HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-15, Page 8ADVOCATE, THURSDAY; AUG. 15, 1a113 , EXETER MARKETS ti ,..fid Each W.sdamaday AT heat ..-aaaaa 2,10 Barley `1.10 to 1,15 Fatuity Flour Creamery Butter 48 Dairy Puttee ,38 to 40 Eggs , 41 Lard ,.., _. 35 , Potatoes .. 1.25 to 1.50 Hay, per ton 10,00 to 12,00 Hags -,., 18,75 The. exceedingly dry weather made tbe green a liittle 'boo hard and the best of bowling was not always pos- sible: They wee not as ;good as last year. • Dr. i10 ilston desires to announce that .:lac ' ht for the work already pretnisrd his office will .be 'closed fol' thi remainder of A.tagust. Any mes- sage in regard to urgent eases may be left o.t tCentral.,Telerphone Office. LOST—Two auto tires mounted on rims 3514, between Russeldale and Grand Bend. Finder rewarded. Ap- ply this office. A. Bechtel, Waterloo, SPECIAL SALE of White Waists and Silk Blouses, Friday and Satur- day aniy, at Mrs, W. D, Yao's. "Summer Sale" for another week, NOTICE Any persons wanting onion crates pleasewill get them at Raver Pp Haase onFridayande Pump Saturday next, Aug. 16 and 17, from 8.30 am. to 5.30 p.m, j. H. SERVANT GIRL WANTED-Ap ply at the Advocate office. LAKE NOTICE Residents of Exeter` who have con- tracted with the Public Utilities Com- mission dor a supply of town water erc advised that it is ac gainst the water .far Lb to allow oe_s, to use _aa any purpose. Exeter Public Ut Cities Conimissiorr LAWN SOCIAL. The Girl's AU_•it of the Trivitt Memorial Church are; holding a Lawn Social on. the ground al the church on Thursday evening, Aug. 15. A good musical program is assured. Ice cream and other refreslmien:ts ,an sale. Admission 10c, awaimaras FOR SALE. 50 acre farm in LT borne, northhalf Lot 24, Concessaan 5. Brick house. Bank barn; First -class land; W eal draified. Apply to C. H. HORNY, or GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Greae small •sized at ues $1.50, aS:te art's. in The Flour Mrilil. t down fair want of wheat, but we have a stock of Standard Flour of our three. brands W a are chopaping as usual and have a goad supply of f Harvey Bros. Special price of $1.75 for good suit cast this week at Stewairt's, Khaki Bloomers for Boys. They wear well. Price $1.00 to $1.75 at Stewart's, WANTED at Central GOOD GIRL W Hotel. Exeter_ Duties to commence at once. ODD CUPS, CLOVER LEAF. Scarce goads. While our present sups ly ,last; the price is 2 far 30c. Stewart's. i G1Vat BOTH A CHANCE --- ' Clearing prices on 511. Boy's and By separating thtet cackrels'fro in the :den's Straw Hats, We have a style pullets you .,,till benefit them broth. to suit \lou.-Stevvagt's, LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Exeter Bowling Tournament is guaranteed to bring on a rain. Mrs 1-Iav land asi tinder the doctor's care owing to having lied -same hot water ,fad on 1g' er foot Mr. 1), B. Sanders leas ciispesed of his lar ge W21Iys Knight car to Mr, Gus ° Coughlin of Toronto. llr. 1-L J. Ha,vdland is riecovet'ing very nicely from his operation, and is able •to walk down town:. Rev, Dr Meddwill occupy his own pulpit next Stuuday, after holidaying for two weeks attiound ' Owen Sound and Southhampton. air. De Jean, the accountant of the afalsoars Bank, is moving .from Hen - salt into the house recently vacated by Mr, Wm, Sweet on Andrew ,Stt Little Daintily Dinney, who has beer. visiting in. London, unfartunatelyt fell and broke bier collar bone:. 'Her' mother went down on Tuesday and brought her blame; Mr, and Mrs. Wmt H. Hill of Cen- tralia am -taut -toe the enig/ agement of their eldest daughter, aliavnrie, to Mr George Kennings of Poplar Hill, Ont.' the wedding to tae place in Sep- tember. `. Dr. Rollins nal London spent a few' days last week wilthi friends in town, The 'Doctor says he ars a "free nig- ger" now, he having ,resigned his po- sition as assistant at>ipierinteinldent 'of t h,e i'dianica Asylum. Judge Dickson of Gadenich was in town on Friday last. Mrs, Dickson is recovering nicely folloawing an isle mess due to texh!austion caused by the hot weather during a 'recent auto trip to Detrioit and 'return. Messrs. Richard and John Bissett of ;London visited relatives here on Saturday. Recently Mr. Richard Bis sett was presented with„a -purse can- taining .a, twenty dollar gold piece by his fellow eempllayels of the G. T. ,R, Shops. The nocca,siron was his quit- ting the service, cif the company after 37 years. Rev- Jais. 'Kestle, who has been cone: fure'd to the house far several weeks through illness, is again, able to he out and was. dirt charge' nal his church duties and Sunday Sc.hiotol class in Jaime, Street on Sabbath last, the punils ,of which were highly ;deals d, to have their fathful and eap,nest. teacher again with' them, Miss Jessie Southcott, daubh ter of the late John Stouthaott, and a form- er resident of Exeter, died in Lon- don on August 5th, the funeral tak- ing place on the 7th. Miss South catt had been lin eery , poor health for many months.” Deceased is an aunt of taf Messrs. Russell and 'Mel- ville Southcott of the Exeter Times, CUT DOWN. THE BURDOC'hS. A few out -'of -employment men could'. be profitably' emvlayed in cut- ting dawn the rank Inas and 'bur- docks tfound Merle' and iheae on some of tine back streets., and even: front street, of our town. The pictures- queness of a town; famed for it beau- ty in summer should not be spelled by these obnioxitous growths. Axe - men, spare the trees where ne-eded, but clean out the burdocks. Owners of vacant lots and tenants of praoer- ty should eve a little attention • to the condition, of the street in front, of their prno•. erty. Visitors at this season of the year are numerous, and a little individual attention to this matter would assist much in keeping up the attractivenetss of the town. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, south half 8, 8, C.an. 13 Stephen. There is an the premises' good frame house, bank barn, drive sped and other out buildings ; well fenced and drairred; equipped with good water system; good orchard - fruit tree at all kinds: Will also sell good working team cheap, and a number ,: heifers in calf .or calf at foot Terms of real estate easy and to suit purchaser. 'i'h,ea Dietrich, R, R. 3, Dashwood. If left to run tioget`thie,', after they Ihave reached • a fair size, the cockrels will worry the feniale,s and worry theni,selv,es as well„ Pullets must grow without hinderence ;if they are to return - their cost in winter eggs. Cockrell must gnaw rapidly in order that their carcases may return the cosi of the feed they have con.- sunned. Fowl pay when they are giv- en ,eeery •op; ortunity to •do so. Any- thing that hampers their development will l'essei. ththechances laf prlafit. A little neglect will cause them to :-at up ;the profits and perhaps, part sof tl:e inure stmea1t as well. VOTERS' LIST 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF H .IRON Naticc is hereby given that I hive transmitted or delivered to *he par - sant mentioned in section 0 of "The Voter's List AJC' the cop Les required by the said set:tiens to delivered d of thetted o r e1 etransmitted b so t •, lis': made pursuant to 'said act, if 3,1 person: appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said ,Mun- ,cipatity to be entitled to vote in tno said Municipality at Elections for members ax the Legislative As Assembly ant at Municipal Elections and that said lis' was first posted up at my ott':icc at Exeter on the 30th Day of July, A D. 1918, end Temains there for inspection. a Ana hereby call upon all voters proceedings to take immediate p gs to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, Dated the 31st day of July, 1918. J, SENIOR Clerk. HORSES WANTED I veant an amlamilted ,number ' of horses in good conali,tian. GeldirnAga 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 toends up. 1MIarres from 4 year Old ttp, weighing from 1300 pounds up, Parties having the required ^wttisff, 'miter, or pltnne 83, Exeter. Rev. ail', Giseitler at Tevistocle will. preach morning land evening in James- Street amesStreet aiethodtist Church next Sun- day Mrs, James Creech, after an illness' of several w,eektsit, ilia sit up' Inc a,'Sbart time each day, Mir, Creech ie still confined' to his bed. Rev .1),. D Douglas ,0f Loanclon,'71aoa; preached so acceptably, in the Dewitt 1vFemoriai church a couple of weeks age., wilt take charger of the services in thie sante church next Suanda,y la the ittean last week referring to the death of Mrs. «reit Isaac sof Stephen :wc inadvertently omitted the names of Mrs. Henry 1-laist of a ar-. le'tte, NI-nlah., and Mrs. Vali,. Cor(aish of the same State,rya survivisits tern. 1'ilhir nl Emettsron Gardiner, sion <af ;1,[r. and Mrs, M E. ' Ga,t•dlitte,r volun- tarily reported tflor service 'bt, Lon- don on August 7th, hut was placed in Category ,C 1, The medical board Lound him unfit for service overseas, The usual Farm Lab'orters' Excur- sions to the West litave been set by the railways dor Atigurit 22-29,, and will hee carri,e'd out on, :the same basis as last year. Quite' a number from this district have alreayd' signified their intention tall' gtoeinlg west for the hhrves t. Thic Voters' Lists for the Village ,of Exeter for 1918, have been com- pleted, There aire 554, persons ,on the list entitled to \site, at bath.t VIunii ap'al elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly, and' 59 at Mun- icipal elections lowly„ There are 266 neligible to serve as , jutiars. Vital statistics now being compiled by thie Regirst}raSr-Gelneral's Depart- ment show 'thhtt the avurnber ta£ births in Ontario tor 1917 ailae'ei fallen to the lowest since the beginning of the war. The sante Is 'true of the: number of rnarnlages, while there. has 'been but slight variation, in the number ',of deaths. The figures as connpiled by the Department are : Births, 62,666, a decrease of 2,598; mlahirirages ,21,4913• a decrease of 1,908; deaths, 33,368 a decrease of 2,312, In" Janata Stre,etl Church last Sunday evening the chair rendered Part' 11. of the Sacred Cantata, "A Day With Our Ladd,'" In sprite iolf thie intense heat the interest of the audience was well sustained throughtout. The ren- dition vi a,' a perfect success. The very ,efficient mlatnneea in. which the various parts were taken reflects most cneditably up;onf the musical tal- erit_ of the choir tarn the ;ability ,of IIr. W. A, Cla'rker, the Leader. The cantata may bre, repeated at a later date. By an official order of/the United States, having the force and effect of a statute, all U. S. pavers starting July 1501, must disconiti;nue the de- livery of freer copies. It has been the custom for newspapers to exchange with, each other ' and now that is un- lawful. Free co'pie,s have also been given to charitable instituti(ans, acid to men who handle newspapers to ex- change with each other, and' now that its unlawful. Inn the future 1l1 these .pacers must be cut off. The discontinuance was neither prompted nor promoted 'by the newspapers, but is a war measu* Any person re ceiving' a free. paper who has it stop-` pied may charge; it to the Kaiser, who is really the origisnattor of it. It is r taw which affects 'every publicatiion! and must be honestly iobsl':ved by all of them. TERRINGT ON-KERSLAKE. A quiet but very pretty ss eddiing took Place et taste home at Mr. 'John %terslalce, flair, Street, on 'Saturday morning August 10, when hir• ynoung- est daughter, Ethel Maude, was unit- ed irr marriage to Mr. Harry Terr.ung- tan of near Chatham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. - J. W. Baird pastor ,of James Street church', ablout eight o'clock n nni., in the presence of only the imnmediatte relatives s of the bride. The shapay tarok the morning train for a trim to 'Niagara, Buffalo. CONVALESCENTS ENJOYED GOOD TIME AT:EXITER. 'Ile convalescent soldiers were high in :.their praise for the excellent time given them whiter Mere. nn Wednesday of last week.. There were about 140 of the solcliera from London together with the, drivers of the various cars, mast of.. them being furnished' by the Knights sof Ciolutnbus., Upon their arr'i'val in Exeter the returned Heroes w.er•e warmly received by' the people of town and the bowlers. The ladies provided a Lunch, in the Main Street aIethodi.•st church and 'thie visitors en- joyed the,excellent supper, during wiaSch they were, entertained by pat- ristic songs by a chorus of girls, Af- ter e,ed a fine the per was tom, 1 ht a t r pp program was given; consisting of songs by Mine Foliack, monologues by Carp, Ph,il.iips, so, rigs by Sergt, Josephs and Corp .Ithilli, s, and am address 'of' w,elcOnte by'" Reeve Beavers,w Soine of the returned buoys the nuked the ladies o,f Exeterefor thein- 'hospitality, 'I'tue town was gaily decorated .'arid everybody was ple,as;ed tux see th,e sol- clireat enjoy themselves. rdr Infants and Children a Use F r Over 30 Years. Always bears the Signature of affs49.,, 1 PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE N,,0 8-3620 First Fall aaa 1111illf Coals Prices Moderate Styles Exclusive We have, julst place;d in aitotck our first ali,iptnelnt of the New Fall and Winner Cdaltis, In spite •af the scarcity of Materials we have, gather ed together one of the finest show- ings of Coasts we have ever had. However, we -would strongly advise early ,buying this season, as Cloths wilt be almost impassible to'. secure later on. Our price's are very rea- sonable. Ask to aece ourextra special values in Black Seal PlushCoats LADIES ALL -WOOL COAT SWEATERS We have ` just receave,d shipments of New F,af1.'and Winter Sweaters in fine All -wail Yarns.., New, large saih' or collar effects, with belts and sash- es are the Mast popular styles, Colors -Purple, Paddy, Saxe, Rose, Nile, Maize, White, Cardinal, Etc., with striped trimming. DRESS VELVETEENS AT 75c. A YD, Our Dress, Velveteens at ' 75c. yard ,in plain and fancy `cord effects, in nearly all .colors, ''ar•e Wonderful) value ,for early fall buying SUMMER GOODS REDUCED.' Rtemember-Nearly all lances of Summer Goads greatly reduced price, SPECIAL -1 only Lady's Navy Silk Suit; ; Was $30.00, to . clear at only $18.00:, Headquarters JONES MAY for tilt, Celebrated Sa ndfard & Lion Men an d Brays. Breads Clothing alias Ele'a!n'a , Regan ' spent the week end with ahs. Milton Hooper of Gran- ton. " e ° des aro .Elsy of Laon vis- ited .r ited his aunt; Mrs. (Dr.) 12•edd, :last week. • \IrS, 'rggusob of ,Tar'ani o is visit- ing with her pahieaaits, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' Sziee't. Mr. and Mrs. Wn>, Blayney of To- ronto are 'visiting relatives and friends in town the guest of the ' lat(te •'s' & Detroit be,iofe going' home to Chat- mother Mrts, ,Alex, Taylor: Elam. The bride will have the best 1 her 'M Alex; wishes of many friends forfu 'Mr, aµl.d \ a-s. Alegi„ S.tevvairt and tune &matinines'at and prosperity. VETERAN COURT-MARTIALh D Private ,Archie Davits of Exeter, a veteran or thte Great War, was tried by court-rnairtial ant Llondo,n last week, on the double 'charge of deserjtion,,. and of losing has kit and cquipmennt to the value [of 531.55. He pleaded guilty ,to,both, charges, but stated that after being returned to 'Canada._ f e was t•hrce months in hospital and then.' decided t'.hat the military doctors had, done all in their- power' for him, and, so he went home and treated 'his.: wounds himself, anal; had no intention of deserting., Archie did h,o:norable and heroic serv,i:ce ,in France forsear- erat months and +haw always b,orn,e the best of'Ireputataan bath, before' 'rat,d tafte- damning the khaki, aasd it is hoped that his setutence Will be light, in. view olf these facts. Mr, and s. O. So•uthoott are bol- idaying at .Pie,ston.. Miss Ethel Day is honue from Lon- don on a short visit: Dr, "John atnd •Ma•s. Reid visited in; T:artanito duming tlae•i vv •e:e1c; 'Mr. harry Swoet of Walkervilie is bolidaying at ;hti,s' halite' here, Mr. Jots.-T amani toll Torosnto visited his' brother, Mr, W. W. Taman. dur- ing the v, eek, Mr, C1iffolnd MaPtott' of the 13a,nic of Commerce staff, London, is holiday-. SS,n g ait his home !here. Laweek' weweememittedto"o" inent an Last that Mr, Fred, Sntallac•ombe ,o1 Crys- ,tat City, Mane visited with his moth- er here last week. 1Ir 17, '11, Dignan, and sari, Allan, of Toronto spent a few clays here with, thetorm er's pae n•n$f ts, '', anal Mrs .las Dignan, two younger children have returned to London. • Irene; having had her tonsils renrloved, as, staying with, her grandparents another, week. WHILE AT WAR Women Suffer at Home Toronto, y Ont.—"I consider Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription t h e very best of wo- man's tonics. I suffered a severe nervous' break- down. 1 could not • sleep, was weak and tired all the time. I took tho 'Prescription' and just, a few bottles completely built me up and relieved me of my nervous condition. It is a good medicine and'I am glad to recommend it.—Mas. Ai,PRpn Sxnernan, 259 Seaton St. Niagara Falls, Ont.—"I can, safely say that 'Favorite Prescription? did mo a lot of good, 1 at one time de- veloped woman's trouble; my nerves were completely shattered, and I becante weak, I had severe backache and, pains in my side, extending down into my limbs. I e of "t tlid not et relieved c iced bu doctored, gmy ailment and . was down and out when 1 began taking Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite Pre• scription, and it so completely cured me and restored me to health and strength. that ,I was able to do all my' own work and -others- besides. .1 do recommend 'Favorite Prescription' to weak and ail- ing women; they cannot get a 'better medicine.' JOISN LOOxIianT, 26 Terrace Ave. Favorite Prescription is an invigorat ing, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine and a; positive remedy for the chronic weaknesses pecu- liar to women. This old prescription of Dr. 'Pierce's is extracted front roots and herbs by means of pure glycerine and is a temperance rethedy of 50 years' good. standing. Send lOc for trial pkg. of tablets to Dr. V. M.Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., or Bridgeburg, Ont, Mr, and alts, W. T. Goodi,slozu of Sarbia spent a •clay, here last sf'€ek..' T.helr son jack came ,irp vvith' them and i.spervclinig two ,Or thn ee \viceks with. his grandmother, bis. Johns, bIr, and. 'ales. Raba, b t-awhi,nncy, ac-, 1 ootmaana•ecl h,y 1V1;r ,• and alts. Ed, I'ktr e n,ent anal daughter, Grerta, mtot,ared to L,ongw,00;d on Sunclaly to spend the day with Mr. and lairs'.. P, T. Erand, LOO WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU. WILL LOOIC WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. Your • Bummer Suit .,,llc sure it fits yioin at the collar. Have the toutersmade to fit you mound the -Waist. They will stay up much better when yop wear a belt. Your Clothes' will have individuality it you let 'us snake thorn for you. ammenWt L dies' ` Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE -• OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Ex Tea & Coffee Store For the ahoiaeat groceries, fruit spice, teas, aoi3e and every*. tbwg in the grocery r 1i ith Cali and see Us, Atrial as to quality will covin - me.: Produces taken in eoehange Jas.o d ( u l Furniture and ndertakin , N. Tk3F FUNERAL DIRi~'0TOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Hot Weather, Goods Ladies and Children's White Hose, 35c, to $;1.00 per pair. Big choice in Embroideries, '10c. per yard up. Towels, 25c, to 75c, each; Sumner vests, 25''to 75c, each, Men's Cotton Hose, 20c. and 25c. 'a pair. Balbriggan Underwear, 75c .per garment, Combinations, $1,50 per, garment. F,iaue latint Shirts, 95c. ,cac'Ii. White Footwear in Many Styles. TRY A OF PAIR OUR SHOES THEY SATISFY. .