HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-9, Page 8,.: Pi;.'t. A]JVLIE ATE, 7'J], IthflA'Y, MAY 9, 1x18 lSX.ET,hR :11,AIMETS Chareated Each Wed a day 2,10 eat .x75 to 80 3ariey 130 to 15'40 ,10 FaMI.1Y Ehcz\ax 45,00 Mi,adl1'tag . -, 35.00 a.ran, , ....53 Creamery Bitter 40 to 42 Dairy Butter 42 Eggs,k ' >?o5 Lard LKnI agato,'s ., ,.` ,,. ,. 1.25 to1,30 1,60 $egar beet pulp, per asaek I 11,60 -lays per Nati .,..., 10,00..to 12.00 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The Exeter Canning Go. is prepared. to contract with, faa'rryerS PO. grow 250 acres Canning Oai'z for 1918. Prirce per toa advanced to $101 Seed corn cost over 35 •cls, per lb., will be sold to growers Bar 25c. Come early and gecure your allotment.. EXETER CANNING CO. Auction Sale HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS„ SURREY CUTTER, ETC, At the home of the proprietor, Main Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY lith, 1918 At 2.30 o'clock, sharp, the ,fallowing Surrey, cutter, extension table,,ha11 rack, coal cal stove, base burner, 2 bedsteads, springs and mattresses, 2 stands, dre,ser, ki;tch,en chairs, dishes lamps and other :articles too numer- ous to, mention. Terms cash. E. J. Christie, C. W. Robinson, Praprietar Auctioneer Auction Sale OF BUGGIES AND CUTTERS AND FARM MACHINERY AND WAGON GEARS at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1918 at 2.30 o'clock sharp, the follawing,- 5 auto seat buggies, new; 1 cutter, new; 1 6 -Boat Massey -Harris binder, new 2 five -toot mowers, new. 1 twioerow earn cultivator, new. 1 ten-ifoot steel rake, new; 1 4 -section Scotch, clip harrow, neva 6 walking plllaws, Na. 21, new. 5 wagon gears, mew. 'T,erm.s-5 months' credit on ap- prav[ed joint \notes with six per cent. per annum added. WM, WARD & 'C. W. ROBINSON Praprieters. "HAYCOCK CREEK" DRAIN CONTRACT A contract will be let by Public Auction an Monday, May 20th, -1918, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the bridge cross- ing tate Hayciack Creek, on the 22nd concession al the Township of Steph- en, for the purpose of constructing a drain. Plans and specifications can be seen et the residence sof John Love, Deputy Reeve, on Coni. 20, or at the office of the 'u ndersigned. HENRY EILBER, Clerk Crediton, Ont. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE as thereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Rollof the Township of Stephenwill hold its first meeting in the ''Town Holli, Crediton, on Monday, the 27th day of May, 1918 at 2. oeclock pm,. Henry Eilber, Tp. Clerk FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE CHEAP Apply at The Advocate Office, Exeter. LOCAL, DOING. 5 Mr. Chits. Skeittoo, is able to be out again after two weeks illness, auring wvhicll, he was Ictanfined to Ms bed. Rev. V. M. Durn1orci of Hyde Park preached 'musslionary sermons in the Trivia Memorial C.hurcb on Sunday lastin the absence of Rev. 'pamper, Mr. r rt; ar '` , I. A h r , Iad 1 ean'ss town 1 t of t tin receiyed o+r•d Inst evetek that his brother Robert :had been; killed in England by a b,otalb thrown from airi aeroplane. "Mothter'a Day" wail, be celebrated in the-11ethodist churches of town on Sunday next. In honor cif mother everyone is expected to wear a white Bever or \bate ribbon. Ir, R, N. Rowe's black team caused a little excitement ,an Main 'Street on Tiiursday„afternoon by turning sharply atiound ,tupsetting Elie wagon nand mak- ing an attempt to get away. Vera daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joneswas taken to Victoria Hospital last week, and there operated on for mastoid. The oPeration, was perform- ed Saturday morning and proved al suuccess and she is now doing nicely, Soldiers who; have recently returned from France: are Major N. T. Sinclair o.l' Win;gharn, tan;officer of the '161st Battalion. who mals wounded shortly. alter arriving in France; Pte. J.; Gil- lespie of Seaforth, Capt. j, G. Gunn of Ansa Craig COAL NOTICE We wish to notify the public that all. real deliveries made this yearmust be on a valet -1y cash basis. R. G. SELDON A GREAT SHORTHORN SALE Mr. 'J. J. Mer,ex's auction sale on ,May 1st Of Shorthorn cattle is ac- kn}ow1ed:ge'd by the best breeders to Mae been, the best •Shortharnsa1c ev er h+e,ld in Onftart a. His stock bull "Village lar lrarquSis" brought $800,00. cows sold as high as S.625,00 and 6 months' calves as high as ,$280. 57 cattle were sold and they brought $16,430. SUDDEN DEATH. The death occurred suddenly May lst at 9o'clock p, ne, of Annie Dow, widow er the late Hugh Waj ace Brown at the aarnily residence, Nel- son street. Though for some time Mrs Brown had been less active, she was apparently in her usual health and ate a ,hearty supper, when suddenly heart seizure ',occurred and in a few minutes she passed away. Her demise. was a great shock !to the family and the news of her death was received with much sincere regret by her many friends. Mrs. Brawn, was a woman of bread sympathies, and -high ideals, and was much de -voted to her hone and family. Deceased was Morn in Leh - ark Township , anid 'eighteen years aat- er moved with her parents to the Township of Hibbert. When about 23 years ago she was married to the late Hugh Wallace Blown, who pre- deceased her about 22 years., De- ceased has been a respected resident of Exeter for upwards of thirty years. She was a member of the Presbyter- ian Church and was admired Tor her consistent Christian character. Mrs. Brown is survived by- these daughters. Mrs. Fred. 'Knight, Miss Janet and aliss Ellen J., all ,elf 'whom- were at her bedside wheal . she passed away. She also. leaves two' brothers, Mr. William Dow and Mr. Thos. Dow of Hibbert. She is the last of four sisters, and was 72 years of age, The funeral, which was private, took place to the Exeter cemetery on Friday. FLAX LAN D WANTED. The °n.>ria Flax Co. require some. more land far flax for the Exeter Mill. Hal land rental paid when flax is sawn. Apply JOE DAVIS, telephone 13, Exeter Flax Mill - HOUSE HOUSE FOR SALE. One of the mast desirable resid- ence, iti Exeter. Occupied until re- cently by James Walters. Apply a All. Walter's Shoe Store. A. R. Graham, Edam ,Sask. We have, still plenty of feted and a go -cd variety. Harvey Bros NEW CARTAGE RATES Correuencing April 1st, 1918,- Single 918 -Single shipments ..,... 15e. each Shipments under 400 lbsy 15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs ,:. 3'Xc. per cw • Pianos each 50c, Pianos, pr.tvate ...... $1.00 Trunks, pgvate .,, Mrs, John Wood is confined to her bed through .iltltuess, Gordon Ford, ran of Mr, JollinFord. Lake Road, has nolisted hi London, :Mrs, JOhnstataa who. underwent a serious operation at yeer ago., is again at her Mame. ale Wellitigtoni Haas, ,has been con- fined to the house 'owing to illness during the week. Mr. 1V, Johns has been elected Odd- fellows representat'iv'e; to Grand Lodge. fi'anliltaan, and \>acssrs, Ed, Willis and W 5. Statham .delegates to the dis- trict meetanug. gt SealflortJi Mr. Jtoh'n 'I1'elt'a;tt, wrhile riding on has bicycle to work on Monday morn- ing, had the bilge slip iii= under slim and be conning an contact with a hydrant, broke a. small , bone in This arum. As a result he is now oaf duty. The entertainment gi\neta by James. Street Chair on, a'iion'dbry night was fairly weal attended and was very In- terestin„ and entertaining throughout. The pnogaaun consisted of glees, solos, duetta, quartettes and piano selec- tions. Special Sunday School session will be held at lYIlagm, Street. Mdeth,odxst. Church ton Mothers' Day, - Sunday 1"lay 12, at 3 p. m., consisting of short Fiddresses, siongs and 'choruses. The members for the cra,dae xo11, with tlheyr, fathers and mother's, are particle-Laryy. invited. Mr, Wm, Dickson 'shoe^ed' us a curiosity on Friday, and probably not aniathler One as in existence ,;n Exeter to -day. It was a complimentary vitation card to attendthe celebration of the, opening of the Landouv, Huron & Bruce Railway, in Liondon on Jan. 11 ,1876. The invitation was signed by Benj. Crostya Mayor. Mr. Dick - toe was then living in Clinton. On Friday evening ,of last week Mrs J. F. Thomson, Lady Superintendent of No. 4 Nursing Division, St. Johns' Ambulatce Brigade, overseas, was the guest Di; J L s. R. E. ;Cooke of Sanders Sl. Mrs Thomson. had come to Ex- eter to organize a course. of lectures and give instructions in first aid and home nursing. A large number were present. and after an interesting ad- dress a class:, was alarmed. Mrs. Thlom son took the ban'dagiing and generalby. supervised the jinstructilora int first ;aid. and Dr. McGillicuddy delivered the lecture. The classes will be continued each Friday evening at 7 o'dlock at \1rs. Cooke's, the Roca', being equip- ped for the purpose. It is proposed after the class is completed to form a division. If you are an ions to help it tbas hour ;of creed full i,nfarma,tion can be obtained from Mrs. Cooke, who is class ,secretary. A better c race. could not have beesi made 'she hay- ing taken the course in England. Her husband and sloe are overseas doing their bit and her daughter is a V.A.D. fnam Na. 4, Byron Sanitorium pre- paratory to going overseas. RETURNED FROM FRANCE,. Pte. Ernest Harvey, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey, a veteran of Virny Ridge arrived home from England an Friday last, and was met at' the station by many of those who had heard ,of his coming. Private Harvey had suffered from trench illness and general debility, but is improving nicely_` ntosv. His many friends wel dome him back to Exeter and hope his receover-v may be complete. A CORRECTION. We, the undersigned, ,wish to state publicly that we are wholly wespons ibhe for the signing of the Soldiers' One dray last weekthere were two. a had been usin Aid name too the bill announcing a mien in the mill w d > 1 l.. .ag our Standard Model Flour anid.'wit:nout being asked expressed themslelvies thus "that wale Ilene is alright, we take the flavour better even than, ,the white 'flour arid it -ralistad Linit, 'rust a little darker." Harvey Bios. RETURN GOODS. Rimose haHviing,articles .in storage he- aoriging• to thle estate olf th;e, late Robt. Sanders wit[JL kindly xepiar't same to thle 'Advocate Office. Seo the Canning Factory advertise- rnenr and, note the advance in the price offered far corn NEW DESIGNS of Summer Millin- ery will be displayed on Saturday, May 1.Itb including pattern hats, Mita,ns Panamas, ' Leghonns and Tagels , also suitab;e' \abate trimmings and novelties. Quality am,u prices ,right. -E. Corliss. SEED POTATO.E,S. Extraearly Eureka and Empire. State -two ]leading varieties as to qua', it_v yield and ifreeidom from ;disease"; $2,00 per bushel and $1.50 per bag, respectively-. S, J. Hogarth, Lat 13, Con, 3 Stephen, Exeter P. O.. HYDRO ELECTRIC REGULATION By order tell the Power C oin,tro'ller. Sir Heriry Drayton, no window lights oar reflectors faxed to throw ;light to windows may be used except :laatur- day ,nugbit, alter May 10th, 1918, un- der penalty ref .$.5000 o;r prisonnlent not exceeding five years, or bath; Tine and. imprisonment for every- such offence. Public Utilities Camm;asstion 3, R. I-linci, C.hairman Exeter,', 25c. each Grips,, private ,:.... .... 15c. earl a ,,. ,...,: $5,50: Team by day . Team by hour , .,...60c Signed by...... THOS. C .:CREECH WM. T, GILLESPIE MODEIU' BRICK HOUSE FOR, SALE, -Ir Exeter, wired, convenient 'sn every way, chase to school and to 'church, --Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter HORSES WANTED I' want an initmiltccl" number of'I horses ie goo-', candattorn-. Geldings 5 years old up mei 7!h" fram 15500 pearls tel w, [ren Iran 4 years old up aeial ne t t am 1300 pounds Lep. Parries hav ng lire recruit cel stuff, Mte, or pJsortt 83, Exeter, G. 3. DOW, dance in alcD,omell.'s Hall. The Sold- iers' Aid Society was not consulted about the proposed dance, nor did they agree for 'authoriize the signing of their name, ,or that their name should be connected :with the affair in any maane.r whatever. Signed C. L. Wilson, Elmore Harness Mr R. E. Pickard left last week for the' west. Mrs D. D. Crittenden of Blyth visited in Exeter last week. Mr. Walter Dearing of London vis- ited friends in town aver Sunday. Mr. Howard of Port Dover visited with relatives here over Sunday. Pte. Hubert Jones was home from. Toronto Carap bor the week end, Mr. Dain. Brior of Clinton is visit- ing here with'relartivgs flor a few. days. Mrs. Chris. Zuefle .of Flint, allele, is visiting with relatives and frieiuds here Mr. I. G. Sinalllntciainbet n f Stratford is visiit,ing tole', friends in town: this week. Mr. Joseph 'Davis left Monday for London where he has joined the 63rd Battery. Mrs, Harry Gaye and two children of Landon visited Mrs, Piper over Sunday: iV J .B. iirickwv oocl of : Lonillori I1. [ you are. a martyr to Paina in the Back, Urinary or Bladder " Troubles, Brick Dust' Deposits, 1ninful Urination, Swollen Joints or ty of the various symptoms of Kidney 1 rceble, take ,spent the, week eiid is town ,vith old ,friends. aaev. and Mrs. A. A'. Trumper and children. returnedhlorne Monday from Uondo-n. Mrs Thos. Prior, 'after spending the winter with 'liter (sons im Portage la Prairie, has returraecl home. Mr. and. Mrs. Chia.'' N,orry to t aoi' visited, over Sunday with ,Mr, and Mrs. John Norry' of toarni. Mrs, Irwin. left last week Inc her, borne, in. Non"wicli, after a visit with her Barents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Bissett, Dr ''Ri.nsrilarA, whin was aatencling the Dental. Convention at :Toronto, re- turrued hlot to the latter part of last week. Mr. and ars. Aalei1 and ;Mr. rand Mrs, Ibenxphwli Of Wrotxeter were visitors this '\vieek With i ils>a Grigg end Miss MacF:aul. t. Mrs. "EI. J. 'EdaviC@awd aa-riyed ,here logon :Tcu+onta last week to. joie ,slier husbancl anal thety ,axe taaaar gettif,tg their new' hio.nie eeacl;y £ox• 0ccttpalncy, Mr C 1.1 I.ovr,dslodk, An '!Exeter Ca. aay late at Saginaw, Mmch'., whs, L. vel , t'r'2e with his uncle, Mr Doha ihuto, near 'IIl,rlto,ii cadged o.n, ' da axe[ea, ,tr,inttds here Wednesday 1`1 '11 ...hnrta,t' tt ske \,rtes Ye of tar!' Nov lrnrt Shelby Hotel, Taetrott, PI-IONE 32 Spec ls f or Early 1Vlay S lln Girl's Middies at 75c 5 b,ozert Girl's Middies for ages; 6 to 14 years, in fancy and plaint/ colors. well worth .$;1.00 a garment -Our Special May tselling' price 75c, Ladies Middies,and Smock jackets -int the newest styles at $1.25 up. Special Housedress Aprons at $ 6' b,ozen, Burge averrall aprons, can he worn as 'hoii,syet-ldlitels'ses, in good amabing prints, regularly worth $1.25 on sale for the month of May at only .$1.00 reach. New Trench' Raincoats for Ladies. and Men Hage you se,e,'a the neat/ trench raincoats :for Ladies and Men? .We have a 'brand ;ne \',stock in tweed effects at wonderfully modexate prices Raincoats Tor little 'girls -far school \year, with hood attached et only $2:95 each. Special Hosiery Bargains this Month 15 dozen pairs Penman's cotton; ',rile' hose, s,ze.s „8'34 to 10, slight im- perfections in weave, in, black .only, regularly ,wi;orth, 50c., while they last at, 35c a pair, for 3 pair far ,00 Ladies Silk Gloves for Summer We have a large ,range of the celebrated "Niagar'a. Maid" and the "Iasagsrer" silk gloves In stock. All ,fingers double-ttipged, and good wear- ing quality silk. Manly lines at last season's prices. Colors white, black grey navy, etc. Prices from 75c. to $1.50- a pair. A MAGNIFICENT 'SHOWING OF NEW WASH DRESS GOODS FOR THE COMING SEASON. MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY. JONES MAY Headquarters'for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brand's Cloth:mg Men an d Boys. llrs. Lee leas returned 1roar n visit im Liardelsjboro. Mr. Art Waled wee taken to .Lan- don Holsp9talL an Tuets'duy for further treatment. COUNTY TEMPERANCE CONVEN- TION-. Al' CLINTON, JUNE 18, The annual ctonvelnt,iton of the Huron Temperance Organization will be held in C111ingon on Tuesday, June 18th. It its expected that Mr.Joseph Gibson of Ingersoll will be present and address,thle conventionHuron is the, only county in the province that has its town. Read secretary, and ;,pec ital ,oafficers to aslaiet esu the ein,torce- `ru,ent of the temperance laws. s WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO HELP IN WAR Women can be ,usefully employed in pursing the wounded, in .making up the soldiers' kits, and a thousand other rapt. Many Canadian women are; weak, pale or anemic' from woman's ills. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the critical 'time; nursing mothers and every woman who is "run- down," run-down," tired or over-worked-Doetor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a spe- cial, safe and certain help. It can now, be had in tablet form, procurable at any good drug store, or send Dr, •P!erce, In- valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents for trial pack- age. Branch office, Bridgeburg, Ont, St., Catharines, Ont. --t `I, have taken Dr, Pierce's Fav- orite ' Prescription during expectancy whets I felt especi- ally in need of a tonic and it bene- fited-ing greatly. I always take pleas- o ure in recommend- ing 'Preseription' young mothers, because I know it «[ r will never fail to help them.'' -Ma . J. 3.I. ;V. .A.Weltrxi ti Beach St. Stratford;' Ont. -"I do, think Dr. 1'iorco's Favorite Prsseription one 61 the heft medieines 1 have oven known,fol• the ailments of women. I had for quite .8 tong time 'been all 'run: down, .,weak' and nervous, I doctored, but nothing seemed "to give me relief. until I 'began tolling, Ylla'+titito` Ptaaeription.' 'Pais tneclielee gave me such Wonderful aelicf that I taxi glad to recommend it to others," -Mao, A. Gl6nwrt,' 60 Brant St, LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. Your Spring Suit. Be sure it fits you at the collar. Have the trousers made to fit you no -and the waist. They will stay up much better when you, wear a belt, Your Clothes will have ,individuality LE yeou let us 'make them for you. Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFIJI, GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD :GOODS ARE ALL GONE. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea & Coffee f Store Far the choicest groceries, fruits, .e0, teas, a and (wen,- thing wer '-thing in the grocery line. Call and see tea. A. trial as to, quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in etehange Jas. Gould Furniture Undertaking e e` .•,`: WE TIMI: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND h'U,RNITUR.E DEALER ' It NEED WE, CAN - TARE : CA.R11 OF YOUR SHOE NEleDS, , OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL LINES: MEN'S ',HEAVY SHOES, $3,00 tol $5,50 PER PAIR. :BOYS' ;HEAVY SHOES $2,25 to $3,50 PER PAIR, CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES -- ,$2,00 to' $3,00 PER -3 AIR. LADIES' CUSHION SOLE SI -10155 WITH RUBBEI. HEELS °T BUTTON OR LACE. ASTORIA SHOES FOR hi11bt 'aye have a nice rouge a2,.Sanii7les for lied e,to-Measure Suits which we will be pleased to, 'sleety you,