HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-16, Page 8EXE flRATIVOrATEI, TITETRanAlr, MAY 16, 41XR MATS changod Each, Wednesday LOCAL DOINGS wheat -- 2.10 75 tisrAtikrithimiihmekaakaibseAdikAkdkiikaigatt Ba,rley 1-30 t Godetich bas installed a liyclnae1.1.1 Four 41):6`Q' eetrle die gelatin., Middlings • •- ,)fra John jarrott is confined to her Bran 53 bed through illness. CreamerY Butte0 .....,... Dairy Butter 40 to 42_buzz Of the lawn 'mower can 07 itgaula. ,hand Ian the lawns, 35 May 24th will 1)e a public lialidaY- 1,25 to 1.50 one 'week from to-niorr,ow, Friday, Sugar bet pulP, Per 'sock „10.6)(0) "Mother's l)ay" was suitably ob-- 4 '(served in the local ,Methodist churches I -lay, per ton 10,00 to 12.00 ' 'The frost an, (Friday night last was Quite SeVene,, bruit there is very little clamag.E: visible; 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The Exeter Canning Co, is prepared to contract with farmers to grow 250 -acres Canning Gann. for 1918. Plice per tori advanced to $10. Seed corn cost over 35 .cts. per lb., will be sold to growers for 25c.. Come t'arly and Secure your allotment. Rey, Uuxwinrrthly.,an,C1 Rev, Baird ex- changed pulpits last Sunday evering,, A Listr,ct 111iSSitanarY Oonventiotn is being held in Exeter ta-day, Wed- Wialo daughter oie Mrs. E jlottef, bps completed 4.1x, monith„.s4 copcs.c,at btdtheois,coillege and has ac- cepted a positin London. A ,smia1111 hiousie in, nouniectioil with W aa, Rive,vs' slaughter 11-ouls was delstuoyed by fire yelltendayf,) 'Nita° ierideriug talillow the tallow took fire t.tritl Om -unmitigated \\Oh the bull(hing nod UgtQiinied !sued). Iapirt`way that it waLi inapos4.14.1eto put kt out. Quite a lautubew, of .deleigates front theetion. were iairroIng the thousand rsioters', composing the great • d,eputation bo, wiait on the Governanent Th e Soldiers' Ald wig hold a Sold- regarding the mat ter 'af exemption ters' Birthday Party Eon. June 12th, for tanners' sons, "We need men to 'Keep the date in mina hold th.e wars the text olf SIr A ,number IDE Exeter people motor- Robert Barden's reply, , • ,ecl to Clinton .o.n Friday to attend the We understand that Major Wm, J. funeral of the late Thomas Jaeksop, H 'eainianr who went averseas with the The Alilitary Service Tribunal will 161st Huron Battalion, and was in - commence sittings to -'clay,„ Mary 16. hired in Franeen t, is ow able to, dis- to deal with car.aglary B men, who. card his crutches Aar a cane, after ser - were autamatically exempted at the eral inenthls' In hinsiptitak grid w.111 soon EXETER CANNING CO. sittings la t place at th.e tijIll'e::NlaY(nkV valildealill°.11In' may .A novel race wa ill take 1 Mitchell Rac'es on May 24th when Hal Public:: School Promotion .Exatniina- B. Jr., 2,02, pacing stallion, will go tionts wilt be bed onI June 24, 25 and against a ,Ford car driven by the hear- 26, 1918. Papers arebethg pr pared ilest mon in Perth County, Dor Junior ad Senior Second and Mrs. Owens and Mii's Sadie Hai=Thircj aas's'e'$ and Inr Jan°1-er Feltalb sister and (laugh te r of C aim tY Clerk claas'es' Teachers sba1InotifY she Holman, have come to, town. from Eg- Public School Inspector before June nvondville to inak,e their home here 1.st statinig, the number roif PaPers' re- vith Mr, 1-1olma.n, who. has taken a mired (Dor ,each class. • This year Ern - house on Napier Street.- Goderich oire DaY,M0Y 23rld' sal°uld be "fit - Signal. tingly (observed' in every school sec- tbn.The dance ,gived McDotnell'siIiall .?.ePe. EST Pir6 DaY bmk11211--r. on Friday night lastt was largely at - Sealed Tenders( will he received the undersigned until noon, Jun' 17, 1918 for the conatruicticin of what" is known as th.e Anderson Drain in the Townships o Fullarton, Blanchard and Usborne. A marked cheque repies- eating 10 per cent. of „the contract price must accompany each tenclar. Plans. profiles and specifications may be seen at the Engineers Office, Mit- chell, 'or at the Clerk's Office, Fullar- ton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4t. R. H. POlNIEROY, Township Clerk ^ . Ono day last week, there were two auext in the mill who b.ad been using our Standard Model Flour and .without being asked expressed thernsielves thus "that war flour is alrig.ht, we like thte flavour better ,even than:6M white tfilaur and it raised find, 'lust a little darker," Harvey Bros. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS "HAYCOCK CREEK" DRAIN CONTRACT A contract will be let by Public - Auction on Monday, May 20th, 1918. at 3 o'clock p. m., at the bridge cross- ing the Haycock Creek, on the 22nd concession of the Township of Steph en, for the purpose of constructing a drain. Plans and specifications can be teen at th,e residence of John Love, Deputy Reeve, ,an Con. 20, or at tthe officc of the u ndersigned. HENRY EILBER, Clerk Crediton, Ont. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ----- NOTICE is Daereby given. that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephenwill hold its first meeting in the 'Town Hall, Criediton, on Monday, the 27th day of May, 1918 at 2 o'clock p.m. Henry Either, Tp. Clerk COURT OF REVISION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessrn,ent Roll oi the Village of Exeter will hold its first meeting for the presetat year in. the GouncChambers, Lib- rary j3uidin, Exeter, on Monday, May Zitia, at 8 (o'clock p.rn JOS. SENIOR, Exeter,'May 14, 1918 Clerk Sec the Canning Factory aclvertise- inent and note the advance in the price offered far corn. COAL NOTICE We wish. to notify the public that all coal deliveries made this year must be ,an a strictly cash basis. R. G. SELDON FLAX LAND WANTED. The Ontario Flax Co. require some more land for flax for the Exeter Mill. Half land rental paid when flax IS sown. Apply JOE DAVIS, telephone 13, Exeter Flax Mill. HOUSE FOR SALE. One of the most desirable resid- ence, in Exeter-. Occupied until re cently by James Walters. Apply at All, Walter's Shoe Stare, A. R. Gs -ahem, Edam ,Sask. tended and a ithoraughly enjoyable time was spent by all. Young people PATBIOTIO I.E.:kGUE NOTES., • Pat - such. as Gaderich, Clinton and Ailsa The ,monthly meeting of the Pat - were present from paints at a distance riotio League was held in the Town Craig The London Harpers furnish- Hall on 'Tuesday evening 1:LaY 741i, ed the music, The 'collections for the, month of Ap- This section wvars visited by u terrific nit were $57,52; Membership fees 50c: wind nstorm early Friday morning. It tico;a3aitpitostsfrfroomm.0.1101rdse.r P,I1EawcIgn 50e; ich Opera Com, - W.1,3 quite falt,ealse whale it lasted but pally "Lass 'o Limerick- Town" a - it was apparen,tly only the tall-'encl,of mounted to $213.40 alsothe receipts a tornado that swept aver Michigan, ;:rom. thq sale -of ' lunch cloth at opera IP,1nOs fad Ohio., fn which..18 persons amounted ;to $33, nia.kin2., a total o. were kided. Apparently no damage $304,9(2' taken in. !tieAp ring ril. Ship - was .done here but it is .estitmated ped to Miss Plummer the (following that over $1,000,000 damage w -as done articles -7 hospital shirts value 8.75. in the United States. 10 prs. pyjamas 20.00; 77 prs. socks Mr. J. W. ...Arnos, a; 'former Exeter 11_5'00: Total 143'75' young,, man and a inember of the 'ro-- 4.1so -enclosure ,frarn Rurondale, ,soc- aanto Bank staff at StraDfard, llas.etn.,- lety containing the following --acx7 .'isted with the Ca;naclia,n Tank (Bawd- tary shirts value 29,4,25; 3 hoe at Ottawa and is now in training pital shirts 3.75; 7 prs. 'pyjamas 14,00 Before leaving ;Stratford Will was !pre- 309 !p.r,s,', socks 600,00 total 912.00; tot - the al, value of both boxes 1055.75; Yarn dented with a Avnist watch by Bank staff and the boys of the. club and, sewing given out at, Town gall of which he was a niember.g.a.ve him a every we,dnesday and Saturday atEter- noons. R. E. Beavers, Seely. beautiful .signet rin'g as a token of regancLand esteem. • Mr Jialan Sinai's barn, on Carling DEATH OF :MRS. •MILLER, street narrowly escaped destruction A very dad death occurred .at: the by fire this week. On Sunday morn- home. cif Mn-,. and Mrs. Satniem Ross, ing Mr. C. 'L. Wigs)ort noticed smoke Main Street, early Tuesday Morning, issuing th,ereifroml and on investigation when Annie Mae McCurdy, beloved found that a fire had been smoldering wife of Mr. Percy Miller of Hibbert there ,Dor sOnie hours and had lust Township' pass.qedt away at the age of c,anurenc,ed to Make headway When 24 years, 2 months land 20 days. Mrs, disoovereci. It was extinguished with- Miller was taken al ahaut three weeks out .difficuilty, Youngesters Diad been aglo, and her case being al rather crit - playing En the barn and they evidently icai one, a week later stale was brought stashed it. to thte home of her uncle and aunt, - Mr. and Mrs. Rias,s, but despite the CLERK OF USBORNE. best rnie.dical skill and careful nursing At a special sitting of the li-s_ to, assist her in the uneven struggle borne Council on Saturday last Mr. against the fatal sickness, she passed' Henry Strang, who has been auditor away at 6.30 o'clock an the a)bove for some years, was appointed Clerk morning. Dec -eased was the third for the balance of 1918, to take the daughter tar 1\".tr. a.nd Mrs. Archie Mc:- place (of the late Francis Morley. . 1Curd (al Hibbert and was ba CONVENTION. - . . ..1.1e, wais y rn in 0 Ithe Township ,of Usberintek. S . much esteemed` Qor her lovable qual- ii.ies and her demise wig be regretted A Convention of Church Workersof by a largecircle friends. It was only of the Deanery of Huron will be held last D,eceanben she was married to her D. V,,, on Thursday next, May 23rd ctow herp,ft husbanid, who will have in the Trthvitt MeMarial Church. A the deepest sympathy of all in his be - very interestin,g pr,agram, has been ar- reavement. Besides 1 the sorrowing ranged which contains such vital hp,s(hand she, is durviv.ed by her lath - topics as ".1.11odern problems in the er and mother, two brothers' and three Rural Parish" and "The present lop- sisters. Thc !funeral will take place portunity and the pressing need in from (ben late residence, Lot 17. Com China." These subjects will be *dils- • 10, Hibbert, to-iday (Thursday) at 2.30, us.s.reld by .sp,ealkers whaare giving ' picok to, the. Staffa cemetery. their best (in a, solutiOk n. of the problems. Luncheon: acrid. tea will be ' -- provid.ed by the ladies of the coigne„ THE LATE FRANCIS MORLEY. gation The sudden death took place on INTOLERANCE• Mr Fr,ancis Marley, Clerk of the. Theatr,e-.goers who. were fortunate Township (cif Usbonne, following a ia attending "intolerance at the, op_ mistroonzdeayi:olf yt1,411ters,,prafefcedaigneg er. ta House Thurshclay evening had their mast fastidious anticipations re- Mr. morale -Y: was a strong and robust glized. To sly it is the mast go.r._. izelking =tali and appairierntly in the geous olf. alt productions in the line best of ]eefith. Bar° near Whalinf's of movies is na eXaggeration. It must Corner hie resided there p,racticaliy- all be seen to be stood. The magnificent scenes lend inP Panning. aippreciaited and under- bi"" and rfn0;1,a7,,:e.ydo.tahTiegerc,ccei,„pyas,t3c,h,rie a charm to. its simplicity and deftness, taught school for a Dew years. The as it portray's the vivid palpitattirig late Mr Morley , was very highly es - life 'of this and past ages. To describe teem ed ancl rf?.spected. He was a it Ist simply iniplosp(ibile and itt can, be hIelPful neighbor. m kind friend and a said that it is the greatest' fib/1r the old cltliZlen HevisclerkarldthvJa_ world ,hp's 'ever seen. A particularly 'nov1'1111 (1'04' lEcir 21 yearsr se interesting feature of the production feral Years cion,n.tY auditor. In relig is the symphony orchestra, which jend,s inn he was a .Methodist and in pal-. its,elf so admirably to tile Varying im- itics a Oansiervative. He was three Pastes Of the istory. , ' ; , times ntannied-to Miss R.a,ycraft, Miss, Langford and Miss Ganntsh-the fast THF, LAST DANCE, • laist rwitarn .survives., Four children alEso survive, William. Morley, Mrs, Squires, Mt] S IVbarey, teacher, and Pte. Gordon Marley. averseas. There ane ;also two ihro.tille,rs and three sis- tors surviving. Th,e funeral took place on Fidday and was ve,ry largely attend- ed ,r,rver one hundred vehicles, eluding twenty affitfos being in the pnoc.ession, The Fore,sters of Gran- ton oaf which (he' was member, took park in the (burial s,ervice. Rev, Barn - tux! and Finlay petre the lafficiNt'og, clergy:meta Interment was, made Ziton cemetery, M.r. Fred. Tuckei of ' Clinton tpeut Sunday ;in town With friends, Gtinner Fred Frock of Gneilph • was' up lover Sunday with ,his mother. Mr. S. M: Sanders spent a few days itit Gritn4by last week on buslaess., Miss Edna 14x.well Of London Tp, li.xeter, , •HYDRO ELECTRIC REGULATION guest Of 1VTisls Reta N. Rowe. „ 13y to,rder Id the Power C ootrollet mis,, Fanny, ilowey HORSES. WANTE1 ' Sir .HertrY braYttiu window 31glIt^ Id Over Sunday with her pa,rehts, herr 1 *ant an, unlimited number Pkr dr reflectors fixed to throw ?light te bodorteS in good conditiien. CTeldilag„.„5 widows alai be except years old up, weighing from. 159.(' ray night, atter May 10th, 19ta, ui pOind.S up. Mares eraM 4 Yearg ow .penalty +Of, $.$000 Or piisoriMent no • ui sveigh.r)1. from 1860 pounds. ',XC,eedeng fame yeats, pr aOth fine sn' uP'''over StiridaY with hi r*A-cies haiing the r..toilifed ,..inprisoornOnt f6r ,every such offenc !Ars, iobert kersitake iS, visiting mite, or Phone 83. bk.e,ter Public Utilities, Conitnistion, •, • „ "\irS, Harvey Parkintop• b f It I -I ..2 h I trail ' Weolnesd,ay .afternoon of last week of We have still plenty of feed and a . Th god variety. Harvey Bros. e lasst (dance 104the sieasonwiU be held itn McDlonell's Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday, May 22nd, Tony Vita se•OgleiMinam NEW CARTAGE RATES four piece orchestra. Everybody Commencing April lst, 1918,- come, Gerttlerried $1.00.1 Ladies please • Single shipments , 15c. eacb. pnocidc lunch! •C. L. Wilson Shipments under 400 lbs, ... 15c. each ' E.: Harness Shipments over 400 lbs 3}ic, per owl Pianos each „.... ......50c, RETURN GOODS Pianos, private , ,, , . ,,, .$1.00 Tho.se having, articles in storage be - Trunks, private ..,25c. each ''.10.mgmg.• to'thie estate of the late Rob Grips; private each Sanders •N•vu'll koHdly report ,same to Team by day .. . .... ...„. $5,e 'the Advocette Office. •- Team , ' • by our. ..,60c, • • , Signet bY • • SEED POTATOES, , • ' THOS. G. CREECH Extra .early Ettpttika and • h,m,phle WM, T. GILLESPIE State -two leadio;i varieties as to (wai- t, • MODERN BRICK HOUSE$2 it00y yield ,and freediam fro.m liisease; , . per bushel and $1.50' per bag,, SAL.-tr. Exeter, wired, convenient respec.tivelV; •.8. J. Hogart1"4 ,Lot illetZrveehr.-yy close Ir..Rsc,..h66°AlRanLidNGto; Cl.mt 3 8f4PhleRxeter. 01, Mrs. Wm,. Wellstb -of Londonis vi' friends 6n, EXretdrf and Credito Maurice Quince log Ciller • PHONE 32' • All This Week ins YOU KNOW 1-1.0W HIGH CLOTHING WILL BE VERY SOON, NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO GETIN ON SOME OF OUR LOW PRICE,' SUITS THEY ARE GOING FAS;T, WE HAVE MANY LINh,S AT OLD PRICES -GOOD CLOTHS. • MEN'S SUITS • Men's extra &fad quality Suits. AU' sives, !frolm ;36 to 44, The, cloths alre the best and the pat -t terns•glued. You w$111. fin(c1 every . . u gam, . Old prices Of J51.5 to $18 each. MEN'S NAVY KJITS. We have still a 'few c-so.f our o.'.d reliable navy suits. Old cloths and Dyes and Old Prices, Now is the time "to buy Nlvy Suits, BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS A dandy assOrtment of Bay Bliaonter Snits in all shades. 'rhe New Belted Back or Plain. Same 104 thle best values we have ever shown are here for you. Prices from $6,00 up. BOYS' SUITS AND PANTS Alt kitntds ai1 colors, aiLl sizes in in. real vet tweed; Gioad school clothi at very moderate prie2s, ME -NS', LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S RAIN COATS. Tweed, Plaiiir4 or Farley alt Colors and 'kinclist Prices right • Big Shoe Saving Shoes are going sky -,Night. Doet 'be caught napping. Now is the time to buy shoes to last for tWo, or three years. They are; going up every day, Here are some rare bargains. $ 3,95 SHOES Flor Al ,gclad Laced or Buttoned Shoes I(id or Patent Leather, Cloth ar Leather Tops. They are worth $6,00 to day, Alt sizes to show you. $450 HIGH TOP A good line ,of high tap Black ICid Shoe's,1 regular 8.6.50, selling for Only 14.50 pair, PUMPS - HIGH SHOES Are all, the gip this Summer, Pat-• 1 'Mahogany; Tan ar Black. Nif- ent 'Kid or White b $2.00, $2.50, $3.00ty Styles and good quality, $4.50, $4.00. $5.00. $5.50, 8.6.50, $7.50, $8.50. CHILDREN'S SHOES WALL PAPERS In. White Black, Tan or Red, Higb tops os low, Slippers, Pumps, Patent, Canvas and Sporting Shoes. For every, room in the housia, A Big As(slortinent to show you from 10 dents rlo]ll up. JONES MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Cloth.ng Men an d Boys. R. N. Creech visited in Brapitford and OxDord last week. Mr. and Mrs, Stacey of Toronto are visiting at Mr. Al. Can. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Heideman Jai T,oranto visited here last week. Mr. Herb. Southcott, traveller, has been spending & 'few days with the family here. Mrs, Jiotho Lippert of Grand Rapids, 11Mich., 'vastiting ,at Mr. Dan Schroe- der's, Stephen. Mr. I. janott of 'Kippen spent Tues- day •with his aunt. anId uncle, Mr. and Ma -s J. Jarrott, IVIrs. Jionn, Dignan whin has been vis- iting. her ,daughtea- in Zingsville, re- turned home ye,sltrerday. Mrs, Amos returned on Wednesday of last week from a visit with a sick relative at Brant ford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanders, Mrs. Mace, and Miss JeSsie MarislOn off London spent SuhClay itn. town. Lance, -;Corp. Victor Sweet of the C•anadiaa Gannision Regiment, Lon- don was home aver Sunday. Mr, Rich. Bis'sett of London spent a couple .dalys with ,his mother and other relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw, who have been visiting rella(tives in Luzan, returned to their horme here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon, who spent the winter as us,ual TorrOxsto, have returned to their farm in. Hay 'Township. Mr. and' Mrsi. GeOrge a Lon- don and Mrs. KtitnIgablerrry of Toronto called on friends here Tuesday even - inc. on their way back from Grand • Mr. Nelsion Hj of WIndsar. (was home aver Sundraly‘vith his par- ents. We understand Mr. Hill has 'en- listed and Will ldion the uniform very shortly. Mrs, Jelhht C, ,Oachrade and son, Al returned horns, after visiting Mrs, Cochrraue's mother, who has bean Master JOthin Ford is udder the doc- Ia's care, Scin of. Mr. John Ford. ' Lieut, Ern, Rivers','a member ,of the Vancouver Overseas Ehgynleer Corps on his wpy to- Europe, vis -td Ma par- ent.; here a rem,' klayt at week. Ile is the third son Mr. arid Mr' W R'v ers have given, b& the war. CAST RIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over' 30 Years 11wayd beara the ..rttel413 A ignature of -450-410.-orts--geo:-.0.....4342-480,-1,01F0011 LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. ,IP.1•,•••••• Your Spring Suit Be sure it fits you at the collar. Have the trousers made to fit you reand the waist. They will stay up much better when you wear a belt. Your Clothes will have individuality if you let fus 'make them for you. Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. ' COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD GOODSARE ALL GONE. imams N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central AND FURNITURE DEALER Tea & Coffee. Store • For the ohojoest groceries, fruits, ernia% teas, cow and every- thing in the grocery Call and see us. A trial, as to quality will con.vin- oe. Produce taken in exchange • Jas. Gould • Furniture and Undertaking R. N. RA)WE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR YOTTRLSHOE NEEDS " WE CAN TAKE CARE OF ;YOUR SHOE NE-B,DS. OUR STOCK IS, CO1MPLE'TE.IN ALL LINES, MEN'S HEAVY SHOES; $3.00 to $5,50 PER. PAIR.. • ,• BOYS' HEAVY SHOES 82.25 toi 83,50 PER PAIR. CHItOREN'S SCHOOL SHOES $2.00 to $100 PER LADIES', CUSHION SOLE' SHOES WITH RUBBER HliELSINI ASTORIA SHOES We. have a nice ranige' of, Samples for Made -t a -Measure Stitt which' we be Pleased to she* yet. . ,•• • ; avers