HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-7-18, Page 8EXE "EI( AITINICATE, ,TELURSl7A Y JULY 18, 19113 1✓ i kM& MAR'KET,S r,x ` Each. Wedtda►y Wheat CLQ Oat;; 7,Otga72 Bairl!e, ,......., ., 110 to 1,15 Family, Flour 40.00 firest Middlings 35,00 Cre'arnery Batter 4388 parse flutter 48 EgLard >,. .... .a ..".,p- 1.35 • Potatoes Hay, per tan .. 1.0,00 to 12.00 hogs 17,40 MONEY LOST, Between .),Latin Se and the Station) a sun, of money was last, consisting • of 2 $5:00 bills and 16 $1,00 bills. Re - w roc of $10 ea returning same to the Advocatie ar Wexler. HOUSE FOR S A.LE Brick Hausa with doable kat, Good land. Ap.ly ori premises to MRS, WITZEL, Dashwood RUG F.OUND Irr Exeter, a black; an1dd yellow rug. owner can. httine salin i 3yytcalling al ngv.at this oitin�e and, paying PHONE 56. Our Stare will, be closed every Wed aesda^. afternoon and open ev,erselag f July and August and open every other. night with a full stack .of groceries. • Wilson's Cancers & Rt estaueant Itir. R, Johns sold: a big' pig ta, I. Canada Food Board License 8-2783 Armstrong & Seenthisweekwhi h rvieigh;ed 70.0 1bs:s and realized $102, Special wine in Scotch, FingeringMr, Johtns paid $60 $or, this saw, and was called a fdol •far doing so, But as .she sail sed three litters of pigs and sold fon over one lurrridrid doll- ars it was riot a had investment. 4 aria A Po gCa.s�¢a(ic.cc94 J The Seeytor League of Main Street church ie giving( an open air concert next We•d;ziesday, Mrs Merl Cast 5s els, folltnesing what is thoughIt( to have 'been, a tight ttroke last we'ek,. The Masonic annual Grand Ledge meeting openeici at Winricispr yester- dee (Wednesday.) The 'Sunday School of limn Street Methodist Church[ w.iJ pitenic at Grand Bend this 4ii';ec1 Jeslclay. Mrs, laugh Oke ,sustained another t-t•oko last week antd ee .in cans,e- ouencn. in a',serilous con}dvtion.•. Hydro collections ar now received at the Exp;re,sis; office. instead of at the Maisons Bahi(k as heretofiore. I\1r Phillipsanl, ledger keener at the Bank of Commerce hasben carted far military service, reporting, on \'Iondae Rev. Ernest Griggs mess'ianary to Ind'.ia, ,now on f;urlaugle will preach in Cacnen Presbyteries, church, on Sunday next both morning and evening. Mr, Samuel' Strath, London Road South, had a thoroughbred •13a1siten caw injured •aru Satu'daiy evening when it was .struck by an autom(b'bjlle,• 'It wall eecovfelr. The car was not darn - aged. amesaged.' Yarn for S,dtd'uiers' Socks, at Stew- r't'e. 0 BARBERING. I will ,be at the Bairbetr Shop here every Wednesdayfter on and ev- ening. J. S.ON. 100 ACRE FARMFOR SALE. Three-quarter miler we of Mt. Car- mel, on which, are brick hoarse, bank barn, good water;; and is under good state of cultivation, Possession Nov. 1st, 1918. .G, M. Fischer, Parkhill SUCCESSFUL NORMALITE,S. Tho following fromi this district have been succ•etsjsful in passing the recent Normal School examintatiloms,-Euloeen Victoria Guenther ,off Dashw*olid; Elva Heyrock of Zwiticbi; Nosab Lowe of Lucam; Nora E. McCaughey of Blyth Ruby Pollock oft Parkhill; Clementine. Williams of G(oderdch. At the pinesie 0 high prices• 0f feed . WON FIFTH PRIZE. it pays tla ;finish thog's, and there is Plenty toil .goad feed, Se.e Harvey Bos, Clea ing a liot of Laldites' Liirrrn;. Auto Coats, ,$3.50-'Sjtessvast's. N;O,TICE Any ,bettry pick'ters trespassing n carr property woo, be prosecuted, - JOHN RATZ & SONS Ver;. Special Large Fllas>netieate FlBlaintktets. Gey '& w'itiite„ 4it 2$,95 action le• at oirjce carried out by the �tevYa4t'S. ladies who took plosseission of the Misses MerritdTs )Tame one Cane day When, yesu need flour see Harney recently, givim!g'it a go oxl lr,oruse-clean- Bnes.--thiey have the kind your want. ing sand general renovating. The sur - R. G. Seldoh's pink Won fifthiprize at St Thomas 'one -day bowling tourn- ament on Wte!dnilesday of last week. The . rink cansesteid of E. Powell, J. A Stewart, W. D.. ClaJirlde, and I. G. Seldon. They won four games with a plus score of 15 "points. The prize were thermos bottles: WHAT HAPPENED ON WILLIAM STREET, It is orrice to live onn'Williami street, where the kind thoughit aged promnt 35c for good heavy ribbetd 1-I se, for bug strong boys. Sttewart's, GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central Hotel, Exeter, Duties to commaentce Sully 1st. Don't. sell your pigs light, . we have plenty of good feed. Harvey .Biros. $2.25 pietr yard far. Lovely,. Black Duches', Sulk. 36 inches twid:e Stewart's. FOR SALE OR,RENT-OnAndrew Street, Exeter, one, and half storey. frame bonrse;'good ,stable; fruit trees.. Possession immediately. Apply to 3. D. 'Atkinson, Clinton Buy your I itii(ruer .Sets now, while stacks are good. Special value:. Stewart's, VOTERS' LIST 1918 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN - SEiIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that transmitted or delivered to the P,r sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop- ies required by the said sections - to be sc transmitted' or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of 'all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Rpll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for membet••s of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Creditor! on the 10th Day of July A. D. 1918, andxernains there far inspection. And I hereby call upon all' voters to take immediate proceedings • to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law.' 0th dayof Dated at Cred,utonl thus 1 July, ' 1918• HENRY EILBER Clerk of Stephen Township, SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LAND IN TJSBORNE TP. 'I lie undersi ne;d offers far sale Lot 12. in. the S,E,B. o£ TawnshiP of TJsbarrue. adjoining Woodham; in Hu- ron County, On the premises are a two-storey brick dwelling; twabank barna 36x9.4 and; 40x70, with water sys- tem in both barns', a frame drive shed 24x40; 2 acres orchard; well drained and fen,ced; 5 acres of bush. The farm is convenient to churches,, school, post offices and market. For particulars apply to WILLIAi4I HANNA, Kirktou prisK and pleasure of the inmates can be better imagined than described, as the work ds a repelti(ti(on of the same kiindnesls extended too'them last year. SUCCESSFUL AND WORTHY. The following stutdiejnits, of Prof. W. M. Clarke are to .(be cangratulialted at the very ,high marks obtained art the recent Exalmtntr3Gijans, aurid speaks well for their teache4 wdlp is , an ex- perie'nced onset, and most competenjt : A. L. C M. (piano) Minis Minnie ,G. Verner, Seaf'arth; Senior (singing) 'Miss Margaret Moodie, (1st Class wiith Honors) ; Senior (singing) - ;Miss May. Clarke, lst Clasls ; Advanced inter- mediate (Plena) Mi sl May Clarke (1st Cla.ss). Adv*an;ced Ilntermeldiate (piano) Miss Lila Pyn iml (1st Class -honors), E. S. M, Advancedl Intermeldiate ;piano) Miss Myrtle Pymm (fist class) E.S.M.' CARD OF THANKS. -I desire to tender my thanks to the Council and all concerned an behalf of my daugh- ter. Gladys M' Cooke, for the recog- nition accorded, )r'er'an, the 9th inst. I am deeply .gr_rrteful for the. kindly thought of all, arid I cannot &press all I feel " As y,on all kntaw she is. the last remaining Member of my fam- ily to depart for " service, ` but I am proud to- send ea fitted ones- to clo their bit for our ifIr-'Kate Cooke Spend" a social tineesetarA24,eithr us on Main `•Street Church Lawn, on even - ill? of July 24. A goad program and orchestra in attendance. Admission 25c. Ice cream will be sold, TEACHER WANTED Second Clasis Professional Teacher for No, 1, Stephen, mile, from Cen- tralia for after lriolitdays. Stag salary, Wm: Bowden, Sec.-Treas. Centralia. BERRY PICKERS will be pros ecue ted if they trlcs,pasls on R. Davis' pro- perty i.'rr Stephen, sours FOTJND-The back light of an autoniia'bjle. Owner can have same by ,proving nroperty and paying ex- penses• Call at Advocate. Office, ESTRAY STEER. There strayed Untohe ;premise,sof the undersigned, Leet 8, ` S. B. Us - borne, a yearling steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying exp ense,s. Frank 3. Davis. MARTIN -SENOUR 1OO�fdA P P�R� INT VARNIuu Which Ina -elk" „.. Fynse in this' HORSES WANTED ,�• r (0\1MPC advertiead PAINT *Met in good nonditicee Geldings, 5 yearra rid tap, s'vreithing from • 1500, Are sold flay up, 'weighing &cm 1300 poundi up, Paatles having the required stuff, mite, or phone 83 Exeter. - G. A. Hawkins - Sinn_ •fa,11 wheat Well be cut this week. Lis James Creech who has been very ill for several days', is somewhat better now. Air.Thos. Clark, of Stephen has puts chased Mrs. Nart lacatt's house on Elizabeth Street The R. Gs Seldon• Oak of bowlers take part en a bawling tourney -at Lambeth this Weldnieeday, The latest thing in an alarm-nloc). is a contrivance that emits a •honk•, maikiut, the sleeper, think he is in front at an autonlabtule, and° he gets Out of bed with a single. jump, Mae R. 1, Watson, Alissiiosai•y Vice;; President of Liosi)dou Conference League, addressed a union meeting of Maine Street and Janes Street Lea;e. goes ia. James Street Church rues'- day evening. In, . ad ldltjionl a, ntfisdcal program was rendered, The fallowing boys, who have sign- ed nip for aane.rs•ea,s• ,from the est Depot Be Italian, )W,,O,R., Landon, spent from T1rturs,d ty till Monday, at their res'pectitve homes, urior to'leav- ing Privates Archie{ W• Morgan, Will Iternick and Peter McNaughton. THE "B" ON OATS. The first ,pardon; in thaa district, ,to send to the Ad.'s",oca'te. samples of the f'B" on, the oats was Iv2rs. WM. Jam- ieson of near, the lake, In; these sam- ples die letter is dpistincely ..maa1 ed; Several othiers have sent en samples since. Many interpretations, are be- jtng made such' as, meaning the end of - the war; greater spilling of bided; Britain viictarrioars; etc: HOME ON FURLOUGH. Rev. -Ernest arrldi, Mrs, Grigg, who have bee,n'nrns•siioaaerties''to India for many years, returned bane to . Ex- eter on Mo,njdfay night last,` to spend part of their two years' furlough. They left India' oder a year ago, but spent about ten months in France on Y,\I.C.A, w'orrlk., It is, ten_ - years since they had their last furlough. Old friends ape very pleased to see them again. MARRIED IN CLINTON. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in Clinton( on Thursday of last week, wlhl'•'n ;Ma-. Elmore O. 'Har- ness of Exeter was mantled to Miss Leuze. Macdenaild, daughter of he late John 'Weediest:dd. Only the i - mediate relatives of the bridle were in attendance. Mr, and Mrs, Harness are now enttjaytng their honeymoon and ars their return wj11 make their fu- ture hone en, Exeter, where Mr. Har- ness coniducts a barber shop. The yours' couple will: have the best wish- es of their many .friends. SOLD HIS PRACTICE. Dr. W E. Dempster, who has been conducting an .osteopathic practice here far some time, has• disposed of his goad -will and; interests to Dr. B. Knight of Landon, who intends visit- ine„.. ,xet'er three days a "Week -Mane; day Wednesday and Friday, from; 10 to 4 pan. Dr,, Dempster has . en- joyed a mast liberal practice, and as Dr 'Knight comes' very highly rec- ommended we feel .he wi111 be ac- corded the sanie liberal patronage. We are pleased to learn that Dr: Dempster intends remaining a .citizen of Exeter. - Miss Ariel Beverley is visiting in Cleveland, Ohio, 1I2. R, G. Seldon was in, Diatrfeit om, busLnesis, this week. • Miss Jessie Marusonj of 'London was home over Sunday, Miss Matriiatn Blatchford[ of Toronto is ihomla for holidays. Miss Elaise Baird is )tome from Brantford for the holidays. it'Li:sa Labelle Handford; of Ingersoll was a visitor day town, with friends, floss East of Detroit .visited With, her aunt, Mrs,Freld Bawd:en, Iaat week Miss Mair'ion McIlaiay of Hamilton la visiting a-legaitunit, Mgrs. J,as. Diglu,ati Mr, Wen. Burke of Wingham visfited in town, with Mre. Burke last week. Mr, and H. W. Doerr are n e. ten -days visit to 'Kitchener and Toronto. \Lr. N, D, 1-Iuetdon a!nat spa George of Port Feelnikisr were in town; on Feil - day last, Ptc hfeicille Hoslitns,and Private W Keralek of Lot -ears Camp were home over Sunday:- ' Mrs. Russell Smj,tlr•'o'.f Lenedan iu visiting with ,telt( parents, Mr. and Mrs Peter Frayne. Mr. Roy Howa(rsd and lady friend of London spent a couple days jrs town this week. Celia Clztttiis;tile is visiting her aunt Miss Fieirgiuson, sof Chatham for part of the Irolidiays., ' ilia•. and Mrs. Fred 'Itestle and daugh ter of Lawrence Sta!ttilon, were, visit- ors over Sunday. Judge L. H,. Dick,s,an of Goder'ich spent Saturday and( Sunday with rela- tive." ela- tive; anal frie sd s; Merest ..., Mrs. John Debtnitngs after a visit here with relatives, • returned Saturday to liter home in Flint, Mich!, Mr. N. D. Hu,rdon was here Mon- day Le attend, the fumler�iil of his, old friend, Mr A. G. Dyer, M] and Mrtal•i J. O. Landry of Chat haan visited with the latte.r's parents at the. Centred Hotei ethis week, Prat. W. Mt Clark, Exeter went a few dray, iii towb this weeac rcnewiing olc0"^1riend'sbiiP -'I incairdilne Repartee, MT. Adolphus Evans) of Lol ee,dneii teas a visitor here •S'uinday,i Nis niece, lv1tsc Inca iHolsk nls acc(ampa{n6ed '.him. Mir John Lu{x't rs of Topeka, 'Kan,., relatives ••� , tint with s d r a l spent Thursday p Y and old friends Isere, John is do the shirt nranufacturinii,g busnnyelsis in that city. Those who were Mere from,` a d%s= 'tree attending the ' funeral self the ate ;air. A, G. Dyer, were, Mr, -Dan Dyer of A1r.,rron), ;Mich., Mr, Charles aster of,. Tren(ttau; 1'Ir, and Mrs, /id. .t)yer amid i1'frs, Smith of I3renjtfiprd ti 4.4110 V......4111.41111i$411110"4 JUN -ES PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LI<ENSE NO 8-3620 Y ;baring Sale, Summer Goods LADIES' VOILE 13LOUSES AT 98c, This -els a eatie otp'aortunJiity to buy a ;stock tot, Sttyis*njeti Blouts!es at a real batrgaiin. Ian Ordeir( to reduce aur stock wie• place, Ida ea!lld, tthjfs; week :]yearly two hlund'i{e'd Ladies' Pine Voile }31otisles, , sizes 34 to 46,., to clean+ out at once for only.. , , 98c. each), MEN'S FINE STRAW'SAILORS A'1T,$1,00 5 dozen Men's Fine Straw Sailor Hats, worth, 11.50- tins) .$2.00 each, to clear .this ;trt1olrah• fort - .. , 'se!, .. .00 25; pJeir cienit. OFF ALL Child:r'e'n's WASH DRESSES We woffieje •atur( entire stack of Children's Wash D;ties;sles, daintily trine me•d wino Of good washing mate. als, to clear -out at a`dis-count of 25 per bent, This es! chiejaiper than you `caul buy elite materials to -day, LAD IES'r AND CHILDREN'S :vi1DDIES ATt 75c. To clela(r Out this week, two diozen Ladies' and Melees' 1Ziddies', were nrlairke'd $1.25 -each Our sale price only, ..1 ...t 75c, each, OXFORD SHIRTINGS AT 25c,( YD, , 250 yds Fine! ;Oxford Shirting, verry specjial thiis nr•anth at 25c, a yd. BATHING SUITS Men's 'a(nd Boy's' Bathing Suits In all s{izies in. stack. MEN'S NAVY AND TWEED SUITS We still have a goad assortment ,of Mie�t's Sits' and • we are selling. themat Jnos(t re ls(an(a(b1e prices. Come tin tend !see there now; asl wee cane not get any snore' at tlhlese. kit]cesn' BOYS' BLOO MER SUITS At less than ea -day's ivh dl;elsile price; . Look up. yohii warms iso Bays' Suits els you cad starve, dollar's by buying them frolne one. present stock. SHOES. SHOES The late's`t n F;ojoitw,ear for all the Faalmily, *Id at ,mast re .ssni- able prices. Be d'es. 'o>rr regular oto ck, we 'leav!e loris, of clearing dines. . in Ladies 'Shoes. Alsip a'edu(Ceef prices• on white Hca tvas: sh'o'es..• Headquarters JONES & MAY or the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brenda Clothing Men ars d Boys. Mrs. Wm. Btraidt of London visited •' LOCK WELL FOR OUR SHOP. relatives here t'hile week. Mr. Reg. Bi;sste,tt Of Chatham vis- AND YOUWIILL LOOK WELL Red at his' liomJe h'er'e this week. WHEN YOU COME OUT. Mrs, Janue,s :Swiele't, Mhz. Samuel Sweet'. arid Mist lino were visitors in Sarnia during the, week. Mrs. S`. Quince and _ Miss Ol1i,e. Qualnce ,,of Tpsanta are visiting with friends and rela;tircle(s' in town: NJis's•e I1;le'nie. end Madeline Stewart of London are visiting their grand- patente ?Mar. land Mrs. Wm. Creech. Ps+ivatea Wil1•fi4lateslon,, Archie Davis, Geo. Dallis', Oke, P. Dearing and Bele' Case were bonier ' from London aver the week end. A Woman's Burdens are lightened when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, deli- cate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict womankind she will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If she's overworked, nervous, or "ran- dowii," she finds new life and strength. It's a powerful, invigorating tonie and n vine which was discovered vered and used e by an eminent physician for many years, in .his large medical practice among women. Por young girls just entering womanhood; for women in middle life, the "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine put up without alcohol, and can be had in tablet as well as liquid form. it's not a secret prescription for its in- gredients are printed on wrapper, Send 10e for trial package to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Invalids' I: 3otel,Surgical Institute, Buf- falo, N. Y., or branch in P,ridgeburg, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. - "When passing through middle life, as in most 'cases of this kind, I began to fail in health. I had severe pains in, my head, dizzy spells, my back ached and I had pains in':iuy side. I became very weak and nervous. I took medicine without getting relief until I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription and re-scription',and this medicine built mo uI5 in health and strength and ,T. eenro through this critical 'period in a good healthy state. Women will find Dr. Pierce's.; favorite Prescription -very helpful dur- ing this trying , time." ---Mas. Snrtri C&rms, 106 Robina , Ave. wa1111.11101rDo,,-.- Your Bummer Suit Be' sure it fits you at the collar. Have the trousers made to fit you rtoand the waist They will, stay up much better when sots wear a belt. Your Clothes' will have individuniSty If ylou let us make them -.for you. Ladies' uiting's IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES, COME EARLY AND GET OF THESE ,BEFORE THE GOODS ARE ALL GONE, -No Sheen ONE OLD LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand . Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea & Coffee Store • For the choicest grocerlea, fruiter aIcetio tea: r, aside and ever" - t ilig ill the grocery )9i Call and see us. A. - trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould. P.rf tore and tindertalli B. N. ROWE THE EUNERAXi DIRT T91ir AND FURNITURE DEALER eter Bargain Store July Sale Men's Pine, Trap Sh,iJrts at 95c, ,sack Sec our Table .of Shoes' at• $1,48 per nor, MEN'S • BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR- •` 2-pitece slits at 75c. a gement,. Combinations 51.50 pleb suit, Ladies Black Caftan Hose,• atesitle,a, pair. . Ladies' Silk Hosie 75c and $1,001 per pa(itr, Enrbroideriies - 10c,t to 85c. yard Fleet Foot Shoes, White Shoes, Sliipeers, Pureps, Etc: