The Exeter Advocate, 1918-4-4, Page 8r EXETER IlYfAIKKETS ieiniged Each Wednesday 'd'»ze;r.t 2.10 90 B rley 1,40 to 1.6 *Tamrly Flour 5.70 Middinings 40.00 35.00 Creamery Butter. . 53. 40 to 42 OatG Dairy I3utter Potatoes per bag 1.60 to 1,85. Sugar beet pulp, per flack 1.60 Haas ,... 20.00 Hay, per ton ...... 10,00 to 12.00 250 Acres for Corn Wanted The :.: et:r Canning Co. is prepared to Lontre,ct with farmers to grow 250 acres Canning Conn For 1918. Pr2rce, per Loa advanced to $7,0, Seedcorn cost over 35 cts. per ab., hill be sold to growers for 25c. Cone early and .secure" ya,nr allotment. EXETER CANNING CO. In spite of further advances in materials The Adrvlocatle, its still keep- ing the subscription price at $2,25 The law to conserve daylight vveait inta effect in United' States osi "April 1st, The hands of the clack were moved forward one hour. A similar law vvill+iikety be passedl in Canadai,and may go into. effect on; April 15th. Wrord ,has been received that Pt4t. Thomas Sanders landed safely in Eng- land on March 27th. Lieut Edgar Torrance, who return ed intim av'erseas, is now acting on the Military Police force at North Bay to round up the Military Service desert- ers. "WITHIN THE LAW" . Don't miss it. New York's •nf.>st sensational drama. Presented by Mr. R. Murltelss-Jiones and cast of Sea. - forth in. Exeter Opera House April 17th. Proceeds for Soaldi.ers' Aid Society. SURREY FOR SALE is .excellent condition, good as new -Apply to E. J. Christie, Exeter. EGGS FOR HATCHING from bred to -day -strain Barred, Rocks. $1.00 per 15.-R. B. Quance; -Exeter. FOR. SALE. -Linoleum 4 by 5 yds, Dinner set of dishes, cherry Side- board. Apply to Miss Merrill, Exeter., NEW CARTAGE RATES Commencing April lst, 1918, Single shipments 15c, each, Shipments under 400 lbs, ....15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs ... 3%c. per cwi Pianos each ,: 50c, Pianos, private ...... $1.00 Trunks, private 25c. each Grips, private ...15c. each Team by day $5.50 Team by hour 60c. Signed by THOS. G. CREECH WMM. T. GILLESPIE CREDITON HOTEL' F,OR SALE. 14 bedrooms, splendid Location for travelling public, good reason for sell - g. Apply to Augnnst Hill, Crediton. It it's steed you want see ' Harvey Bros. lar chop made from oats, mix-' ed grain, good feed wheat, also feed flour, dried pulp and others corning. WANTED -To Rent, fives to ' ten acres of land suitable for Spring wheat, within a few miles of Exeter preferred. Apply to Advocate. DRESSMAKING -An apprentice to ,dressmaking wanted. Apply to Miss Tom. Cutting patterns to individual measure a specialty. MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -Ir. Exeter, wired, convenient in every way, close to school and to church. -.Apply to I. R. CARLING, Exeter We could place a few bunches of stare bogs ot suckers, f Harvey Bros. FOR SALE. One 8,18 ail or gasoline tractor, tractor plc v and steering device guaranteed in first class summers. wanting der. Only run two summers.Wm. Ward, agent, L H C., Exeter. FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontario Flax Co. require 300 acres of land for Exeter Flax i41i11: Half Lanld Rental paid when flax is sawn. Apply JOE DAVIS telephone 13. EXETER FLAX• MILL, GRASS LAND FOR SALE. 75 acres of grass land for ,sale; and also 1\9rss-iIlarri, binder, good as nein, 6 -foot cut -W. T. Sweet, Exeter ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The siloat the Cannln,g Factory is open and enoilage iit offered four sale at 82-40 per ton. Purchaser to pay f 1b., Sel 0 's scale. nor vvc,i,gh$hag ore tGf dint ! Exeter Can ng Cam,panry HORSES WANTED I want an anlilrndited ,number of horse: it goad can.ditioni. Geldings 5 years o,d ep weighing [ from 1500 pound:. up.Nares Cram 4 years old u , weighing from 1300+ pounds u up i6 gP P Parties. .hav;ng the required stuff, Trite:, or phone 83, Exeter. . r. DOW. MARI'.UA GE, LICENSES ISSUED by -C H. Sanders a :he Advocate Of- fice. Strictly ct.mtidential: no witness A. n4S,C,INGS Agent for Cwrriach Life (assurance Company Al Fire atirl Af c.'s l� ,' insurance. M•orte,y to I,oarr on Farm Property EXETER, ONT. EXE PER AJJIIIILLAT.k , TRURBU A Y, APR. 4, 1911i LOCAL DOINGS. '. ilc.� gnaaiirartQ aeR�o�lc�i91raY9cafllPi�a: a. Good Friday was a very :quiet 'clay in town. 'The price of gasoline has been rais- ed from 35c, to 38c. a gallon,. i 1lao many 1ticAa pray for the things they ate too lazy to wank for. A man, boasts of his bad habits on- lv when they are the best he has, Sec the Canning Factory advertise- ment and note the advance in the price offered for corn. Mr. Gieio, Crawley mowed last week into the brick residence on Main St. vacated by btr, and Mrs. John Hawk- shave: isir W.zn. Dun1slford has sold his frame ' house o•n "Carling Street t:o kiln Penrice who :gets immediate ,pos-- Session, - .. The i•oaclls were in :fine shape for a few daysduring the past week and many automobiles were speeding about in town and country. Mrs, R. Murless' Jones, and cast of Seaforth presents' 'Within• The Law" April 17th in Exeter Opera - I -louse. Proceeds for ,Soldiers' Aid Society, !Mr,,` Paul Coates has moved' into the .residence he recently purchased Dom, Mr. Gea. Crawley an Albert at We welcome this worthy family to Exeter. Many of the citizens nave, tapped the maple shade trees in front of their property and are making a bit of syr- up. Farmers have been very busy at the same "work. Dr. R J. Hamilton has beenthreat- ened with appenkllicitis' and, cronfined to his bed since Mondayt We are pleased. to repoart that he is now bet- ter. -Ailsa Craig Banner. Annual Missi(onary,'Day int .Tames St, Church next Sunday, Rev. W. J. Mortimore, 'missionary just back from China, will preach in, the znrarning and Mr, A J Irwin Of ;Clinton in the even - Miss May Woods, who has been on the Bank Of- Commerce staff for same tithe, has been promoted to the pos- ititon of teller, and her services as such are being mulch appreciated by the patrons, :cif the Bank_ _Mr. Jiohai, Taylor is this week mav- ing .into! his new house on Gi,dley:St. kir. Ern. Appleton has moved to the small double house on Albert Street. Mrs. '. TIsos.- Appleton:cis s moving into the house she purchased an Huron Street from the estate of the late Skin Balkwill Another sora of Mr. Wm, Cke of Usborne has returned from the, war, and iz reooverm!g from wounds in the. are. and shoulder. Private 4 -id -- ward dward Oke was a member of the 161st battaliian and was in the first draft to France, spending seven months in the trenches. He will undergo fur- ther treatment in ` Landon military hospital. -private, Ernest Oke, his brother, returned some months ago. MOTZ-HORNEY. A. quiet wedding was siolemnized a.t Empress Avenue Methodist church, London,.onrMarch 27th, when a Mr: W. 5. ivijotz etf Crediitan was married,. to Miss Bertha Homey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11: Horsley of Exeter. Rev J. D. Richardson officiated. After a short honeymoon trip the young couple returned; home on Saturday ev- ening and.will; take u.p the residence at Crediton, Theythave the best wish- es' of their ,marsy friends. AGED RESID1.NT. DEAD. The death :+occurred .in Usbo.rne en March 27th of an aged and respect- ed resident Iolf: this district, in the plet:fan . of Willliarn Chowen, who had attainted -.the age Of 81 years, 4 mon- the and 4 dayjs,, Deceased had been airing floc three ,: -or four year's,, mainly front infirmities brought on by old age. , Born inn" Devonshire, England, he came to .Canada when about 15 years pt. age with 1fis : employer, Mr. West- lake, and after 'living 'some time. in Barfield_and St; Thomas he took up farming opt 'Usborne, and continued that ,occupatilohi umtdi .a few years ago wbien•?he•etired'`to Exeter. Since 'his illness he has'rbeeirf living with bra daughter near towmn. The late Mr. Cho -wen was a;mlmn of strict integ- rity ,h,anest and upright, and highly esteemed 'Eat' his -many- qualities, He was a Methodist and a Conserva- tive: His wide, doled ,several years ago but fr.le is suz' ii,vretl by ;one, son, Wes- ley of OnavvaY, - Mich., • and three daughters, Mrs: Edith Smith of Wis- consin, Mrs. Alfred Hicks of Usborne and MLs. Hiram Sirapton of Stephen: The funeral took place from the res- idence of Irirs, Hicks to Exeter cem- etery ion Friday afternoon. ivliss Vera Sweet was luome 1ton. London, this week, Rev and Mt -s. Nichol of Simcue are v?,ilin7 .at the: -.Manse. Miss' Fanny B,owey of London was home of-ei the holiday. ,Miss Annie L. .Sanders of K:itchenei is v sitilitg at her home !here. -Miss Viola Jones of London silent. t}r 1,aladays at: her boxes in tOwn, :1nics Ida Aarnstrong; teacher, of Toronto is .home for the'tioli(days. 11z iiresv Knight of London spent. n , tin c1 tys with has mother Here, .111s. T'I anic ' Mpliett, J. r, sof Landon Sin:1 a tcty days, withr ielative,s here.. Miss Violet Penhal,e and, Miss Lulu Iles Ling f: t.Lsitact in 1ondon, weel< ifrs W S..C(ole and Master Harry are spending a couple welelcs' witch s'el ati , c.i 111 L ucal). .r1ew'itt of Toronto visited at l,ornc of her father, i$lr. 21.1.ce Dow, here this week,; ivfis.; Danny ,13iowey,' who Itas been vis,itint4 her brother, Mr. Alfred B3,ovv- y,. relnt,ncd to':.Chicaga on :Monday. Mrs Wm. Wilson Of London is sFi ndl)7 ti month Visiting with ! e.' parent., ,lilt. and 12rs, C PI, florndy: Mr Garvey Acheson, of 5t 'Thoma. and inoy • riz,vino! liontlon visited t1' E;a rn,M1's paM1011,ts hetc, for a few clays Mess,rs, Tlarry. Dilhin( a:acl C h ti,e: to, !,c I:tr 1C,t Wedno•,,day xor° •"1 yvc c . :v '.e. .1e,, witl' 'talks ;ip 81iicl. ?AIR,"r•'i°Iglllilll@',t!4('ti11'li !?''II'N f ,uq Ear u tlumi u, i.,,l �l(! IIII �r,(ia,: ll li ,.,Iliilil Clean Without Rubbing Here is the modern soap and the modern way of using it - LUX -tiny flakes of the purest. essence of soap, making the creamiest of lathers in which even your very finest things are safely washed because they are not rubbed just cleansed by gently stirring about. Try LUX and see for yourself. BMW: made, by Lever Brc,i hers Limited Toronir '`:? 15t0n75lrwn AllWOaLLENS�� u . (7111 IIh8l I lilt IiIIIIIII III IIIIII III IIIIII Hiss Gerrie Short was home from Inwood this week'. Mr Thos, Hartan was, up Pram Lon don .for Good Friday. 3udgc' Dickson Goderich, was in town on business Thsuraday. Mrs. GOD. Manson visited' her ciaugh- ter in London aver Sunday. Private Herbert Junes of Toronto spent Easter' et ,his Biome here. ,. , ?,Ir. Linden Harvey of :'Toronto Un- iversity is hlome for the Week, Mr. Oliver Davis' of , Zurich spent the ho'idays at his home 'here. Mist, Ruby Wood, teacher of near Brussels is holidaying at home. Mr. and 'Mrs. John ,Hann sh,aw are visiting ' with i elatiives in Lucan. Mr. 5. D. Atkinson of ,Clinton spent a day for two in town ' with, friends. Mrs. T. M, .White and soar Join of Windsor were visitors here for Easter. Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham Cal- leg,ate, is home. for Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Luker of St. Catluarines were here over the holi- days. ob-days. Mrs. ' W. T. Goodisjan and children of Sarnia visited thist week at Mrs. D. Jabnc'. Mrs Thornton` ofSarnia visited this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Silas Handiford. Miss Gladys 'Mestle of near Hamil- ton is home spending the holidays with her parents. • Irene and Madeline Stewart of Lon- don are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wins. Creech. Mica Eloise Baird of Brantford Con ervatai•y as' Visiting bier parents :IL the James Street pars(ornage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm:, Westaway of Hamilton 'spent Easter with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Al. Fiord, Landon Road North. The Exeter High School" teachers, Mr. Haviland and Miss Dobson are holidaying in Toronto and Muss Qu:nn in Kincardine.: Mr, Wesley Chiawen of Oaaa-ay, Mic1z.. was 'here during the week at- tending the funte,ral 'xrf his _father, th(e late, Wm. Clilowen. Air. W. A. Davis iof Hamilton, Mr, A. E. Davis of London and Mrsl, Jar- vis Dickslon •af ,Chatham visited their mother, Mrs.` Wm. Davis, Exeter North' elurz ;g the week. -'Rev. and Airs. E. A. Fear of Wheat- ley visited their daughter, Mrs. W. S. Howey here this week. Last week they attendeid the 'funeral of Mrs, S'cat's'mother Mrs.. Davidson in Strat- ford. el) MT At this :time of the ;hear people feel weak, tired, listless, their blood is thin, they have lived indoors and perhaps expended all their mental - and bodily energy and, they watt(' to know how to renewtheirenergy and stamina, over- come 'headaches and backaches, have clear, eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and feel the exhilaration of real good health tingling thru their body.., Good, lure, rich, red blood is the best insurance against ills of all kinds. Almost all diseases come from impureand impov- erished blood. It is to be noticed in the pale or pimply face, the tired, haggard appearance orthe listless manner. Drink hot water a half hour before meals, and for a Vegetable tonic there's nothing better than Dr. Pierce's' Golden Medical: Discovery,: the old-fashioned herbal' remedy, which has had such a fine reputation for fifty years. "Ib coir tains no alcohol or narcotics': It is made from Golden Seal root,: Blood- root, Oregon grape root, Queen's root, Black Cherry, barlc,,extractedwith gly- cerine and made into tablets and liquid. Tablets fifty cent', at most drug stores. ,In Order to insure pure blood and to build up the system try this tonic known as Dr. Pierce'' Golden Medical Discov' era7.. Get at now 1 { TES&MAY PHONE 32 Comfort and easy fitting is characteristic ' of the C/C a la Grace Corsets we are now showing. •\ We invite 9ou to see our exhibit of Ready - to -W ear Suits, • s LADIES' EAST ER NECKWEAR. Just arrived this week a shipment of thm very latest styles in Ladies' Neckwear :fear, Spring. t'` NEW GLOVELS' NEW PARASOLS. NEW HOSIERY NEW SILKS We halve just placed in stock a beautiful range of new sulk's, 'includ- ing fancy 'stripe's, plaids, etc. Exclusive dress and skirt lengths. SPECIAL BLACK PAILETTE SILK AT ,1':25, A..,YD. Only al few dreiss lengths left of our special blpn3c palette silk, worth to -day $1,75 yd. Special sale price only $1.25 a.yd'. - See tour elegant range of New - Wash Dress Goads : for Summer. Salk Skirts Ready-to-wear in pap ular colors and miojdierate prices. New Suits and Goats for Easter. • Mr, Lorne Baskerville was home this week. Mr. Louis Heideman of Toronto was Biome for' the week` end. Miss Irnia Sweet, teacher near Wing ham is, Monte for the Easter vacation. Miss Edith' Lidiciatt of London vis- ited this week with Miss Laura Jory. Mr. Young Creech of Windsor vis- ited his grandparents here 'for a few S, MT. bit- Thos. Codlingtwaad of Hamilton spent the holidays, with his family hee. Mr'r. and Mrs. Gillard of Stratford visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Sam- uel mess this week. Fars. D G Leitch; d .o Leitch and two sons of ,Chesley spent a jfenw days at ,the home of Mr, W. D. Clarke. Mr. and ,2VIrs. McAlister, and, .Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Brad of Lond ail went holiday visitors at Mn Jas. Jewelled. Mrs. Harry Curdy ,sof near honest visited lar parents in Stephen and also spent a clay in 'Exeter darling the week.' Mrs. J. C. Inwood and Miss MCatliar- inc ,of Lohzdon are Visiting Mrs. S. Sanders, Main St, Mr, Inwood was up over Sunday; Mrs, Vivian, of Mitchell,' Miss 1.,aur•a Vivian of Toronto, and 3lr, Percy _Viv- ian .of London spent Easter vv,tth Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Doerr. Nuns. Geo. Hawkins returned last week :from a visit in New Hamburg, riug C1o1llei TAILORED. TO ORDER We `have a large ,number ot Suits and Overt:loatings that wilt your arrival -a" wide assortment of Fashion's Chosen colours, --soft hand- some Browns,` and beautiful Greys of ashades. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Suitings the Finest we h,avei ever had. The studied .,exactness in measuring and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a com- pleteness of fitting and a pleasing dress of appearance that a ready -.made can never hope to .equate. Na Lady knows how well she sari appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut to measure. ' OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE GIVE, US A GALL Tea & Coffee 'Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, e ; teas, coke _ and . every. thing in the grocery line. (fall and see us. A trial --� as to quality will c©isvia- {Ce. ,a Protuc a taken in' exchange , N. Sheers LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR. Slue was accompanied home '._by. hex, Mand Upstairs, Opposite the Central sisber Mrs. Becher, who visited rel- p f,atives here: Mr, and Nt•s. Clinton •Stweet have tic i fined : from their hiolneyrnoo.n " triip. Dretron;t and are now preparing to• take, up residernce ion thieir Line Tarin ! in Usbroiirre. e THE ONTARTO'FLAX COMPANY REQUIRE 300 ACRES OF LAND" FOR:: EXETER FLAX MILL. HALF LAND RENTAL PAID W IIT;i t 'T LG1 oLAX IS SOWN. AI?P:er'tj EOE DAVIS, 'febepho e 13. Exeter Flax Mill Hotel Jan Gould Furniture o and Under taxi m. . WE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER kain St.re T .. CANT9 S GIVE YOU SOMIt EXTRA GOOD VALUES FROM $3.25 WE to .$5.50 per pai.t', !Black or Tan, with or without .Toe Cap. Our Stock of SCHOOL SI-30ES rt/at novel.morecomplete, and you I:,l cl we'ra, fit your boy or girl with' a• Inice Isteong�shoe that wl il will,, >J give good service, from $2,35 to 3;50 per hair. LADIES 1-IIGi1,.SHOES in.Brttwns Grey and l;,lack, with high or low heels, ranging` in price 1'roni $5,00 to $10,00 peri: pair. have '•t. 'c v Stock 1• a' ` e s,Sli z.om 1,�5 to We ..ave a nice, Ne,v S c,. l iki n Shirts, 1. $ ;2,00 each, TR' US FOR A MADE -TO -MEASURE. SU`I'T', eaveri