HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-8, Page 8AY, NOM ' Flo nt`TER MARKETS n.,F vied Each WeQa»+dap Barley 4,10 to` Family Creamery Flour s ..... Cremery Bwtter 48 Dairy Butter . & to 40 40 Pota, toes "y..25 -''to 1350 Hay, per ton10.00 to. 12.00 " Bogs. 18,75 lr. George •Smallucombe, " mother and `;inter May of Stratford, and aunt Mrs, Thomas called mbe f friendsnn • own City !,Man., It is sand that Banks are con- sidering ;onss`dering a change, iha, 'the order of things regarding Savings Bank de - pants. It: its pitopo.said to make lav- ing,: accounts real ,avis gs accounts and inept current acdounits as a g"eat many now are, It is altlogetherllike- ly that checks On staving a.ce,auat will be d iscotitirsued alitlagetthier, mak- ing ,3it tho saalmle as, it its us the United States. LAWN SOCIAL. The Girl's Aulry of the Trivitt Memorial Church are. holding a Lawn. Social on the ground of the church. on Thursday evening, Aug. 15. A. good musical program is assured. Ice cream and other refreshments on sale, Admission 10c, nninannon MORE STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Civil Service Stenographers receive from $900.00 to $1200.00 per annum. yet the demand exceeds the supply.. We -recommend the Central Business College ,gf Stratford to %those who want_ the eprapeht training. This well- known, uP-to-daltle school isobliged to turn down scares of applications] icationsl for trained office help. FOR SALE. 50 acre farm in Usborne, nortIa,half Lot 24, Conaaession 5. Brick house; Bank barn; Fnrsit -class land; Well drained. Apply, to C. H. HORNEY, or GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. NOTICE -AUGUST SALE, Summer Goods—Two Weeks.—Mus Ins, D. Goads, Chiuldinen's - white drtesses, Ladies' Dresses, Middies, Cal tars, Aprons, Hosiery, Straw Hats. Other Minds too{ numerous to menitien. Call and see our bargain counter on Thursday Morning.—Mrs, " W. D. Yen Great Values in Ladies' Oxfords in small sizes at $1.50,—Stewart's. Thle Flour MVlrinn is shut down f;. -a want of wheat, but we have a stock of Standard Flour of our three brands W e are chopping as usual and ,have a good supply of; feed. Harvey Bros. TEACHER WANTED Second Class Professional Teacher for No. 1, 'Stephen, mile from Ceti;- trailia for after, holidays. State salary. Wt'n. Bowden, Sec.--Treas. C)em tralia. "Special price of 1.75 for good suit case this wee' et Stewart's. emaiasinnn 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE.• Three-quarter mile west of Mt. Car- mel, on whichare brick house, bank barn, good water; and is under good state of cultivation. Possession Nov. 1st, 1918. G. M. Fischer, Parkhill Khaki Bloomers for wear well. Price $1 Stewart's. GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel. Exeter. Duties to -.commence at once. Boys. They 00 to $1,75 at nit, VFW Wm. APrIPIIIPilawnirRIF LOCAL DOINGS._ (kik ��ric�l�,iraict�cal Mr, Dejoh(n, of Heasahi is filling the vacancy as nceeunvta,nt' in the Mialsons Bank hush causled by the removal of Mr, Burwveell to Ha7nil)ltion fIr, Roulst'on 1S at present atteavd- ing a Dental Ceti vreµatilon at Chicago. Next week this( Office will be opera on Monday, the 12th, and Thursday, the 15th, Two rinks of bowlers ,from Ailsa Craig were hem els Thursday even- ing mad enjoyed a pleasant game with the local nlanelrni Exeter was up a tittle on the twlo ;garnet. Thte Tri,viftt Memorial Church; Sun- day Schaal p,vcnticiged at Grand Bend on. Wednesday of last weeks The day was nine but cool, and a goodly number was in attendance. The, us- ual program Of shorts was enjoyed by the youngsters! and older ones too, Rev, Walter E. Millson, Listowel well-known to the people of Exeter. has received Chef Invitation to succeed Dr, Haziewolad atsi ;Field Secretary un- der the -department of slocial service and e sursgelis; m, of the Methodist Church, of Cada• Three 'rinks of bowlers journeyed to Mitchell last Wednesday afteyi atom and played afternoon and ,evening games, lasing' fiWV'e ,out of the six games, R. G, Seldon's' rinks made, an attempt to lift the Vitc!t°r-Vutctreta . trophey 'held by Gielorge Sawyer's rink, hut failed.. A negro of Goldsboro, N. Carolina, has 13 of his 18 sbhls in the array and his 17 daughters are busy at war work. His first wife blare hila fif- teen children, fourtait,onel time twice, three at ,otrie'tiianle,'twice, one at at me„ His second wife_ bare ,Inm two at, one time twice, th(ree. alt one time ,once, and five :one, alt a time. Hiss present wife tore lhnl eight one: at a time. The death of Jack Moore Westa-i way, the second. slain' of Percy West - away. of Cheng Tu, China, an Exeter old boy, occurred at Port Stanley suddenly on ,Tue's'dpy .i of last week, The young laldt was summering at the lake side with his mother when, fatal- ly stricken. The parents' are mission- aries to China; and 'he was on a visit to Canada with his mother when tb,e death occurraed. ODD CUPS, CLOVER LEAF. Scarce goods. _ While our present sup,ly' lasts thiel price is 2 for 25c. -Stewart's. FOR SALE OR RENT—On Andrew Street, Exeter, one and half storey frame house; good stable, fruit, trees., Possession immediately. Apply to J. D. Atkinson, Clinton —0 -- Clearing prices ion all Roy's and Men's Straw Hats. We have a style. to suit ,you.—Stewart's. BOUGH'!' GRASS FARM. Last week Mr. We's. Snell purchas- ed thle Robt, Rlolsls grass farm no the 1st concession of Hay, two and a half miles north of Exeter. He has been resting this falrm durHuug the' pa,t viear. WELCOME THE SOLDIERS. This Wedne,sdaly afteniobmi possibly 150 soldiers from 'the Military H,os- potals at 'London( will visa Exeter and be entertained ito supper itn; -Main' St. Church, They will 'cpnrle in, motors and will return, thie sante eivteriir g Exeter should iniac them a warm wel- come VOTERS' LIST 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER LARGE CATTLE ,SALE. Mr Wes Snell made, a big sale of cattle last iveek to Dulus & Levack far shipmiefnt to New Y ortk. The sale leansis'te'd •!of 300 choice cattle that Mr, Snell has had on grass in various parts or the county,. Needless :to say Mn, Smelt has made a nice profit on thie deal. CALL SUSTAINED The call 'of Caveuu Pnesbnternan Church, Exeltle(r, tloi Rem. Jas, Fiobte of The'dford, signed by 98 members and 8 .,adherents and promising a stipend of $1200 pea' alnnutmi, with, four weeks' annual 'holiday, has` been presented to the Presbytery if{ Harlan and the call Sus'tainited. It its expected to be ac- cepted and arrange -rale -rip made at an early date„ • ataMdrsF, ,Amus its )znvisi)ti,ng un Bt Bain ford ort Wti119 s Mr W. 1), Clajrkle spent tthe week end in Southampton, Mr. Enock 'Rowtcluff'e wee in Lon- don for the week end. Mr Snr2'th of T,cr;xomllo ,is' visiting at Mr. I. Artnntnongts. Miss Ethel .Rilssatt has sinOtuniled from a visit in Niorwicla. Mr and Mrst Er neslt Flynn were up from LOrtdon this week. Mr. and Mrs, W,rnt Thompson are visiting of Mr. MOS, Blayle's, Mr, Wes. Vale? of ,Lbindpn was home ,froiu .London far 'thee holiday, Mrs Billings of London spent ru couple 'days in town this, week, Mr. Holmees of Wingiaun' is the new junior' alt the, Bank of Camimtelaetce, Mrs; J. H. Gii(e(t'iel visited Mrs!. W. H. Lievlett in Llomdlen, tthnis week. Mrs. I\enshed Of Detajoit is visit bag her parents in Exeter North Mr. and Mrs ..W¢rr. Blatchford mot- ored wp from Tlardnto this welekit Miss Tenniaanit of Lonldjon is visit- ing her brother Dr. Tennfgt here, Mr. Garvey Acheson oil .St. Thomas is visiting his parents at the Central. Miss 'E, Wrtlslr of . Tono:nto visited Mr, and. Mrs. H. Clarice, last vpeek,t Dr. I3ewitt, wine and child' of 'Tor Tor- onto arc visitui gi at r Alex. Dtow'stt Mr. Wm. Dignam, acid ds.1ttghteir o Lucan spent the holiday wilth, relatives Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bissett of Landon were vfshltlors in .town , last week. Mt', Walter Detarimig,,of London was up from London over Sunday and Monday, Mr 1iermaln Prior on Portage fa` ' Prairie in visiting his mouser and sits - ter here. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Stewart of Lon- don are spending a week here with relaltives. Mrs. Matra, and Mrs. Murdy of Lunt can are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cone's Mr. and Mrs, S. Rovre, daughter and -friend were here from Ingersoll on Sunday Miss Ann Sanders -of Stratford spending a"courale weieks holidays frier hone ,here, - Mr., Ed Fowel'i and Judge Dickson motored to D,etrolit on Friday, re- turning Tuesday, I. O. 0,. F. INSTALLATION. D. I). G, H. Hall of Clinton and his installing team Visited Exeter Lodge of Oddtfelliows on Tuesday evening of last week and duly installed, thie of t'icern for the gnesent term} -After the work several! interesting -addresses were given ,:by the visiting brelthreut The newly -installed officers are, ,as follows,— Jr. Past Grand, Bra, Clark Fisher; Noble Grand, J. C. Snell; 'Vice Grand, Theo. Wainer; Recl.-Sect, R. N. Creech ; P. S. Wt Johns; ' Treas., E. �h Dignan Wa(rdeiit, R. Wt.. -Fake; Conductor, John ,Reid ; ; Outside Guardiafn, Frank Triebner; R. S. N. G. Ed, Howald; L.S,N.G., W. W. Tarn - an`' R.S.V,G., H. Jennings; L.S.V.G. W. Hem; •R,SIS., A. Peinthale; F, • Sheers; Chap:, O; Southoott. DEATH OF LEL BLATCHFORD. COUNTY OF HIRON. Nance is hereby giventhat i hive transmitted or delivered to the p.tr- sons men tinned in section 0 of "Thi Voter's List nn.' the cop- ies required by the said �r n e -tips to be so transmitted or delivered of the linn, made pursuant to 'said act, If ail persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said ,Mus- icipalitt to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections , for members of the Legislative Assembly Inc at Municipal Elections and that said no was first posted up at my office at Exeter on the 30th Day of til • A r_J, 191$ and remains there for inspection. Arc: I, hereby call upon all voters to take , itnmediate proceedings, to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to Iaw. Dated the 31st day of July, 1918. J. SENIOR Clerk. is, at Mr. Fred of Taranto spent Sunday and lionday,with his ' father; Mr _ George Hill. Mrs. Wm. Hawksbaw returned Sat- urday from a visit with, ,relatives- at (Deetr'oit and London. Mr.' and IVlrsi J. C. Inwood and daughter off I.londo¢u are spending ar week here with relatives. Pte. Marvin, Vincent and Pte. Hu- bert Jones were home for the week end with thein panel -its. Marjorie', Clarke spent a- -.couple weeks with her gland -rather, Mrs, Walter Clark, at 'Ctrie,ditton,. ' Mrs. Sills and, chi`idren of Kitchener are visiting withl the f otrnves's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heidemlaa) Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dntohslfiteld and Miss Holiday of Stra.'tfoi'rd, spent Sunday at 'Mr. E. How,alci Messrs. Nelson and Frank 'Sheers and Geo. Hockey leave Saturday on a boat trip _to Fprt William. Mr. and Mrs. John Newcombe and three children of Stratford 'are vis- iting relatives hehre for a week. Mr. and Mira. Frank John s of 'noir- onto holidayed with the farmer's par- ents, Mr. amid Mrs, Well, Jehnts. Sergt. Victor Sweet and .Miss Ina. Scott foo -t ' London vlitslitt'ed ,at the for - mark home here aver the holiday Mr. Wm, Talbot and family of Lon- don were week end visitfous at the homes of Mesislrs'. S. ,and W. Martin Mrs. Hobbs, whip has been visiting fuer naughtier, ,torsi O Suouthcott, re- turned to bier hhome; In Toronto last week. Mr. 'and Mrs! W. S. Ap, lefard of Hamilton 'vilsiite;d at the home of the latter brother, Mt. Jost Senior aver the halidary. Mr, and. Mrs. O. Sti. Lawrence," Mr. Louis Elsie, and Mrs. Peobt Finn( of, Landon visited :Mr,. and Mrs. • G, A. Andersen.. Mrs Win, _ Monet -id of Grand Bend,. who, spent the past 'tlhire.e weeks 'vis-_ iting her son:, Percy. Mllollamd, has re- turned home,. Mr. atnd Mrs. Shlosenburg and Tam- sly of London. spent ,the week end with Mr. and Mrs,. T. H. Newell and Mrs Hawkshta, w. Mrs. Qulalnce and daughter, 011ie, of `fiat -onto are, visiting with the for•- rner's sister, Mrs., E. A.Brown,. — rAilsa Craig Banner. On 'Thursday last,, August 1st, there passed away at the home of his par- ents, George Lee Bia'tclvflord, son of Mr. arid Mss!, J. W., Blatcln,fhrd at the age on 29 yeatrsi. Deceased had been along s!u,£ifieile(r from internal trouble, nor whiciht he ,und,erweuvt s ev - eraroperations, wdschfor a time gave him relief, but only to find ' the old trouble returninga(gapinl ala, a. few mon- ths. His recent illnje;ss' had lasted for a year oil tnlare•„and the last few months he had been gradulalliy sinking until death carafe Ias''-a great relief.. Born in Exeter, 1hle resided 'vete all his hGe; with! the exception of a year ar-sto ,vu Palinctrlsitiorn and Wihd,s,ar, where he followed .his occupatiton of. eelectriiciaan, • iBlesildes rhes parents lie is surnivied by iolnlc sister, Miss Marlon of Toi-on.to, and, his wife aend, two chi,I- drien. who live inn Palnnieitsitlors, The funeral, which wasprivate, took place to the. Exeter cemetery on Saturday aitern 'on HORSES WANTED' I whet an. anl;4milted number of tentace in good condition. G eldings S ears 'old up, %veigh.iing from 1500 got►nde:',up. ,Mares from 4 years old. ap; weighing. from 1300 pounds- tip. tarries having the required staff, gg4te, or phone 83, Exeter. • G 7. DOW., r CASTOR IA Vox Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 'Years Always beat's the Signature of Dr, Geo. Snnideli and stun of Caning, Ohio, and Mrs. Wm, Snider of Dash- wood called on; Mr. std Mast Percy Mallard on Saturday. Messrs, , Wihtigim .and' Arthur Seldom 'of Ingersioll ahaidl MVlir. and Mrs, '!!ewes!, of Kitchener spoof Sunday witth,If'a'. arid Mrs, R. G. Seid,oul - Miss Jessie Mains and 'leer friend Miss ;Menzies oaf Landon visited the'' Co ner's tsiom,e rover the week e,nd. Pte.. Will 'Mainsion' was also' home.. Mr; and Ifs -s, W. •B; Phill.i,ps yard child returned 't'o( their home, in ;non rondo Monday after visiting a couple eels parents, with the form n. � 'VTi-° e s b ick n >. weeks w,u p , and Mrs iB. S. Phillips: .Mr, and Mrs;"McDonald and child - nen, and Mr, . Cliff. ,Spackman, oif Guielph, and Mr,;and Mrs. Earl Spack- man and child of Owen, Sound vi,sut cd relatives hire' this week. Mr, and Mrs. J; GN Stain;bury took a' trip down the St Lawrence last week Mr, Stana,buery had priomaius'ed his son, Stuart such a ,tt-lip if lie Came out pit top at the. Enitnance Exeunt -et pans, in West Hurons. Stuaprt succeeded rind the trip ifs the result', PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620° t Weather Specials; Don't Forget Us for Kool Goods this Hot Summer ` and. .ecial Prices Clearing arid S� • 98c. WHITE WAISTS ', WHITE SKIRTS 5 Doz. regular $1.25 and $1.50 White Fancy, Waists cleaning at 98c. i I I SILK WASITS • Real Beauties in Wash, Silk, and Striped Silk, Sills{ Crepe and Georg- ette in all the New Shades, SUMMER DRESSES All Ladies, Girls, and Children's to ,;y.lear out regardless of price. Come and get aasnap.. Some dainty ne'w style's just Just right far 'this' weather. rn, WHITEWEA'R A splendid showing, of Gowns Skirts Corset Lovers, Slips, Com- bination and Drawers( . HOUSE DRESSE',S Great- Bargains in House Dresses A goad nivel for .$1.50 ;a dandy for. $2 not this price' of making. Big Clearing of Summer Wish' ,Goods MUSLINS. - VOILES., BEACH CLOTH. FOULARDS & SA'TEENS ALL MUST GO TO MARE ROOM: SEE THEM. SEE THEM MEN'S STRAW -HATS All Men's Summer, Hats are reduc- ed to clear out Buy your New' Panama: MEN'S NEW SUITS Just arrived. Some very new Men's Suits. Rea, IGoad. : Buy your clothing now` 'as they will sure be very blink,' , BOYS' SUITS Some extra gioodt values in Boys' Bloomer Suits. A big stock to show you. LADIES' SHOES All -kinds to choose from—Iligh, Low, or Medium. Prices from $2.25 pup. A lot 'of Old values. MEN'S SHOES Some grand values in some old old stocks, Good Shoes! from $4.50 up: The good ones, will soon be picked up. Get busy, , CHILDREN'S SHOES. All at the old prices. This is a big thing for you in buying your Children's shoes. A saving of $1 or nrore; Per p: '• Dandy Assortment of Young Men's Belted Tweed Rain Coats. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Mean and Toys. Mr. A. 3,. Payne .visited does father near Welland lalset week. Miss M. Harney, nurse ;of Chicago, as home for a, ,shout holiday. Mins Maltby of Toronto ,has been the guest of Miss ,Viola P.e:nhale. Judge Diche'ors, Mrs! Dickson and Miss D 011 spent Thursday in ,t -own with friends and relatives. Rev. Ke'tchleln of Hamilton and 'Dr) Fletcher 01 Thiaunjeis Rlogtd ,exchang- ed pulttits oln, S uendaiy lash, iRev' Ratcliffe of Arkloruai "occupied' Coven pulpit on, Sundaly morning. The evening servi,ce was withdrawn. Mr, and Mrs; Richard Hunter left Tuesday morning for Macklin, :Sask., to spend slomei weeks visiting relatives' ,q Fight for Life It bas been fight or die for many of us in the past and the lucky people are those who have suffered, but who ale now well because they heeded nature's warning signal in time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new dis- covery of Dr. Pierce's, called "An-u-ric.' You should promptly heed. these warn- ings, some of -which are dizzy spells, backaehne, irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago.' To delay reap make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as diabetes or stone in bladder. To overcome these distressing condi- tions take plenty of exercise in the open air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely, of water and at each meal tale Anurie (deuble strength). You will, in a short time, find that you aro one of the firm indorsers ouric. fAn Hamilton, Ont.—'r For kidney ailments I have never known any, medi- cine to equal An uric: W h en I take itI t rted to as was very miserable with lame back, pofainsmy in theneck and eord shoulders 'and all over any body. The water was high t colored and often- / sive. All of these conditions loft me after One week's use of Anurie and I eousider it to be the greatest of all kicl- ney medicinds.1'—Mass. J'a;rrxm Ow,. au, 70. Queen St. So., Toronto, Ont. ---"My husband suffered severely with pains in his hack for three or four weeks. Ile commcneed to take .Anuric and in three or four clays ho not only looked better, but remarked that his back felt much better, and now he says that his pain 'ins all gone It is with 1.0;l:hat we recommend .Analis."•-= 4 res, Maui's i tau, 5n Seaton St. �lrs Sharp said cintrg'later Miss Mar- garet left last week for Stiiacae, where they will reside with Mrs. Sharp's 0iren't , Rev. and Mrs, ;Nitco]1; ,w,h,o have retu;ereed to S,inricac after a vis- it here fo,f• risme weeks, The Sunday School of Coven Church; pitescplted Mrs Sharp with a gold-ltea.dcd am blelks befire Ieacleng LOOK . WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. Your �SuitBummer Be sure it fits - you at the collar. Flare the tsaouasrs mad; to fit ,yntu oarand the waist. They will stay up much ,better when yp'u wear .a belt. Your Clothes' will have im.d.ividuality tf you let Was make them for you. • Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN,. AND ALSO A. GOOD RANGE OF BLUES..- ' COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE- B1.FOBuE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. • .001110000. 1 Sheers LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Up'stairs', Opposite the Central Hotel teetztegnewczneTiMMISIOnsaille Tea a Ooe Store For the choicest groceries, frtlitet stficell teas, coffee and ovary' tbtag f the grocery >. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will conn: - 00e Jas® Gould Furniture and Undertaking THE F,UNFBrRAAL DIRBtOT©R 'AND FURNITURE DEALER, Coa Hot Weather Gods Ladles' and Cl4drety s White Hose, 35c. to R9..06 per pair. Big choice in Embroideries, 10c, per yard up. Towels, 25c. to 75c. each. Summer vests, 25c to 75c. each. Men's Cotton Hose 2Oc, and 25c, a pair. r Balbriggan Underwear, 75c, p64- garment. Combinations, $1„50 per garments Fine Mint Shirts, 95c. each, IaStyles, White I oatvvear 1.01ti ivy TRY PAIR OF OUR SHOES I'HEY SATISF:x, A