The Exeter Advocate, 1918-6-20, Page 4U °1IIIIIU1llllllllillllll)U1111IIIIitMIIIIIBIU11f111tIlIII1111111111D11tl111lMliltlln(I�UIfIIlJ11I111 11Qi!)I c So.• ( IvAr There is pleasure at every stage in the use of Sunlight. In the washing -for the work is greatly lightened. In the iron- ing—for roning for the. clotheshave such a fresh, sweet air of newness. In the wearing —for the. clothes have inherited the exqui- site purity of -Sunlight itself and are clean indeed. A $6,000 guarantee attests the purity of Sunlight Soap. All grocers sell it. e .00 NiI11111111111111111i1111111IIIIli11111 llillllll1013111111111111111p111111ii111111111UIIIlIIIIINpIIII lir xiefrr ticrat l; Sanders & Creech) Proprietors Subscription Price -In advance $1.25 per year in Canada; $1.75 in the United States. All subscriptions not paid in advance 50 cents extra will. be cisarged. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Rates Made hunt on . application Stray Animals -One Lr ertion 50c., three insertions $1.00, Farrno or Real Estate for sale 50c.' each insertion for one month of fou fs4sertlora • 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous Articles of not snore, than five lines, for Sale, To Reat, �r 'Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each In- oertion 25c Local Reading Notices, etc., 10c. peg per insertion. No notice 1 ess than >t.Sic. Card of Thanks 50c. Lego: Advertising 20c. and 5c. a'iae Auction Sales, $2 for one insertion; aed $3 for two 'insertions. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 Tech— f' per year THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1918 Dashwood Miss Ida Wambold cif LOndon vis- ited with relatives here a few days Last Peek. Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Powell and farn- ily and Mrs. 'Kibler sof Thedford spem:t Friday. with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Mr. Fred Rinker has returned from an .exter dle'd visit, 3m Port Huron and Detroit. Mr and Mrs. T. tC1umpp made a business trip to Londbn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan . and Mr. and Vias. Jahn 'kraft visited 3m Strat- ford on Sunday, Mr.; -Guenther annld(:soan Hornier spent a few days la London, this week. Privates J. Stire, E. 'Schatz and W. Gassman of Landon visited in town over Sunday, The Union Sunday School Conven- tion. which was [held in the Evangea- ical Church last Thursday was largely attended. • The Examinations are on. this week in the school. Miss Diobs,on of Ex- eter and Miss Gaisier of Cre,dditoau are presiding over thte work here: while Mr. Howard is in Crediton. Mrs: Edighoffer, "Sr., of Blake is, spending a few daysin town visiting' he: Don. Mr. 'l enmth Routledge of Zurich spent Sunday under the parental :roof Mrs J. A. Carni'e with children and Mrs. A, J, McDonald of Blake' spent the week end in town visiting their 'sister, Mrs. Howard. Miss McKee has returned to her home in, Dutton., A garden party will be :held in Guenther'-s`.archamd ori( the evening .of June 27th, Miss Dorothy Campbell of Zurich ondayvisited Mists Evelyn, Howard on Man,- day The Overland Model 90 is a big favorite in Canada. —not only because it is a quality car selling at a popular price, —but because it is backed by a real Canadian institution, Wilays-Overland, Limited, of Toronto, is working day and night ' to help win the war. You can speed up with tt Model 90. Appearance 1'enforrnance Comfort Servii e Price Local Dealer, Exeter Overlaid, Sales ' C Wi1Iys-Overland, Limited Willys Knight and Overland Motor Cars and tight Commercial Wagons Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario pQ 1IN "HURONIONDAY'S GOLDEN GATE,", There wilt he bang doings at God- etich on Monday, July ist. The pre - gram will occupy the whole daY, morning adternoloh; and) evening, elon- day [roan 9.30o'cPac1—Trades pro- cession and floral parade, juvenile' games baby ,s{hlow. These will take place on the Square; ria admits:pn fee. Afternoon poograrn at Agricul- tural Park. Three horse) races for ag gregate purses of $750-2.10 class, $350 2.30 class S.300; green race, $1011 Some of the beat horses in Western Ontario will be there: Baseball-, Clinton vs. Goderich„ AutomobeCe race, Patriotic demiamstrat:ian by school children, 1-Iighland' d nic'{ng and piairug. Clinton Kiltie, brass band in attendance. Evening 1dus cal pro- gram onthe Square. Operatic e)er- fornuance "Thee Lass of Limerick Town,"iu O.pera• House, followed by a dance. Proceeds .of the day go to patriotic funds, S;ieatd thief holiday at the lakeside town, and have a great bin da,Y's sport. SAINTSBURY Gordon F, Washburn left on Friday for London to don the Kliing's uni- form as also .diel George.Davao Mr George Lewis off Stratford had the natorturse to badly damage his ca,r about a quarter mask south of here on Sunday last 1.01some way he col- lided with the hthJig,e, He had to get a truck from Lani3oan 'to -take . the. car. away..—Mr. Naslsau Daevis sold 2 fine colts this lveiek for a good 'sum. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph, Arm ,stage of C1nrid'eboye visited at the 'name of 1-1 ' J. Davie Sunday; -Mrs.` Frank Dav- is and H. J. Davis 'tank a trip 'o De!ewaxe• last week.—Miss Maggie Cas ter of Caad,elbaye visited at her s'is- ter's,' Mrs. F. J, Davis, last week. SALE OF WORK' AND HAND - made ANDmade Codidng well be held' by the Ladles' Guild' of the Trivitt Memor- ial Church :cin Saturday, June. 22, at 3 p m„ am Mr. McD,onvell's Store, first door south: of Willis ; Poweili s. GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. J. Cliffe of Thedtord spent the week end with friends here Nees Devins Mason and Miss Vina Sherritt left for Winnipeg last Wed-. neaday going by boat as far as Port Arthur.—Mr. , and Mrs. W. Connor and family of C,enatraflia called an friend; here one Sunday evening,—Rev A E. Johns of China preached here last Sunday and delighted a targe congregation -with, ani'interesting and forceful sermon.—A tractor ditching machine in putting a drain on the town linle from Corbett to Greenway. —Mr and Mrs. E. McPherson are in Buffalo this week attending the mar- riage of their &an Rlobhert. They were aecampan&ed by Miss Adaah McPher- son.—We are glad to report Lloyd Broplaey "ys now cionvialesecent. W HALEN -....oma. Representatives from almost every home thraughlout this districe were in Grattan on Sunday to pay their last token of respect to an old and ,trustworthy Friend in the person of Dr,. Lang, who died a few lays Ire - fare. The funeral was in charge of the Od`dfellows and aver a thousand peopie; from miles around were there as were also the two sons from ieiv York a'nd the daughter Mrs. O ti en ..f Vancouver. The floral tributes were beautiful .and 'the remains were in,- tarred n.terred n'c: Birr cemetery, Over 75 auto besides buggiest were at the cern e e:y.—Owing to other churches :!lay - 'liege special services the anniversary of this church has been put off till some time in July. -Mrs. Crewes and Mrs. David Long after a visit with friends around here have returnedto their 'home at Lucan.—Private Earl Johnston, Louis Johns and Fred P:enwarder.. were home on Sunday London camp 'LUCAN Mr Archie Webb had the misfor- tune to lose one of his fine cows last week.—Mr. Albert Simpson is ,erect4mg ' a barn and garage combin- ed at the rear end of his lat.—Rev. R. H. Barnby g,oes to Springfield and Rev. E. G. Powell, late tempe nce secretary for Huron and Perth coun- ties. comes here.—During the reeen5 electrical storm Lightning struck Mr. John Oven's Bane barn near Maple Lodge setting it on fire amid complete- ly destroying it. —Mr. Frank Stanley of the Standard Bank staff, Calgary, ! veitinlo this mother, Mrs. Jas. Stan- ley and lather reliatives here.—Mr. J. H. Philp of the High Schfaott staff has 'tendered -his resignation vnd,,bas accepted a positiion, at Whitby., -The High and Public schools of the v3;llage have closed fart the summer vacation. Down to a Working Bola. - 1t iii you be Ito a'lt's.?" ht' rrik,nt 'Yes." she i•epue,d, • 1',•ry woll NOW 'f.,t's get newish—it. fel And n t ltet.h oi" we rt�aa t k°'7'n re' etrt.y fee owl) • v.Let." t.'Ulcegtt Iwc•. I Uld 11t:rind. 13RUCEFIELD Mr Chas \ asman has purchased a new Chevrolet car.—Mrs. Chas. Clif- { s'tl friends talc 'agent the week .end �k>ti r frin In London.—Mr. Jas. Boyce has t e- eovered suffeciently front rds ' ecent tllnles,s to be at work againl-1 The frost on Friday night clid considerable damage to the garden and bean crap in this vicinity—Rev, McConnell of liens all conducted prep a,ratory ser- vices on Friday' last in Union church —The• funeral of the late Mrs. Wnt, Hart of Stanley was very largely at- tended on Saturday last, she having thte high esteem of a11. She leaves to mourn arte-r loss her husband and one child.—Mr. Alfred Moffatt an Sun - <ley night last took the " railing off the 'br,idge at the Mall Poad at R. 1Mur•dock's gate with his Chevrolet car.—Mr. Jahn Hazelwood lost a fine colt through death,—ler. Will Swan has- heft for overseas arid will join the navy a, a ;doctor, -Mr. Jiohau Ratten- bury ai Burlington .spent the week- end at his home -''Mir. L. Forest has p urcii,a s.ed Mr. Wm. Henry's rennin Stanley Tawriship far the sum • of $6300 He gets possession in Sept- ember.—Mies Nicholson of - North Bruce, mho has been visiting her sis- ter Mrs, (Rev.) McIntosh,, at the manse has .returned .h,amie—Mr, Fred Tom- linson visited his brother-in-law, ;bfr, David Ryle, wh,a is in Victoria Hos- pital at London, recovering from am, operatiati for ap p.eindicitis. The Late Mrs. Simpson—At the age of 81' years Mrs, Simpson passed away at her home in thes village, on June 9, after a lingering illness of some months She has resided in our vill- age for many years,, coming with her husband from a farm in Stanley. Her husband died marry years ago,. They had no children, but one "adopted daughter Mrs. Chas. Hunt of Clin- ton. LUMLEY Mr. and; Mrs.H.ery Anderson spent the week end with relatives at :,on- stance. -W Nas,suu Glenn) spent Sun- day near Listowel with, his mother— Kee. Maggie Hobklrk, Hensall, rdas visiting in the neighborhood during the week.—Mr. and Mrs. Mack of t3 kton were Sunday visitors at Mr. Selves', sr. -Mrs. W. N. Glenn . was in London for a few days - during the week. GREENWAY "Auburn," the 'home of. Mr, and Ms -s C. A. Switzer, Thortldale, was the scene of a very pretty ` wedding an Junie 1, at high noon, when 'their eldest daughter, Willa iviarguerite, was waited in marriage to A. J. Sherritt of Greenway, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs John Sherritt .o4 Guelph. The : bride wore her travelling suit of taupe and alpricot silk, and carried a bouquet ' of sunset rases and lily -of - the valley, Little 'Kathleen Amos of Bninisl,ey, niece sof the groom, made a dainty flower+, girl, while the bride's sister, Miss 'Kathleen Switzer, played the wedding march. The ceremony, was performed by the Rev. W. H . Osb arrie. CAST R I A For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of THE F CO.:.E�ERCE B� � SIR EDMUND WALKER, L• �A l Y SIR JOHN AfRD, General Nlunagcr C.V.O. LL;.D. -D.C.L President ill. H. V. F. JONES. Asst. Gen'1. Iv ,. tanager CAPITALPAiD UP. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, a il3,500,000 The farmer who opens a banking account and conduct his affairs in a business -like manner is likely to prosper. Farmers should avail themselves of the aid of this Bank in transacting their business. Consult the ManaL:r regarding current accounts, collections and loans. EXETER 13R.—A. h. Kuhn, Mgr 80 CREDITON--J, A. McDonald Mei. hoar.• • errors •resk.,: INCORPORATED 1855 fil j-LSONS :BANE(. DO aaaaal,'AIMS as aaoe • Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank MV[oneu Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Paterest allowed at highest current rate , EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKS, Bisaeager• 0 .a saa.ue ee ,62011,11106 '''''' 0.1.118,11.6v." ''N.r. H.e+sal e..060.04 OOOOOO ZURICH Another of the respected residents; of the; section; passed away on Sun- day, 3m the person of Walter Madge of Stanley Towalbirip. He had been sereously rill for some, time and his death was not unexpected.—The .an- nual Children's Day services were held in the Evangelical church, Zur- ich, Sunday evening.—Drs. Campbell and McKinnon of Zurich, Dr. Taylor of Dashwood, Dr. Peck of Hemsall, and H. Willierns; ,of London perform- ed an operation. an Mrs. Bea Pfile, 14th Con., far abs'tructiom of the bowels. The patient is getting along SPRING .I`ERM FROM APRIL 2nd,. CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. Commercial life offers the great op- p,ortunatldeis. Recent lady graduates of this school are earning as high ah $1000 per annum. The last ,application we received from an office man with some experience offered initial salary of $1800 pm annum. Students may enter our classed any time. Graduates `placed in r otcitions. Commercial, Short hand and Telegraphy departments. Get our free catalogue. W. I. Elliott, D. A. McLachlan, President Principe' favorably.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bat- tler and Mr. and Mrs. P. Proof of ed relatives 3n M;iilvertan.—Mrs. M. J, Fritz of Londoni visited in town a few daye.—Mr. Wim. Turner of Windsor was here last week attending the fun- eral of his uncle, ` the late Walter ivlaadg•e.—ear. Daniel Smith( has return- ed from a few weeks' visit with friends and relatives( in Hatldimand and Waterloo counties.—Miss H. ` Graydon of Streetavplle wills speak at the honed of MSS Lamont .in- the afternoon of June 27. . UMI LJ 1 RU'NH% SYS 1 iV` "E TIME TABLE. CHANGES A Change of TSinve will be made on JUNE 23rd, 1918. Information now inf Agenits' Hands. N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter. CANADA ON June 22nd, Saturday, every man and woman, resident in Canada, who is 16 years and over, must attend at one of the places provided for registration, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and there truthfully answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card. Upon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the - ensleers, the man or woman will receive a Registration Certificate, as shown below, which must be carried upon the • person thereafter. For failure to regigter a maximum fine of $100 and one month's imprisonment is provided, also an added penalty of $10 for each day the person remains unregigtered after June 22nd. Persons remaining unregistered cannot lawfully be employed, and cannot draw wages for work done after June 22nd. Employers who keep unregistered - persons in their employ will be liable for fines equal in amount to those recoverable from the unregistered employees. Unregistered persons cannot lawfully purchase transportation tickets, and may find themselves REGISTRATION IS LAW— Don't Fail to Register. This Certificate is YOUR Protection. Get it and Cary it barred from travelling on railroads, steamboats, etc. Similarly they may be denied board and lodging at any hotel, restaurant, public house or boarding house. In a word—All persons remaining unregistered, and all persons having dealings with unregistered persons, knowing them to be such, incur heavy penalties under the law. bra ReAistra2iotr B ey0MDGR Car'aas` �11 tt gg w 'mire aertaypet,m 1Y a' { ,Dust atw oat�e ._ ��;y,��,Y>,,r� � , entrleA a of the.. 60 �n J, -i jegie t►nt xl �KA�` tl� TkU5 35 Id CER .,....-- , t' i dforthenationalV restdtng a4 ceglstere toric Nasdui9 918 daY of d✓ o4 Ganada lits peputY-Regrsb . .—. ..!---1" lssdad by authority of ylCanada Registration Board ,y! -a +. 4.... ef �r:.dot`4900,'",.