HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-22, Page 1THIRTY. -FIRST YEAR EXETER, 0 1~ARA() THURSDAY AUG. 22, 1918 SANHE at . CRE1 Cl When. your friends ane root trumps 4 Oar Corner Lt. is u t t ' P o YAt t o discoid them, r A tvaznrUn'S , dastru:st! of her hes bead is never really serious until she be- gins to refer to some caher tvoma><t alsthat teazels, thing,.11 "Never put off tall toinoij-ow what you can do todiary," admonished the hustler. Dad the same cheep invent that proverb tv'ln!a told us that all things cot* to!.±hose who waist?" ask- ed the indolent tone, Na gypsite's are to be permitted to pursue their ,wvatnderinigs about Onta,r- YO, this summer. The,.'order that ev- eryone must work being due bog.'„ strict renlforaem(ent, and ,1orse_truck-• . int; and ,fortune telliinig'not being rat- ed as work. Clinton. has purchased ten cars of soft coal to be .used if hard coal is not procurarbl'e. Six cars 'have hl - ready arrived and' two cans have been sold. Thais ss alloutg the of the 'advice given by the;fuel comitrialler zed we imagine the town, 'council of Exeter would be wish to lay in a resterve supply. MY' not? The Woodstock- Sentinel -Review pertinietttly p,ait-1ts out that the writ of habeas carpus was originally in-' tended to ,pno!ttect the citizen from il- legal imprisoroiment;, Thiat as still its proper use. It was never intended to --shield the citizen from the 'responsib- ilitiie,s of his citizenship, or to relieve him iEram the; duty of defending his country in its time otf need. A Contingent, 'C,E.F'., is te, be ma- billetedzed for servicte in Siberia. a In- structions -strut 'ons boat been receivedfrom Ottawa to proceed with the re- cruiting for this Unit. One Hundred men are required for the Infantry from Military Dnlstrict No. 1, Returned },:' soldier, physically fit end others not at present livable under the ; Military Service Act, to her given first ,op- portuttlity, Discharged ' soldiers re - e lusting will be given origirnail regime rental numbers: Applicanutsmay ap- ply to any authorized Medical exam- iner in-Mitetatry District No.' 1, for Medical examin,ataloru, TAMAN'S New Summer Clothing SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS HATS OAPS SHIRTS SOCKS COLLARS rims GLoVI:S STC.. ETC., ETC., now, in artd 'placed on ETC. ditePlaiy Sults are r4 bit up, to the minute;, a* leo than w JioTeisalernice to -day, Mt Rue' aoldb and blacks with ua , Wore � t g W W. Taman Tailor Ss Furni,sher Some men, take chancels ,on, board- ing hour hash in preference to mat- rimony, While the greater number otf car drivers are very careful to maintain at all times perfect comtrlol of their machines, and are ready ,for any em- ergency, yet : there are some who are reckless paid ready to risk not I only their livres but th,e e'uves ,of others. The accident at Seaforth last week when a car 'drivtetnl by a boy 16 years of age rani on th'e sudtewalk and knock- ed a lady through a window, severely injuring her, ,is a case in point, Ex- eter also- has its careless drivrrse The Allied armies are still meeting with unexpected success' in; the west. It would appear that the. Germans find it 'necessary to,. retreat further than was thought likrely.Resistance has b'een somewhat stronger- for the past week. but in face 'of this, the French British and Unpite,d States troops have won much territory and captured many ,guns and prisron14e. The Allies are now in conjunction with certain Russian Farces hurrying to establish a ifaghtitng: line in the east. Several thousand Allied droops have. arrived in Russia, in the .';n;ai+th, the south and th'e east, and they hope to establish a einefe!fares winter sets ane Rustaiia has to he saved if 1t is pos- sible CANADIAN CASUALTIES Up to the " ,end of June last. the total ;casualties suffered by the Can- adians army in France since the be- ginning of the watr are 159,084, ; made up a,. o� f 11owv�- I e�d ' un act' , �i1 action ' 2T died nu 0 4 0 c l of wounds, mwvi u ds ru9,280;wounded, � un dad ' 113- 007; died of ;diseasie 2,257; pris•aners of war, '2,774; presumed dead, 4,342; missing, 384; total 159,084. By; periods the catsuaitites are {oar apnraei�matre figures) as. follows; From beginning of war to December 31 1915; 14,500; calendar year 1916,56,500 year 1917. 74,500; to the end of July 1918 15,000. lee, casualties suffering in the cipal battles in which the: Canadian corps took part are: "'Second batt of Ypres (St. Julien), April, 1915, ap- proximately 6,000; Vimy Ridge, Ap- ril 1917, 13,461; Lens fighting, June 1917, 10,134; Hill 70, August 1917 10 080; Passchenclaele, November, 1917 24,530, COMPANY FARMING -WHY NOT? "is it impossible! for groups of peo- ple in may of our cities, towns and even villages, to umldetake some form of "oompauty`.-farmuing`?" This ques- tion is being , asked in a circular let- ter just issued by ;the Or'gamiizatijop of Resources Committee of Ontario, Tee idea is to ,,enlarge the activities from community gardening, schemes' to grafin : production, on farm lands. Groups of business( mien and others in urban centres are ",urged to organize now in tordrer to take over good vacant land .mtt the : neighborhood :: and get it rleady-:;f& cultivation so that it may. produce a 1919 `crop . Company -farm- ing operations are now being carried out with a ;great deal tof success .at St. Cattarararves;, Sarnia, Windsor, Ow- en Sound, Weston and Oshawa Cit- izens of every town are atsk'ed to get together auud talk! it over. ,SUGAR CONSERVATION.'' The Calnra'da Food Board has asked [private householders of Canada still further ' to restrict their consumption of sugar for pers,oda:1 use to 134 pounds per month per person, and to use a greater proportion otf brown sugar, The Board also warns against hoarding, as unfair, unnecessary and contrary to the law. The Cuban crop, of sugar has fallen Mshort by 300i000 toms of the previous estimates ; the Amterican sugar beet crop has also Droved •disappointing as has the Louisiana cane crop. The re- cent German drive was a further cause o!: sugar shortage, as a large beet acreage was civerrunand many sugar.• 1aclo -ie',-destroyed,. Thousands of tons of sugar, have been sunk, by sub- marines including a 13,000 ton cargo recently host -off the. Atlantic Coast. Coanse!rvaition of .sugar is :imperative, There is sugar in Canada ,for every- body in moderation, but none for ex- travagant use, far wasteful -use or for illegal hoarding",• NOW 15 THE TIiME. If you reaahouseholder, a rat v is th e time tomake a careful ;exam iire/tilo,n. of your dwelling to see whether you cannot snake it tighter against win- ter's winds thain it was last Year: A storm door here ancl a storm .window thole will cls lots of goad, Some p.eonle are even contemplating having en 'extra boarding put in their ground floor to prevent drartighlts from the cellar coming upstairs, With need for str3ctesa econlamy in fuel we ought to do all tluart we can 'ta "keep our house3 unarm as late as, possible in the <atttunn,n without starting furnaces. The utilization, Of opera fines makes this possible at a cron,s;iderablte saving of fuel, Ave there, any fireplaces in your Mouse that nae boarded up tthat you could have opened. If there are attend to that 'now. How about your furnace ? Is it free .from toot and in condition to give the e greatest a- mount of heat in proporjtitary to the coal used ? eluch, depends on, having chimneys kept clean, yet in these days we sometimes forget that chim- ney sweeps 'exist. Be sure to have your chimney swept before autumn s Now is a verygood tit e cone N mn r i, to attend to thiat, and now, also, is a good time to leave 'the paries in your heating plant covered well asbestos to keep them ,3?nom coaling on their way to radiators' or registers, DISTRICT CASUALTIES 11•110160M11405. Bulled in Action Clive Denbaro of Brussels Died of Wounds. Jas. E. 11cLe:od of Seaforth Wounded J. E. Y oung of Clinton George Leo Joyant of Seaforth, Corp. Scott Amlenit of Brussels 11 L; :Milan of Clinton G. 1-i itfason of St. Marys, W. E. Jeffery of Exeter. Earl I-Iedden of Ca iedtion. E C. Webb Of G'pdeinichr A ,Mac'Kkenzite of Dungani on G M. Clark 'orf Lucknow Lieut, II. 'Kenneth Wood of St, Marys. W. J Sluaddmck of Hensall. Found I)eacl W. R. C usernore raf Lucknow. 111 L P Atkinson of Sea'fortht CORONER'S INQUEST.. Dr, B A. Campbell, coroner, of Zuricl: was called, to the term of Mr. F Fitzgerald, Tuckersm:ith' township, near Chisclhurst, on Tuesday night, August 13, to investigate into the death of Jemima Cooper, daughter of - Mrs. Rachel Barsevieuy, who died that evening in ' a telnit : en al flax, fiend,'. Some weeks ego' Dr. Peck of Hensall treated the child for tonsillitis and he was not called again until Tuesday, when he 'ifourad the child` dead.;' Dr. Campbell was notified amid he eanpan- neilied a jury, with ' Mr, C'. • A, Mc- Donnell as foreman. The body was viewed and amt adjournment made 'un- til Sept4 h when they will tet again in Hensel]; to hear the evidence. A certificate of burial has been, is- sued in the mteantsme, Stephen Council The Council of the . Township of Stephen convened inf. the Town Hall,. Crediton, on Monday, the 5th .August A11 present. Prevmaus minutes adon•t- ed. The .following orders were .pas sed, -Dominion Road Mach. Com- pany, grader repairs and Expresss 3.90 Crediton Red Cross 100.00; William Zimmer, use of room for joint meet- ing 2.00); - Newsome( & Co., stationery and supplies 5.50; F. Triiebnerwind others, right �of way1.00 • Ed. Fa hnem ditchan 3rd S. Rd 35.00; I.Besterd use ' df scraper 50c.; Aquil Shairraw, rep bridge 1.00; ; Henry Appleton; the and culvert 10.'65;: Ilerb Haritoai damage to plow 1.50; Elmer Lawson work, 10.00; Henry. Appleton, 7.50; Jos McKeever 3.75; Treasurer Hay, work on N.B., 175.00; F. W. Fairnoomb, en- gineer's award re Ganser: 33.10; Henry Link; grading 5.00; John McLellan work on lst side road 2.50; Jas. Law- son, ,pt, payment of Bridge contracts 1'400.00; W. E. Sanders, rep. biddg:e 4.00; Jos. Hawkins; -come on bridges, 13.50; Jos. Lawson, cement work 26:50; .David ' Webb, overseeing con- struction of four bridges 54.00; F, McKeever. 'gravel, 59.62; Jos. Lawson cement 13.75. Adjournment to Tuesday, 3rd ai'. Sepbember at 1 p.m, Henry Either, Clerk. MITCHELL STATION BURNED On the morning ,af August 14th the G, T R. station (at' Mitchell was burn- ed to thie ground by fire which broke out about 4 a.m. Mr, -Abray,' the station agent was awakened by the smoke which nearly suffocated hien and his ',amity,, who got out witt'h only their nig bt clothes. Mr. Abray man- aged to •waive( a flew things out of the office and. willing hands got what baggage out of, the baggage room they could but Mr: Abrary lost all his house, hold belongings. This as the second t,nnie the' station has been de- stroyed by fire. DAYS ARE NAMED FOR EXHIBI'T'ION F:oll(owving is the Lisa of days nam- ed -joy the Canadian National Exhib- ition:- Mon xhib itianMon clay,. August 26 -War Veterans' and . Opening Day, Tuesday, August 27 -School Chil- dren's_ Day. Wednesday, August 28-Womien's, Day Day. Il.tnrsnay• August 29 -Allies' _day. friday August 30 -Press Day. Saturday. August 31 Pi.oduction arid Con e. vation Day.,, ivfonday . Sept. 2 -Labor Davy. Tuesday Sept. 3 -American Day: W'eanesday Sept.' 4-Farm,eee Day. 1 It ur o.y Sept, 5 -Manufacturers' ,and 7 ran pot,tatuon Day. Friday, Sept, 6 --Review Day. Saturday, Sept 7-•Citnzenrs' and Atir beta; Day, USBORNE 1)eath of Robert Cneery There died in Vic toria• Hospital, London, on, Monday, Aug 19, one of Usba1•nt , old t nit residents irs the person of Robert Crory, at the age of 66 years ,and 8 montth,e Deceased was a victian 'Oil' cancer ,and for many 'months has suffered a great deal. For the past two irtolnths he has been undergin;treatment at the hospital. (3esi'd,ea his Site he is survived by several of a family. The funeral took place ,yesterdl.y (Weclnesclay) morning from the Exeter station to the Lng•- lish.Chutciburying ground, Lt. rtitc n. 'The sample of grain this year is ,ex- cellent iii. :act 3,1 was neve,," known to be better, TRINKET EUND BE:ALiZED It may the Of Interest to the ladies to Ito 15. community n and d 'cot un,t know h u m tothe amount realized through .the teoltec- tion of gold and ",silver trinkets also plated ware ",arid scrap by 'W. U. '1. U, women for Y.iLC:A. work ,overseas, which was, for trinkets $54.50; ,for plated ware and sorkap • 81.50; also aoney donated $100,00, total $235,00 -Com. C.redNn Mrs Lydia Sweitaer of Windsor is visiting relatives in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Giepr. Redfern of Ta- rom.ta arethe guests of Mrs. August Ewald, Rtev: C. W. Bajker, pastorr of the Methodist Church', is taking his holi- days. Last Sunday morning the ser- vice was taken byRev,; Stephenson of Toronto,atnd lathe evening Mr. Ort- wvein of Hensailt'oecupied the pulpit, Rev, J. G. Litt, P. E, of Kitchen- er, presided over the Quarterly Ser-'. vice in the Evangelical Church last Sunday. Mr, La,'nsinig of the Bank staff is taking his holidays this week. Mr. Jame, is acting teller 'during his ab - sense A !fare brake out 'in J. F. Smell's bush last week and after considerable hard ,work the fire was stopped be- fore much damniage, was done. Mr. Thos, Howard, Miss Pierson of. Toronto, the Misses Webster and Ja,nies Spence of Luckntow snent Thursday ,in town, the guests of Mr, and Mrs; Herb Eller. Mr, and Mrs, Rabt. Haycock and family of London blare returned home after a short holiday in our midst.'. Heenan Oestreticher is having n b th e ted Painter and ,aper -hanger re -decorat- ing his residence. He expects to move in before very ,longi, Mrs Harry Liaraktiit and ,family of L ucan are - visiting a't Mr. J. 1? Young's Joseph Lawson is making rapid headway with „the cement bridge, which is 'being built on the 4th cion- cess',ioun, on the Exeter Side Road. In the m,eatntinve the road is being block - against .heavy t'earntal• ,Pte Clarence 'Holtzmaam of Carling Heights, London spent the weak end" at home. Albert Schmitt of Toronto, repre- senting' The Canada Cement Co., was: in town on bu>,siniess last week. Mr Geo Hedden received word a tiew days ago, that his son Private Earl fledden, had been .set ei'e3y wounded in the back, and also . by shrapnel). Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Walter England and' Ethel Oliver of Greenway visited. at P. Baker's Sunday. Miss B. Scram, who Iris been; visiting Gladys Patter- son for a week, hats returned to her bomie,-Mr. Gilmatrten and family of Port Huron visitedat. P. Baker's Sun, - day. -Mr Stibbinirs of Michigan is vis- iting at Mr, F. Tetreau's;-Muss Susie Gra•velle „who has been visiting . rela- tives around here; left for her home in Michigan last week. -Mr. Jobe Young and daughter of London visit- ed around here < last week, -The Red Cross Bazaar held on August 8th, was a complete success, the -proceeds amounting to $175.00. -Oto August 21 Grand Bend will hold their Annual Gala Day olf sports, while the Red Cross wail serve meals on that bac- castian on Maxem Gratton's pic-rite grounds. -Thee fishermen are begin- ning to take out their nets. The fish- ing season is about over. -Mit and Mrs. Sutherland of Ailsa Craig visit- ed tel'ativ.es around here Sunday. - Mrs. unday.Mrs Ware Oliver Of St, Marys is visiting relatives "around here. -Pte. Sims of. Crediton visited at J. Baird's Saturday. --.Miss F. Baird, who has been visiting at Crediton, arrived hone Sunday. • Lucan Miss Constance Pendergast ,of Chic- ago was the guest 'of Miss Ross last week. -Mrs. W.' A. Guilfoyle, ;;ton and daughter of Sarnia, are vitsitin.g friends and relatives in tluis vicinity, -Mr. 11 Munro, manager of the Standard Bank has moved into the residence of the latae John Cioursey;y„North Main Street -Mrs. Wm, I';,olliins, «thto spent sev- eral months with her " ions in Van- couver, 13. C., returned home at, few days ago.-Ivitiss Alnnile Willis is vis- iting her sister, Mis. (Dr) W. 1 , Neil, Camas, Mich.. Hensall ivluss Evelyn Robson, graduate nurse of New York, is fere visiting her sis- ter, Mas. H. Arnold:-Thle bean, crop in, this and 'other sections., i s looking very ,prom>fisiln(g.-Jas. E. Brooks and wife motored from• New York to the Southern, Pacific coast, by way of Ilentsall• remaining a few days with Mr;` Brook's parents.-Mi:ss Marjorie Mcpaer of Toil -Onto and fortnerIy a n'ey,•ident of this village, spentt a few days u1 the home of Mrs, 3, Sutker laud Mi.s: Flo, Cudntoi-e of Toronto' i.a be spendiintgt a couple weeks' holi- days with her parent& -Mrs. Burnett and children, of Chatham are visiting hlrs. Geo. 'Thomson, Mrs, 13air nett's motliter.-Mr. Fred G, Manns had the misfortune when al.i,ghtirnig from an auto at his home, in which he had bean raditig, ,a'nd which was goiu,g quite sniia'rtly, to ,fa41 on, les kttee, bruising ,t quirts severely, -Mr, and Mrst. 1). 13. McDonald a,tud family ,have proved to Brussels where they hscve relatives 2.20 TROT OR. PACE and where Mr. McDonald intends. Carry ing on the meat business. -Miss 'Alice Ia rk is lnuD;from Lan doron a visit to het parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter I-lobkurk,- Nissl Ethel, Glenn' of Toronto spent 0 week's holidays here with ,leer gra;ndm,othrer, 7vlrs, W,l T)ougall and sunt Mr's.: Blatehtford, HURON COUa?lTY TAX LEVY Schedule Showing Amount Each Municipality Will Have to Pay in 1918 , lire (following figures, show the amounts the.. various municipalities ttr Huron are called upon ,tor ,ray this year as a county levy. The figur-ea irx the ',first co'hirnn orethose of the general county rate; the second col -k t.,nn shows the war tax, the third thre ;:ate for the .tniprosbe]mnenjt of high- ways in the county, and the fourth i,s the total. Municipality General Wax War Tax 1=Iightway Tax Total: Ashfield Colb'ornr Goderich Tp. Grey ....., ... ...S 8569.44 2596,80 50222,60 1522.00 9429,.75 2208,60 ..9429.75 Hay ...... ...... .. ... .......:.... 7.94e el , Hotvick 11160'27 Hullett . `8484130 Morris ,8222194 Mc'leillor . ': 88401.04 Stanley ..., 7045„83 '`•Stephen 903,81.04 Ttic kersrnith 7963.89 Turnberry 5379.00' U.stiorne .,. 797775. Wawanosh 5, 5295.84 Wawamosh W 5325,87 Bay fuelci 466.62 Blyth 89304 Brussels ...... 1059,30 Clinton 2258.52 Exeter ,177eli6 G oderich. 46.94.56 Hensel' ` ... 826.32 Se ufarth .., : 2475100 Wangghram .,, .. ... , 2511:68 .Wroxeter . , 495.66 2596.80 1522.00 2208.60 2857.50 2857,50 2407.00 "2407.00 3381.90 3381.90 2571,00 2571.00 2491.80 2491.80 2678.80 A'78.80 2135,10 2738.80 2413.30 1630.00 2135.10 2738.80 2413.30 1630.00 2417.50 2417.50 1604.80 1604.80 1.613,90 161330 141.40 141.40 270,80 270.80 321.00 32L00 684.40 684.40 538.20 538,20 1422.60 ' 1422.60 250,40 250.40 750.00 750.00 703.60 703,60 150,20 150.20 51.40254.62 ;542501.40 542501,40 13763,04” 8066.6 c 11705',5$. 15144.75 12757.10 17924.07; 13620.30, 13206.54 14197.64 11316.03", 14515.64' 1.2790,499 3639.00, 12812.75• :8505.44 3553167' 749.42 1435t24• 1701.30` 3627132 2852_46 75;,39;78: 1327312; 3975.00. 3729.05. 796106' $225257.43 Dashwood Mrs Fercru.s om London v Ls ite•d with Iru dbs n town last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. H, R. Elliott and son Goedon of London spent the past ",uretic at time home orf Dr. Routledge.. Misys Grace leelltermenu has returned from a visit w:ithl relatives in. Whitby Mr. Wm Wdlsonu,, Mir. and Mrs, Geo, Wilson and daughter, Norma, of Cromarty ,spenit 'Sunday at Dr, Rout- ledge's. Mrs E. Tiernani:is visiting in Stra.t- 1ar d teas week. \Irs, Dan. Shaffer and daughter left on Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Clifford and Hanover. The Red Cross meeting held iso Zimmer's Hall an Monday night was very largely attended, Mr. Ed. Welting tof CliflEord is visit- ing at his home this week. Ma d Iv 'ss Ii u ;a Routledge, who, ha been visiting for the past six weeks in Regina and Lawson,, Sask., has returned to her home here. Miss Pearl Tiernan spent last week in Landon Mr. anal, Mrs, A: J. 'Hill of West Park Ohio, are visiting with relatives in town 1bir. Chas. Hintz and family of Wash iaugtan, Mich., visited with friends in WWII this week:. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De-' trait are 'visiting relatives .here and at Crediton,-hVErs, L. G. Btereman and children of Detroit are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heideman.- Mr, and Mrs. Edigho£fer and family 'of St. John, Mich., and Mrs. F. Howald orf St. Maay' are visiting here, -Mrs, Mc- Waters, Miss Nettie Well of .Detroit and Miss Ida . Well io f- Toronto, are visiting sit the home of their parents Mr and Mrs. H, Well -Dr. and Mrs. Taylor sot Detroit, Mrs. 3. Reid of Liteury and Mrs,. M. Fenn orf Parkhill spent a iiew .days( at the home of Mr. C. Fritz last week.-T,h,e post .office has been unldtergoing .a renovating and is much improved in anpearamce.-Mr. and Mrs., Dennis Dirstiine of Saginaw ;Mich., v'isit'ed att the /borne of Mr. and Mrs.. C. Fritz, for a few days this vveek.-Mr, and Mrsi, Ernest Paull and ,;ons :and etrs, O. Foster and daugh- ter of Pigeon, Mich,, ,visited relatives here, -Misses Flora, and, Celia Hess vis- ited relatives at Saltford Heights last week. -Rev. H, Rembe is holidaying and tee services are withdrawn for` last Sunday andnext Sunday. Rev, and Mrs. Rembe are visiting at Hamilton -Misv Melia Simnel of Detroit is visiting relatives here for a few weeks -Mr John Pfaff and Mrs. Conrad Fuss attended the funeral of the late Mrs ,Michael Saiarus at Pigeon, Mich, -Masi• Alma. Axt of London is spenrd- a few weeks at her home here, Mrs. .V• Holtzman and sister, te•, ,V ItSS Veitz spent the "week with friends at Port Elgin. Centralia Mrs Duplaln. and 'Rev, A. Duplprs a'lIl er o n accompanied by Mi lts of Pym visited with. Mrs. A. Br �ryks and other friends' in the village, last week. Rev. Stephlenison of Stratford snok:e in thre innterests to,f '. the, Lloyd's Darcy Alliance work on Sunday evening. Mostly all the farmers in this vic- nity have the 'oat 'harvest iln the barna. or stocked, Mr. and Mrs. Wood of London vis- ited at the home orf the litter's sisters; tthe Misses Wilson; and other friends, in the villatgre,la s't week. One of J. J. Merner's large barna at: Egmondville was destroyed by fire oaa Tuesday night. EiRT;I S Amy -In Stephen, an, Aug. 19th, to. Mr and Mrs, Arthur Amy, a daugh- ter. Hunkim-In Usbonnle, on Aug. 5th, to - Mr: and Mrs. Alfred J. Hunkun, a: daughter-Mairgaret Evelyn. Coward -In Tesbannle on Aug, 10th, to, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coward, daughter. Dmsjardimre-In Stephlen:, on Aug. 7ti ,. to .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Disjardinei, a daughter. DEATHS, Langford-I'n London, on August 18'. John Alexander Langford, ` formerly of 'Kippen, Ont,, aged 67 years, Grieve -At, Victoria Hospital,, Landon an Aug 13, Mrs. Andrew Grieve; of McGillivray Tp,, in. her 35th year- Creery-In Victoria Hospital, London,. on August 19, Robert Cr -eery, aged, 66 years and 8 months. Correspondents ! ! Attention The Advocate usually prints oat W'edne day afternoon, but this year the weekly half-hrorlvday during July and August tamest on Wednesday af- ternoon 's to theft it becomes neces- sary that we print om, Tuesday after - neon. or Wednesday morning. This means that all correspondence must" be in our hands not later than Tues- day morning. Get your weekly bud- gets away on Monday aand then they will ,reach us in plenty of time. Our corres,pandents are always good in `the's'e little requests of our, n. q , and so we will expect you to be urompt in the sending o1 all the news during these two months. It does not mat- ter if the budget ria large or not, send it on time, please, Write and mail on Monday and ygou avail be right. Doting the next two months adver- toorea's must have changes in by Mon- day morning at ten o'clock. Bigger and Better Th Attractive GREEN. TROT ' OR PACE For partieular,s seer Trills, ,or amply W. D. Sanders, Pres, Ewer PURSE $00,(10' ,.... PURSE' $60;00 to the Secretary. ,. Gel ori . Seldon, , Secb•