HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1918-3-28, Page 1T.HIRT,Y FIRST ,YEAR, EXETER, ONTA ,.UO, THURSDAY MAR. Our : Oernur1 J'ohntry ;get your 11ae, get yoiur. hoe, g• bet. ylaur`hoe, • Make your garden grow; make it grow' make it grow, Paour' seeds nt .,y I s ,from sea to 'sea., Let them work Tor libert Hurry sight' away, c'otl't delay, start to -day, • Forward to the land with. right. will- ing i 11 ing eland, e'!" he defeat the Sco 1, ip ,,c� i1 I3un,: \tots we've got ,him on"; the runs Over there 'over there Send -the flood, send the food, .over there, -For our brave .bays need Our brave, boys need it, The calls are aomlvrug every-yvlhere, So- 2bsierve•and;presea•v.e, Save the hood save the. food; and con- oleo ve, So we'll 11he1pwunt the cause, .of freedom And we'l'l plant, save and send, till r. • it's i o�.el aver there. —0, -- WHAT 3AT TI -IE- BOYS CAN DO. The experience of thousands of farm ers in Ontario last year refuters any su.g.- ge'stian'th•l't waling boys cannot give /aluable servio,e; in farm work. There 1.ve• a multitude. ,of choses which they can do releasing` experilenoed men -for Other (farm work.(' Boys can with a little insitructioni, db• hoeing, milking and much' of the• feeding, and, if they. are able to d,rtve horses, they can .lion- d1e: many of the simpler farm irnple, rents. The help; oaf any strong, will- ing ,boy ti*il?tb(euseful and elle will be serving this country and helping to feed the fig'hti'ng mein and ihte_ allies. ' T1s- 'surest way to-lielp Germany to 111111 tile' war is by wasting your own food, 141, DISTRICT CASUALTIES 4illfed lip, Action ., Thos; H. Morrow of'.;Goderich Wounded W. H. Mason of Blyth. M, G. Fraser, Brucefield4.' R. G. Jacksian,'Kipp:eln• PHONE 81a MAN'S New Spring Clothing SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS; HATS CAPS, SHIRTS SOCKS COLLARS TIES GLOVES ETC. •ETC., ETC., :ETC. : now i ,c1 , are nowrui an placed on tlitsnlay; Suits are right up to the/ ininuteu' at less than wholesale price to -day. Big line',af old blues and blacks with calors guar'ante.ed, N � 0 taught- •Nolth boys ,and girls to 1,nrtt,. " • W" ltnattld l,ilce t o. ,heat' of ethers fol- 'i� � ' yawing. thee, golocl example. •'' 1918 SANDERS i CREECH WE OFFER NO • EXCUSE EXCEPT THAT OF THE ',GREA'T NEED OF PRODUCTION FOk. OUR CROWDED COLUMNS IN THIS ISSUE Slam:c news tl items ems hind some hives- • lisements have( to be :animated. The production advertisements 'mush have e lv first place, Read them. TERRIBLE LE STRUGGLE .. The :gret German offensive o }t1 b n .1 west front Was launched an Th. The last, and a series- laT`mtisscd at-, tac7c'c- have -been mad,el ,on the Allied lines with the ,resultthat the line has been bent back, to the extent of tenmiler, in Ione place. 'The losses o•f the Germans run up into the hun- dreds- un.dreds ,of thousands, while' the Allied. loss i 'shad to be much lighter... Ehe attack has continl ted ever trace the opening clay with unabated fury, the. G,errnans' bringing J scab, troops to the charge at frequent intervals. °Chit; Method of attacking inn- massed forma- tion is bound to succeed .in' fart: the Allies back, as long, as the Ger- mans can `bring ,on frestroops, but. so- long as the Fillies can hold the line no matter how bent and retain a large body OS fresh troops( for the great counter attack: that is bou.tld to come ohieii the enemy becomes exhausted just soh long is their trope that, very attack is likely tea be the 'un-- doing of the Germans) The losses an broth sides are bound ;to- be app l; ing\ but at seems . that the 'o:11y! thin, that counts now•asi the death o.; men, and -we believe tkat th;e enemy ;s l;os- in.g three tarries the number being lost by the, Alines,' EXETER COUNCIL A regular meeting: of the Munie- ipal council of the., Village of Exe- ter with councillor Elston absent. The minutes of the meeting held, March° 11th' were read and approved, A letter was read from Pte. W. W. Millson of Southwark, England acknowledging the giift of a 5 -franc" note far a Christiuttk dinner.- •1:{'ile t. Circulars from the Dominion Bad- iator Co. Toronto. From Albert •IT. Abbott, Secretary Organization of Resources Committee, Toronto. -Filed The following 'accounts were ready and 'Ordered paid on motion of 'ay liatsktworod Webear people ,si leaknnbg very kind- ly of ourstandard flour. Its till right, Harvey Bras. FEED PIGS. We (have tried to an- ticipate ticipate ytour needs and have. a GOOD s'10CIk of GOOD FEED, Give us a call: Harvey Bros. ',Missies Nettie Br'oke;nsllire and Lauri S hi.c>ader •ot Landon are visiting at their t. espective! lllo'mees at :present. Mrs, Frank has ',nein-rued: to her bionic in Detroit after spending a week with, her parents 'Mr: and Mrs; Baum- garter Messrs. =J- Zellttr and J. Brenner .o1 !Siredfard have moved onto the farm vacated by Mr. A, Moir south of the v,llag e, Mr and \Its; L'. Wurrn of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and '.\Irs. 11\ T�iok,er, Elinore 'Keys cif Slaney '1 p., ` who g•a "� work here l� lc nb tip kitbh sahla::�l 11 ret spent Sunday at his homi•: Mr Mii'lflord Mcisaac of Windsor is vis,rtirll,, „'tt his •h,or110 Mr. I'.' Itraa i3 on the slack lilslt., We. ,hope ';^,r a speedy recovery.. Miss D.o•ra 'Kraft' has returned after a eery p.,ea.aa ie Visit with friends in ?uticli. days Miss._, \1cTfee, spent a. few- �ty s ,t t her lame this week awing to the death ie a relative: 1 r. and Mrs. A Ma so- " of Stan- I n 1 J. >.>(i rf soy . were:bu.siijaess visitors in town an, Saturday Auto, dealers are busy :the,sle tines car,xnss.ing prospective purchasers, but owing tc, the •advance in price sales ere few: .VLrs F. W. Hess s 'Zurich .is this week: vis:Barg iher sister. 'Mrs. G. S. Howard Special -services, are being lield;this week in the Evangellucal; churc:n and are. conducted- by the. pastor assi31 ed by Rev. F,. Bi. •Me.yretr of Zurich,. Mrs. H..Guenthter spent a row days in London this week, Miss Laura Koch of Landon ,visit- eel with- her parents afew days last iioeek. Oorifirmatlian services ' were held ina 1 the Luthe.ra.a ahltircli last. Sunday. Centralia.. John Norry,; labor R&B. 3.00; Sid- Wo hear .people ,speaking very kind-. ly a ley Sanders ;30. 1,00; Richard"`i chow •o1 uri 'standard flour. Its' ll tight Harvie a,. ;+ snow Irloubhrnb road 4.00; *Jonathan Y ,Lydd, cinders B&B 1.00e Thos. 1G.' FEEL) PIGS. Wtebrtve triedBrto n Creech team 21,&.B 5,50; • ,Advocate , ticipate your needs and have a GOOD T'xintlnlg 'Co. ;13,nd cross • Adv 6.50; STOCK of GOOD FEED, Give as Municipal • supplies 26.15, tot, 32.65; a call. Exeter Times Printing Co, Red( Cross Harvey Bros: .adv. 2.00; Geo. Mantle coal library, "i Wiai•cl" has been received from Pte} 34.'45/ Mrs. Fred East, cleaning lib- Maxwell 'Bay1niiam that he will be rary 2.75.; Jos. Senior,:Fire.Ins, Cons home ale by the lst of 'April. - Town Bull 11,80: ` Miss Lillian Elliott af. Landon Adjournment by- Snell, tea at b,er Marne over .Tuesday. J. Senior, Clerk. The playrepeated by the young people, entitled; "Our Minister's Birth- day'. on Thursday night Was 'Well at- tended and much ienjloyed by all,. Mr.'. W.. Hajskett, who sold his farm north. ,off the village recently to Mr. James Neal its preparing to -nave to the farm he recently purchased about sax miles north of k -London. On March 15 the young people of tb,e Eden, Line gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Essery and presented the ylaung couple with a handsome tapestry chair. )fAII,CI} REPORT R.IC,W,C,Aa " The Exeter branch of the H.C,W, C.A. shipped the following for: the month of March,- Crediton Ree( ICross 27 shirts, 96 Iir, socks, .11 suits° -pyjamas and old linen. Centralia Patriotic • League -19 shirts 84 .pr. socks. ' Elimville and Sunshine 'Red Cross -19 shirts, 15 1.2 pr, py- jamas, ' 62 pr. socks. Soldiers Aid, Exeter -27 ;pr. socks, 2 hospital ,socks Exeter Women's Institute -13 pairs ,socks, android linen: Thames Road Red ' Cross -46 pr. socks, 34 shirts, 111 suits pyjamas.. Zion -L54 pr. socks, 18 shirts, 104renchwcaps.. Total value $64.00 - Very Essery Sooty SUBSTITUTE FOR BUTTER. The British Flaad Ministry has ((lis-. covered that potato butter is a good substitute Tor butter or ma(rgerine.. The of ficial recipe says to ,peel -the potatoes' boil or steam them until they fall to pieces or became floury. Rub through a (fine sieve into. a large basin previously warned., To -every llourtden triune -es of mashed.-pptataes add .two. .ounces ouf butter or margerilneand one tearpoonful ;ofsalt. Stir thoroughly with the ,back af a wooden spoon until 'the whale is;sniiaotly; and ,it can then • be made' into, prints:' Such butter- costs 10 cents a• pound. Perhaps, the hint may, allot .be entirely unwelcome in Canada: •• CHISELHURST We i ear people ,speaking very kind- 1y ,o_ 'oil, standard flour. Its allrugn't. Harvey Bras. FEED PIGS.` We; ;have. tried to an= ticipatc yiour needs end have a GOOD STOC'I?' Of' GOOD FEED, Give us a, esIl, • ITar-vey ,Bras. " Sheldon Eyre t is recovie;r"ing,from an attack( ,of pleurisy", --Win. Drover .and family have 'nove,cl into Lorne Iv[c- Naughtorn's hotss'ee recently "vacated by T2, R., Glenne vulva has moved : into' F. Fitzg'e'ral,d's house on the Davyr farm, for two. .nantihsr-G;,' W. - 'Wren has returned I,ijom a business trip to Detroit. ---The "Hard Tln"iie" box once- hal ,held pn, the school east of here on Friday "evenliing \vas a decided suc- cess' and afforded a pleasant evening to those pre,seint Miss tsabeill. 131i,n`1 nie;l1, and Will ,Parker wean the prizes', the perstonatibai being a negro and wench, A useful household' utensil ,and _a, pair hof ,gl,ovels were given the wartniers. Several tiliniesi"'were paid dur- ing the 'evening which evoked lots Of !fun., Agiood programwas rendered b llioinle talent, The proceeds a- mounted to over $70. Miss Norris takes great interest -in getting upen--. tertainnents, asic1 ifs to be congratul- ated' on ,her ;success. She is also an efficient and painstaking teacher,-- Ansa, eacher,-Musa, Glennl,' the. teacher (west lof the village dusting 'the- winter nloniths GRAND BEND Mr, Win. Hoot. is all smi,lles, a .,iori having arrived at this home on March '18th... -Mr Ilse Green or Thedford visited here on Tuelstday),-The sale .of late',. Mrs. C. Zapie was ,well attend- ed Tuesday. -Mr:- Robert Sanders is duptTe ill at the home of; Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Gill and Is under the doc- tor's care. Hei is, thlowever,: slowly on the mend. -The f three itinls'',of Mr. Ot Stebben had a ,rather unpleasant' ex - patience lone day last • wre'eka They were trapping and while attempting to crass the mouth of the. river the ice ion which they were crossing broke away, and carried' them out from t`(rc shore, One .oif the brothers slip- ped irito the water, and -was nearly drowned before file got out again; They were [forced to. stay ,on the ice from :two o'clock in the afternoon un - tit eleven thin the evening belfoie thy tv.o.l get to the. shiore again The little daughter taf Mr. and Mrs, Ravekle, who, has been, dangerously ill, of pneumonia, is showing slight signs of 'yaps ove,nvent and now there is some lho'pe (Por the child's recovery, • CLANDEBOYE 'Aliso Minnie Neal off •Loncloai spent the week -end with relatives here. 1:Ciss Violet 'Patten has returned ho,ni-e after speludin;g a couple months with relatives in Clevel=and, O1ii'a.-i.trs.-John Settle has moved up into -the "village and is having : a sale on: the 28thc= \tis. Frank Colw-ill is loading hay while the 'gaod roads prevail -Mr. A. E. Hodgins who, for the past' four years ,has been' residing .. in th.e. Northwest, has moved back on els 'Sarin 'here. -- Mr. and Mrs. Wni: Id'adgins have re- turned home, after spending the wsn- ter lit San Francisco, Cal -Mr. Jose ph Armitage ;bas• lead'a' te'leph,one put ;,n his hoose' the}s. week, BR UCE131 :1°.1)r - John Dallas of Tuekcrstnith has sold 50 -acre "farm to Pi, Stewart ler $4,500, .r Ir. Dallas' will move -to town.. Woad has reac.hed,,„ars or. the 'death of Dr. ' Armstrong •af Tara, 'far'n1er1Y of our :village. He was lucre for some years, having Sold out to Dr, Rogers 14 years 'ago.. 1 -ie was married` in our village to Miss Florence Jameson about 20 years ago. He leaves a, family, the older scans Lain'" and l3ruce being born here. Crediton Mr, John G,• Wein has bought the residence at present occupied by Parrs Anderson from Mrs. Sam'Ji prawn, annd wi;t1 move. his household effects here in, a few days, We ws1- e;oine btt and Mrs. Wein to our lawn and ti ust they may be spared teal—ye na.a.r }'cart :n .our amidst Mr. And- ers 0. will move his household . eltfac s to ids tes•iciclice formerly- occupr..d by Mathew Monodic. Last Sunday , s ec itil rer se- •ese.ling � p i'.. es ,were held the e in. }l Ltiy4:'l,,r ,dean Church iu honor 7. r - n r o1 the 22nd aria.-\ ' ersary of the' dedicatioan of the chul'5.11 Rev, J. W1, Baird of James Street C11tu'ch Exeter, ,occupied th.e pulpit and preached a. very fine seravon to. a large congregation. Mr. and 'Mrs, :Herb Eilber were :air Lucknia ' on Sunday attending the ku;licrl sof th,e late Mrs: Mary Lind- say, Mrs : Girv:n., ohuo has bee:.l vis- ittrn(; teem dus'ing the iviater ac- e'ompani.cl then' acrd will visit i'etat'ves in Lseknaw' and Dungannon. fax scare time. Miss Kate Zwicker of London is. visiting `air. Lund Mrs, Chas; Zwi,cker Mrs W. Ai Sambrook was in Ceu- traiia last Saturday visiting ,virs. W. 1-I; :Mills. Miss.. Lose tta .st lias accepted a Hat x 1 position' as clerk at tier. C. Zirici:e_'s Albert .Morlock has moved li'is• rnacn iniery Into that part of his- gar- age 'formerly used as a blacksmith shop and will find things quite (rn- v.'_Jie'1't to-' da any repairs and other work ler his custoin•rs. A number .from here were i•1 Ex, eter last Friday .ev'elnrng, to take in the Easter cantata, entitled "David,. the Shepherd Boy" given :in the Op= era Hrause by the Exeter Choral Soc. ie.ty under the leadership orf lktcif. .'larke.• It was one of the finest mus- icals heard in this district for a long time. Prof. Clalrke is to be congrat- ulated upon, the :spienldid choruses and (••alas. The cantata is to be given in Exeter again on Thursday night of this week. If you want to,he.ar some- thing good-away-abave the average - go. - Rievr' Becker is conducting a series cit: special meetings in "the Evangell-- cal Church this week. • Mr. H. G. Bauer of Wheaton, was in the village. Tuesday on'bitsi- tlidiS Albert Brolvn went to Londc;n Tuesday to consult a specialist con- cerning his eyes,. We. hope he will receive benefit from the e treatlent We a:e pleased to see John Fink - beide a around a.gain,,,a,fter his .re:cent attata, e.:• illruess. lilis August Ewald is in. Elkton, itch .attending the funeral ,of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Young. On Monday evening the C. I. C. adult Bible class ine(t at the home of their president, Daniel Mclsa.ac, for the purpose of .paying their respects to--Em•nrcry Fabrner, who has receiv- ed word to report for military duly next Tuesday. A beautiful packet Testament was presented to him. Quite a iniumber orf addresses were mad: the speakers assuring Emmery of their g,ojod wishes, and shape for a "safe return. The family lof Mr, and Mrs." Chris F•allrner are feeling th,e grimness:,af war. Their eldest s,on, Everett, is on the • water, and th'ie next joins the colors next week. Judging from the fierce conflict now under way 513'FJande.'s, no one, can, say where. it will, end, and perhaps many niece from this d5:sltrict will have to go to defend the Empire. Fa,h,Iar •Sweet -A quiet but pretty wedding was 'solemnized on Wednles• - day •ot last week. at the home) sof Mr, and Mrs-. John Feltner, when their dau(•.hter -Ida, ,became the bride of Clinton: R. Sweet ,of Exeter. The der ncny was performed by Rev. Becker of. Credito -n, at• the hour •af one y}' clock. The bride, gowned in white silk -trimmed with soutache brad and the usuall veil and wreath of orl:nge blossoms, 'entered th,e parlor, leaning an the. . arm of her tath.er, to tl•le, strain; of the wed'd.,lllg :march,` play- ed by Miss Pearl, 'sister of th,e,'bride. A.fser • the . c.erenony and congratu}a- tions Were loaner all partook of a sump tuou... wedding dinner. Only the im- mediate 1eletri'tnels',of the bride and the groom wore; preslent. Amidhbivers of confetti they left tar A,ioa ,g where they teak thio train'i1ol Detrorit' to spend thins honeymoon Tn,e: bride travieiled in a 1.ult /of navy blue serge with hat to, match; On, their return they wilt•resi,de in,'Li-shortie The, best Wishes acclampaniecl them. We ,hPear .eio'ple speaking very kind- ly "of aur'standard flour. Its all right, Harvey Bras. FEED PIGS. We have tried to'an- tictpate your needs and have a GOOD STOCK of GOOD FEED, Giveus a call. ,Harvey. Bros. LUMLEY ,,; Mr. Wm. Wilkinson .had. the iris - fortune to cut tllas. lknee rather deep- ly with an axe which he was using. The accident w-li ,, -rltitue Bial : to he house t' ris_isut'sstei• Tommy ler .a tilear knell the young soup of • Mr, J. Bran o i n •.ktorti an attack Brzntnell, n,s •req 4ie i Ig of rhleumattisin'-Alfo''nsds Mass is as- sisting his brother at sprrup ma,kiing: -\Ir,s. F. ;Eliorton .has gone to (ten•- srtll.. to reside while her ,hus,hantct i3 i in thio Wast IGar the sttuu 1 ,ter. .0hiares Fore St:-,- has retu,rirl St:, ,�ecl from r Russel 'Keys. loll Stratforcl ; creamery Speak, the we,ele,te!nid under the par- ental itoof. • Na fewer vetet.r than'hundred 'ancl-tl hay F five candidates in the recent T)ornin':an ele:trans list their election 'deposits s which m•eats that $27,001wilt be tinn- ed into. the ;irea.sut•y by the -111 to help •pay rtr4r'exi)ens4s.::Of the'si; •who -lost their deposits 1.10 w'er•e. Opposition: can.diclates timid 25 Government cand- idates, • • BIR.TRS Sise11-•,111 Exeter, on, March 25,'to. '.tr. and Mrs, kid. Snell a 'datdghleri Ducharm'e-At-Saurble Lune, I-iay, Mar 1 ,and 'Mrs. Peter ar taro, a Son. r Victar3n Hospital;, London, pa March 15, to. Mr, and Mrs. (rein.' 14 kSc'w,ell, o,' 'Thed'ord, formerly c•f Exeter, a. daughter. MARRIAGES Filtio•n-Young-At the home of the bride's : parents, Farquhar, on Mar, 27th, Mr..iThto-las' J. Finsen, a;' Full- erlon, t4;—,Miss :Agarics. Mary `i cancan;, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, . Jerre; Harris -6161,21,R114.11.3131, .143646. DEATHS • Oswald -At Plato, Sask., William 'Os - j w:a;ll formerly of the Bransan{line, {{ slay, aged 39 year's, and 30 days. it Graves -In Seafartly, on- .1Iai•ch ' 1161h, James Grave's, aged 72 years. Flai.#ui't-ln Seaf•ort'h, ep IVlarcla 1911, Margaret afacE'we-n,, wife of the late Sergt E, E, Hallett, aged 22 years".. <lelde_ inb I1 Weoil: eGiJ4yray, on. March 1.2th, Mrs. 'Jiohn Glendenning, a-g'ed 75 years, Pollock -In Corbett' March 17Mar Elliot, relict of"• the late 'Solon -ion Pollock, In ger 79th year, VI-aeat Seed for tario. Th -c world demand for wheat is 1918 justifies theeatest' possible g 1 ,efl'ott towards increaaedroduct'jr:rl. '1'6,. small' acreagesput ' . hal p 't b in last1 will mean' increased acr edge 151 011";ario avai.lablel fol' Spring 'Wheat, ThQ T Ott arta Government is ca-Pperautu tivit!]:the ifarn�eers'`n order to ravi� seed It has purchased 50,000 bushels` sok No, 1 . Vlargluis�S ring Wheat Seed th';ough the Seed Branch of the Federat Department Of: Spring Agriculture, l •lp g... _fro:e 1�1.i be purchased is necessary to fill needs, DISTRIBUTION -Seed is soldonlyin 2-buC_ he1 bag4. Car1oa+swill be. lara�d af.".eerl•ainpoints inthe Prov"' p 1. rnc2 `there 'less thancarload ()sclera can be filled. Where Farmer's Chl,b's or other organizations bring int carload .lots, the price at their loca stations will be the same as at Itis- \V'IIERL TO BUY -Purchases may be rilarle either in the warehouaiai: at the ;distributing points or :orders may 'be placed with the nearest Dia- trio 'Representative • of- • the ; Provincial Departments of Agriculture or they; may be sent direct by mail; to the Markets Branch, Department of ri- c rlturc, Parliament' Buildings, Toronto. PAYMENT 1N CASH --Price is2:74 e � 1 per •blshel' at all local stations.; In all cases, without exception, Cash must accompany order, Send ' erne%' P y tance by marked.cheiue, postal note post office or „express money; or,deir made, payable to Ontario Department of Agricultural, Markets 'Brandt.. Crib rtrrlg points. ORDER EARLY -In the eventee/2 the req iiremen'ts of the Proviilcq being „anelerestunaLed, there may not be enough seeid to go around, It 'ids ,fradvisable in order to -insure' having their orders filled, that purchaseirp should place orders as' soon: as possible. A11 orders are subject :to ociltl• Lirinationr and will be filled in the order received, As seed is deliver -o 1 in 2 -bushel bags, orders should • be ;for even numbers of bushels, and 'meq order for less than two bushels ,can be accepted. NAMES OF DISTRIBUTORS are as follows,- Chatham_ The Canada Fleur' Mils Co: Limited London Hunt Bras:, Limited Woodstock ... fannies Cullen Halnalton Wood Milling Company lioran-ta:West the Campbell Flour Mills Oshawa .. Hags, & Lytle Port Perry .: Hogg & Lytle Por_ Hope Pe erboro Lindsay ....:_ Barri ... OriU`!a Newmarket Listowel Orangeville Durham Simco.e Welland Kemptville St. Marys Brantford Alliston Stouffvillle .. .: .. Woodbridge -:., .....:.. Bolton ,Guelph St, Catharines 11. S'oullthorpe 'Fhe Campbell Flour :Mills r Sprat !Einem' ems 1 - r .,Brown & Company D C Thlonpso'n W_ I.1 Eves - ., Hay Brothers E C Clark Rob Roy Cereal Coanpany .Noric>ik Co-operative Associatiolt. Maple Leaf 'Milling Company Kemptville Milling Company St. Marys Milling Ciompany. l onliriion Flour Mills L. Cotffee & Company Stiver Bros. W. D, Matthews & Coinpany A. A. McFall Jas Goldie & Company Maple % Leaf Milling Companly S. B. Stothiers, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Representative. Markets Branch. ;Clinton) Ont. Parliament Bldgs., Toronto "The New Edison" No Needles to chane. Hear ire POELL'S TEW iOJNE 16 PRONE` it Ladies' Suits & Ocid-iCoats'. Our New .Scants and Coats are splendidly macre, beautifully de- 'r signed arid,_reasona.bly priced. We will be pleased to show ,yen them. Prices range from $14,00 La 128:00 CHOICE SUITS FOR MEN, We arel showing splendid values 111 Mielnl's Blue and Black Se:ige's at $,25; as well as excellent values itt :fancy. warsteclls .in sizes '36 to 46, at $14 to $25. SPRING TOPCOATS FOR MEN. Made' 10,1 goad quality grey Che - 'Clot This cloth, always looks well and iS very ,serviceable, We think they are good v ilu'e:1 Sitie's 36,. t,a, 40. , .$17,50 NEW SPRINGI HATS The new blocks it Spilling, Flats .for mon are ready holt` you. Whcln you erne :in, have a leak, at them, All colors. $2.25 and ,$3,00 BLACK SILKS We arel proud of our values 111 Black Silks. Our present values will niat-be obtainable again while present conditions eantditions last Black' Sillies from $L35 to $2.40 r. yard' e TUSSAH SILKS -- Far ..Waists and Dresses, This", is a po'pu'lar Silk icor this swoosh, We are shlowing a wide range off colors and patters ; 36 inches wide, per yard ,$1..25. ' $ILK, :K ID & . CHAMOISET1'll, - GLOVES -You wild wa'nt new C Gloves to wear with, your new Coat, or suit We a sell'Rayser nthiind51;.Pot- 75`ria'S ,iiaalce, itt 85c., .s1,00 THE NEW STANDARD PAT -TERNS ','& FASHION SI-TEt...TS ' ` ABJI I-1ERl.; PHONE 16 E P17 j R PHONE 'C�'Jl'+��1 �hE� �az t, .:, �.t», e �ices �g