The Exeter Advocate, 1918-8-1, Page 7M DESPERATELY ON NORTHERN BANK OF MARNE. Despite Strong Counter -Attacks Allies Continue Advance, Cap- turing a Number of Villages Including Oulehy-la-Ville. A despatch from the French Army • in France says: -Notwithstanding strong German counter-attacks in the Chateau Thierry pocket, the allied troops advanced conbiderably on Thursday, capturing a number of vil- lages, of which the most important is .Ouichy-la-Ville. The battle took an extremely vio- lent turn on the northern bank of the Marne, where Franco -Americans, however, pushed forward a distance of between two and three miles. On the other side of the salient a Ger- man attack resulted in the momen- tary capture of a dominating height known as 240, but the enemy posses- sion did not last. The French and British organized an immediate coup, ter -attack and regained the hill, cap- turing most of the Gern1a,,s occupy- ing it. "Fresh troops were thrown in by the Allies to meet the enemy blow. On both wings of the salient the ar- tillery duel was of the most violent character, as the Germans had eon centreted most of their guns on their flanks." Y "The Germans have strengthened their line and are counter -attacking determinedly on the whole front of - the salient from the. Ourcq "to Vrigny, thus; attacking , towards the , west, south and east. Apparently they have decided to refuse to accept de- feat, and are making a further stand for the salient and a footing north of the Marne. "The enemy south of the Ourcq is attacking in a south-easterly direction against the Bois -de- la-Tournelle and the line of Beuvardes-le-Charmel. Further south attack and counter-at- tack are alternating in rapid succes- sion, and the fighting is of the most violent description. The enemy on the eastern wing of the salient has attacked the new British salient en- closing the woods west of Vrigny. We are vigorously counter -attacking." ALLIES STEADILY CLOSING IN 200,000 Germans Lost in Sois- sons -Rheims Sack--Ameri cans Occupy Courpoil. A despatch from' the American Army on the Aisne -Marne Front, says:—With the sides of the Soissons- Rheims sack corning steadily closer together, the German Crown`' Prince's generals are driving their men merci- lessly in an effort to hold the allies off long enough to extricate -the armies threatened at the bottom north of the Marne. • The American and French are never far behind the retreating forces, and the vicious rear -guard actions are not sufficiently resistant to enable the Germans to proceed in the orderly manner planned. At Dormans, nortlt of the "Marne` and east of Chateau Thierry, the Germans counter -attack- ed, taking tlfe position, but were promptly driven out. They occupied Treloup, west of Dormans, and have held it. Minor advances have been made by the allies in the woods in that part of the sector, while further to the east, south of Rheims, there were addi- tional allied success. The Americans have occupied Cour- poll, on the road to Fere-en-Tardenois, and the French positions have been advanced until Oulchy-ale-Chateau is dominated by their guns. Nearer Soissons, the Germans fail- ed to hold all theirpositions, notwith- standing reinforcements and their desperate need. It is estimated unofficially to -night that the enemy losses are more than 200,000, of which 50,000 were inflicted. by the Americans. The prisoners alone number over 25,000; and the losses in dead: and:. wounded are ap- palling. 300,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT IN AUSTRALIA A despatch frons Washington says: .Nearly 300,000,000 bushels of wheat is stored in Australia, the Food Ad- eninistration was informed recently. Details of the guarantees surround- ing 1918-1919 wheat harvest' in Aus- tralia also were transmitted. The. Australian Gavernmenthas guaranteed 83 cents per bushel and to this the Commonwealth has added 12 cents, making the price 95 cents to the pro- ducer. In Buenos Aires the cash price for wheat is $1.44 per bushel. Cash corn is •selling thdre for 62 cents per bushel. ALEXIS ROM:ANOF ED' SHORTLY AFTER HIS FATHER A despatch from Amsterdam says: .—Alexis Romanoii`, the former heir- apparent to the Russian throne, died from exposure a few days; after his father, the former Emperor, was exe- euted, says a despatch from Moscow to The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger, .i 'When you have a cut, bruise, or burn, use the? inside coating of raw egg. It will adhere of itself, leave no scar, and heal any wound More Rapidly than any salve or plaster. BRITISH GAIN WEST' OF JHEff4S Narrow German Salient by Ad- vancing Two Miles Toward v g ov d # Fisines. A despatch -from London says:— British and French troops have ad- vanced to Gueux and Mery-Premecy, in the battle sector just west of Rheims, according to information here on Wednesday afternoon from the battle front. - The new line shows an advance of about. two miles toward Fismes.' This. ,gain when seen- on themap is of 'evi- dent importance for it greatly nar- rows the salient created by the Ger- mans; in their drive of last May. . It is no longer proper to• speak of the pocket as running from Soissons to Rheims for the newest advantage Of the Entente allies has pulled the eastern edge of the pocket eight miles to the westward, .making Mery-Pre- a mecy the marker for the eastern rim. The mouth of the pocket is now I only 21 miles wide and the whole tits- ' trict between the two sides is under the range of Entente allied guns. The advance of - the British and French forces along the battle front between Rheims and the Marne to Gueux and Mery-Premecy represents a gain of about 1% miles along a ' front of three miles. The town of Gueux lies to the south of the River Vesle and is about five miles directly west of the Cathedral. City. Mery- Premecy is a short distance north of the Fismes-Pargny railway and is about 101/2, miles south-east of Fismes, which is in the centre of a line run- ning between Soissons and Rheims:' WHAT ONE BUDDY DOES WITH HIS PAY A despatch from Alexandria, La., says:—The question of what an en- listed man in the American army does with all his money has been answered here by a disclosure of the financial affairs of one member . of a machine-gun company at Camp Bau- regard. The soldier receives $33 a month, Of this $15 is sent to his mother, $5 is paid on a Liberty bond and $6.50 is deducted for insurance, leaving a ` balance of $6.50 or ap- proximately twenty-one cents a day. As. Uncle Sam provides him with everything he desires and the twenty- one cents is idle wealth, he has de cided to open a savings. account. PORTUGAL TO PLAY MORE ACTIVE PART IN WAR A despatch from Lisbon, Portugal, says: -Dr. Sidino Paes, the President of Portugal; in his message read at the opening of Parliament, praised the army and the navy, and said -that negotiations had been entered into looking to a more aetive participation by Portugal in the war. He justified the reestablishment of diplomatic re- lations between Portugal and the Vatican, and said that reports were constantly being received from Spain demonstrating the, cordial friendship held by that Monarchy :for the Iber- ian Republic. Fromisle Erin'sGreen P,• NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND'S SHORES. Flappenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men. • Over a. hundred and seventy garden allotments are being cultivated by the residents of Portadown.°, Lieut. Oscar Henderson and three other men who took part in the Zee- brugge raid were welcomed by the Lord Mayor and Corporation of Dub- District Inspector Tyndall has been transferred from Ballyshannon to Portadown. A jumble sale held in Dublin in aid of Sir Patrick Dun's Ho=spital realized over £ 20. Many business houses had to close down an a recent market. day at Loughrea, "owing to a shortage of sil- ver coins. Lieut. Cecil J. Kenny, Royal Irish Regiment, kiled in action, was the son of Mr, H: B. Kenny, Clyduffe House, Roscrea. The King's Medal has been pre- sented to W. Olehan, Wicklow, for long and meritorious service in the General Post Office. Lieut: Col. Hugh Stewart, who was killed in action, was the husband of Mrs: Stewart, 4 Restrover Street, Rathgar, Dublin Co. For helping to put out a, fire in a local munition factory, N. Edgehill, Monasterevin, was awarded the medal of the Order of the Briti9h Empire. Owing to the shortage of silver coins, the Carrick-on-Suir relief offi- cers wore unable to distribute the re- gular weekly outdpor relief. The National -Union of Dock La- borers have contributed £122 to the fund for the relief of the dependents of the Waterford sea disaster. The death has occurred at Clough- jordan of Sergt,•So.mers, who won the Victoria Cross at the Dardanelles, „ Belfast Corporation has decided to close down the tramway service an hour earlier each evening, to reduce traffic. The Dublin Cowkeepers' Associa- tion has announced that the price of new milk in Dublin is ‘now sixpence a quart. R. E, Ward, of Kilkenny, has been appointed instructor in cabinet-mak- ing for the training of wounded sol- diers by the Portadown Technical Committee. Owing to the shortage of coal, the Thomastowvn Guardians have been un- able nable to secure any• tenders for coal for the workhouse. The medical officers of Omega Union have declined to accept the proposed increases.in their salaries. Private John J. Hallagan, Austra- lians, lost at sea, was the son of ' Thomas Hallagan, Skryne, Co. Meath. Captain Redmond, M.P., has been appointed to a post on the Head- quarters Staff of the Home Forces. The death is announced in Dundalk ; of Dr. Mathew Kearney, . the oldest medical practitioner in the county: 1 It has been reported that Brigadier General the bion. L. J. P. Butler, bro- thel= of Lord Dunboyne, has been seriously wounded in action.' Large- quantities of peat are being cut in the bogs in the midlands and i west of Ireland, in order to eope with a possible lack of coag Lieut. S. T. S: Clarke, Grenadier RIEST BATTLE DF AR RAA Seventy Gerrnan Divisions Iden - tilled -25,000 Men and 500 Guns Taken. A despatch with the French Army In France nays:—Up to the present 70 German divisions have been identi- fied in the present fighting zone, and the battle therefore may be regarded as the biggest since the beginning of the war: The prisoners taken number over 25,000, and more than 544 cannon and 1 thousands of machine guns have been l captured. f Of the prisoners 14 per cent. belong to the 1919 class, showing that nearly all of these boys already have been incorporated in fighting units, If all of them have been utilized they would form from 17 to 18 per cent. of the German strength; Information received proves that the 1920 class, which it was int.onded' to be incorporated in the army of October, has been ordered into the units in September. Most of those of this class are not 18 years old, CANADIAN TROOPS ARRIVE SAFELY IN ENGLAND A despatch from Ottawa says:—It is officially announced through, the Chief Press Censor's office that the following troops have arrived in the United Kingdom:_ Infantry, Imperial recruits In- fantry, draft No. 43, No. 2 Construc- tion Battalion (colored), from Lon- don, Ont. Infantry, draft No. 29, 1st Depot Battalion, Western Ontario Regiment, London, Ont. Infantry, Draft No. 46, 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, Kingston. Infantry, draft No. 47, lst Depot Bat- talion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, Kingston. Infantry, draft (part) No. 65, '1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regiment, Winnipeg. Cavalry, draft No. 66, 34th Fort Garry Horse, Win-, nipeg. Infantry, draft No. 35, lst Bat- talion Saskatchewan Regiment, Re- gina, Sask. Infantry, draft No. 65, 1st Depot Battalion, Manitoba Regi- ment, Winnipeg. Infantry, draft No. 68, 1st Battalion, Saskatchewan Regiment, Regina, Sask. Draft No. 74 (part), Engineer Training Depot, St. Johns, Que. Infantry, draft No. 79, Ist Depot Battalion, Eastern On tarso Regiment, Kingston. Infantry, draft (part) No. 80, 2nd Depot Bat - ,talion, Ottawa, Ont. Cavalry, draft ' No. 53, Royal Canadian Dragoons, Toronto. Draft No. • 53, Railway Operating Troops, Nnagara, Ont. Probationary medical officers. V. A.' D., nurses. Details. A total of 3,635. Guards, who has been awarded the I i A despatch from Ottawa says•-- Montreal, July 30.—Oats, Canadian Markets of the World 13readstuils Toronto,. July, 30. --Manitoba • wheat —No. 1 Northern, $2.231/2; No.• 2 Northern, .$2.20',1.; No. 3 Noithemn, $2.17? ; No...,4 , wheat, $2,101, in stor=e Fort William,. including 21/le, tax. Manitoba oats --No. 2 C.W., 904 c. No. 3 C,W., 87%c; extra No, 1 feed, 87%c; No, 1 feed, 84%c, in store Port William, American Corn --No, 3 Yellow, kiln dried,' nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario oats—No, 1 white, 86 to' 87c, nominal; No. 3 white, 85 to 86e, nominal, :according to freights out- side. Ontario wheat—No„ 2, Winter, per car lot, $2,22, basis in store Montreal. Peas—No. 2, nominal,• according to freights outside. Bazley—Malting, $1.35 to $1.37, nominal Buckwheat—$1.80, nominal. Rye—No. 2, $1.90,. nominal. Manitoba flour — War quality, $10.05, Toronto. Ontario flour — War quality, $10.65, in bags, Montreal and Tor- onto, prompt shipment. Millteed—Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included: Bran, 135 per ton; shorts, $40 per ton. Day—No. 1, $16 to x;17 per ton, ttraon,ck Tok,ronto; mixed, $14 to'$15 per trac Straw -Car lots, $8 to $8.50 per ton, track Toronto. Country Produces—Wholesale Eggs—No. 1 candled, 48 to 49c; selected, new -laid, 50 to 51e; cartons, 52 to 54c.` Butter—Creamery, solids, 45c; do. fresh made, 46 to 47c; choice dairy prints, 41 to 42e; ordinary dairy prints, 38 to 40c; bakers', 36 to 38c; olemargarine, (best grade), 32 to 34c. Cheese—New, large, 231,x• to 24c; twins, 234: to 241/4c; spring made, large, 25'/5 to 26c; twins, 26 to 2612c. Beans -Canadian, prime, bushel,, $6.50 to $7:50. Foreign, hand-picked, bushel, $6.75 to $7. Comb Honey—Choice, 16 oz., $3,50 per dozen; 12 oz., $3 per dozen; sec- onds and dark comb, $2..50 to $2.75. Maple Syrup Imperial gallons, $2.25; 5 -gallon tins, $2.10 per gal- lon. Maple sugar, per pound, 24 to 25c. Provisions Wholesale Barrelled Meats—Pickled pork, '$48; mess pork, $47- Green Meats -Out of pickle,_ lc less than smoked. Smoked Meats -Rolls, 32 to 33c; hams, medium, 37 to 380; heavy, 30 "'to 31c•Xcooked hams 50 to 51c• backs CANADIANS CONCEDED' BEST ARMY OF SIZE plain 44 to `45c• backs boneless 4S to 49c. Breakfast bacon, 40 to 41e. Cottage rolls, 35 to 36c. • Dry 'Salted Meats—Long, clears, in tons; 30e; in cases, 30/e; clear bel- lies, 28 to 281/1; c i fat backs, 25c. Lard—Pure, tierces, '30' to 31c; tubs, 30to 311/4c; pails, 31; to 313 c; prints, 32 to 321/2c. Shorten- ing, tireces, ' 26 to 261/2 c; tubs, 2614. to 26,ic; pails, 261/4 to 27c; 1 -ib., prints, 27% to 28c. Montreal Markets 'Military Cross, is a son of Trevlsa Clarke, Londonderry. [ The base price for potatoes, deliv- i ered by the grower, are fixed for Ire- land at £5 per ton. White, Black and Yellow Races Intermingle in Battle Line • A despatch from the American Army on the Aisne Marne Front says:—Intermingled in the line of 1battle and along the roads are white, black and yellow races in all the units, and the big machine is m moving o with- out a knock or a lost motion. Now and then the color scheme to the rear 1 of the fighting line is broken by a col- umn of gray -clad prisoners, whose appearance is always quickly noticed by the troops who are more accus- tomed to the khaki of the Americans and British and the blue of the French. CANADA'S RANK AS A CATTLE PRQ6 UCER ADAt HOLLAND rr'a•"'Ir a 1t u rf+ err , t tv r �p g,� Via, oENM:s.RK 1�'I . `i' `MFK X u YD'S fq PrF7 irttK`-_25 GERMANY.T R' sz`V M h ` « »46 aTAVN. (WPM Fire7P7Mfft.da FRArICE• it ITALY. as, �,�^.�. fig • ''+t g lisP,,^�x g `:-12 tO � tsi q� COMPARED WITH OTHER WUSTRALIA,, MIT ar"H'It^� --$ NATIONS ON THE BASIS ;�s�,�eg�,s�� OF.THE NUMBER OF UNITED K"'Sf A d x"Y tr-H ar't�?I'r"'Ir--6 'ANIMALS TO THE srnTEs, CANADA. Ri y �r� LAND LANO IGO ACRES OP' �'�'i?� IN FARMS - coaxal. r c*,1 The high standing won by the'Cana- ; western,, leo. 2, $1.0114; extra No.1 elan Army Corps: at the front is the feed, 98z/ c Flour, new standard grade, $11.05 Rolled oats,, bags, 90 'subject reference in a letter which lbs.,. $5.20 to $5.30. Bran, $35. •Lieut. -Cot. Hugh Clarke, Parliamen- Shorts, $40. Moullie, $68. Hay, i tary Under-Secretary for External. No. 2, per ton, car lots, $14.50. 'Affairs, has received from Sir Robert Boden. Sir Robert, in the course' Live Stock Markets of liis letter, says: Toronto, July 30:—Choice heavy "You will be glad to know that steers; $13,75 to $14,.75; butchers' the Canadian Army Corps is univer-, cattle, choice, $13.25 to $13_50; do. 2:75• do, meds salty recognized as the mast"''effeetive'$12.50 , and formidable force of its numbers: X11.35 to $:11..85; do common, $9.00 00 1 1t h rs bull choice, to ID. c e s in any of the b.,[lyalent armies.'- As $ to this, there is no question in the $11.00 toy $11.25; do. medium. bulls, 310.5 to 410.60- do. rough bulls mind of any man who has spoken to $7.50 to $8.00; butchers' cows, choice, me on the subject. e . , $11,00 to $11.25; do. good, $10-50. to • 1$10.75; do. medium, $8.25 to $3.75; "HOW MANY SONS 4 : do. common, $7.00 to $8.25 stockers, HAVE YOU LOST?" $8.00 to 810.50; feeders, '$10.50 to — 1$11,00; canners and cutters, $5.50 • r __-•1 to $6.50; milkers, good to choice, A despatch from Geneva says:—1 .90.00 to, , 125.00; do,corn. and med., "How many sons has your Majesty $66:,00 to $75.00 .sringers, $90.00 : lost? How many have been wounded, to $125:00; light ewes, $13; 00 to or mutilated?" 1$16.00; yearlings, $15.50 to 17.00; I These questions, incorporated in a spring lambs, 20 to 201/2c; calves, ',telegram, were sent to the German -good, $1.3.50' to $17.00; 'hogs, fed and Emperor on Wednesday by Pastor watered, $19.00; do, weighed off cars, Dryancler, founder of the new Liberal, $1,3.25• itiMontreal, .Tnly 30.—Gose steers, German -American paper, Friednsruf 1$10.e0 to $.00; butchers' cows, $8,00 j {Peace Call), of Zurich. 1 to ,$$1.0.00; butchers' bulls, $7.00 to 1 "In the event that there have been $9.00, choice milk -fed calves, $13.00 no casualties in the Imperial family," to $15.00; poorer grade, $8,00 to the telegram continues, "we demand $9.00; sheep, $12.00 to $13.50, spring an immediate explanation." Iambs, $18.00 to $21.00; choice select Emperor William has not replied, hogs, off cars, $19.25 to $19.50. 1 Buckwheat is a short season crop adapted to a wide range of soils and BRITISH COURT can furnish flour for wheat substitute MOURNS E;: -CZAR this season. No grain crop excels it , on poor ground. Seeding about the A. despatch from London says:— first of July is preferred, because then King George has ordered the British `the ripening period conies in the cool Court to go into mourning for four weather of September and the grain week for former Czar Nicholas of develops best. Russia •- sPEAK�I' fo MI DUIFF 2 ,,° T „i I =4r ; �) , 1.1 `( PA/\15`1 HAVE \IOv SEEN AN`( OF lsel GOI-F- CLUBS LAN ISG AROteelD . ? ' �� SA'1, WNFCC'S HAPPENED TO THE NE'N DRAS�IE 1 likl.EN,I 60UGHT A NeW leRASSIE `iE5'TERDAY AND ?RID S°O FOP 'IT — 1 NAllE 4'r seFtd i r . ToNt e JOST DOUGHY ? @ •loft Nota IT'S'GONE. 0 as i 4-4,)\''''—' ti •. �) , ....•ra3 4. r ♦ jp ai4 Il, •�' YID, . , y s - • `?� iii : 0 It sktf# 't,\ t ® I iits��'� a+� n� A I y `4\ , � _ . , _47. .;r 0)1i .:�" .....-•�* tit ill Ilk4 . '.'may • ': ite 11% `' > y,��� ...:.:. ., .. t•.��- .... ,`� •.' J( `.�,-, � �+.''^,,,.�?; ,""r+'r..:,... _`h�7wmw"1YJk <F �. . • :. II',,za ,��,rr..,ce^-_.� 4 A 4 4 4 7,1 4 A