in-
finitely .more important than any
theatrical price reduction." Sir Wil-
liam Goode, Diais'on Officer for the
British. Ministry of Food: with the
United States Food -Administration
and the Canada Food Board.
Lachute, Que., 25th Sept., 1908.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, Ever since coining I1ome
from the Boer war I have been bother-
ed with running fever sores on my
legs. I tried many salves and lini-
ments; also doctored coutinuously
for the blood, but got no permanent
relief, till Last winter when my mother
got me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT.
The effect of which was almost magi-
cal. Two bottles completely cured
me and I have worked every working
day since.
Yours gratefully,
Red Cross Dogs
A letter from a' young -Harvard man
in the American Ambulance Service
in France; which is quoted in the New
Yorlc Sun, gives an interesting glim-
pse_ of the wonderful cleverness "of
the war dogs.
Last evening, he writes, a couple
of fellows came round to see us bring-
ing with them two of the famous Red
Cross dogs. We were anidous to see
them work, and so I ran off and hid
in some bushes:'
Lying down, I placed my cap under
me so that the dog' could not find it.
They sent one of the dogs out to find
me. He finally discovered me; and
as he was unable to find my' cap, he
put his nose in my pocket and pulled
out my handkerchief, which he took
bask, Art'few rriinutes later he led
his owner to the -place where I lay.
They told us that this dog saved
one hundred and fifty lives in one
day during the battle of the Marne,
Making Game of Her
A gentleman complimented a lady
on her improved appearance.
"You are guilty- of flattery," said the
"Not so," replied the gentleman, "for
I vow you are as plump as a part=
t idge."
"At first," ' replied the lady, "I
thought you guilty of fluttery only',
'1;111, now I find you are actually mak-
ing'game of me."
ittlnara,a L1ninieut Oates Di.;
A simple ;little dress for school or
play, Developed in percale or linen.
McCall Pattern No, 8488, Child's;
Dress, In 5 sizes, 2 to 10 years.
Price, -15 cents. Transfer Designs'
Nos.. 690 and 607, 10 cents each.
Only the young girl could withstand
the severe test of this neckline, and
only dimpled elbows may show :below
these short sleeves. McCall Pat-
tern No, 8514, Misses' Dress. In 4
sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 25 cert.'s.
Transfer Design No. 888, 15 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Tor-
onto, Dept.. W.
!os SALE
r i in New Ontario_ Owner going to
'France, Will sill 11,000. -Worth double
that amount. Apppply J. K. c/o Wilson'
Publishing' Co.. Limited. Toronto.
i t' and loll' printing plant in Eastern
Ontario.. Insurance carried' $1,600. WlU.
go for $1.200 on quick sale. Boz' 69,
Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto.
Puppies, that noble breed no a so.
nearly extinct. We have some very fine
ones. R. A. Gillespie. Abbotsford. Que.
,a.a>;2TTa w10.11722)
can make it in your county with our
fast. selling Combination Cooker. One
salesman banks $.388.65 the first month.
Another agent sells 20 in two hours.
Others cleaning up $10 daily. No capi-
taI necessary.' Goods shipped to reliable•
men on time. .Territory going, fast.
Write quick . to - secure your field. Com-
bination" Products Co., Thollias Bldg.,
Foster, Que.
•../ internal and external. cured with-
out Dain by our home- treatment. Write
na before too, late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood Ont.
pain? .Hirst„ M ,ii,„„stop
Used for 40 years to relieve thee -
mations' •lumbago, nearitl(ie,•
Sprains, lame hack, toothache,
and other painful complaints.
Have a bottle in the house,All
dealers, or write us,
1515ST REMEDY COMPANY, llamilton,Cia,
HIRSST'S Fundy snlrc,(50c). ,! R
HIRST''S' Pcctoidl Syrup 'S(
Iiorchouid and EIccampanc °(.5e}
etteeree ' D. 7
ISSUE 35--'1I3,
OLIVFa WEEKfor every
user of this famous soap.
The week in which you buy one cake at
the regular price, and secure- another fun
sized cake absolitel.y free by presenting
the coupon which appears below
Every dealer who sells soa • is acting as
our agent, in this great free offer. Each will
accept the coupon in exchange for a cake
of Palmolive provided you buy another
cake of Palmolive at the same time.
With all soap selling at war4time `prices;,
this gift' will 'be doubly appreciated—act
now, while the supply holds out Tear out
the coupon, sign it and take it to your
dealer at once. Don't risk losing your
free cake of -
No need to tell you how good
Palmolive is. - How its smooth,
creamy lather is considered the
greatest of all toilet luxuries.
Make this your introduction to the
luxury you have been missing if you
don't already use Palmolive-
almol ve-
--or accept this opportunity to enjoy
a cake free' if you do.
Palmolive contains Nature's greatest
cleansing agents the Palm and Olive
Oils prized since history began as the
greatest of all toilet luxuries Its delicate
Oriental perf ; me adds to ; the pleasure
of its use. Its lasting qualities make it
the economy soap.
This C p
This coupoc. will be accepted (if presented
withifi thirty clays)'as full payment for one cake
of Palmolive Soap when the holder urchases.
another cake at the regular price of15c(two'
for 25c.)
Only one coupon may be presented by each
family and the name and address of the party
receiving the free Palmolive Soap must be
signed in full to the following:
I hereby certify that t have this day purchased
une -cake of Palmolive Soap from my dealer and
received one cake Palmolive Soap Free.
TShoaliers used to toll how the
bride wine dressed, but now they tell
what sort of uniform the groom wore.
Aftnard'o 1Giuinl.ont cases Colds, rote, ,.
r'o'rtb17 TO D1:AI icons, Vl a w ifl rcpvlmee tlf a Som:'
even vrltb tbla oo,ieon anly Urtdttr the fellevc-
tne•odnditldan: Coupon ,mnnt be to urned direct
to tiro Palmolive nivan , Limited,, ore'ate,
oat. It list bear the fun iuinre kik addre5,,
and be hued by the perry reemivirig lie stiap,
ata poiltlaeW wilt. ram* du. roaaa Amuponn cue fromraiyaaapiti Alt 1.
ahosad nr daalmrs. •
�An attachment -b4 • ode:, nveribet
for coniienttri a rocking glair with
chit at an occupant ant of
a xl1 so li the
former calx operate the lattoa with city
tie added eff`,rt
Gilass speoi s• with tubber hand°lea
have iseerl invented for use in place
of straws in 'cold drinks,
uultaattie 8 lniment trurca Gaadet isa Cewil