HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-6-27, Page 8XE FIER ABuar.ATE, TBT31 sfAY, ;JUNE 22, 19113 x:,X,ETER MARKETS thttiod Each Weclnday 2..1,0 ,to 72 Barley 1,25 to 1.30 Family Flour 5.10 Middlings „ 40.00 bran „ ,• 35.00 Creaimry Bunter „„L 48 Lard 1"35. to 40 Dairy I3tttbei d . Potatoes 1.25 'to 1.50. Hag ,, t �.,4,. 17.00 Hay, per ton 10.00 to 12.00 VERY SPECIAL -one and one Ribb Hose far Boys, Girls and Warren, 25 dents- Stewart's. FOR SALE Evaporator anal Equipment in .the town of Exletter. For "Information. contrneni`icate with. James Sanrervilte, 6, 2 Sun. Life Bldg., Hamilton. TEACHER WANTED car Ar-Nrivr-wimciepiwoo, • LOCAL DOINGS, eareesaateeseeesnameasseeeedeesee The schools close thus week for the stttnmer h�lddiys!r Candidates are busy welting on the school exa: m netion's, York Loan. Sharelt,olde.re received a div-idertci of about 50 pee cent. Next Sunday will; be observed as a Day of Prayer in x,11 the- churches. The canning of penis mai be com– menced at the Exeter Canning fac- tory ,art Tu)as+day next, Mr. E. J. Christie insthoroughly ren- ovating tla,i,s home on, Main Street. The kitchen le being evinced in size and veneered; a new furtutce! Ira;s been in- stalled, and verandahs, will be erected at both front and back. dr E. T. Greenway of Crystal City. Man., sin of the late I -Ion. Thomas Greenway, hrud thel honer to be elect- ed to the , office ',of Grand Master of the 1Jasonic Order 'o1 Maatitoba at tkue rcealt Gr;}md<Liodge Meeting Ili; i in need of the canes to get around. Second-class professional teacher }it Wieiaeg, These 11: ,ea?ectsG to lie rlid of after Ear S. S. No. 4, Usbarekee Duties t(p �;�.6,,,,;.. a time commence after holidays. State 'sal I)A. QF PRA1'EF ° a> e r�eceatt Tenrpera,hce Lo.iiier�- ficatiaris and experience, Ap-mice at Clinton the question sof wheth- D Hunted, Exeter. r been r' r Teri Exeter T�;�lnies is.. Itolildayiag this week' and not issue of ilia paper is 'being publislue'd Soni' Exeter bowlers arc taking in the London Thistle Scotch Doubles Tournamlant this week. Exeter Canning Factory peas have Peached the ,front line in Fresco. A sari of Nltr. S. J. Hogarth wrote to his paitrents fifers saying he had .had a teed to diem and enclosed the label that was on tlrre can. Sergt. Gam- rill also reports enjoying a feed of Gam - brill .)) 1 b p Y Exeter pens put up "by 'thee local tic tory, As mentioned last \reek, 1\'Lajor'W. 5. Heaman returnedhome an Wednes- day night last, aariying; here about 11 p.m, in company with Mrs. Hearnan and fir: and Mrs. A. M. Heaman ani son of London,. wing motored ritr from Landon. They returned to the city next •day, where the Major re- ported to Military headquarters., He wasthen givens five days' leave, after which he returns to London .Cor treatment. He ins looking well, but is ary qualifications gi.. to R. s Next Sunda) June 30, ha,a ere Huron should', petition the. (ave n - ..•s! n ) p named as a da of pray ,,r for the suc.- cesis -of the Allied :cause and the ,re- turn of peace to the earth, ' This clay of special era'er win be observed, throughout Canada i,nla the churches. _ JOHN WALKER ORDAINED, Rev.. John walker, sin of Mr, and books by a math of the people in; the M William Walker, ker Exeter port T. A was ordained tdthe Methodist Minis- try erien e Mr. Walker, ker b ofclose applica- tion pp ' a- n to lois Stu es has advanced in rapidly t ,e wits ordained one, year sooner thanhe expected. He has e+en studying at Toronto for four • years, and dueling three years of that three hat hard charge •af New Torente church, and is. agate deft jai, charge o' ti preparations have sen made forhis going, to China as a missionary to which work he has been called, STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL l nuent to have the, Canada. Temperance Act suspended in favor of the Ont-- The Hutonville P2,tri,atick. Society willc aria Temperance Act was fully ells- The hold its Strawberry Festival at S. S, p y d 11 the C.T. to wast decided the eOeit<auia and No Usbarne, Thursday, June 27th, Supeer served from 6 to 8. Hen,sall Dominion measures of prohdbitianlia,ci; been fin>a1Iy placed on, the statute Band inattendant's Admission 50c, $2,00, $2.25, $2.50 FOR THREE i sante manner is the C.had Extra Special Lines of Black Sill*;— Mrs k th us Nth, been lectured ar Huron County. It is Stewart's, try at the recent Toronto Cont c , al o painted out that the G. T. A. r•.�••o• 7 r le y, diitut 1 iuc tva' more strict that the 0.; T. A. ' Arleen, , you, need flour 'see HaltrveY tLo di d t in thte manner of persoatal use, and as Bros.—they have the kind yaru want. tits d ' d the remaining stocks of liqu)ar were t d now confined to the cellars of the Three only ,faevv Buggies to clear b fi homes, it was important that this ad - Three should be uettaained, out and one good''second-band top- ;hu 'gyri Monarch Fencing, seven and eight wire brace wire, etc. Algia a, d ' h i SHOULDER • HURT, few• goad elates. One wheel tongue it, until h b d Mr.- David Mack sustained anasty trucks for binders and miner's now 8 g b shaking up and a bruised shoulder on. in and supply'' limited. 'Mowers, lump F a�da:y evening when, haus hprsa ranrakes, hay loaders, tedders and cam ,..._, away on.Stationrioad and he ' was bitted side -delivery rakes and tedders. tlimovvn out tori; the ground. He, is lata WM. WARD, Ink. Har. Ga's agent.up'for a-few•days. IMPORTED PURE WOOL DRESS MINTE,E: TROPHY LEFT TOWN. The Elmwood ;bpnlers of London ca,tared the Mintee. Trophy* from Exeter onWednesday evening last, the visitors winning -by 'our pairs s. S• on'.: ram•' wars. .own. and Ceeec s rink up1. re players and scores a. ow,— London Eliawtoads Exeter Iemt Taman Reid Stewart 1 ompass . Clarke S eirain sk• 21 Seldiare sk, Scott Rivers Hunt Dore Silcox Chaietite Jarvis, sk, 21 re,ec , sk. p t t CLOSE TO THEI FROST LINL.. Serge. away- Below present price. - Black, Brown, _ Greens,—Stew- f t Saturday ,"and Sunday nights were art's eld k d 5 a pretty anxious onest in rlin,s district. '' b' ik T1 1 d The weather was cold, but Luckily the GOOD GIRL WANTED at Central ¢ 1]i sky remained clpnuctyland a bit, of Turd Hotel. Exeter,. 'Dwt'iles ria ca'manenee ' blew, and there was no frost. Many July let a sigh of relief . and prayer of thank- .-- S t fulness were heard. Don't sell your pigs light, we have plenty %of good feed,B 'HOUSE TO RENT:—On Andrew The death took place on. Monday, Street. Exeter, one and half storey June 24th of Charlotte Quick, : ref - frame house; goad: stable, fruit trees.. C h k 22 ict of the late -Dr. John -I3yndman, Possession. July 1st ApplY to -- in her 81st year. Deceased had suf- 16 Hardy •res: p DEATH OF MRS. HYNDMAN u y J. D. Atkinson, Clinton f,ered from no particular .ailment, but dura,ng this last telt days had become DINNER SETS axle good buying at 42 38 Exeter bowlers have: entered a challenge for the Cup and expect to play ,urchin a wie*,, REGISTRATION. The registration'oft the main. and the vvaman power of Canada took place last :week smoothly and easily, and from all reports was pretty thoroughly dome, In: Exeter tbje women had charge of thel work in the 'Town Hall and Public Library, whine Mr. H. 1:. Huston leaked after the North End. During the two! days Frilday and Sat- urday about 1504 were registered, two, or three hundred of whom were from the surrounding country, Registrants should take the greatest care of the certificates given them, as these will be repeartedly asked for, should one desire to travel or stecure lodging. A few sick peovle were not registered but. we understand) they may register at the Pot. Office :within, thirty days. Boys and girls Who become 16 years of age will also register .;with the postmasters as sorsa, as they become of ace. .- 'eeeaeremee' weaker and had spent a partilam" of present ttrices. A spleazdid stork at each day in. her ;bed, On Monday she Stewairts. sat up as usual and ate quite ahearty dames-. after which she :sat at the window for an hour. Suddenly slre became . tired and , after 'being helped to her bed the passed away in a few minutes. She was 'bright and cheer- ful, as was heir wont, almost to the very last. Deceased was probably the oldest of the native btoaus residents of the district, and Wats' born in August of 1837, on the •homestead farm of her father, the late Isaac Quick, about two miles south! of Exeter. After herr marriage to the late Dr. John IIy*nel- mart she came to Exeter and this has been her 'home ever since. Hera bus- predeceased hoer 18 years. Two sons and one dau.ghtter survive, George, Dr Hugh 'K. and Miss 'Edith, all of Exeter. The funeral, which was of a private nature, took place from her late residence on Huron Street to the. Exeter cemetery on Wednesday af- ternoon. The late Mrs. Hyntdman wae a woman of excellent qualities, and beloved by all who knew her. She was a most interesting person to chat with and her recollections of th'e. early days vv ere vivid and entertain- ing. She, loved to talk of the early families, ,who were the first settlers. Always : cheerful, bright and buoyant in spirits, she will, even at her great, age be much mussed in the Moine. SALE OF VALUABLE: FARM LAND IN USBORNE TP. T'ltc un,dersigneld offers• for sale Lot 12, • in the S.E Wtotn of Usborne, adjoining Hu - ran County. On the premises are a two-storey brick dwelling; two bank barns 36x94 amdi• 40x7'0, with water sys- tem in both barns; a frame drive shed 24x40; 2,acees orchard; well drained and fenced; 5 acresof bush. The farm is .convvene,nt to churches, school, plost offices and market. For particulars ,apply to WILLIAM HANNA, Kirkton Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD E}F,FECTS AND AUTOMOBILE At rhe home of the undersigned, Andrew Streee, Exeter, oil, SA'IIJRDAY, JUNE 29th, 1918 At 1.30 o'clock sharp, the following : Mason & Rich piano, 2 bedroom, suites, springs and mattresses, 1 iron bed spring and mattress, bureau, 2 toile: sets, 2 leather Chains, 3 par- lor t,b.,es, i rocking chairs, 6 dinng room chairs, extension table, attic - based, kitchen table, 9 kitchen chairs banging lamp, New W..0 iams sewing machine, dozen pictures, 3 mirrors, carpet sweeper, clock, roller blinds, "Kir-ben' Steel range, new; Good - cheer baseb'urner, coals or wood heat- er. catpetss, aiticloth;. and ,linpl'eum, tub, w,ashboamd and wringer, several Quart and two' -quart sealers, 3 Targe crocks, 3 smrnl crocks, garden rake, sh,avel, hoes, cider barrel, 1an(tern, hand -saw, bucksaw, quantity summer wood, dishes and lamps and many other articles. touting car Overland five -passenger g model 85-4, in good running order, will bye offterletcl if ,'ndt sold privately before day of Salle. TERMS CASH Wm Svve;e?t, C, W. Robinsprrb Prapr,ieltor Auctioneer. NEW CARTAGE RATES Commencing April 1st, 1918,— Single shipments 15c each. Shipments under 400 Bee,. 15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs ,.. 3i%c. per cart Pianos each ...• .. $50c. Piatuo;,, private . 5c, a .0 5c, 0 Trunks. private , 22Poach Grips, private eadh Team by day Team by hour .., fi0c, 'Signed by THOS, G. CREECH WM. T. GILLESPIE COAL NOTICE We wish, to notify the public chat all coal deliveries made this year must be on a strictly caslr,basiis, PSELDON DUSTER LOST -In Exeter, an -Fri -1 day June 14, a buggy ,duster, Fin- der please ;Leave same at Advocate Office. HORSES WANTED f as -ant Jrn unlimited number of horses in 'goad coaditicat, Geldings 5 rear, old up, weighing from 1500 pound. up. Mares' t'rom 4 years old up, weighing, from 1300 pounds up, ;l'+arcdes having the required stuff, e site, or pleone 83, Exeter. 1 1 ; G J DOW. FOR SALE Set of Walnut Sitting Room furni- ture for sale, in good condition; also a cutter. Apply at snits st the par- sonage. Elimville. IMPORTED LINOLEUMS aria soon be off thte marklet. A good assort- ment at Stewart's. 4011111011111 I,O,O.F. DECORATION. Exeter Lodge of; Odd1ellaws will decorate' the graves of departed bre- thren in Exeter cemetery on, Sunday afternoon July 7th. See next week's paper. HOUSE FOR SLE Two storey brick hioius,a with all modern convenie,u)ces—,bath, furnace, waterworks hydro, etc. also small fruit, igood garden and water. Apply on the premnisle'r' to Mrs, Fowell, or W. W. Taman„ Exejter. , t i Private Preston Dearing was ,home over Sunday. 'Liss Hawkins visited with. Mrs, W. H. Johnston at fj onen :last week. Mrs. Hugh Rose of Winnipeg is visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Johns. Mr. ` J. M. S,outh,cott is in Buffalo attending ,the Sunday' School Coruvea U011, Mrs. W. W. Taman returned Mon- day evening from a visit in \Tblotd- sstock. Dr A, R. Kijnsinaln attended Grand Lodge of Oddfellowss in Hamilton' last week. Private Howald of London • Canr,p spent Sunclay with, his brother, Mr. BEd. Howald. DIr•. John 'Krueger of Thedflord vis- ited this week with his sister Mrs. A. E. Fuke, liiis,a May Sainderis of Stephen, is visiting friends at Windsor and De- troit for a cet ple weeks. Miss Olive Prion Esus a-eturned hoine frani the West, where she spent the Winter with her brothers. At the preaeur,tl high pric,es of feed it pays to ;fdni>da drags, and there is plenty of good 'feed, See ' Harvey Bros. SAVE 60c, on $1.00 worth MIatch- es before July 1st,—Ste.wart's, MARTIN-SENOUR 100RE PAINT INT- PU VARNISMES Which are advertised Are sold by in this issue G. A. Hawkins JONES & PHONE 32 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Of Interest to June. .::Brides Special Values in Linen TABLE LINENS — 3 piiieces, 68 to 72 inches wide in good quality 'bleached Linen, very special'-vadnie for June at 11,50 a yard. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS —Nearly all pure Rinne, good Heavy weight; While they' last at 75c, e yard, . Wr Also 1hnv;e(r `siPlierjdid stock of pure linen. table napkins, fancy towels; and towellings., tray cloths, end pieces; runners, 'sets of table, cloths with napkinis to match, etc., etc. —36 inch wide 'tt alt urge white linen,. very fiine EMBROIDERY LINEN m p thread. Our special selling price, 75c. a yaod. SPECIAL- 1 piece .only snow-white bleached embroidery 1inein, 54 inch e; wide, far table covers, etc., ,north double the price we aisle, On sale at only .$1.00 a yard. Pure Linen Crash Towelling, 30c. yd. 500 yards ,of pure linen crash towelling, ,iii platin white,, also with red border worth today '3,2c. a yard, wholestaile .' Out special June seeing piece 30e. a yard. Don't miisl this bargain, Bargain in Penman's Lisle Hosiery 7 Dazezt .paturl, of Ladies' fuze Lisle Hosiery an Penman's; make, in black only. Slightly iimt!ertfe;ct in, weave, A regular 75c. Ante, 'on sale at 50c, Ladies' Raincoats at $4.95 10 only Ladies' Heavy Raincoats in grey, fawn and black, Sizes 36 to 44, to clear this month at only $4.95 each;. ,.�. Buy Your Congoleum Rugs Now. We would strongly advise buying from our presteint stock of Crangol- eunt Rugs. Our large sizes are at least $6 lower than the new edver- tiseld prices; and the smaller sizes from $3 tai -$5 louver. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Rb,AoY-TO-WEAR DRESSES AT EX- CEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford Sr. Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Bim. •�,.v.W4.f++i'r`.N✓.-.uSSr K4iat l+.:,9(v.. 'A.l Mrs. H, J. Havtilatud will be at Thome an ,Th .ars days during( July. Mrs, Harry Gale of London visited her mother Mr,. Piper, over Sunday. Miss ` Ethel Pi -pert of Chicago is vis- iting for a fevv' weeks with r her moth- er ' here, Mr. John H. Prout and iron spent a few -days. with (relatives in Detroit and Port Hired. Me. ,amid Mrs. Jas. Shoeb;ottam of London Township visited with M,rs. Jas. Atkinsion over Sunlday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pilpler and fam- ily of Seafarthwere guests of the tormer's mother (over. Sunday. M+r, George Wptlrand,,'whio has been sisititng`.thare for several week, re- turned to London, Saturday,- _ Mr, and Mrs Theiodore Sweet and son o," Hamilton visited with. Mr. mrd Mrs, Frank Oat )ever Sunday. A number of Exeter Oddfellaw's at- tended the Decouati)on Servitce8 tet Il:ensall an. Sunday ,afternoon, ivlis 1I 5. Gill, who was here > at- tending , 1 .a:. r .e,_ turns terua,vtt�, the funeral; ,of her father, �� eoatFr'd , d Mr, Jar fes Creech or Riche,ster, N.Y. spent a few days) during the week in. town With his parents, lir. and Mrs. James Crrejech Mrs Truem.ner of Detroit, aged 80 years a farmer resident of Exeter, visited ;here for' a few clays last week with old f rienids, Nt, and, Mrs, Chas, Dyer of King sten and Mrs, Ed Dyer of Brentf ed spent a few days, bora last week with Mr A G. Dyer and daughter, Mrs Harold Strargways of Beaton is blew this week attending the funeral of her ,graindmnather, tine late Mrs. Hynde a,n- Killed by Poisons .All scientists agree that poisonous pro, ducts in the ,blood are eliminated by .the kidneys and liver. The kidneys act ats"a kind of filter for these produets. When the kidneys'are changed or degenerated, by disease or old age,.thea these' poison” are retained.irt the body. If we whale prevent old age coming or} too soon, or if we want to increase our chances for :s long life, Dr. Pierce of . invalid' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., say's that you should drink plenty of water daily be- tween means to hush the kidneys. Then procure Anuric et a drug store. This .S.nttrie drives the uric acid out. Scien- ti.e men have learned that in gout, also rheumatism, poisonous uric acid crystals aro deposited in or about the Hotel joints, in the muscles—where infiamma- LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP "Y AND OU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. • Your Spring ring Suit Be sur it fits _ypu at the collar. Have the tmouters made to fit you aoand the waist. They will stay up much better when you wear a belt. Your Clothes' well have individuality if you let vs make them for you. Ladies' Suitings b IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEF0,11a THE OLD GOODS -ARE ALL GONE. 1%Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR' Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central tion is sot up. e' If we wish to keep our kidneys in the i diet of and Vege- beat xe er Condit on a e milk a tables, with only a little meat once a day, rs the. most su>,table. Drank plenty o; pure water, take Anuric three times si day for a month. Yon can obtain a trial pkg. of Attnrie by writing Dr. V, M. Memo, Buffalo, N, Y., or Bridgeburg, Ont., enclosing 10e. St. Catharines, Ont.—"For sixteen years I have been a sufferer from kidney trouble; nay back has ached al- most continuously arid. I have had,, rheumatic pains in my arms. hands and lowel' limbs. I have% doctored and tried every medicine recommended to trio but have never fonn4 the relief in anyth-iu(f (no matter how much I took) that I have found in ono small package of Anuria. In one wecic the secretion cloaca and my bladder VMS strong'cr than fdr // years, no that I wad disturbed at night, where I always had to 1 ' ht, I on arise several times daringhon, hope that many will roatthis and will try Anuric it they suffer with any sort of kidney trouble."—MR$, ,IAQOA LO1 SB15itFr 85 Al. um,ft Tea Coffee Store For ' the chaioeat gvoaeries, frm t 1 e#idea „x teas, ootree and eTe tiling in the groeevy limo Call en ei see u3.s. as to quality wirM annum,;‘ 00. Produce taken' in exehang. Jae. Gout&,. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRh.GJrpR AND FURNITURE DEALER.' Bargain Stor Hot Weather Footw.ear Inexpensive Shoes, ancl you can get occasion, jut what you want for every,, FLBBTIFOOT o All the Falsilrion; For levcry CanadianCanadianCanadianSport; ,Ftoir Morning/Morning/igrc , n .osi or SIIOES ARE THE RAGE ihe serr4ht;far City or Country; at home or an Vacation, They cost the least; and are-- COMFORTABLE, EASY, LIGHT; LONG WEARING, SANITAII -AND SEASONABLE, FLEET FOOT SHOLS ARE SOLD BY Beavers