The Exeter Advocate, 1918-4-25, Page 1THIRTY, -FIRST YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APR. 25, 1918 SANDERS ti CREl✓C}1 Our - Corner. New Zealand Government is com- pelling om-pelli ug their pe(o'p(le to subscribe , to With nae exemptions allowed young plily(sically fit men of 20-22 years are to be called 'for millitary service at once. Regulatiions. for the national regis- tration of the hien and woman power of Canada have been drafted by the board, which has been dealing with the matter, and they axe now before the Cabinet for approval, The inters, tion. is; to have the registratioe enolne day sometime' p;n Jume, and it will be conducted very much like an' election. The general purpose is to find out what the men and yeomen of the coun- try are," doing and to locate the. re- sources of labor supply. Man's only non -utilitarian garment is the niecktee,: It's as uslelless area: mon-- ode. Yet tvT weer 'enlf. We'd feel awfully awkward Walking down street evithout one, Onlce 'upon a time the necktie seas used 'to fasten ,the collar" on. But 'now it doesln't do that. A wh+itemares necktie is the _ Indian's, eagle :feather, the cat ntball's` necklace of teeth, the ;ttyid-tAfrican's ivory ear- rings. It's ',has, pride, on which he be- stows much thawglht, great care. It's a brave and sttlong-(imnd'edwife who insists on buying .her husband's id's ties. Alen ,not called out : under the Milit- ary' Service Act, who are desirous ef. volunteering Poo; .service in, the ,C.E.F- nray apply to : the Medical Examiners who will 'examine tthelas alnd if they ane ,found "fit will supply them with transportation to thee. Mobilization Cen tie at the Armouries, London, where they will be examined by al medical board and if found "fit" they will be at once 'taken on the strength of a C. E. F. Unit, They will be given a choice; to select any available Unit, pry�-, ded they have the niecelssary quoiticatatoas. If found "unfie these mien will be supplied with Sodgingi and meals until a return train is available and tsill•be ,given return transportation and receive pay fior last time in going to London, The medical examiner in this district. its Dr. H: K. Hy ditnext. 'Apply to, him. PHONE Ills New Clothing Spring � g SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS HATS ,GAPS SHIRTS SOC'IKS COLLARS TIES :QvES ETC. ETC., ETC,, ETC, at C ow im and placed on misplay, Suits are right up to the minute{, at less than xvhaYeasale price, to -day. Big line of old blues and blacks with colors guaranteed., W. W. Tamm rlail.or ezFurrtisher their loan on penalty of ,doubling their incorne tax and making them subscribe at only three per cent, interest, --stsea Farmers of Canada are assured of the help a1 35,000 active, ,tilling boys an farms this ,summer, who have en- listed es Soldiers of the Soil. They will be supervised by the S. O. S. gar ganizatiton of the Canada+ Food Board • France, rancsi n four years of conflict has lost 1,300,000 men, and almost as many wounded or prisoners. Up to March 31st, 1918, Canada. has . d'�s tch Id , r pa t hey avers,eas(364,760 men rNf all , ranks; 041 Nese 348,000 were non-•com- mitssienied .officers, and 16,000 officers His Honor Jµd Ie E. N. Lewis must feel rather tickled these da s. 'the daylight saving scheme was first trtoducecl in the Caroli to House of Commons by Mr. Lewis, but it Was shelved year after year. Now every country, including Canada, has adapt- ed the new time. The Thedflordt Tribune ceased pub- licatraon last week for five. months. The editor, Capt. W. Bryant, a farm- er resident sof. Exeter, will spend the summer in New Ontario for his health. In the meantime the Forest Standard 'will look after the subscribers of the Triburue. The Advocate hopes ` the editor will relturn in goad heealth., Daylight savin,edoes: not meet with favorin the rural districts. Many fanners refuse to recognize the new time, sand End the 1d much .better for their busiie'sis. A goad many peo- ple, in; town are of the same opinion. The townspeople, howevler,"are on the inew schedule, but many farmers' • arud in some cases whole school . sections are sticking to the old daylight. -- The Canada Fuad Board is Maugur.' atimg an anti-htarding drive in order to prevent waste ,af flour and other food products, and also to make available the largestpossible amount of food for shipment to the allies. People having larger quanjitites 'oaf flour, or other foodstuffs than sequtred for cur- rent needs, are urged to return them for 'sale Harding.or wasting of food is punishable by heavy fine or im- prisonment_ MAN POWER. TO BE REGISTERED o• R!eotsirattan •oaf marl, power is ex- pected to be ,coanplete,d in °Junes The method .of securing the registration Will be ,match hike the taking of the vote in a:D.omftnion. election, The ,electoral dis!tnict will be the territor- ial unit In charge of each constit- uency will be a registrar, whose duty it will be to provide p. sufficient num- ber 'of places of registration, and to appoint far each ,place a deputy and one or more assistan't deputy regist- raes,. Upon a day, that well -be ,fixed by proclamation, every, person 16 years of age lar over will be required toe at- tend at +arse of the places of registi'a- tian and there answer truthfully a few simple questions suet forth upon' a card; such as, ,his name and address, his age, his country oaf birth, married .or sistgle,, how many, children under 16, hi.s.accu pation, thte land of work for `which he is best fitted by traiiniin'g tar experience tetc. Upon completingand sigeing the card he will be prioviilded with a cer- tificate of registration, which he must Always carry upon his perslo+n,, and produce Iulpan, demand by any peace officer, policeofficer or constable., Thee penalty for failure 'to `register is very severe. EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE The cessions( olf the fifty-fourth ,an= nual 'conference of the Evangelical As- sociatioii. loll Canada were concluded in Waterlbaa on Monday avight, Foil - sawing is the result of the Stationing. committee's deliberations, affecting this district,— Crediton, Rev, S. M. Hauch, Da'sAtwood, Rev. W. J. Yager. Zurich. Rev. F. B. Meyer. A brief summary of the present standing 'of, the denomination is shown here Present membership, 9818, S. S. scholars, -10,064; ministers 68; oiler- ings dor bnia:sioas over $22,000.00. DISTRICT CASUALTIES Killed Fy A . Markh<`m of St. Marys. Died H, 11 Vallick oil Hensall: Died of Wounds E. K. Brawn ,of Zurich. Wounded Edward G, Anderson ,of Exeter. W. L, T'cagan ef- Godericil J. H. I3,iggirs Clirnton, W. M, Pinkney •of Seaforth, Pte, Gcia, Wilber oaf Brussels. Pte. Sydney Dealn:,af Seafartle Seigt, J. E. IiIalmes of Wiegham Pte, John., H. Bell of ,Gader•ich, Pte. G, E. Stephtelnsam of Varna S.: Deem of Seafortle Ih Camp le ell ,sof Brussels, Seriously' Injured Fri;ght,-fL test. F,Vrllsie of Rarest, SHIPKA Miss Aries Sh;re,einan ,nil:, . Lcutdoti g ^ter si�e',.nl the week end with liner sola , Mrs, I). Mcisaac,=Mr-s John Beym,hasn and irlrs. nos, iBaylnlha,m were in De- troit atteseleng tive ;funeral of their sister, Mrs, Butes.� ala r Ora, Masan, of Lonclei, is visiting at Mr, Lams Shao,eder'is,-Mi', Win Smith spent last week at Mr. Nelsen Sinciallefa,-- bI't.- Isaac Giovwe,r is laid tap withan attack of reheurnittiCs. Loma News The Oddlfelllowsl attend church next Sunday eventing --dot' morning. All young mere, physically lit, with - put any 'exemptians,:,between the, age Of 20 and 22, will Iie .called' tothe cra'lot s in ,a few clays, Horsemen. Get yeue route cards in shape and have them printed at Tlie Advocate: ()Slice. Da not t forget t a have the animal Ienriailed. Quite; a :nwm,ber of theane m Y W men when were (formerly given temporary exemptiloan, have)'b+een instructed to. present thernselvear before another board of ,medical examiners, Howard .Ti.u,nte,r, ,son of Mr, and Mrs: R. D. Hunter 'QS Usborne• had the. el- bow,Ioif his left arm }put out of jo int while playing at Schaal or. Friday. 'rhe displacement was rather" severe. The Epworth League Anniversary` Slercices'in,Main Street church am Sunday were , very interesting , anti largely attended. Mr. Geo: Stanley ()if Lucan occupied the pulpit. and ,preach ecl very acceptably. MOTHERS DEGORAThD. Thee A, saciated' ''ru olf this district ttog!e,ner with 'a large, .umber of the{h- 1riencts met in the Town . Hall +:n Mi qday evening last for the. purpose of hearing a discusIsaoo of the work oaf the organization and to present the. mtathlera Of the ''heroes who have fal- len in battle with a suitablle taker. Rev, A A. Trumpet was chairman,, and besides his opening remarks the meeting was adldresls by 1%r. and Mrs, G0rdo,i W:I �ig,ht and. Miss McLean of London. The world f the o,rganiza- b tiien was fully genie into, and it is much better uhnderistlood now than it was before. It is an important work and should be encouraged., A badge and pin wietre presented to the moth- ers :whose `.sons thud paid the supreme seed:f ee, The nibotherse were—firs, H. Strang, Mrs. A. McFalIs, Mrs. Witt John Mrs. H. Johns, Mrs. S. J. Htagarth Mrs. George .Kellett, .Mrs. Wm Pa -inhale, Mrs, 1VIarsthall, Mrs. Wm. Turnbulllat IVLrs: Philip Hera, Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, crud Mrst creep; Wimnl stn. Nearly all ,of the ladies were present. T SLDDENU EATH OF REV. SAMUEL F. SHARP. ' The people of Exeter were greatly. surprised to' Iiear on Sunday morning of the death that morning niiolg of Rev. S. F. Sharp, M.A., B. D., pastor of Caven Presbyterian church, in his 49th year. .The xeverend•gentleman had for years been subject to epileptic attacks and justprior to the openiag of the Sun- day School in the morning while in the near al'the church one of the attacks came on and when found shortly after life had departed: Deceased had been in his usual health and his demise came as a :great shock . to his. }vire and daughter, Miss. Margaret. The Sunday services of the church were. with- drawn and on Monday afternoon a public funeral; service, was held in the church, and Ion Tuesday morning the remains were taken • to Slmcoe for interment ion Wedneis►day. "Sincere regret is Pieta that one of the ,pastors pf Exeter should be called 1.'n the :primle o'f .his manhood to his long: home, and deepest sympathy, is felt for the bereaved wife and daughter. The church w'a's filled to overflow ting Ian Mandey alfterunaan when the, 'service was conducted by Rev. Dr. 1VIcDernt,ott of Goderich,, moderator of t-hie,Presby"tes'y`iotf Huron, assisted by clergymen of thedistrict, among them being Rev) Smiths Rev Carriere, Rev. McC+onoe1i Rev. 'Barnard, Rev. Baird Rev. Trttlnper and Dr. Fletcher. Mr. Sharp wasborn near St. Marys but spent his ynouth, wear Bolton in Peel County, He,, attended the. Or- ang,evillle High. School, and after serv- ing in the ;western missuioln fields took his divinity`course at Milburn, N.Y. He preached at Holly a'n.ci Rochester be- fore ,returning to Canada. Prior to corn1ng to. Exeter he was paster of ttriox Church at Alliston, and • while at Alliston, took :his B. D. course front. Kniox College, Toronto: As a preach- er he was tearnes;t and ;fearless in the work of the Master as he saw it. lL citizen he always ti -sad the. best'. ai- tere'st and welfare of the: community at hleart Mr. Sharp had been pastor of Caven Church for nine years; and rt ;flew weeks ago announced his res- ignation to: take client i,t, •July. Besides this wife and daughter' ,:he is survived by his aged.. Mather, and one brother, William, who live near Alliston. Mrs, Shairp is a daughter of Rev. P. Nichol of Siltncoe, USBORN' E COUNCIL 601.4.0.410 The, Municipal Board, met at the Township Hall, .Saturday, Airi.t Pette "Alt (the members were present except -Wee .Ila.nra The minutes oaf the Iasi tnceting were rear. asci approved. Tayg1a v No, 2 conamutin.g• the stat - ate labor on all tots .fronting on oil bordering on the County roads and rosid:i.ng that the` said labor shall be, p�ai.'t ifor at $1.50 ler say, was 'passed sighed, and sealed, The clerk reported oto the rerstran- gement ail the remaining statute labile .divieion$.' Some:. chareggee were meeting. recant-. me�nRea( ea( the matter laid over u'n- it ,l next ale g i Wm. Moodie was recotrimended 'for appointment: as foreman of County roads 'fond IJsbarne, �.. A number oC e.ecour.ts were passe and( orders issued estymentsBed (saes 'Circles $210.00 General 14:80,l' !lera,tnag(? Commit edjetteradi to meet Saturday .May 4tli at ant, o'clock. P. Morley, Clerk, Try our War ;Flour. It is excellent in quality and tilaNtar, but is <slightly darker to dolor. — Harvey Bros, Miss . Vera Bnokeri 3i re ef. Stratford is vasiti'ag wittlt .relatitves at preswnit, Mr, acid M . Howard visited in Blake ant Sunday. Mrs; Iv1ii11er has -returned to her home here`tea a,l spending the past year with her son at` Brocket, Alta. Mr. and Mrs, j, 'i(, Goetz attended the funeral of a relative in Sebewaiag Mich:, last tweek. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elsie rof Landon are visiting with relatives at present. Mr: Wm. Zimmer of Detroit is .vis- iting with his parents " at present._ Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wvwer iof Ex- eter vnslited ,in town over the week end. Mr. nand Mrs. G. Edigihloffer attend- ed the funeral of a relativeibn Hawk- r sville on, Saturday Mr, Lloyd Edighoffer of Varna vis- ited with his parents over Sunday., Last Monday, evening about fiffty friends- Iaf Willilam Gossmari gathered at the home of Mr. :Chas,, Riniker to give him a right loyal. send . off, The. evening was pleasantly spent in games< and music,', after which a light lunch was served. Dtiriing the evening he wa.s presented vv th a fountaen pen and a Testament, and the fallowing ad - Mr. V', illiiam" G,assmann,, Dear Bilk:el-It is with great regret and yet a, ndee na 'o p to nal pride, that we have assembled here this evening, to wish; you Gad Speed on your new calling in .:life. Since the time 1.s pow near at land which must probably de- termine whether we. Canadians are free or not, and;now aur relentless enemy leaves us only the choice of a brave resistance, or the most abject sub- mission, We therefore, know that our Country's Honor calls upon us to do our duty. 1 We wish to present you with this token as an evidence of the attach- ment which Bch one of ,us cherishes fior you in our hearts. We•.trust that you will rely on the goodness of your call and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose, hands Victory is. Na doubt maria' trials and tribulations will cross ylour path, but to follow the flag is to follow the principles of freedom and humanity; hence we hope you, will trust out Gad. your Savilour; as yon knows, "The path of duty is the way to Glary" We wish you every suc- cess and a safe return. CieditOn Feed. Yes, ww have it— oats, oat chop, mixed, chop, oil cake, feed flour dried'. pulp and tothters. See Harvey Bros. Rev Baird' b+f James Street Church, Exeter, and Rev. Balder • of the Meth- dist Church :here exchanged pulpits on Sunday, Next Sunday Rev. Zavita of Muncey will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church. on Sunday, and on Monday ,everting twill give an -ad- dress ' in the interest of misls;itons. Mr. and l'Lrs. Alf. Mellick are vis- iting • relatives thn Elkton, . Mich. Mr. A. Smith, representative of she Canada, Cement . Co., Toronto, is :vis- iting his uncle, Mr, Dan;el Oestreich- er '6or' a few days. Rev. Baker has purchased Mr. Chas. Zvvicker's Ford. Mitt and IVLrs: s,Eltreare Lawson have returned ,From their honeymoon trip to Sarnia and are now conSfortables liocated on their farm an 'the 10th Ooncessian W,e vvislbl,them. a long and happy wedded 'life. Mr. and Mrs., Claris. Heist, Mr. and evirs Dan Mclsaac motored to Tav- astiock and 'Kitchener. Rev. Becker and, ilii. J. H. Holtz- man have returned from Watterloo, where they atterndleid the annual :res- sioa of the Cat oda. Conference. Mr. Becker who has been serving in his ministerial capaicity` liar the last .five years, has been trainsterred' to Mild- may. His successor is Rev. S. M. Hauch of Chesineq- Last Monday .eventing the twos adult Bible classes el the Methodist Sun- day School met at the biome. of Mr. and Mrs, Eli. 'Keung dor the purpose af tendering a farewell to Alonza Redden. and Francis Lomond, who have been. notified to ,report for military service et Landoln. The Ladies' class gave each tot' the young men a pocket Testament, whine the young Len's Class gave Mr. Hedden a wrist watch, and Mr. 3..rt fond a pocket diaiy.. The boys will be ;accompanied by the best wishes of all their friends. GREENWAY Mr. arid Mrs. A Gallen; and George visited friends ,in. London last week. Mrs, Annie Belt ,oil De,trolit spent the meek end, with' her scan, Mr, Geo; Belt,—Mr. Alex', Meikle of Inwood irnotoried. here Friday. His daughter, \Bess Janet returned with him, after speadiset two weeks os(otli her grand pareitts, :NIT. and. bars, R. VVo1 ole. Mr. itfa,rsftorcl ,spent a pleasan,t Weels in Detroit recent),—fairs 'Ziii. tali Eeteli•,h 'MIS 04 Ke,rwlolocl easel Pose Fleece visitor, itecentla'r.—Mrs, Wood - buns has sold her property to Mrs. ivi.aud WaodbuTn Ma•, Selbourne; Lng leash %lan cetat his Name over 'Sunday, T. 'Hickey is visiting her sis- ter i -tc2 Mrs, Jacl.on—Lev. Feeley 3i' severed his claallle'ctian with Grace Church and hes Moved to. hhesley• sttcc,cssror is 4Rov, Ciee, w13o will hli • r 'assume hie drUltii,eS as recast- CaIY in 'May,—The bu. Icni,tting contest is about. av idy foe "the last drive," Look out for restate—Mrs. Wnl itelliii,, Sloipha vlisitedtifrends here last week. GRAND BEND Mrs. Bert Holt is on the sick list, Her matey Ifrignds• whish her a, speedy recovery.—Ward has, been received that Air. Robert. Sanders, : who teas taken. toSt Joseph's Hospital from here, is very low with little er no of his. recovery.—Harmon Gill is all smiles, the ,s.tork having delivered a fine baby Wel at. his home otpL'1'uesday April 16th,--4Mr. and Mrst 1';. Baker and Mr, Green and Miss Luella Green visited at Arizona Sa,tundaiy,-Mrs. Sam'l Grattan'. is at present in a very pods state of health.—Russel, sail of Mr. Fred Page;, !fell off it horse he was riding ion Saturday an,d injured his ar;n.—kiss 'Mituryie Liovie has tak- en a position ars clerk with Messrs„ Ross & Ravelle. L-UCAN Mrs, W„ J. Dobe, who has been. seriously 811, is umprovinng.-Mr, W. J,. Scott of Toronto 'is here ,for "a few days.—Miss Laura Brown is attending the Central Business College, Strat- Hard.—Dr. Carsaut has moved luta the residence of the late Wm. Read.— Miss Elaine Hodgins is taking a course in Stratford Bus8nless Colleige. -' Mr. Tibias: H:, Coursey is able eta be .town town again.—W. B, Youngstan who iias been 'vvtarking' in the garage here for • two yearshas gone to London to take a position as traveller. —Mrs. Ogden is reclovening' from a fall down thte stairs one day recently. She was r ..ed .a dc'' ,.• b u>. n shra�k�n up onny>!.derably TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on one side of thte paper only: Mall in time to ,reach us Tuesday of each week, or;sooner. Avoid all items reflecting an per- sonal character, but wend ALL THE NEWS. Cheek toff this lista, tit .nay assist you to remember .an umpoa-tamt item: Deaths 'Marriages, Births. Accidents, Church News, Suppers or Presentations, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News, Fires, Public Improvements, Law Cases, The Crops, School Matters. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by G. H Sanders at the Advocate' Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness Centralia Try Gun War 'Flaws It ,is excellent in quality and flavor, but is allig1itly darker in calor. — Harvey Bros, .Pte. Clarence Oxley, tvhe has been on active service in France and has lately returned, to Canada, visited, with Mr, John ''Kent Hast week, before leav- ing for Toronto, The Sr, Organized Class oaf which he nai pa member be - 'Sere eIi ilitrtug, presersted Pte: Oxley 'with a Bible on Sundays Miss Ina Essery read a ,suitable address, while Miss Elva Bxpoalcs presented the :Bible' Mr. Jas. Gladsavne was hiome from London on. the sick list < for: al few clays, but has .antpnov'led after a few days rest, and eetunnied to tvork on Monday, Miss Rose Hanlon', who Is training for a nurse in St Jiosepia'e Hospital, London, spent a, !few days at her home here. Mn end :Mrs. Jeln Cioivvill are pre- paring to motvle'bt their':new holme in London this week. Afterward Mr, and Mrs Jon Essery will trove Into Cen- tralhi in the Mouse Mr. Essery bought recently from Mr, Essery., Ms-. and Mrs- Love of Hills Green, spent a couple days last week vie.it- istg the .Sormex's sitter, Mrs. E. sit- derson. Mr-, Win Blair Ica'f Landon visited with friends in the village over the week end. BIRTHS oal.:1•1•Vo Tininrey—In Hay, on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Tingley, a son. Gill—In. Granid! Bend, on April 16, to Mr:•'and Mrs_ Hormion Gill, a daugh- ter. •Rubinson.—In McCe l gray, on April 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson, a daughter. MARRIAGES Switzer—Kemp—At Kirkton parson- age on April 11, Sarah. Eleanorr 'Kemp solff, Us;beosme to Cecil. Viil esoy- Switzer .of Blanshard. DEATHS Sharp.—In Exeter, on April 21st, Rev. S. F. Sharp M. A., lB' D., in his 49th,y ear-. Steacy—In Hensall, on April 16,Mrs. John Steacy, aged 55 years. Wideman Im_ B1a'nshard, can April 11, James H. Wiseman, aged 59 years4 Can You Spare �I�lf�our COME TO OUR, S TORE AND HEAR THOMAS Am IS 'S ESQ' DIAMOND AA Listen, to the Soros that are popular along Broadway, hear Sousa's Band laugh at Harry Lander .and enjoy the big operatic stars. • Askabout the FREE TRIAL plan—it won't obi'gate you in any way. Find• tout abo•put i'1• To -day. J.. Willis Powell DEALER, EXETER easeeeseaseasassb STYLISH CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS Besides Style you are sure of service in Clothes bought from us. We bought months ago and have secured feor you Style and Service at Saving Prices. MEN'S SUITS You will haat a"long time for Suits to match. the. values we are sIaowing in Blue and Black Serg ,es and fine Worsteds. Prices range rfatonn.:$15 to $25,00,. PENMAN'S LISLE HOSLe In White lor Black. Every year vwe sell, large .quaiititiiet sof this line. We teeratnmend it because it vvlearls weSl and the calors are lfatt. Sizes 81/, to 10 Per pair 60e NAIRN'S SCOTCH', LINOLE1JVIS You will like the neat tile pat- terns we are showing. They aro a littler higher in price than Can- adian. 1 nloleums,. but they '#''ear so much better' and in the: ,rand are the cheaper to buy. 50e. JAPANESE RUGS 10e, These rubs are 36 inches wide and 72 inches long. They ''tri' splendid foe bedrooms where you have loitclotl>< er linoletun on the; loo `. Special price 50c, AGE' CORN,, FOR SALE, YOUTH'S FIRST LONG TROUSER SUITS All are iaacle from smart, serv- iceable tweed in brawn and grey mixtures ilnthe new frornl 1lttieg models, with belts: Special values at $15 and $16. • MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS You will .Cid: it easy to make a choice from our fine showing. An, excellent assortment cif eh apes to suit treteof all ages., x.2.25 to `83.00. NEW WALL PAPER New Wall paper will brighten, Pour heart and brighten yottr home It is a tonic to .vvinterytveary walls Right nrow decide to have triose rooms papered, 131g selection et Sc, to 50e. a roll; BEAUTIFUL ROOM RUGS If it is a: amen or a Large Rug you want you will find it in our well assorted' stock, Bring in the size you want and get our prices, IMPROVED LEAMING i.NSI P'IONE 16 S11L E a The Big Store vnth the