HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-9, Page 5Children r ► for Fletcher'
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
ales has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
ef Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as -good J, are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. -
What ' ,'
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural. sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend,
Bears the Sighature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
There are five things to consider
when you buy a motor car—
_e `orforxnance
Comr :.rt
. Price
Canadian owners who have
bought the Overland Model 90 have
not been worried about any of these
Remember this when you decide
,to buy yor car.
Local Dealer, Exeter Overland Sales CO.
Willys-Overland, Limited
Wi11ys Knight and Overland Motor Cars and taasht
Commc.ciel Wagons
Head Office and Works; West Toronto, Ontario
Same Old Methods,
Same 01 Qgglity
AGENUINE ale brew with all the• flavor
and quality enured by a perfectly'germi-
nated malt and the finest hops combined
with brewing methods ~developed and proven in
nearly ninety years of practice.
All these you get in Labatt's new beverage,
Old London Brew.
A perfect brew with every good quality you
have always enjoyed in Labatt's brews.
1.46 Cion ion veto
JOHN LABATT, Ltd:, London, Ont. Brewing since 1832
Mr, and Mrs, Dallas of Tuckersznith+'
are coming to our yvlhage.-Mr:An-
drew ;Johnston was in Detreit attend-
ing the f i cral-of a a•eLatiive.-»Webe-
lieve 1;Gr, Geo, Smale and family in-
tend returning to our vv>>lag.e, Pad oc-
ctt spying thte dwelling prrOoipeftY at the
wrest of Queen street, lately vacated
by Mt. Robt; Adanist.—Mr. aad M'rs!,,
Chis: IVIcA1laster of Toronto, • lend,
f+ormealy of the Parr Line, Hay Town-
ship are spending a week or two with
their relatives and friends in lienrsal;l
and nicinity.—Mr. Peter Buchanan, son
of Mrs, Bucha,naain is soon 'lexpectecl.
home from tovensle sl,—A2rs'. S. Coulter
as tfto '+of Dr Coulter of ,Totted-., Ohio,,
was in the village last week visiting
(rile nc1r
Ethel Shier, who spent the
past n-itonth with her parents here, i•ea
turned ba Toronto. -Victor McCurdy
received Ward to report for service
in Lrondon.-Ptes. Clayton Hannah aad
Oliver McCurdy are home =leave.
from Lonclan.—Mlis . Jas. Atkey vis -
Ring with ;friends in Owen Sound.
The first tot the 'I�jisikton boys who
went overseas to return ,home on leave
is Pte: Nixon, (whia ,arrived here on
Tuiesday.: Re went to England with
the 110th Battalion and although ,not
nveclic�gily fit Lor the trenches, ,.has
been -engaged in building and repair -
jog railnoa!d(s,
Samuel McBride, ;sr., a prominent
oeeldie'n,t of this place dropped dead
Ian May 6th, at hills home while repair-
ing a screen door. Tile deceased was;
it weal-Ilenbvvn farmer of Stanley Tp.;
and a number Of years ago rjetitreld to.
Zurich trot &ane. Hits widow, 3 sons
and three daughters survive. Orate sort
was killed in France about 'ayear' ago
IVlr R. W lllaaerus' spent ai few days
Detroit.—Mr: John Wolper and fam-
ily have moved iota Mx. C. Fuss'
hiouse, south of the village.—Mr. Alex.
Foster' and family'rarre moving back to
Zurich from Kitchen:en—Ey. F. C.
'Weyer, s'oni of Rev. F. Meyer, Dash-
v'ioacl stationed!! at Morse, Sask., 'con-
ducted the ls:e+rvices in the Evangeln
cal Church Sundrary evening.—Sapper
Roy Geiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mos-
es Geiger of this village arrived hone
from overseas mind was heartily' weI
clamted. Mr. Geiger enlisted at Tor-
onto about one and one --half years ago
He Was on active duty in Francetwhen
the, was wounded in his left arm and
will receive :further medical treat-
ment at Toronto.
Mr. -.tad Mrs. Walter England of
Greenway visited ,at Phil.. Baker's -on°
Friday.—Miss - Weltiin of Dashwood is
nursling at Mr. Harmon Gi7.il's`.=Dr.
Stephenson of London, Dr. Campbell
of Zurich and Da Taylor, of Dash-.
.wood were :Mere Wjeldrilelsld!ay for the
purpose of performlilnlg aln' operation
ben Mf. algid, Mrs. Harmrohi, Gill's chil-
dren„ who are rijttl, but who were too
weak to withstand ` the operation pt
nre,sent:-Myrtle R,avelle;, who has
been. in Stratford is 'visiting ' her par--
eats, IV1.i . and Mrs. L. Ravelbet—Mrs.
Frank Al..:ister ds ml!aving. fere ' front
Si. Marys into the resiidemce owned
by Geta. Oliver. -Mr. WaLper of Wing -
barn is here Oaccupyang' his cottage at
present.—Mrs. Bert Holt, who ;under-
went an +operation last week, is int-
proving.—Mr. A! TiledernatnO received, a
message informing ,him of the death
a' Eos son's (wife, Mrs. Chas. Tiede -
man in Detroit last week.
(Intended for last week.)
Mr. Jerry Grravelle was in T.hecllfoa•d
Friday on business.—Mr. Adolph Alden
hias bought a Chevrolet car.—Mr. Ab-
A7+ollard, Miss M. Yoe and Miss Gladys
Patterson were in London on Friday.
tlx and Mrs. Wm. Patterson visited
Pt. Franks Saiturda-A-Miss OtiLlla
Webb were quietly married at the
Presbyterian Mamise on Saturday - by
Rev. Caariere., -
The new
is bigger for the money. There are no premiums for the 'wrappers now
during war time, so of course we give you fullvalue in the way of a
bigger bar of the same good old Comfort Soap—the housewife's favorite.
You can't beat it as a work saver in the home—you can't beat it
for splendid economy.
The new bigger Comfort bar—get it!
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Notice to Creditors
the .matter of the Estate o£ Rob-
ert Sanders, late of the Village of
Exeter in the County of Huron,
Glentleman,. deceased.
Naticle is hereby given pursuant to
;Statutes in that hehallf that all cred-
itors .and others having, claim ag-
ainst the estate of Robert Sanders who
died on or about the -28th day of
April .1918, are required on or before
the 1st day -of June, 1918, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to the and er-
signed executors ex their solicitor, of
the Village of Exeter, their christian
and surnames, addressees and descrip-
tions, the full. particulars of .!heir
claims the -statement of their ac-
counts and the ,natureof the secur-
ecurities ,if any, held by .them. And
further take notice that, after said
last meritianed date the Executors
will proceed to distribute the
assets of the deceased among the par-
ties entitled thereto, 'having regard
only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice and that the said
Executors shall not be liable for
Thee death tolole place on IVIonclay,
April 29th: lolf Mrs. John 'McDonald of
the 14th concession of McGiilivtaay,
agied 62 ytears. avfirs. McDonald had
been s in very poor otr heath flor th+epast
four years. She is survived by her
husband. two salts, Alex. and Mac. at
biome and three ,dat>a'glhtelrs, Mrs, .Fra-
ser and Miss Mary of ;London arid
Aginiees at home. The funeral took
place. 'tio the R. 'C. ,cemetery here on
Wtsdnies'day, May lit at 10 :o'clock.
The death of John Lyinch. occurred
on Monthly morning', at :his kanvean
the 16th concession of Stephen, !near
Sbiipka, at the age sof F50 yeasts. Mr.
Lynch had been vl1 lf(ar tonne time, and
is survived: by his, wife, 'four nous and
ane'•d.aughter. The funeral took place
here on Wednieislday art 10 ft • t.
Messes. john Houlihan, Jas. Patrick
O'Hara each pttrchaLs+eld new cars last
week.—Mrs. Jas., O'+Rlaurke of London
is vfisitinvg her ,nietther, Mrs. Ellen
Barry Of 'Thain,.—Mr. Wm. Musser
purchased a driven last week from Mr.
H Swartz, paying liar it ja handsome
figure Miss MaigEtret' Regan of i3oth
wei1 is visiting friends( in tbiis neigh-
borhood.—Miss Papa Of Parkhill is
spen!dinOg a few weeks at the 11 ante
of hoer sister, Mrs. John 'McIntyre.
Write on ante -side of the paper
only. '
Mail la' time to reach us Ture,sday
of each week, or ,sooner.
Avoid all items reflecting on per-
sonal character, but send ALL THE
Check toff this list, Lt ,nay assist
you to remember an. Important item:
Deaths Marriages, Births.
Accidents, 'Church News,
Suppers or Piesentaltilaris,
Removals, Visitors,
Lodge Nevis, tFames,
Public Impriavemlents,
Law Cases, The Crops,
Seboe! Matters:
said assets or any .part thereof, Wally
perso' or persons of whose claims
notice shall not have been received
by them at the time of such distrib-
Solicitor R. N. CREECH
for Executors Executors
Dated at Exeter this 3rd day (of May,
•Notice to Creditors
in the matter Oaf the Estate Of John,
Walsh! late Oaf the Village. of Ex-
eter, in the County of Huron, Yeo-
man, deceased.
Notice is hereby ;given pursuant to
.Statutes in that behalf ' that all cred-
itor's and others hatng claims ag-
ainst the estate iaf John Welsh, who
died ,on or about - the 28th clay of
April, 1918, are required on or before
the 28th- day ,of May, 1918, to send by
past prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & Stambury, taf the Village
of Exeter, solicitors for the:Executor
of the saiddeceased their christian
and surnames, addresses and - descrip-
tions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the, secur-
ities ,if "any held by them. And
further take notice that after said
last mentioned date the Executor
will proceed to distribute the
assets of the deceased among the par-
t -ie .entitled thereto,` having regard
only to the claims of which he shall
then have notice and that the said
Executor shall not he liable for
said assets or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claims
notice shall ,not have been recetvsd.
by ,him at the time of such distrib-
Solicitors for Executor,
Dated at Exeter this 3rd day of May,
KIPPEN—A oulef wedding was sol-
emnized at New London, Conn. April
27th when Miss Mary 'Elizabeth Ches-
ney, eldest
hesney,eldest daughter: of Mr. and Mrs.
Pearson M. Chesney of Tuckcrsmi`h,,
was united in marriage to Mr. Ve:n
B. Walker, U.S.N.
imorpm. looms
1.7 the Ford ear introduce you to the beauties of
Nature and the outside world. Let it take you, into
country, along the lakes where the air is
the or
feh and sweet. -
A FOrd. car will open up Flew fields of pleasant possibili
Ives for you and your fan ily and at the same time serve
Stott faithfully in business.
110 dotbt you haveelt t e need of 'a care :your wife
W often said, "I wish wed a car," so why not buy
One how? There is no other car that gives such good
in for the money invested as a Ford.. This is why the
car is so popular everywhere.
_,P rd is powerful, ea y to drive, economical, ender-.
it s thenar you need.
' '', e... umT RSAL adze
Runabout « $51
aurin 595
Coupe 770
clan - • .970
assts .. 5535
One•tonTrucl; $750
F. 0..b'. FORD, ONT.
(Andrew Campbell, Salesman)