HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-4-11, Page 8AER. 11., 1818 .TER a EMMET'S Changed Each Wednesday Wheat --, 2.10 Oats Barley ...: 1.40 to 1 5.50 Family Flour 40,00 0 Middlings ..„»...., Bran 35.00 Creamery Butter 53 Dairy Butter ,..•.• 40 to 42 Eggs ' ,,37 Lard ..,.. . 34 ,. Potatoes per bag ,.......• • ... 1.35 to 1.60 Sugar beet pulp, per , ack 1,60 Ft's,; 20.00 Hay, per too 10.00 to 12.00 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The Exet r Canning Co. is prepared to contract with easiness to grow 250 acres Canning Conn for 1918. Price per bon advanced to $10. Seed corn cost over 35 cts. per lb, : ?ill be sold to growers eor 25c. Come early and `secure your allotnnestt. EXETER 'CANNING CO. A lette,r ;nom Pte. Thos. Sanders to Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs, '1". G. Sanders, Exeter, written from Alder - shoot, England, says he is raking a great start at soldiering, being ill, of scarlet fever, but sot very bad, He has to stay in hospital aiX weeks. Mr. Ezra. Willard, who has been, re- siding at Stratford for the past few years, has rented his father's farm, a little north of the town for a term of years and took possession last week. His father, Mr. Albert Wil- lard, has Moved dawn town and • is Dccupying the residence on William Street fawned by .Mr. L. Hardy. The Loge Circle will hold th+ei r 1n- nual bazaar on Friday, April 12th, in the Town, Hall. Doors, apeni at 3 p. tun. AdmissJon including lunch, 10c. HOUSE FOR SALE. One +ai the most desirable resid- ences in Exeter. Occupied until re- cently by James Walters. Apply at 9.lf, Walter's Shoe Store. A. R. Graham, Edam_eSask. TIRE FOUND: An automobile tire: Owner can have same by ,proving property and paying for this advertisement: Apply at Advocate Office. , NOTICE Owing to unsettled conditions on and after the 10th of April our busi- ness will be ;run on a; strEctLy cash basis C. L. WILSON, Grocer Try our War ;Flour. It is •excellent in quality and flavor, but is slightly darker ha color. - Harvey Bros. SURREY FOR SALE Ia .excellent condition, good as new -Apply to E. J. Christie, Exeter. rt LOCAL DOING. etc . terseatkdYc.fteathhcal raiseaf ka/l School re -opened Monday after the Easter holidays. .Clinttan tax rate has been fixed at 34 mitts on, the dollar. Everybody wanks but father, and h,,) must tat) Lt` not over 60. Division Court was held in the Town Hal1l•ron Tuesday, Judge E. N. Lewis pretidiiag, See the Canning Factory advertise- ment and note the advance in the price offered far corn. We understand that .Mr. Laurie Watson, who has been working JJn' London, has put on the King's 'utile. horns. Mr. T. N, Ratcliffe of Thames Road disposed of several head of pure-bred cattle at the :stock sae in London last week. Miss Vera Bowe has taken the pet- ition os-ition of stenographer with Messrs. Godman & Stansbury, Miss Roach having resigned. The highest bid, ,$1800, not being equal to the reserve bid, the dwell u g property cif Mrs. Fred Lane was. rant sold an Saturday. Mr-, Wm. May has purchased from thie estate of the late Samuel Hicks that valuable dwelling property an and •occupied by the late T. B. Car- . ng. A team belonging to Mr. Cecil Wale leer made a lively runaway on Wed- nesday last, up Main Street, but luck- ily they dashed into the wagon of Mr. Geio. Williams, and little damage was done. The annual Missionary Day services in James Street church last Sunday were well attended. Appropriate ser- mons were preached in the morning by Rev. W. J. Mortimore, missionary just back from China, and Mr. A. J. Iewiin ,of Clinton .in the evening. The mutstc was sof high order, the choir rendering two choice anthems and being assisted by Miss May Clarke, who sang a very pleasing solo.. T,be case of Mr. R. G. Seddon vs. The Lucan Milling; Go., was disposed .of in, the County Court at Goderich fast week after hanging fire forsom.e time the decision beingin favor of the defendant. His Honor, Judge L. H. Dickson presided. The case erase out of a purchase of Wheat a yearago by Mr. S•eldon from Mr. W. T. Cal - will of Centralia, and a re -sale of the greater portion of the wheat to the Lucan Milting Co. The campany'S Men drew the wheat from Mr. Col- willWs granary to thie mill at Lucan;. There then arose at difference in n-eaisurement between the men nt the granary and the men at ;the mill of practically a wagon -load of gran. Mr. Seldon; sued for the amount rep- resented by the lost load of wheat. The judge decided that the measure- mtentof the men at the mill was the correct one accordiinlg to the evidence. Mr. Seldon having paid Mr. Golwill-for the larger mleasua'reanent claims: he will now have to look to Mr. Calwill for. the return, of a svtr of money which' he claims to have overpaid him ac- cording to the mealsuxemlentts. NEW CARTAGE RATES Commencing April 1st, 1918, - Single shipments.15c. each. Shipments under' 4001'bs1, 15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs 31/24c. per ctvi Pianos each :..., 50c. Pianos, private Trunks, private ........................25C. each Grips, private ...... ...15e. each Team by day -.:......... $5.50 Team by hour ... .. ...60c. Signed by THOS. G. CREECH WM. T. GILLESPIE CREDITON HOTEL FOR SALE. 14 b+edzroloms, splendid ]location ,for tratrelli:np public, good reason for sell - ng.. Apply to Augnrst Mil, Creditor'. Feed. Yes, we have it- oats, oat chop, mixed ;chap, oil cake, feed flour dried pulp and others. See Harvey Bros MODERN •BRICI HOUSE FOR SALE. -Ir. Exeter, wired, convenient in every way. close to school and to church. -Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter FOR SALE. One 8-16 oil or gasoline tractor, tractor plla.v and sheering device guaranteed ire' .Ernst class working or- der. Only run two summers}. Wm. Ward, agent, I. H. 0., Exeter. FLAX LANT) WANTED The Ontario Fiax Co. require 300 acres of land for Exeter Flax Mill. Half Land Rental paid when flax is sown. Apply JOE DAVIS tcleph,orue 13. EXETER FLAX MILL. GRASS LAND FOR, SALE. 75: acres of grass lend 'for sale; and also Massey •+Harris binder, good as new, 6-il'aot cut. -W. T. Sweet, Exeter ENSILAGE FOR SAL.L. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage is offered for sale at $2,40 per ton. Purchaser to pay •�• Sel d s scale. R. t 3 Dar weighing on: C>r obi' Exeter Canning Company HORSES WANTED I want se, =limited number of horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years 'old up, weighing from 1500 pouada up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing .fnom 1300 pounds up, Partes having the required stuff, write, or phone 83, Exeter. G. T, DOW. MARRIAGE LICENSES I,SSUFIS by C 11. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness A. HASTINGS Agent for O ' Ce C m Canada Life Assurance paft y , Aso Eire and Acc;,Jei' Insurance. Morley to Loan en Farm. Property EXETER, ONT, An Atnericanf exchange hae the ,t'ol- �OSj*lrlg Slime people were made to be soldiers The Irish were 'made tO be cops', Sauerkraut was made for the Germans Spa ;heetti wast made for the weps, • Fish were made to drink water, Bums were made to drink booze, Banks were made tier the money, lYltcvn'ey was made for the Jews, Everything was made for something, Everything barring the miser- Glocl Made Wilson itor President, But ilia in, H --made the 'I(raise i' Don't miss seeing the Play; "Within the Law', Get_ylour tickets', at Haw- ey's Drug Store, The Exeter C(auneil has taken Level the plant of the Exeter Manufacturing Company and will Idisp'as i, of it. Mr, Haviland, principal of Exeter High School, • has rented 111r,' F. liag arth's residence east of Cavenclhurch, and is moving to Exeter ,from 'Parente, K Mr. C. j. Luker, whiletrisitua,b here. last week, purchased Mr, C. N,ar•th- cott's resiclenvice' on Willia ni St. Mr, and Mrs: Lukler may, return to Exeter in, the Pall. n r r s n g M. a h , 5`WITHIN THE LAW". Mary Turner, who worked in a De- partment Store, is unjustly accused orf. Waling-- Although she pleads inno- cent she is sentenc ed to a Germ in Atter serving her term she' joins a band' of croaks. They commit several crimes, but in such a wary to be strictly within the law.. The Play has been put on in'Seaforth twice with great success. The electrical effects are ,goad, and Mrs. R. Mur - less -Jones .nes and cast are to be cam- plimrented on their splendid presenta- tion, of the play. In the ExeterOpera Hrous{e, April 17th. JUDGMENT FOR $16 AND COSTS.- A case of interest was tried before Hill. Honor Judge E. N. Lewis in the Town 'Hall on Tuesday, when Mr. Ed. Johns of Usborne made claim byfsuit for $100 from the Trustees of School Section No. 7, UShba'anle, situate at 'Zion the claim being for sallary ,osi a con- tract to>care for the school : during 1917. At the end' of one month 'he, was dismis ie�i,, and"was tendered $10. in' payment of his services, which' amount he would trot accept. After hearing the le'vudence His Honor gave judgment that the ,dismissal' was war- ranted but that plaintiff should have two months' salary, therefore Mr. johns was given judgment for $16 and oasts. Rev. Powell of Landon) was in. town this week.' Mr. R. W,. .Fukte was in Toronto for a fefewdays last week. Mr. 1.` R. Carling : and his sister spent Tuesday in London. MI'. Albert Spencer leaves to -div tin for e west to take up a, farm, Mr W. T. Clalwibl: went to the west oa Tuesday to look after his farming. Miss Imo Sweet returned to ever teaching duties near Wingham on Sat- urday. at - y urda Mrs. Russell Smith ,of London is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Frame. Me. Archie Towers left for the west on Tuesday to .spared some months. operation. Mr. ' Harry Fukle was home over Sun day. eeaving latter for Toronto to ti a the khaki Miss Gladys '1estle left �Londay nvorndug to resume her teaching dut- ies near, Hamilton. • Mr. Glee.' A. Geddes of Hay 'raw - ship has disposed of his.lheaclred-ac e farm in that township to Mr. John Greib let Stephen Township, being lot t 5, on the 2nd cancessioan:.' 1 e price paid was $6,S00. Immediate po eessi;on. Mr.'Ged!de intends moving shortly with his family to London. THE SOLDIERS' AID acknowledge the following, -March collections $48.- 20; Membership fees 1.00; Mr. W. M. Clarke $100,00.; It was decided that t viote off thanks be tendered Ma-. Clarke and choir ,for their `splendid donation. ,Please bring( in, all films - ed socks so that they array be packed on the 16th. The bays need sacks. NEW STORY -"JERRY;" The story now ,running in the Ad- vocate is completed 'thus week. It will be followed by Arthur Stanwootit Pier's new story, "'error'. Jerry is a young policeman •af the best type- clourageoruls, humorous, unselfish and determined --and his career, both pub- lic : and domestic, is full sof piquancy and interest. One, art. least, of the two attractive girls who exert a pot- ent influence on Jerry's life will win the reader's heart. Although the'Inaa'- der trial that is a prominent feature in the :title ths as graphic as anything pe' its kind in recent fiction, the no- vel is not melodrama; it is a romance, in which are to be found humorous and acute studies of heutnan nature.. This serial wibl furnish isitensely:sinter- esting reading and all slavers of fiction w -ill der welt to 'follow SOCIAL. EVENING. On. 1'uesday evening a large num- lasers of the comgregatiior of the Trirv. itt life.m!arial Church gath.ered at the School Hall and speuut a very pleasant evening. The rectos-, Rev. Trumper, gave a short illustrated address on. missions, followed) by an address from Warden T. Boyle, on the goad and welfare of the church front the stand- point of finances. Rev. Trumper also gave an illustrated, lecture about Strat- ford -on -Avon birth) place of . the great English poet, William Sleakespeare. It also being the birthplace of the rectos and he having :spent his boy- hood days there he was able to give many interesting:: anecdotes regarding the numerous historic spots in that taeighbarhood. Refreshments .were served and the pleasant evening was concluded by singing the National an- them. i DEATH OF MRS JANE SMITH. The „death occurred on Sunday last or an aged and respected residentof. f(tephen in the person of Mrs. Jane Srmithwh;o practically all her life had resided .an the London Road, lust south al Exeter. She was aged 81 years and 4 clays. Deceased had been it, gored :health until: about two Or three years 'ago, when she suffer - cd a stroke, but leterrecavered to a largee c rtent In recent 'months, he how- ever ow -o et she had failed rapidly, ad ,or several weeks had been sta.ying with her heather, Mr, James Sweet, about ten ckrys ago when the was tnk- eal to Creclitee to reside. with her ,ins- ter, Mrs Hodgins. Deceased wa,s a native )o,f Canada and lived till her li,5c within a short distance of where She wa, bern, She is survived by two breth,ers andthree sisters, Jam- es and 1'h,orrra.n Sweet nt' Exeter, Ma's James ihodginsl oaf Crediton, ?frs. ;Cohn C,tr1wiH W teeipn„ and Mrs. Lyons o hontlrarn. The funeral took place On Tuesday ailernNan from tlrie lesrl. y'hcnl e o:: Iver Thos. Sweet ,Andrew St, 'reenter to Exeter eche-eery and was la'r' a private nature. MARC TO VICTORY Courage is a matter of the blood. Without good red blood a manhas a weak heart and - poor nerves. In the spring is the best time to take stock of one's condition. ` If the blood is thin and watery, face pale or pimply, generally weak, tired and listless, one should take a spring tonic. One that will do the spring house- cleaning, an old-fashioned herbal rem- edy that was used by everybody nearly 50 years ago is still safe and sane because it contains no alcohol or nar- cotic. It is made up of Blood root, Golden Seal root, Oregon Grape root, Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherryr ry bark -extracted with glycerine and made into liquid or tablets. Ties blood tonic was first put out by Dr. Pierce in ready -to -use form and since then has been sold by million bottles ,_ ' r s Golden Medical Discov- ery.Pre ce as If druggists do not keep this in tab- let form, send 50 for a vial to Dr, Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., or branch in.Iridgeburg, Ont. OjsvrIuut, Beare, SAsi..-"l have used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for anumber of years and am,pleased to rec- ommend it as a blood purifier. I know it has no equal, as I used it for my boy. My neighbors and friends were surprised with the results ; in fact, I do not think he would be alive to -day had it not been for the 'Modica,' Discovery.' I also keep it on hand foe coughs at it differs so from other pedI�'lnG9 insteadof upsetting the ugh syrupsdo it isgood for as co the stomach. I only wish I had, known f .;1 ,a. ciONES IVIAY PHONE 32 New Spring Suits an ANOTHER NEW LOT OF SPRING SUITS AND COATS JUST IN They are ileal beautp,s. Right up to the minute. Goods are getting tearer: and +hlsrd to get, so' come early and get a choice,. LADIES' SWELL DRESSES. 6 ,only Fine All Woial Serge Dresses beautifully trimmed $20.00 each. House Furnishings Now ;for your Spring House Cleaning. You will find us flee you., needy Isujpplies, NEW RUGS Wilton Bruseells Axnuin,ister Velvets Tapestry Unions Chint z Specials for FOR ,THE LADIES WHITE WAISTS $1.25 10 D'oz. Dainty New White Regular $1.75 for $1.25. Waists LISLE HOSE 3 pairs of Itte,gular ,50c. Bleck poste tar $1.00, This is 'a 'Special Line. HOUSE DRESSES:. $1.50 Dor some real House Dress- es that are worth inane money. (BLACE SILK .$1.25 1100 yards sof ,36 inch. Black Paill- ,ette Silk. Mice Quality. This week $1.25 a yd. FLOOR COVERING Linb]eums Ou'cloths Bath Oils Mattings Congaleuni Rugs Congol,eum: This Week Headquarters WINDOW DRAPERY Bu+plgalfow Nets Filieet Nets Scrims Marquitsc ttes Lace Curtains Side Curtains' Tapestry ,F,OR THE MEN MEN'S SUITS A big assortment os Tweeds and Navy Blue. Giood values -old prices BOYS' SUITS A good showing of Boys Bloomer Suits. Extra gland valves, all colors MEN'S RAIN COATS A nice lot iotf Tweed Ratan Coats at very ateasbonable prices. The. New Thi Ag. A big bunch ,orf regalar $15 Cleats. All to clear at $10. MEN'S HATS ' , The new Hats are all here. The New Shades. The New Shades. A Hat to suit all. NEW WALL. PAPER 5000 Rolls ;for yjau- to pick from. •Call and see our assortment. Eery kind. NEW WALL PAPER Every color. Every pattern JONES & MAY Headquarters for the Celebrated Sa adford. & Lion Brands Clothing Men an d Boys. Mr. Luther 'Ke'stle is visiting his father, Rev. J. D. 'R elsetle,. - Misys Fannie Biowey 'af Landon was. tip over Sunday with her parents. Miss G;ertie . Short has returned to Inwiood tot resume her duties as tea- cheer. Mrs. Lyons of London attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Smith on Tuesday, Mrs. W. S. Thtompson of London is visiting here with her par pts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyle,. Mrs. Leitch and chldrenl of Chesiey after a visit at the ' home of Mr. W. D. Clarke, returned home 'Monday. Mrs. Frank'M,orley "is this week vis- iting with, her father, Mr. John Corn- ish : London Road South, who is under the doctor's care. Clifford Mellott, who has been sick at his ,home here, lelft Monday morn- ing fior London to resume his duties -in the Bank of Commerce. Mrs. McAvay, when has been wait- ing on, her uncle, Mr. Robt. Sanders, at Grand Bend" for- a couple weeks returned home, on Tuesday. Dr. A. R. Rinsanalm left Monday for Dettoit .where he w,il1 attend the Dental Convention, following which he will take short peat -graduate oo,ut-- ;?es in dentistry. • I Mrs. Josh. HardInlg and daughter Inca, who have been visiting with the feorrruer's sister, Mrs. Frank Morley of Whad,'aai over --the Easter holidays, re- . turned Monne an Friday, Mr. lttobt. Sanders, when has been in a rather serious condition through sIl mess Int' the past couple of weeks at } •. s�r. Grand ti home oefMr. Ed• Giell, , Blend, was taken, to St. Joseph's Hos- pital; London, on Monday. 'lex Land Wanted THE ONTARIO FLAX COMPANY REQUIRE 300 ACREtS OF LAND FOR EXETER FLAX MILL, HALF LAND RENTAL PAID WI -TEN T•I%' ['LAX IS SOWN.' APPLY JOE DAVIS, Telephone 13, ahottt Dr, t?icrcr's medicines sooner'."- ee_ hl�x 11 gas. Ptnsay W'oon. LOOK WELL FOR OUR SHOP AND YOU" WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. Your S Suit 1`111 w�Ll t Be sure it fiats you at the collar. Have the trousers made to fit you noand •thee waist. They will, stay up mueh better when you wear a belt. Your Clothes will have •individuality if ytou let jus nlakie them far you. Ladies' Suitings IN BEAUTIFUL GREY, BROWN, AND ALSO A GOOD RANGE OF BLUES. COME EARLY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEFORE THE OLD GOODS ARE ALL GONE. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Tea• Exeter Coffee -etre For the choicest grooeries, fruits, srtitaik teas, coffee and every. thing in the grocery lit et. Call and see u$. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produoe taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R N. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER rgain . it re 1EN'S ESHOES WE CAN 'GIVE YOU SOME EXTRA GOOD VALUES FROM .$3.25 pair,Black or 5 per 131 k Tan,11 to 5. 0inwith n ar ih � t wa ou Tae Cap. p Our Stack' of SCHOOL SHOES was never more complete, and you will find we can ti` your bay or girl with a nice strong shoe that will give goad service, from $2,35 to $3.50 per pair: LADIES HIGH SHOES in Brown' Grey and Black, with high or low . Heels, ranging .in price from :$5.00 to $10.00 per pair, We have a nice, New Stock of. 'Men's Shirts, from $1,25 to $2,00 each, TRY US FOR A MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT. F: �►e�ver