HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-15, Page 1TIFIIRTYr'FIRST YEAR
5, 1918
Our Corner
The British and Fr encs, inclu fan
the Australians arvd Canadians have
been carrying .on, a great offew i,ve
during the paslt w,o weeks,, and have'
been driving back the enemy all
along, the line, capturing .ma,ay guns
^wind thauusi•tends of prisionetrv, Among.
the prisoanerS. ca;rtureci t'he last month
are over 1000 idfficemsi, including sev-
eral generallls.
Thee Anises have ,decici(ed to inter=
vette in `RulsIslia and have !auricled troops
'in _the north and''thef east,
British ard Tneinch alifrnen con inu
the bombardment lolf German 'towns
and c,itnie,s; lsrsdl have dawned nearly a
hundred German machines in the
past wveiek.
Some Motorists ado not slow up their
cars when. pede;satrielns are crossing
ahtead of them, Orae[ of the warnimgs
to motorists ,froan the Deputy Minim
•ister of Hilgh,wvaprs reads thus : ;Eed-
estrianrs who :'harole" started to crass a
street at a Seasonable edtus'tarace from
an, ap: r•oachLt g rrvatlor car have the
right, to dot ,sig pit the pante( of an; or-
dinary walk and the Motorist has : no
night to clomipel the p,edeist!riilains to
rush or run irare'stafety by the blow -
ng ng '.af hisham.
six ,wbeeeks t,a :tssist`in
,the expirat�iion
,ldsf iVT`,amy of the local
order., issued says, '"Des-
erters and absentees and defaulters
who surrender under, this aarin�estypra-
clama]tiosr dated the, .first of August
will. be granted' leave of absence and
treateded it' all respects like othersol-
Teat cause entious' o,bjectars-to m,i•1-
itary service ;were given tern years in
Ki gston Pe'nurtemtiary last Saturday
by the General Court-martial.
Several tlifausand rolf the soldiersin
Canada ww;ha-w,ere iardgimally at work
on the land,; have been given leave,
afbsence if,or
farm . wvoa;k-unless' recalled by ,tele -
grana or letter beflore,
of .thie six ws ere
:boys are alread'y at hloemae on;
T4N.. AN'.S
er akthbb.
RTC. • FTS., ETC., ItiTC.
are now, on ;and placed on
Suits are right up, to dig minute,
at ler3 than whole(slaile price to-daty,
tae' of old bluets and blacks with
cblo'rs guaranteed.
ilor &Furnisher
� Mitcheli , "
Was A Success
The Eighth. Annual Tourname,nt of
the Exeter- Bowling Associatiloin! ,en-
joyed its usual eminent success last
weeIC, although; the. first day was ex-
ecedingiy hat and the second day's
bowling was interrupted by a couple
heavy showers loft rairt.
The tourney would have been com-
pleted by nine or ten eo'clack Thurs-
day ieveniung, but for ,the rain: As
i.t ww'ials the last game was'finished at
an early hour on Friday =loaning,.
Thirty-six rinks entered, and there
was ,but one diefault. The'entry is a
little smaller than last year, when
44 rinks competed. -
The first event, represented by the
London Free Press Trophy, was won
by R. G. Seldoin's Exeter rink, 'with
Fred Busch's Henson rink as runners
up. ° Seldon's .. rink got- priizes of ma-
hogany pedestals, and Busch's rink
cut glass' flower, baskets.
The South Hutton, Trophy wits won
by' ;the Landon, Thistle . Club far the
third time and now .beclarnes their
prooelrty, Roth,'rinks that got into
the Iiruais in this event were London
Thistle players, skimped by A. M.
Hearties) and J, P. D,ewan., The final
game at their request will be played
on the Thistle green on a date to be
arranged. The prizes were electric
table !lamps and table mirrors.
The Major Neaman Trophy was won
by C. A. McDoavell's Hensall rink, with
L. B. Smell,s . Et•etter 2i"in4k',irr• second
place, The first ` prizes in this .event
were mahogany 'traysand the second
electric :' irons.
Following are the results in. detail,
Londan Thistles log
A. M HIearutaln ' 25 F' G: Walley ` 12
Lan .• Elmwoods " Seatfarth ..
J: 5, Dyer.' 20 52 E. Willits 17
Landau ' Elms Ste Marys
W. B, Scz+ea(tlan 11 R. Clark 7
Lorndan Elmist. Gfodenich.
C. E Sp e'arnn 26 W. Laine) 9
Resit ,'Round
London. This. London :Elms.
A. M. Heeamar, 14 Ji_ J. Dyer 10
London Elm. : London Elm.'
W: B Scr+eajton 15 0,E. Sp.earin 11
London Thys- Hensall
J P Dewann 15 C. McDanell 10
Exeter Wellesley
R. G Seldon 26 E?'K. Reiner 5
Hensall Iand'an This. '
A. Heanplaill 16 0. K. Bluett 15
London R. C. 'Sehlfiorth,
T; Oke 20 Dr. Burrows 6
Mitchell Lfonolan Elan.
H. 'luck 12 Dr. Jannis 10
Blyth Exeter •
E. McTaggart 18, R. N. Rowe 11
C. Heam'aa Exeter; wan by default
ream ,J: Nediger of Clinton.
Seaford) Wsloxe,ter
J. GiWeye 24 I,. Durst 15;
Exeter Ridg,e:to s n
C. B. Snell 13 P Bowden 12.
Hensel! es London This.
F. Busch _ ;13 F. AT. Brown 12
"Mitchell Exeter
Geo, Sawyer 21 R. Ni Crleieclri 16
London R. C. Stratford
W. Sneigrove 18 A. Barnsdale 16
,Sea'fort'h,' ' St. Marys',
W. "G,. Willis 28 E Northfgra,^tse 13
Stratford Mit obeli
Second Round
Exeter" London This,
R. Seldon 13 J. P. Dewan 11
London R. C. Hens'all.
T, Oke 18 A Hemli:hiiill, 9
Metcduell Byth
IL Tuck 15 G. McTa,g,gart 13
S,eacor•tli Exeter
Dr.. Grieve 10 0 He'am,an 17
flensall Exeter
I.?, Busch ' 14 C. B. Snell 10
London R. C. . Mitchell
W. :Snelgrove 22 G. rSawyer 13
Seaforth° Stratfiord
W. G. -Willis 20 C, A, Dawn 16
London This. London Elm.
A. M. Pleat -non 24 W, Screaton 8
Third Round
London. This, Exeter
A. M. Heitman 9 R. G. Seldon 11
London R C. Mitchell
T. Oke 13 H. Tuck 12
Hensall Exeter
F Busch 20 C, Heiman 8
London R. C, Seaftorth
W. Snellgrove 18 W. G. Willis 13
Exeter London R,C.
R. G. Selclon 20 T: Oke 12
EIensall, -- London R. C.
F. 73usch 17 W. Snellgrove 8
Finals '
Exeter Hensall.
W. D, Clarkee E. B. McDonald
J. A. Stewart W Hobleirk
,W, Ta.mjaln 0-, Case
R, G Seldom sk; 17 F, Busch, s1.,1.3
5eafortli. , i; Ingersoll
J, E. Wallis 17 G, Walley 14
St, Marys Godcricl
R. Clarke 20 W. Lane 10
Hens all y
0, A, \lcDon(el1 22 E. 1‹, Resider 11
London 'Uisetles Seaforth
0, K Bluett 11 Data Burrows 15
Finast ,Ronin'
Exeter London Elm
R. N. Rowe 14 lIr, Sands 9
l„ Direst of W1{ot1eter won by deo'.
Ridgetown London 'This,
Baavden 1.7 Brawn 16.
St. 2darys Scal orth
Willis 11
R. Clarke 14 W
Hensall Seaforth
alcDonell 13 Burrows 12
London Elm. London Elm.
Speairau 22 Dyer 11
Second Round
Wroxeter Exeter_
I. Durst 17 Rowe"" 12
Mitchell London Etna
Pendleton 17 Speiraln 15
London This. London Elni.
Dewar 27 5c neaten 7
Blyth Hens all
McTauggart 15 Herriphill 14
S trat'f ori Mitchell
Down,sk. 18 Sawyer, sk. 13
Exeter S ea:f orth
Snell, sk. 17 Dr, Grieve, sk, 7
Ridgetown geto vn - Stratflord
P. Bavden. ski. 25 Ba.nn,sdale, sk. 12
Henson St. Marys
alcDonell, sk, 17 Clarke, sk, 10
Third Round
IIensall ,Wroxeter
C. A. .1cDonnel s.18 I. Durst s. '7
.Mitchell Ridgetown
II. Penleton s... 14 J. Bawden s.,,... 13
Lon, Thistles 'Blytlh
J.P.Dwwan, Dewan, s...18 G. MoTaiggart ;r„•10
Stratford a Exeter
A. Down s...22 C. 13. Snell s..,,.,. 7
Lon. Thistles Mitdhelt
A.• M. Neaman 6...18 II. Tucks 9
Seaforth Exeter
Willis,s...21 IQ's Ieaman s..,21
Fourth Round
C 'A. 'McDonnell s.12 IIs. Penleton s,19
Lon. Thistles Stratford
J. P. Dewan, e...15 C. A. Down, s... 11
Lon. Thistles Seafortth
A. M.
IIeaman, s.18 (W. iG, Willis s14..
London R. (C. London R ,C
W. Snelgrove e.15 T. Oke �s... ,13
Semi Finals
London Thistles ,1-lensall-
W. Et.` Rhodea W. A. McLaren
W. J: Braunton 2t Rennie'
A, J. Smit!; A. ,Whiteside
f. P. Dewvan, s...18 C. McDonnell 6.10.
Lon. Thistles London 1i C
R. D. McDonald Sam..HIIorma
M. S. ',Aiikenhead: f1:: McKenzie
Geo. Nightingale W. Anderson
A. M. Heaman's:16 .W. Smelgrove s 10,
Final to be played .off in London.
St, MarysExeter Council
17 lxrlgrth,gr-avtres 15
Barnisdalo 10
First Round
,Godenioh Ingersoll
Lanes c , .14 (Walley s..: 6
C. K. 1Blue,tt, London tThastles, won..
by default from Reanor, Welllcusiey.
R. D. Jarvis, London Elmwoods, won
by 'default from J. ;Nedsger, (Clinton,
Seaforth Seaforth
Willis,: s!:.,..., .f 23 Burrows, ,sk ,., 9
Lon.'Elmwoods St,' Marys
Dyer, 'sk .. ...,e19 Northgraves s.11
Lon, Thistles Exelfer
F. A. Brown, s....10 R. NilCreech,'sQ4
Exeter ` St. Marys
R. N. Bowe ,18 R. Clarke, e '17
Lon. -Elm-woods Stratford
C. Steeiran, O 18 A. 'Barinsdale, s..,13
Rensall Lon. Elmwoods
A. 'Hemphill, s 21 ,W,B.Screaton s.13
Dr. Grieves won by default from
Second Round
Lon. Thistles ,Godericli
C. K. Bluett, s.25 W. Lane ek... 14
Lon. Elmwoods Seaforth
Dr. Jarvis, s. t... 13 J. E. Willis s 11.
Lon. Thistles Lon. ,Elmwoods
1', A. Brown s...16 J. J. Dyer s......10
Lon. Elmwoods Exeter
C. 'E. Speiran se, 19 1b. N. Rowe 's...9,
Hensall - Seaforth
A. Hemphill, sk. 17 Dr. Grieves, sk,,,...9,
J. `.Bawwrden, of Ridgetowia waif by
default. $ yt'a
C.'13.'Sne11, sk ,.....:14 tG,l*:IcTaggart s.13
17aitohell • Exeter
R. Tuck, s 14 C. Hcaman s...2
Third Round
Lon. Thistles Lon. Eltriwoods
C, 13., 'Bltiett, s... 15 11,, D. Tai'vi , 1.3
Lon. 'linwood.'s Lon. Thistles
C. E. tSp.esran, s. 17 IF. A. Brown
Exeter Mitchell
C. B. Snell s 1'I ST, Tuck s i 13
WTansail Ridgetoww 1
A. ,Hem hill, s,' 1.8 J. Bawvden, s. 1.0
Stratford Mitchell
C. A. Down, sk tfl: Penleton;'s. 11
°Ceaforth Lon. R. 'C.
W. IG,: Willis, s...13 T. Oke, s
Fourth -Round
Lan. '.Elmwoods Lon. Thistles
C. E. Speiran; s...9 IC. K. 'Bluett, s...5
Exeter, &tensall,
C. B. l`:ine11, sk. w,...18 A, 1Temphill sir
Stratford 'Seafori h
0.' A. Down , sk17.r4V, G Wrl:lis s,..12
Slensall Lon, ,1z. ' C.
C. McDonoll, s...,21 W. Snellgrove b.12
Semi Fi.na,ls
61ensall 'Stratford
Ct AleDonald,•e,17 IC. 4 .Down s ,..9
Exeter Lon. Elmwoods'
0, 13, Snell, s......16 (C. Speiran, e.., ,.:;10
Finals r
,W A. McLaren
ilia R. Bennie
A, Whitesides
C A lilcD,onell,
W. •Ma y
H. W Doerr
F. W. fGladman
s,ti '0, ei73. Snell, ls..• 7
The regular monthly ,meeting .of the
Piatriotic League 'wets held. in the
Town 112 11 an Tuesday,.' (Aug, Gbh, Tlhe
calendar '.,eheme':which: wvas :held 'dar-
ing July amounted to 1,8142, The
r:nouthly collections were 543,53, also
'donations tion Mrs, John ,T2ind of
'11;2,00, and :Masa, 4 "J', Ford $1,00;
making Ka total of $131,35, il:'reptir-
• nitons aro being made tae_big Pate:
l•ioteo clay on pair Day, "Y'u.n• and'
sowing given put at ',('owwrt hall every
Wed ,.ttrd Sat, afternoons,
R. E. Beavers, Secy:
Monday, August' 12, '.18
The Council of the Village o1 Ex-
eter meet in regular session, with 'alit
the members present.
'1Ise minutes of the meeting held
July 22 were read and approved.
A ,circular letter from the Prem-
ier, W: H. Hearst, was read, regard-
ing a proposed mfeeti;ngire- fire prts-
vention an;d tlae eorgsnuzation of a
Provincial Fire Prevention League,'1n
Parliament Buildings, Tomonta, on Fri-
day, August 30th. The card as girl-'
closed was duly, filed in ,acid will be
returned by za(aiill
The following accounts were rebid
and passed, being approved by the
Chairman of: the Finance cfommittiee-r
Cecil Ford, liablor cemetery 13.50; 5,
A. Stewart, sup;tlies, 1:35; Fred Kerr
brick, 80.60; W. D. Sanders J. 'P`,
$1oorn11inlct case 6.40; Mrs, F. W.
'Gladdman, re-. returnled soldiers sup-
per, sup plies 43,20 ;, H, T. Rowe, egad.
per Mi•s, F East 5,25; 'Mrs. Fred
East, cleaning library 3,75; Roland
Squires, labor Roads, etc., 3.13.; Ar-
thur Sanders 4,38; Jonathan, Lydd
team, 16,50; John Nforry, labor 30.00;
John Piper 27.50; Wm. Waal 22,50;`
Sidney Sanders, 7,50 R. Quance"
25,00; T. G. Creech 52.25; John
Walper 5:50, Theo, Wainer, ' 5.50; 5,
Hunkun 11,00 Geor Fiord 35.75; W,
Creech, labor 20,00; Walter We!stcoittt
19,00; ,Harvey Bros., team 38,50 Ar-
thur Middlemiss, labor 7.50; Thomas
Houlden, tearns 9,25.
Mr. 11:Ie,rrinigton representing the
Globe' Indemnity Co., of Toronto,' ad-
dressed the council treganaling itlhe 're-
newal of the Inndemnity`Insurance
the same bean;g `considered and the
renewal affected, datano from ,the
19,th !day of 'August, 1918.
Per Elston -,Snell That permission.
be granted the Grand ,Trunk railway
to ,continue their switch iline across
Wellingtonton street lbetweetia. their main
tracks and kir. R. :G. Seldoai's office
as fpr r 'diagram and plans submitted
to ,the councai•1.-Carried,
!lir, !Chas. S. Sanders through the
reeve, made ;application for a new
street tight topposite this home, - No.
a ction..
Wesley Lamport, ,througth the !reeve,
thade a request for sufficient the to
allow shim to construct ta,troadFway
into his property off of ,Wellington
Street. -No action
The Auditors report for July was
read. and accepted on ,motion( of Snell
and :Elston.
Th (prepaid accounts for hay $26.18
and the Inspector's' fees for inspect-
ing town sealers fro $2.50 were ap-
Adjournment by Day.
J. Senior, •Clerk.
Local News
The ,: Ailsa Craig Banner is holiday -
Lag this week.(
Miss Alma Back of Montreal is
home, on a. visit.
Bevorley Acheson is visiting z
London this week, -
Mr. Wm, M:ay iaajs had a phone in-
stalled mit his hasnet Ring 105,
Mr, J. ID, Atkinson, tot Clinton, was.
in town this we-ek on business
The onion cnofp now bhein;g har-
vested in this district, is in nearly
all cals'e,, .an ,exceptionally good -Ones
The engine art the 'water works had
been out toff commission again far a,
day or twwna, but is now going once
Mr. John C. Snell threshed a. fine
field of fallt whelat-',last .week, There
were nine acres m the field' and ' it
averaged 45 bushels to the acre.
The heavy: rains Sof Thursday were
a lie saver for the, root crops and
the garder, stuff. Old mother earth
took .it all ,in in aslrlort Lime and
soon wave leaking: for mare.
The Exeter Bowlers have storied a
sei:uee of Scotch Doubles in w.h :ch
each :.pater will. inlay four games. `1'o
make ,it n success, it ;l ,s necessary that
e.rch pair :,lay' two games this we ek
and two games next week
The United States' Government is
prcaarring the .auto manufacturers for
e, possible . fonder not to make any
more,,passeng,er cars, by telling them
to put thei,. plants on a full .100 per
cent war basis by 'January -next.
We notice by The Out.l,opk, Out-
look Sask., that hiss Dorothy White
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whiter
for•nierly tat Exeter, was successful in
passing: her .s,econd-class examination.
!Milton The
and I-krp•er. Revers
ptssed 4lifc medical board ,for overseas
last w.eek, btut Gordon Davis was or-
dered to report again for further
'examination, and wiGrrn,. t, Gardinef
wvas .declared- unfit,
Wo(Lkna.ea are eng,ag,ed in putting
clowar a. oeniervt wvallc from, John. to
Huron Street on, tiler west 'side Of
William Street, This haa been a much
seceded walls fot many Y e tTi a,rud
\wbed1 contplete,ci will serve 'a good
1.,uraosc, and be a great convenience,
n,irtbcu1arly, tot residents living on
that Street, 4
Stephen Council is building 7 new
bridge two utiles west of Exeter;
The old bridge is about fifty yards.
vwest .of the cornet; but owing to
the short turn in the course o.1 'the
stream the roads, flooded ,in; the high
season, Sea the new bred, gc Is
being built right, rut the corner to give
the waster a b.e'ttorchance to get ',oar
it; way. Joseph Lawson has the con-
A cotitinurous 8pelt of very hot
ingather has been with us for the past
wr,cek 'Phe ther•rrromete:r has ranged
from .'ff to 196 ,degrees,
\Vit sympathize with our old traend
Vw allriam
Dawson, :editor of he l
hill Gazette, Who: s 'suffering from a
.stroke .of pari<tlYSftsj May his be a
speedy recovery.
R. G. Seldon took a rink of bowlers
to a tourney all London Asylum on
Tuesday and wou the Iinhineon Chal-
lenge Cup and first prize. Dick is bit-
ting a furious p'wce ori trophy hunting.
0.rngratulritions once more.
Mrs. R. N. Creeeli, and Hugh are
visiting in Forest.
\'tis:; Fiera Swveieep'•ol1 Loind.on is vis-
iting litter grandparents here.
Miss \•lutart of, London is visiting
friends in town for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans of
London spent Snnday with friends
Mise I-iaviland of New York City
is _visiting at the home of her broth-
er, Mr. H, J. Haviland.
Mt, and Mrs. Robt. Campbell .of
Haniiltar_ are visiting Mrs.. Campbell's
sisfer. Mrs. Richard Welsh,
Mr. and 'mfrs. W. Coultis and son
C. L and wife of Toronto, are vis-
iting relatives and friends. here.
Miss 13agent, who has been holiday-
ing with her parents, Londan Road
south, returned to her duties in the
Hospital as nurse,
Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Dore returned
aionday-,from a motor trip to. Ham-
ilton, Norman brought gliome a
new McLaughlin car,
Mrs. Bryson, whta has been visiting
her parents, \Ir. and Mrs, 1-1. J. 1-Iav-
ilasid, has returned to her nursing
duties in: New York.
tale. and Mrs. 5. Jarrott of 'I;ipoen
and Mr. Geo. Kennard Sof Van,couv er
visited over Sundtiycwmth, Mr. and stirs,'
J ,]arrott, Exeter North,
Mr. Harold Smith returned to De-
troit after- a two weeks'� visit with his
ww'itee andfamily, who, are visiting .later
mother and other .friends in Exeter.
Mr, : and Mrs. 5. Niles' of 'Land] n
and Rev . Mr. ;and Mrs, W. .Hiles' of
Highgate were visitors at Main St,
parsonage last week. Mr.. J. Hiles is.
a brother of Mrs. Medd.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston of 'Lansing,
Mich., visited last welek with their
cousins Mr. 'Rids Welsh and Mr.
C. T. Brooks, They left Thursday
for Ridgetiown to visit before . re-
turning home
Miss Pearl Geiser, of Tal eda, Ohio,
is _ham,c on her holiday's. She is at
present at Grand] Bend camping with
her sister, Miss Elsrye r
Ali-. and: Mrs. Berke of Detroit have
returned oft er a \visit with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wen-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoist, August,
Hill and Bernard Brown motored to
Kilmamagh. '`_Vlich., to attend the fun-
eral of their niece.
Lorne Brown return ed home lion
day (after attending the Y. 51 C. A,
Summer Schaal at Conciliating
Russell Clark of the Bank staffis
having his holidays. He has just re
turnedfrom Aurora where he visit-.
eed visit-
The Flax Company will complete
the flax pulling this wveiek,
The adult classess of the Evangel-
ical Sunday School were out two
nights last week pullinig flax to, earn
money to send overseas boxes forthe
Misses Pearl, Clara, Vera and Laur-
etta Holtzinann are camping at Grand
kiss May . Armstrong -of Exeter vis -
Red Mrs. H. K. Eilber last week..
Many of the ,soldier boys are home
an six weeks' leave, and are helping
on the fauns.
;.Ii•. John Schna sr and family of
Waterloo motored lie re on Sunday
and spent the day with friends.
Miss Mamie Lamont of Zurich spent
Lee week end in town the guest of
:Miss Reel Kienzle.
.ver and Mrs, John G. Young were
int Lucan Sunday.
Dr, and Mrs. Orme and daughter
1=ieleri took a boat trip from Sarnia.
tai .Detroit bust we ek'
Miss Barbara. Finkbeiner gf Lake-
port, Ohio-. visited her par ants Mr.
and \Irs. John Finkbeiner test w; eef.,
The hot weath er this past week.
eras- mad., it very uncomfortable for
us, especially those "blessed" with
more than an fordinary share if
weight. t. To get a good night's sleep
was- quite .a problem .
lI ABVa S`Lw
According to Rc distratiora returns
of ;Tune 22, there are over 2,500 men
in th`c 'County of Heron who have had.
or arewilling t
t' 'nr �PX Tel'li:Y,leO 11
ar 1ra
asssst in the saving of ,tai bfarva,st,
The Organization of Resources .'Com-
mittee have shad abstracts made of
the; cards :signed by the above. These
cards are in our office and. lists .have
been prepared for each town and, vie,
!age In the County. Thelists are La
the hand's of the local Orgaa.izaaian
or Resources tConanrit.tee.
It Is hoped( that in 'this way those
who 'require [help will apply to those
in ohaxrg'e of the list and that those
who 'are asked to 'assist in :harvesting
will make an effort to comply with
the request. 4 little co-operation be,
tween urban ,and rural ,dwellers wvib
aid a great deal at this time..
The list for Exeter is iso the ,hands
of W. S. ICo1e,,who 'will do' al. do - this •
Dower to assist you.
Department of A,grisulture
Pte C. Oxley is visiting with Mr;.
a;nd Mrs, John Kent this week,
The Hanlon lf'tm'sly, also, .Mrs, C
O'Brien and f'V);(ary have been camp-
ing at Gratnld. Bend this last week, ,
Mrs. Thos, Boyes; and Mrs,' Bowden
visited friends in London last week,
Mr, arid Mrs, Price visited Mn andJ
Mrs; 3`: Essery for a few days.They
have been home from Japan the past
year on furlough, Mr. Price occupied
the pulpit in 'the church here 'Sunday
morning h and gave an interesting ad
does,: an rap,att. •
Mr la McCoy of London is visit-
ns at Lire home of \Ir. Murray El-
';sirs Jean Spencer of St. Thongs
ng wt stn her aunt, Mrs. H.. Malls
young son has arrived to bright
err the home. JOT Mr. and Mrs. M. Alit-
Mr and Mrs, F. Fait -hall spe,at the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Faair-
iBdR TH6
Culbert-Neaa- Liman ani Aug. 3rd, to
Mr, and. Mss. Myron M. Culbert, a
soin-Ivadn Hector,
Thar -1n Biddulph, on August 5th, to
Mr and Mrs. John Thar, a son.. •
Stewart -In` Se'afonthl on Aug,
Mr. and Mrs). Harry Stewart;, a '',ow
Hay -In Tuck wresr$uta on Aug. 7, to
Mr. and. Mrs. James A. Hay, a sow
Rydall-Tri Usborne, ron'Aug� 2nd; to •
Mr, arra : Mss. W. B. Rydall, a sen
-John. Alliston:.
Terrington -'Kerslake -At the home of
tb(e bride's .father, Exeter, on. "Aug.
10 by ,Revs J. W. Baird, Mr. Harry
Terrington ,of near .Chatham, to
Miss Ethel Maude, youngest daugh-
ter of. Mr. John. Kerslake of Exeter}
Martin -Carter -In Clisatoin, ,on; August
2nd, by the Rev. E. O.' Forde;.Mau-
drelean May Carter, daughter off Mr.
Jas. Carter, to Melville' John Martin
of Gaderich
Hocking -In 'Mitchell, on. - July 31st
1�ri11iam Hockingg, aged 86 years, 6
C.hrisbolm-In \:Isitchlell, 'on Aug: 4tli,
Donald Clarishalnr,, aged 92 ears,
6 months.
Correspondents ! ! !
Attention !
The Advocate usually prints oris
Wednesday afternoon, but this year
the weekly half -holiday ` during July
and August canvest om, Wednesday af-
ternoon go that at becomes neces-
sa,ry • thaat we print on, Tuesday after-
noon ear Wednesday morning. This
meeaai, that all correspondence` must
be in our' hands, not later than Tues-
day niaraing. Get your weekly bud-
gets away on \don:day and then they
will ,reach us in plenty of time.
Our correspondents are, alwvays.good
in these little requests of our, and so
we will expect you to be orampt in
the sending of all the news during
these two months. It does .not mat-
ter if the budget ,is large or not, send
it on time; please. Wmite and mail
on Monday and you will be right.
During the .nest tura months adver-
tisters must have changes in by Mon-
day morning at sten, o'clock.
Bigger and atter Than
Attractive Speedi
2.20 TROT OR PACE ,,..:....,,. .. .. 'PURSE $,200.00
GREEN TROT OR PALL .,...,.., „•.. PURSE $60,00
For particulars s,+`ae: 13r1.ls, Ser amity the Secretary„
w. sande"as, Pres,
R. G. ' Seldon, a o