HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-5-2, Page 1THIRTY, -FIRST YEAR
LaR .."
2,' 1918
Our Corner.
Miss Blanche Atkinson, who recent-
ly went overseas with the No. 4 Nurs-
ing Division from London, " writing
haute to her mother in that y, says
cit s
in part: "I know you will be anxi-
ous to, hear how I :am, getting along,
Arrived 0. K. and I must say had
a wonderful. trip, We crossed at a
idarrbenous timet, butt we never saW a
torpedo, Had a great many destroy-
ers guarding tins. Fior three nights and
days we slept with our clothes en,
ready ;for a hurried ie2,.tt. I cannot
tell the ,naive lot the ;boat we came on,
nor„wherel landed, as we are foe -
bid. Yesterday we were ,down to
Devonshire House,, where we had ,air
phlotos taken, and, were given : our
posts. Then Lady! Mary, the Queen's
slaughter, came in to welcome us and
lye -all s'huc'k hands with her; also
Lady O1ive;r and -two other ladies --I
forget their nantejs'-and one Sii, So,
you see we were :royally. welcomed,
Ylau" will he pleasied .to know that we
flour :girls °from ;number four Nursing
Dives ton with ,eitglit 'others", are plac-
ed inthe same hospital, We are go,-
any, in the Royal ; Navy Hospital_ et
Diel. After lunch( we went - up to St.
Jlohn's Gate ''ah31c11 is the headquart-
ers la tote St. John's Ambulance So>-
ceety: They tiolooki us through the old
rooms and showed us books, badges,
etc„ 'centuries told, Then to -the
church and it is wlond'erf+ul. It was.
built in the eleventh century and has
the Crypt underneath which is a most
wonderful place -no chairs' and nath-
itng but the altar and reading desk,
The ,people used to stand, or kneel
On. the floor, and the walls are over
twin, (feet thick. The church, is 'a hist
Ory in itself.
L, Cameron 'of St. Marys. ,
Jal.instan of Zurich.
W. Wraith of Lucknow.
"C C. Thuellle of Brussels.
Spring Clothing
placed oil Ails la .
are now to end placed l ri y
The brlethretu :of Exeter Lodge No,
67, : I.O.O,F, celebrated dile 99th 'an-
n,-n versary tat the Order en Canada, by
attending divine wars:hip in Main St.
lee t!uocli'st c'hurcli on Suridlay evening
'last w.hen thepas for Rev. Mux
I who. is a myember of the Order,
Preached a very :a,blet and impressive
s:ernvart. The choir rendered a choice,
anthem and Mess Edna Follicle a pleas-
' ing 'Iclo, The wet weather made the.
tpttendancie stomewhhat smaller than
!usual although some fifty "members
t were present. r On their return la the.
Lodge Room a vote of thanks was'
passed tld'the pastor, the officials of
the church and the choir.
After \relearning the brethren ,o
the Order; to the church ftar worshi
not only for th.e benevolent principles
of the order but because he recogniz-
ed the Society as a tdistinot branch of
th,e church, Rev. Muxworthy said that
as three years agog we discu;stsed the
first link, Friendship, to -light we wild
consider the second link, Love. The,
text was taken ;from Luke 3, 36-37;
and the subject was "The Good Sam-
aritan.'" In part he said, -
"As y,ou have walked along the gal-
leries of art where the 'maeterpieces
are hung, plop. gaze Iionigi'and become
lost in, admiira't do at certain ;iictures.
The, Bible has no greater; picture than
the one ?orf the Good Samaritan. The
spirit here shown has been painted
throughout the, Bible by the hero -Jes-
us - Christ: Pity and love' are shown
all through the 'life of Christi: The
Priest and Lesv.te passed the ,wounded
man. by The lamely road discloses the
character. Many in( the crowd, and in
the broad light of day help, but when
the shadows 'fall, night comes tan, the
heart is shut and the Band in tight.
Men are seen as they really are in
the quiet of home, in parviiness, in the
absence of the crowd, when, no human
eye sees. ''(hien is ;shown his true
character. ,That he is before God.
The Priest and Levlite were dead to
real religion, Re1•igiate to be extensive
must be intehs,ve. It is a mighty
triumphant energy, not a, negative
coed morality but a looking urp to God
and out to man. Cleristtuainity isnot
an aim but a life, The Good Samarit-
an'sh:owed thelivinlg real life --a lift-
ing, up. Phtiosephy says let the strong
survive, but Chrlisttiatruity stoops; to
htelr the weak to Lift up the fallen, to
make - s are or -
of falI strong.
denary rn n, but we thank God for
the mountain mien, Newtons, Shakes-
peare ..Scott, Luther. They have been
made great lorothers, not for themsel-
ves. True greatness' is built o • for
gets ulness of .self. Selfishness has
always been a foe to human progress.
The pathway of selfishness is marked
by war and bloodshed. It pronn,pted
this horrible war. The principles of
Oddtellowship are against selfishness,
Moses Jonathan, Pythias and Syd-
ney are examples :of unselfishness.
Selfishness can roily be dispelled by
the principle :of brotherly love. It is
the :office of Oddeel3owship to en-
courage this principle. The teaching
of Christ is to .help tithe other fellow.
Who is my brother? I want you to
say, man. Whd is my" neighbor? Man.
Odd,ffellowship teaches that Love is
the band between•:all. men -it is better
to give than receive. The ;fundamental
principles are the beatitudes of God.
4,500 OddfoRows of Ontario are on
military siervive; their dues are paid
by the Order, amounting to $53,195;
set,,;, benlelfits paid are $.118,800, and
the "amounts paid to widows end or-
phans ,$333,130-a11 because of the war
OddCelllowship exercises an influence
in mtouidinig' human character, We Ire
not perfect. No individual or society
is perfect. We are pledged to 'the
npbuilding of human character and ilie
must keep abreast of the age. We
must progress untie Brotherly Love. is
the great principle xotf ail men. Every
energy must be fbedtto see thei war
through first, be couirageoius,Lbe.strong
and advance the brotherhood of ,man,
WO are debtors to our heroic dead.
Be true, to them by being trtbe'tothe
principles ,of our Order, Friendship,
Love and; Truth.
Suits are eight up to the minute,,
at less than whalesale price to -day. Big 1lacks
line of old blitzes and b1 with
colors guaranteed.
or rk
John Vollick, of the Parr Line,
Hay: has received a telegram inrorm-
eng deem ;of the death of .his son, Ple.
H. H. Viali?,ick, who, ys officially report
ecl :dead ,at 23 paying station, prance.
His death was caused by accidental
ItVord was received that Mr. Emer-
son K. Brown, iforrnerlY of Zurich; was
killed in action mr the big battle now
going on illi France, Mr. Brown is ,a
;;loth of Rev,. G. F. Browny a former
oastor of the Evaumgelical church here
incl now stationed at Elmira, Ontario.
H:e,was torte of the first ones to enlist
when the big war started aind escaped
Injuries until he teras killed,
John Leckie, one the best known
amen. in•'Hunon County, died at " ,his
home in Brussels on Tuesday, April
30 .: following a stroke of paialYsi,s teak -
en w'hi'ne writing a letter.' I -le vas
horn in Lanark County on June 27,
1834. and 'moved into: Grey Towitsh!ip
in, 1.854, He was floe. nine years 'reeve
al! Grey, :and 18 years reeve or Brun
se]s, and was warden or. 1-lUron Coon
ty in 1.876. He wtis tllsto ,president o;f
the "East Huron Agricultural Society
for teiglrt: years') He its snu•viVed by
I iice sons a 1 living in Torontoseeet
Leckie having diedinNovember 1916.
Horsemen, Gct your routs concis in
shape aind have them printed at The
°'1;i Advocate Of lice. Da not -forget to
have th,e •
animal ;enrtolllecl •
Local News
Mr. Robert Coates 'end Mr. Harry
Sanders. Of London attended the fun-
eral tor:the late- Robert" Sanders on
Me. Clifford McAvoy heft Wednes-
day lilor London to i;eport for military
stervice. Clifford has been waiting
t10'1"`hist,•-cal' Sd-49the faret of _the`
year. ,
Mr. Chas. Eacrett and Mrs, Brown
of Sarnia and Mr. . Richard Bissett
and soli Frank of London attended the
funeral of the late John Welsh Tures-
may_ :.nom
-Dr. Raulston ,lett Saturday for, To-"
ranto, Where li,e w2lilp att ne Td" the an-
nual me, • •orivettion. His aftwe'
will -be closed during the whale of
'this , week. a
Messrs. A.' 3, McDodnjea1, L R. Car-
ling T. H. Newell, C. H, SanclenJaaud
R. N. Creech visited IYLr, Robert San,-
dews ,ia St, Joseph Hospital, London,
on ,Sunday.
There passed away at St. Joseph's.
Hospital., London, on Sunday night
last about ten (Vclbocle, the oldest na-
tiVe bortn'.xestideaut of Exeter, in the
person elf Mr. Robert Sanders, at the:
age of 75 years, 11 months and 12 -
days, The deceasleid haia' enjoyed his
usual health until about six weeks agp,
when he was taken 1iown' while at
Grand Bend. He was cared for there
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gi!l,
Sr.. ear three weeks and was then re-
moved to St. Joseph's Hospital, where
he gradually, sank until the end camel;
the cause taf death being bronchial
and heart trouble. Mr. Sanders was
a son o,f "the late WYt1rlasan Sanders!,
firspostmaster of• Exeter, and broth.-
er of the late Samuel; Sanders, tele-
graph operator,- The deceased was
one ,af' the bestekinlown sports in the
Dominion of Ca rttdia, ,and .for an all-
r,ou?nd shot both at the trap and itt
this \sonde he had few equalst l:Iis'
gun was his whole delight. He alsoa
tools a 'great deal orf pleasure out of.
?fiisht_ang and hes Muck' on the banks of
the many trout :streams throughout
this and other Cain(addian provinces .is
pnobable' not been :equalled by piny
tone person in these parts. Deceased
travelled a great deal in his life, and
besides visitingnearly every state in
the uuoion many times and onvaried
occasions; as' well. xis allparts of Can-
ada, oda, particularly the -Great We,t , he
(twice crossed the Atlantic, and if he
had lived had made up his mind to
visit Old England again. He was a
mar, of remarkable tact and adroitness
andraisiha:d succeeded in accumulating
coderable of this world's goiods.
Ur. Sanders is the last of afamily
of six sons and one daughter, but he
is survived by a Marge number of
nephews and nieces., He was never
married. His neimiinsl were brought
here from London Monday morning,
and the funeral was private, taking
place from the home Of his nephew,
Mr C, H. Sanders, Maine Street, on
Tuesday to the'Exeter Cemetery, Rev,
A. A. Trurnper officiating.
R.C.& W.(0:A., DEC., JAN.,. FEB.,
Seaforth Red Cross $4031.138
W;alton. Red Cross Union 1173.12.
Goderioh- Red Cross 1158.77
Seafortia War Auxiliary .1042.18
Ashfield Soldiers ' Aid 705.13
Clinton Womens Pat; Soc. 651.63
Clinton Girls 'Aux. 621.71
Soldiers 'Aid, Exeter
Winghans Red Cross
Ilensall Red Cross
Blyth Reid Cross Circle
Crediton Red Cross
Varna Patriotic Society...,
Centralia Pat. League
Colborne Red !Cross
Goderich,Tp. Pat. Soo.
Y. L. of S. E. tat G. T.
Benmiller Red Cross,
Htomesville Soci'ety
Bayfield Red Cross:
Leiburn Red Cross ,
Bru sells "Red Cross
S. :E; No, ;10 Wawanosh
Stanley IYlaple. Loaf
Summerhill !Society
Westfield Society ;
Dungarsnon W. I.
Turners church ` 168,50
Gode`ru n Ilcbecaas I.O.O.F. 154,54
Alhmeek Chapt.I.O.D.E,Godexich 143,50
D. A. M. I. D. R. Club 136,85
Ettmvill.e and Sunshine Circle 128.16
Unity Club ' 121,34
Farquhar Red Cross
Bethany Society
Salt ford Red Crests
Lond.esboro Bed Crass
Thames Road Rea Cross
Otis church Ladies Aid
Dashwood- Red Oros '
Mcncrci7f Reel Cross
Wort: en's . Institute, Exeter,
Taylors Corner Pat: -Soc,
General Brough, Chapt.
1) 1+.',, ,Godcrich
Myth Girls War Auxiliary
Ie. -entail W. I.
Maple Loa Chant.
I O• D, B. Godericb 7,00
Guerra Pe Brown
$0, 000 VIRE' ,OSS IN 'ST, MARYS
St, Me IV Ap.ti1 27._ '
Irae of u
kniown origin completely destroyed the
,alt' Victoria Milos here this afternoon
with a large quantity sof: flax. The
:loss will be .$30,000, and ,is censored
by insuran cit fi'o blaze broke out
about 3,30 in five e `e:e ne room, and
spread ranidly through the bole build
eft,, The factory was owned by Weir
r Weitz but ,had been occupied for
some time by A, L, McCreadie;
The famous' play ,entitled, "Dat, the
Miner's D,augh,ter, of One Glass of
Wine," to be ;given en Woodham Hall
/24th of May night,
Feed. Yes, we have it- ,oats Gat
chop, mixed, chop, oil cake, iced flour
dried pulp and ;others,
See Harvey Bras:
A. number from her,e were in Exeter
last Friday evening to attend the En-
tertainment given under the auspices.
Or Exeter Patriotic League. The play,
entitled "The Lass sof Limerick 'Totten
given by the Goderich Dramatic' Soc-
iety - was a great success and thior-
oughly,en7oyed by all w'laa had the
privilege tat• attend) fig,
Mr. and MrS. Henry Steinacher are -
visiting relatives in Wingham and
Herman Oestreicher has carpenters
engaged remodelling hos residence ,in
town. When the work is completed,
lee will have it 'arranged very conven-
Miss Lillian Gaisier of Buffalo is
home for a few months to recuperate
after undergoing aro operation. We
are plieatsied to learn that she is rapid-
ly recovering her health.:
Mrs: Zwickler and Gerald: were in
Landon Monday,
Pte. Emery Fa,htnier 10f "F" Com-
pany London, spent they week end at
home. He is looking fine, and makes
an ideal ;soldier. He has been placed.
in a lower catagou-y, by the medieatl
board, and at.preseanit can't say if he
wilt hra:via to go overseas or not.
Freeman Morlock has dealt in his
Studebaker and now owns a Maxwell.
W-itch."the dust now.
Our town tfa'thters have erected na.-
tic ,s fan- the outskirts. of town warn-
ing the public not to drive- mioresthan
twelve miles an hour through the cor-
poration. This notice should be well
observed. i1'here is too much speed-
and Avery little attenition is paid to the
the regula'tionls;hi itlu regard to giving
signals when corning .to a street amt-
John' G. Young left for St, Joseph's
Hospital London, accompanied by his
daughter Mary; to undergo an opera-
tion. for the removal of catararcts;fropn-
his eyes. Mr. Young has been, total-
ly blind for sone time. Leis many,
firends P
hope the operation will be. a
success and that he will stoop return
home enjoying hers sight, '
Mrs. Herb. Eilber and daughter
Bernice, left floir Lucknow on Monday
Icor a +shout visit,:
The return of the train schedule-.onthce grand Trunk, which came into op-
eration on Monday, as a, . welcome
change. Our Toronto papers are re-
ceived in the moaning now, and 'the
travellnns public will find it inuch.
more convenient.
On Monday ieinenin-g the members of
the C. I tC„ Dorcas Band and Swas-
tika classes toff the Evangelical Sunday
School met in the 'Foresters' Hall to
tender a !farewell to Harrison Holtz-
man, Sam. Sims, Wm. Brown and
"Werner Either, who ,have been called
to the colors. A short .program, ivas
given, after which the bays were pre-
tee tted with, pocket 'Testaments and
diarjfens. ' A lunch was served after-
wards by the ladies, The - boys will
heave this week for London. They
will be accompanied by the best wish-
es sof a host of friends, who hope for
their sate return.
House cleaning time is at Mand.
How dotes the man, of the house like.
Mrs. Truemner; of Detroit is vis-
iting leer sister, Mrs. G. E. Brown!.
The cancellation of all exemptions,
to men between' 19 and 23 is proving
to be a difficult matter " to handle.
It means that quite to number of
young .men who: are actively •engaged.
in; farm work iw4Li 'Ire taken fund farm
'ern are reducing their plan of pro-
duction as the (Lack of farm labor
will handicap them seriiously. It is:
hoped that sone ;form of. adjustment
ccyriiLL be made by the all tart' auth-
loriteee, whhereby the, production will.
rlxt be increased.
Lily, daughter of Mr. Eli Lawson
hent tot St: Joseph Hospital, London,
this week to,.undergo an operation Iter
throat 'trouble. We wish her a speedy
Miss Evans rof Ailsa Craig spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Will Motz,
Mr. Joseph Haist" spent ,se\feral clays
f ss•t week at 'Kitchener.
Mr: Esli Heywood 'spent the week
end with her mother; Mrs. Finkbeiner,
Raymond English has returned from
Mr. Eli Lawson, and two daughters,
and Henry Motz and .daughter motor-
ed London Tuasday.
0s fund Mrs. Orme spent Sundayat
errs Henry Sheardown has improv-
ed somewhat in health and, is';lbie to
be up again.
A pleasing ,eve'n;t took place on Ape
41 2Sllr at Cho home of the. bus'1c's'
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm,-$iorLocks
when 'their daughter, Miss Sybi•itabe
came the beide 111 Albert A. Gais,er,
Feet:,, il` 1VIr, Jacob Ganser, all, of ,Ste-
phen The cerenvon:y was, perldrritccl
at 730 p. tint in the presence tai os le
the i,rnmedli.ate'. •t•elet's es, by the Rev,
Becker e . DoE Creditor, The young carr:-
, bride :lrle were unattended, 111c r u,d was
• si - timed with
gowned t,1 white rl.k, trimmed
C, -,et e,p ette crepe, and heads; ,and car-
alr-nied white: and pink cm -natter -its:: Miss
Clara, sister ,ill', the bride, played the
wedding march, lef.r, and Mrs. Geiser
have now settled •down to the stern-
er realities or life onthe ,4ralonl' farm
here, end they have: the con ratula-
tioxns and best w,1ah:OS if their many
1 rinds.
Try our War ;Flauir, It is excellent
in quality and flavor but is slightlydarker ilri color, -- Harvey Bros.
Th.e famous play entitled, "Dat, the
Miner's Daughter, of One Glass of
W rte," to be ;gives in Woodham Ball
24th .of May night,
Atter ;interesting Y intere rug gs,tltexiaig took
place at the blase ,011.. Mr, and Mrs,
Win Flynn, Con.' 4 McGillivray, when,
the other members of the family gath-
ered rto do honor to their son Andrea
Flynn, , who .leaves Wednesday morn-
ing to join the overseas Loa-ces at Lon-
don, During tee( evening he was pre-
sented with a wrist watch.
041.Rex, Millis .hos been 'in Lon,domi
and Strttfxord the past few days try-
ing lits examinations .for telegraph op-
erator and station agent.
Mr. L;elonard Abbott spentc'
clays at his home Ben a few
y x here previous to
makin;; preparations for enlisting in
the Royal. Flyirtg Corps im 'I orouato
.Pte, Clarence Oxley; who has been
in France and returned to Canada, and
whio recently visited here, was pres-
ented with the ,folhowing address by
the Organized Clads`
Dear Clarence -We, the members of
th,e Sr. Organized Bible Class of Cen-
tralia. Methodist Sunday School, have
taken this opportunity of expressing
to you in some way our apprec,iat(otn
of your services on the battlefield.
We certainly admire the spirit that
prompted you to ,enist as a soldier of
Icing and Country, and although you
have met with a very great loss, we'
fte:el thanikfue that ytotir life ,has been
spared and tlaialt you are able to lye
back again ,liter a few days with Cen-
tralia friends.
While here you were - a member of
our class and although it vas omly1for
a short time, your presence was mis-
sed when You bravely answered the
We now ask you to accept this ;bib -
lie as a slight token of remembrance
and in its teaching you will find com-
tiort and strength, to move forward and.
upward in the battle of this life.
May Gad protect and keep you from
sin and temptations and that you may
each day be guided by Him.
Signed on behalf of the Class,
- -
ElvIvaa, BrookEssery.s,
Miss. Anne L. Sanders ,of Kitchener
was here this eek attending
erai toff her uncle, the late Robert
In ,pite of further advances in
material's The Adveca't!e is still keep-
ing the subscription price at $1175
Fisher -At Cromarty, on May 1, toefr,
and Mrs: Fisher of Peace River Dis-
trict, a son.
Webber -I, Exeter, on April 25,to
Mr, and Mrs. W,m, Webber, ;u son:.
Elliott -In Steplirean, an April 28, to
i\f and Mrs. Samuel Elliott, p1' Ex-
eter a daughter.
McTavish -At Strattiord Hospital on
April 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mc-
Tavish -nee Jennie{ Taylor -a son -
Crich --In Tuckersimith, on April 21 to•
Mr. end Mrs. Howard Crich, au son
Leitchl-Bas en -At Rid etoyn
April a
25th, Gordon Leitch of Win -
,to Miss Heide., daughter of
Mr and Mrs. John Bawden .of Ridge
town .formerly of Exeter.
Coward -Moodie -At the Presbyter-°
lalo. mortise, Thames Road, April 27,
Stanitey. Coward; to Miss Vera elooadie•
both of Usbarnle,
Mitchell, on April 23
Lillian.Christmas daughter of Mrs_
Elizabeth Ritz,: O Mr. Lorne Camp -
hell Lloyd of Gravenisurst.
Davidson-Hallse-At Thatmesville, on
April 24th, -Innes J. Davidson of
T,htansesvahle to Miss " `Alice. Victoria
Halls, daughter Of ff. K. Hauls of
: Mitchieli.;
Baron -Hartman -At Mount Carmel
church, on April 24, L. L. Baron ,orf"
Detroit to Georgia, daughter of Mr
and Mrs, Suiten Hartman, Mount
Lawson -Love -In Stephen, on April
9.8th, Elmer A,, 's;o'n of Mr, and
Mrs, Jos, Lawson, Crediton,: to Elsa,
daughter .of :Mr: and Mrs. John
Love, near Grand Bend.
Wieislh-In Exeter, on, April 28, John
Webb, ,aged 76 years, 9 months,
Sanders -In St. Joseph Hospital, Lon-
don. ,on April 28th, Robert Sanders
aged 75 years, 11 months, 12 days.
Pierce -In -McGillivray, Brinsley, on
Apr. 19th, Moses Pierce, in hits ! 03rd
Wiorden-ln Hibbert ors -April 19, Mrs.
John Wardens aged 67 years.
J,ohanston-In Clinton, on April., 19, John
Johnston, aged 76 years.
Harrss.on-In Stanley; on April 22nd,
Haeel A. Switzer, wife of Mr.
Al-Ahert Harn"sanr ag,ed 24 years.
by C, fi Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no .witness.
Can You Sare
. .ION!
Listen to the Songs that are papular altong Broadway, hear Sousa's
,Barad laugh at Harry Lander and enjoy the big operatic stars...
Ask about the FREE TRIAL plan, -it' won't ablligate 'you in any way.
Find out abeout it TTo-t day
J Willis Powell
Besides Style; you are sure .of service in Clothes bought from.
tis. We bought months ago and have secured for you. Style and
Service at Saving Prices.
All are made Pram smart, serv-
iceable -tweed In brawn and grey
mixtures M the new .turn fitting
models, with -belts. Special values
at $15 and $16.
MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS , You will find it ease to make,
a choice from our fine showing.
An excellent assortment of Shapes
to suit mien of . all ages. $2,25 to
New Wall paper will brighten,
your .heart and brighten your home
It is a tonic to winter -weary W0115
Right now decide to have those
rooms papered: Big selection at
8c• ito 50c, a roll..
lf. it is 'a small or t'1rtrge' (Rug
you want yoru will .find it in our
g ; the
assorted Stock. til'in„ Ln
cl get our -prices.
size you want and
Y.otr will hunt a long time for
Suits to match the values we are
showing in Blue and Black Serg-
es and fine Worsteds, Prices
range from $15 to $25.00.
In. White, or Black. Every year
we sell. large quantities of this
lire. We recommend lit because
it wbare well and the calors are:
least. Sizes 84 10.'10; Per pair 60c
You will, like the neat tile pat-
terns we are, showing, They are
a little; higher in price than Can -
ashen Liuol:eums, but they wear sb
much better and in the "end arc
the; cheaper to buy,
Thlcse rugs are '36 inches wide
and 72 inches 11011 '. 'They arcs
splendid star bedrooms where, you
have ioilclot1 or limn cum on the
bpecra rice 50c,
1 l n
PHONE 16 J. A b.
The ig Store wida 't ha