HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-28, Page 5OF COM E�RCE E3 SIR EDMUND WALKER,' C.V.Q.. LLD., D,C,L„ Presideu CAPITAL PAID Up, /15,000,000 1 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Mana^,er H. V. F. JONES, Asst. Gen'I. Meaner- RESERVE FUND, • $13,5oo,GC3 BANKING „ BY MAIL .This Bank will open a Savinngs account in your ren e and your deposits and withdrawals can be trnacde en tir"ely by mail. Interest is allowed at the current rates Write for particulars. EXETER BR --A. It Kuhn, Mgr, 43 CREDITON-J. A- McDonald ,M. • 0 0 5 0 0. tg .�i 1NCORPORATED 1855 E MOESON Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 91 Bran.c#rs in. Canada b General Banking Burins Transactell 0 si • L LARKE, Manager. 1,00.%ib44.111A.114..•a• 40400400•444001,0474xi040001.60 011,i•c•o0ravlokl rl• isa•savasrPirdCo Circular Letters of Credit Bank ;It onetj. Orders vi -NGS BANK DEPARTMENT rnterest allowed at highest current rata • XETER BRANCH - 9 u.o t.. zAucti -ri Sale OF FARM, FAR11I STOCK' AND' IMPLEMENTS. On Lot 8: Con. 12 Stephen, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 191.8. At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following Horses -Heavy horse; 7 years old; driving horse. Cattle -3 cotes( in calk ; 3 'steers ris- ing two years odd; 11e'rfer Z yearse old; 2 spring calves. Implements -Mower, nearly new; seed drill, hay 'rake, 'set barrows, gangplow, lumber wagon, fanningmili,, hay ,,lack set ' sleighs, ci tter,- gravel biox, water trough' set double harness, - 10 grain. bags, grindstone, quantity tile and iother articles. 'Il will a1s1 lc h e offered far sale rlere at the same time and place the a- biove; 'minted lot, containrng,100 acres. Terms :-$5.00 and •under cash ov- er that amount 7 -months' credit on furnishlnr approved, joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum off : for cash in lieu of notes. .Terms- of real ;estate made lfnowu on day ' of sale, and the prop- erty will be subject to a reserved bid Dennis O'Connell., Frank Taylor, Proprietor Auctioneer SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 2nd. CENTRAL TRATl DFID ONT. Conin•erciad life offers the ,,treat op- por unittiles. Recent Iady graduates of this school ave ,earning as high as $1000. per annum. The last application. -we received from,an office -maxi with some. experience ,bltfered injtial salary of $1800 per antrum. Students' may enter our classed any time. Graduates• ;placed in positions. - Commercial, Short 'hand-andTelegraphY departments. Get our •free:catalogtue. " W. J. Elliott, D. A. McLachlan, President Priincipal OF STOCK. AND EFFECTS on victoria Street, Exeter on Satur- day, March 30th, at one o'clock p.m. the following;= • Stock --1 cow, supposed to be in calf 4 good Yorkshire brood ;ows, due mid e sof April, 3 cocker is .and. 9 Silver Gray D,orkin hens. Effects -Small quantity Alfalfa hay, new horse plow;' 12 -tooth Planter Jr. cultivator; new scutffler, Planter Jr. hand 'seed drill; set iron harrows; 1 grader 'and ,float and garden roller; cradle scythe and snath ; crosscut saw 12 berry crates; 400 new quart berry boxes: manure drag; shovel; 4 toes; 2 rakes, oat bin, woollen horse •blank- et. set coach.. harness, goad as ne.w;, set single harness; Raymond sewing machine; Six Onion crates, rubbing screen anc1'blocks, .Frames and graders 1 stone hail ii'er; quantity, grain. bags and sacks; 1 kitchten range, coal or woad, ;fitted for cold or hot water; 1 three -burner coal oil Stove with oven; 1 small-coall.-oil heater; root pulper; spraying machine; .2 cellar tables, quantity sealers; 1 sixty -egg incubator and broader complete.; tailor's goose.; half -bushel *measure; potato' bin, • a quantity potatoes, arid numerous other effects. Ter'hrs•-Cash, except on sows on which are given 6 months', oredit. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Prop C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. Auction Sale. HOUSE. & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ,cun Wil Lain, Street, Exeter, ,;sae block west of English, Church,' on Saturday April 6th,' at ,ore o cu,_ck harp the following,- - •Chattels --Hall rack with bevelled glass nearly ,new; 14 ft. extension table 2 small kitchen tables; 3 white iron beds with springs and mattresses, 6 dressers and' 6•wauhstands; 2 small stands .3. rocking chhralurs, ' arm • chair SE•AFORTFI'.-Charles Campbell of this place 'died very' suddenly at Vit. Jiosteph's Hospital London, on --Friday tniigirt. Mr. Campbell had beenr, at the institution far some time suffe •ng from a'nervous breakdown. The fun. eral was held at Sea!forth. i 1 fi <°ew.� ' M:" lost ',drink strength br::r;v Non-drinkers with your bracing. On JOHN LONDON, 1-."L`� as re , or Total .� ',,trine ° • ,lot-r,o;,?a time" a �.., then-as-AA/es malt which -building with first appetite sale at LABATT, Ont., abr,1ainers 'the pleasure Leverage may with .. Labatt's has all -the qualities less alcoholic ;content. will be trial of Labatt's — it is ` Easter time. it Limited, and No. 4 who have always and now "make Old London tonic, health of a barley , surprised and Old Brew. wonderfully '. , Brewing St. Helen St.,MONTREAL denied profit of a upfor Brew, a',. -giving, -and -hop - delighted Try it for tonic and Since 1832 8 ZURICH Mrs. Louis Jeffries; of Ciathatn for, merly of this place, has purcheseif the dwelling elf Mr, A. W. 'Morley atilt more hack from Chatham to Zurich, -Mr: A.. W, Morley and family have moved to Glencoe where he " -has rented a blacksmith shop. --Mrs, Drys dale Idf Sandusky, Mich,, is visiting relatives in toils y,ic nhty,- Masa Verda Fuss of Detroit, is visiting at the home of her parents.; -Mr. Nornian Holtzman of Preston,,: is visiting at the home of Mr. G. Holtzrnan ..-Mr. Calvin Will- iams? of Buffalo arrived here to visit. his brothers and sisters far 4i -few weeks, -Mr. and Mrs,, Jos'. Schwartzen truber, Bronson Line, are visiting re- latives e-1atives in. Baden. -Mr and Mrs, F,: W. Hess. .have1 decided to leave .for Big- gar, Sask. :inn a few weeks, where: their son- George -has. -.purchased a 640 -acre. farm with stock'and implement...cOm=° plate. • Mr. -Wn>r. Rader of tho-14'th' ~orcessi'on Hay has purchased the iiia{e new residence and land • adjoining fromMr, Hess; The jewrellry store, sock and fixtures has been purchas- ed by his brattier, Mr., W. G;, Ffess, nv;ba will conduct 'it the same as us-- ual:.. HENSALL ,„ Mr Samuel Horton has 'purchased the ,fine clearer lot adjoining his pres- ent property on 'thief chit side, of the London Road in our village, from Mr. A. W. E, H mphillii,-Mit. Wm. Wilk- inson of a few miles southeast of our. village had the nifs(florttme to cut•his knee very- deeply with an axe which l:le wais using and which ,required a number tof ,stitches to draw tit together and will couitlinle Mr.. Wiltkiiislan,ta his norm for ,sonic time. -Mr, Wm. RRenni;e has rented Mrs, Drake,'s neat dwelling property nearly oplositethe pastaffice: -Mr. Brack, aur new butcher has rent ed the dwelling .praperty recently own ecl and ",occupied by Mr. ,Gould. -Mr. Wilitani McDougall has moved- onto the farm he purchased some time ago from Mr. Fnench, and which Le, had 'orin riy owned. -Mr, George Brooks ,is taken the agency of the Gray.Bros Campbell Cariisge Company and lies ^,n:ed part of Mr.-A,•2vIurdock's block, Higglijris has rented thoi dwell- ing recently ioccupied'by Mr Nei., Mc Do•ugail, who has moved to l,u, ia'riri. 6 din,nJ ,room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, bus,,:burner; Electric jewel rang', a good baker;two carpets; oilcloth for, bedrooms; good stair linoleum, nearly new; clock, 5 toilet sets ; Half dozen bedroom. `.mats ; 4 pair of lace curtains; blinds ; 4 or 5 -dozen quarts Ind half gallon sealers; 1 good oak vinegar barrel; 1 oak tens -gallon barrel crib bed baby cradle and baby buggy. sprinkler; four gal. emit oil can, two clothes baskets, washboard, lamp,; set, of irons. Real Estate -Good brick veneer house with two lots and barn; hard and soft water; with screens 'made to. fat the windows, nearly new; 11A -doz. Columbian and: thimble berry bushes ; also 300 strawberry plants all put in last spring. The horese could easily be 'converted kilto a` 7 -room boarding house. Terms -Chattels Cash; Real Es- tate made known; on day of sale. MRS. FRED LANE, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. FiARQUHAR ' Mr. and Mrs, Orville Cann and Mr,.. and Mrs, Edgar Fariison spent a week iu Bufia'lo. The geln;tieanie,n returned home. last week, but the .ladies will remain there •fior a month or ;so T.hle Box social netted' over i40' for the baseball boys. --.Miss Millie Palien returned .to Mitchell Sunday, after, spendin abiou8 a week at home. -The Women's n's Missionlairy Society .if Beth- any'any church are halding their . an- niv'e.fsary on Sunday, March 31s.t. The service w'ri't eri'ii, at 2.30 p. mt. . n 1,ti• '' be conducted by Rev A. N:' jp,.i9Ls. Fa.,,`` e,-'. v-iiteio is being prepare:1 ri7, the ca- i,?n..-The Sun- -.:peo-,71e nvr• TI'i ' da �� n; ,hit'' last 'Mils Agnes Young with a numbso`. useful articles, including a beau' i'•ui cut-glass...dish, a silver- ber- ry, ••n e ici a hand'i,o'iive cold iireat [ioii:_ "1US's ^u1i,;',.s to b married Wed'ne day.'March 27 to ivir., Thos. J. Dermot r` Mount P1easentt.-:virl Fuluor_'s sister Etunia hes been visit- ing in the neighbiorheod lately`. -Mr. David Allen McN•wcol of Stratford spent the week -end with friends raid velatiwes, in this visliltin,g. A "quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. James Harris, Farcliilnrar, tan' March lith at 5 o'clock, when their daughter Agnes Mary Young, --was married to Mr." Bros: J. Eamon of Fullerton. Only the im- mediate reilativets were present, and the reremony was .performed by Rev. G. .A Barnard of Elimvri111e4. The bride r°ntered the parlor .leaning' an the arm or her step -father, to the strains of La1)e rr run s wedding march, played by Ernest T-Iarrns, brrother of the bride: •7 i,: bridle Was beconrlingly attired in pale blue 'flowered silk crepe, carried a b,ouquiet oft rases, and Wore the ;ift. of- the grolarn, a pearl necklace. The present wte-rte, numerous and costly, among thlcm being a. handsome piano', from the bride:s patents, Mr. and Mrs. Fanlsio,,, left the next clay on a short trip bo London, the bride traveliin.g in a suit of navy blue gaberdine with picots .fiat. On their return they wvi,a 'i+crude on. the groom's farm near Mursao 'The Advocate 'Unites with thr. many drielnds is wishing the young. .cloupla 'every happiness and prosper- ity. , rosper-ity., Md+UNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Henry R1. Miller reev- ed tat Spidet•town last week. We are sorry to lose such good ieigh- byors.-Soanle illi cl7,spose,d person Or persons o{tr malicious intent went onto the premiises of ,Mr. Anlcli•c{w Quer- •rin. 'lone night last ;week and dict con- sid'erabie damage. A large tile was thtoa n.• through ono olf tho wili>- d,0 wi` ilei has .11ousel, -'furred his wagon, upside' clown, is well as, other m•b'nos' things The parties' ire known and -the guilty parties may .yet be br ought; to justice, -Mr. Sandy -Stewart and Miss • Mary'Campbell' were quiert-- ly married last week, We wish, them every haphLness and praslperity,,-Mi'. Jacob Qucriin still continues in: very soon, health an,cl is still unable to At- tend to his farm duties. We hope to s� e improvement ,in' the near fuhturca. -Mrs. M. ,Ryan, who has been girls able to baround -again.-Mr, Theon. ,i)ietric,h s)ti d a horse ,,the ath,er day. The bigger Comfort' Soap bar for the same money is pretty good news in these days of high prices isn't it ? What does it mean? Simply that our tremendous buying power in the soap -materials market. can give you infinitelybetter value in Soap than it can in premiums. Owing to the war hundreds of factories are now making more esse_ sial goods,;, than premiums, and the premiums still offered us are too {tir under Comfort standards of quality, and are certainly foo high in price, to be good value for you. So we will discontinue premiums until after the War, anyhow. All premium -bearing Comfort Soap wrappers and coupons now oat will still be redeemed from our present ample Pren•iitrm stock. No premiums -but every fraction of every cent you pay is, returned to you in splendid Comfort Soap -tire -best way in war time. ta, Pugsley, Dingman & Co., Limited, Toronto. Auction Sale OF 01-1010131 'COWS AND HEIFERS Thos. Cameron has received' instruc- tions to sell by public auction at the, Central Hotel' on Thursday 'the 28th March at one o'clock sharp the fol- lowing, - Five Durham grades due .in . ipa'ii and May-; 4 Durham grades -with calves at 'foot; S holsteins fresh milk- ers; 6 holsteins due later; 6 heifers springers, some calves and yotmg stook. Four York brood sows due in April bred. by Wm. Frayne, of Us borne. TERMS -Six months credit will be given on Tarnishing approved joint notes at 6 per cent per; annum. My {past record ought to guarantee that this stock will be up to the Mark hnd: that I will deal fairly with the public. James Ferguson Thos. Cameron Auctioneer Progrietoa =•NOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND .REGULATIONS. • The. sole head of a fpmjiy, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the con gc e mmen ement of the re nrt w P sl as and has, Since ,continued to be, a Brit- ish subject or ,a subject of an allied ,.or neutral country, may home- stead 4, amestead'4, quarter-secti,on of.available Dorn.inion land' in ,Manitoba, Saskafch ewan or Alberta. Applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands:' Agency or Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict; Entry by proxy may 'be made on certain conditions. Duties- Six month residence upon and cultivatiion of land in each of three years. In certain districts a ,homesteader may secure an adjoining quarter -sec- tion as pre-emptions Price $3.00 per acre Duties -Reside six months in each of three years after earning homestead patent and •cultivate 50 acre, extra. Vtay obtain pre -eruption patentas soon as homestead patent on certain canditions. A settler after obtaining homestead patent it tip cannot secure a pre- emption lay take a pdrehas- id honest,. =.l in certain districts. $.3,0t' tier acre. Duties -Must re- d4 si:: rl ,nths in. each of the three ears, culr;.ate 50 acres and erect a louse t. oi'ta $300. Holders of entries may count time of employment as farm labourers in Canada during 1917, as res',lence Juts res under certain conditions when Dominion Lands are advert ised or posted for entry, returned sol- diers who have served overseas and have been •honorably discl- led, re •sive one day priority in applying for entry at local Agent's Office (but not iSub-Agency). Discharge papersr roust be presented to agent. W. W. CORY )eputy of the Minister of r t" interior A.b.-Unaut'iiorizea' publicationof this advertisement will notx be naid tor • RY it just once! Ask your friend to let you ``pilot" his car on an open stretch. You'll like it; and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. a If you� have never felt thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing-good ome thing g ood in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Forel, Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers -thousands of them - are driving Ford cars and enjoying it, A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its` strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the 'wheel" constantly. Touring� $595 Runabout Coupe° 7'70 Sedan. - - $970 ' Chassis $585 THE, UNIVERSAL CAR One -toll F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. MILO. SNELL, B erea, DEALER