HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-2, Page 81..X,1:ThR'MARKETS Girauged Each Wedneeday Wheat ,.. 2.16 Oats 85 Birley ,. 1.30 to 1.40 Family Flour Middlings Bran. Creamery Butter, ,,.,,.,.. Dairy Butter Eggs 5,70 40,00 35.00 53. 40 to 42 36 lard „ ... 34 Potatoes per bag .. 1.35 to 1.60 Sugar brei pulp,Per. �t:k " 1.60 Hogs 19,25 Hay per ton ,,,... ...... 10.00 to 12.00 250 Acres for Corn Wanted: The Exeter Canning Co. is prepared to contract with farmers to grow 250 acres Canning Oora for 1918: Priee per ton advanced to $i0. Seed corn cost over 35 cts. per lb., will besold to growers for 2Sc. Came early and Secure your allotment. EXETER CANNING CO. Men Wanted Steady Employment. Highest Prices Paid Dbksloy Spring & Axle Co., Ltd. Chatham, Ont. LOST.—A steel( fishing rod on Duns ford's Bride, Hay, an April 25. Find- er will confer afavor by returning same to W, J, Statham, Exeter. This programme an, Monday, May 6 an the School Ream, of James Street Church will be of unusual style. Glees. Solos, Duetts, Quartettes .and Piano electians- Ad'n1Csaiotn 25 cents, child- ren under 14, 15 cents; ,Concert at 8.30 COAL NOTICE We wish, to .notify the public that all coal deliveries made this year must be on a strictly cash, basis. R. G. SELDON $20.00 WEEKLY, showing samples. ;6or Large Grocery Corporation, ail gloods sold at Factory prices to con- sumers, granulated sugar 63 c. Pure Lard 5 pound pail $1,00, Sunlight, Gold o$r Surprise Soap 7 for 25c. Every thing at cut -crates. Men wanted ev- erywhere. Samplee, caste free.— The, ConSummer's Association, Windsor, Ontario. Thtc Thames Road Farmers' Club" will be addres,sed. by Mr. Stothers, Agricultural Representative Dor Hur- or. at Eli.mrsi;tle on Monday evening at 8 p. m. PASTURE—Ben. Makins will be pleased to take a, number of cattle tot to pas`turte on his farm. FOR SALE—$.900. The $2500 Russell-7snaght Car own- -ed by the late County Treesuirer. In first-class condition. Engin, starter and Electrical parts warranted satis- factory Easy terms of payment: Write to Box 119, Wongham, Ont. FLAX LAND WANTED. The Ontario Flax Co. require same more land for flax far the Exeter Mill. Ha]if land rental paid when flax is sown. Apply ,JOE DAVIS, telephone 13, Exeter Flax Mill._ MEN WANTED To work on Munitions. Steady job for good reliable mei>•. The Robert Bell Engine & Thres3laaig Co. L't'd., Seafortle Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. One of the most desirable resid- ences in Exeter. Occupied until re- cently by James Walters. Apply of Alf. Walter's . Shoe Store. A. R. Graham, Edam ,Sask. Try our War Flour. it is excellent ir, c,ua:ity and flavor, but is slightly darker m dolor. — Harvey liras. NEW CARTAGE RATES Comircncilg April 1st, 1918,— Single shipments 15c. each, Shipments under 400 lbs, ..15c. each SI -lien -lees es .over 400 lbs .,. 3; c. per cwl Planed each , 50c. Pianos, private $1.00 Trunks. private ........................ZSc. each Grips. Priv ite 15c. each Team by clay $5.50 Team by hour ,,,60c, Signed by THOS. G,. CREECH WM, T. GILLESPIE --o— , Yes, we have it- sats, oat ehop,' mixed chop, 'oil cake, feed flour dried- pulp and eothlers. See Harvey Bros, _MODi;RN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. ---Ir Exeter, wired, convenient in - way,and to iclose .ta school church.—Apply to I. R. CARLING, 1 Exeter FOR SALE. Onle 8-16 oil or gasoline tractor, tractor plow and steering device guaranteed in first class working or- der, Only ruin tvva summer. Wm, Ward, agent, I. EC), G., Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an, naliimited aurber ';of horses in goad condition, Geldiin,gs 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. 1VIar s +from 4 years aid up. neigh :from 1300 pounds up. Parties ,havng the required staff, ,mierilte.. or phone 83, Exeter. G. y.. 1OW, EXE EER:. ADVOCATE, TR[JI SPAY, 100AL DOINGS. Seadorth has an assesamnerrt of $1,- 040,266 and a Population of 2,110.. Sec the Canning Factory advertise- ment. and note the advance in the price offered far corn. Miss Elsa, I. Rass'•clifffe., daughter of Mfr, David Rowcltffe, has been en- gaged as junior clerk in the Exeter r t ti to ,1, o-ft1c i' Maisons s 11 1 Bank. Mr. W. T. Sweet sold his 7S acre grass farm on the; Lake Road on Sat- urday to Ile. John Wood. This is a good property for pasturing. The - two trains cancelled on the I,. H. Sr' 13. several nlionths Igo were re- stored to service on Monday loom- ing, the hour trai;nls now running as usual. Mr, Alfred Gibsion, wtho moved here. from Stratford to take Mr, Charles JNkarth c of is work with the Oil Co., is -Plow comfortably settled in the (souse owned by Mr. Wes. Lamport bf Loudon, Mr. Silas B toleen,share of Stephen when driving to town on Thursday evening, caught a sea gull along the rioa.dside. It was, apparently uninjured and Mr. Edgar Wilts ke.pt it for a day or two on exhibitions, It was a tine specimen( THE LASS. OF LIMERICK TOWN A comic opera in, two acts was put on in the Opera House by the-God- erich Comic Opera Co., on Friday evening last, .under the auspices of the Patriotic League; and we 'may say that a larger or more respectable au- dience was never convened in the Op- era House, which was packed to its utmost capacity, Much had .been heard .of this talented aggregation of young people from the County .Town; and the large audience that greeted thiern was not iz -the least disappoint- ed of what they expected. "The Lass of Limerick Mown" is neither deep nor intensely operatic, the scenes of to the going down of 'same. All the terest largely on. characteristics of Ir- ish scenes of fascinating Pleasure from the rice of the curtalin £n each act the two acts deepening for its in - characters were impersonated in a clever and 'enlivening manner_ The beautiful luncheon cloth made by Mrs. Bifney and re -donated by Mrs. Rich. Crates of Ushonme was put up by auction by Mr. C. W. Robinson and was knocked •down to Miss Ettie 2vf, Bewey, ,the amount realized being $33.00, The proceeds of the e'nter- tainmen't -apart from the luncheon cloth, amounted to $224.00. Miss Dal- ly Dickson. a former Exeter young lady assisted in the choruses: BOWLERS' ANNUM) MEETING.. TThe Exeter. Bowling Men -elation held their annual meeting on -Wed- rve'sday .eventing ole last week with, a large attendance. The treasurer's re- port showed the club to be in gonad condition, whaiitel the •secretary's report shlowed the club to have had a good year in 1917. The annual 'fee was fixed at ,$5.00 for ' resident and $2.50: for non -,resident members. The usual: big open tournrament will be -held on .August 7th and 8th to compete for the Landon Free Press, the South Huron and the Major Heamam troph- ies, and local tournaments for Fri- day evenings w3lll be arranged. Ex- eter greens are the best .in Western Ontario, and they are in great favor with all who ;ever rolled a bowl on them. The Ylallawing officers , and committees were elected, -Han: Pres., J. J. Merrier, M.P., H .Eilber, M.P.P.; Pres., R. N. Rowe; Vice Pres., E. J. Christie; Sec., R. N. Creech ; Treas. W. D. Clarke; Auditors, F. W. Glad - man and N. J. Dore; Han, Chaps Rev.. A. A. Trumiper; Hon.members, Judge Dickson Major :Heaana:n', Pte. Doug- las Stewart; Gseunds Com., R. N. Rowe, J. A. Stewart, F. W. Gladman Membersjhip Ciozn,d A. E. Kuhn, E. J. i Christie, N. J. Dioeie; Match Cam., W. W. Taman,, W, D. Clarke, A. E. Kuhnt R. N. Creech.; Tournament Cern., J. A. Stewart, R. N. Creech, F, W. Gialman, W. D. •Clarke, C. B. Snell,: R. G-'Seldoa, E. J. Christie, N. J. Dore, W. W. Taman, with power to add. leammasangtom omem > EXTY.' ACTS Fron2 Some Letters About e PAIN IN THE BACK "I suffered with a continual pain in the back, slaving sold Gin Pills I gave them affair trial and the results I found to be good,"! RHEUMATISM "I have been for the lost two years a cripple frons Muscular and Iruu.nnin.tory Rheumatism, Ain now cured." STONE -GRAVEL ori asst 7sVEL "I bad bcei, suffering terribly ; with Stone in the IM1addei'. , , eon - tinned to take Gin at,ls . Ipassed the shone on October 3rd.". }' it NEY TROUBLE "Your remedy 1 find, at sa years of age, to give perfect relief from the ltidney and .(Badder Trouble, incident to one .my age." URINARY TROUBLE "I Wel been suffering for some time With sty kidneys and mine the prig wwftstti4.fni. I took Gin Pills and they cured me in two days," t;NAYvrxs Uto:r It>;Qtrxsa%) tin Pills call for S0c a box or 6 hose fon. $I:ti0 rt ail good dealor,t. Sam to ,`rog, yoou 'write) to National :,Drug L"- e f .herr :al (,i x Canada, Line,e, 1 - i!i pee,) c ,Y „o tdr P1 'Uru•Co,, . IL* i :4 6 .40 MAY 2, 1 11113 A very impressive Memorial Service. to the late Rev, S. F. Sharp was conducted in the Presbytetiian church an Sunday by Rev, Dr. Fletcher Of Thames Rtxtct church. The Soldiers' Aid Society acknasv- lodges the following Concert •'$123,00 April collections $51,74; 6 pair socks donated by Misses Carling, 1 pain' - socks by Mrs. W. Martin; 1 pair socks by Mrs. W, Howard, Next Sunday in Jaynes St, Church the pastor; Rev. J. SV. Baird, will be- gin a brief series of -studies on ?Mad- era Messages Frani our Great Hymns,' Morning subject —" iFajth 01 Fathers" by Faber; our y Evening,"S,onre bay the Silver Cord Will Break" by Fanny Cnosby. \fz Albert Spencer, who left here for the Wrest recently, writing from Moi tlack, Sask.,, says, It is lonesome here without ear Exeter paper, so kindly change the .addressto this P. O. This is a 'nice .little town, hard- ly as big as Exeter, but wehav,e a dandy new- school and two churches. The farmers are busy seeding and everything is going in fine Shape, The Entertainment under League Auspices in James Streetcliurch on Tuesday evening, was largely attend -ed. and proved very interesting anti in- tructive, Rev. Baird gave a pleasing travel talk illustrated by sficfes •on t`Tbe Rose, Shamrock and Thistle", Rev, Knight of Hen'sall gave ta des- criptive • address on "Our Solar Sys- tem". The Merchant of Venice was reproduced on canvass., Solas a -ere sung by Miss Jean Allison, Miss Mar- garetMu;rwiartltty and Rev. Tonight. A new Methodist Hymen Book was• presented to Mr. W,rr. Ford and Mr. Robinson, odor bringing the largest fain- tly, they being tie. HIS OFFICIAL' VISIT. Rt. War. Bra. Fred Porterfield .of Mitchell District Deputy Grand Mas- ter el' Masonic Ea'sttriet Ne. 4, South. Huron, paid his official visit -to Leb- anon Forest Lodge, , No. 133, Exeter, on Monday evening, when a most prod litablc and ,enjoyable evening was spent by all pre**, The wareg. the evening was the exemplification of the First Degree, and the distinguish- ed visitor paid high camplimeint ', to Wor. Bro. A. Hastings and his offic- ers .Cors the manner in which. they did the w,erk, Bro. J. M. Southcott made an excellent candidate. At tate con- clusion of the work a light lunch was served, and the following toast 1list proposed and responded to,—"Gold Salve .the 'King" "Grand Lode and the District' by Rt. Wor. Bro. Por' terfield; "Thee Brethren in 'Khaki", by V. War. Bro. J. Al. Stewart and Bra. Hurdon; "Sisterl,Lodges" by V. Wor. Brie. M. Eacrett; "Visiting. Brethren," by W. Bro. Mortsom of Mitchell; "The Ladies" by War. Bra Jos. ,Davis and Bro. J. M. Southcott; "Lebanon For- est" proposed by Rt. Wor, Bra, Por- terfield, and responded to by Bro, R. N. Riov,re, Wor. Bro. R. N. Creech,iand Wor. Bra. Hastings; -"Jr. Warden's"' and "God Save .outer Splendid Men. "` The addressesi by the District Deputy at the close of the degree, work and in responding to the toast, were most masterly effforts' and will long be re- membered in Lebaulion Forest., - DEATH OF JOHN WELSH. - The death took place at his home. on James Street, Exeter, en Sunday morning April, 28th, of an aged and respected resident nI Exeter, in .the person of John Wiejlshl, at the age of 76 years and 9 m(ontthFs., Deteeased, who was a ;malt of more than' the or- dinary con'stitutian, and a healthful anlan. ail his !tile, was ill ,only a few days of pneumonia, although he :had been troubled with a, light cold Inc some months. Barn in Devonshire, England, he came to Canada ;with his parents when an infant,'' and was in fact one of the earliest settler. The parents, JvLr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh took up efarmiing on the second con- cession of Usborste, which farm the Date Mr, Welsh later c,onducteed until be retired to Exeter some 25 years ago and he still awned the farm at. the time\ fat his death. It was in part of thee old log Gheuse an this farm that the late James Pickard conducted a. store business dor one year, before he commenced business in Exeter. The late Mr. Welsh was an industrious and hard working nsan' and was never bet ter pleased than, when he was doing a full day's work. He had continued to, vvoxk` almost steadily at.nce his re- tirement from the farm. Mr, Welsh. was twice married, his first wife being Elizabeth Fansoll, who, d:ed 28 years ago, and his second Arra. Long, who survives him. Two, daughters and one Sian by the ,ist wife, also, survive, Mrs. W. D Sanders ref Stephen, Thos. Janes anal Richard Welsh of Exeter, Mrs. jlohinf Snell of Exeter is a sister. In i elig;loa deceased was a ineember of the James Street Meth hdist church, and in politics he was s Concleryativ e. The f uive'ral, which wac of a private nature, took place to the Exeter 'cemetery on "Tuesday afternoon. Miss Jessie Bow'ey is v isiti,n friends. at Plensea;,ll. this week. Mr. Fred Tucker was a week' -end visitor from Clinton, Misses Lizzie and Ida •Carling were in London Thursday. • Private Fred Brock ,of Guelph, camp was 'Mamie over Sunday. Miss Kathleen; Stewart has returned dhotil a vi 't in Toronto. xan Miss Fay Lundy of Pittsburg is vis- iting 'Mrs. Percy Gilhles for some time, Mr. ?drew Knight (of .Landon, was !vi,slitin g hits another here On Sunday: Rev .A. A. Jan,d Mrs'. Tramper are in, •London, this week attending . the Arn,giican Synlod,' hli', Joseph Davis or the ,Mols,ans. Bank staffs went to Lothtlon Monday to join the colors'. Mi. 1.3 J. Ha.vtiiltnd, is inI'o:rontcr this week asststiehg in moving his heuS'choisl effects here, %dr,. Clarence fvforley of St, ' tiiai ys and. vtr. Oliver Davis .of Zurich were home far the ,week encl.. MaIi Ler Donald McTavish of clear Strattai's is visiting his grtindptrents ;Vti•, and Mrs, John W. Taylor, 4 JONES PHONE 32 MA Handy -lints for Housewives Howse Clew -ling Now ear thle busy season of Halve Cleaning. prepared to • su,plply your -many Wants RTJGS. CURTAINS W,illteans Lace Curtains Axininsters Shad o\v ,, Curtafins' Velvets; Marquisette Curtains Brussels Voile Curtains Tapestries Muslin Curtains. Jap Mats Bungalow Curtains Ipe<adquarters You 'swill find • ens well for all House Furnishings LINOLEU11'iS Oilcloth s 'Gongolleums W'ndew Shades Window Pales Side Curtains Draperies Specials for This Week LADIES' SUITS Only 10 left of our new nifty suits Any suit to clear at -a Bargain. SIL'PC SKIRTS: ' Same real beautifies of Black 'l'af- fetta-$6,50 and .$8,50 to clear. SPECIAL WAIST. 10 Doz, beautiful white waist,, Different patternls at $1.25 each. LADIES NEW 36 IN. BLACK SILK. A retail nice piece of Black Pail- tette ail-eette Silk, 1 yd. wade, $1.25 a yd. COTTON HOSE 10 dozen olE aur regular •25c Black Cotton Hosie. This. week 20c, pair, WORE SHIRTS. A special $1 Aline of Blue Cham-. bray shirts. All sizes 85c, each, RAIN COATS All colors. All Styles.. All Prices. Something very newtoshow Yoe. 55, $7, ,$10, 12$, $15 each. Specials in Ladies' Shoes $4.50 High kid tap. High and low heel —Po detail. at ,814.50. $5.00 FOR 52.95. Line of La 'Parisenne Shoes. Pat- ent cloth top, button, turned sold; alsio gunmetal. Reg. $5.00 far $3.95. WHITE SHOES A full line formein, -women acid children. 5.3.95. Special line of Classic, high, cloth Button. Reg. $5.00 .far 53.95. $3.00 TO -,$,4.00 Many broken. lines o!f' Empress Shoes. Small,, shoes for the low price. MEN'S WEAR: Suits, Hats, Caps, Raincoats. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Bays. Private Archie Davis of Guelph was LOOK WELL F,OR OUR . SHOP. home ' over Sundlay. AND 'YOU WILL LOOK WELL Mrs, (Judge) Dickson of . Goderic,h spent part of the past week in town. WHEN -YOU COME OUT. Dr. 'Tclinsma,wwemt to Toronto Tues- day to, attend the Dental Convention Mrs A. D. Duncan. and MastenJack London are visiting Mrs. G. Man- tle this week. Mr. T S Morgam:, Usblerlile, is th;ise week attending the Synod meeting of the Presbyterian Church • held in Lon. drn Mw and Mrs. Ed. Har vo. "ef St. Thomas were guests during the week. of the formers mother, Mrs. James (Pickard. Red-blooded men of courage are on the 'firing line — and there are many. anemic, weak, discouraged men and women left at home. At this time of the year most people suffer from a condition often called Spring`Fever. ` They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thrti. They airy have frequent 'headaches and sometimes "'pimply" 'or pale skin. 33loodless people, thin, anemic people, those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and, feel that tired, wornor feverish condition in the springtime of the year, should try the refreshing tonic powers of a good alterative and blood purifier,- Such a one is t extra fromBlood root, Golden ten Seal and Stone root, Queen's root a,nd Oregon Grape root, made up with chemically ,pure glycerine and without the use of alcohol, This can be obtained in ready -to -use tablet form in £tfty-cent vials,' as druggists have. sold ,it Inc fiftyears as octor ' y Pierce's (golden Medical Discovery,. It ' is a (standard remedy that can be obtained in tablet or liquid form; WIrinson, Orfc,:--'c Dr, Plerce's Golden Medical Discovery and bis Pleasant - Pellets aro wonderful medicines for home use, 1 lased to suffer With tweak longs, smothering spells and Melt—headaches, but Since , T have taken the aiove mentioned (medicines these conditions have left me It ''worth' Such 'medicines praise and 1 am verycgladato add my testimonial to the thousands et' others,"-Mlas, .Eeeett HAxsrxa, 11 Erie Street, West. , Your Spring Suit - Be sure it fits you at the collar, Have the trousers . made to fit you nand the waist. They will stay up much better when you, wear a belt Your Clothes will have individuality if yiou let kis 'make them for yon.). Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF ,BLUES, -COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL -GONE. 1Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea & Coffee Store For the ` choioeat gvoceries, fruitt teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery fire. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will couviin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture ;mad Undertaki ROW ., au .,� e THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE .DEALER t:.+.s�-,. E... 'lbfP 5F71r7i:rt;:dY� IN TOWELS' FOR THIS WEL+"I; RANGING IN PRICE FROMe 1.5 5 , to 75c, 'leach.' These 'goods are much below . pres,c.nt Market prices. OVERALLS, SMOCKS, SH1RT'Z CAPS, BRACES,' ETC. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KIND S, OIO ; SHOES. '1 RYOV'la r • .of o•ru- nrazi,e-(toe-inett�s�ure Suits,: They l;c2se, .,. Y p � itittree t � y8rs'6 "ah