HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-15, Page 4w
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Sanders & Creccha Proprietor's.
Subscription Price -In' advance $LZS
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United States, All subscriptions , not
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Misaellaneotta Articles of not ware
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Professional; Cards not exceeding 1
tech -Se per rtttr
THURSDAY, , AUG; 8th, 1918
Mrs Sutherby and dau ghter• Gertie
are visiting
this week with relatives
ut Landon, -Miss Lucy Gunning is
spending this. \re,ek with her sister
Mrs Dawe P,arl ittsan at St, Marys.
Clarence -Neilson andl family of Gran-
ton, spent Sunday the gulests ,o1 Mr.
Drank` Squnre-;errs. John Wright .is.
visiting hoer aunt, Mrs. Wm. Raer-
Cliffe neat Exeter, --Mrs. Wm. Ogden
is Visiting \rifle her daughter, --'11rs,,
Roy Neal neat Lucain-Dfrs. D. ,Long
is visiting this week alt Mrs. " firm..
Hodgston'is.-Threshang has commen-
ced here, and the yield is good. -John
i\1 orley had' ea—portion of his barn
unreeled during the 'windstorm ea
T}r urs'day:
(Intended for east week.)
The farmiers of this, district observ-
ed Civic :holiday on Monday in the
harvest field -some: Mauling in and
others cutting, 'salts. ` Thomas Morley':
cut a'field an Tuesday that, will yield
bion, 60 bushels per acre„ -Our gen
eral merchant and fainly kept civic
holiday and went to 'Grand Bend -_
Miss Bertha Batten and sister, Mrs.
Wes. Archer of London spent Mon-
day at the Lake. -Mr. and Mrs. Suthe.
erland of Blanshardl spent Sunday here
the guests of Mrs. Jos. Morley. Mrs
and Mins, John Wright 'spent Sunday,
at' Seth Brown's, ineair Exeter, -Mr;.
and Mrs Tihos..Marley spent Sunday
wi.± her sister, Mrs. Perkeos, near
Exeter. --Quite a number ' of the
Whalen peop'e'picknicice,d at the
lake last Thursday. -Among then
were aft-. and. Mrs. WM. Morley and
,family, Harvey Squire' and family,
Mss. Samuel Gunari':ing, Miss Elsie atisi
Frank Gunning, Frank Square and,
Mr. and Mrs. John , Wright! --James
Earl, George Brock and Willie Hero
have all purchased new cars.
Mr. Jos. Dobbs has started the
threshing season. T.hiis is his 48th
year at this work, and needless to
say he is both an ,experienced man
and a proper good one. Here's hop-
ing he may have a successful season
and live to continue many more years
-Mr Preston Taylor and wife of
Guelph, who have been visiting in
this neighborhood, hswe gone to lee
Grand Bead to spend a few days.-'
Mrs. Frank Wiashbunn and daughters
of Guelph "are alsio, holidaying at
Grand Bend. -Wheat and barley are,
now in, the barn and most of the
oiats are also cut and shocked. The
oat caop is a good one. -The urea.
tber is hot these days, but fine for
harvesting. -Pte. Geo. Davis 's home
front Landon. camp for six weeks.
Canadian National
Aug.Aug.g° 26 TORONTO Sept.
300,000 admissions sold first
Cay ofarvalC: sale. Come
with the crowds to the great -
Dashwood I
Mt', I:. .I, Drysdale, :11r, and Mrs,
1\i G. Drysdale and child' and Mr,
and „pits, W,A, McLaren, of Hensall
isiled at the home of �Ii', and Mn,s
Howard ,an Sunday, ;.
Mrs, C, h, Htu;,h arid,, children of
tr ut teid ,spent a few days visiting
friends it; the neighborhood this week
tiles Derbecloer of Waterloo is vis-
iting her friend, Mika E, 'Guenther.
The \Itsses L and N. Bienran crud
Miss h Thedor r nt' Hanover visited
at the home of ,Mr, :an, dMrs. D Sha-
fer last week. d
Miss Lula Steinilagen visite an
Parklu,il this week, -
Messrs C. Stade and 'E. Nadiger at-
tended the .funeral of a-relat:,v=e at
Elmwood last week,
Mr aut.', Mrs. Herman Eiat*af }='or -
est. 'visited In town Sunday.
1Ir..Lloyd Edish,ofter of Varna
spent the week -end with his ,parents
Mr, Milton Oestreichier spent lash
week at Lake Cauchiouchbig.
11r. Dan, Br,ntnell has • commenced
threshing ifor the season with John
Steacy Cromarty, ton his old job
llr•s. Simmons' is act enjoying very
m. �,
�aad lrealtlt, '\Ir and Mrs, McLeod
vend son Droru,ld of Cad ar were this
, b Y is
eek 'visiting .fiends on this lime and
v iciniay. hiss. McMordie of London' is
the guest 'of her sister, Mrs. W. N.
Glenn, -Dan' Brintnell and wire spent
Sunday at Strath,•roy with friends.-
Mis,s:,A.nlie Vainstotve,of Varna is boli-
day ing wrtdi'1vtiss Maude 'Glenn. -Mr,
and. "i1'Irs• Selves, Sr., visited' at St.
Marys on Sun ay. )as. Anderson
drives a new Chevrolet car Misses
Ta.me'son Mrs. Crehgh�tan and Mrs.
Jameson. hal St. 'Marys and 'Mrs. John
Glens.' of Vancouver spent Sunday
with Mrs, W, ` Glenn, Sr., :and fanri,ty,
A",lairg nutn,ber from this vicinity
attendeclh thle funeral of thelate Harry
Horton of Hsrpurhey, on Monday.
The young ,girls here have formed
a knitting club, with : Miss Glenn,
teacJuer a,s president' and `Miss _Myrtle
Ryckirvut vice-pres-4ent.-Miss Eyre of
in holidaying with relatives here.
Mr -s. °WtIder of -Stratford is the'guest
of t.hic Oole fanrnflrles,-A lftrge number
from :,Mere attended' the funeral of the
late Harty :Horton, youngest son of
`Ire, ''N 13 Horton, of Herpurhey, o,n
Mr: and .Mrs. Dave Ratz and fame
ily ,of New•:= Hamiburg visited • at Mr.
I ehrt : Ratz's Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs.
S hrearr and soap -of ''Kitche,ner and
u'iss'Fiaikbeiiiver ,of 'Ki,llarnley, Main,.
anent the week -end at Mr. Chris,.
hilidkiaeaolee's,--Dress Sylvia Jones ,of
C nee itOn viiscited at Mr. Geo. Scott's
ai>:v�er _, Sunday. -Mrs. Jas. Hannan re-
turned home Friday, after a visatwith.
friends in St. Charles,Mich.-Weare
god _ to report that Miss 'Kathryn
-hlctsaid, `who -underwent an opera-
,t�ion fto her •eyte in St.Joseph Hos-
pital, 'London, its improving.
The following are' thee. names of
the prize winners in the. 'Oat ' crop
competition conducted by the Agri-
cultural Society and! judged by P. L,
Faucher of Chatham, -
1-:41ber. B.tckle, .. ...86 poi,nts
Z -Henry Switzer . 85 paints
3 -Wm. Harding 83 paints
4-Raloe rt Rattcliffe .........82 po:nntis
5 -)as• Steph,ens: .. ,.Z9 :s cants
5-M. Brethour ...... 77 paints;
7 -Wm. Holliin.gslreaid ` 75 p,oiints,
Greenway -
A sever=e electrical storm passed
:over. .here on Thursday 'last, ,1r.
Stewairdson's house was. struck, do -a
Ing considerable damage, and some
grain an Detan, Bato:wiats faun was-
t c. and red t',
s ,u k ,rI burned. A ,hea:vy rain til
which ch will do a llot` of- good �I'ss
Adak McPherson ,is' .hlolidayiing in' De-
o t 7 ss�Add e Bicker : '
t r II r H ke o.i Toronto
friends M
visiting d r
y tt n f, ten � dee 1T'ss Mabel:
Ia e
g r bl
Purdy or Hensall, is vi,sating.,at George
Luth�ers. Fred McLinchey and. Miss
Z:.English. yens rn Londa>, Saturday.
i i , Sa ui da:
-Rev H..TJlillilialns. has been granted
two« week holidays. In his absence
est Exposition in the 40 years' ,1 Stu day- school vv55'.t be herl,d as :usual,
history of the C. N. L. lllr's6 Minnie R:idle:y is visiting rel-
atnies ,nisi friends in the ;Wes', Miss
Susie: Dill of F'onitlarrll and .M J. R.
Britain"'hee Her es
A production of tremen-
dous force and beauty,
1200 participants.
All the colorful; parapher-
nalia of romance and his-
tory in the sinking. In-
spiring dramatic ---a
spectacle every Canadian
should see.
A Pa triotic Tariff in every scene:
Giant livestock and agricultural display--
'Government exhibits --demonstrations of coca-
+tional training by 50 crippled heroes --fanning
on factory lines: colossal exhibits of labor -
.laving devices - Gay rn rncnt patriotic food
show - Creatore's vlerta.famed "'band - Allies'
'exhibits of fine arts -AND A WORLD OF
Price of admission is 25 Cebtt
Consult your local agent regarding.
" railroad fares •
bfoliard visited Miss Alae •\�
Mr. A McIntosh of Pert Huiroa, ls
a tasi_toi with , triends here
-Mrs. D
B aphev .of. Ailsal Cnaalg .ls visrtrn; et
W T. Urerus;,-\L,. aavd Dlrs. Luntol (>f
t, oai vts.,iieci friends here last
week. -Mrs. C H.°, Wn,lston and Mrs,
W._ J .- Wf'lsomn etre speodiing, a, week
at Grand %eind. _Ma's. Edward.; has re-
turned to herhome h+ re,. -,Ir, D.
Wilson tell Arkc,na .ea/led on friends
here Saturday. -We are glad to re -
Or! Mrrs Jos, Pollock is im,rov;n,g.-
Her sister. Mrs. • Nichols is nursing
her ^now..
CLINTON.' - The marriage of
imtisa' Oliva CGouper, dauggh�ter of Mrs!
Wm,'Canier of Clinton) to Mr. "M;el-
bour-ne A, Gl-een, was solemn,tzrd at°
Me home of.; the lid e's hr\a the lr•-i:ni,
taw and sister, Mr. ansi Mrs.�J,, .S•
'Armstrong its Los Angeles, Cad.,
PACSOF WEEK John McInnis, a Swansea boy of
the Federal prohibition amendment.
nine, was drowned in Lake Ontario,.
Announcement is made of the for-
mation of the Royal Canadian Air
Telephone girls in Toronto are
meeting to: consider a new schedule
of wages. , •
• - A Polish draft of 4'60 left Niagara
Camp, where' there are Some 1,340
Poles left.
Two bodies meeting at the City
Hall, Toronto, are considering the
housing problem.
A board of conciliation will likely
settle the Canadian Express Co.
strike in Toronoto. '
The Canadian Fishermen's Asso-
ciation is asking for the appointment
of a Minister of Fisheries.
Marc Fidel, Suarez has been in-
augurated President of . Colombia
with imposing ceremonies.
Several more Montreal establish
ments have incurred _penalties for
violating the Food, Board's regula-
The St. Lawrence River Power Co.
is applying before the International
Joint Commission for further power
rights at the Long Sault.
British West Indians in the United
States are flocking to the colors.
More titan 1,500 have enlisted in
New York in the past month.
Britain in re-
spect to the Paris resolution on trade
will, as far as possible, be taken,
Bonar Law' says, in conjunction with
the United 'States.
Sir George Christie Gibbons, K.C.;
of London, who negotiated for Can-
ada the International Waterways
Treaty and was. Chairman ,of the
-Commission, • died at Montreal.
' It was announced in the British
House of .Commons that the Govern-
ment is considering the question of
giving the Irish an opportunity of
volunteering for service with the
Canadian forces.
Pte. Fred. Lepointe of Exhibition
Camp, hanged himself in Toronto.
The• safe arrival in the._United
Kingdom of a large number of troops
is announced.
- Spain has addressed a new note to
Germany regarding the torpedoing of
Spanish ships. '
Major E. H. Young, C.A.M.C., has
been appointed to command the Mili-
tary Hospital at Cobourg.
Edw. Tighe, son of a Maryborough
farmer, was killed By lightning while
standing at the stable door.
The Ontario Municipal Board- has
ordered the Brantford -Gas Co. to
furnish no gas for public buildings or
The ''Frankfurter Zeitung admits
that Gen. Foch_is' a good soldier; and
that his strategy has been crowned
with success.
Recruits to the number of 13,941
were secured• for the .C.E.F. during
July in Canada, the United States
and England.
Mrs. Crothers, wife of the Minister
of Labor, brought about the settle-
ment of a strike of chamberniails and
waitresses in Vancouver.
Moscow despatches claim that So-
viet forces have captured Dolakoro,
across the Volga river, and have tak-
en Nicolajersk,, farther east.
Soldiers who were under 20 year's
of age October 13, 1917, and who
were called up under the Military
Service Act, are to be discharged.
The Militia Department has issued
an order applicable to all parts of
Canada governing harvest leave,.lim-
ited to six weeks, and cancelable at
any time by wire or letter.
' The issue of seventeen writs
against the city of Toronto to recover
damages for alleged personal injur-
ies' received from the police during
the recent disturbances, is pending,
Wm. D. -Haywood, general secre-
tary and treasurer of the I.W.Wi, has-
been called to the witness stand in
the Chicago trial to testify in his own
and colleagues' defence on charge of
violating the espionage act.
Brantford citizens celebrated the
Allied victory.
Kate Smith, aged 16, was drowned
at Harriston. •
The sum of $102.40 was paid for
one hog at Millbrook.
A four-year-old boy was killed by
an auto at Hamilton.
Donald C. Macdonald, of Toronto,
was drowned near Picton.
Charles Marlow, Paris Hill avenue,
Brantford, committed suicide.:
A Chatham lad was electrocuted
dive into
when about to v
Archibald Orr, of Orr Bros., To-
ronto, was overcome in an automo-
bile and
The body 'of Harry Harrison, To-
ronto, drowned on June 28, was re-
covered from the lake. .
Ten conscientious objectors at Nia-
gara Camp were given 10 -year terms
in Kingston Penitentiary.
Miss Lottie Devins, of Woodbridge,
rwas drowned in the lake at Toronto,
her companion being saved.
Harland Pickering, one of the ear-
ly residents of the Township of Chi-
guacousy, died Sunday from heart
Following an illness of several
months' duration the death of Thos.
Eden, of • West Oxford, occurred on
The award in connection with the
Toronto civic employes' dispute was
received with satisfaction by both the
city and the men.
A heavy rain and electrical storm
passed over a portion of York county
yesterday afternoon, accompanied in
some places by hail.
Reports coming in from the dis-
trict, to the south of Calgary tell of
a remarkable improvement in the
crops since the recent rains.
Hon. N. W. Rowell, President of
the Privy Council, will address his
constituents on Wednesday and
Thursday, when he will deal with
aspects of the war..
There "is a feeling in France that
von Maier is a renegade Frenchman.
His father emigrated ft'olsi France, to
Germany and entered the service of
'William I., serving in the whr against'
'France. in 1870.
On the farm .of,-Albert-Fr;isliy,' in
Searbo'ro, a valuable registered heavy
draft mare in the pasture striding
,¢ithin four 'rods,, of the barb was
struck by lightning and instantly
killed, while the foal by her side was
tinini tired.
Important Events Which Have.
Occurred Duting the Week.
The Rust' IVoa.ld's.;t Happenings Gare -
fully ,Compiled and Put : Into
Plainly and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Sam Greenberg, Toronto, ,died
from burns received while playing.
The temperature in Toronto Civic
Holiday was 94 degrees, the hottest
day of the year.
Md. Dugald MacDonald, prominent
for years in Montreal public affairs,
died in his sleep; in his 8Oth year.
The British Ambassador at Wasn-
ington has asked particulars at. Ot-
tawa of reported "anti -Greek" riots
in Toronto.
Returned men marched to the City
Hall, Toronto, to demand the release
of soldiers held in custody since the
recent disturbances.
Investigation by- U. S. authorities
discloses the fact that the artaored
cruiser San Diego, sunk off the Amer-
ican coast struck a mine.
John McElroy, a Morris township
farmer,was atally hurt when is
v k y eu tr.
horses took fright and dragged him
under a binder .cross a field.
Russell Shephard, 11 -year -ofd' son
Of a farmer near 13rockville, was
thrown by a frightened team in front
of a hay rake and killed by being
dragged around the field.
Roumania's wheat crop is a failure
and the condition of the maize «har-
vest is only medium. Berlin, the pa-
pers warn the public, cannot depend
upon supplies from there.
The German press is altering rte
tone. regarding the fighting .qualities
of the Atueric l i..soldiers: They are
thoroughly -goof[ fighters as the state-
ment of the Eoelnsche Volkszcitung.
Mrs. Joseph,- 0.:; Jewett, who was
Miss Stella E. Morgan, °a Brockville
bride' of a few hours, finding-tha>
the returned soldier she:had married
'has a wife and child in Bi'stol, Eng.,
drowned herself.
The Fuel 'Controller has issued
regulations affecting the importation,
sale and delivery of coal.
Official thermometers registered
yesterday 106 at Windsor and Chat-
ham and 103.5 at London.
Five thousand ' citizens passed
strong, war resolutions at a meeting
in Queen's Park, Toronto.
Further slashes took place • last
night in Toronto with the 'police, and
Mayor Church will read the Riot Act
to -day.
The British schooner Gladys J.
Hollett was sunk by a submarine en
route-" from Newfoundland to New,
Eleven Toronto Jewish bakeries
have been closed for a week by the
Food Board for baking oven sole
George Mitchell,' of Sparta, was
fined $40 and costs for selling deter-
iorated milk to the cheese: factory a•t
Practically complete returns of the
man and woman power registration.
of• the Dominion show 4,811;646
persons registered.
French homes 'are to be opened to
soldiers from America, the British
Dominions and French colonies un-
der plans now being studied.
Bolshevik influence , in western
Russia only extends to the larger
towns, the Frankfort Zeitung says,
and is rapidly decreasing in the east.
Half a million fighting men are be-
ing raised in India, besides numerous
non-combatants. The June figures
for recruits reached 50,000. Pro-
vinces which hitherto have supplied
few men-- are now yielding their
The Germans have levied war con-
tributions of 2,a30,000,000 francs on
Belgium, besides enormous fines on
municipalities, firms and individuals.
Lord Cecil says these monstrous exac-
tions must not be forgotten when
peace terms are arranged.
•The two men in peril on a scow
above Niagara Falls were brought off
Yesterday was the hottest- day of
the year in Toronto, the thermometer
registering 101.
meeting to discuss the
ub c
a ,lien question will be held in Toronto
next. Thursday evening. •
Joseph Wiggin was killed in- an
aleyator shaft at the Robt. Simpson
warehouse, Toronto.
Prof. Ledoux, a Provincial Govern-
ment official and a Belgian veteran,
soldier, died at •Sudbury.'
Apt': .Ottawa restauranteaur has
been closed •-up • for" a week for vio-
tating food, regulations.
Triplets were born to Mrs, Daniel
Michaelis, nea'i• Parry • Sound ---- two
boys and a girl—all healthy.
The biggest salmon catch in twen-
ty years'is anticipated by British: Co-
lumbia fishermen and cannerymen.
Mrs. Lennox Mills has given the
Ontario Synod $5,500 for a bursary
in commemoration of the late bishop.
The drowning theory for Major
Sharp's disappearance at Kingston
Lias been abandoned, and that of foul"
Play is also discounted. ,
A census just completed shows
that the 'population of Petrograd is
low 1,417,000, or 1,000,000 .less
.ban it was eighteen months ago.
,The Railway Labor Board of Can-
a•da has been formed to settle all rail-.
way. labor disputes not settled byofil-
sers and men of the individual roads.
Norway lost 14 vessels through
•ra' causes during the month of
(lily. The tonnage aggregated
x,444. Fifty-five sailors were
Banishment Of:. M. Malvy, former
French Minister of the Interior,: will
to, deferred pending the adjustment
32 his family affairs, It is said` he
vrill go .to England.
Thd"Federal Ministry` has appeal -
'd to the people of Australia to do
heti« utmost to win ,the war. ' .A
'icing's Hien" moveinent has been in-
tmrated to combat pacifeism. `
Street car' fares ,in Detroit have
Kant increased" to six cents. •
The State of Louisiana has ratified
SEAI"ORTH.-On Saturday «Mrs.
..'farv!i,e wlao was" walking on the s -',de
tv�alk was :struck' by an auto out cf
cottirol and shewa forced through
plate glass window of Th�omr win's
b noit store,. Her• arra ,badly lac-
erated, the 'e radon bieing sev ea�ed,and
sustained a severe shock; The
was driven by Harry Jayne;.
;a �es�eensed resident cif Ser«forrh•di,:d
day in the person :cif Willi,a,m. Pen
eit�L7nttal ai few years - a.gp }le
tea.- 1h.tc1'tell He 'rad been
e'.s with, p}eu1 � - n uuvari, av
-. w. r,k a ul i>ar' s4nlxir, clli drtso
t,\ra the > pt:tinr> were taken, to
'Mitchell for iatcrm4�nc,
C.14O., LLD., D,GL., President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
SiR JOHN 'AiRD, General Manager
H. ' . F. JONES, Ass't Gen'l. Manager
RvE FUND, • $13,500,000
This Bank will open a Savings account in
and your deposits and withdrawals can be made en-
tir n ere5 allowed at the current rate
sly by mail. I t .tis
Write rs- 42
for pax ticula _ �
10sTER k. Kuhn, Mgr CREDITON-J, A. McDonald Mie,
INCORPORATED 1855 'se•eaeesvaeomea,P
Capital Reserve $8,800,0Q0
118 Branches in Canada
A Geaerai Banking Business
Oircuiar Letters at' Credit
Bank Moneg Orders
1 tsreet allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, /damages.
- \
'His Honor Judge Dickson has ren-
dered judgment in the case , of Ren-
nie vs. Standard Mac'Kjlnitosh Co.,
L'it'd;,-The plaintiff, Mane R. Ren-
nie, merchant -of Hensall, purtha:sed
from the defend'a'nt Company, nranu-
facturers at London, Oat., a consign-
ment of raincoats, with, the alleged
stipulation tisat any remaining unsold
could be returned to the ma,nufac-
turielrtr TRallnic;oa'ts 'to the -value of
5215 were returnted, but the manus
facturers refused to refund the value
of same. Judgment wars Dor plaintiff
for 5215 and costs, -Mrs. 5. DMD,
Wilson +hhls returned from St. Marys
where sshe ,sple:nt some 'weeks wlith
relatives, -Mr. and Mrs,. Lorne 'Scott
of Toronto have neturtileid 'from
pleasant visit win relatives in Hen-
sall.-Miss Matte Ellis treated.. her
Sunday school class to a day's out-
ing at Gr=and Bend on Wednesday. -
Mr, D. Ross of Cleveland, Ohio, ac-
companied by his' wife and two daugh
ters, are visiting relatives and friends
Hensall and vicinity, Mr. Ross is
member o,f the' police staff of Cleve-
land. -Rev Mr. ° i)4cConnell ,of Carmel
Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Mr.
Dean of the Methodist Church are
now on, their boiidaiys for a few weeks
but have niladle supply for their pul-
pits while absent. -Mr. Robt. Laa-mer
of Zurich has+ nrloved to the village.
Miss Doreen Murdock is confined to
her room through knee trouble and
has had to have it encased for ithie
present ;in .lals,te,r parist.-Miss Alice
Dougall coif Detiioit is spending the
holidays with her p!alrf nts, Mr. and 4
Mrs. Wm. Dougall and stister, Mrs+,
Milne Rieniae and .is with the latter
camping at Grand, Bend. -Mr. and Mrs;
J, S. Wen of Mir/onto - are vdsi,ting
relatives and friends in the village
and country. -Word has been receiv
ed Mere of the death of Wm,. John
Elder, who passed awry at his ranch
homes Fruitlands. Deceased was beim
rn Rogervid:le ablaut 40 years ago.
He was a graduate of To canto Uni-
versity and 'for; a number of Fears
taught scheme. Cansumptitan was the
cause of his death,
ST. MARYS.-Joseph Hutton, aged
72 yearns. died on -Sunday. He re-
doth; moved here, from East. Nissouri.
A family- of three scans and three
:daughters, all of whom live in this
locality, survive liim.-Miss 'Morton,
a well- k:n.own resident alsto died on
Sunday after a Lingering largess.
ST. MARYS-Between 9,30 and 10
*clock Thursday morning( the sum of
5125 was removed fniam the sate in
the ,office of Weir & Weer,"s' mill
here: The money was; the day's bank
deposit and was ,chiefly in cheques.
The autharlities ams looking into the
G. E Rummage,, B. A. of ,vt'(tcheli
high school !sta'ff, has been appointed.
science master at St.:My,rys colleg-
iate institute, with a salary of $1600.
It'/;� ��.�., �t���M! � f •� j�i�iA�iritr! a��!� r';a,!�
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Model 90 cars are helping many
Canadians to do more,. work,', to save
,.time and to save money.. .—
Considering the quality of Model 90,
it is priced unusually low.
No one knows how far the shortage
of material will go.
But you do know that we are un-
usually well prepared to take care ofl
all service and parts requirements.
Even extraordinary requirements can
be promptly supplied from our Toronto
factory or nearby Branches. -
Five points of Overland superiority
Appearance, Performance,
Comfort, Service and Price
Local Dealer,
T. H. Newell, Exeter
Willys-Overland, Limited
Wi11ye-Knight and Overland Motor Care and
Light Commercial Wagons
Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario
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