HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-1, Page 8XET1.R MARKETS :tangled Each. Wednesday Wheat ..,.w,a , -, 2..10 Barley s1.110a., to 1.15 Family Flour 5.70 Creamery Btuttex ,,. 48 Dairy Butter ,38 to 40 Eggs 42; Lara „„..„.s 35 Potatoes L25 'to 1.50 Hay, per ton 10.00 to 12,00 i-1 o <r.• 18.00 Proclaniatiort CIVIC I,-IOLIDAY I, hereby pr•oclairu\londay, August 5th as Civic Halliday far the Village a Exeter, .and call up'ari all citizens to observe the same as. such and gov- ern themselves accordingly. B. W. F. BEAEVRS, Reeye Great Values in Ladies Oxfords in small ;sizes at ..,1.5QM-S',terarts, maamarais The Flour hl<iil]i is shut down fs:a want of wheat, but we have astocic of. Standard Flour of our three brands We are chapniing: as usual and have a good" supply of; feed, Harvey Bras. TEACHER WANTED Second Class Professional Teacher far No. 1, Stephen, mile from Cen- tralia for after holidays. State salary. Wm. Bowden, Sec.-Treas. Centralia. ;HOUSE FOR SALE Brick House withl double lot. Good lanid. Aptly on premises, to MRS. WITZEL, Dashwood Special Drrce of 51.75 $or good suit case: this week at Stewatrt's, PHONE 56. Our Stare 'wall be closed every Wed nesda,• afternoon and open.:evening of July and August and open every other night with a full stack of groceries. Wilson's Grocery & R.estauracrt Canada Food Board License 8-2783 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, Three-quarter mile west of Mt. Car - del, on which are brick house, banal: 1iarn, good water; and is under good state of cultivation. Possession Nov.' lst, 1918. G. \L. Fischer., Parkhill;. - .. 'Khaki Bloomer's for ••Bo3* . • • They near well. Price 51.00 to $1,75 at Stewart's. The 'Thames Road Faemeals' Club will ; hold their regular meeting in their Club Rctosn, Thames' Road, on Alanday evening, August 5, when, Mr. District Representative, will address the znectizng,—Edgar Monteith, Sec'y GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel, Exeter Duties to commence at arc. e. ODD CUPS, CLOVER LEAF. Scarce goads. While our present supply lasts the; price is 2 for 25c. —Stewart's. FOR SALE OR RENT—On Andrew Street. Exeter, one and half storey frame house; good: stable, fruit trees.. Possession im3 to D. Atldinnsapn, Apply Clearing prices on gall: Boy's and Men's Straw Hats. We have a style to suit you -Stewart's.. VOTERS' LIST 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that i hive transmitted or delivered to ,he sans men toned in section 0. of "Thc Voter's List „.:tthe cop- ies required by the said se.;tions tb be so transmitted or delivered of the made: pursuant to said act, of ail persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Rall of the said, Mun- icipality to beentitled to vote in trsc said Mvuicipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly anc at 1lunicipai Electrons and that said lis* was first posted up at my office at Exeter on the 30th Day of July, A D. 1918, and remains there for 'inspection. Anc: I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according .to law. Dated the. 31st clay of July, 1918. 3. SENIOR Clerk, SALE O1{ VALUABLE 'FARIVI LAND IN USBORNE TP. The urulersigne,d offers for sale Lot 12 in, the S.E.B. of Township of Unborn:,; adjoining Wiooclharn, in Hu- ron County. 'On the premises are , a two-storey brick dwelling; two bank barns 36x94 and 40x70, with water sys- tem in both barns ; a frame drive shed 24x40; 2 acres orchard; well drained and fenced 5 acres of bush. The farm is convenent to churches, school, post offices and market. For particulars apply to WILLIAM HANNA, I{irktoa EX1, rER LOOM_ _ DOING364.111:1441& , Mr Ben, Mea irvs has disposed of anis fine farm an .the London Road nort.n to Mr, Hutchison of the south botua.daty +ot llsborne, .IAIr, Meakins intends having a sale of has chattels and farm stock; tin the near future. The week or more of extremely hot weather got a chili iusa Monday even- ing following trhe rraun, ,and on Tuesday the air wftus quite odol. It was pleas- ant after thie iintense heat, dad the rain and cool wiea,ther would be - of helr,, to the c,rio Ps, Owing to thie boxings on the cal -- gine at the power house having be- come heated and the babbit melting the puna, was' oft 'duty flor a couple days, daring the week, consequently there was. a shariagte of water For the streets and other purposes for a few days The 'trouble has now been righted however. Mr John Quirk, Mr. Rale and Mr, Mr. Mitchell 01 Wi+nlghant called !on Friends in town Tuesday morning.. Mr, Quirk was' a former conductor on this branch of the G. T. R. and is uow over eighty years of age, but he is sus sprinetly as art acrobat and moves autounld with, the agility of sv ten year old. The company were on their way to London and returned the same night. The 'distance covered would be about 175 piles. Not bad for a man laver eiigli,ty-five Mr, Wm. Reid of Luckniow was the victim of an umiio tun,ate accident a little south of Exeter on Friday ev- ening last. He was an his way. to London tiding a motorcycle and when striking a piece of road' on which it had freshly rained ' the machine took a slide and •la ncled hire with terrible farce on the hard ,road. His collar- bone was brokennl and wrist was badly sprained but othierwisei he did hat fare so badly ctonisidering the fast rate of speed he was going, The wonder is rh,c ozinning company finulshed the pea asci,= oiu Saturday, ' The p ort crop is being lna:rvestecl and is an abundant one, Rev Rogers of London will: occupy James Streett pug. pit oil Sunday nett. Last Sunday Rev, Grigg and Rev, Ro- biinsan delivered abio sermons, This it the season when womenfolk —and •men folk too—who have a right to. viote should see that their „napes are properly placed upon the voters' iists, so that vvhe,n the bane comes for them to mark their ballot they rill possess the full Pri ilege.' Barley and wheat aire being cut and oats are rapidly ripening. The warm, dry weather is' bringing the harvest on very .fast. Some parts 'Within a very few miles, halve had several showers; while others have had nla rain for weeks. The. main. roads are ex- tgamely dusty, Bind travelling in any-, tiling but a car is very* un,pteaspait: A more general shower' fell Monday afternoon after the. a,'boiie. was in typte, and it dial a lot Of good. Misses Jean and Aleda Love ,of Buf- falo, have been visiiting 'their parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Dagald Love, Exeter, the past week. Miss Ale.da .Lome is aniursle itt, one of the large hospitals of Buffalo and has had to register ander government regulations. Two hundred masa sixty three nurses in Buffalo will. be taken into the Gov- ernment Medical War Services: misses Ale,da and Ellen Love are teachers in a very prominent business college in Buffalo, Teariiag another's character to. pieces will nos ;help yours no matter how diirty. the other mater's may be. Roimh- trig out the weeds in your neighbor's yard will nowt make thlose in your own yard mare beautiful. 'Tice white cot- tage and brown; mansion, each, hide trouble from thte world, People talk and know not w.hrereof they speak. They retail slander to show how foul is the, dish most palatable tothem. Let us walk straight :along. Let us each mind our own business and we there are not morel such acclideuuts,1 will never be out .of employment. I FAII..ED TO LIF'.' TROPHY. \air Wrongside .aund Mr. Righhts,id,e Two rink's of Lambeth bowlers mo - tared here on Friday"evening and made an attempt to lift the . C. Ward Trophy wtco at their tournament recently, but failed, Both, Exeter rinks were well nip. Following is the scare Lambeth Exeter Hamly a Crre e.ch Grant Stewart Somerville Taman, Routledge, 12'' Seldoau, sk, 32 \Tann • Rowe Coldicatt. Elliott Bowme Gladman Clark, sk. 9 Snell, sk, 22 54 21 A LITTLE UP ON HENSALL Three Hensalt rinks( carie down on Faiday evening and played fifteen end games with .Exeter boys as follows,— Hensall Exeter-. McDonald Herman Grassick Medd Moir' ' ro W. May. McDonell, sk. 14 Fuke, sk. 15 McMurtry Russell Berry Phillipson Farquhar ` Ac'hesioin Case, sk' 13 Rivers,- sk. 17 Buchranan Mawhinney Hobkirk Rabiinson Corn.telon Harness Hemphill., sk. 14 Dore, sk. 10 —41 •-42 A one rink game was later ar- ranged between Hensel and Exeter with the following result,- Hensall Exeter Cantelon Elliott McDonald Rivers \LcDonell Creech Whitesijdes, sk. 9 Seldlor4 sla 12 MITCHELL WON OUT, Four IVlitchiell' rinks played Bawling Games with Exeter bowlers on the localgreens in the late afternoon of Wednesday of last week, and were up at thie finisli — Mitchell McLochlin Mar tyro Davidson Harvey. sk, 14 Downey Ruston Cook Hewitt, sk, Forrester Tuck Cook Tuck sk. Gatenby Timms Exeter Achesion Powell Fuke Creech, sk, 13 iVIawhiimney Medd Dore 17 Stewart, sk. 21 Heannan Rivers Taanas 20 Rev. Trunap.er, sk..14 Robinson F._1VIay Greenwood W.`VIay Durkin sk. 23 Snell., sk. 14 Three rinks stayed far 'evening game, Howell Forrester Realism Greenwoto d Durkin, sk, 25 Ruston \Tarty n Cook Harvey, sk. McLochlin Tirnm,s Hewitt Rowe Dore Taman, sk. Russell Mawhinney Snell 14 •Creech, sk: Rivers Medd. S tewar • called on a friend named Mr. Inside• Mr. Wrangside knocked at the door - side and Mrs. Inside came outside and tors' Mr. Wryongsicle and Mr, Rights u; to crometlnsid,e and sit down. by the fireside and talk to Mr, Inside. - But lar. Righ.tside told Mass Inside bo go inside .ann,d. tell Mr. Inside tp, come outside, because Mr, Wnongside was outside .and did', .not want to go inside but wanted to see Mr. Inside on the outside. Mss, Inside went inside rand told Mr. Inside to go outside because Mr. Wrangs,ide wouldn't come inside and wanted to see Ms. 3nside';an the outside. So Mr. inside left the fire- side and went outside and raw Mr. Wzangsi.de and Mr. Rightsi,de and they walked side by side drawn, thearoa,d- si.de, REPORT OF H.W.C,A:;.FOR JULY Crediton; 10 shirts, 42 suits -pyjam, as 117 pair sacks; Efieter Soldiers' Aid, 60 pair sacks ; W emans' ' Ittstit ute 36 pair socks; Thames Road, 35 pair socks, 12• shirts ; 4 stretcher caps 4 suits pyjamas ;:-Zion, 26 pair socks, 19 shirts. Total value $545.95. Vera Essery, Sec. REMEMBRANCE DAY. August 4th will: be celebrated in Great Britain, France, 'Italy„ China, ansa Japan and thie Damiinilon of Can- ada as "Remsem+braince Day", being the antiviersaryo1 the day, Great Brit- ain'declared war . an Germany. In. London, Eng., the 'King ansa Queen and the members of parliament will Par- ticipate in the, morning in, a procession at St Margaret's, Westminster; and the Archbishop of Canterbury will. deliver a •sermon ittl hion.or of triose fallen in, battle. ' , Mr: and Mrs„ FredSa Sanders J . have aid returned to Toronto : Mr and Mrs, N. Jt Dore are away on a week's motor holiday, Air, Fred. Tucker afClinton spent Sunday witli friends in town. Master Will Lawvsoun, visited at Port Stanley last weieki with his aunt, firs. W. H. M urtyn. Mr .and :Mrs. Rabt, Mawhinney and Mr.. and Mrs' Jas. Lawson visited ;n Parkhill Sunday. !' Mrs Chas. Li.ancientelt and fami,ly of Parkhill spent a couple clays with friends isa town the latter part ,of last week, Hisses Aladelrae' and; Grace Carling of Toroato• are visiting relatives, the guests of their avant, hlrs. Robert 11. Pickard. Mr: W. D. Clarke, .has mother and his son Gale, motored' to Chcsley and Southamnptionn, Thussiday ;tlo so end a week with relatives. Mr. Jacob Taylion- of Toronto, for- m rly of Clinton, was a visitor here for a few hours, on Monday. Hirsfam-' ily accompanied him. bliss Clsui1: of. Crediton, ,nsitching' bo had in tablet form, procurable at any at the Central Telephone. ;office; here; w 14 in the absence oaf lli,ss .Kedwell, who is .holidaying at her borne in Peti:alea. AUG. 1, JONES &MA' PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD, _.._LICENSE NO 8-3620 Hot Weather Specials Don't Forget Us for Kool Gods this Hot Clearing and Special .Prices 98c, WHITE WAISTS 5 Das. regular $1.25 and $1.50 White Fancy Waists cleansing at 98c. SIL'IZ WASITS ' Real Beauties in Wash Silk, and , Striped Silk, Silk Crepe and Georg- ette in. all the New Shades. SUMMER DRESSES All Ladies, Girls, and Children's, to ;,rfilear lout regardless of price. Come and , get a snap. WHITE SKIRTS Some dainty .urevv styles just it Just right for this weather. • WHITEWEAR A splendid si owitag of Gowns Skirts Corset Covers, Slips, Cam- bi nation and, Drawers( HOUSE DRESSES Great Bargains in House "Dresser A good: Dine' for $1.50 ;a dandy for $2, not the price of making. Big Clearing of Summer Wash Goods rl ,-' MUSLINS, VOILES, BEACH CLOTH. FOULARDS • & SATEENS ALL MUST GO TO MARE ROOM., SEE THEM. SEE THEM MEN'S STRAW. HATS . All Alen's Summer -Hats are, reiiuc- ed,,. to clear taut, Buy your New Panama, MEN'S NEW SUITS Just arrived. Some very new Men's Suits. Rea 1Good. Buy your clothing, now, as they will: sure be very high! BOYS' SUITS Some extra good values in 13oys'- Bloiornier Suits. A big stock to show you, LADIES' SHOES - All kinds to cheese from —High, Low, or Medium, Prices from $2.25 up. A lot of old values'. .MEN'S SHOES Some grand values in some old old shocks, Good Shoes from $4.50 up, The good ones will soon he picked up. Get busy, CHILDREN'S SHOES. All at the old prices. This is a big thing fon* you in guying your Children's shoes. A saving of 81 ar mare per _)ain'. A Dandy. Assortment ro f 'Young Men.''s Belted Tweed Rain Coats. JONES MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Boys, _Airs, Eclward,s and child of London are visiting here. Major Heahnialn was up from Lon- don over Sunday. \fr. Thomas' Hatton of London is visiting old friierudrs; in towm:. Air. R. G. Siebdoln and fancily lted in 'Ingersoll ever Sunday. The Misses Laguna and Alice iter are visitors; with, Mss. Thos. son this week. A big batch; of soldier boys —many from this district—left` London camp for the east last week, .Mr. and :Mrs. GriJff and three child- ren of Listawell, are visiting Mrs. Griff's ,parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ruch„ Hunter. ' vias- Pal Net ® Nw_ Y: ED TO HELP IN WAR Women can be usefully employed in nursing the wounded, in making up the soldiers' kits, and a thousand other ways. Many 'Canadian women are weak, pale or anemic from woman's ills. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the critical' time; nursing mothers and every woman who is "run- down," ran•down," tired or over-worked—Doctor Pierce 's Favorite Prescription is a spe- cial safe and certain help. It can now ALr, and Mrs. W. D, Mace left Sat- urday on their returnn. to Winnipeg. 19 mfrs. Reg. Elliot has also returned to Norwich and Miss Eva Carling to New York. Tuck sac., 16 Seldon, sk. 17 129 112 HORSES WANTED I want am unlimited number of. lidra•es in good condition. Geldings 5 tears' ,talo up, weighing from 1500 �roundt up, 'Nimes 1ndm 4 years old rap, wetg,hint' i,frorn 1300 ptu;ndat tip, PCarcie4.having. the required stuff,' Barite. ,ia. pbvon:e 83, Exeter ri ri; apt sr MARTIN- ENdUR 1OO 9, PURE P.,, INT $g VARNISHES Which aro o,lvcrtiset Arq sold by in this issnc G. A. Hawkins Pie Will Manson was in town, los ar day ar two last week. - He assist- eel in the open, air concert gilven, by the Main, Street church people Wecl nesday eveining of last week. Mr. 1I, N. Anderson, .a former pri;u,- c•ipal of the Exeter Public School, and his wife atari dalghte•r and;. son, return- ed to- thein' home. in, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., dater . Y visiting wit,li, relatives grad friends mere far a time, Mr. and Mrs. Fred May left Thurs- day morning last ton a motor trip to Hamilton ; Niagara and Toronto, in company with Mt. and Mrs, IT Matthews al Watford, who visited them ,estnlier in the week. D:r. A, C. Ramsay and wife and family al Hamilton spent a few days daring the week with relatives and frierrdr in town. TJtcy purpose ta.k•- ing ;'a 'trip through` the Thousand Is- lands an their return home from Ex -•e ter. good drug store,' or send Dr, Pierce, In- valids' Hotel and;aSurgieal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents for trial pack- age. Branch office, Bridgeburg, Ont. St, Catharines Ont.—"I have taken Dr. Pierce 's Fav- orite Preseription during expeetaney when I felt especi- ally in need of a tonic and it bene- fited mo greatly. I always take pleas- ure ng p,in recores o mmennrd• Pcri ti to young mothers, because I know it will never fail to help them."—Mas. J. H. Pntwccr'r, 8 Beach St. Stratford, Ont.—" I do ' thinit Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription one of the best medicines"I have ever known for the ailments of women. I had for quite a long time been all .run-down, weals and nervous. I doctored, but nothing seemed to give mo relief until I began taking. 'Favorite Prescription.' '.Chis medicine gave me such wonderful relief that I ata glad to recommend it to others, "—Inlay, A, GOcWM, 60 Brant St, LO0°K WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU ..WILL LOOK WELL WHEN' YOU COME OUT Your Summer Suit Be sure it fits you at the collar. Have the trousers made to fit you noand thio waist. They will stayup much better ' when y!ou wear a belt. Your Clothes will have individuality li you l'e't vs make ahem for you. Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. rt Shee e LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea d Oofee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, i ces, teas, cow and every* thing in'the grocer %' �6 Ca,11 and see us. A ttial as to quality vfill convin- ce. _• Producra taken in exchange s® Gould Furnzture and Madertar WE THE I?,UNERAL.. DIRE:ClT;OR, AND FURNITURE DEALER t r ar in Store eater Goads Ladies' ansa Ch;ildren's White Hose, 35c• to $1,00 per Bigchoice inEmbroideries, 10c ' per yard up, Towels, 25c.. t,o. 75c, ,each. Summer vests, :25c to 75c, each. Men's Gotiion, E-Iase, 20c, and 25c, a pair, Balbriggan, Underwear, 75c. per garrne,nt, Coral ir>,ations, 8,1.50 per garment. Eine Print Shirts, 95c. each. G\rlkite ootwcar in Manly atyles, TRY A PAIR OF OUR SHOES THEY SATISFY, Pair,,