HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-16, Page 4166 prr r- • - ---::: 1 3' 6 t ,IL 1 T. ..:.1. .1,..11 ..v.e. • '..'t * .,01•A., 14 416 14 .." liks' .4.1.r 0 6. Ill IIII 1......m ee.e 1e..10, , -rt 6,,. JP– .0i Ir a i 1 I inn NIL NUN a N 1,, it I / 41 ARV 1111M11111 1111111MMI 1111111 NMI . .--,4' , PO -- ....,-- . A Clean, is the less unclean, brings artless to infection. you can - G'11 birthright germ the constant ways vf use - fill Rosy of every -laden children Even . i 1, --------- imi. / . • - - - - .,_ ..-- - - - " - - ...- Z- .,,- ' ' - ' -----------z.„---z ,, ---.' ..,--------,,,-.-_,- $ HEALTHY child. Contact with things every day, however, quota of danger and the make them especially so there is one sure safeguard ' ------z---_-- Skin count. happy, liable - - —, .... .. 1 '' 6.6N01 .....„ E .....,.., i 'X ,0 4 , A 41 ..,.6,' .14t00r 666 64:e 04., 0 Z4 • -,EALTH , is a wonderful free lathering _ _ — ..., , t, I . , ,, , disinfectant, soap for . / 4,-. ,,.4,,, ' N, •71. e .4' a ,, b) and all toilet purposes. The most tender idaily use. its The.,, mild, disinfectant • you notice vanishes after use. At ALI LEVER LIMITED TORONTO ,. a skin • Qrocers-- BROTHERS A bland, pure, welcomes quickly odor I.. ....., -.- • Centralia Mrs Huxtable, who resides with hes 6/6 Si(711:e. A[1.* Celrira'ia, has been in very pOoa• health er some ti bJ owing to, a stroke, which left her partly paralysedcl., The iturneral, of Leona O'eNil, oniv daughter log of 13i,dclitaph took place oln, S,aturday morning last in; the Roman Catholic Church, south Ceatralia, 1 -ler death was _the re- sult tor. an. autamobilic accicleat in Cthram. Mw iss Leona as oarlY 16 y,ears Of age and much, sympathy is fielt 1,or her family A great many lof our young men >1 the age of the military draft LOT this month, are. reporting in Liohlon this week. arr. and Mrs. S. Welts 13lyth spent a 'few days with tha latter'8 SiSte•r; Mia. G!ele: Hicks, on Weir w cdl- Eng . bour, • INlisr Liban. Ellaatt of London is visatina, at her home here. • A goodly number of our Massaaaary members atteaded the Diatracamet Exeter on May 15th. • Evans and alas. Baslough were • delegates of our Sunday School, to the S. S. Convenaion fn. Creditan an ;Thursday. vera" peasant time was spent at. the parsonage era Tuesday ev'g when t1r. alervyn. Elston was entertained by th echoir of Iwiblich he iihas been a member 'nor e number af years; also was presented with a Salclieras Coaraart by the choir, pretaaus talks • departure to• reppa-t, tam- military duty Mr."'"Roble.rt McFalla is visiting far ' a aew days in London tx?.03..tem abtwicate, Sanders & Cieecla, Paoprielors 'Subscription Price—Lir advance $1.Z5 alder year in Cana.da; $1.75 in the United States. All subscriptions not artaid in advance 50 cents tetra will 'be charged. THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1918 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED aay C H. Saaidea-s at the Advocate Of - lace. Strictly confidential; no witness • BLANSHARD--Henry Switzer, one of the plot of Blain:shard, clieid Saturday, his 82 year. He came to the township with bits parents front Limerick, Ireland, when .a lad •acal settled on. the West Mitchel] road where he ,lid until a .few monthago and which as inlaw olcicupied by his son, Milton Switzer. Mel funeral took place on TuesIday to St. Marys Cem- etery. He is suraived by his svarlow va.hio was „Maas Harnett R. Senn, avid five cbildren. • The famous play entitled, "Dot, the Miner's Daughter, of One Glass af Wine," to he given iut Woodham Hall 24th of May night. toOl< place et his home or Monday, May 6th, lei' a, itespected resident of Aasiimeocl, la the person of Fred. 11Gp 111(1. ssman, at the age of 67 yeiars, atonth an(d 15 clays, he s, Tdeceased had been iii but a iew days, Born an Wulttenberg, G crinian(y, he came to Canada \\•thleni ia a young Maof sixteen. The late Mr. Giossinan conducted a sioile business here (far twenty years add itp tire time oif: death was always a bland \\larking man., He was inarvileti WI Ellen Zbmnier, W;1115 Prei:le- ceased him ,five weeks. They liv- ed at Daslawlood Uil their lives, Mr, Glossmian is surviived by a family of tittle vans six da,ughters i—facob, Mrs I), Hartheib, Mrs. J. Cow llingood, W. Her and Vialeatine of Pc!rt Huston; Mrs, Chas. Rinker of Da,slirwlood; Mrs: W. Westlake of 1,78-7 borne ; Mils. W. Sandercatt and loif Landon; Gepage France., and Jiahn •aV.o Bernard at home, SAREPTA A harithei- lof friends and acautaixit- maces gathered at. the home of and Mrs. Ed. Willert on Manday ev- ening alga three car loads mattered out from Stratapael to da Jionor to Mr. Goodtaa Callas before his depart. - are !Dail London,where he reports for duty. The everang was plea,s,'autly spent M games rand lather amasenienta ' after which i datinay handl was sem.- ed. During tale evening Mr, Cafes' \kraS presented with a. writ watch Nam las ,many friends, and the fol- lowing address was read by Mrs, Hoa - ata RieYnalds, while the presentation Was Made by Mr, pd. Witt Dear :friend Gorden,— ta•tia your late as anta the lives of inasry of .otu- boy a has came the calla of duty. It iis ,thity-thrat lifts bnea Dashwend aampletely awayafrom ones life work, 466.061461064 A pleasant surprise party \vaa given Thursday caret -10a to Mr. and Mrs. pica Daai at Glendale (lai-mei-1y alis Livia\ Oaak o.f Dashwood), when about twenty of Ler gill friends from the city gathered at her blame and gave her a miscellaneous shearer. Tbe e‘-enicif,,,, Irari spent an niusbc and games, after which lunch was served Mrs, Aaron. Muslser left last week for a ViSit with Inactive's in the west- ern provinces, alis Mildred Schaloeder visited in London thes, Week. Rev. W. J. Yager, WralP P'ucceeds Rev. Meyer has moved here from Straor,d. We welcome him and his wo-rthy family to our midst. airs John Lipiiert af Grand Rapids, Mich., •is visiting alai relatives here. Mr. Norman. Brown! of Auburnispent the week -hand at his haute hove.' • Miss liattie Race of Exeter 'visited at the home caf Dr. Routledge over Sunday • - Pte. Wm. Qoaarna'n had an auction sale Of Jas hczase;hold goads .onl Sat- urday. Mr. arid Mrs. Collingwood and. Joe and Valeratanie, Genna,n, o.f Port Huron Ma. and Mrs. W. Sainderbott and Pte. -wan. Giasaanan, off Landon attended the funeral pat their father, the late • Fred Gossma.n,"las,t week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Jennings surd Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliott of Thedford vis- ited with relatives int town Sunday. Miss Fanny larleeter of Stratford ia visiting with relatives here. Death toil Fred Gossrnan.—The death 110•031110 surroundings mild Iniends. But it ad - trances tone 'into the larger, unselfish- seltaasacrifacing Ilafe of serving one's ICiag and Clo,uatry. And as we be- ileive Glad Hariaseaf,• i,t is aa sealaust time in the history nationtsa And we can .oeiiy trust and hope in the outcome Canada may well be prand oi' her sons. We have stepped glair- iatiar and aearlesaly into this great fight to! prove that might i not al- ways right and that aight musit we. regret _that any bray has to go still we are arafiaiiitely(proud ar sa leo take their places, in the aatrials toff those Who hope to win for az a ;future !of liberty, in the truest and lineist sence of the ward: Where in the !days to come your thoughts ream la!acki Ito. Dear id Ddallawaod and Saaepta he assured that ylow are, leav- ing behind you stattaich and loyal friends, whoa \\ash You God -peed far to -day. g.00d' luck for to-nortfillel aniel a,salfe return very,very Soon. To ie - mind yea that you go fully armed with the best .alisailes *If all your, friends. We ask ylo'u to accept this gift. We eiannestly desireathat peace may come and that 'arab, shall no mare make war' on mankilnld; until then, gland auckr and Gtad 'bless yow. GRAND BEND Mr. "lettere has arrived here Irain Point Edsvard to "fish .Irere far the summer.—ali. Ike Greek]. of Thedford visited at P. Baker's last wee.a.—Mr. arid aVIrs. David Ws on and ahadren Arkolna visited at Mr. Jae Gida's Sunday. elMON111,111.111MIBINIIIMIMM re you giving aid and rt to the enemy? Any householder in your neighborhood who has a garden plot,,or who'owns a piece of initOte, vacant land that is not being . put under, cuitwation in order to increase food production, is (though he or she may not, giying aid and comfort to 3. the -enemy in restraining food production, as re -4:11y ,as the Submarine Commander • who sinks an Allied ship laden with food. The diffe'rence is only one of degree, not of kind: 4 .0 liaaa at tutid you! Lo14k around you! If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now. You will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and beans may be planted up to June lst and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat. For good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable Garden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable Garden for Every Home." This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production. , nse mu 64:66 0 00 0 101111• MO NM 0 01 10101 11=11 SIMI imon sow Nem mem 6•666.. - - swam 6414.66. 66.616660 mem mum= worseam rates mean MP ace emonsesi . Mail This Ciupon NOW Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Dear Sirs: Please send me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable Garden for 'Every Home." • Name — ; Address. • nen ,settenz 110/011/ 01.11101 /1011.101 110.111 rase 11.01. 0111.10. 1110111111 00101141 MOM 010111 15010 =MON row mos 00111000111 mon lam= iftwonw mem MUM 10111 001111100 6.6.•••1 ONT•4111111 ORGANfZATION OF RESOURCES COMMITTEE In Co -Operation with Canada Food Board OG It is a matter of the greatest importance that Canada should increase her produc- tion of BACON HOGS nd other live stick as there is at present a world-wide short age ,tf meat. Good markets for SOMe time to come are :.ssured. THE CANADIAN BANK *F COMMERCE will gladmake loa s to assist farmers la good standing to acquire live stock. 3" EXETER BR.—A. Mgr CRE.DITON-Ll. A. McDonald Mgr 1611.441111116.11061:4.066.1106. W1, INCORPORATED 1855 • • • • a • • • • • 410 0.0.16 eIr s m 6.4t. • to • w e• 0.9 ...so **Alm sii.0,1011,* /SIM. Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 9 Branches in Cirnada A -General Bankina Business Transac Circular Letters Of Credit Bank Monet?, Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTVIENPE :-!Ihterest allowed at laigttest current ria,, EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manage 10110011 STEPPLENICOUNCIL The ,Council of the Township of Stephen convened in 'the Town Ball Crealton, on Monday the 6th day oil May at 1 p.m. All members were gresent. The minutes of' the previous meettng were read and- adopted. Ilayes—Neeb—That by-law No. 242 being a by-law to repair the Ht' - cock 'Creek Dram having been read three times be aassed and signed by the. Reeve and Clerk and the seal oC the gorporation. -attached., thereto.— Carried. Love—Neeb—That the contract for the construction and sepairiag of The Haycock 'Creek Drain be let by Public Atict'on orr Monday the 20th ot May next at 3 o'clock p.m. at the bridge crossing tbe said drain on Con. 22.— Carried. Webb—Love—That • by-law No. 243 being a by-law to commute stately: labor on certain roads designated as County Roads having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk ands the seal of the corporation atta.ched there to.—Carried Neeb—Hayes—That by-law No. 244 being a by-law to impose a tax on the owners, possessors or harbourers of Hogs, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve .and. Clerk and the seal of the 'Corpor- ation attached thereto.---lCarried • Webb—Love--That the assessment roll as 'filed with the clerk by • the assessor, Joseph Guinan, be accepted an that he be paid his rernaneraa Hon pursuant to byalaw.--Carried. Hayes—Neeb—That the) Court of Re- vision to hear and determine appeals against 'the assessment roll be held in the Town Hall, ICrediton, on Mon- day the 27th of May next at 2 p.m. —Carried. Neeb—Webb—That the fallowing persons be appointed pathmasters, poundlreepers and fence -viewers. Pathmasters—Henry 'Wilson, Fred Hogarth, Sam Preszcator, Geo. Walk- er.Williarn White (2 diva. Ezra Mast. William Winer 'Chas. )3ox, Fred Kerr, Wm, Sims, W. 11. Finkbeiner, Wm. Bowman, Edw. Fahner, Gotha Wein, Pat. Carroll, Sam Lamport, 'Chas. Ell- ber, Wm. Moriock (2diva By. Mar- tene, James Flynn, Albert Regier, Frank Glaaville, Simon Hartman, Jonah Kestle, Jos. Glavin, Jos. Mc - K r •Dan Barry David Lippert, Clark (2diva Wm, Smith, Isaiah Tet- reau, Disjardine, John Iloul- ahan, Thos.. Keough, 1Chas, Lochner, . John Gooding, Edw. Laraport, John Willett John Berney, Henry Hawker, Isaac Besterd, Geo. Mawson, Wm. Wade, .1.• 3. Carruthers, :Wm. Hay- ter, Adelbera Webb, Hainaphrey Webb Louis Farrell Stephen Webb, Edw. Gill, 3. Oliver, Richard Webb, Jas. E, Haidgins, -Emery Disjardine, We - Ley mrebJbo.nes, James McCarthy, John Schroeder, jaaab Walper, Stephen • Hayes, 'Jas. ficaliins, Alex Hotson, • Pound-Keepers—Wra. Moffatt, Har- man Shapton, W. B. Gaiser, Theo. Dietrich, David Eagleson, Geo,. Webb Alvin Baker, Arthur Amy, Chris. Finkbeiner, ArtItur Baker, gos, Bxent• ner, Fred. Preeter, Silas Sta.nlake, Reuben Goetz. David Steeper, Jere-. miah Brophey aaaa-a. , Fence-Viewers—Dan. McCurdy, Ls- aao Hall, Ezra Heist, Peter McKenzie Geo. Mawhinney, Eli King, William '- Brown', Geo. Down, Austin Hayter. • The !following orders were passed. F. Adams, drawing gravel C.Rd. 3.35; W4 Vincent, ditto 3.35; Elizabeth Towle, charity, 40.00; Jos. Guinan, salary as assessor 100.00; Edw. Hall, tile across road on S.B. 2.00; Henry, Appleton, rep culvert S.B. 1.00; do. Con,14, 1.00; Geo. Lovie, damage to buggy 5.00; Robert En,glish, rep, buggy 2.00; Bert Holt, rep. a road, Saable Con 6.00; Ed. Wilds Filling in washout E.S.R. 5.00;, fauaaaphrear, Webb, rep.3rd. 6.Ed. 18.75; Gu.ss Tatta, rep. gore xoad 2.50; Thomas Webb, grading !Con, 21-22 16.25 The council adjourned to meat a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, os Monday, ;the 27th of May at 1 lam. • !Henry Eilbea, Clerk, SPANKING DOESN'T CURE ! Don't think children can be cured of bed-wetting by. spanking them. The trouble is constitutional, the childtaa cannot help it. I will send FREE to any mother my successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. if your children trouble you in this way, send no money, but write me to -day. My treatment is highly recommended to adults troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. Address MSS. M. Summers, Noah Dietrich, ELL. Kraft, Newton Box 840 WINDSOR, Ontario, MONEY TO LOAN Wa home a large amount of private Lauda to loan on farm and village\ proareaty at low rates of interest. GLA,DMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter ii,A.AC R. CARLING, BA.. Ba!rriater. . Solicitor, Notary PutIic Comtaisaionor, Solicitor far The area BOAS a*Pk, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Ufftee—Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR 1...icen.iud Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Prices Reasonable and Satisfactiois Guaranteed. Crediton — Ontartr C. W. ROBINSON Lia ..9!NSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stack Sale a Specialty, Office at Coalialautt Warerooms, next door to Centia! Hot -el, Main Street, Exeter • DR AlR KINSMAN. L.D.S. D.D,S Honor Graduate Toronto Unlversity • Teeth extracted without pain or any .• had effects. Officaaaver Gladman & Stanbwry's Office, Main Street, Exeter Dr G F. ROULSTON, L. DI S„ D.1),S DENTIST Mernbea of the R. C. C. D.S. !if Ont Honor Graduate Toronto University Offioe *Mr Carling's law Office, CInn041 Widdnesday afternoons. NO TRU A SUGGESTION FOR YOUR SUMMER HOLIDAYS THIS YEAR. AL.GONQ'UIN PARK HIGHLANDS. OF ONTARIO An ideal spot far your Summer Va- cation midst wild and delightful scen- ery. Excellent hotel service at the • "HIGHLAND INN" Full -information from any ' Grand Trunk Ticket Agent lar C. E. Haan- ing, District Pasaenger Agent, Tor- onto. , N. J. Dore, Agent, Exeter. SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 2nd. STRATFORD. cii.Eri Commeicial are offers the great op- partunitaes Recent lady graduates of this school ate earning as high as $1000 per annum The last application w(c recei.ved from an office man with some experience offered initia1 salary of $1800 pei annum. StadentS may enter our classed any time. Graduates Placed in positions. COmmercial, Short hand and leJegraphy departments. Get oar free catalogue. W.W J,. Elliott, D. A, McLachlan, Prealdent PriiNcipal