HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-28, Page 8ree EXE I ii i AD 0CA'l E, TU U R $JIA Y ): MAR, e_.h,k TER, 11A -UX -4.1'S Changed 1 ash Wedneoiday Wheat _tent tie ,Oats Barley 1.40 to 1 .Family 'Flour 5.70 Middlings , , ..40,00 Bran; 35,00. Creamery Buttes. , . 53 Dairy Sutter 40 to 42 Eggs „ . 38 Lard , , 34 Phataitoos per bag , 1.60 to 185 Sugar beet pulp, per %,sack .., .. 1.60 Hogs „ -19.50 1day, per' ton 10.00 to 12.00 25( eros 'for Corea Wanted The Exe., r Canning Co. is prepared to contract ,with, farmers to grow 250 -acres Caaning Corn for 1918. Pre per . acty::aced to $9.00. Seed corn: cost over 35 cts. per lb.,,will be s•ald to growers .or 25c, Come early and secure rotor allotment: - EXET.uR CANNING CO, Mr: dche.Lan returned Tuesday after visiting since July last in Fort William and Stayner. For Gad's sake, let everybody Lor - get for one year about making inon-' ey but bend every effort to save fond and produce food, Make every bit of lapid produce.' A delightful kitchen shower w is tendered Miss Bertha Harney at the home of Mrs. Harney Maim St. Men - day night by her young lady friends. We understand Miss Harney is to be married to J'Ir, ,Wm. Matz nn Landon I to -day, Wednesday. A special meeting of I-Iuran County i Council was held in Clinton. on 'rues- da,y to organize ;for producttiOn. A resolution was put through calling on the Reeve of each niunicplpality to call meetings to organize the mann power and tlae land power with this pend, in view. Many could net get seats last Friday for "David the Shepherd Boy." It is to bo repeated on Thursday, 28th. Get your seats at once at Ho\vev's. Drug Store. CREiYI TON HOTEL FOR SALE. 14 bedrooms, splendid location for travelling' public, good reason far sell- intig. Apply to August Hill, Crediton. It it's Meed yell want see Harvey Bros. far chop made from oats, mix= ed grain, good feed wheat also teed flour, dried putlp and others coming. TO RENT, House and large gar- den and vacant lot, apply to J. Elston, Exeter. WANTED -To Rent,five to test acres of land suitable for Spring wheat, wvithi i a tfew miles of Exeter preferred. Apply. to Advocate, DRESSMARING-AI1 apprentice to dressmaking wanted. Apply, indivis dual Tions. Cutting patterns to sn d't -measure a specialty. HOUSE FOR SALE. 2 story frame house in good repair stable henhouse, garden, fruittrees. etc, In good neighborhood. Apply to Gladman & Stansbury, Exeter MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—Ir. Exeter, wired, convenient every way, close to school and to church.—Apply t'o L R. CARLING, Exeter We could place a few bunches of store .hogs of suckers. Harvey Bros, NOTICE RE- ACCOUNTS. All accounts due me must be settled by April 1st, or they will be placed for collection. After that date our terms are strictly cash; on delivery. So please do not ask ,for credit and> tb•en we will not have'to refuse you. WM. _RIVERS' Exeter. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT, In Exeter, a good framiehouse, one- quarter acre of land; hard and soft water, situate' on Carling Street. Ap- ply to 'l R.CARLING, Barrister. FOR SALE... One '6-15 nil or go -spline tractor, tractor p.o.v and steering evece guaranteed )-c first class working or- der. Only run two suanmers(. Ward, agent, I. Ht, C., Exeter. FLAT: LAND WANTED *i LOC.., DOCNOS r +ikwrkal Silas McFalls bas commenced to 1•earn the tenoning trade with Mr. W. W, Taman?` Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett have re- ceived letters, f'tloin their sons, Albert and Fred, in Elogiancl. Both are well,. Capt Dr. Wi,11. Jr. Knight has been shell gassedl in France. He as in the Army Medical Corps of the Iiuperial Forces, Kindly be seated by 8.05 (Railway - time) Program ;begins', at 8.10 Thurs- day night: No person will be shown to, seats during, rendition. of any scene of "David„ Alr. W. J. Russell, postmaster, last week purchased Mr. Albeit Sp.encer's. fine brick dwelling fon the west side of William Street, the price paid be- ing $2800.00. Mr Jobn. Gackstetter moves this weep,; from Etieter North, to the farm he recently purchasecl from Mr. Wm. Waiver an the . Goshein .Line, Hay, north. of Sarepta. al'Ir. S. 13. Stathers is the newly ap- pointed District,Representative of the County of Hurn. 10fr. Stathrers is an. old Ashfield Township man and bas spent nt) his life' on the farm: .He. is a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College. . : The Government has recently advis- ed Custom Officers and Postmasters of .a number of prohibited articles that Friday of t+kilos Week is Good Fri- day, and a public dl;allida? , Miss Gladys Delve who has been ill ,for the past .two weeks has recovered,. Ma: R+olrert Sanders of Grand Ben is laid up with ar heavy cold. Nothing else, maters• but the war now. We roust produce, and .feed the boys at the !front, p Workmen have, been, endeavoring to locate the drainage trouble at the school thals Ivle,ek. ' The e services jin the, various churches ural be a1 a special nature on Sun day next in keeping with Easter, afr. Galbraith; (soloist), 'Toronto, will sing an extra number at close of Cant tata. Thursday, 28th, Opera I -louse. Be on tine Returnn'g Officer R(abt.:Wilsoni b S)eafiorth announces that Mr. J. 3, fvferner's Official majority far South liftman 553. Mr, Clarence Levy, who,: has been living in Mr. Jesse Elston's residence moved ' on, 22atilday writihf his family to Usboriuc Township. The highest bid not reaching the ne erve price, the house and jot be- longing to Mrs. Wm I-Iawkshaw-, was not sold an Saturday. ' Dr. 'lit. Steele, \JtP(, for South,Perth has been. selected as lone of the Prov- incial whips in rov-incial'whips,in the House of Commons for the Unipnist Party. The South Store belonging to tine old Carling Br:ots. Block .has changed hands,, the anew rowriter being a Mr. Lours toff Ingersoll. Any person wishing Marquis Wheat for seed please: leave your order with Harvey Bros., as we have, been asked cannot lye sent: overseas or to certain to act as distributing agents.ao foreign countries` without a special Mr Maurice Quance, who, has been license, and among the prohibited ar- a,orking for Mr. W, J( Beer in the 1-icics 'are those of milk, eggs, and harness business; is taking a few hal fruits, including apples, a iicatsida s before reporting formilitar)ser ser- peaches, prunes and raisins. ice. We were plleats(ed to see Mr. John "DAVID, THE S.HIEPHERD BOY" F1a.cksihaw taking a stroll down, town on Tuesday morning. after being con The_ much anticipated Cantata giv- fined to the house most of the en. in the Opera Housiet, on Friday , winter, eveni'ir' last under th:h direction of lrr. Wm Ewing eon last week re - Prot w: llYt. Clarkte, deserves to rank ceived his discharge Medal from the high in -the rentertajnm,ent annals of G,averninent, - It is' ,of neat andappro Exeter Prof, -Clarke's labors resulted''. priate design and bears the. words, in the presentation of a program, much "Honorably Di'schkarged." as we .seldom have time opportunity of Rev: Jahns of Elitpvlille, returned witnessing. A chiarus, composed of ! mi st`.onary, will conduct ,the morning members ,ar the choir of James St.. service nexi' Sunday in Maim Street Methoodisi Church. and of other chairs t Methodist church. He and -his son a!-town-and,Theigh!borhood rendered - will sig a duet in Che,itese.' excellent service, and when supply- 1 Rev. Dr. Fletcher of Thames Road oriented "by a (large chorus of little girls, , whose s:uigin'g bore evidence :af very carelfulatraining, the .effect was grand "David the Shepherd Boy a portion oaf Biblical history, presented in sc;enes and, palotrayed by'— songs, stands in the first rank of cantata productions. It tells! a story of, deep interest." It presents clearly defined characters in, natural relations to each other. It is vitalized by a strong dra- matic movement that increases in force and interest till it reaches a beauti;- fiil cu]iuiaatson. Thea principal. Biblical characters- were represented by the following,—ng. Saul by Ed. Shap - tan; Samuel, the High Priest, ' by Harry Jennings ; Jesse, by W. 13: Sanders ; David, by Mr. Galbraith. is noted tenor soloist of Toronto) eMich- al. c-ne Of the kinlg's daughters, by Miss Mabel Rollick; Abigail, the bride given to David, by Misr Margaret Moody. The costumesi added much to the effect and beauty ,of the -,play, being 'appropriate; and quite suited to the variousecharacters. -Miss Moody, who made her first public appearance in Exeter, left an excellent impression on the vast audiencein attendance, the hall being filled to its utmost capacity. ivliss Moody is possessed is!I a voice of splendid volume, flexible range, and withal rat beauty, .pleasing sweetness and clear ,enunciation. hiss been staying with her .parents, Rev. W. Minnie Merner, daughter of J. J. Mer- M. and Mrs,. MarticiI, London, during aver, MR., presided at the ,pia yain a the abseace .cif her husband, Dr. Gunn manner that reflects the ,greatest l overseas tviih the Canadian Medical credit on herself and 13,1eiwise an her 1 Corps, has received a,cable .that he tutor, Mr. Clanklet She in one : of has l is '•an his way home on furlough. most brilliant students. Theing;asg Gunn \rhoais now -Lieut. -Colonel, went and actirez of Mils Mabel I o ha ck was oversea., -in.' March, 1915, and this is his first leave in the three years. The Lenten Services being held in the School Hall -of the 'irivitt• Mem- the .excellent manlnler in which ite ion o TheOntario Flax Co, require 300 acres at land for Exeter Flax Mill, Half Lanti Re n tall paid when flax is sow.. Apply JOE DAVIS telk..plto,ne- 13. EXEThR FLAX MILL. GRASS LAND FOR SALE, 75 acres of grass lanLd foe' sale; and also ..assn, klarris binder, hc,Oci as new, 6 -afoot cut. -W. T. Sweet, Exeter pc upped the pulpit of James Street Methodist church; on Sunday evening, in thk absence of the pastor, Rev,' Baird, whto preached in "the Evangel- ical church at Crediiton. Special Easter inusi,e 'and sermons. in James St. Church next Sunday.,— M:ornLng subject, "Some Reasons for our Belief in a Future Life."; Even- ing subject, "Some c~Results of our Belief in a Future Life." . Mr Samue'1',Preszcatar of Stephen, who;is about to retire from the farin has purchased the house and two acres .of land on Huron. Street owned by Mr. Wesley J. Bissett and eowoc cup'ied by Mr. Luther Penhale. Enuring the pasit week an old land-- mark ,in Exeter has been, tarn down - Che refer to thte ,old framle bui'.bdyn,g' which stood on the corner of :Main and G idliely streets . lid in the early days was.,.;occupied by the Ross & Taylor Company. In the Special Service in Main St Church on Thtursday evening Rev, J. W. wird �ii11 "describe the Passover Feast as. -it eves observed in. Christ's Day; and as it is abs•erved to{- day in Jewish communities. A special _n-, . vi.tation. to .child'ren to -attend, Service in Jaines St. Church: oro Goad Friday ar 10.30 a.m. - g ( \1rs. J N. Gann of Calgary, who s ENSILAGE FOR SALJ.. The e' lio at 'the Canning Factory, is open and ensilage is offered for sale at $2.40 per 'ton,. Purchaser to pay e a �s sale. . n S l s R. dr knl' for wcs�„hang on ,G{, • Exeter Canning Company, HORS aW.A:IVTED I want an anl'dinWted ;number of kisarsee u i condition. Geldings 5 •gsad years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up, Mares from 4 years old' up, weighing from 1300 pounlda ug, Parties having the • required stuff', -write, or phone 83; Emeter. . Gr*j„DOW. MARRIAGE LICENSE'S ISSUED by C H,, Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness A__ H A S•TjI 11 GS Agent for - Canada Life. Assurance • Com'pany • ..Alexa Fire and Ar•c' l,' insuranice, Money to Loan on Farm Property EXETER. ON T. also o,tt. a very high order. The • whole entertainment did ,credit to`the mus- ical judeneenst ,of 'Prof. Clarke, and ducted the affair is: deserving o hlgh, pal Church will end o,1, Good Friday cro apliment. The proceeds are for ni`gbt. Tile addresses delivered by patriotic purposes. Owing to alarge tie lector, Rev, .Trumper, have been nurlber having: been ;unable to procure i uistrateclavaproved by wanlzinctderfern ul-views wscina.thichin kl'y fa , admiss(,on: on wvll this occasion this inter - ad a deep' interest has been mania en'ting Cantata be repeated ibis `,estect by the large congregations that Thursday ;evening. Building -up for the Spring Attack at the Front is a gooddeal like putting the body in condition for an invasion of the germs of grip, pneumonia or a Spring fever" here at :home. At this time of the year most people suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches end sometimes "pimply” or pale .skin and white lips. The reason for this is that during the wintertime, shut up with- in doors, eating too much meat -and. too little green vegetables, one heaps fuel into the system which is not burned up and: the clinkers remain to poison the system — a ,clogging up of the circulation—with inactive liver and kid- neys, id ne s � Tiixte to 'putomr house in order. I±'or an invigrating tonic which will clarify the blood, put new life in the body; sparkle to the eyes, anda wholesome skin, nothing does so well asa glyceric herb extract made from t ne root, loud arid Stone Golden Seal oo I3 C�, root,.Oregon- grape: • root and Wild Cherry bark. This can be had in con- venient, ready -to -use tablet form at ell.' drug stores, fifty cents, and has been sold for the past fifty years as Dr. Piercers Golden Medical Discovery. By„ reason of the, nerves,- feeding ° one the blood, when the blood is pure, the. nerves feel: the effect, and neuralgia or other nerve ., pains disappear be- cause such'pain;is the cry of (he starved nerves fer food. When suffering from backache, frequent- or scanty urine, rheumatic: pains hero or there, or that consider tired 'feeliii"` the simple way • to overc:rirne these disorders is merely tar, utir7 r I's , P,er:Caps " enuric from your her parents; Mr, and .Mrs ,:Loos. San- c.i 1,,. ;);. In tablets; fifty emits; - derse have, been following these addresses. T'he"service'to-morrow night promises to be of exceptional interest FATHER DEAD — ONES & MA' PI-IONE 32 Mrs J. L. Burwell >was <called toher home at U,udlon ,an Thursday last ow- ing to the serious. illnles,of her fath- er, Mr., Scott, ;who; passed away an Monday, Mr Scott had been ill for several months. Mr. Burwvei'1 went t� Union on Tuesday to attend tate fun- eral which.. was held that day. \Irs. S. Fitton left ' Saturday Mani - big to: visit relatives ita Toronto. Miss Fanny B,o'.iney of .Chicago is visiting with her brothel; IvLr. Alfred. (B,an ey Private Archie Davis of the Con- valescent Hospital,' Lpudan, was home over tho tvee.k end. i; Mr. Fred Tucker 'left T•utesdaytev-. - en;u:o;'`' for 'Clinton to ta'ce a situation_ ie. the Jackson .'Factory. Harry -Funke ;of •the Bank- of Cons- in•erce glues: to 'Toronto) this ,week incl' will sign up -there with the colors, —Farkhili• Gazette- M.r, and MrsFrank' Johns and' Mr. and. Mfrs. Ed. •Cnock,ear of Toronto at- tended th,mp,ff>,sveral of tlt,o late" hiss Isabcilia Maud Jlo!hrns On Friday. Mr C. H. I-Iorney was called to Rip ;pe,n; on Saturday Awing to'thc illness` of his, sin. Will who "sustained a bro k - eranti1e)few weeks ago na,r has an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. C. B. Cryer and .?vI,rs:. Albert Northwood of D,etroit :arid 'Mr, Fred I•faw]fs;haw of Toronto were here dur- ing) rhle weieik vieltitng, at the home of their father; Mr, John Pram/Whew. , Mrs; S G;:. I arnp';otl, after visiting with u•a 1#i'anil`ior'd,:£a'r some weeps her si'ater, Mrs,' A. Haskins, re-binneddr,ere Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. I-Ios- ki•n>s,whin will remain here. .Cor a visit. Mrs George Russell of Hanna, Alta, a .':,o. has Ecco visiting with her bra- Mr Erect. Sanders ,iiti F,orotiito o. s vera' weeks arrived last last wee'. -and will visit for 1lime, . w:;,th Comfort and easy 'fitting itting is characteristic of the C// a la Grace Corsets we are now showing. • e i>rrl its ?ou to see our exhibit O t Ready - to , , c . LADIES' EASTER NEC"K\V1tAR. Just arrived this week a shipment ,o,l' the very latest styles in. Ladies' Neckwear for Spring. NEW GLOVES" NEW PARASOLS. ; NEW HOSIERY NEW SILKS We., halve just placed in, stock a beautiful range of new silks, includ- ing fancy stripes, plaids, etc. Exclusive dress and skirt lengths. SPECIAL >BLACK PAILETTF. SIL'IK AT. i,1.25 A, ,YD. Only at Spew dress len'kths lett of our special black pa,i.lette silk, worth to -day $1.75 yd. Special sale price only $1.25 a.yd. See our elegant "range; of New Wash Dress Goads for Summer. Silk Skirts Ready-to-wear in. .pop ular colors and molderate prices. New Suits and Coats for Easter. Miss Vera Rave :went to Detroit 1 Tuesday to vis13t' ;for a few ,days. Mrs. W n. Sweet and Mrs H. El - worthy„ were in London Wediae,sday. -Mr. J. D. Atkinson of Clinton. vis- ited with (friends in' town over Tues, day night: Mrs. Francis Squires and little son of Whalen are visiting the fornver's grandmother, Mrs. Geon. Fisher, _Ir, John. Ford, caretaker of the cemetery 1\eturned from Flint, Mich., ,on. Wednesday of last week, where he, Spas undergoing treatment. ' Mr. and, Mrs. Gia. Mcj .ecvd, Mr. and Mrs. J. RI MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham and Miss Esthjer Honn ey attended thee funeral of the late James Chesney taf Tucklersmith on Tuesday TRY THEM TODAY v' 0 U have read letters recon- ruendieg Gin Pill,. -err dealer keeps Gin Pills, WI-, r - on suffering fro,, Pains Back nod Side, Rhetin r Lumbago Gravel, Dricl: i;n t De- posits, and' Difficult Uiillation when the reruedy is et Bundl 'lax' Tend tented .THE ONTARIO FLAX COMPANY REQUIRE :'300•.ACRleS OF L,; 1VD;, X ILL. HALF FOR EX;rTi.,R FLA M c� LAND ENTAL PAID WHEN TIIU L, N R FLAX IS SOWN APPLY :,:.JOE DAVIS, Telcpho,' c 1.3, Exeter Flax Mill pci�g ClolUcs TAILORED TO ORDER We bare a large number of Suits and Overc;oatings that wait' your arri ral—a wide assortment of Faashi es Chosen colors, --soft hand - acme Browns, and 'beautiful Greys of �I 'gads,. OUR ASSORT4IIENT OF Ladies' Suitings La the Finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring, and becoming designing of our Tailored to -Order Clothes produces a Com- pleteness of ifit'tthng and a pleasing- ness of appearance that a ready-made can never hope .to equal, No Lady knows .how rveifl"she cars appear in a Suit or Coat until she has one cut -to measure, OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE G VE US A CALL' -, N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel 'airs, .� Tea Coffee Stoise„, For the choicest* g°r riel , fit., s teag, ate ,. and .w. ever thrn in therocs line. Gall and i . ue A trial as to ,quality will convin Ce. Produce taken . in mintage, Jas. Gould Furniture •and Undertaking �`RONSTE THE FUNERAL DIR1✓CTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Exeter 4rgain Stogie .EASTER NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR 'RASTER SHOES, OUR S TO CSIS COMPLETEMPLETE AND CONSISTS OF THE NEWT YLEs IN DIFFERENT COLORS AVD LEATHERS WITH SPtO OiOR SPORT HEELS F.OR LADIES. HEELS HAVE A -BIG STOCI( OF BOYS, ANN" GIRL'S SHOES AND RAVE CHOSEN OUR LINES' WIT. ,1 GAIZO: TO DURABILIT"Yt AS WELL AS STYLE. ' F • ' - i AS ORIA IN LEADING S'FYLE. INsiMENS, SHOES WE ."AVE ,Zxk. T LAND COLORS. R DER GET YOUR. ORDI✓R. IN,FOR'ONE 017 OU�t.. SPECIAL ORDER MADE-TO-MEASUR'T2 SUITS. TT.-I:liY ARE • RIGHT.