HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-8, Page 59oo Diems immasiammommasumwmaniminammasai ire 0 .c: ,f Va tdmuuelllNllueupemoinen!nuoolmNenminmeeunpueeeaoeuGun Minn ninuemnnmeuuinennuuonneuuumlimeununmm mmennuunuunmemnwoe, w Thehoidetorteatoptl lc VI' A egoiabl R1' ,r d , ilatingtheWilieguta.,1 Itil e$t noels` w1's ..CinILDR at TherebyPrinatingAigesti Gheet rufness'andRes'rGmdain Pinna ' tieltier.OgIt m, Mineral. Nor Auco ri d .P1il , sofa F? AAzScaad ry] narAel Cllm' aremrI as salvorarawitro rIU .Ahelpfu1Remedyfor nst.pation and$ ', and Fever" d Loss OF, )" Olttittithetefteeri anCY. TaeSimile S of • Tint, on Y k° MONTREAL & NEVTOR. 111,4 :401a: w - -" Exact Copy of Wrapper. for Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over` Thirty Years THC CCNTAUN COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. • If you are renewing or ub3 rib iplig flor any of the Canadfian daily or weekly papers,- you may do so at this office. . We have always looked after this for scor'e's of our subscruers and acre still doing so. We can give tt to you cheaper as well as saveall expen- ses in connectible and nowadays it costs at least eight cents in cash be- sides 'atar tJoneery, to order a paper singly _ _ . FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3rd CENTRAL S'YRA.7FORD.. ONT. abe ca,7l far* trained help is treater now thasi ever before in the history of Corrado.. Our graduates are se- curing inig s ,le,r diid :rasityants. We have Cammeeeclr 1, , Shorthand acid ' Tele- graphy Departrsienits. If your purpose taking ap ,business college course dur- ing Fall Or Winter months, write now for out- free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Prn. T 1N( ys eM' HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS ,$12.00. TO WINNIPEG. Plus 1-2 cent. a mule beyond AUG _TST 20th and 29th. From all stations Lyn, Ont.,and Toronto,' Weisltan, Mealton-d, and Pal - grave 'inclusive, 'also from Stations north iof Toinonita, to and including Huntsville. AUGUST, 22nd and 29th, ,,gin, From Toronto 'and all stations west and south thereof in Ontario' Full inifiargnTattee from any Grand Tn nnle Tickeelt Agent, or C. Ef Horn- ing District Pass,enger Agent, Toron- to, Ontario. N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter. A HASTINGS Agent for Canada Life Assurance Company Also Fire and Accident Insurance. kloney to . Loan on Farm Property EXETER, ONT MONEY. TO LOAN We leave a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at law rates of, interest. GLADMAN & 'STANBURY i iastern, Solicitors, Exeier ISAAC C R. CABLING B. A Barrister Solicitor,; Notary Pullin, Commissioner, Solicuitor for the Mol- sloths Bank, Etc: Money to; loan at lowest rates of -interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctilaneer far Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and '"Satustact Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario, en, W. ROBINSON, LIL1iNSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties cif Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Saler, a Specialty. Office at Contahuett Warerooans, next door tc Central; Holgi, Maier Street, Exeter DR A. R. KINSMAN, L;D.S., D.D: Honor . Graduate Toronto; vas sill i'eeth extracted without pain or any toad effects. Office over Gladman 81 Stazbuery's Office, Main Street, Exeter Drs G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D.D.S DENTIST Weaker of the R. C. C. D.S. of Ont Honer Graduate Toronto University mice of r Carling's law Office.. Mogi Wedneiglay aftermootui. i I -mit I?Ii101111 illgil I i0 nn, ,O dUU1ilillliii ii)d — ut • ermemmr Na Heat Waylaid Straight walls in the deep ' firepot of the Sunshine iturnace pre- vent- ashes from col- lecting and absorbing the heat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating the home -one of the feat- ures that make the Sunshine the kind of furnace you want for your home. For Sale by G. A. Hawkins WCkr r Loudon ' Toronto St. John, N.B. Calgary rtirnace Montreal Winnipeg Saskatoon 68 Hamilton Ldniotiton Vancouver Chiselhurst F. J. Spr,gg,st and son Ford were, in Toilonto last week;; eS,acrhan,ent Was observed an the church here Sandal --George Fitzgerald and family of Grand Forks, D ;kota, were here on a vtisit to hie fait -er, sisters' and -'bro- theers, It its sonnei years since he, was home,—J. S. Wi'e'n and wife of Tar- ontoi are lieu•e holidaYing.-.The Small acomb. family of Stratford visited at :el', Cole's. SAINTSBURY Mie; Bessie Wpshlbttrn •"oit' Guelph, is visiting friends around here, -Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Davis and daughter tSerthe called on told friends around Sainitsbury Monday"—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis spent Sunday in London k ewnslsip.-Mr. Thos. Quinton motor- ed to Grand Bend Saturday and to. London Sunday.—Mrs. F. C. Davis was :n London- Sa'turd'ay. post of the iiarraers around Mere are cutt.itxg the o',c crop. The yield is exceptionally goad—We are glaidt'to hear that Miss Ceiialine 'Dajv1isi isl al Ile tgo be around again after her recesilt iLlznless,—Pte. S, G. Davis returned to Landon, after a 'month .'s leave. BIDDULPH Mr. Jahn McLeougblin,' one of the, old paaneeels of 'thee county, died at his homlc•, in B;lddulph on Saltun4day etneml,rig. July 27th, after a short ill- ness of but lotne week. He is survived by cats brother; Edward, -three slough- tiers, Mathleir Mary Vei{olrftca of the Ur•sulaue College, Chlatham; Mrs. Thos Ryder Straitfard; Mrs'. Wtrnt , Barry,. Detroit and five) runs, Thos. of Lon- don: Edward, Godeiricb,;;' Dennis , and Michaele Edmant:on, AJ,ta..; and Joseph. at :homie allof whom were wt'thi bins during his illintess, Thef funleral, which `,oil; plsiee to, St, Ptiltrick's R. C. Church. on, Mioinday, was largely <at- +ieaded, the bearers .be+tig his ,fort sons wind two nephews, - - Zurich DEATH OF PETER LAMONT.— A respecteed resident, of Hay Totvn- tsht'•e died in Toronto early Friday morning. August '2nid, when Mr. Peter Las -n -ant; pastseed away at the age ell 58 years. Mn'. Lamont bald been ill for • about - a year of anaeteie, and since last spring had been under- going medical e eatmlent' in, Rochester, Minn., and New York, until recently when, lie come to Toronto for further eiutm,e;n t, Mr. Lamont wasburn in Hay Township and resided there all has lifedoing extensive farming 'and cattle buying, until lastspring, arisen he sold out owing to illi heallthj He served h Is totvnshipi as councillor and reeve for siontieJ years •and. was at more thanani' time prtomoltilemitly .mentioned at a probable candidate for parlia- ment,. He' was a :slttcceesls lin business aeedhighly respected. He never mar- gyecl, but is suirtoierted by sieves -al broth- ers roth-ers aired sis tela,., Mr John 'McCeormick( of Detroit ve- iled relatives here last week.—Mr. Earl Johnston of Toronto; is. sipeending his. holidays at tiler -home- of his uncle, Mr. Thos Johnston,.-Miss- Nora Siebert, nurse of Detroit, . is visiting at bier home nee,—Mrs,. J. E. Cantelon of 2 arinato, as' spending the week at the tom:- of 'her patients, Mr. a -old Mrs. C. Id :.-tlei;b.—Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mines of Calgary, Alta., are spending a few weeks at ° the home, of the 'farmer's parents in town.-Miesst Margaret Mot- ite -of Guelph is the guest of her co•u sn, leis, Doubt -by' Fiete.—Mrs. Hey - rock end 'Mss Elizabieth, Reniniie. are i;u: ll relatives hi, Detroit.—Mr, and I s. limed E. Heists and zee Jack ,of. Landon, axe -span/diime a few n- aks at tl:e" home of the Format's parents,, 1:. and Mrs. F. Hess, sr —Mr, and U s J ' Fried of Toronto ' are visiting home, iof the. latter's slater, Mrs C 'F _r..=Nips Want Bender and children of Detroit are :v:isiting rela- tives liters. -Mr. J•. P. Rae.- of the Gos- hien. Line. -north, be aka care of his fin- gers when keeping a ladder from fal- ling on thri misleif,. Ed. Talbot -af near Drysdale .. has Sold "hits farm to Iu,s neighbor, Mr. Aeleis. Etas, who gets possessiion 'mieixt spring.—JAaifais Hart- leib >of D,aesehetvlolad' has purchased the 50 acre farm on the Babylon line, Hay, being e part of lot 6; Coo. ` 9, ,from Mr.. Evelyn Broderick iof thhei -Parr Liine. Iminmediate posselslsrioin geinle-i. `Hensall .... Kiss Reid and ,Miss Morrison, after a \tient in Toronto and' Other cities; hive'returned home,—Miss. Lydia Pope of London, hiss returned after spend- ing 'her vacation' with her rniother and sister heere e-Miiss Bessie; U -u quha.rt'who has been visiting her pareiats, h,as left' for .Gtelorgiia,, whiere; she has been ap pointed director of' a Y,M.C,A, Host- ess House.—Dr. Jiervrnvei Snuiillie raf Tor- o,,,to, spent the, ,lash week with her sister, Mrs. John Eider and -other relative; and friends in Henesarll and vieanrty —Mr. John Elder, air mech- anic in the R.F.C. at Tasiontoe, spent cr flew clays with his p:arents,— Beatr.ce Cu'dntade Of Toronto spending her iholcidalys with -bier ,par-. t ,viii—el r. M. Fishie-r of Tlononito and his wiles ;arid son, are visiting Mr, and Mgrs Weir Acheson-, Mrs,'Fisher's parents, Pte, 'Templeton Acheson, an. tinvtili;did soldier at Byrionv. Sanitarium Lonidoi , also spleen'~ a week with his ,parents.—Miss 0, Caxtviorti, of Win- nipeg formerly' iof Hi ptislapil, is visit- ing. her sister, lies. A. Scruton and other fr:ieiucls.—Reev. Benjaimiute S nsllrc B,.A.,, a sort of title late Benjamin Sink-' lie, at aear•,Hleprlsailie Was recently un- ited in marriage to, ,Many Do,rlothy GalitIll- youngest -daughter .of 1)r, Gea. GaLLetly sof, Edinburgh, Scotett :nd' The, ,groom is welt iknonvie here and is engaged les miisseionary in tihie Presby tartan Miss -tan in Central .India,—Mrs, <s T.homppion of 'Pero -alto, called en old friends here last week,— Geettge l"at geer',lct' o1: Grand Forks, N,Dakota Ioreierly a ' eteeninat-y snrgcion, {here, leo:ta.ied hetet to visit his father, who r e.sides east •af town—Many of oar oeoele attended the celebration in. Sea (tor'tlr etlonday,-'-•Civic Halliday was obser\rcii here very quietly; gives you a chance to save money on your Soap—and get the famous Comfort quality, too. Everything else may be going up but we give you more soap for your money than ever before, , True war time economy.' .The Bigger Bar's wrapper is not good for premiums and is so marked. The wrapper on the small- er bar (yet being sold in some localities), is still good for premiums, of course. Get the bigger Comfort bar—the money saver. IPUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED, TORONTO Many Thousand aJ'„ h- refs ' !'anted 1. for r e l in WWestern Canada Toing Trip Nest" -$12 to WINNIPEG. GOING DAT5S From August 20, From and From Atia...,•t 29. Frons •> From `Return Trip east"—$18 tr SIR' TE-4RITOR3' stations in Ontario West of Smith's. Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Onear a Shore Lite I and Havel c6 Pe. er o t born Line. stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, action ' inclusive. e. stations on.fironto-Suy-nry direct line ststions on Sault Ste.' -Marie branch. stations on Main Line. Beaucage to Franz. inclusive. lFrom stations. Bethany Junction to Port.M.:Ilicoii and Burketon.Bobcaygcori. eyyr L, -i: 22, (From stations in Ontario "west and South of Toronto to an I including Aamilthn :hd' indsor 0,u From Stations on Owen Solm !, et-alkerton; Teeswater, Wingham, Elora• Gistra•e; i:,r;• ,-irh; St. VIary' Port Btu -well and St. Thomas branches. stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive; and 13.ugust. 29. i,'From rahiarttiuiars.^.•m'']na1,:,, 1'n•i Cieket'.\t,•nt= W. B. HOWARD; District Pass SPECIAL THROUGH TRA. FROM TORONTO enter Agent, Torui,tt Kirkton- risen. The following etre! the names of th"e prize Winners sin, thte barley Field Field Crop Gonu etetiola: 1st, William Harding - 86 points 2nd, Jo!hin. Urquhairt 80 points 3rd, M. Brethiouat 78, 4th, Jos.White 76, 5th, Albert Bickile 74; 5th., John; E. Berry 70; 7th, Weisley Shier 69; R. H. Abraham, Judge. BAYFIELD—The Voters' List fo,r the municipality has( been printed tied. was. post—ed.—nil can July 27. There rule 150 persons eligible to vote at mun- icipal -ehectnorus maid .at a;,ectilon,s 'to 1 We club with, all the leading dai937 DRt'SDALE-Thee marriage o;; place at •Biayftetld on Wednesday of Lull. Maw second daughtte • a` and Mrs. Joshua, Snider, to Mr. Chas. MacGregor, roof. Stephen. the Legislative Assembly, and forty- i • and weekly paper. Now is, the. time to select your 1918 'teaduinlg, WINGHAbL.-Th:e 6 -year-old :laugh ter -61 7Ir-. and Mrs. Wolter 'Deities, was frightfully- 'biulited while Plaayeag with .a box of matches on August 1, and is now in a precarious condition The child after, securing the matches went outdoors to play in a buggy, and she set fire to her clothing, which was completely' burned off, her body; ®VE YOU BEEN ICK NAVE Then you : realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys'appetite and makes work a burden. Td -regain your strength nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion; its blood -enriching 'proper- ties give energy to the body while its. tonic value sharpens the appetite in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, be sure to get Scott's Emulsion 'today. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont.. -six eligible to vote at municipal elec- tions .I only: Fifty -eine persons are '0uailafilcd to act as jurors, BRIJCEFIELD—Thee said news came to our ville'site 'c -ti Wednesday of the dleatis loI' Janees ,McCully in Dent-er, Colorado.:brother of Miss Mary and Joseph McCully Icf the `viillage• fie was well -known i in our village,, having lived many years the Yarm with his parents. He leaves -ane :s ion .m.1 Den- ver, with whom 'ihe rlesildeid, ease youraufeting I want lel me til you of treatitifitt, lal, oft aense- tront.blal- qr lness, rtll!td t n, tatt ktitt4itit4i0, pain in'the sldes,s-t h- larltl or Jrreiu riy, bloating, sense oiJ i rigor mic"placeniettt`;of internal or- gans, -nervousness detlre to cry, palplia'tion hotfassl,os dark rings under'htt, eyes, or 'a' loss of interest' In life, write to me to -day. Address: Mrs. M. Summers. Box 840 Windsor, Oat.' Mani Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be se- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day, ithe 13th idf Sepiennthae,1918, fait the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for lour years:, 24 times per week, her tweeln the Exeter ?es t-eoifLice tend the Grated Trunk uitrlk Railway) Station, frtom tire 1st" oil Jainmulamy, '1919. Printednotices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be scene and blank forms of Tender may.' be obtained at the Past Offices lof Ex -et er and Play, end at thee Office iof• the Prost Office inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post: -Office Inapccticm; Post Offiiec ttnisepectior's Office, Landon, 2nd August, 1:9,:8. TO. CORRESPONDENTS • Write on one side of the paper only. Avoid all items reflecting, on per- sonal character, but send ALL THE NEWS. x ,Check off this list, it nay assist you to remember an ianpac tiaatt item : Deaths Marriages, Births: Accidents, Church News, Suppers or. Presentations, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News; ;Fires, Public Impztovemeents, Law Cases, The Crops, School Matters. DR DeV i'S,yREN PILLS ti E atln i'a l.forvyomr,<p. $bion or three for 041s -Q. $meal!. Stor t •mailed to any ddreSdbart gceiptdf price d ¢ ScoBSLl Dano Eo., 6,t Ca"i1i21taea„Ontario. - PHeJIJL s s NiOL ai>R,y c m& a gitality;for ,Nerie'and Pro reales "grey natter •a Tonic -:-writ 1 isLd ou np. $5 a box, or wo for SS, at drug Stared, or iiv pail on reeeint ,f price•- TIT 2Scoer•t1'I:areCo,- t.:C1.h nu,.... intario. Ian to attend Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition $30,000 IN PRIZESs'ifil:=7. qi nilptuii°eeoluul; I, III Full Programme of Attractions twice daily Two Speed Events daily Fireworks each night Great Pure Food Show in Process Building ?lent), of Music, Education, Entertainment and Midway Merriment UThRN FM LONDON CANADA "Sept. 6th to 14' 1918 N.B.—New automobile entrance cog, Dundas and Egerton Ste. Admis- sion $i, covers auto and driver, ncludingparlang of car. Prize List, Entry Forms, Application for Space, and all information from the Secretary Lt, -Col. W. M. Gartahore, Preslritnf A,119. Hunt, Secretary